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Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;82(6): s00431777775, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564002


Abstract After more than 200 years since its initial description, the clinical diagnosis of Parkinson's disease (PD) remains an often-challenging endeavor, with broad implications that are fundamental for clinical management. Despite major developments in understanding it's pathogenesis, pathological landmarks, non-motor features and potential paraclinical clues, the most accepted diagnostic criteria remain solidly based on a combination of clinical signs. Here, we review this process, discussing its history, clinical criteria, differential diagnoses, ancillary diagnostic testing, and the role of non-motor and pre-motor signs and symptoms.

Resumo Passados mais de 200 anos desde a sua descrição inicial, o diagnóstico clínico da doença de Parkinson (DP) continua a ser um processo muitas vezes desafiante, com amplas implicações que são fundamentais para o manejo clínico. Apesar dos grandes desenvolvimentos na compreensão da sua patogénese, marcadores patológicos, características não motoras e potenciais pistas paraclínicas, os critérios diagnósticos mais aceitos permanecem solidamente baseados numa combinação de sinais clínicos motores. Aqui, revisamos esse processo, discutindo sua história, critérios clínicos, diagnósticos diferenciais, testes diagnósticos complementares e o papel dos sinais e sintomas não motores e pré-motores.

Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr;60(1): 62-74, mar. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388421


Resumen La enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) es una enfermedad multisistémica de naturaleza neurodegenerativa, que clínicamente se caracteriza por presencia de síntomas motores como bradicinesia, rigidez, temblor en reposo e inestabilidad postural. Sin embargo, también pueden estar presentes síntomas no motores que constituyen trastornos del ánimo, trastornos del sueño, disfunción cognitiva o disfunción autonómica. Dentro de las disfunciones autonómicas, los síntomas urinarios se han documentado en los pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson. Los síntomas urinarios más comunes son la nicturia, urgencia urinaria, aumento de la frecuencia miccional e incontinencia de urgencia. El presente artículo hace una revisión narrativa de la literatura actual sobre los mecanismos fisiopatológicos, manifestaciones clínicas, diagnóstico y tratamiento de la disfunción urinaria en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson.

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative multisystemic diseases, which is clinically characterized by the presence of motor symptoms such as bradykinesia, rigidity, resting tremor, and postural instability. However, non-motor symptoms constituting mood disorders, sleep disorders, cognitive dysfunction, or autonomic dysfunction may also be present. Within autonomic dysfunctions, urinary symptoms have been documented in patients with Parkinson's disease. The most common urinary symptoms are nocturia, urinary urgency, increased urinary frequency, and urge incontinence. This article makes a narrative review of the current literature on the pathophysiological mechanisms, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of urinary dysfunction in patients with Parkinson's disease.

Humans , Parkinson Disease/physiopathology , Urination Disorders/physiopathology , Parkinson Disease/drug therapy , Urination Disorders/diagnosis , Urination Disorders/drug therapy , Urinary Bladder, Neurogenic
Gac. méd. Méx ; Gac. méd. Méx;155(1): 58-62, Jan.-Feb. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286460


Resumen El gen de la ataxina-2 es un blanco en la patogénesis de enfermedades complejas, entre ellas los factores de riesgo cardiovascular y enfermedades neurodegenerativas. El gen ATXN2 tiene un VNTR en el exón 1, cuya expansión por encima de las 30 repeticiones provoca al desarrollo de ataxia espinocerebelosa tipo 2; las repeticiones en rango menor se asocian con diabetes tipo 2 o esclerosis lateral amiotrófica. También este locus está ligado con fenotipos metabólicos e inflamatorios. En conclusión, el gen puede ser utilizado como marcador clínico de fenotipos metabólicos y neurológicos, lo cual está relacionado con su efecto pleiotrópico.

Abstract The ataxin 2 gene is a target in the pathogenesis of complex diseases, including cardiovascular risk factors and neurodegenerative diseases. ATXN2 gen has VNTR in exon 1, whose expansion exceeding 30 repetitions leads to the development of spinocerebellar ataxia type 2; lower-range repetitions are associated with type 2 diabetes or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. This locus is also linked with metabolic and inflammatory phenotypes. In conclusion, this gene can be used as a clinical marker of metabolic and neurological phenotypes, which is related to its pleiotropic effect.

Humans , Cardiovascular Diseases/genetics , Neurodegenerative Diseases/genetics , Ataxin-2/genetics , Biomarkers/metabolism , Cardiovascular Diseases/physiopathology , Neurodegenerative Diseases/physiopathology , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/physiopathology , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/genetics
Rev. ecuat. neurol ; Rev. ecuat. neurol;27(3): 69-73, sep.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004048


Resumen La Demencia por cuerpos de Lewy es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa de etiología desconocida, corresponde a la segunda causa de demencia a partir de la sexta década de vida; su diagnóstico es un reto, debido a que ciertos de los signos y síntomas que presenta son típicos de la Enfermedad de Parkinson y la Enfermedad de Alzheimer. El siguiente reporte de caso es de los primeros en documentar un paciente con Demencia por cuerpos de Lewy en el Ecuador. Se expone un caso con Demencia por cuerpos de Lewy con el fin de plasmar la dificultad diagnóstica que genera esta patología y describir las características principales que la diferencian de otros síndromes demenciales, destacadas en los criterios recientemente actualizados por el Consorcio de Demencia por Cuerpos de Lewy. Un meticuloso examen neurológico y valoración neuropsicológica fueron ejes en el estudio y pronóstico del paciente que presentamos. La Demencia por cuerpos de Lewy requiere un diagnóstico minucioso, debido al desafío que origina su reconocimiento precoz; los criterios descritos aceleraron su reconocimiento gracias a la actualización de las recomendaciones sobre el diagnóstico clínico de Demencia por cuerpos de Lewy.

Abstract Dementia with Lewy bodies is a neurodegenerative disease of unknown etiology, it is the second cause of dementia of the sixth decade of life; Its diagnosis is a challenge, because certain signs and symptoms that it presents are typical of Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer's Disease. The following case report is one of the few documented patients with Dementia with Lewy bodies in Ecuador. We report this in order to state the diagnostic difficulty that this pathology generates and describe the main characteristics that differentiate it from other dementia syndromes, highlighted in the recently updated criteria by the Consortium of Dementia with Lewy bodies. A meticulous neurological examination and neuropsychological assessment were essential in the study and prognosis of the patient. Dementia with Lewy bodies requires a thorough diagnosis, due to the challenge that originates its early recognition; the criteria described accelerated their recognition due the update of the recommendations on the clinical diagnosis of Dementia with Lewy bodies.

Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 39(4): 450-457, out.-dez. 2017. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-898036


Resumo A presente revisão narrativa tem por objetivo analisar os aspectos biomecânicos da locomoção e os efeitos de intervenções nos padrões da marcha de pessoas com doença de Parkinson (DP). Fez-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica no banco de dados dos sistemas SciELO e PubMed, com as seguintes palavras: human locomotion, biomechanics, pathologic gait e Parkinson's disease, em periódicos nacionais e internacionais. Concluímos que as principais alterações biomecânicas são nos parâmetros espaçotemporais, como menor comprimento de passada e estabilidade dinâmica, além da baixa ativação muscular nos músculos propulsores, bem como menor velocidade autosselecionada da marcha. Fazem-se necessários protocolos de treinamento de caminhada que considerem esses parâmetros para auxiliar a reabilitação da marcha de pessoas com DP.

Abstract The purpose of this review was to analyze the biomechanical aspects of walking in individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD), as well as to examine the effects of intervention on gait pattern of PD. We carried out a bibliographic search on electronic databases SciELO and PubMed, using the following words: human locomotion, biomechanics, pathologic gait e Parkinson's disease, in national and international scientific journals. The main alterations on walking biomechanics are related to spatiotemporal parameters, lower stride length and dynamical stability, as well as reduced electromyographic activation on propulsion muscles and lower self-selected speed. These outcomes seem to be important targets in walking training protocols for rehabilitation of gait in PD.

Resumen La presente revisión tiene por objetivo analizar los aspectos biomecánicos de la locomoción y los efectos de las intervenciones en los patrones de la marcha en personas con enfermedad de Parkinson (EP). Se realizó una investigación bibliográfica en las bases de datos SciELO y PubMed, utilizando las siguientes palabras:human locomotion, biomechanics, pathologic gait y Parkinson's disease, en revistas nacionales e internacionales indexadas. Se llegó a la conclusión de que las principales alteraciones biomecánicas se encuentran en los parámetros espacio-temporales, como menor longitud de la zancada y estabilidad dinámica, además de una baja activación electromiográfica de los músculos propulsores, como menor velocidad autoseleccionada de la marcha. Estos resultados convierten en necesarios protocolos de entrenamiento de la marcha que tengan en cuenta estos parámetros para la rehabilitación de personas con EP.

Rev. Kairós ; 20(2): 135-160, jun. 2017. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-884011


A Síndrome da Paralisia Supranuclear Progressiva (PSP) é doença neurodegenerativa do Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC), rara, e de difícil diagnóstico, afetando principalmente o tronco cerebral e os núcleos da base. O quadro clínico se caracteriza por oftalmoparesia supranuclear, instabilidade postural e demência. O objetivo do estudo foi investigar a fisiopatologia, diagnóstico, tratamento e assistência da equipe multidisciplinar às pessoas com PSP. Revisão integrativa de 15 artigos publicados na base de dados da Biblioteca Virtual da Saúde, BVS, envolvendo estudos de casos e pesquisa de campo. O estudo revelou pouca publicação acerca da doença e, por ser rara, não existe fármaco eficiente e eficaz; o diagnóstico é limitado nas primeiras manifestações, e somente possível por meio de exames mecanicistas. Em razão de existir parco material sobre a assistência a estes casos, sugere-se que os Conselhos, Associações de Neurologia e demais especialidades envolvidas no tratamento desenvolvam, divulguem mais detalhes sobre a doença, a fim de se criar um protocolo de atendimento integral aos afetados pela síndrome, bem como o necessário apoio aos familiares e cuidadores, que auxilie nas práticas da assistência ambulatorial e familiar.

Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Syndrome (PSP) is a rare and difficult diagnosis of the central nervous system (CNS) neurodegenerative disease that mainly affects the brainstem and nuclei of the base. The clinical picture is characterized by supranuclear ophthalmoparesis, postural instability and dementia. Objective: to investigate the pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment and assistance of the multidisciplinary team to PSP users. Integrative review of 15 articles published in the database of the Virtual Health Library, VHL, involving case studies and field research. Results: the study revealed little publication about the disease and, because it is rare, there is no efficient and effective drug; The diagnosis is limited in the first manifestations, and it is only possible by means of mechanistic examinations. Because there is little material on the assistance to these cases, it is suggested that the Neurology Councils and Associations and other specificities involved in the treatment develop and disseminate more details about the disease, in order to create a protocol for comprehensive care Affected by this syndrome, as well as the necessary support for family members and caregivers, to assist in outpatient and family care practices.

Parálisis Supranuclear Progresiva Syndrome (PSP) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa del sistema nervioso central (SNC), una rara y difícil de diagnosticar, que afecta principalmente el tronco cerebral y los ganglios basales. El cuadro clínico se caracteriza por oftalmoparesia supranuclear, inestabilidad postural y demencia. Investigar la fisiopatología, diagnóstico, tratamiento y atención del equipo multidisciplinario para llevar a la PSP. Revisión integradora de 15 artículos publicados en la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud Base de datos, BVS, que incluye casos de estudio y la investigación de campo. El estudio mostro poca publicación de la enfermedad y, debido a que es raro, no hay ningún fármaco eficaz y eficiente; el diagnóstico es limitada en las primeras manifestaciones, y sólo es posible a través de pruebas mecanicistas. Dado que el material que hay escasa la ayuda a estos casos, se sugiere que las juntas y asociaciones de neurología y otras especilidades implicados en el tratamiento desarrollan y dan a conocer más detalles acerca de la enfermedad, de manera que se crea un protocolo de tratamiento integral para afectadas por este síndrome, así como el apoyo necesario a las familias y cuidadores para ayudar en las prácticas de atención ambulatoria y la familia.

Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Central Nervous System Diseases , Clinical Studies as Topic , Parkinsonian Disorders , Supranuclear Palsy, Progressive
Rev. medica electron ; 38(6): 887-893, nov.-dic. 2016.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-830569


La parálisis supranuclear progresiva o síndrome Steele-Richardson-Olszewsky, es una enfermedad rara, degenerativa, producida por el deterioro y muerte gradual de áreas selectas del cerebro. Se presentó el caso de una paciente femenina, de 80 años de edad, que refiere inestabilidad postural, caídas frecuentes y trastornos de memoria anterógrada, unida a trastornos cognitivos. Además, presenta rigidez nucal en retrocolis y caída de ambos párpados, temblor de la mano izquierda, lenguaje disártrico e incoherente, y temblor de ambas manos en cuenta monedas. El examen cardiovascular mostró 2º ruido aumentado, soplo sistólico III/VI en foco mitral, TA 160/90 mm de Hg, edemas en ambos miembros inferiores, frecuencia cardíaca 110 latidos/min, ingurgitación yugular. El resto del examen físico fue normal. El diagnóstico etiológico fue: parálisis supranuclear progresiva y cardiomiopatía dilatada. Se discutió que la proteína tau es importante en el mantenimiento de la morfología neuronal a través de la formación de microtúbulos, las diferentes proporciones, localizaciones, causando el síndrome Richardson. La sintomatología más común de esta entidad es la inestabilidad del postural y caídas frecuentes disartria, bradiquinesia y alteraciones visuales. La resonancia magnética y la neuroimagen funcional ayudan al diagnóstico.

The progressive supra-nuclear paralysis (PSP) or Steele-Richardson-Olszewsky’s syndrome is a strange, degenerative illness produced by the deterioration and gradual death of brain selected areas. We present the case of a female patient, aged 80 years, who refers postural instability, frequent falls and cognitive dysfunctions. She also presents stiffness in retrocollis in the back of the neck, fall of eyelids, left hand shaking, dysarthric and incoherent language, and shaking of both hands in coins counting. The cardiovascular examination showed 2nd increased beat, systolic murmur III/IV in mitral focus, AT 160/90 mm of Hg, edemas in both inferior members, hearth frequency of 110 beats/min., and jugular ingurgitation. The rest of the physical examination was normal. The etiologic diagnosis was progressive supranuclear paralysis and dilated cardiomyopathy. The tau protein is important in the maintenance of the neuronal morphology through microtubules formation, the different proportions and locations, causing the Richardson’s syndrome. The most common symptoms of this entity are postural instability and frequent falls, dysarthria, hypokinesia and visual alterations. Magnetic resonance and functional neuroimaging help the diagnosis.

Humans , Female , Aged, 80 and over , Parkinson Disease/complications , Supranuclear Palsy, Progressive/etiology , Supranuclear Palsy, Progressive/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods
Dement. neuropsychol ; 10(4): 267-275, Oct.-Dec. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-828645


ABSTRACT Corticobasal syndrome (CBS) is an atypical parkinsonian syndrome of great interest to movement disorder specialists and behavioral neurologists. Although originally considered a primary motor disorder, it is now also recognized as a cognitive disorder, usually presenting cognitive deficits before the onset of motor symptoms. The term CBS denotes the clinical phenotype and is associated with a heterogeneous spectrum of pathologies. Given that disease-modifying agents are targeting the pathologic process, new diagnostic methods and biomarkers are being developed to predict the underlying pathology. The heterogeneity of this syndrome in terms of clinical, radiological, neuropsychological and pathological aspects poses the main challenge for evaluation.

RESUMO A síndrome corticobasal é classificada dentro do grupo das síndromes parkinsonianas atípicas, e atualmente desperta interesse em neurologistas especialistas em distúrbios do movimento e neurologia cognitiva e comportamental. Inicialmente considerada como uma síndrome tipicamente motora, hoje se reconhece a importância dos achados cognitivos na apresentação, podendo ocorrer mesmo na ausência de alterações motoras. Tal designação refere-se à síndrome clínica e é associada a várias patologias subjacentes. Tendo em vista que drogas modificadoras da doença estão focando na patologia de base, novos métodos diagnósticos de imagem e outros biomarcadores estão sendo desenvolvidos para predizer o processo patológico específico antemortem. A heterogeneidade clínica e patológica desta entidade, portanto, é o maior desafio a ser desvendado.

Humans , Parkinson Disease , Dementia
Rev. argent. radiol ; 80(4): 282-288, dic. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-843242


Entre los sistemas dopaminérgicos que se modifican durante la evolución humana y que, en ciertas condiciones de conectividad y neurotransmisión anormal, desencadenan cambios patológicos en la adolescencia y adultez, se encuentra el mesolímbico basal. En adultos el ultrasonido transcraneal se realiza por la escama del hueso temporal con un equipamiento con transductor sectorial y focal de 1,8 a 2,8 MHz. Los puntos de evaluación ecográficos fundamentales son el mesencéfalo, el área de la sustancia negra, el rafe, el cuerpo estriado y los tálamos, el tercer ventrículo y los sectores orbitofrontales. A pesar del acceso anatómico limitado, es uno de los métodos de Neuroimágenes que cuantifica la ecogenicidad (de 0 a 3) y el área de sección de la sustancia negra (normal hasta 0,2 cm² ), lo cual se correlaciona con el empeoramiento de los síntomas motores parkinsonianos. Además, se evalúa y mensura el rafe (normal: 1 mm), que se correlaciona con el humor o la apatía según corresponda. Los otros hallazgos evaluables son los cambios en el espesor del tegmentum mesenfálico (ángulo interpeduncular menor o mayor de 60º), el aumento de la ecogenicidad de los tálamos y los cuerpos estriados, y la dilatación del tercer ventrículo (mayor de 5 mm). Su presencia colabora en el diagnóstico, clasificación, tratamiento y seguimiento de distintas patologías, como enfermedad de Parkinson, parálisis supranuclear progresiva, distonías, degeneración córtico-basal, esquizofrenia, depresiones, trastorno bipolar y autismo.

The basal mesolimbic system is among the dopaminergic systems that undergo changes during human evolution and that, under certain conditions, connectivity and abnormal neurotransmission trigger pathological changes during adolescence and adulthood. Transcranial ultrasound in adults is performed through the temporal squama with equipment that has a focal sectorial transducer from 1.8 to 2.8 MHz. The key points of the ultrasound evaluation are mesencephalon, substantia nigra area, raphe, striatum and thalamus, third ventricle, and orbitofrontal sectors. Despite its limited anatomical access, it is one of the neuroimaging methods that quantifies the echogenicity (0-3) and the sectional area of the substantia nigra (normal up to 0.2 cm²), which correlates with the worsening of Parkinsonian motor symptoms. It also evaluates and measures the raphe (normal 1 mm) which correlates with humour or apathy. Thickness changes of the mesencephalic tegmentum (interpeduncular angle, smaller or greater than 60º), thalamus and striatum increased echogenicity, and the third ventricle dilation (greater than 5 mm), are other possible findings. These are used to corroborate the diagnosis, classification, treatment and monitoring of different pathologies, like Parkinson's disease, supranuclear progressive palsy, dystonias, cortico-basal degeneration, schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, and autism.

Humans , Ultrasonics , Ultrasonography, Doppler, Transcranial , Neuropsychiatry , Neurology
Rev. Bras. Med. Fam. Comunidade (Online) ; 11(38): 1-6, jan./dez. 2016. tab, figura
Article in Portuguese | ColecionaSUS, LILACS | ID: biblio-878153


A Atrofia de Múltiplos Sistemas é uma doença neurodegenerativa grave, caracterizada por falência autonômica progressiva, com características parkinsonianas, cerebelares e piramidais em diferentes combinações. É a terceira causa de Parkinsonismo, atingindo 7,8% dos maiores de 40 anos, de evolução rápida e com média de 6 a 10 anos de vida após o início dos sintomas. O objetivo do estudo foi relatar um caso complexo de Atrofia de Múltiplos Sistemas acompanhado em uma Unidade de Saúde da Família. Reforça a importância da longitudinalidade para a coordenação do cuidado, o diagnóstico diferencial e a integralidade da atenção. O olhar global da equipe de saúde da família influenciou o manejo do caso, favorecendo o trabalho em rede com a abordagem especializada. Destaca a magnitude da gestão do cuidado praticada na Atenção Primária à Saúde na condução dos casos complexos.

Multiple System Atrophy is a severe neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive autonomic failure with parkinsonian features, pyramidal and cerebellar in different combinations. It is the third leading cause of parkinsonism, reaching 7.8% of those over 40 years old, of rapid development and an average lifespan of 6 to 10 years after the onset of symptoms. The aim of the study was to report a complex case of Multiple System Atrophy monitored in a Family Health Team. It reinforces the importance of longitudinality for the coordination of care, the differential diagnosis, and comprehensive care. The overall look of the family health team influenced the handling of the case favoring networking with the specialized approach. It highlights the magnitude of the care management practiced in Primary Health Care in the conduction of complex cases.

La Atrofia Multissistémica es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa grave caracterizada por insuficiencia autonómica progresiva con características parkinsonianos, piramidal y del cerebelo en diferentes combinaciones. Es la tercera causa de parkinsonismo, alcanzando el 7,8% de los mayores de 40 años, de rápido desarrollo y de vida media de 6 a 10 años después de la aparición de los síntomas. El objetivo del estudio fue reportar un complejo caso de Atrofia Multissistémica en una Unidad de Salud Familiar. Se refuerza la importancia de longitudinalidad para la coordinación de la atención, el diagnóstico diferencial y la atención integral. El aspecto general del equipo de salud de la familia influyó en el manejo del caso a favor de la creación de redes con enfoque especializado. Destaca la magnitud de la Gestión de la Atención practicada en la atención primaria de salud en la gestión de casos complejos.

Humans , Male , Aged , Parkinson Disease , Primary Health Care , Case Management , Multiple System Atrophy , Diagnosis, Differential
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-789936


Se presenta un caso de Degeneración Corticobasal en una paciente chilena de 48 años de edad. La evolución clínica fue progresiva, con parkinsonismo (rigidez, acinesia, alteraciones posturales, disartria), deterioro cognitivo, apraxia del vestir, apraxia constructiva e hipomimia. Además, la paciente presentaba afasia no fluente. Adicionalmente, fue diagnosticada con Síndrome Depresivo Crónico (SDC) y Trombosis Venosa Profunda (TVP) de la extremidad inferior izquierda. Se han descrito varios tipos de enfermedades neurodegenerativas en las últimas décadas, las cuales cumplen con distintas características patológicas y clínicas. Sin embargo, la diferenciación de estas, en la práctica, es compleja y se necesita de una apreciación clínica entrenada, evaluaciones clínicas detalladas, neuroimágenes y estudios de laboratorio para lograr llegar a un diagnóstico adecuado. Dentro de las principales enfermedades neurodegenerativas que se presentan con parkinsonismo encontramos las llamadas “taupatías”, que son la Degeneración Corticobasal (DCB) y la Parálisis Supranuclear Progresiva*(PSP)...

A case study of corticobasal degeneration in a Chilean 48 year old female patient is reported. The clinical course was progressive and included Parkinsonism (rigidity, akinesia, postural abnormalities, dysarthria), cognitive impairment, dressing apraxia, constructive apraxia and hypomimia. In addition, the patienth ad non Mfluent aphasia. Also, the patient was diagnosed with Chronic Depressive Syndrome and Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) of the left lower extremity. In recent decades, several types of neurodegenerative diseases* have been described. These diseases have different clinical and pathologic features. However, in practice, it is difficult to differentiate them from one another and, to reach an accurate diagnosis, advanced medical skills, detailed clinical evaluations of neuroimaging and laboratory studies are needed. “Tauopathies”, which are Corticobasal Degeneration (CBD) and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) are among the major neurodegenerative diseases occurring with Parkinsonism...

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Cerebral Cortex/pathology , Neurodegenerative Diseases/diagnosis , Neurodegenerative Diseases/physiopathology , Language Disorders/etiology , Aphasia/etiology , Dystonia/etiology , Parkinsonian Disorders
Acta neurol. colomb ; 31(3): 284-290, jul.-sep. 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-776236


Las caídas en los adultos mayores son comunes, peligrosas y frecuentemente incapacitantes. Con frecuenciason multifactoriales y requieren un amplio abordaje diagnóstico. Las demencias, la enfermedad de Parkinsonidiopática (EP), la enfermedad cerebrovascular y las neuropatías se encuentran entre las condiciones neurológicasque con mayor frecuencia se asocian a caídas. Sin embargo, cuando estas se presentan con recurrenciaen el contexto de un síndrome parkinsoniano, particularmente al inicio de la enfermedad, deben sugerir eldiagnóstico de una parálisis supranuclear progresiva (PSP). Esta entidad es de diagnóstico esencialmente clínico;sin embargo, dado su pronóstico sombrío, se realizan imágenes por resonancia magnética (IRM) de cerebro atodos los pacientes para excluir otros diagnósticos alternativos y buscar hallazgos característicos de PSP. Estosson, principalmente, atrofia del mesencéfalo, borramiento de la sustancia nigra, atrofia del putamen y atrofiacon aumento de la señal del globo pálido.Se presenta a continuación el caso de un paciente adulto mayor que presentaba demencia y parkinsonismorefractario a levodopa, con caídas frecuentes, en quien la realización de una resonancia magnética sirvió paraaclarar el diagnóstico al evidenciar los hallazgos típicos de PSP. Además, se hace una breve revisión de losprincipales hallazgos con imágenes, de demencias parkinsonianas, y la prevención de caídas en estos pacientes.

Falls in the elderly are common, dangerous and often disabling. They are often multifactorial and require extensive diagnostic approach. Dementia, Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease, cerebrovascular disease and neuropathies are among the most frequent neurological condictions associated with falls. However, if a patient has had early instability and recurrent falls associated with a Parkinsonian syndrome, particularly at the beginning of the disease, it should suggest the diagnosis of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP). PSP is essentially a clinical diagnosis, however, given the bleak prognosis, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the brain is performed in all patients to exclude alternative diagnoses and to look for supporting features of PSP. These include signal increase and atrophy of the midbrain, thinning or smudging of the substantia nigra, atrophy of the putamen, atrophy and signal increase of globus pallidus.We present the case of an adult patient who had dementia and parkinsonism refractory to levodopa with frequent falls in whom typical findings of PSP were documented in MRI. In addition, a brief review of the main findings in Parkinsonian Dementias images and fall prevention in these patients.

Humans , Parkinsonian Disorders , Supranuclear Palsy, Progressive
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;73(3): 246-256, 03/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-741195


Neurodegenerative diseases represent a heterogeneous group of neurological conditions primarily involving dementia, motor neuron disease and movement disorders. They are mostly related to different pathophysiological processes, notably in family forms in which the clinical and genetic heterogeneity are lush. In the last decade, much knowledge has been acumulated about the genetics of neurodegenerative diseases, making it essential in cases of motor neuron disease and frontotemporal dementia the repeat expansions of C9orf72 gene. This review analyzes the main clinical, radiological and genetic aspects of the phenotypes related to the hexanucleotide repeat expansions (GGGGCC) of C9orf72 gene. Future studies will aim to further characterize the neuropsychological, imaging and pathological aspects of the extra-motor features of motor neuron disease, and will help to provide a new classification system that is both clinically and biologically relevant.

As doenças neurodegenerativas representam um grupo heterogêneo de condições neurológicas envolvendo fundamentalmente síndromes demenciais, doenças do neurônio motor e distúrbios de movimento. Relacionam-se, em sua maioria, a processos fisiopatológicos distintos, destacadamente nas formas familiares em que a heterogeneidade clínica e genética são exuberantes. Na última década, muito conhecimento se acumulou a respeito da genética das doenças neurodegenerativas, tornando-se bastante importante nos casos de doenças do neurônio motor e de demência frontotemporal as expansões de repetições do gene C9orf72. Esta revisão aborda os principais aspectos clínicos, radiológicos e genéticos relativos aos fenótipos relacionados à expansão de repetição do hexanucleotídeo (GGGGCC) no gene C9orf72. Estudos futuros vão objetivar a caracterização dos aspectos neuropsicológicos, de imagem e patológicos dos achados extra-motores da doença do neurônio motor e ajudarão a fornecer um novo sistema de classificação relevante em termos clínicos e biológicos.

Female , Humans , Male , Carcinoma, Transitional Cell/secondary , Carcinoma, Transitional Cell/surgery , Kidney Pelvis , Kidney Neoplasms/pathology , Kidney Neoplasms/surgery , Lymph Node Excision/methods , Ureteral Neoplasms/secondary , Ureteral Neoplasms/surgery
Gac. méd. espirit ; 16(3): 1-5, sep.-dic. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-731814


Fundamento: La atrofia multisistémica es un trastorno neurodegenerativo esporádico, que puede comenzar alrededor de los 60 años y ocasiona invalidez progresiva hasta la dependencia total de un cuidador. Presentación de caso: Se presenta el caso de un hombre de 57 años de edad que comenzó con cuadros de inestabilidad para la marcha y torpeza para realizar las actividades cotidianas y se interpretó como una enfermedad de Parkinson con pobre respuesta a la levodopa con bencerazida. Durante su estudio agravó los síntomas neurológicos y al realizar una tomografía axial computarizada de cráneo se evidenció atrofia cerebelosa y frontal que apoyó el diagnóstico de una atrofia multisistémica tipo C. Recibió tratamiento con levodopa con bencerazida, amantadina, y hubo alivio sintomático de la hipotensión ortostática. Conclusiones: El diagnóstico precoz de la enfermedad se dificultó por su comienzo similar a otras enfermedades neurodegenerativas, y su evolución ocasionó pérdida progresiva del validismo del paciente, sin que el tratamiento modificara el curso de la misma.

Background: The multiple system atrophy is a sporadic neurodegenerative disorder that may begin around age 60 and causes progressive disability to total dependence on a caregiver. Case report: A case presentation of a 57 year-old man who started with signs of unsteady gait and clumsiness in performing daily activities and which was interpreted as Parkinson's disease with poor response to levodopa with benserazide. During his study the patient showed worsening neurological symptoms and a computerized tomography of the skull was performed corroborating head and front cerebellar atrophy which supported the diagnosis of multiple system atrophy type C. He received treatment with levodopa together benserazide, and amantadine and a symptomatic relief of orthostatic hypotension was observed. Conclusions: Early diagnosis of the disease was hindered by its similar onset to other neurodegenerative diseases and its evolution caused progressive loss of the patient´s walking ability and the treatment did not modify the course of the disease.

Humans , Multiple System Atrophy , Neurodegenerative Diseases , Parkinsonian Disorders , Striatonigral Degeneration
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;72(10): 773-776, 10/2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-725331


Cognitive dysfunction may occur in 17-40% of patients with multiple system atrophy (MSA). It has been suggested a milder cognitive impairment in cerebellar (MSA-C) than in parkinsonian variant (MSA-P). However, differences in cognitive profiles remain under discussion. Objective To evaluate cognitive features in a series of patients with “probable MSA” from Argentina. Method After informed consent was obtained, an extensive cognitive tests battery was administered. Nine patients (6 MSA-P and 3 MSA-C) composed the sample. Results Depression was detected in 43% of patients. Seven patients showed at least one cognitive domain impairment. Temporospatial orientation, visuospatial abilities, executive and attentional functions, episodic memory and language were compromised in MSA-P, while MSA-C dysfunction was restricted to attentional and executive domains. Conclusion Despite the small sample size, our findings could suggest a more widespread cognitive impairment in MSA-P than MSA-C. .

Disfunção cognitiva pode ocorrer em 17-40 % dos pacientes com atrofia de múltiplos sistemas (AMS). Alguns estudos têm sugerido a presença de disfunção cognitiva mais leve nos pacientes com AMS do tipo cerebelar (AMS-C) do que na variante parkinsoniana (AMS-P). Objetivo Avaliar os perfis cognitivos de uma série de pacientes argentinos com “Provável AMS”. Método Foram selecionados 6 AMS-P e 3 AMS–C aos quais foi aplicada uma extensa bateria de testes cognitivos. Resultados Depressão foi detectada em 43% dos pacientes. Sete pacientes apresentaram comprometimento de pelo menos um domínio cognitivo. As funções de orientação temporo-espacial, habilidades visuo-espaciais, função executiva e de atenção, memória episódica e linguagem foram comprometidas em pacientes com AMS-P. Nos pacientes com AMS-C as dificuldades cognitivas ficaram restritas às funções executivas e de atenção. Conclusão Apesar do pequeno tamanho da amostra, nossos achados sugerem que pacientes com AMS-P apresentam um comprometimento cognitivo mais amplo do que pacientes com AMS-C. .

Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Cognition Disorders/etiology , Multiple System Atrophy/complications , Parkinson Disease/complications , Argentina , Cognition Disorders/diagnosis , Depression/diagnosis , Educational Status , Neuropsychological Tests
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;72(8): 633-635, 08/2014.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-718113


The authors present the original Charcot’s description of postural instability in Parkinson’s disease as well as the evolution of this sign after 120 years of Charcot’s death.

Os autores apresentam a descrição original de Charcot da instabilidade postural na doença de Parkinson, bem como a evolução deste sinal 120 anos após a morte de Charcot.

History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Humans , Parkinson Disease/history
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;72(6): 426-429, 06/2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-712675


Objective : To test the hypothesis that severity of cognitive impairment modifies the association between depression and Parkinson’s disease (PD). Method : One-phase population-based door-to-door surveys. This is a secondary analysis of 1,451 people aged 65 years and older with cognitive impairment living in defined catchment areas. Depression was estimated according to ICD-10, self-reported PD, disability according to WHODAS-II and cognitive status according to the CSI-D. Results : The mean age of the sample was 79.3 years old and most (69%) were women. Of the total sample, 16.1% had depression and it was significantly higher among participants with PD. There was an increase on the ORs of the association between depression and PD with decreased scores in the cognitive test (Adjusted OR from 0.98 to 8.04). Conclusion : The association between depression and PD increases with the severity of the cognitive impairment. .

Objetivo : Testar a hipótese que a gravidade do prejuízo cognitivo modifica a associação entre depressão e doença de Parkinson (DP). Método : Estudo populacional através da análise secundária de 1.451 pessoas com idade maior ou igual a 65 anos com prejuízo cognitivo que residiam em áreas de abrangência definidas. A depressão foi estimada de acordo com a CID-10, auto-relato de DP, incapacidade conforme a WHODAS-II e nível cognitvo de acordo com a CSI-D. Resultado : A média de idade foi 79,3 anos, predominaram as mulheres (69%). Do total de indivíduos, 16,1% tinham depressão, significantemente maior entre os participantes com DP. Houve aumento gradativo na OR relativa à associação entre depressão e DP com a diminuição do escore no teste cognitivo (OR ajustado variou de 0,98 a 8,04). Conclusão : A associação entre depressão e DP parece aumentar com a gravidade do prejuízo cognitivo. .

Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Cognition Disorders/psychology , Depressive Disorder/etiology , Parkinson Disease/psychology , Cognition Disorders/physiopathology , Depressive Disorder/physiopathology , Educational Status , Logistic Models , Neuropsychological Tests , Parkinson Disease/physiopathology , Severity of Illness Index
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 42(4): 490-494, sep.-dic. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-697497


Las demencias frontotemporales son enfermedades neurodegenerativas que comprometen especialmente los lóbulos frontales y temporales, y se presentan con alteraciones de la conducta y el lenguaje. Constituyen la tercera causa de demencia degenerativa, después de la enfermedad de Alzheimer y las demencias por cuerpos de Lewy. Se presentan dos casos que comienzan con síndrome rígido-acinético bilateral sin alteraciones posturales, síndrome disejecutivo y alteraciones de las funciones cognitivas superiores como el lenguaje. Se realizó resonancia magnética nuclear, detectándose atrofia de predominio en lóbulos frontales y temporales. Se diagnostica como demencia frontotemporal con afectación predominante dorsolateral y mesiofrontal. En relación con otras demencias, la frontotemporal se considera un desorden de difícil diagnóstico por la clínica, que hoy es posible solo mediante la biopsia y/o la necropsia.

Frontotemporal dementias are neurodegenerative diseases that fundamentally compromise the frontal and temporal lobes and cause alterations in behavior and language. They are the third cause of degenerative dementia after Alzheimer's disease and Lewy body dementias. Here are two cases which firstly began with bilateral akinetic rigid syndrome without posture disorders, dysexecutive syndrome and altered higher cognitive functions such as language. The magnetic resonance imaging detected atrophy of predominance in the frontal and temporal lobes. The diagnosis was frontotemporal dementia with predominant dorsolateral and mesial frontal effects. In comparison with other types of dementia, the frontotemporal one is considered to be a difficult-to-diagnose disorder by clinicians. It is only possible to identify it through biopsy and/or necropsy.

Rev. bras. neurol ; 49(1)jan.-mar. 2013. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-676566


Os autores ressaltam aspectos neurossemiológicos que contribuem para a caracterização fenotípica de diversas desordens do movimento. Devido à alta prevalência, atenção maior é dada à doença de Parkinson e às síndromes parkinsonianas, sem contudo desprestigiar os tremores e outras hipercinesias tais como: atetose, balismo, coreia, distonias, mioclonias e as desordens do movimento de origem psicogênica...

The authors point out neurosemiologic aspects that contribute to phenotypic characterization of several movement disorders. Due to high prevalence, the authors mainly address Parkinson's disease and parkinsonian syndromes, but also consider tremors and other hyperkinesias such as: athetosis, ballism, chorea, dystonia, myoclonus and movement disorders of psychogenic origin...

Humans , Parkinson Disease , Motor Disorders/diagnosis , Parkinsonian Disorders/diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Dystonia , Essential Tremor , Neurologic Examination/methods , Motor Disorders/etiology
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;70(9): 715-717, Sept. 2012. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-649307


Taking into account the crescent interest in the field of dystonia genetics, we have organized a didactic and fast algorithm to diagnose the main forms of hereditary dystonias. The key branch of this algorithm is pointed to dystonia classification in primary, plus, or paroxysmal. The specific characteristics of each syndrome will reveal the diagnosis.

Levando em consideração o interesse crescente no campo da genética das distonias, organizou-se um algoritmo rápido e didático com a finalidade de auxiliar no diagnóstico das principais formas de distonia hereditária. O ramo principal desse algoritmo é a própria classificação da distonia: primária, paroxística, ou plus. As características específicas de cada síndrome podem sugerir o diagnóstico.

Humans , Algorithms , Dystonic Disorders/diagnosis , Parkinsonian Disorders , Antiparkinson Agents/therapeutic use , Dystonic Disorders/classification , Dystonic Disorders/genetics , Genetic Testing , Levodopa/therapeutic use , Parkinsonian Disorders/complications , Parkinsonian Disorders/drug therapy