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Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 29: e55617, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529192


RESUMO O diagnóstico de Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade - TDAH é bastante complexo, podendo ser influenciado por fatores contextuais, e seu tratamento pode envolver diferentes intervenções. A participação dos usuários nas decisões a respeito do tratamento vem sendo promovida por instituições de diversos países e, no Brasil, é prevista pelas legislações do Sistema Único de Saúde. Este estudo investigou o processo de tomada de decisão no tratamento de crianças com indicadores de TDAH a partir da percepção de oito profissionais de serviços públicos de saúde mental, que foram entrevistados individualmente. Os dados foram examinados através da análise temática, revelando desafios relativos ao excesso de demanda nos serviços e à complexidade do processo diagnóstico. O envolvimento de usuários e familiares nas decisões foi percebido como parcial, ocorrendo geralmente após a elaboração do plano terapêutico pelas equipes, e envolvendo dificuldades na comunicação entre profissionais e pacientes e divergências de interesses entre as crianças e seus familiares. Esses aspectos poderão ser abordados em futuros estudos e intervenções a fim de facilitar e melhorar a qualidade da tomada de decisão nesse contexto.

RESUMEN El diagnóstico del trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad - TDAH es bastante complejo y puede verse influenciado por factores contextuales, y su tratamiento puede implicar diferentes intervenciones. La participación de los usuarios en las decisiones sobre tratamiento ha sido promovida por instituciones de diferentes países y, en Brasil, está prevista por las leyes del Sistema Único de Salud. Este estudio investigó el proceso de toma de decisiones en el tratamiento de niños con indicadores TDAH desde la percepción de 8 profesionales de la salud mental pública, que fueron entrevistados individualmente. Los datos fueron examinados a través del análisis temático, revelando desafíos relacionados con el exceso de demanda en los servicios y la complejidad del proceso de diagnóstico. La implicación de los usuarios y familiares en las decisiones se percibió como parcial, ocurriendo generalmente después de la elaboración del plan terapéutico por los equipos, y implicando dificultades en la comunicación entre profesionales y pacientes y divergencias de intereses entre los niños y sus familias. Estos aspectos pueden abordarse en futuros estudios e intervenciones con el fin de facilitar y mejorar la calidad de la toma de decisiones en este contexto.

ABSTRACT The diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD is quite complex. Contextual factors may influence it, and its treatment may involve different interventions. Institutions in several countries have promoted the participation of users in treatment decisions. In Brazil, it is provided by the Unified Health System. This study investigated the decision-making process in treating children with ADHD indicators from the perception of 8 public mental health services professionals interviewed individually. Data were examined through thematic analysis, revealing challenges related to excessive demand for services and the complexity of the diagnostic process. The involvement of users and family members in the decisions was perceived as partial, generally occurring after elaborating the therapeutic plan by the teams, and involving difficulties in communication between professionals and patients and differences of interests between children and their families. These aspects may be addressed in future studies and interventions to facilitate and improve the quality of the decision-making process in this context.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/psychology , Child Behavior/psychology , Health Personnel/psychology , Decision Making , Therapeutics/psychology , Family/psychology , Family Relations/psychology , Psychosocial Intervention , Case Reports as Topic , Mental Health Services
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 44: e261225, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1564977


Sintomas de ansiedade e depressão na infância têm sido amplamente investigados na atualidade. Os estudos apontam que esses sintomas têm natureza multifatorial, sendo os fatores ambientais, como as caraterísticas do funcionamento familiar, alvo de atenção dos pesquisadores. Por isso, este estudo avaliou a correlação e o poder preditivo dos fatores da parentalidade e da coparentalidade em sintomas clínicos de ansiedade e depressão nos filhos. Os participantes, 50 indivíduos que vivem em coabitação com o parceiro e têm pelo menos um filho com idade entre 7 e 11 anos, preencheram um instrumento composto por seis escalas, que avaliaram a parentalidade, a coparentalidade e a sintomatologia na prole. Os resultados indicaram correlações baixas e moderadas entre os fatores da parentalidade e da coparentalidade e os sintomas emocionais e comportamentais dos filhos. O conflito familiar coparental e a supervisão do comportamento foram preditores de 16% dos sintomas de ansiedade generalizada na prole e a triangulação familiar de 17% dos sintomas de depressão. Evidencia-se, como indica a literatura, que os filhos são suscetíveis à qualidade do funcionamento dos subsistemas parental e coparental.(AU)

Anxiety and depression symptoms in the early childhood have been investigated extensively in current times. Studies have point out that these symptoms have a multifactorial nature, with environment factors, such as the characteristics of the familiar functioning, as the researchers' target. Therefore, this study evaluated the correlation and the predictive power of parenting and co-parenting factors on clinical symptoms of anxiety and depression in the children. The participants, 50 individuals who lived in cohabitation with their partners and that had at least one child aged between 7 and 11 years old, filled in a form composed of six scales; which evaluated the parenting, the coparenting, and the offspring symptomatology. The results revealed low and moderate correlations between the parenting and coparenting variables and the emotional and behavioral symptoms of the children. The coparental familiar conflict and the behavior monitoring were predictors of 16% of the generalized anxiety symptom in the offspring, and the familiar triangulation of 17% of the depression symptoms. It shows, as the literature suggests, that the children are vulnerable to the quality of the functioning of the parental and coparental subsystems.(AU)

Los síntomas de ansiedad y depresión en la infancia son ampliamente investigados en la actualidad. Los estudios demuestran que los síntomas son multifactoriales, de los cuales los factores ambientales y las características de funcionamiento de la familia están en el centro de la atención de los investigadores. Por lo tanto, este estudio evaluó la correlación y el poder predictivo de los factores de la parentalidad y de la coparentalidad en los síntomas clínicos de ansiedad y depresión en los niños. Los participantes, 50 individuos que conviven con su pareja y tienen al menos un hijo, de entre 7 y 11 años, completaron una herramienta que se compone de seis escalas que evaluaban la crianza, la coparentalidad y la sintomatología en sus hijos. Los resultados indicaron correlaciones bajas y moderadas entre los factores de la parentalidad y de la coparentalidad y los síntomas emocionales y conductuales de los niños. El conflicto familiar coparental y la supervisión del comportamiento fueron predictores del 16% de los síntomas de ansiedad generalizada en la descendencia y la triangulación familiar del 17% de los síntomas de depresión. Esto coincide con la literatura al indicar que los niños son susceptibles a la calidad del funcionamiento de los subsistemas parental y coparental.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Anxiety , Child , Parenting , Depression , Parent-Child Relations , Appetite , Psychology , Psychosocial Deprivation , Association , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Signs and Symptoms , Social Support , Socialization , Behavior , Behavioral Symptoms , Power, Psychological , Family , Child Abuse , Child Development , Child Rearing , Child Welfare , Causality , Conduct Disorder , Counseling , Psychosocial Impact , Genetic Load , Friends , Depressive Disorder , Diagnosis , Education, Nonprofessional , Environment , Family Conflict , Fear , Bullying , Specific Learning Disorder , Data Analysis , Interpersonal Relations , Anger , Learning Disabilities , Mental Disorders
Cuestiones infanc ; 24(2): 15-28, nov 2, 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1561779


Entre otros efectos, la pandemia produjo en niños y adolescentes un uso casi abusivo de las pantallas, como modo de conectarse con el mundo. Y mientras algunos las utilizaron para sostener redes afectivas, otros se encerraron en ellas y se aislaron del mundo, resultándoles después muy difícil el regreso. Estamos viendo ahora los efectos de esos tiempos de apego a la virtualidad y de ausencia de contacto con pares, tanto en la primera infancia, como en la edad escolar y en la adolescencia. Así, nos encontramos con un recrudecimiento de un modo de ubicarse por parte de los adultos frente a niñas, niños y adolescentes en el que no se toma en cuenta la lógica infantil, no se los escucha y no se toma en cuenta su sufrimiento. Esto lleva a que se supongan pandemias de TEA (Trastorno de Espectro Autista) y de TDAH (Trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad).Los profesionales psi tenemos una enorme responsabilidad en esta época. Somos artífices de futuro. Es decir, podemos cambiar destinos de niñas, niños y adolescentes si entendemos que trabajar con ellos, en el ámbito que fuera, supone un posicionamiento que implica una representación del otro como ser humano, como sujeto merecedor de intercambios simbólicos AU

Among other effects, the pandemic led children and adolescents to an almost abusive use of screens as a way to connect with the world. While some used them to maintain affective relationships, others closed themselves off and isolated from the world, making it very difficult for them to return to in-person relationships afterward. We are now witnessing the effects of those times of attachment to virtuality and lack of contact with peers, both in early childhood, school-age and adolescence. Thus, we find an upsurge of a way for adults to position themselves in relation to children and adolescents, where the child's logic is not considered, they are not heard, and their psychological suffering is not taken into account. This leads to the assumption of pandemics of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Psychologists have a huge responsibility in this era. We are architects of the future. That is, we can change the destinies of children and adolescents if we understand that working with them in any context involves a positioning that implies a representation of the other as a human being, as a subject deserving of symbolic exchanges AU

Entre autres effets, la pandémie a produit une utilisation presque abusive des écrans chez les enfants et les adolescents, comme moyen de se connecter avec le monde. Et tandis que certains les utilisaient pour entretenir des réseaux émotionnels, d'autres s'enfermaient et s'isolaient du monde, ce qui rendait très difficile leur retour ultérieur. Nous constatons aujourd'hui les effets de ces périodes d'attachement à la virtualité et d'absence de contact avec les pairs, tant dans la petite enfance qu'à l'âge scolaire et à l'adolescence.Ainsi, on constate une aggravation d'une manière de positionner les adultes envers les filles, les garçons et les adolescents dans laquelle la logique des enfants n'est pas prise en compte, ils ne sont pas écoutés et leurs souffrances ne sont pas prises encompte. Cela conduit à de supposées pandémies de TSA (trouble du spectre autistique) et de TDAH (trouble du déficit de l'attention avec hyperactivité). Nous, les professionnels du psi, avons une énorme responsabilité en cette période. Nous sommes les architectes du futur. Autrement dit, nous pouvons changer le destin des filles, des garçons et des adolescents si nous comprenons que travailler avec eux, quel que soit le domaine, implique un positionnement qui implique une représentation de l'autre comme être humain, comme sujet digne d'échanges symboliques AU

Entre outros efeitos, a pandemia levou crianças e adolescentes a um uso quase abusivo das telas como forma de se conectar com o mundo. Enquanto alguns as utilizavam para manter redes afetivas, outros se fecharam nelas e se isolaram do mundo, tornando difícil o retorno a relações presenciais. Estamos agora testemunhando os efeitos desses tempos de apego à virtualidade e falta de contato com os pares, tanto na primeira infância quanto na idade escolar e na adolescência. Assim, nos deparamos com o recrudescimento de uma forma de posicionamento por parte dos adultos em relação a crianças e adolescentes, em que a lógica infantil não é considerada, eles não são ouvidos, e seu sofrimento psicológico não é levado em conta. Issoleva à suposição de pandemias de Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) e Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade (TDAH).Os profissionais da psicologia têm uma enorme responsabilidade nesta época. Somos arquitetos do futuro. Ou seja, podemos mudar os destinos das crianças e adolescentes se compreendermos que trabalhar com e qualquer contexto envolve um posicionamento que implica uma representação do outro como ser humano, como sujeito merecedor de trocas simbólicas AU

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Psychology, Child , Psychology, Adolescent , Virtual Reality , COVID-19/psychology , Psychoanalysis , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/psychology , Autism Spectrum Disorder/psychology
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(5): e20220283, oct. 2023. tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1509727


El mercurio es un metal tóxico que puede atravesar la placenta y la barrera hematoencefálica, y causar la interrupción de varios procesos celulares. Estudios han investigado la exposición al mercurio y trastornos en el neurodesarrollo, por lo que se requiere un análisis crítico y riguroso de esta evidencia. El objetivo de esta revisión fue evaluar la evidencia científica disponible sobre los efectos de la exposición al mercurio durante las etapas prenatal y posnatal, y su relación con el desarrollo de trastornos neuroconductuales. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases de datos MEDLINE y ScienceDirect; los resultados se presentaron a través de tablas y síntesis narrativa. Solo 31 estudios cumplieron los criterios de elegibilidad. En general, la evidencia es limitada sobre los efectos de la exposición al mercurio y trastornos del neurodesarrollo en niños. Entre los posibles efectos reportados, se hallan problemas en el aprendizaje, autismo y trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad.

Mercury is a toxic metal which can cross the placenta and the blood-brain barrier and cause the disruption of various cellular processes. Studies have investigated mercury exposure and neurodevelopmental disorders; therefore, a critical and rigorous analysis of this evidence is required. The objective of this review was to evaluate the available scientific evidence on the effects of mercury exposure during the prenatal and postnatal periods and its relationship with the development of neurobehavioral disorders. A systematic search of the MEDLINE and ScienceDirect databases was conducted; the results were presented in tables and narrative synthesis. Only 31 studies met the eligibility criteria. Overall, the evidence on the effects of mercury exposure and neurodevelopmental disorders in children is limited. Learning disabilities, autism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder were some of the reported potential effects.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Child, Preschool , Child , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Autistic Disorder , Neurodevelopmental Disorders/chemically induced , Mercury/toxicity
Rev. APS (Online) ; 25(4): 937-950, 03/10/2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1562590


A ESF se apresenta como ferramenta primária de cuidado à saúde no SUS, uma vez que atua no lócus central da sociedade: a família. O TDAH tem um grande impacto sobre a dinâmica e bem-estar da família, por isso as ferramentas de abordagem familiar se tornam especialmente úteis no tratamento deste transtorno na APS. Com o uso delas foi possível compreender os processos de adoecimento da família e elaborar planos terapêuticos para resolvê-los. Desta forma, esta pesquisa objetiva demonstrar o uso das ferramentas de abordagem familiar e da Análise do Comportamento no tratamento de TDAH de um paciente da Equipe de Saúde da Família Dália, no município de Montes Claros ­MG. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de estudo de caso de família de corte transversal. Os instrumentos de abordagem familiar utilizados foram: Genograma, Ecomapa, F.I.R.O., PRACTICE e Ciclo Vital. A família em escolhida para este estudo apresentava um conflito central entre as duas cuidadoras de Lírio (diagnosticado com TDAH), que atrapalhava o tratamento deste e era perpassado por angústias não faladas. A pesquisa demonstrou como intervenções na dinâmica familiar podem produzir efeitos positivos no tratamento de crianças com TDAH. Além de explicitar como a conferência familiar pode ser uma ferramenta poderosa para ajudar familiares com estratégias de estimulação, dentro do contexto do SUS. Por meio da abordagem familiar, foi possível identificar os problemas de organização funcional presentes na família e fazer modificações em sua rotina que apresentaram resultados positivos.

The ESF presents itself as a primary health care tool in the SUS, since it acts in the society core locus: the family. The ADHD has a great impact over the family dynamic and well-being, so family approach tools become especially useful in the disorder treatment at the PHC. With their use it was possible to understand the family illness processes and develop therapeutic plans to solve them. Thus, this research aims to demonstrate the usage of family approach tools and the Behavior Analysis in the ADHD treatment of a patient from the Family Health Team Dália, in the city of Montes Claros ­MG. This is a family case study research with cross section. The family approach tools utilized were: Genogram, Ecomap, F.I.R.O., PRACTICE e Family Life Cycle. The family chosen to this study presented a core conflict between the two Lírio's (diagnosed with ADHD) caregivers, which interfered his treatment and was pearmeted by non-spoken anguishes. The research has demonstrated how family dynamic interventions can produce positive effects in the treatment of children diagnosed with ADHD. In addition to explaining how the family conference can be a powerful tool to help family members with stimulation strategies, in the SUS context. Through the family approach, it was possible to identify the problems of functional organization present in the family and to make modifications in their routine that showed positive results.

National Health Strategies , Primary Health Care , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity
rev.cuid. (Bucaramanga. 2010) ; 14(3): 1-13, 20230901.
Article in Portuguese | BDENF, LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1510101


Introdução: Os materiais educativos, como as cartilhas, são instrumentos que ajudam no cuidar e elucidam intervenções relevantes e sensíveis ao contexto de saúde, especialmente no cuidado domiciliar a crianças desordem no neurodesenvolvimento. Objetivo: construir e validar cartilha para orientar pais e cuidadores de crianças com Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade. Materiais e Métodos: estudo metodológico para construção e validação de cartilha por juízes e pelo público-alvo. Desenvolveu-se redação, designer e layout do material com posterior validação por juízes, considerando-se o índice de validade de conteúdo para análise dos dados. Resultados: cartilha composta por 13 temas e 32 páginas. A validação contou com 21 juízes de conteúdo obtendo índice de 0,89. Sete juízes em aparência avaliaram e pontuou-se o índice de 0,91. 17 participantes do público-alvo avaliaram conteúdo geral com índice de 0,99. Após ajustes, o índice de legibilidade obteve percentual satisfatório de 54%. Discussão e Conclusão: O material construído retrata o cotidiano das famílias, apresenta ilustrações em serviços de saúde e de educação e é sensível ao público estudado. A cartilha foi considerada válida quanto ao conteúdo e aparência e apta para ser utilizada no cuidado da enfermagem à criança com o transtorno, contribuindo para orientação adequada de pais e cuidadores.

Introduction: Educational materials, such as booklets, are tools that help in caregiving and elucidate relevant and sensitive interventions to the health context, especially in home care for children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Objective: to build and validate a booklet to guide parents and caregivers of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Materials and Methods: methodological study for the construction and validation of a booklet by judges and the target audience. The material was written, designed, and laid out with subsequent validation by judges, considering the content validity index for data analysis. Results: booklet composed of 13 themes and 32 pages. The validation had 21 content judges obtaining an index of 0.89. Seven judges in appearance evaluated and scored the index of 0.91. 17 participants from the target audience evaluated general content with an index of 0.99. After adjustments, the readability index obtained a satisfactory percentage of 54%. Discussion and Conclusion: The constructed material portrays the daily life of families, presents illustrations in health and education services and is sensitive to the studied audience. The booklet was considered valid in terms of content and appearance and suitable for use in nursing care for children with the disorder, contributing to adequate guidance for parents and caregivers.

Introducción: los materiales educativos, como los cuadernillos, son herramientas que ayudan en el cuidado y dilucidan intervenciones pertinentes y sensibles al contexto sanitario, especialmente en la atención domiciliaria de niños con trastornos del neurodesarrollo. Objetivo: construir y validar un folleto para orientar a los padres y cuidadores de niños con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad. Materiales y Métodos: estudio metodológico para la construcción y validación de un cuadernillo por jueces y público objetivo. El material fue redactado, diseñado y diagramado, y posteriormente validado por jueces, considerando el índice de validez de contenido para el análisis de los datos. Resultados: folleto compuesto por 13 temas y 32 páginas. La validación contó con 21 jueces de contenido que obtuvieron un índice de 0,89. Siete jueces de apariencia evaluaron y puntuaron el índice de 0,91. 17 participantes del público destinatario evaluaron el contenido general con un índice de 0,99. Tras los ajustes, el índice de legibilidad obtuvo un porcentaje satisfactorio del 54%. Discusión y Conclusión: El material construido retrata la vida cotidiana de las familias, presenta ilustraciones en servicios de salud y educación y es sensible al público estudiado. El cuadernillo fue considerado válido en términos de contenido y apariencia y adecuado para uso en los cuidados de enfermería de niños con el trastorno, contribuyendo para la orientación adecuada de padres y cuidadores.

Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Health Education , Nursing , Educational Technology , Validation Study
Psicol. teor. prát ; 25(3): 14855, 10 jul. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451194


The correlation between inattention and hyperactivity symptoms/behavior manifestations and screen time was evaluated among Brazilian children and adolescents (7-18 years old) who were socially isolated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 517 legal guardians completed questionnaires about electronic media use (MAF-P) and emotional/behavioral problems (CBCL/6-18). The results showed that texting was correlated to less inattention/hyperactivity symptoms; listening to music, the use of social media and electronics for school purposes were negatively correlated to attention problems and inattention/hyperactivity symptoms and playing videos games and online videos were associated to more attention problems and inattention/hyperactivity symptoms. The results contribute to the understanding of the relationship between inattention/hyperactivity symptoms and screen time in a sample of Brazilian children and adolescents during the pandemic.

Se evaluó la correlación entre síntomas/manifestaciones conductuales de inatención e hiperactividad y tiempo de uso de medios electrónicos entre niños y adolescentes brasileños (7-18 años) en aislamiento social por la pandemia de COVID-19. Los participantes fueron 517 tutores que completaron inventarios de uso de medios (MAF-P) y problemas emocionales/conductuales (CBCL/6-18), entre junio y agosto de 2020. Los resultados indican que más tiempo dedicado a la comunicación de mensajes se correlacionó con menos informes de síntomas de inatención/hiperactividad; Escuchar música durante más tiempo, usar redes sociales y dispositivos electrónicos para la escuela/el trabajo se asoció con menos síntomas inatención/hiperactividad y problemas de atención. Finalmente, jugar más videojuegos y ver videos en línea se asoció con más síntomas de falta de atención/hiperactividad y problemas de atención. Los resultados contribuyen a comprender que existen asociaciones entre la frecuencia de síntomas de inatención/hiperactividad y el tiempo de uso de medios electrónicos en una muestra de niños y adolescentes brasileños durante la pandemia.

Avaliou-se a correlação entre sintomas/manifestações comportamentais de desatenção e hiperatividade e tempo de uso de mídias eletrônicas entre crianças e adolescentes (7-18 anos) brasileiras em isolamento social devido a pandemia da COVID-19. Participaram 517 responsáveis que preencheram inventários de uso de mídias (MAF-P) e de problemas emocionais/comportamentais (CBCL/6-18), entre junho-agosto de 2020. Resultados indicam que mais tempo em comunicação por mensagens correlacionou-se a menos relatos de sintomas de desatenção/hiperatividade; já mais tempo ouvindo música, usando redes sociais e eletrônicos para escola/trabalho associaram-se com menor número de sintomas de desatenção/hiperatividade e de problemas atencionais. Por fim, maior em videogames e assistindo vídeos online associaram-se a mais sintomas de desatenção/hiperatividade e problemas atencionais. Os resultados contribuem para entender que existem associações entre frequência de sintomas de desatenção/hiperatividade e tempo de uso de mídias eletrônicas em uma amostra de crianças e adolescentes brasileiros durante a pandemia.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/psychology , Child Behavior/psychology , Adolescent Behavior/psychology , Social Media , COVID-19 , Time Factors , Checklist
Diagn. tratamento ; 28(2): 93-103, abr-jun. 2023. tab, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427645


Contextualização: O transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH) é um transtorno do neurodesenvolvimento bastante prevalente e caracterizado por alterações nos níveis de atenção, presença de hiperatividade e impulsividade, cuja efetividade das abordagens terapêuticas é discutível atualmente. Objetivos: Sumarizar as evidências de revisões sistemáticas da Cochrane, referentes à efetividade das intervenções para tratamento de TDAH. Métodos: Trata-se de overview de revisões sistemáticas Cochrane. Procedeu-se à busca na Cochrane Library (2023), sendo utilizado o descritor MeSH "Attention Deficit Disorder with Hiperactivity". Todas as revisões sistemáticas de ensaios clínicos foram incluídas. O desfecho primário de análise foi a melhora clínica (redução dos sintomas). Resultados: Treze estudos foram incluídos, totalizando 317 ensaios clínicos (n = 25.946 participantes). Foram avaliadas intervenções com anfetaminas, antidepressivos, ácidos graxos poli-insaturados tipo ômega 3 e 6, acupuntura, terapia de meditação, terapia cognitivo-comportamental e treinamento dos pais. Discussão: Nenhuma intervenção mostrou efetividade com evidência de boa qualidade. Embora a maioria das intervenções pareça trazer algum benefício na redução dos sintomas do TDAH, há riscos de efeitos adversos, em geral não graves, sobretudo nos tratamentos farmacológicos. Os estudos realizados até o momento são heterogêneos e desprovidos de análises por subgrupos, o que impacta a obtenção de melhor evidência. Sugere-se a realização de novos ensaios clínicos com padronização de relato dos resultados. Conclusão: Não há suporte com bom nível de evidência atualmente para a maioria das intervenções para tratamento do TDAH, à luz das revisões sistemáticas da Cochrane, sendo sugerida a realização de novos ensaios clínicos de qualidade.

Humans , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/therapy , Evidence-Based Medicine , Clinical Trials as Topic , Treatment Outcome , Systematic Reviews as Topic
Univ. salud ; 25(1): 1-6, ene.-abr. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1424731


Introducción: Los trastornos emocionales y del comportamiento que se inician en la infancia llevan a cambios que se extienden hasta la edad adulta, con consecuencias sociales. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación de la depresión en la adultez con trastornos mentales de inicio en la infancia y otras condiciones, en Envigado, 2017. Materiales y métodos: Estudio con enfoque cuantitativo, tipo observacional, transversal con intención analítica. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 737 individuos, entre 18 y 65 años. Se aplicó el instrumento CIDI - CAPI de la OMS. El procesamiento y análisis se llevó a cabo en SPSS v. 21 de la Universidad CES y Epidat 4.2. Resultados: La proporción de depresión en la adultez es de 10,8%, en la población de estudio que tuvo antecedente de trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH) fue aproximadamente 5,6 veces más que en aquellos que no tenían este antecedente (OR= 6,62; IC95% 1,92-22,7). Conclusiones: El TDAH en la infancia incrementa la probabilidad de presentar depresión en la adultez en la población de Envigado, lo cual soporta la importancia de promover acciones de salud mental en la niñez, para prevenir la depresión en la edad adulta.

Introduction: Emotional and behavioral disorders that begin in childhood lead to adult changes, which have social consequences. Objective: To determine the association of adult depression with childhood onset of mental disorders and other factors in Envigado (Colombia). Materials and methods: A quantitative observational and cross-sectional study was carried out. The sample size was 737 individuals aged between 18 to 65 years. The CIDI-CAPI instrument of the WHO was used. Data processing and analysis was conducted through SPSS v. 21 software from the CES University and Epidat 4.2. Results: The percentage of depression in adults was 10.8%. This figure was 5.6 times greater in the study population that had history of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) compared to individuals who did not have this disorder (OR= 6.62; 95% CI 1.92-22.7). Conclusions: Childhood ADHD increases the probability of depression in the adult population of Envigado, which supports the importance of promoting mental health programs in children in order to prevent adulthood depression.

Introdução: Os transtornos emocionais e comportamentais que se iniciam na infância levam a alterações que se estendem até a idade adulta, com consequências sociais. Objetivo: Determinar a associação da depressão na idade adulta com transtornos mentais de início na infância e outras condições, em Envigado, 2017. Materiais e métodos: um estudo foi realizado com abordagem quantitativa, observacional, transversal e com intenção analítica. O tamanho da amostra foi de 737 indivíduos, entre 18 e 65 anos de idade. Foi aplicado o instrumento CIDI - CAPI da OMS. O processamento e análise foram realizados no SPSS v. 21 da Universidad CES e Epidat 4.2. Resultados: A proporção de depressão na idade adulta é de 10,8%, na população estudada que tinha histórico de transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH) foi aproximadamente 5,6 vezes maior do que naquelas sem esse histórico (OR= 6,62; 95 % CI 1,92-22,7). Conclusões: O TDAH na infância aumenta a probabilidade de apresentar depressão na idade adulta na população de Envigado, o que reforça a importância de promover ações de saúde mental na infância, para prevenir a depressão na idade adulta.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Behavior , Mental Disorders , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Behavioral Symptoms , Child Behavior Disorders , Depression
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1433739


El diagnóstico de trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) en mujeres presenta importantes complejidades, desafíos y particularidades. Históricamente se ha planteado que este trastorno es más frecuente en hombres, existiendo, además, un sesgo hacia el género masculino en el screening y criterios diagnósticos. Objetivo: Presentar un caso clínico a fin de revisar las dificultades y particularidades asociadas al proceso diagnóstico de TEA en mujeres. Discusión: Las investigaciones a la fecha han planteado que muchas niñas no encajan en el perfil tradicional de TEA. Se han descrito características específicas del cuadro clínico en el sexo femenino, varias de las cuales se evidencian en el caso clínico presentado. Por otro lado, existen altas tasas de comorbilidades, tanto con patologías médicas como psiquiátricas, las cuales son siempre relevantes de evaluar. Conclusiones: Como en muchos otros aspectos, las mujeres también han sido invisibilizadas en lo que respecta al TEA. Es relevante que se continúe estudiando el tema para lograr un diagnóstico e intervención precoces en esta población.

The diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in women presents with significant complexities and challenges. It has been mentioned that the disorder is more prevalent in males, and there is also a bias towards the male gender in screening and diagnostic criteria. Objectives: To present a clinical case in order to review difficulties and peculiarities associated with the diagnostic process of ASD in women. Discussion: It has been suggested that many girls do not fit the traditional profile of ASD. Specific characteristics of the female gender phenotype have been described, several of which are illustrated in the clinical case presented. On the other hand, there are high rates of comorbidities, both with medical and psychiatric conditions, which are always relevant to assess and recognize. Conclusions: As in various other aspects, women have also been unrecognized and misdiagnosed when it comes to ASD. It is relevant that we keep understanding this issue, in order to achieve an early diagnosis and provide proper interventions to this population.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/diagnosis , Depression/diagnosis
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971045


Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) in children are a group of chronic developmental brain disorders caused by multiple genetic or acquired causes, including disorders of intellectual development, developmental speech or language disorders, autism spectrum disorders, developmental learning disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, tic disorders, and other neurodevelopmental disorders. With the improvement in the research level and the diagnosis and treatment techniques of NDDs, great progress has been made in the research on NDDs in children. This article reviews the research advances in NDDs, in order to further improve the breadth and depth of the understanding of NDDs in children among pediatricians.

Humans , Child , Neurodevelopmental Disorders/therapy , Autism Spectrum Disorder/therapy , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971046


Atomoxetine is the first non-stimulant drug for the treatment of children and adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and its safety and efficacy show significant differences in the pediatric population. This article reviews the genetic factors influencing the pharmacokinetic differences of atomoxetine from the aspect of the gene polymorphisms of the major metabolizing enzyme CYP2D6 of atomoxetine, and then from the perspective of therapeutic drug monitoring, this article summarizes the reference ranges of the effective concentration of atomoxetine in children with ADHD proposed by several studies. In general, there is an association between the peak plasma concentration of atomoxetine and clinical efficacy, but with a lack of data from the Chinese pediatric population. Therefore, it is necessary to establish related clinical indicators for atomoxetine exposure, define the therapeutic exposure range of children with ADHD in China, and combine CYP2D6 genotyping to provide support for the precision medication of atomoxetine.

Adult , Child , Humans , Adrenergic Uptake Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Atomoxetine Hydrochloride/therapeutic use , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/genetics , Cytochrome P-450 CYP2D6/therapeutic use , Drug Monitoring , Genetic Testing , Propylamines/therapeutic use , Treatment Outcome
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971070


OBJECTIVES@#To study the mediating role of emotion regulation strategies between symptoms and anxiety problems in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).@*METHODS@#Convenience cluster sampling was performed to select 435 eligible children with ADHD from 10 211 students in 10 elementary schools in Kashgar of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. SNAP-IV Assessment Scale, Emotion Regulation Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents, and Conners Parent Symptoms Questionnaire were used to obtain relevant information. The Spearman correlation analysis and the moderated mediation method were used for data analysis.@*RESULTS@#For the children with ADHD, the score of cognitive reappraisal was negatively correlated with the scores of symptoms and anxiety problems (rs=-0.254 and -0.270 respectively, P<0.001), and the score of symptoms was positively correlated with the score of anxiety problems (rs=0.329, P<0.001). The analysis of mediating effect showed that cognitive reappraisal played a partial mediating role between symptoms and anxiety problems, with a 95% confidence interval of 0.008-0.027, and the mediating effect accounted for 16.10% of the total effect. In addition, sex played a regulatory role in this mediation model (P<0.001).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Cognitive reappraisal plays a mediating role between symptoms and anxiety problems in children with ADHD, while sex regulates the relationship of symptoms with cognitive reappraisal and anxiety problems in these children.

Adolescent , Humans , Child , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Emotional Regulation , Anxiety , Anxiety Disorders , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009827


OBJECTIVES@#To investigate the characteristics of auditory processing (AP) in preschool children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) using Preschool Auditory Processing Assessment Scale (hereafter referred to as "auditory processing scale").@*METHODS@#A total of 41 children with ADHD and 41 typically developing (TD) children were assessed using the auditory processing scale, SNAP-IV rating scale, and Conners' Kiddie Continuous Performance Test (K-CPT). The auditory processing scale score was compared between the TD and ADHD groups. The correlations of the score with SNAP-IV and K-CPT scores were assessed.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the TD group, the ADHD group had significantly higher total score of the auditory processing scale and scores of all dimensions except visual attention (P<0.05). In the children with ADHD, the attention deficit dimension score of the SNAP-IV rating scale was positively correlated with the total score of the auditory processing scale (rs30=0.531, P<0.05; rs27=0.627, P<0.05) as well as the scores of its subdimensions, including auditory decoding (rs=0.628, P<0.05), auditory attention (rs=0.492, P<0.05), and communication (rs=0.399, P<0.05). The hyperactivity-impulsivity dimension score of the SNAP-IV rating scale was positively correlated with the hyperactivity-impulsivity dimension score of the auditory processing scale (rs=0.429, P<0.05). In the children with ADHD, the attention deficit dimension score of the K-CPT was positively correlated with the total score (rs30=0.574, P<0.05; rs27=0.485, P<0.05) and the hyperactivity-impulsivity dimension score (rs=0.602, P<0.05) of the auditory processing scale.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Preschool children with ADHD have the risk of AP abnormalities, and the auditory processing scale should be used early for the screening and evaluation of AP abnormalities in children.

Child, Preschool , Humans , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Schools , Auditory Perception
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009848


With the increase in the survival rate of very preterm infants, the long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes of such infants have attracted more and more attention. Very preterm infants tend to develop movement disorders and psychological and behavioral problems, including cerebral palsy, developmental coordination disorders, autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, specific learning disorders, and intellectual developmental disorders. It is of vital importance to improve the long-term prognosis of very preterm infants, and early comprehensive intervention measures can minimize disability and achieve optimal parenting outcomes. This article provides a review of the research progress on the long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes in extremely preterm infants.

Infant , Female , Infant, Newborn , Humans , Infant, Extremely Premature , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Intellectual Disability , Infant, Very Low Birth Weight , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Fetal Growth Retardation
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009866


OBJECTIVES@#To study the intellectual level and the factors influencing the intelligence in children aged 6-16 years with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).@*METHODS@#A retrospective study was conducted on 2 861 children who were diagnosed with ADHD according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-Fifth Edition between October 2014 and September 2022 at Henan Children's Hospital. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition was used to assess the intellectual levels of the ADHD children. Based on intelligence quotient (IQ) scores, the intellectual levels were classified into five categories: borderline (70-79), low average (80-89), average (90-109), high average (110-119), and superior (≥120). The intellectual levels among the children of different genders, grades, and parental education levels were compared.@*RESULTS@#Among the 2 861 ADHD children, 569 (19.89%) were classified as borderline, 846 (29.57%) as low average, 1 304 (45.58%) as average, 111 (3.88%) as high average, and 31 (1.08%) as superior. The boys had lower scores in working memory, processing speed, and overall IQ than the girls (P<0.05). There were significant differences in perceptual reasoning, working memory, processing speed, and overall IQ scores among different grade groups (P<0.05). The scores in language comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, processing speed, and overall IQ were found to be associated with parental education level in ADHD children (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#The proportion of ADHD children with low average and borderline intellectual levels is relatively high. The IQ level of ADHD children is influenced by gender, grade level and parental education level.

Humans , Male , Child , Female , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Retrospective Studies , Intelligence , Intelligence Tests , Cognition
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982017


OBJECTIVES@#To investigate the physical growth and dietary characteristics of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and to analyze their relationship with core symptoms of ADHD.@*METHODS@#A total of 268 children who were newly diagnosed with ADHD in Children's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University from June to December 2020 were included in the ADHD group, and 102 healthy children who underwent physical examination during the same period were selected as the control group. Physical evaluations and dietary surveys were conducted for both groups. ADHD diagnosis and scoring were performed according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th edition). Factor analysis, Spearman correlation analysis, and mediation analysis were used to study the relationship between core symptoms of ADHD, dietary patterns, and physical growth.@*RESULTS@#The rate of overweight/obesity in the ADHD group was significantly higher than that in the control group (35.8% vs 21.6%, P<0.05). Three dietary patterns were extracted from the food frequency questionnaire: vegetarian dietary pattern, traditional dietary pattern, and snack/fast food pattern. The factor score for the snack/fast food pattern in the ADHD group was higher than that in the control group (P<0.05). There was a significant positive correlation between ADHD symptom scores, snack/fast food pattern factor scores, and body fat percentage (P<0.05). The mediation analysis showed that the snack/fast food pattern played a partial mediating role in the relationship between ADHD symptom scores and body fat percentage, with a mediation proportion of 26.66%.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The rate of overweight/obesity in children with ADHD is higher than that in non-ADHD children. Core symptoms of ADHD are related to dietary patterns and physical growth, with the snack/fast food pattern playing a partial mediating role in the relationship between core symptoms of ADHD and physical growth.

Humans , Child , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Overweight , Pediatric Obesity , Diet
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-1423754


El trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH) es uno de los trastornos del neurodesarrollo con más alta prevalencia, estimada en 5%, en la población infantil. El objetivo de esta revisión fue sintetizar las tecnologías existentes que sirven para evaluar, diagnosticar y tratar síntomas de TDAH en población pediátrica. Esta es una revisión preliminar, de tipo integradora, que incluyó artículos publicados en 3 bases de datos especializadas, PsycINFO, Eric y Web of Science, entre los años 2005 y 2021. Se encontró que las pruebas diagnósticas clásicas se dividen en pruebas psicométricas, evaluación por biomarcadores y movimientos oculares. Por su parte, las pruebas que utilizan la tecnología son aquellas a evaluación y diagnóstico (DIDE, MOXO, AULA, AQUIARUM y BRAINGAZE) y aquellas que se utilizan en la terapéutica (SINCROLAB, PSIOUS, SISTEMA eTNS y varias basadas en neurofeedback). Las modernas tecnologías ofrecen cierto porcentaje de sensibilidad con baja inversión, tampoco requieren de equipos costosos y la preparación del profesional psicólogo o médico para su aplicación, es relativamente sencilla y accesible, ya que viene como complemento en la compra de la mayoría de los programas. Con el fin de continuar examinando su efectividad, se recomienda seguir evaluando estas herramientas con metodologías más robustas, en poblaciones clínicas grandes, debiendo ser esto una prioridad para futuras investigaciones.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the neurodevelopmental disorders with the highest prevalence, estimated at 5%, in the pediatric population. The objective of this review was to synthesize the existing technologies used to evaluate, diagnose, and treat ADHD symptoms in the pediatric population. This is a preliminary, integrative review, which included articles published in 3 specialized databases, PsycINFO, Eric and Web of Science, between 2005 and 2021. It was found that classical diagnostic tests are divided into psychometric tests, biomarker assessment and eye movements. On the other hand, the tests that use technology are those for evaluation and diagnosis (DIDE, MOXO, AULA, AQUIARUM and BRAINGAZE) and those used in therapy (SINCROLAB, PSIOUS, SISTEMA eTNS and several based-on neurofeedback). The modern technologies offer a certain percentage of sensitivity with low investment, they do not require expensive equipment and the preparation of the psychologist or medical professional for their application is relatively simple and accessible, since it comes as a complement in the purchase of most of the programs. To continue examining their effectiveness, it is recommended to continue assessing these tools with more robust methodologies, in large clinical populations, and this should be a priority for future research.

Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Biomarkers , Equipment and Supplies , Neurodevelopmental Disorders , Technology , Investments
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e254081, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1440799


Este artigo pretende conhecer como a rede de cuidados em saúde tem se operacionalizado a partir da percepção de familiares de crianças com demanda de cuidado em saúde mental (SM). Foram realizados dois grupos focais, um com familiares da Atenção Básica (AB) e outro com familiares do Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infantojuvenil (CAPSij), totalizando 15 participantes. Seguiu-se com a análise lexical do tipo classificação hierárquica descendente, com o auxílio do software R Interface, a fim de análises multidimensionais de textos e questionários (IRaMuTeQ), resultando em cinco classes: A Pílula Mágica; Forças e Fraquezas dos serviços; Procurando por ajuda; Aceitando o diagnóstico da criança e Onde procurei ajuda. Os resultados apontam para dificuldades presentes na AB em identificar e manejar situações de Saúde Mental Infantojuvenil (SMIJ), por meio de uma lógica ainda medicalizante. Ressalta-se que a escola é apresentada como lugar de destaque na produção da demanda por cuidado e a família ainda é pouco convocada à construção das ações. Conclui-se, então, que avanços ainda são necessários para operacionalização de um cuidado pautado nas diretrizes da política de SMIJ.(AU)

This article aims to know how the healthcare network has been operationalized from the perception of family members of children with demand for mental health care (MH). Two focus groups were held, one with family members from Primary Care (PC) and the other with family members from the Child Psychosocial Care Center (CAPSij), totaling 15 participants. A lexical analysis of the descending hierarchical classification type was performed with the help of the software R Interface for multidimensional analyzes of texts and questionnaires (IRAMUTEQ), resulting in five classes: The Magic Pill; Strengths and Weaknesses of services; Looking for help; Accepting the child's diagnosis; and Where did I look for help. The results point to difficulties present in PC in identifying and managing situations of mental health in children and adolescents (MHCA), with a medicalization logic. Note that the school is presented as a prominent place in producing the demand for care, and the family is still not very much involved in the actions. It is, thus, concluded that advances are still needed for operationalization of care guided by MHCA policy guidelines.(AU)

Este artículo tuvo por objetivo conocer cómo opera una red asistencial a partir de la percepción de familiares de niños con demanda de atención en salud mental (SM). Se realizaron dos grupos focales, uno con familiares de Atención Primaria (AP) y otro con familiares del Centro de Atención Psicosocial Infantojuvenil (CAPSij), totalizando 15 participantes. Se realizó análisis léxico del tipo clasificación jerárquica descendente con la ayuda del software Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires (IRAMUTEQ), lo que resultó en cinco clases: "La píldora mágica"; "Fortalezas y debilidades de los servicios"; "En busca de ayuda"; "Aceptar el diagnóstico del niño" y "¿Dónde busqué ayuda?". Los resultados apuntan las dificultades presentes en AP para identificar y manejar situaciones de salud mental infantojuvenil (SMIJ) mediante una lógica aún medicalizante. La escuela tiene un lugar destacado en la producción de la demanda de cuidados y la familia aún no está muy involucrada en la construcción de acciones. Se concluye que se necesitan avances para ofertar una atención guiada por lineamientos de la política del SMIJ.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Child , Adolescent , Intersectoral Collaboration , Mental Health Assistance , Health Policy , Anxiety Disorders , Parents , Patient Escort Service , Pediatrics , Play and Playthings , Play Therapy , Prejudice , Professional-Family Relations , Professional-Patient Relations , Proprioception , Psychoanalysis , Psychology , Psychomotor Disorders , Psychotherapy , Psychotic Disorders , Referral and Consultation , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Self Care , Autistic Disorder , Social Alienation , Social Environment , Social Isolation , Social Support , Socialization , Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms , Therapeutics , Violence , Mainstreaming, Education , Shyness , Neurosciences , Adaptation, Psychological , Patient Acceptance of Health Care , Health Centers , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Comorbidity , Child Advocacy , Child Behavior Disorders , Child Care , Child Development , Developmental Disabilities , Child Language , Occupational Therapy , Cognition , Communication Disorders , Neurobehavioral Manifestations , Stereotypic Movement Disorder , Behavioral Disciplines and Activities , Disabled Children , Affect , Crying , Aggression , Dermatitis, Contact , Diagnosis , Dissociative Disorders , Dyslexia , Echolalia , Education , Education of Intellectually Disabled , Education, Special , Emotions , Family Conflict , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , Medication Adherence , Apathy , Acceptance and Commitment Therapy , Emotional Adjustment , Literacy , Neurodevelopmental Disorders , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Orientation, Spatial , Applied Behavior Analysis , Cognitive Remediation , Emotion-Focused Therapy , Pediatricians , Data Analysis , Sadness , Psychological Distress , Social Interaction , Health Services Accessibility , Human Rights , Hyperkinesis , Intelligence , Interpersonal Relations , Anger , Language Disorders , Learning , Learning Disabilities , Loneliness , Malpractice , Mental Disorders , Intellectual Disability , Nervous System Diseases , Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder