Si bien el conocimiento científico para el tratamiento de la periimplantitis ha avanzado significativamente en los últimos años, sigue en discusión qué tipo de abordaje quirúrgico genera los mejores resultados clínicos y si el uso de biomateriales da mejoras significativas en dicho tratamiento. Este reporte de caso describe un abordaje quirúrgico reconstructivo de un defecto intraóseo por periimplantitis en una paciente que refería dolor y un intenso sangrado en sus implantes dentales, empleando un sustituto óseo anorgánico mineral bovino, sin el uso de una membrana o barrera, y con un protocolo de descontaminación de la superficie del implante mecánico y químico. Posteriormente, a las 20 semanas de realizado el procedimiento, se hizo la evaluación del defecto, obteniendo profundidades al sondeo menores a 5 mm, ausencia de sangrado al sondeo en todos los sitios y un llenado óseo radiográfico de aproximadamente 90%; cumpliendo con los criterios de éxito de la terapia periimplantaria. Lo anterior muestra que la terapia reconstructiva para los defectos por periimplantitis puede ser posible mediante el uso de un sustituto óseo xenogénico únicamente y con una correcta descontaminación de la superficie del implante (AU)
Although scientific knowledge for the treatment of peri-implantitis have advanced significantly in recent years, the type of surgical approach that generates the best clinical results is still under discussion and whether the use of biomaterials gives significant improvements in said treatment. This case report describes a reconstructive surgical approach for a periimplantitis intrabony defect using an anorganic bovine bone substitute, without the use of a membrane or barrier, and with a mechanical and chemical implant surface decontamination protocol. Twenty weeks after the procedure, the defect was reassessed, obtaining probing depths of less than 5 mm, no bleeding on probing in all sites, and radiographic bone filling of approximately 90%; meeting the success criteria for the peri-implant therapy. This shows that reconstructive therapy for periimplantitis defects may be possible using a xenogeneic bone substitute only and proper decontamination of the implant surface (AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Bone Substitutes/therapeutic use , Oral Surgical Procedures/methods , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/adverse effects , Peri-Implantitis/surgery , Periodontal Pocket/diagnosis , Surgical Flaps , Toothbrushing/methods , Periodontal Index , Decontamination/methods , MexicoABSTRACT
La saliva, compuesta principalmente por 99% de agua y 1% de moléculas orgánicas e inorgánicas, mantiene un rango de pH de 6.0 a 7.5, pero puede verse alterada por ciertos factores. En este estudio se determinó la variación del pH salival, luego de la aplicación tópica manual en mucosa masticatoria y órganos dentarios con aceite de girasol ozonizado de 300 mEq/kgO2, en jóvenes estudiantes de entre 21 a 23 años, como agente de neutralización en los cambios de pH. Se realizó un estudio comparativo longitudinal en 13 sujetos después de su cepillado dental; se tomaron dos muestras en saliva estimulada con el test estandarizado Saliva-Check BUFFER (GC®EUROPE). La medición basal de pH fue 7.66 ± 0.09, cifra por encima del rango normal; después de la aplicación del aceite de girasol ozonizado (O3MX®300IP) el pH fue de 7.27 ± 0.19, estableciéndose una variación de 0.28 ± 0.48, t = 8.04, p < 0.05 (0.000). Este estudio revela una caída significativa en el pH salival después de aplicar aceite de girasol ozonizado, lo que sugiere su potencial como buffer del pH salival. Se necesitan más investigaciones para explorar las implicaciones clínicas para el manejo de la salud oral (AU)
Saliva, primarily composed of 99% water and 1% organic and inorganic molecules, typically maintains a pH range of 6.0 to 7.5 but can be influenced by various factors. This study aimed to assess the variation in salivary pH following manual topical application of 300 mEq/kgO2 ozonated sunflower oil to the masticatory mucosa and dental structures in young individuals aged 21 to 23 years, using it as a pH-neutralizing agent. A longitudinal comparative study was conducted on 13 subjects after dental brushing. Stimulated saliva samples were collected using the standardized Saliva-Check BUFFER Test (GC®EUROPE). An initial baseline pH measurement of 7.66 ± 0.09 was obtained, which was above the normal range. Following the application of ozonated sunflower oil (O3MX®300IP), the pH dropped to 7.27 ± 0.19, indicating a variation of 0.28 ± 0.48 (t = 8.04, p < 0.05 (0.000). In conclusion, this study reveals a significant decrease in salivary pH after applying ozonated sunflower oil, suggesting its potential as a salivary pH buffer. Further research is needed to explore the clinical implications for oral health management.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Ozonation , Saliva/chemistry , Schools, Dental , Toothbrushing/instrumentation , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Mexico/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Os autores relatama experiência de uma ação de educação em saúde bucal voltada a crianças e adolescentes com deficiência auditiva, matriculados em uma escola referência para o ensino à comunidade surda de uma cidade de grande porte populacional localizada no estado da Paraíba, Nordeste brasileiro. Os alunos participantes de um projeto de Extensão Universitária conduziram a ação com o auxílio de três intérpretes da Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras), disponibilizados pela instituição. Destaca-se a divisão da ação em dois momentos: o primeiro, inicialmente destinado às crianças do primeiro ao quinto ano do Ensino Fundamental, por meiode dinâmicas que objetivaram trabalhar a importância da alimentação saudável, bem como orientações sobre a escovação e o uso do fio dental; eum segundo momento, realizado com os adolescentes do sexto ao nono ano do Ensino Fundamental, por meio de uma dinâmica de mitos e verdades sobre a saúde bucal, a fim de esclarecer sobre as principais dúvidas dos alunos. Ambos os momentos foram exitosos e garantiram a participação efetiva dos estudantes que se engajaram e partilharam muito conhecimento com os extensionistas. Desta forma, é notório o quanto a Extensão Universitária é uma atividade importante na formação acadêmica e humana dos futuros cirurgiões-dentistase, principalmente, na devolutiva à comunidade de conhecimentos gerados na academia, oportunizando momentos ricos de educação em saúde (AU).
Los autores relatan la experiencia de una acción de educación en salud bucal dirigida a niños y adolescentes con discapacidad auditiva, matriculados en una escuela de referencia para la enseñanza de la comunidad sorda en una ciudad con gran población ubicada en el estado de Paraíba, Nordeste brasileño. Los estudiantes que participan de un proyecto de Extensión Universitaria realizaron la acción con la ayuda de tres intérpretes de Lengua de Señas Brasileña (Libras), proporcionados por la institución. Se destaca la división de la acción en dos momentos: el primero, inicialmente dirigido a niños de primero a quinto año de educación primaria, a través de dinámicas que tuvieron como objetivo trabajar la importancia de una alimentación saludable, así como orientaciones sobre el cepillado y el uso de hilo dental; y un segundo momento, realizado con adolescentes de sexto a noveno año de educación primaria, a través de una dinámica de mitos y verdades sobre la salud bucal, con el fin de aclarar las principales dudas de los estudiantes. Ambos momentos fueron exitosos y garantizaron la participación efectiva de los estudiantes que involucraron y compartieron muchos conocimientos con los extensionistas. De esta manera, se evidencia cuánto la Extensión Universitaria es una actividad importante en la formación académica y humana de los futuros cirujanos dentistas y, principalmente, en devolver a la comunidad el conocimiento generado en la academia, brindando oportunidades para momentos ricos de educación en salud (AU).
The authors report the experience of an oral health education action directed at children and adolescents with hearing impairment enrolled in a reference school for the hearing impaired in a large city in the state of Paraíba in Northeast Brazil. University students participating in an extension project conducted the action with the assistance of three interpreters of Brazilian sign language. The action involved two interventions, the first with children in the first to fifth year of primary school, who received information on the importance of a healthy diet and orientations on toothbrushing and the use of dental floss. The second involved adolescents from the sixth to ninth year, who received clarifications on myths and truths about oral health to address the main questions of the students. Both interventions were successful and ensured the effective participation of the students, who engaged in the activities and shared knowledge with the children and adolescents. University extension programs constitute an important aspect of academic education and the humanist formation of future dentists, enabling them to share with the community knowledge acquired during their university education and providing rich health education opportunities (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Child , Oral Health/education , Health Education, Dental , Adolescent , Hearing Loss , ToothbrushingABSTRACT
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine if SEM used with imaging software could be used to quantitatively determine the extent of dentine roughness due to tooth-brushing. Material and methods: Flat, polished dentine surfaces were subjected to 25,000 cycles of simulated tooth-brushing at 2 strokes per second with a load of 200 g. At the end of the brushing cycle, dentine surfaces were first assessed using profilometry and then subjected to SEM analysis. Ra (average roughness) readings were obtained for profilometric assessment. Using imaging software, the horizontal distance between adjacent characteristic grooves noted on micrographs was measured, ensuring that the middle of each crest of the associated groove was used as the reference point, the Crest-to-Crest distance (C-C distance). These two parameters were examined statistically for correlation. Results: When Spearman Rank tests were utilized the correlation between average Ra and crest to crest measurements was 0.709 (p <0.01). The Bland Altman plot, however, showed poor agreement between the two test parameters. Conclusion: Further work is needed to validate the use of this methodology in the quantitative assessment of tooth surface loss due to abrasion (AU)
Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar se o MEV usado com software de imagem poderia ser usado para determinar quantitativamente a extensão da rugosidade da dentina devido à escovação dentária. Material e Métodos: Superfícies dentinárias planas e polidas foram submetidas a 25.000 ciclos de escovação dentária simulada a 2 movimentos por segundo com uma carga de 200g. No final do ciclo de escovação, as superfícies dentinárias foram primeiro avaliadas por perfilometria e depois submetidas à análise MEV. Leituras de Ra (rugosidade média) foram obtidas para avaliação perfilométrica. Utilizando um software de imagem, foi medida a distância horizontal entre sulcos característicos adjacentes observados nas micrografias, garantindo que o meio de cada crista do sulco associado fosse usado como ponto de referência, a distância crista a crista (distância CC). Esses dois parâmetros foram examinados estatisticamente para correlação. Resultados: Quando foram utilizados os testes de Spearman Rank, a correlação entre a média de Ra e as medidas de crista a crista foi de 0,709 (p<0,01). O gráfico de Bland Altman, no entanto, mostrou fraca concordância entre os dois parâmetros de teste. Conclusão: Mais trabalhos são necessários para validar o uso desta metodologia na avaliação quantitativa da perda da superfície dentária devido à abrasão(AU)
Surface Properties , Tooth Abrasion , Toothbrushing , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , DentinABSTRACT
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of abrasion wear on surface roughness and microhardness of different commercially available resin composites simulating pH-challenges of the oral cavity. Methods: Three resin composites (RC) were used in this study: one conventional: Z250; and two bulk fill resin composites (BRC): Tetric N-Ceram (TNC) and Sonic Fill (SF). The RC was inserted in a prefabricated mold (15mm wide x 4mm thickness) in two layers, or in a single layer for BRC. Thirty samples were prepared and surface roughness (Ra) and Knoop microhardness (KHN) test were performed at three different time-points of evaluation: baseline (24h after sample preparation); partial (after pH cycling); and final (after simulated toothbrushing procedure). Two samples of each group were selected after different treatments and analyzed descriptively on a scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Data from Ra and KHN were analyzed by two-way repeated-measures ANOVA and Bonferroni's post-hoc test with a significance level set at 5%. Results: Ra increased for all groups (p<0.001), at the final time-point, Z250 and TNC groups present the highest values. Oppositely, KHN decreased for all groups (p<0.001), Z250 group showed the highest KHN values for all time-points (p<0.001). The SEM imagens showed a regular surface for samples cycled and irregular with inorganic particles exposed for samples toothbrushed. Conclusion: pH-cycling and simulated toothbrushing affected the superficial properties (roughness and Knoop microhardness), as observed at SEM imagens, with irregular surface with inorganic particles exposure
Surface Properties , Toothbrushing , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Composite ResinsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To describe behaviors with oral hygiene items in single-bathroom households during the domiciliary isolation of individuals with positive 'Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction' (RTPCR+) in southern Brazil. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional study was conducted with Research and Monitoring Sector of COVID-19 data from Palhoça, Brazil, of individuals aged ≥18 years, living in a singlebathroom household, who had an RT-PCR positive. A link of Google Forms was used. Socio-demographic information, characteristics during the home isolation, oral hygiene, and behaviors with oral hygiene items in the bathroom were collected. Descriptive stratified analyses according to age were conducted (<40 and ≥40 years). Results: Among 524 individuals, 36% were aged ≥40 years. During isolation, according to the behaviors with oral hygiene items in the household single-bathroom, 70% (95%CI 64.9-75.5) of the youngest participants reported sharing toothbrushes in the same container and 30% (95%CI 24.4-35.1) of the oldest; use of the same toothpaste was reported by 67% (95%CI 62.8-71.7) of the youngest and 33% (95%CI 28.337.3) of the oldest participants. For the outcome of sharing the same toothpaste, the chances for the youngest and the oldest to share the same toothbrush container was 11 times and 6 times more, respectively. Conclusion: The individuals related good oral hygiene habits; however, behaviors with oral hygiene items in the bathroom were neglected, especially by the younger individuals.
Humans , Male , Female , Oral Hygiene/education , Toothbrushing/instrumentation , Preventive Dentistry , COVID-19/transmission , Chi-Square Distribution , Logistic Models , Cross-Sectional Studies/methodsABSTRACT
Introdução - Entre os problemas de saúde bucal, a cárie dentária ou problemas periodontais são problemas de saúde pública, que podem, em parte, serem prevenidos com o uso da escova de dentes. Obrigatoriamente, temos que ter escovas de dentes ao alcance de todos, escovas de qualidade para que não produza danos aos tecidos da cavidade bucal, independentemente do valor de aquisição do produto. E existem normas brasileiras, como a Portaria 97 de 1996, a Resolução da Diretoria Colegiada (RDC) 142 de 2017, e a RDC 640 de 2022, a qual dispõe sobre regularização de produtos de higiene pessoal e, dentre eles a escova de dentes manual, objeto deste estudo. Objetivo - Observar macroscópica e microscopicamente os componentes das escovas de dentes manuais comercializadas em municípios do Estado de São Paulo e classificá-las em adequadas ou inadequadas para o uso por meio da proposição de um protocolo para avaliar esses instrumentos de higiene bucal, na perspectiva da vigilância sanitária. Método - Escovas dentais manuais foram adquiridas no mercado representado por estabelecimentos com características comerciais variadas, dentre os quais supermercados, farmácias, mercados populares, comércio ambulante e lojas de conveniência de municípios do Estado de São Paulo, nas condições em que são comercializadas normalmente, no período entre 26/08/2018 e 20/10/2018. Na análise estatística, foi utilizado o programa Epi Info versão, e o teste do qui-quadrado foi aplicado, sendo considerados estatisticamente significativos valores de p <0,05. Resultados - Foram avaliadas 345 escovas dentais manuais, obtidas em 07 municípios de pequeníssimo porte demográfico (n=65), 06 municípios de pequeno porte (n=70), 06 municípios de médio porte (n=103) e em 07 municípios de grande porte demográfico (n=107). Na análise macroscópica, mais de 70% das escovas manuais foram consideradas adequadas ao uso nos critérios cabo (reto nos formatos sextavado, oitavado e retangular achatado) cabeça (trapezoidal, ovalado e retangular). Com relação ao número total de cerdas, 36,52% foram consideradas adequadas e 63,48 % inadequadas ao uso e, pelo teste do qui-quadrado cal = 7,8315 (p = 0,2507) relacionado ao porte dos municípios, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa. Na análise microscópica, o resultado mostrou que não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa quanto ao porte dos municípios com relação ao arredondamento da ponta das cerdas (p = 0,4603) e dilaceramento com presença ou não de farpas (p = 0,9920) para adequada ou inadequada para o uso, também não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa quanto aos países de origem, Brasil e China com relação a conformidade ou não conformidade ao arredondamento (p = 0,199), dilaceramento (p = 0,636) e o número total de cerdas na escova (p= 1,000) pelo teste do qui-quadrado. Após avaliação dos instrumentos em suas variáveis em conforme e não conforme em relação ao arredondamento, dilaceramento e número total de cerdas, as escovas foram categorizadas em adequadas e inadequadas, e pelo teste do qui quadrado (p= 0,078) não houve estatisticamente diferença significativa entre os países de origem Brasil e China. Conclusões - Dentre as 345 escovas dentais manuais analisados neste estudo comercializadas no Estado de São Paulo, no final da segunda década do século XXI, predominaram 285 (82,6%) produtos classificados como inadequados para o uso humano. Esta situação indica fragilidades nos procedimentos regulatórios vigentes no país e implica riscos para a saúde da população. Os profissionais permanecem sem uma referência científica para identificar e indicar uma escova de dentes manual para a população. Por essa razão, a referida escassez é, ela mesma, um problema de saúde pública, pois não proporciona aos órgãos de vigilância sanitária condições para o aprimoramento dos procedimentos que visem à qualificação das ações nesse setor para proteção da saúde da população.
Introduction - Among the oral health problems, dental caries or periodontal problems are public health problems, which can, in part, be prevented with the use of a toothbrush. Obligatorily, we have to have toothbrushes within everyone's reach, quality brushes so that they do not cause damage to the tissues of the oral cavity, regardless of the purchase price of the product. And there are Brazilian norms, such as Ordinance 97 of 1996, Resolution of the Collegiate Board (RDC) 142 of 2017, and RDC 640 of 2022, which provides for the regularization of personal hygiene products and, among them, the manual toothbrush, object of this study. Objective - To observe macroscopically and microscopically the components of manual toothbrushes sold in cities in the State of São Paulo and classify them as adequate or inappropriate for use by proposing a protocol to evaluate these oral hygiene instruments, from the perspective of health surveillance. Method - Manual toothbrushes were purchased in the market represented by establishments with varied commercial characteristics, among which supermarkets, pharmacies, popular markets, street vendors and convenience stores in municipalities in the State of São Paulo, under the conditions in which they are normally sold, in the period between 08/26/2018 and 10/20/2018. In the statistical analysis, the Epi Info version program was used, and the chi-square test was applied, with p values <0.05 being considered statistically significant. Results - 345 manual toothbrushes were evaluated, obtained in 07 municipalities of very small demographic size (n=65), 06 small municipalities (n=70), 06 medium-sized municipalities (n=103) and 07 large municipalities. demographic size (n=107). In the macroscopic analysis, more than 70% of the manual brushes were considered suitable for use in the criteria handle (straight in hexagonal, octagonal and flattened rectangular formats) and head (trapezoidal, oval and rectangular. Regarding the total number of bristles, 36.52% were considered adequate and 63.48% inappropriate for use and, by the chi-square test cal = 7.8315 (p = 0.2507) related to the size of the municipalities, there was no statistically significant difference. In the microscopic analysis, the result showed that there was no statistically significant difference regarding the size of the municipalities in relation to the rounding of the tip of the bristles (p = 0.4603) and laceration with or without the presence of splinters (p = 0.9920) for adequate or unsuitable for use, there was also no statistically significant difference as to the countries of origin, Brazil and China regarding compliance or non-compliance with rounding (p = 0.199), tearing (p = 0.636) and the total number of bristles on the brush (p = 1.000) by chi-square test. After evaluating the instruments in their conforming and non-conforming variables in relation to rounding, tearing and the total number of bristles, the brushes were categorized as adequate and followed, and by the chi-square test (p= 0,078) there were no statistically significant difference between the countries of origin Brazil and China. Conclusions - Among the 345 manual toothbrushes analyzed in this study sold in the State of São Paulo, at the end of the second decade of the 21st century, 285 (82.6%) products were classified as unsuitable for human use. This situation indicates weaknesses in the in the prevailing regulatory procedures in the country and implies risks to the health of the population. Professionals remain without a scientific reference to identify and recommend a manual toothbrush to the population. For this reason, the aforementioned scarcity is itself a public health problem, as it does not provide conditions for health surveillance agencies to improve procedures aimed at qualifying actions in this sector to protect the health of the population.
Oral Hygiene , Toothbrushing , Health Surveillance , Legislation , Oral and Dental Hygiene ProductsABSTRACT
Introdução: os dentifrícios antiplaca e anticálculo contêm, em sua composição, agentes específicos para o controle e a redução do biofilme dentário, como o citrato de zinco, o óxido de zinco e o pirofosfato tetrassódico, dentre outros. Objetivo: avaliar in vitroa ação de dentifrícios antiplaca e anticálculo na variação da massa e da rugosidade superficial do esmalte bovino submetido à escovação simulada por 6 e 12 meses.Metodologia: 40 corpos de prova (CP) foram randomizados e divididos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos (n=10): grupo controle (GC- água) e 3 grupos teste (GT1 Colgate-Total® 12 Clean Mint, GT2 Colgate-Total® 12 Anti-Tártaro, GT3 Prevent® Antiplaca). Os CP foram submetidos à escovação simulada por 6 e 12 mesese as avaliações da massa e da rugosidade foram realizadas após cada período de escovação. Resultados: a análise da variação da massa demonstrou que não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos e os tempos. A avaliação da rugosidade demonstrou que, após 12 meses de escovação, o GT1 apresentou aumento significativo da rugosidade, quando comparado aos grupos controle e testes, enquanto os grupos GT2 e GT3 apresentaram comportamento semelhante após um ano de escovação, promovendo o polimento superficial do esmalte bovino. Conclusão: a escovação com os dentifrícios antiplaca ou anticálculo não promoveu perda significativa da massa no esmalte bovino e promoveu seu polimento.
Introduction: Antiplaque and anticalculus dentifrices contain in their composition specific agents for the control and reduction of dental biofilm, such as zinc citrate, zinc oxide, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, among others. Objective: To evaluate in vitro the action of antiplaque and anticalculus dentifrices on the variation of mass and surface roughness of bovine enamel submitted to simulated brushing for 6 and 12 months. Metodology: 40 specimens (PB) were randomized and randomly divided into 4 groups (n=10): control group (GC water) and 3 test groups (GT1 Colgate-Total® 12 Clean Mint, GT2 Colgate-Total® 12 Anti-Tartar, and GT3 Prevent®Antiplaque). The PB were submitted to simulated brushing for 6 and 12 months and the mass and roughness evaluations were performed after each brushing period. Results: The analysis of mass variation showed that there was no significant difference between groups and times. The roughness evaluation showed that after 12 months of brushing, GT1 showed a significant increase in roughness when compared to the control and test groups, while the GT2 and GT3 groups showed similar behavior after one year of brushing, promoting the surface polishing of bovine enamel. Conclusion: Brushing with antiplaque or anticalculus dentifrices did not promote significant mass loss in bovine enamel and promoted its polishing.
Animals , Periodontal Diseases , Toothbrushing , Biological Products , In Vitro Techniques , Dental Calculus , Dental Enamel , DentifricesABSTRACT
Introdução:A escola é um ambiente propício para o desenvolvimento de hábitos que podem ser aplicadospor toda a vida. Nessa perspectiva, as atividades educativas com escolares podem contribuir significativamente na promoção de saúde bucal e na disseminação de bons hábitos de higiene oral, sendo alternativas capazes de instruir esses sujeitos eficientemente.Objetivo:Relatar a experiência de uma intervenção lúdica de caráter educativo realizada pela equipe de um projeto de extensão com uma turma de educação infantil em escola institucional de educação básica.Metodologia:A partir do conhecimento da faixa etária dos escolares, um jogo educativo foi desenvolvido e uma ação de caráter lúdico foi elaborada. A alimentação saudável foi a temática escolhida para ser trabalhada interdisciplinariamente à conscientização sobre o papel dos alimentos no desenvolvimento da cárie dentária e das orientações de higiene oral. Ao "brincar de fazer compras", momento em que os alunos podiam escolher quais alimentos adquirir no jogo, foi possível discorrer sobre quais dessas escolhas alimentares não eram saudáveis e também orientar os participantescom macromodelosobre a forma correta de escovação e uso dofio dental.Resultados:A interação das crianças com a atividade e com toda equipe de extensionistas foi bastante satisfatória. Foi possível verificar que os mesmos assimilaram bem os assuntos trabalhados ludicamente e foi demonstrado pela intervenção que os alunos conseguiram adquirir conhecimentos práticos sobre a saúde bucal no momento de orientação de higiene oral tanto no jogo quanto na simulação da escovação com macromodelo. Conclusões:Atividades lúdicas para escolares podem ser instrumentos capazes de transmitir conhecimentos em saúde bucal satisfatoriamente ao passo que sinalizam aspectos que devem ser desenvolvidos e incorporados no cotidiano dos indivíduos desde a mais tenra idade (AU).
Introduction: School is a conducive environment for developing habits that can be extended throughout life. From this perspective, educational activities with schoolchildren can significantly contribute to promoting oral health and to disseminate good oral hygiene habits, constituting alternatives which are capable of efficiently educating these subjects. Objective:To report the experience of a playful and educational intervention carried out by the team of an extension project with an early childhood education class in an institutional school of basic education. Methodology: An educational game was developed based on the knowledge of the age range of the school children, and a playful action was elaborated. A healthy eating theme was chosen to be worked on in an interdisciplinary way to raise awareness about the role of food in developing dental caries and oral hygiene guidelines. By "playing shopping" in which students could choose which foods to buy in a game, it was possible to discuss which of these food choices were unhealthy and also guide participants with a macromodel on the correct way of brushing and flossing. Results: The interaction of children with the activity and with the entire extension team was quite satisfactory. It was possible to verify that they had assimilated the playfully addressed issues and it was demonstrated that students were able to acquire practical knowledge about oral health during the oral hygiene orientation in both the game and in the brushing simulation with the macromodel. Conclusions:Playful activities for schoolchildren may constitute instruments which are capable of satisfactorily transmitting knowledge on oral health, and can indicate aspects which must be developed and incorporated into the daily lives of individuals from a very early age (AU).
Introducción: La escuela es un entorno favorable para el desarrollo de hábitos que pueden prolongarse a lo largo de la vida. En esta perspectiva, las actividades educativas con alumnos pueden contribuir significativamente a la promoción de salud oral y de difusión de buenas costumbres de higiene oral, siendo estas alternativas capaces de educar estos sujetos eficientemente.Objetivo:Relatar la experiencia de una intervención lúdica educativo, realizada por un equipo de un proyecto de extensión, direccionada a un grupo de educación infantil en una escuela del sistema educativo básico brasileño. Metodología: A partir del conocimiento de la franja etaria , se diseñó un juego educativo y se planeó una acción de carácter lúdico. La alimentación sana fue la temática elegida para que, de este modo, además de orientaciones de cuidados orales, también se trabajara, interdisciplinariamente, la concientización sobre la relación entre los alimentos y el surgimiento de caries dentarias. Al "jugar a las compras", momento en que los alumnos podían elegir cuales alimentos iban a adquirir, fue posible debatir sobre cuales de las opciones alimentares no eran sanas y, además de eso, orientar los participantes, con un tipodonto, sobre la forma correcta de cepillarse y de usar el hilo dental. Resultados: La interacción con la actividad y con el equipo de extensión fue muy exitosa. Fue posible verificar que los alumnos comprendieron los temas trabajados lúdicamente y también que, a través de la intervención, consiguieron alcanzar conocimientos prácticos sobre salud oral, tanto en el momento de la orientación de higiene oral cuanto en la actividad de simulación de cepillado con el apoyo del tipodonto.Conclusiones:Actividades lúdicas para niños r pueden ser instrumentos capaces de proporcionar aprendizajes sobre salud oral en la medida en que señalan aspectos que necesitan ser desarrollados en las prácticas rutineras de sujetos desde muy temprana edad (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Local Health Strategies , Child Rearing , Oral Health/education , Health Strategies , Problem-Based Learning/methods , Oral Hygiene , Toothbrushing , Brazil/epidemiology , Child , Education, Primary and Secondary , Games, Recreational/psychologyABSTRACT
Introducción: La caries de infancia temprana severa es un problema de salud pública que afecta a los niños que la padecen y a sus familias. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación de variables sociodemográficas, de higiene y alimentación con la caries de infancia temprana severa en niños peruanos. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico, de casos y controles, de octubre a diciembre del 2019. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 264 niños de 2-5 años de edad y sus acompañantes (100 del grupo sin caries y 164 del grupo con caries de infancia temprana severa) que asistieron al Departamento de Odontopediatría del Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño en Lima, Perú. Se realizó una entrevista estructurada directa, con preguntas cerradas sobre variables sociodemográficas, de higiene, de alimentación y una evaluación clínica, utilizando el índice cpo-s. Se utilizaron las pruebas estadísticas de chi cuadrado, Kruskal-Wallis y el modelo de regresión logística binaria. Resultados: De las variables sociodemográficas, experiencia dental negativa y seguro de salud, tuvieron un valor p < 0,05. Igual resultado tuvo el uso de una pasta dental fluorada, alimentación por biberón, tiempo de alimentación por biberón y edad de inicio del cepillado dental. En el modelo de regresión logística binaria solo las variables uso de pasta dental fluorada (OR = 0,578; 95 por ciento IC: 0,495-0,674) y edad de inicio del cepillado dental (OR = 0,924; 95 por ciento IC: 0,850-0,938) tuvieron un p < 0,05. Conclusiones: Las variables edad de inicio del cepillado dental y uso de una pasta dental fluorada están asociadas con la aparición de caries de infancia temprana severa en niños peruanos. Las variables sociodemográficas y de alimentación no están asociadas(AU)
Introduction: Severe early childhood caries is a public health problem affecting sufferers and their families. Objective: Determine the association of sociodemographic, hygiene and food intake variables to severe early childhood caries in Peruvian children. Methods: An observational analytical case-control study was conducted from October to December 2019. The study sample was 264 children aged 2-5 years (100 from the group without caries and 164 from the group with severe early childhood caries) and their companions, who attended the Children's Dental Care Department at the National Children's Health Institute in Lima, Peru. Direct structured interviews were held based on closed-ended questions about sociodemographic, hygiene and food intake variables, and a clinical evaluation was performed using the cpo-s index. Use was made of the chi-square statistical test, the Kruskal-Wallis test and the binary logistic regression model. Results: Among the sociodemographic variables considered, a negative dental care experience and health insurance obtained a value of p < 0.05. The same result was obtained by use of fluoride toothpaste, bottle feeding, bottle feeding time and age at tooth brushing start. In the binary logistic regression model only the variables use of fluoride toothpaste (OR = 0.578; 95 por ciento CI: 0.495-0.674) and age at tooth brushing start (OR = 0.924; 95 por ciento CI: 0.850-0.938) obtained a value of p < 0.05. Conclusions: The variables age at tooth brushing start and use of fluoride toothpaste are associated to the appearance of severe early childhood caries in Peruvian children. Sociodemographic and food intake variables are not associated(AU)
Humans , Child, Preschool , Toothbrushing/methods , Oral Health , Child Health , Risk Factors , Dental Caries/diagnosis , Case-Control Studies , Logistic Models , Pediatric DentistryABSTRACT
El cepillado dental es el método tradicional reconocido para eliminar la biopelícula. Objetivo: Evaluar la relación entre edad y cepillado dental, así como la asociación entre hábitos de cepillado dental y presencia de caries en un grupo de escolares de Montevideo, Uruguay. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, transversal, analítico, en 127 escolares de 4 a 11 años de edad, en Montevideo, Uruguay. Se realizó una encuesta a los padres en relación a los hábitos de cepillado dental de sus hijos y se estudiaron las variables tiempo de cepillado, Índice de Higiene Oral simplificado y se registró el índice para caries dental ICDAS. Resultados: La edad media de los participantes fue 7,93 años (DS ± 1,95). El tiempo promedio de cepillado fue de 47 segundos (DS ± 27 segundos). Los tiempos de cepillado que reportaron los padres difirieron significativamente de los observados en los niños. Al aumentar la edad, el tiempo de cepillado también aumentaba. Se ajustó un modelo de regresión múltiple para analizar la relación entre la disminución en la magnitud del IHOS debido al cepillado y las variables edad, género, tiempo de cepillado y ayuda en el cepillado. Se verificó asociación entre las variables ayuda y/o supervisión en el cepillado y presencia o no de caries dental. Conclusiones: Se encontró una relación significativa entre cepillado dental, edad y tiempo de cepillado en la población estudiada. A mayor edad, mayor tiempo de cepillado y mejor resultado en el índice de higiene oral. Los niños que recibían supervisión o ayuda de los padres fueron los que presentaron menos lesiones de caries.
A escovação dentária é o método tradicional reconhecido para a remoção do biofilme. Objetivo: Avaliar a relação entre idade e escovação dentária, bem como a associação entre hábitos de escovação dentária e a presença de cáries em um grupo de escolares em Montevidéu, Uruguai. Material e métodos: Um estudo observacional, transversal, analítico foi realizado em 127 escolares de 4 a 11 anos, em Montevidéu, Uruguai. Foi realizada um levantamento dos pais sobre os hábitos de escovação dentária de seus filhos e as variáveis foram estudadas para o tempo de escovação, índice simplificado de higiene bucal e o índice de cárie dentária do ICDAS. Resultados: A idade média dos participantes foi de 7,93 anos (DS s 1,95). O tempo médio de escovação foi de 47 segundos (DS x 27 segundos). Os tempos de escovação relatados pelos pais diferiram significativamente daqueles observados nas crianças. À medida que a idade aumentava, o tempo de escovação também aumentava. Um modelo de regressão múltipla foi ajustado para analisar a relação entre a diminuição da magnitude do IHOS devido à escovação e as variáveis de idade, sexo, tempo de escovação e auxílio de escovação. Houve associação entre as variáveis ajuda e/ou supervisão na escovação e presença ou não de cárie dentária Conclusões: Verificou-se uma relação significativa entre escovação dentária, idade e tempo de escovação na população estudada. Quanto mais velho, maior o tempo de escovação e melhor resultado no índice de higiene bucal. As crianças que receberam a supervisão ou a ajuda dos pais eram essas com menos os ferimentos da cavidade
Dental brushing is the recognized traditional method for removing the biofilm. Objective: To evaluate the relationship between age and toothbrushing, as well as the association between toothbrushing and caries lesions in schoolchildren in Montevideo, Uruguay. Material and methods: An observational, cross sectional and analytic study was carried on 127 schoolchildren aged 4 to 11 years old, in Montevideo, Uruguay. The parents were asked about the oral health habits of their children through a questionnaire, and the variables toothbrushing time, Simplified Oral Hygiene Index and ICDAS index were registered. Results: Mean age of the children was 7,93 years (SD ± 1,95). Mean time of toothbrushing was 47 seconds (DS ± 27 seconds). The toothbrushing times reported by the parents differed significantly from those observed in the children. As age increased, brushing time also increased. A multiple regression model was adjusted to analyze the relationship between the decrease in the magnitude of IHOS due to toothbrushing and the variables age, toothbrushing time and brushing aid. There was an association between the variables help and / or supervision in brushing and presence or not of dental caries. Conclusions: A significant relationship was found between toothbrushing, age, gender and brushing time in this group of children. When the age was higher, they spent more time brushing their teeth and they had better results in oral hygiene index. Children who had parents help or supervision had lower caries lesions
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Toothbrushing , Oral Hygiene Index , Oral Hygiene , Tooth , Oral Health , Biofilms , Richter Scale , Dental Caries , Insemination, Artificial, HeterologousABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To determine the dental health of children with Congenital Heart Diseases (CHD) and to evaluate the parents' knowledge of the importance of oral health and the risk of Bacterial Endocarditis. Material and Methods: This research included 140 children divided into the study group (80 children with CHD) and the control group (60 healthy children). The children were from different parts of Kosova, aged between 3-15. The parents were asked to complete a questionnaire containing demographic data (age and gender), general and special medical history (CHD types), knowledge about oral health importance and risk of bacterial endocarditis, and data about the daily oral hygiene child. The caries experience was reported using the DMFT/dmft index. Results: The average value of the dmft index was 6.7 for the study group and 5.62 for the control group, while the average value of DMFT index for the study group was 4.1, and for the control group was 3.47 (p>0.05). About 68.7% of parents of children with CHD were informed about their risk during dental interventions. However, knowledge was insufficient about the importance of oral health and dental prophylactic measures once only 32.7% of them were aware of those measures. Conclusion: No difference was observed between healthy and CHD children in caries experience and frequency of daily tooth brushing. Our findings provide evidence of a lack of knowledge about the importance of oral health and dental prophylactic measures among parents with CHD children (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Oral Hygiene/education , Oral Health , Endocarditis, Bacterial/pathology , Heart Defects, Congenital , Toothbrushing , Surveys and Questionnaires , Statistics, Nonparametric , Kosovo/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Objective: To analyze the wettability on the surface of eroded dentin in teeth submitted to abrasive wear with desensitizing dentifrices. Material and Methods: Bovine dentin specimens were polished and immersed in 10 mL of citric acid (pH=3.2) for 2 h. The eroded specimens were submitted to mechanic brushing according to the 4 dentifrices adopted: Colgate Total (control); Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief; Sensodyne Repair & Protect; or Sensodyne Rapid Relief. Afterwards, it was conditioned in 37% aqueous phosphoric acid solution. Wettability of 80 specimens (n=10) brushed for 7 or 21 days was evaluated by measuring the contact angle between the dentin surface and a drop of the adhesive Single Bond Universal® (3M) with a goniometer. Changes in the surface morphology of 12 specimens (n = 3) brushed for 21 days were followed by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey test (p > 0.05). Results: Groups treated with desensitizing dentifrices did not differ significantly (p ≤ 0.05). Surface treatment and abrasive wear did not interact significantly (p ≤ 0.05). Brushing along 7 days gave the smallest contact angle value (p ≥ 0.05). CLSM images showed morphological changes for all the groups. Conclusion: The desensitizing dentifrices did not interfere in eroded dentin wettability after brushing along 7 or 21 days. Brushing with any of the dentifrices along 21 days promoted open dentinal tubules.(AU)
Objetivo: Analisar a aplicação de um adesivo na superfície de dentina erodida em dentes submetidos ao desgaste abrasivo com agentes dessensibilizantes. Material e Métodos: Espécimes de dentina bovina foram polidos e imersos em 10 mL de ácido cítrico (pH=3,2) por 2 h. Os espécimes erodidos foram submetidos à escovação mecânica de acordo com os 4 dentifrícios adotados: Colgate Total (controle); Colgate Sensitive Pro-Alívio; Sensodyne Repair & Protect; ou Sensodyne Rápido Alívio. Em seguida, foram condicionados em ácido fosfórico a 37%. A molhabilidade de 80 espécimes (n=10) escovados por 7 ou 21 dias foi avaliada medindo-se o ângulo de contato entre a superfície dentinária com uma gota do adesivo Single Bond Universal® (3M) por um goniômetro. Alterações na morfologia da superfície de 12 espécimes (n = 3) escovados por 21 dias foram seguidos por Microscopia Confocal de Varredura a Laser (MCVL). Os dados foram analisados por ANOVA dois fatores e teste de Tukey (p > 0,05). Resultados: Os grupos tratados com dentifrícios dessensibilizantes não diferiram significativamente (p ≤ 0,05). O tratamento de superfície e o desgaste abrasivo não interagiram significativamente (p ≤ 0,05). A escovação ao longo de 7 dias apresentou o menor valor de ângulo de contato (p ≥ 0,05). As imagens do MCVL mostraram alterações morfológicas para todos os grupos. Conclusão: Os dentifrícios dessensibilizantes não interferiram na molhabilidade da dentina erodida após escovação ao longo de 7 ou 21 dias. A escovação com qualquer um dos dentifrícios ao longo de 21 dias promoveu a abertura dos túbulos dentinários (AU)
Animals , Cattle , Toothbrushing , Wettability , Dentifrices , Dentin , Dentin Desensitizing AgentsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the physical conditions and presence of residues of toothbrushes used by mothers and their babies and mothers' knowledge about toothbrush care. Material and Methods This was a cross-sectional study comprising a convenience sample represented by 60 mother-baby pairs. The mothers answered a questionnaire to evaluate their knowledge of toothbrush care. A calibrated dentist performed a visual inspection of the toothbrushes. Statistical analysis was performed using the chi-square and Fisher's exact tests, with a significance level of 5%. Results It was found that 82% of the mothers had never received instructions regarding the care of toothbrushes after use (p=0.024). Most of them believed that their toothbrushes (70%) and their children's toothbrushes (88%) were in good condition to use (p=0.043). However, most mother's toothbrushes presented an unacceptable deformity of the bristles (65%) and the presence of residues (60%). In addition, babies' toothbrushes also presented unacceptable deformities of the bristles (52%) and residues (55%). There was an association between the lack of instructions received by the mother and the presence of deformity and residues on the mother's toothbrush bristles (p=0.037 and p=0.003, respectively). Conclusion Most mothers had never received instructions regarding toothbrush care, which is reflected in the condition of their and their baby's toothbrushes, which presented unacceptable physical conditions concerning deformation and presence of residues.
Humans , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Adult , Oral Hygiene , Toothbrushing/methods , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Dental Devices, Home Care , Home Nursing , Brazil/epidemiology , Chi-Square Distribution , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Dentists , Observational Study , Infant , MothersABSTRACT
Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão sistemática para avaliar os principais agentes e métodos de descontaminação das escovas dentais contra vírus, bactérias e fungos encontrados na literatura. Métodos: Foi realizada uma busca nas bases de dados LILACS® (Literatura científica e técnica da América Latina e Caribe/BVS Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde), MEDLINE® (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online / PubMed)®, EMBASE® (Elsevier), em agosto de 2020. Como critério de inclusão, foram selecionados artigos publicados entre os anos de 2010 e 2020, nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol, estudos de ensaios clínicos controlados randomizados, ensaios clínicos não randomizados e estudos in vitro, que avaliaram diferentes agentes e métodos de descontaminação das escovas dentais. Resultados: Foram recuperados um total de 2523 artigos, sendo qualificados para o estudo um total de 6 artigos "in vivo" e 4 "in vitro". O agente de descontaminação mais estudado e eficaz foi a clorexidina 0,12% (em forma de imersão ou spray), seguida pelo hipoclorito de sódio 1% e 2,5% (imersão), vinagre branco 50% (imersão), solução de cloreto de cetilpiridínio (imersão ou spray), micro-ondas e máquina de lavar-louças. Conclusão: Considerando as evidências de qualidade encontradas, a clorexidina 0,12% constitui o agente mais estudado e eficaz, seguido pelo hipoclorito de sódio 1 % e cloreto de cetilpiridínio, utilizados em forma de spray ou imersão, constituem soluções eficazes, de fácil acesso, que podem ser utilizadas pela população para descontaminação das escovas dentais.
Aim: To carry out a systematic review of articles found in the literature in order to evaluate the main agents and methods for decontaminating toothbrushes against viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Methods: A search was performed in LILACS® (Scientific and Technical Literature of Latin America and the Caribbean/VHL Virtual Health Library), MEDLINE® (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online /PubMed)®, and EMBASE® databases (Elsevier), in August 2020. As inclusion criteria, articles published between 2010 and 2020, in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, studies of randomized controlled clinical trials, non-randomized clinical trials, and in vitro studies were selected, which evaluated different agents and methods for decontaminating toothbrushes. Results: A total of 2,523 articles were retrieved, with a total of 6 in vivo and 4 in vitro articles deemed to be eligible for the study. The most studied and effective decontamination agent was 0.12% chlorhexidine (in immersion or spray form), followed by 1% and 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (immersion), 50% white vinegar (immersion), solution of cetylpyridinium chloride (dip or spray), microwave, and dishwasher. Conclusion: Considering the quality evidence found, 0.12% chlorhexidine is the most studied and effective agent, followed by 1% sodium hypochlorite and cetylpyridinium chloride, used in spray or immersion form; these are effective, easily accessible solutions that can be used by the population to decontaminate toothbrushes.
Toothbrushing , Decontamination , Disinfection , MethodsABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To evaluate the impact of daily toothbrushing frequency on parental reports of dental pain and discomfort in preschoolers. Material and Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was conducted involving 376 children between four and five years of age at public preschools in the city of Campo Magro, Brazil. Parents/guardians answered a socioeconomic questionnaire that contained a single question on the child's daily toothbrushing frequency and the Brazilian version of the Dental Discomfort Questionnaire (DDQ-B). Statistical analysis involved bivariate and multivariate Poisson regression analyses (α=0.05). Results: After the adjustments in the multivariate analysis, the prevalence of dental pain and discomfort was lower among children whose last visit to the dentist was for prevention (PR = 4.42; 95% CI: 1.75- 11.14; p=0.002) and those with a higher daily toothbrushing frequency (PR = 2.13; 95% CI: 1.12-4.05; p=0.021). Conclusion: A lower toothbrushing frequency is associated with parental reports of dental pain and discomfort in preschoolers. Educational and preventive measures that stimulate an increase in daily toothbrushing frequency can contribute to a better oral health status in preschoolers, consequently, less prevalence of dental pain and discomfort.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Toothache/prevention & control , Toothbrushing/methods , Oral Health/education , Health Education, Dental , Pediatric Dentistry , Parents , Socioeconomic Factors , Child, Preschool , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Multivariate Analysis , Surveys and Questionnaires , Regression Analysis , Data Interpretation, Statistical , DentistsABSTRACT
Aim: To evaluate the effect of manual (M), electric (E) and ultrasonic (US) toothbrushes on the removal of oral biofilm and control of gingivitis. Also, the roughness and tooth wear production were evaluated in vitro. Methods: For the in vitro analyses, thirty bovine dentin specimens were submitted to a 3-month brushing simulation (9 minutes) with the three types of toothbrushes (n = 10). Subsequently, a randomized controlled clinical trial was performed with 36 patients divided into 3 groups according to the toothbrushes used (n = 12). Gingival index, visible plaque index and the volume of crevicular fluid were evaluated at baseline and 3 months after the beginning of the toothbrush use. Furthermore, the performance of the biofilm removal per brushing cycle of 1 and 3 minutes with each toothbrush was made monthly until the end of the experiment. Results: The US group had the highest dentin wear. Clinically, the US group had a lower plaque index at 3 months than the M group. The M group also showed less biofilm removal efficiency from the second month of follow-up and more worn bristles at the end of the 3 month period than the E and US groups. Conclusion: The ultrasonic, electric and manual toothbrushes showed no differences in gingivitis control in the present study. The ultrasonic and electric toothbrushes had a more significant effect on biofilm removal than a manual toothbrush, but the ultrasonic toothbrush promoted greater dentin tissue wear
Humans , Male , Female , Oral Hygiene , Toothbrushing , GingivitisABSTRACT
Introdução: os dentes artificiais de resina acrílica são amplamente utilizados na confecção de próteses, por apresentarem propriedades físicas, mecânicas e biológicas, além de características de fácil manuseio. No entanto, devido sua característica de baixa resistência à abrasão, a escovação pode levar à perda de massa dos dentes artificiais e aumento da rugosidade. Objetivo: avaliar de forma qualitativa a rugosidade superficial e polimento de dentes artificiais das marcas Hereaus Premium; Trilux e Vita, após período de 1 ano de escovação, com fotografias em Lupa Estereoscópica. Metodologia: para a realização deste estudo, serão utilizados 10 dentes artificiais de cada marca comercial (Trilux, Vita e Hereaus Premium). Os dentes serão fixados com resina ortoftálica em tubo de PVC de 15 mm de espessura. Para o teste de abrasão, será usada uma máquina de escovação simulada com escovas de dentes de cerdas macias e solução de pasta de dente. As imagens serão obtidas com câmera digital acoplada a lupa estereoscópica. A rugosidade superficial e o polimento serão analisados antes da escovação simulada e após 12 meses de escovação através das imagens. Resultados: após o teste de abrasão foi observado a presença de um desgaste superficial e/ou ranhuras na superfície dos dentes artificiais em todos os grupos. Porém não houve um padrão similar entre os corpos de prova de um mesmo grupo. Conclusão: Pode-se concluir que a escovação provocou o aumento da rugosidade superficial e alteração no polimento em todos os dentes artificiais utilizados.
Introduction: acrylic resin artificial teeth are widely used in the manufacture of dentures, as they have physical, mechanical and biological properties, in addition to easy handling characteristics. However, due to its characteristic of low abrasion resistance, brushing can lead to loss of mass of artificial teeth and increase in roughness. Objective: qualitatively evaluate the surface roughness and polishing of artificial teeth of Hereaus Premium brands; Trilux and Vita, after a 1-year brushing period, with photographs using a Stereoscopic Magnifying Glass. Methodology: for this study, 10 artificial teeth of each commercial brand will be used (Trilux, Vita and Hereaus Premium). Teeth will be fixed with orthophthalic resin in a 15 mm thick PVC tube. For the abrasion test, a simulated brushing machine with soft bristle toothbrushes and toothpaste solution will be used. Images will be obtained with a digital camera coupled to a stereoscopic magnifying glass. Surface roughness and polishing will be analyzed before simulated brushing and after 12 months of brushing through the images. Results: after the abrasion test, the presence of surface wear and/ or grooves on the surface of the artificial teeth was observed in all groups. However, there was no similar pattern between the specimens of the same group. Conclusion: it can be concluded that brushing caused an increase in surface roughness and change in polishing in all artificial teeth used.
Humans , Tooth Abrasion , Tooth, Artificial , Acrylic Resins , Toothbrushing , ReviewABSTRACT
Las enfermedades orales son las más comunes de las enfermedades crónicas y uno de los problemas más importantes de salud pública debido a su prevalencia, su impacto en los individuos y la sociedad y el costo de su tratamiento. En el caso de los niños este efecto se multiplica por las consecuencias que se derivan para la edad adulta. El objetivo de este estudio fue estimar los índices ceo-d en niños escolares de 5 a 8 años en la Unidad Educativa "Alejandro Dávalos Calle", Ecuador. Para ello, bajo una investigación exploratoria, descriptiva, no experimental, de campo y de corte transversal. Se seleccionó como población los niños entre 5 y 8 años de edad en el periodo académico 2017-2018; la muestra estuvo conformada por 96 niños de ambos sexos, previo a consentimiento informado y cumpliendo las normas de bioéticas. Se realizaron revisión de historia clínica de los infantes y se les aplico encuestas validadas por expertos, a estudiantes, representantes y docentes. Se obtuvo prevalencia a caries en el 100% de los niños, 47% con dientes obturados y 64% perdieron piezas dentales, no se encontró evidencia estadísticamente significativa entre la presencia de caries y el sexo. El CEOD moderado, identificándose como factores de riesgos el desconocimiento de las medidas higiénicas bucal, baja frecuencia en la revisión odontológica y una dieta altamente cariogénica en estos niños. Se recomienda diseñar campañas educativas integrales que oriente a buenas prácticas de higiene bucal con el objetivo de prevenir y minimizar el número de personas afectadas por este mal(AU)
Oral diseases are the most common of the chronic diseases and one of the most important public health problems due to their prevalence, their impact on individuals and society, and the cost of their treatment. In the case of children, this effect is multiplied by the consequences that are derived for adulthood. The objective of this study was to estimate the ceo-d indices in school children aged 5 to 8 years at the "Alejandro Dávalos Calle" Educational Unit, Ecuador. For this, under an exploratory, descriptive, non-experimental, field and cross-sectional investigation. Children between 5 and 8 years of age in the academic period 2017-2018 were selected as the population; The sample consisted of 96 children of both sexes, prior to informed consent and complying with bioethical norms. The infants' clinical history was reviewed and surveys validated by experts, students, representatives, and teachers were applied. Caries prevalence was obtained in 100% of the children, 47% with filled teeth and 64% lost teeth, no statistically significant evidence was found between the presence of caries and sex. The CEOD is high, identifying as risk factors the ignorance of oral hygiene measures, low frequency in dental check-ups and a highly cariogenic diet in these children. It is recommended to design comprehensive educational campaigns that guide good oral hygiene practices in order to prevent and minimize the number of people affected by this disease(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Dental Caries/epidemiology , Dental Caries Susceptibility , Feeding Behavior , Dietary Sugars/adverse effects , Oral Hygiene , Students , Toothbrushing , Medical Records , Public Health , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , EcuadorABSTRACT
La higiene oral es fundamental en pacientes en tratamiento de ortodoncia. Actualmente hay una oferta amplia de cepillos eléctricos con este fin. El objetivo del presente estudio, fue determinar la eficacia y la comodidad del cep illo eléctrico Oral-B® Professional Care 500 en pacientes portadores de ortodoncia. Se realizó un ensayo clínico, randomizado, doble ciego, unicéntrico, con una muestra de 90 pacientes, divididos en dos grupos: 45 pacientes utilizaron cepillo eléctrico y 45 sujetos utilizaron cepillos manuales durante 90 días. Se determinó la efectividad con los índices O'leary, índice de placa de bracket e índice de Eastman al inicio, a los 30 y a los 90 días de uso de los cepillos y se evaluó la comodidad del cepillo eléctrico mediante una encuesta de satisfacción al término del estudio. Al analizar los datos, se observó una disminución significativa en los índices de O'leary y de placa de bracket en ambos grupos,mientras que se observó una disminución significativa en el índice de Eastman sólo en el grupo que utilizó el cepillo eléctrico. El resultado de la encuesta, indica qu e, en opinión de los participantes del estudio, el cepillo eléctrico es cómodo, fácil de usar y recomendable para pacientes con aparatología fija. En conclusión, el cepillo eléctrico Oral-B® Professional Care 500 resultó ser efectivo y cómodo al ser usado por pacientes portadores de ortodoncia fija y puede ser recomendado para este tipo de pacientes.
Oral hygiene is essential in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment. Currently there is a wide offer of electric brushes for this purpose. The objective of this study is to determine the efficacy and comfort of the Oral-B® Professional Care 500 electric toothbrush in orthodontic wearers. A double-blind, single-center clinical trial was carried out, in which the sample was 90 patients, these were randomized into two groups: 45 patients with electric toothbrush treatment and 45 subjects with manual toothbrush treatment. The effectiveness was determined with the O'leary indexes, the bracket plate index and the Eastman index. For the evaluation of comfort, a survey was used. Statistical analysis was performed with the Shapiro-Wilks test and the Mann-Whitney U test, in which a significant decrease was found in the O'leary index and bracket plate index in the group that used the electro-oscillating brush rotary and a greater decrease in the Eastman index was observed in the same group. In conclusion, the electric toothbrush is comfortable and easy to use, recommended for patients with fixed appliances.