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Respirar (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 16(2): 183-192, Junio 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1556174


Se presenta a un paciente con liposarcoma mediastinal gigante con dolor torácico, disnea, cuyos estudios por imágenes revelaban la presencia de una gran tumoración de 42 cm en su diámetro mayor que abarcaba todo el mediastino, comprometía ambas cavidades torácicas, rechazaba los pulmones, corazón y grandes vasos. La biopsia con aguja cortante bajo guía ecográfica fue informada como liposarcoma. El paciente tuvo resección completa del tumor mediante la incisión Clamshell. En el post operatorio inmediato, presentó shock circulatorio más disfunción multiorgánica (DOMS): plaquetopenia, insuficiencia renal aguda con necesidad de soporte dialítico, injuria hepática. El soporte y monitoreo especializado en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) permitió mejoría clínica y buena evolución. Salió de alta en buenas condiciones.

We present a patient with giant mediastinal liposarcoma with chest pain, dyspnea, whose imaging studies revealed the presence of a large tumor measuring 42 cm in its greatest diameter that covered the entire mediastinum, involved both thoracic cavities, rejected the lungs, heart and big glasses. The sharp needle biopsy under ultrasound guidance was reported as liposarcoma. The patient had complete resection of the tumor through the Clamshell incision. In the immediate postoperative period, he presented circulatory shock plus multiple organ dysfunction (DOMS): plateletopenia, acute renal failure with the need for dialytic support, liver injury. Specialized support and monitoring in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) allowed clinical improvement and good evolution. He was discharged in good condition.

Humans , Male , Adult , Thoracotomy , Liposarcoma/surgery , Mediastinal Neoplasms/diagnosis , Shock , Chest Pain , Tomography , Cough , Critical Care , Drug Therapy , Dyspnea , Image-Guided Biopsy , Multiple Organ Failure/surgery
Respirar (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 16(1): 85-92, Marzo 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1551285


El sarcoma folicular de células dendríticas (SFCD) es una neoplasia maligna rara derivada de las células dendríticas foliculares. Ha sido clasificado, dadas sus características inmunohistoquímicas, como parte del grupo de los sarcomas, donde representa un porcentaje menor al 1%. Actualmente, existen menos de 1.000 reportes en la literatura a nivel mundial, lo cual plantea una dificultad no sólo diagnóstica, siendo confundido frecuentemente con neoplasias de tipo linfoide; sino también terapéutica al no existir un claro consenso sobre su manejo definitivo. Esta revisión de caso clínico describe el primer caso reportado de SFCD en Costa Rica.

Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma (SFCD) is a rare malignant neoplasm derived from follicular dendritic cells, which has been classified, given its immunohistochemical characteristics, as part of the group of sarcomas, where it represents less than 1%. Currently, there are less than 1000 reports in the literature worldwide, which generates a difficulty not only in diagnosis, being frequently confused with lymphoid type neoplasms; but also, as therapeutic as there is no clear consensus on its definitive management. This clinical case review describes the first reported case of SFCD in Costa Rica.

Humans , Female , Adult , Asthma/diagnosis , Cough/diagnosis , Dendritic Cell Sarcoma, Follicular/diagnosis , Mediastinal Neoplasms/diagnosis , Obesity/diagnosis , Biopsy , Case Reports , Diagnostic Imaging , Immunohistochemistry , Thoracotomy , Costa Rica
Rev. bras. ortop ; 58(5): 712-718, Sept.-Oct. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529947


Abstract Objective To comparatively analyze isolated posterior and double surgical approaches for the treatment of severe scoliosis. Methods We retrospectively analyzed medical records of 32 patients with scoliosis angular value > 70° submitted to surgical treatment in a tertiary hospital between 2009 and 2019. These patients were divided into two groups: PV group with 17 patients submitted to arthrodesis by isolated posterior route (PV) and APV group with 15 patients approached anteriorly and posteriorly (APV). In the PV group, there were 16 female patients and 1 male, with a mean age of 16.86 years old. In the APV group, there were 10 female patients and 5 males, with a mean age of 17.71 years old. Cobb angles were measured by a single spinal surgeon manually on panoramic radiographs, orthostasis before and after surgery. Weight, pre- and postoperative height, and duration of the procedure were also evaluated. Results In the PV group, preoperative and postoperative Cobb angles, verified in the main curve, were 96.06 ± 8.45° and 52.27 ± 15.18°, with an average correction rate of 0.54 ± 0.16, respectively. In the APV group, these values were 83.12 ± 11.60° for preoperative Cobb angle, and 48.53 ± 10.76° postoperatively, with correction rate of the main curve of 0.58 ± 0.11. Conclusion The two forms of surgical approach for the treatment of severe scoliosis were astowed as to the rate of correction of the deformity. Therefore, isolated posterior access has an advantage over the double approach, based on shorter surgical time, shorter hospital stay, and less risk of complications

Resumo Objetivo Analisar comparativamente as abordagens cirúrgicas por via posterior isolada e dupla abordagem para tratamento da escoliose severa. Métodos Analisou-se retrospectivamente prontuários de 32 pacientes com escoliose de valor angular > 70° submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico em hospital terciário entre 2009 e 2019. Dividiu-se estes pacientes em dois grupos: Grupo VP com 17 pacientes submetidos a artrodese por via posterior isolada (VP) e Grupo VAP com 15 pacientes abordados por via anterior e posterior (VAP). O Grupo VP apresentou 16 pacientes do sexo feminino e 1 do masculino, com idade média de 16,86 anos. No grupo VAP, 10 pacientes do sexo feminino e 5 do masculino, com idade média de 17,71 anos. Os ângulos de Cobb foram mensurados por único cirurgião de coluna, manualmente, em radiografias panorâmicas, em ortostase no pré- e pós-operatório. Foram avaliados também peso, altura pré- e pós-operatória e duração do procedimento. Resultados No Grupo VP, o ângulo de Cobb pré-operatório e pós-operatório, verificados na curva principal, foram respectivamente 96,06° ± 8,45° e 52,27 ± 15,18°, apresentando taxa média de correção de 0,54 ± 0,16. No grupo VAP, esses valores foram de 83,12° ± 11,60° para o ângulo de Cobb pré-operatório, 48,53 ± 10,76, pós-operatório, com a taxa de correção da curva principal de 0,58 ± 0,11. Conclusão As duas formas de abordagem cirúrgica para tratamento de escoliose severa se equiparam quanto à taxa de correção da deformidade. Portanto, o acesso posterior isolado apresenta vantagem em relação a dupla via, baseado no menor tempo cirúrgico, menor tempo de internação e menos risco de complicações

Humans , Scoliosis , Spinal Fusion , Thoracotomy
Rev. enferm. neurol ; 22(1): 93-99, 04-09-2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1509852


Introducción: Se presenta un caso clínico de sistema de presión negativa como tratamiento de ventana torácica derecha, realizado en la clínica de heridas. Se describe el tiempo y proceso de cicatrización, desde la llegada del paciente hasta la cicatrización total. Caso: Hombre de 24 años, postoperado de toracotomía, se le colocó terapia de presión negativa inicial a -75mmHg con intensidad media y modalidad continua; se aplicó esponja blanca para proteger el pulmón expuesto y esponja de plata, con tres cambios cada siete días. Posteriormente, se realizaron diez cambios de esponjas cada cuatro días, identificando disminución de las dimensiones de la ventana torácica. En la semana once inició tratamiento con terapia húmeda y fibrina rica en plaquetas, la cual se colocó en el lecho de la herida, aplicándose una vez por semana durante un mes. A partir de la semana quince se realizó curación diaria con aplicación de sulfadiazina de plata. El paciente fue dado de alta en la semana veinte con la herida 100% epitelizada. Conclusiones: El uso de la terapia de presión negativa acelera el proceso de curación, reduce las complicaciones y la carga bacteriana del tejido, debido a que la esponja de plata actúa como barrera antimicrobiana.

Introduction: A clinical case of negative pressure system as a right thoracic window treatment, performed in the wound clinic, is presented. The time and healing process from patient arrival to complete healing is described. Case: A 24-year-old man, postoperative thoracotomy, was placed on negative pressure therapy at -75mmHg with medium intensity and continuous mode; white sponge was applied to protect the exposed lung and silver sponge, with three changes every seven days. Subsequently, ten sponge changes were performed every four days, identifying a decrease in the dimensions of the thoracic window. In week eleven, the patient started treatment with wet therapy and platelet-rich fibrin, which was placed in the wound bed and applied once a week for a month. From week fifteen onwards, daily healing was performed with silver sulfadiazine application. The patient was discharged at week twenty with the wound 100% epithelialized. Conclusions: The use of negative pressure therapy accelerates the healing process, reduces complications and tissue bacterial load, due to the silver sponge acting as an antimicrobial barrier.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy , Therapeutics , Thoracotomy , Wound Closure Techniques , Nursing Care
Respirar (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 15(2): [128-133], jun2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437565


Introducción: la mayoría de los pacientes que se someten a cirugía torácica pueden ser clasificados en el grupo de alto riesgo para hipoxia, especialmente cuando se decide por una ventilación unipulmonar, debido al desequilibrio V/Q; por lo tanto, se han desa-rrollado nuevas estrategias ventilatorias y maniobras de rescate para hipoxia. Curso clínico: presentamos una paciente de 85 años de edad sin comorbilidades programada para toracotomía abierta y manejada con ventilación unipulmonar. Durante el mane-jo anestésico, se presenta hipoxia secundaria a desequilibrio V/Q y choque hipovolémi-co hemorrágico, con respuesta positiva a las maniobras de rescate para hipoxia. Con-clusión: es importante prevenir en la medida de lo posible la hipoxia en la ventilación unipulmonar, siguiendo las nuevas estrategias ventilatorias. Sin embargo, cuando se presenta una crisis, no debemos retrasar las maniobras de rescate de forma moderna. (AU)

Introduction: most of the patients undergoing thoracic surgery fit in the high risk group for hypoxia, especially when deciding to use one-lung ventilation due to the V/Q mis-match; therefore, new ventilation strategies and hypoxia rescue manoeuvres have been developed. Clinical course: we present an 85-year old female with no major co-morbidities scheduled for open thoracotomy and managed with one-lung ventilation. During the course of the anaesthetic management, hypoxia presents secondary to V/Q mismatch and haemorrhagic hypovolemic shock, with a positive response to hypoxia rescue manoeuvres. Conclusion: it is important to prevent as much as we can the hy-poxia in a one-lung ventilation following the new ventilation strategies. Although when facing a crisis, proper hypoxia management with a modern approach should not be de-layed. (AU)

Humans , Female , Aged, 80 and over , Abscess/surgery , One-Lung Ventilation/instrumentation , Mediastinitis/pathology , Hypoxia/surgery , Thoracotomy , Oxygenation , Anesthesia
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 14: 1-5, mar. 20, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1435374


Objetivo: Descrever o perfil dos pacientes atendidos pela onda vermelha em 2018 e 2019. Métodos: Trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa, de caráter transversal, retrospectiva, descritiva e documental realizada no Hospital de Pronto-Socorro João XXIII, Belo Horizonte, Brasil. O universo deste estudo foram 83 prontuários eletrônicos de pacientes que entraram no protocolo da Onda Vermelha. Foi realizada distribuições de frequência, medidas de tendência central (média e mediana) e de variabilidade (desvio padrão). Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes foi do sexo masculino, com idade entre 1 e 95 anos e média de 33,4 anos. O mecanismo do trauma mais frequente foi contuso, o meio transporte foi ambulância do Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência, a causa mais frequente dos traumas foi acidente automobilístico seguido de trauma por projétil de arma de fogo. As cirurgias mais frequentes foram laparotomia, toracotomia e craniectomia. Óbito foi o desfecho mais comum. Conclusão: Os pacientes chegam muito graves e o óbito foi o principal desfecho. Sugere-se estudos que possibilitem análise comparativa de dados e padronização do cálculo da probabilidade de sobrevivência. Recomenda-se atualização do protocolo da onda vermelha, incluindo outras cirurgias que já são realizadas e novos critérios de inclusão de pacientes. (AU)

Objective: To describe the profile of patients treated in the "Red Wave", in the period of 2018-2019. Methods: It is a quantitative, cross-sectional, retrospective, descriptive and documentary research. Held at the first-aid post João XXIII Hospital, in Belo Horizonte. The universe of this study was 83 electronic medical records of patients who entered the "Red Wave" protocol. Simple frequency distributions, measures of central tendency (mean and median) and variability (standard deviation) have been performed. Results: Male, aged between 1 and 95 years old, being an average at 33,4 years old. The most frequent trauma mechanism was blunt, the means of transport was an ambulance from the Mobile Emergency Service, the causes of the trauma were an automobile accident, followed by trauma by a firearm projectile. From the performed surgeries, the most frequent ones were laparotomy, thoracotomy and craniectomy. Among the outcome, death was the most common one among patients. Conclusion: Patients arrive very seriously and death was the main outcome. Studies that allow comparative data analysis and standardization of the calculation of survival probability are suggested. It is recommended to update the red wave protocol, including other surgeries that are already performed and new inclusion criteria for patients. (AU)

Objetivo: Describir el perfil de los pacientes atendidos por la onda roja en 2018 y 2019. Métodos: se trata de un estudio cuantitativo, transversal, retrospectivo, descriptivo y documental realizado en el Hospital de Pronto-Socorro João XXIII, Belo Horizonte, Brasil. El universo de este estudio fue de 83 historias clínicas electrónicas de pacientes que ingresaron al protocolo Red Wave. Se realizaron distribuciones de frecuencia, medidas de tendencia central (media y mediana) y variabilidad (desviación estándar). Resultados: La mayoría de los pacientes eran varones, con edades comprendidas entre 1 y 95 años y media de 33,4 años. El mecanismo de traumatismo más frecuente fue contundente, el medio de transporte fue una ambulancia del Servicio Móvil de Emergencias, la causa más frecuente de traumatismo fue un accidente automovilístico seguido del traumatismo por proyectil de arma de fuego. Las cirugías más frecuentes fueron laparotomía, toracotomía y craniectomía. La muerte fue el resultado más común. Conclusión: Los pacientes llegan muy en serio y la muerte fue el resultado principal. Se sugieren estudios que permitan el análisis de datos comparativos y la estandarización del cálculo de la probabilidad de supervivencia. Se recomienda actualizar el protocolo de onda roja, incluyendo otras cirugías que ya se realizan y nuevos criterios de inclusión de pacientes. (AU)

Multiple Trauma , Thoracotomy , Emergencies , Laparotomy
Chinese Journal of Surgery ; (12): 209-213, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970182


Objective: To examine the short-term curative effect with minimally invasive right infra-axillary thoracotomy for transaortic modified Morrow procedure. Methods: The clinical data of 60 patients who underwent video-assisted thoracoscopic transaortic modified Morrow procedure from August 2021 to August 2022 at Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital were retrospectively analyzed. There were 31 males and 29 females, with the age (M (IQR)) of 54.0(22.3) years (range: 15 to 71 years). The echocardiography confirmed the diagnosis of moderate mitral regurgitation in 30 patients, and severe mitral regurgitation in 13 patients. Systolic anterior motion (SAM) was present preoperatively in 54 patients. All 60 patients underwent transaortic modified Morrow procedure through a right infra-axillary thoracotomy using femorofemoral cardiopulmonary bypass. Surgical procedures mainly included transverse aortic incision, exposure of left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT), septal myectomy, and correction of the abnormal mitral valve and subvalvular structures. Results: All 60 patients underwent the programmatic procedures successfully without conversion to full sternotomy. The cardiopulmonary bypass time was (142.0±32.1) minutes (range: 89 to 240 minutes), while the cross-clamp time was (95.0±23.5) minutes (range: 50 to 162 minutes). The patients had a postoperative peak LVOT gradient of 7.0 (5.0) mmHg (range: 0 to 38 mmHg) (1 mmHg=0.133 kPa). A total of 57 patients were extubated on the operating table. The drainage volume in the first 24 h was (175.9±57.0) ml (range: 60 to 327 ml). The length of intensive care unit stay was 21.0 (5.8)h (range: 8 to 120 h) and postoperative hospital stay was 8 (5) days (range: 5 to 19 days). The postoperative septal thickness was 11 (2) mm (range: 8 to 14 mm). All patients had no iatrogenic ventricular septal perforation or postoperative residual SAM. The patients were followed up for 4 (9) months (range: 1 to 15 months), and none of them needed cardiac surgery again due to valve dysfunction or increased peak LVOT gradient during follow-up. Conclusion: Using a video-assisted thoracoscopic transaortic modified Morrow procedure through a right infra-axillary minithoracotomy can provide good visualization of the LVOT and hypertrophic ventricular septum, ensure optimal exposure of the mitral valve in the presence of complex mitral subvalvular structures, so that allows satisfactory short-term surgical results.

Male , Female , Humans , Mitral Valve Insufficiency/surgery , Thoracotomy , Retrospective Studies , Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic/surgery , Ventricular Septum/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures/methods
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970970


PURPOSE@#To develop animal models of penetrating thoracic injuries and to observe the effects of the animal model-based training on improving the trainees' performance for emergent and urgent thoracic surgeries.@*METHODS@#With a homemade machine, animal models of lung injuries and penetrating heart injuries were produced in porcine and used for training of chest tube drainage, urgent sternotomy, and emergent thoracotomy. Coefficient of variation of abbreviated injury scale and blood loss was calculated to judge the reproducibility of animal models. Five operation teams from basic-level hospitals (group A) and five operation teams from level III hospitals (group B) were included to be trained and tested. Testing standards for the operations were established after thorough literature review, and expert questionnaires were employed to evaluate the scientificity and feasibility of the testing standards. Tests were carried out after the training. Pre- and post-training performances were compared. Post-training survey using 7-point Likert scale was taken to evaluate the feelings of the trainees to these training approaches.@*RESULTS@#Animal models of the three kinds of penetrating chest injuries were successfully established and the coefficient of variation of abbreviated injury scale and blood loss were all less than 25%. After literature review, testing standards were established, and expert questionnaire results showed that the scientific score was 7.30 ± 1.49, and the feasibility score was 7.50 ± 0.89. Post-training performance was significantly higher in both group A and group B than pre-training performance. Post-training survey showed that all the trainees felt confident in applying the operations and were generally agreed that the training procedure were very helpful in improving operation skills for thoracic penetrating injury.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Animal model-based simulation training established in the current study could improve the trainees' performance for emergent and urgent thoracic surgeries, especially of the surgical teams from basic-level hospitals.

Animals , Swine , Reproducibility of Results , Wounds, Penetrating/surgery , Thoracotomy , Thoracic Injuries/surgery , Hemorrhage , Models, Animal
Rev. ecuat. pediatr ; 23(2): 131-137, 15 de agosto 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1397273


Introducción: El secuestro pulmonar es una malformación del tracto respiratorio inferior, que consiste en una masa no funcional de tejido pulmonar sin comunicación con el árbol traqueobronquial y su irrigación sanguínea proviene de una o más arterias sistémicas aberrantes. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar los resultados de los pacientes pediátricos con secuestro pulmonar tratados con resección quirúrgica (toracotomía, videotoracoscopía) o embolización endovascular. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, observacional, retrospectivo, de corte transversal, realizado en un hospital pediátrico de tercer nivel en Ecuador, desde enero de 2017 a diciembre de 2022. Los datos fueron obtenidos de las historias clínicas revisadas. Resultados: Se incluyeron 9 pacientes, menores de 18 años con el diagnóstico de secuestro pulmonar, 6 femenino y 3 masculino, 5 fueron tratados con cirugía, 4 (44%) por toracotomía y 1 (11%) por videotoracoscopía, 4 (44%) con embolización endovascular, la edad promedio de los pacientes sometidos a cirugía fue de 41.36 (rango: 0.1-144 meses), y de los que recibieron embolización fue de 12.9 meses (rango: 0.6-41 meses). un paciente falleció 6 días posterior a la resección quirúrgica del secuestro pulmonar por toracotomía debido a hipertensión pulmonar por su cardiopatía de base y 1 paciente tratado con embolización presento disminución del pulso pedio el cual se resolvió a las 24 horas de iniciada la estreptoquinasa. Conclusión: Hasta donde hemos investigado no hemos encontrado otra publicación en nuestro país en donde se comparen dos métodos terapéuticos para el tratamiento del secuestro pulmonar. En este estudio tanto la cirugía como la embolización fueron procedimientos seguros; no se encontró diferencias significativas entre ambas opciones terapéuticas, es necesario estudios con mayor población y con características prospectivas en los pacientes tratados por embolización endovascular.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Child , Bronchopulmonary Sequestration , Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted , Thoracotomy , Embolization, Therapeutic
Rev. cuba. cir ; 61(2)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408240


Introducción: La esofagectomía es uno de los procedimientos con más alta morbilidad posoperatoria en cirugía oncológica digestiva. Objetivo: Describir las complicaciones relacionadas con la esofagectomía subtotal programada según variables de interés. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal en los Servicios de Cirugía General de los hospitales "Saturnino Lora" y "Juan Bruno Zayas" de Santiago de Cuba, desde 2010 hasta 2019. La población estuvo conformada por 81 pacientes, de la cual se reclutó una muestra aleatoria de 68 enfermos sometidos a esofagectomía subtotal programada por cáncer de esófago. Fueron investigadas las siguientes variables: presencia de complicaciones posoperatorias y tipo de técnica quirúrgica utilizada. Además, se clasificaron en grados según Dindo Clavien. Resultados: Todos los enfermos fueron operados por técnica abierta mediante esofagectomía subtotal programada, donde la resección mediante la técnica de Ivor-Lewis se realizó en el 69,2 por ciento. Para todas las técnicas quirúrgicas empleadas predominó la atelectasia (39,7 por ciento) como complicación posquirúrgica, y entre las infecciosas la neumonía en 30 enfermos (44,1 por ciento), mientras que para las complicaciones quirúrgicas no infecciosas el neumotórax fue mayormente incidente, para el 25,0 por ciento. El mayor número de complicaciones se ubicó en el grado II de Dindo Clavien. Conclusiones: La presencia de complicaciones posquirúrgicas de la enfermedad es notable, en correspondencia a lo reflejado por la literatura médica. Existió relación significativa entre la presencia del hábito de fumar, de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica y la de toracotomía con algunas de las complicaciones encontradas(AU)

Introduction: Esophagectomy is one of the procedures with the highest postoperative morbidity in digestive cancer surgery. Objective: To describe the complications related to scheduled subtotal esophagectomy according to variables of interest. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in the General Surgery Services at Saturnino Lora and Juan Bruno Zayas hospitals in Santiago de Cuba, from 2010 to 2019. The population consisted of 81 patients, out of which a random sample of 68 patients undergoing elective subtotal esophagectomy for esophageal cancer was selected. The variables investigated were presence of postoperative complications and type of surgical technique used. In addition, they were classified in grades according to Clavien-Dindo. Results: All the patients were operated by open technique by programmed subtotal esophagectomy, the resection by the Ivor-Lewis technique was performed in 69.2 percent. For all the surgical techniques used, atelectasis (39.7 percent) prevailed as a postsurgical complication, and among the infectious complications, pneumonia prevailed in 30 patients (44.1 percent), while for non-infectious surgical complications, pneumothorax was mostly incidental for 25.0 percent. The highest number of complications was in Clavien-Dindo grade II. Conclusions: The presence of post-surgical complications of the disease is notable, corresponding to what is reflected in the medical literature. There was significant relationship between the presence of smoking, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and thoracotomy with some of the complications found(AU)

Humans , Postoperative Complications , Esophageal Neoplasms/etiology , Esophagectomy/methods , Thoracotomy/adverse effects , Correspondence as Topic , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928782


BACKGROUND@#Immunoneoadjuvant therapy opens a new prospect for local advanced lung cancer. The aim of our study was to explore the safety and feasibility of robotic-assisted bronchial sleeve resection in patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) after neoadjuvant chemoimmunotherapy.@*METHODS@#Data of 13 patients with locally advanced NSCLC that underwent bronchial sleeve resection after neoadjuvant chemoimmunotherapy during August 2020 and February 2021 were retrospectively included. According to the surgical methods, patients were divided into thoracotomy bronchial sleeve resection (TBSR) group and robot-assisted bronchial sleeve resection (RABSR) group. Oncology, intraoperative, and postoperative data in the two groups were compared.@*RESULTS@#The two groups of patients operated smoothly, the postoperative pathology confirmed that all the tumor lesions achieved R0 resection, and RABSR group no patient was transferred to thoracotomy during surgery. Partial remission (PR) rate and major pathological remissions (MPR) rate of patients in the TBSR group were 71.43% and 42.86%, respectively. Complete pathological response (pCR) was 28.57%. They were 66.67%, 50.00% and 33.33% in RABSR group, respectively. There were no significant differences in operative duration, number of lymph nodes dissected, intraoperative blood loss, postoperative drainage time and postoperative hospital stay between the two groups, but the bronchial anastomosis time of RABSR group was relatively short. Both groups of patients had a good prognosis. Successfully discharged from the hospital and post-operative 90-d mortality rate was 0.@*CONCLUSIONS@#In patients with locally advanced central NSCLC after neoadjuvant chemoimmunotherapy can achieve the tumor reduction, tumor stage decline and increase the R0 resection rate, bronchial sleeve resection is safe and feasible. Under the premise of following the two principles of surgical safety and realizing the tumor R0 resection, robot-assisted bronchial sleeve resection can be preferred.

Humans , Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung/surgery , Lung Neoplasms/surgery , Neoadjuvant Therapy , Pneumonectomy/methods , Retrospective Studies , Robotics , Thoracotomy , Treatment Outcome
Chinese Journal of Surgery ; (12): 90-94, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935585


Objective: To examine the safety and feasibility of uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic (VATS) decortication in patients presenting with stage Ⅲ tuberculous empyema. Methods: From August 2017 to July 2020, 158 patients of stage Ⅲ tuberculous empyema underwent uniportal VATS decortication with partial rib resection and customized periosteal stripper in Department of Thoracic Surgery, Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital. There were 127 males and 31 females, aged (M(IQR)) 32(28) years (range:14 to 78 years). Follow-up was performed in the outpatient clinic or via social communication applications, at monthly thereafter. If there was no air leak and chest tube drainage was less than 50 ml/day, a chest CT was performed. If the lung was fully re-expanded, chest tubes were removed. All patients received a follow-up chest CT 3 to 6 months following their initial operations which was compared to their preoperative imaging. Results: There was one conversion to open thoracotomy. The operative time was 2.75 (2.50) hours (range: 1.5 to 7.0 hours), and median blood loss was 100 (500) ml (range: 50 to 2 000 ml). There were no perioperative mortalities. There were no major complications except 1 case of redo-VATS for hemostasis due to excessive drainage and 1 case of incision infection, The incidence of prolonged air leaks (>5 days) was 80.3%(126/157). The postoperative hospital stay was 5.00 (2.25) days (range: 2 to 15 days). All patients were discharged with 2 chest tubes, and the median duration drainage was 21.00 (22.50) days (range: 3 to 77 days). Follow-up was completed in all patients over a duration of 20 (14) months (range: 12 to 44 months). At follow-up, 149 patients(94.9%) recovered to grade Ⅰ level, 7 patients to grade Ⅱ level, and 1 patient to grade Ⅲ level. Conclusion: Uniportal VATS decortication involving partial rib resection and a customized periosteal stripper is safe and effective for patients with stage Ⅲ tuberculous empyema.

Aged , Female , Humans , Male , China , Empyema, Tuberculous/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted , Thoracotomy
Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 49: e20223146, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365389


ABSTRACT Objective: the study aims to analyze the performance and outcome of resuscitation thoracotomy (TR) performed in patients victims of penetrating and blunt trauma in a trauma center in southern Brazil during a 7 years period. Methods: retrospective study based on the analysis of medical records of patients undergoing TR, from 2014 to 2020, in the emergency service of the Hospital do Trabalhador, Curitiba - Paraná, Brazil. Results: a total of 46 TR were performed during the study period, of which 89.1% were male. The mean age of patients undergoing TR was 34.1±12.94 years (range 16 and 69 years). Penetrating trauma corresponded to the majority of indications with 80.4%, of these 86.5% victims of gunshot wounds and 13.5% victims of knife wounds. On the other hand, only 19.6% undergoing TR were victims of blunt trauma. Regarding the outcome variables, 84.78% of the patients had declared deaths during the procedure, considered non-responders. 15.22% of patients survived after the procedure. 4.35% of patients undergoing TR were discharged from the hospital, 50% of which were victims of blunt trauma. Conclusion: the data obtained in our study are in accordance with the world literature, reinforcing the need for a continuous effort to perform TR, respecting its indications and limitations in patients victims of severe penetrating or blunt trauma.

RESUMO Objetivo: analisar o desempenho e o desfecho das toracotomias de reanimação (TR) realizadas nos pacientes vítimas de trauma penetrante e contuso em um hospital de referência em trauma no Sul do Brasil durante um período de sete anos. Métodos: estudo retrospectivo baseado na análise de prontuários de pacientes submetidos a TR, no período de 2014 a 2020, no serviço de emergência do Hospital do Trabalhador, Curitiba - Paraná, Brasil. Resultados: um total de 46 TR foram realizadas durante o período de estudo, dos quais 89.1% eram do sexo masculino. A média de idade dos pacientes submetidos a TR foi de 34.1±12.94 anos (variação de 16 e 69 anos). O trauma penetrante correspondeu pela maioria das indicações de TR com 80.4%, destas 86.5% vítimas de ferimentos por arma de fogo e 13.5% vítimas de ferimento por arma branca. Por outro lado, apenas 19.6% submetidos a TR foram vítimas de trauma contuso. No que se refere as variáveis de desfecho, 84.78% dos pacientes tiveram óbitos declarados durante o procedimento, considerados não respondedores. 15.22% dos pacientes apresentaram sobrevida após o procedimento. 4.35% dos pacientes submetidos à TR tiveram alta hospitalar, sendo 50% pacientes vítimas de trauma contuso. Conclusão: os dados obtidos em nosso estudo estão em conformidade com a literatura mundial, reforçando a necessidade de um esforço contínuo para realização da TR respeitando suas indicações e limitações em pacientes vítimas de trauma grave penetrante ou contuso.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Young Adult , Wounds, Gunshot , Thoracotomy , Trauma Centers , Brazil , Retrospective Studies , Middle Aged
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 36(5): 648-655, Sept.-Oct. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351641


Abstract Objective: Isolated aortic valve replacement is a safe and frequently performed cardiac surgical procedure. Although minimal access approaches including right anterior thoracotomy and partial sternotomy have been adopted by some surgeons in recent years, concerns about additional procedural morbidity and mortality during the early phase of the learning curve persist. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of the learning curve on outcomes for a single surgeon implementing a new minimal access aortic valve replacement service. Methods: Ninety-three patients undergoing minimal access aortic valve replacement performed by a single surgeon in our institution between October 2014 and March 2019 were analysed. Patients were divided into tertiles according to procedure order. Endpoints included peri-operative mortality and post-operative complications, and these were compared across tertiles to assess the impact of the learning curve on procedural outcomes. Results: Overall in-hospital mortality was 2.15% (n=2). Despite significantly longer cardiopulmonary bypass and cross-clamp duration in the early tertile, there was no significant difference in the rate of post-operative complications, post-operative length of stay or in-hospital mortality between tertiles. Conclusions: Although our results have demonstrated a significant learning curve effect associated with the introduction of this minimally invasive approach to aortic valve replacement, as demonstrated by the significant reduction in cardiopulmonary bypass and cross-clamp duration over time, our findings suggest that a minimal access aortic valve replacement service can be safely commenced by an experienced surgeon without concerns about the learning curve significantly affecting post-operative morbidity and mortality.

Heart Valve Prosthesis , Heart Valve Prosthesis Implantation , Aortic Valve/surgery , Thoracotomy , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Sternotomy , Learning Curve
Rev. cuba. cir ; 60(3): e1070, 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1347395


Introducción: El secuestro pulmonar está representado por masas de tejido pulmonar displásico, no funcionante, sin comunicación con el árbol bronquial. Objetivo: Presentar tres casos de secuestro pulmonar intralobar tratados por el autor. Caso clínico: Se presentan tres pacientes tratados entre 2013 y 2018 con diagnóstico de secuestro pulmonar. Dos fueron del sexo masculino (44 y 60 años de edad) y una del femenino (20 años de edad). Los síntomas fueron dolor torácico (1) y cuadro de infección pulmonar grave (2). En dos enfermos el secuestro se localizó en el lóbulo inferior derecho y en uno en el inferior izquierdo. Las operaciones fueron lobectomías inferiores derecha (1) e izquierda (1) y bilobectomía inferior y media derechas por afectación del lóbulo medio. Dos tuvieron una evolución satisfactoria y uno presentó un empiema pleural que resolvió con tratamiento antibiótico. Conclusiones: Los secuestros pulmonares son raros y los síntomas suelen asociarse con infección pulmonar. En la mayoría de los casos es necesario realizar una lobectomía. La evolución postoperatoria suele ser buena(AU)

Introduction: Pulmonary sequestration is characterized by masses of dysplastic, nonfunctioning lung tissue, without any communication with the bronchial tree. Objective: To present three cases of intralobar pulmonary sequestration treated by the author. Clinical case: The respective cases are presented of three patients with a diagnosis of pulmonary sequestration treated between 2013 and 2018. Two were male (44 and 60 years old, respectively) and one was female (20 years old). Their symptoms were chest pain (1) and severe lung infection (2). In two patients, the sequestration was located in the lower right lobe, while, in one, it was in the lower left lobe. The operations were right (1) and left (1) lower lobectomies and right lower and middle bilobectomy due to middle lobe involvement. Two had a satisfactory evolution, while one presented a pleural empyema healed with antibiotic treatment. Conclusions: Pulmonary sequestration is rare and their symptoms are usually associated with pulmonary infection. In most cases, a lobectomy is necessary. The postoperative evolution is usually good(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Pneumonectomy/methods , Chest Pain/etiology , Thoracotomy/methods , Bronchopulmonary Sequestration/diagnosis , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 73(4): 509-513, ago. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388844


Resumen Introducción: En un quiste hidatídico hepático pueden ocurrir una serie de complicaciones de diversa gravedad. Una es el tránsito hepatotorácico (THT), que es el compromiso simultáneo de hígado, diafragma y pulmón secundario a migración de un quiste hidatídico hepático. Objetivo: Presentar una complicación de baja incidencia de un quiste hidatídico hepático como lo es el THT con fistula biliobronquial y posterior resolución quirúrgica. Materiales y Método: Registro clínico, imagenológico y fotográfico del episodio clínico. Resultados: Paciente con diagnóstico de quiste hidatídico en tránsito hepatotorácico con fístula biliobronquial fue sometida a toracotomía, resección en cuña del pulmón incluyendo bronquios comunicantes con el quiste. Paciente presenta evolución clínica e imagenológica favorable. Discusión: Se discuten formas de presentación, complicaciones de la evolución, grados de progresión y ubicaciones anatómicas frecuentes. Se hace énfasis en rol de la clínica e imagenología para diagnóstico y lo controversial del manejo. Conclusión: Tratamiento quirúrgico dependerá de localización de la lesión, estado del quiste, tamaño y experiencia del equipo quirúrgico, siendo una quistectomía con tratamiento de los trayectos fistulosos una buena alternativa.

Introduction: A variety of severe complications can occur in a hepatic hydatid cyst. One of them is the transit from liver to thorax through the diaphragm (HTT). Aim: To present a low impact complication of a hepatic hydatid cyst such as HTT with bronchobiliary fistula and subsequent surgical procedure. Materials and Method: Clinical, imaging, and photographic record of the clinical event. Results: A patient with a diagnosis of hydatid cyst in hepatothoracic transit with bronchobiliary fistula underwent thoracotomy with a wedge resection of the lung, including a cyst-bronchial communication. The patient presents good clinical and imaging evolution. Discussion: Forms of presentation, evolutionary complications, stages of progression, and frequent anatomical locations are discussed. Emphasis is made on the role of the clinical examination and imaging tests for diagnosis and controversial management. Conclusión: Surgical treatment will depend on location of the lesion, experience of the surgical team, condition and size of the cyst, being a cystectomy with the treatment of the fistulous tracts a good alternative.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Biliary Fistula/surgery , Bronchial Fistula/surgery , Echinococcosis, Hepatic/surgery , Echinococcosis, Hepatic/diagnostic imaging , Thoracotomy/methods , Tomography, X-Ray/methods
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 36(4): 461-467, July-Aug. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347169


Abstract Introduction: End-to-end anastomosis and extended end-to-end anastomosis are typically used as surgical approaches to coarctation of the aorta (CoAo) with access at the subclavian artery or an interposition graft. The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of surgical and anatomical characteristics and techniques on early outcomes after surgical treatment of CoAo without cardiopulmonary bypass through left thoracotomy. Methods: This is a quantitative, observational, and cross-sectional analysis of patients who underwent repair of CoAo between July 1, 2010 and December 31, 2017. Seventy-two patients were divided into three groups according to age: 34 in group A (≤ 30 days), 24 in group B (31 days to one year), and 14 in group C (≥ 1 year to 18 years). Results: Aortic arch hypoplasia was associated in 30.8% of the cases, followed by ventricular septal defect (13.2%). The preductal location was more frequent in group A (73.5%), ductal in group B (41.7%), and postductal in group C (71.4%). Long coarcted segment was predominant in groups A and C (61.8% and 71.4%, respectively) and localized in group B (58.3%). Extended end-to-end anastomosis technique was prevalent (68%), mainly in group A (91.2%). Mortality in 30 days was 1.4%. Conclusion: Most of the patients were children under one year of age, and extended end-to-end anastomosis was the most used technique, secondary to arch hypoplasia. Further, overall mortality was low in spite of moderate morbidity in the first 30 postoperative days.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child , Adult , Aortic Coarctation/surgery , Thoracotomy , Aorta, Thoracic/surgery , Vascular Surgical Procedures , Cross-Sectional Studies
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 81(3): 467-469, jun. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346487


Abstract Diaphragmatic hernia during pregnancy or puerperium are rare entities that, in the event of a complication, represent a life-threatening emergency for both mother and the unborn child. Resolution in many cases requires a combined access through the thoracic and abdominal cavity to manage the complica tions of necrosis and/or perforation of an abdominal viscera. To treat the thoracic cavity, thoracotomy is the most described approach. Even more, the minimally invasive access by video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) is not widely referenced in the literature despite its clear benefits of this technique in the recovery of patients, even in emergencies. We present the case of a postpartum right diaphragmatic hernia, complicated by necrosis of the colonic wall, treated by combined VATS approach and laparotomy in the emergency.

Resumen Las hernias diafragmáticas durante el embarazo o puerperio son entidades raras que, en caso de complicación, representan una emergencia potencialmente mortal tanto para la madre como para el feto. La resolución en muchos casos requiere un acceso combinado a través de la cavidad torácica y abdominal para manejar las complicaciones de la necrosis o perforación de las vísceras abdominales. Para tratar la cavidad torácica, la toracotomía es la vía más descrita. Más aún, el acceso mínimamente invasivo mediante cirugía torácica video-asistida (VATS) no está ampliamente referenciado en la literatura a pesar de los claros beneficios de esta técnica en la recuperación de los pacientes, incluso en emergencias. Presentamos el caso de una hernia diafragmática derecha posparto, complicada por necrosis de la pared colónica, tratada combinado VATS y laparotomía en la urgencia.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Child , Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted , Hernia, Diaphragmatic/surgery , Thoracotomy , Postpartum Period , Emergencies
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 20(3): e3235, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1280437


Introducción: La cirugía torácica videoasistida por un solo puerto (Uniportal VATS) se ha convertido hoy en uno de los abordajes más utilizados para resecciones pulmonares en muchos centros de cirugía torácica del mundo, en Cuba su introducción es bastante reciente y todavía se encuentra en fase inicial. Objetivo: Comparar los resultados obtenidos por cirugía torácica abierta y Uniportal VATS en pacientes intervenidos en el Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología de La Habana (INOR) durante enero de 2016 a abril de 2017. Material y Métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo de corte longitudinal retrospectivo con 60 pacientes atendidos en el INOR durante enero de 2016 a abril de 2017 a los cuales se les realizó cirugía torácica. Resultados: Veinticuatro pacientes fueron operados por Uniportal VATS y 36 a través de la toracotomía, primaron las lesiones del lado derecho, el procedimiento más realizado fue lobectomía. Los estadíos predominantes fueron IA y IB, la mayoría de los procedimientos fue realizada en tres horas o menos, 8 casos se convirtieron, 13 sufrieron complicaciones. La estadía media de los pacientes tratados con Uniportal VATS fue menor que los que recibieron la toracotomía abierta. Conclusiones: El abordaje Uniportal se caracterizó por ser seguro, tener una gran versatilidad, pocas complicaciones y por mejorar la recuperación postquirúrgica del paciente y acelerar su reincorporación a las actividades de la vida cotidiana(AU)

Introduction: Single-port Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery (Uniportal VATS) has currently become one of the most commonly used approaches for lung resections in many Thoracic Surgery Centers around the world. In Cuba, its introduction is quite recent and it is still in its initial phase. Objective: To compare the results obtained by open thoracic surgery and Uniportal VATS in patients who underwent surgery in the National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology of Havana (INOR) from January 2016 to April 2017. Material and Methods: An observational descriptive longitudinal retrospective study was conducted in 60 patients who underwent Thoracic Surgery in the INOR during 2016 - April 2017. Results: A total of 24 patients were operated through Uniportal VATS and 36 underwent thoracotomy. The lesions predominantly affected the right side and lobectomy was the most performed surgical procedure. Stages IA and IB predominated. Most of the procedures were carried out in 3 hours or less, 8 cases were converted and 13 suffered from complications. The average postoperative length of stay in hospital for patients who underwent Uniportal VATS was reduced compared to those who underwent open thoracotomy. Conclusions: Uniportal VATS is characterized by being a safe procedure with few complications and great versatility. It improves postoperative recovery of patients and accelerates their return to daily life activities(AU)

Humans , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Thoracic Surgery , Thoracotomy , Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 36(3): 420-423, May-June 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1288239


Abstract In the growing era of transcatheter aortic valve implantation, it is crucial to develop minimally invasive surgical techniques. These methods enable easier recovery from surgical trauma, especially in elderly and frail patients. Minimally invasive aortic valve replacement (MIAVR) is frequently performed via upper hemisternotomy. We describe MIAVR via right anterior thoracotomy, which is associated with less trauma, rapid mobilization, lower blood transfusion rates, and lower risk of postoperative wound infections. As minimally invasive procedures tend to take longer operative times, we suggest using rapid-deployment valve prostheses to overcome this limitation. This description focuses on the technical aspects and preoperative assessment.

Humans , Aged , Aortic Valve Stenosis/surgery , Heart Valve Prosthesis , Heart Valve Prosthesis Implantation , Aortic Valve/surgery , Thoracotomy , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome