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Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553826


Enquanto no Norte Global se discute uma crise na Atenção Primária à Saúde, a maioria dos países nunca chegou a constituir sistemas de saúde baseados propriamente numa atenção primária robusta. Nesse cenário, o Brasil apresenta uma tendência mais favorável, com conquistas importantes para a atenção primária e a medicina de família e comunidade nos últimos dez anos. Restam desafios a serem superados para que o Sistema Único de Saúde alcance níveis satisfatórios de acesso a seus serviços, com profissionais adequadamente formados e valorizados pela população.

While the Global North is discussing a crisis in primary health care, the majority of countries have never managed to establish health systems based on robust primary care. Brazil presents a more favorable trend, with important achievements for primary care and family practice over the last ten years. There are still challenges to be overcome so that the Unified Health System achieves satisfactory levels of access to its services, with professionals who are properly trained and valued by the public.

Mientras que en el Norte Global se habla de una crisis de la atención primaria, la mayoría de los países nunca han creado realmente sistemas sanitarios basados en una atención primaria robusta. Brasil, muestra una tendencia más favorable, con importantes logros para la atención primaria y la medicina familiar y comunitaria en los últimos diez años. Aún quedan retos por superar para que el Sistema Único de Salud alcance niveles satisfactorios de acceso a sus servicios, con profesionales debidamente formados y valorados por la población.

Humans , Primary Health Care , Health Systems , Global Health , Family Practice
Aquichan (En linea) ; 24(2): e2421, 26 abr. 2024.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1566165


La población mundial está enfrentando una de las mayores amenazas para la subsistencia de todas las especies. El cambio climático está afectando la salud de las personas y representa un reto para los profesionales de enfermería, quienes están llamados a trabajar con equipos transdisciplinarios para evaluar el impacto de este fenómeno en la salud humana, la promoción de entornos saludables, la mitigación y adaptación del sector salud, así como en la atención de la población afectada por los eventos climáticos extremos.

La população mundial está enfrentando uma das maiores ameaças à subsistência de todas as espécies. As mudanças climáticas estão afetando a saúde das pessoas e representam um desafio para os profissionais de enfermagem, que são chamados a trabalhar com equipes transdisciplinares para avaliar o impacto deste fenômeno na saúde humana, promover ambientes saudáveis, mitigar e adaptar o setor da saúde, assim como atender a população afetada por eventos climáticos extremos.

The world population is facing one of the greatest threats to the survival of all species. Climate change is affecting people's health and represents a challenge for the Nursing professionals who are called to work in transdisciplinary teams to evaluate the impact of this phenomenon on human health, to promote healthy environments, to mitigate and adapt the health sector, as well as its impact of the population affected by extreme weather events.

Climate Change , Environmental Health , Global Health , Nursing , Environment
Rev. chil. infectol ; 41(2): 248-258, abr. 2024. tab, graf, mapas
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559680


INTRODUCCIÓN: En las cuatro décadas de la epidemia por VIH, se han observado avances notables que han contribuido a una disminución progresiva en la incidencia de nuevas infecciones y en la mortalidad a nivel mundial. Sin embargo, no ha ocurrido lo mismo en Latinoamérica y en Chile. OBJETIVO: Esta revisión tiene como objetivo conocer la epidemiología actual a nivel global, latinoamericano y chileno. METODOLOGÍA: Se analizaron los informes epidemiológicos oficiales de infección por VIH emitidos por organismos nacionales e internacionales, más los estudios epidemiológicos nacionales. RESULTADOS: Se estima que 39 millones de personas viven con VIH en el mundo; no obstante, la mortalidad y la incidencia de nuevos casos han disminuido de forma notoria durante las últimas dos décadas, asociado a una expansión en al acceso a terapia antirretroviral en forma global. A diferencia del resto del mundo, América Latina presenta una tendencia de alza en las nuevas infecciones y Chile registra un aumento de 35% en nuevos casos durante los últimos 10 años, coincidiendo con un aumento en los flujos de migrantes que ha afectado a la región. Algunas estrategias preventivas como la profilaxis pre exposición se han implementa-do a un ritmo lento, tanto a nivel mundial, como latinoamericano. CONCLUSIONES: La epidemiología del VIH presenta características propias regionales y nacionales. En particular en Chile, diversos factores incluyendo déficit en políticas públicas de prevención y los recientes flujos migratorios han modelado nuestra actual epidemia. El desafío presente debe contemplar los esfuerzos multisectoriales para lograr los objetivos de ONUSIDA en esta década.

BACKGROUND: Over the course of the last four decades of global HIV epidemic, significant improvements have contributed to gradually reduce the frequency of new infections and global mortality rates. However, in Latin America particularly in Chile, new infections continue increasing. AIM: This review aims to comprehend the_epidemiology today on a worldwide, Latin American, and Chilean scale. METHODS: National epidemiology studies and official HIV reports from international and national organizations were reviewed. RESULTS: It is estimated that 39 million people live with HIV worldwide; however, mortality and the incidence of new cases have decreased markedly over the last two decades, associated with an expansion in access to antiretroviral therapy globally. In contrast to the rest of the world, Latin America shows an upward trend in new infections, with Chile registering a 35% increase in new cases over the last 10 years, coinciding with an increase in migratory flows that has occurred throughout the region. Some preventive strategies, such as pre-exposure prophylaxis, have been implemented at a slow pace, both globally and in Latin America. CONCLUSIONS: The epidemiology of HIV has regional and national characteristics. Specifically in Chile, several factors, including deficits in public prevention policies and recent migratory flows, have shaped our current epidemic. The present challenge must contemplate multisectoral efforts to achieve the UNAIDS objectives during this decade.

Humans , HIV Infections/epidemiology , HIV Infections/prevention & control , HIV Infections/drug therapy , HIV Infections/transmission , Chile/epidemiology , Global Health , Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical/statistics & numerical data , Anti-Retroviral Agents/therapeutic use , Latin America/epidemiology
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 48-55, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039865


@#<strong>BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE</strong><p>Global health highlights the transnational determinants, issues, and possible solutions for improving health outcomes. Addressing global health issues requires population-based approaches coupled with individualized healthcare across settings, including strategies for achieving health equity. Designing and implementing global health solutions requires competent nurse leaders who can facilitate multi-disciplinary collaborations, engage in policy development, and lead advocacies that support the global health agenda. Thus, this paper examined the stakeholder perspectives that informed the development of a leadership program on global health for nurse leaders in the Western Pacific Region (WPR).</p><strong>METHODS</strong><p>The study used a descriptive qualitative approach to generate key recommendations for a context-appropriate, multi-country capacity-building program for nurse leaders on global health. The Analysis Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) model and reflexive approach were employed to guide the development of the training design. Twenty-five nurse leaders from World Health Organization Collaborating Centers (WHO-CC) in the Western Pacific participated. Qualitative data were collected from participant feedback and post-activity sessions throughout program implementation.</p><strong>RESULTS</strong><p>Thematic analysis of stakeholder data revealed that the program (1) capitalized on equipping nurse leaders with the concepts related to global health and developing competencies in leadership, policy engagement, and advocacy; (2) ensured learning strategies by having participants from varied contexts and experiences; and (3) reflected on the strengths and limitations of the use of the online platform.</p><strong>CONCLUSION</strong><p>This paper contributed to the growing literature on global health and programs that support addressing global health issues. The findings underscored the urgent need to capacitate nurses in leadership positions who contribute to addressing emerging issues in global health. The paper recommended improvements in the design and implementation of the Global Health Nursing Leadership Program to engage more nurse leaders across the region and enhance content and delivery.</p>

Global Health
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046014


At present, the research on Global Health Competencies is mainly conducted in the field of the establishment of competency models and application of indicators. This review summarizes the research progress of the Global Health Competency and its models, and focuses on cutting-edge research from the aspects of target audience, purpose, content, classical model, methods and future development. The competency model is suggested to be adjusted and updated according to the practices of different countries and regions. The research and funding of the competency model in the field of public health is suggested to be strengthened, and the global health and diplomacy are suggested to be combined to enrich and improve the competency model. Finally, this review aims to promote Global Health Competencies research in China, especially to improve the global health talent training system and relevant policies in further research.

Humans , Global Health , Public Health/education , China
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046337


At present, the research on Global Health Competencies is mainly conducted in the field of the establishment of competency models and application of indicators. This review summarizes the research progress of the Global Health Competency and its models, and focuses on cutting-edge research from the aspects of target audience, purpose, content, classical model, methods and future development. The competency model is suggested to be adjusted and updated according to the practices of different countries and regions. The research and funding of the competency model in the field of public health is suggested to be strengthened, and the global health and diplomacy are suggested to be combined to enrich and improve the competency model. Finally, this review aims to promote Global Health Competencies research in China, especially to improve the global health talent training system and relevant policies in further research.

Humans , Global Health , Public Health/education , China
São Paulo; s.n; 2024. 266 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566621


O estudo investigou a forma de governança praticada pela Rede Global de Bancos de Leite Humano (rBLH-Global), com ênfase no contexto da doação de leite humano durante o início da pandemia de covid-19. Identificou-se que, embora já houvesse indicações anteriores da governança compartilhada, revelou-se que sua abordagem em rede é profundamente influenciada por sua estrutura, princípios compartilhados e relações estabelecidas. Os elementos clássicos de governança, juntamente com as três dimensões do capital social, ofereceram uma fundamentação sólida para analisar essa forma de governança com base nos quatro fatores-chave de eficácia da governança em rede de Provan e Kenis (2008). Dentre os resultados, observou-se que a rBLH-Global demonstra: processos democráticos e descentralizados na formação de diretrizes; padrões uniformes de qualidade e segurança; resiliência e adaptabilidade durante crises; uma estrutura descentralizada; e liderança distribuída. O estudo validou que a rBLH-Global atua sob a forma de governança compartilhada, uma interação altamente horizontalizada entre os membros da rede, enfatizando relações mútuas, interdependência e decisões coletivas. Observou-se que o capital social da Rede permite a eficácia dessa forma adotada mesmo com um grande número de membros. O estudo também destacou percepções de profissionais de saúde e mulheres-mães doadoras de bancos de leite humano de diferentes países membros da rBLH-Global, revelando alto grau de confiança, consenso de objetivos, interdependência em competências e cooperação mútua. Conclui-se que a rBLH-Global, por sua governança compartilhada, prosperou durante os desafios da pandemia. Recomendações futuras incluem ampliar o escopo de análise para outros atores, estudos comparativos e explorar lições aprendidas para futuras crises. A pesquisa destaca a relevância das opiniões de profissionais de saúde e mulheres-mães doadoras para avaliação da governança, sugerindo a complementaridade destas perspectivas em estudos subsequentes.

The study investigated the form of governance practiced by the Global Network of Human Milk Banks (rBLH-Global), with an emphasis on the context of human milk donation during the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic. It was identified that, although there were previous indications of shared governance, it was revealed that its network approach is deeply influenced by its structure, shared principles and established relationships. The classical elements of governance, together with the three dimensions of social capital, provided a solid foundation for analyzing this form of governance based on Provan and Kenis' (2008) four key factors of network governance effectiveness. Among the results, it was observed that rBLH-Global demonstrates: democratic and decentralized processes in the formation of guidelines; uniform quality and safety standards; resilience and adaptability during crises; a decentralized structure; and distributed leadership. The study validated that rBLH-Global operates under shared governance, a highly horizontal interaction between network members, emphasizing mutual relationships, interdependence and collective decisions. It was observed that the social capital of the Network allows the effectiveness of this adopted form even with a large number of members. The study also highlighted perceptions of health professionals and women donors from human milk banks from different member countries of rBLH-Global, revealing a high degree of trust, consensus of objectives, interdependence in skills and mutual cooperation. It is concluded that rBLH-Global, due to its shared governance, prospered during the challenges of the pandemic. Future recommendations include expanding the scope of analysis to other actors, comparative studies, and exploring lessons learned for future crises. The research highlights the relevance of the opinions of health professionals and female donor mothers for evaluating governance, suggesting the complementarity of these perspectives in subsequent studies.

Global Health , Milk Banks , Health Governance
São Paulo; s.n; 2024. 163 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570244


A atenção à saúde mental em países de baixa e média renda é caracterizada pela reduzida prioridade do tema na agenda de saúde pública, escassez de recursos e desigualdades. Estas desigualdades se acentuam em áreas periféricas como fronteiras, que vivenciam maiores dificuldades na provisão de serviços. Na Amazônia, estas dificuldades são acrescidas das especificidades locais, desafiando a produção do cuidado em saúde. Este estudo de caso teve por objetivo analisar a rede de saúde mental para o uso de álcool na tríplice fronteira amazônica a partir do município de Tabatinga (Brasil). As técnicas eleitas foram análise de documentos, entrevistas e elaboração de diário de campo. Realizou-se análise documental das políticas públicas voltadas para atenção em saúde mental e uso de álcool nos três países fronteiriços; entrevistas com profissionais e gestores de saúde da atenção primária de Tabatinga para a caracterização da rede e seus fluxos; e registros em diário de campo. A análise dos dados primários ocorreu em um processo de codificação iterativa que resultou na construção de temas. Os resultados foram interpretados à luz das construções teóricas da psicologia social de Pichon-Rivière e discussões atuais no campo da saúde mental global. Os achados deste estudo apontaram para: convergências dos princípios expressos nas políticas de atenção à saúde mental e uso de álcool nos três países; a existência de uma rica dinâmica transfronteiriça permeada por intercâmbios sociais que se dão no cotidiano de vida da população, mas não se traduzem com a mesma expressividade no campo das relações institucionais de saúde; o uso de álcool como fenômeno fortemente imbricado na dinâmica sociocultural local, fator que influencia a percepção do tema em sua relação com a saúde; o uso de álcool como tema ausente das prioridades da saúde e dos demais setores na região; rede de atenção marcada por desigualdades e insuficiências em termos de dispositivos, recursos humanos, capacitação, articulações intersetoriais; rede que reflete as disputas de diferentes racionalidades em torno da atenção em saúde mental, álcool e outras drogas. Estes resultados indicam particularidades da fronteira amazônica em termos sociais e culturais, que podem auxiliar na construção de políticas e perspectivas de manejo conjunto da atenção à saúde mental no cenário fronteiriço.

Mental healthcare in low and middle-income countries is characterized by its low priority on the public health agenda, scarcity of resources, and inequalities. These disparities are particularly pronounced in peripheral regions like border areas, where service delivery faces significant challenges. In the Amazon region, these challenges are compounded by unique local factors. This case study aimed to examine the mental health network for alcohol use in the Amazonian triple border, specifically focusing on the municipality of Tabatinga in Brazil. The data collection involved analyzing documents, conducting interviews, and producing field notes observations. The document analysis examined the mental health and alcohol policies of the three countries. Interviews with healthcare professionals and managers from Tabatinga's primary healthcare provided insights into the local mental health network and its operations, while field notes offered contextual information. Data analysis was carried out through an iterative coding process. The findings were interpreted in light of Pichon-Rivière's social psychology theoretical framework and ongoing discussions in the global mental health field. The study revealed several key points: alignment of principles outlined in mental health and alcohol policies across the three countries; a vibrant cross-border dynamic characterized by social interactions in daily life that are not reflected in institutional healthcare relationships; the deep integration of alcohol use within local socio-cultural dynamics shaping perceptions of its health implications; alcohol use as a low priority within health and broader regional agendas; an unequal and deficient healthcare network lacking adequate facilities, human resources, training, and intersectoral collaboration; and underlying tensions surrounding different approaches to mental health, alcohol, and substance abuse care within the healthcare system. These findings underscore the social and cultural complexities of the Amazonian border region, offering insights for the development of policies and collaborative management strategies for mental health care in this unique border context.

Humans , Male , Female , Primary Health Care , Psychology, Social , Mental Health , Global Health , Alcohol-Related Disorders
Rev. chil. infectol ; 40(6): 609-617, dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529990


INTRODUCCIÓN: La viruela símica es una infección zoonótica que se ha distribuido por todo el mundo. La búsqueda de información en internet refleja el interés y concientización de la población acerca de salud. OBJETIVO: Determinar la asociación entre el volumen relativo de búsquedas en internet con el número de casos confirmados por la viruela símica en diez países. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio obser- vacional, analítico, retrospectivo, utilizando la herramienta Google Trends (GT™) para encontrar el volumen relativo búsqueda (VRB) sobre viruela símica desde 01 de enero al 31 de agosto del 2022 usando términos de búsqueda en el idioma oficial de los 10 países con mayor número de casos en dichas fechas, registrado por Our World in Data. Para establecer la relación lineal entre el VRB con los nuevos de casos por día se usó el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson con un nivel de significancia (p ≤ 0,05). RESULTADOS: Se encontró un coeficiente de correlación de Pearson fuerte en Brasil (Rp = 0,562,p = 0,001), y débil en países como Alemania (Rp = 0,281, p = 0,004), Estados Unidos de Norteamérica (Rp = 0,255, p = 0,008), España (Rp = 0,122, p = 0,213), Perú (Rp = 0,120, p = 0,333), Canadá (Rp = 0,116, p = 0,238), Francia (Rp = 0,095, p = 0,335), Reino Unido (Rp = 0,085, p = 0,362), Portugal (Rp = 0,024, p = 0,805) y Países Bajos (Rp = 0,067, p = 0,497). CONCLUSIÓN: Nuestro estudio evidencio que el VRB presento una relación positiva con el número de nuevos casos de viruela símica. Asimismo, se observo un coeficiente de correlación fuerte en Brasil, y en el resto de países fue débil.

BACKGROUND: Smallpox is a zoonotic infection that has been distributed worldwide. The search for information on the Internet reflects the interest and awareness of the population about health. AIM: To determine the correlation between the relative volume of internet searches and the number of confirmed cases of smallpox in ten countries. METHODS: An observational, analytical, retrospective study was conducted using the Google Trends (GT™) tool to find the relative search volume (RSV) on monkeypox from January 1 to August 31, 2022 using search terms in the official language of the 10 countries with the highest number of cases on those dates, as recorded by Our World in Data. To establish the relationship between RSV and new cases per day, Spearman's correlation was used with a significance level (p ≤ 0.05). RESULTS: A. strong Pearson correlation coefficient was found in Brazil (Rp = 0.562, p = 0.001), and weak in countries like Germany (Rp = 0.281, p = 0.004), United States (Rp = 0.255, p = 0.008), Spain (Rp = 0. 122, p = 0.213), Peru (Rp = 0.120, p = 0.333), Canada (Rp = 0.116, p = 0.238), France (Rp = 0.095, p = 0.335), United Kingdom (Rp = 0.085, p = 0.362), Portugal (Rp = 0.024, p = 0.805) and Netherlands (Rp = 0.067, p = 0.497). CONCLUSION: Our study showed that RSV had a positive relationship with the number of new cases of smallpox. Also, a strong correlation coefficient was observed in Brazil, while the rest of the countries showed a weak correlation coefficient.

Humans , Internet , Mpox (monkeypox)/epidemiology , Public Health , Global Health , Disease Outbreaks , Retrospective Studies , Search Engine
Rev. ADM ; 80(5): 242-246, sept.-oct. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530634


Introducción: la periodontitis es una enfermedad infecciosa multifactorial asociada a un biofilm de microorganismos patógenos. Objetivo: el objetivo del trabajo fue establecer la prevalencia de Porphyromonas gingivalis en pacientes con periodontitis y relacionarla con la severidad de la enfermedad. Material y métodos: participaron 45 pacientes, sistémicamente saludables, con edades entre 35 y 65 años. El grado de periodontitis se definió según los criterios de Papapanou y colaboradores. Como grupo control, se incluyeron 20 sujetos de ambos sexos sin periodontitis y sin enfermedades sistémicas. Se tomaron muestras de fluido gingival en dos sitios más profundos. Porphyromonas gingivalis se detectó por PCR (reacción en cadena de la polimerasa). Resultados: la frecuencia relativa de periodontitis fue de 13.3% grado I, 46.7% grado II y 40% grado III. El sexo masculino presentó periodontitis grado III 72.2% y grado II 52.3%. El grado I se registró con mayor frecuencia en el sexo femenino, 66.7%. La prevalencia de Porphyromonas gingivalis en la población con periodontitis fue de 44.4%. Se obtuvieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grados de severidad de periodontitis y la presencia de Porphyromonas gingivalis (p = 0.0002, α = 5%). Conclusión: la periodontitis predominó en el sexo masculino. La prevalencia de Porphyromonas gingivalis en la población con periodontitis crónica fue de 44.4% y su presencia está relacionada con la severidad (AU)

Introduction: periodontitis is a multifactorial infectious disease associated with a biofilm of pathogenic microorganisms. Objective: the objective of the work was to establish the prevalence of Porphyromonas gingivalis in patients with periodontitis and relate it to the severity of the disease. Material and methods: 45 systemically healthy patients, aged between 35 and 65 years old, participated. The degree of periodontitis was defined according to the criteria of Papapanou et al. As a control group, 20 patients of both sexes without periodontitis and without systemic diseases were included. Gingival fluid samples were taken from two deeper sites. Porphyromonas gingivalis was detected by PCR (polymerase chain reaction). Results: the relative frequency of periodontitis was 13.3% grade I, 46.7% grade II and 40% grade III. The male sex presented periodontitis grade III 72.2% and grade II 52.3%. Grade I was recorded more frequently in the female sex, 66.7%. The prevalence of Porphyromonas gingivalis in the population with periodontitis was 44.4%. Statistically significant differences were obtained between the degrees of severity of periodontitis and the presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis (p = 0.0002, α = 5%). Conclusion: periodontitis predominated in males. The prevalence of Porphyromonas gingivalis in the population with chronic periodontitis was 44.4% and its presence is related to severity (AU)

Dentistry/trends , Sustainable Growth , Environmental Health , Global Health , Preventive Dentistry/trends , Health Policy
Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(8): 1071-1077, ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565691


La Organización Mundial de la Salud ha definido salud como un estado de completo bienestar físico, mental y social, no solo como la ausencia de enfermedad. La medicina integrativa considera la articulación de diferentes prácticas y sistemas médicos, como las terapias mente-cuerpo, las terapias manuales, la medicina energética, los sistemas completos y los estilos de vida saludables, que permite ampliar la comprensión de los procesos de salud y enfermedad, junto con dar herramientas concretas en este abordaje, centrado en la persona más que en la enfermedad. En Chile, el Ministerio de Salud planteó la incorporación de las medicinas alternativas y complementarias a través del decreto 42, reglamentándolas como auxiliares a la atención tradicional, normando las condiciones de los recintos donde se realizan y regulando hasta el momento el ejercicio de la acupuntura, la homeopatía y la naturopatía. Existen múltiples barreras para la implementación de unidades de medicina integrativa, como la percepción de que son costosas, poco efectivas y que muchas veces existe resistencia por parte de los equipos de salud. Para su avance es importante ir incorporando la disciplina en los currículums de las carreras de la salud, el consensuar taxonomías y resultados a evaluar, no perder de vista que el tronco de la atención en salud se encuentra en la atención primaria y generar un mayor desarrollo de la evidencia asociada a su uso, sobre todo a nivel local, incorporando de manera más rutinaria el informar también sobre sus potenciales efectos adversos.

The World Health Organization has defined health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of disease. Integrative medicine considers the articulation of different medical practices and systems such as mind-body therapies, manual therapies, energy medicine, whole systems and healthy lifestyles, allowing focusing on the cause of diseases and giving concrete tools to focus on the person rather than just the disease. In Chile, the Ministry of Health proposed incorporating alternative and complementary medicines through Decree 42, regulating them as auxiliary to traditional care, the conditions of practice for the exercise of acupuncture, homeopathy, and naturopathy. There are multiple barriers to implementing integrative medicine units, such as the perception that they are expensive and ineffective and, frequently, the resistance of health teams. For its advancement, it is essential to gradually incorporate this discipline in health careers curricula, agree on taxonomies and outcomes, and maintain sight that the core of health care is at the primary level. It is also necessary to generate evidence on the use of integrative medicine, especially at the local level, incorporating its practice more routinely and reporting on its potential adverse effects.

Humans , Complementary Therapies , Integrative Medicine , Chile , Global Health
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 43(2): 261-269, jun. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533932


Introducción. Los cursos en línea, masivos y abiertos, brindan la oportunidad de formar profesionales e investigadores en Latinoamérica sobre salud global. Objetivos. Determinar la oferta global de los cursos en línea, masivos y abiertos, sobre salud global y conocer las características de su contenido. Materiales y métodos. Se examinaron las plataformas especializadas en cursos en línea, masivos y abiertos, para recopilar aquellos sobre salud global. La búsqueda no tuvo restricción de tiempo y se realizó por última vez en noviembre de 2021. La estrategia de búsqueda solo incluyó el descriptor "global health". Posteriormente, se obtuvieron las características del curso, su contenido y el dominio abordado de salud global. Estos datos fueron analizados descriptivamente, y se reportaron frecuencias absolutas y relativas. Resultados. La estrategia de búsqueda identificó 4.724 cursos en línea, masivos y abiertos. De ellos, solo 92 estaban relacionados con salud global. La mayoría de estos cursos (n=44; 47,8 %) se ofrecieron mediante la plataforma Coursera. Más de la mitad de los cursos (n=50; 54,4 %) fueron realizados por instituciones de Estados Unidos y en idioma inglés (n=90; 97,8 %). La mayor parte de los cursos se centró en la "globalización de la salud y la asistencia sanitaria" (n=24; 26,1 %), seguido de los dominios "fortalecimiento de capacidades" (n=16; 17,4 %), "carga global de enfermedad" y "determinantes sociales y ambientales de la salud" (n=15; 16,3 %). Conclusiones. Se encontró una importante oferta de cursos en línea, masivos y abiertos, sobre salud global. Estos cursos abordaron las competencias de la salud global que se requieren para los profesionales sanitarios.

Introduction. Massive open online courses provide the opportunity to train health professionals and researchers from Latin America in global health. Objective. To determine the global offer of massive open online courses in global health and the characteristics of their content. Material and methods. We examined massive open online course platforms to compile the global health offerings. The search had no time restriction and was last conducted in November, 2021. The search strategy only included the descriptor "global health". We obtained the characteristics of the courses, their content, and the global health domain covered. These data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, reporting absolute and relative frequencies. Results. Our search strategy identified 4,724 massive open online courses. Of these, only 92 were related to global health. Most of these courses (n=44; 47.8%) were offered through Coursera. More than half (n=50; 54.4%) of the MOOCs were conducted by U.S.A. institutions and in English language (n=90; 97.8%). Most courses focused on "globalization of health and healthcare" (n=24; 26.1%), followed by the domains "capacity building" (n=16; 17.4%), "global burden of disease" and "social and environmental determinants of health" (n=15; 16.3%). Conclusions. We found a high offer of massive open online courses on global health. These courses covered the global health competencies required for health professionals.

Global Health , Health Education , Education, Distance , Education, Continuing , Self-Directed Learning as Topic , Learning
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970004


Poliomyelitis, or polio, is a highly infectious disease and can result in permanent flaccid paralysis of the limbs. Singapore was certified polio-free by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 29 October 2000, together with 36 other countries in the Western Pacific Region. The last imported case of polio in Singapore was in 2006. Fortunately, polio is vaccine-preventable-the world saw the global eradication of wild poliovirus types 2 and 3 achieved in 2015 and 2019, respectively. However, in late 2022, a resurgence of paralytic polio cases from vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV) was detected in countries like Israel and the US (specifically, New York); VDPV was also detected during routine sewage water surveillance with no paralysis cases in London, UK. Without global eradication, there is a risk of re-infection from importation and spread of wild poliovirus or VDPV, or new emergence and circulation of VDPV. During the COVID-19 pandemic, worldwide routine childhood vaccination coverage fell by 5% to 81% in 2020-2021. Fortunately, Singapore has maintained a constantly high vaccination coverage of 96% among 1-year-old children as recorded in 2021. All countries must ensure high poliovirus vaccination coverage in their population to eradicate poliovirus globally, and appropriate interventions must be taken to rectify this if the coverage falters. In 2020, WHO approved the emergency use listing of a novel oral polio vaccine type 2 for countries experiencing circulating VDPV type 2 outbreaks. Environmental and wastewater surveillance should be implemented to allow early detection of "silent" poliovirus transmission in the population, instead of relying on clinical surveillance of acute flaccid paralysis based on case definition alone.

Child , Humans , Infant , Public Health Surveillance , Pandemics , Wastewater , Wastewater-Based Epidemiological Monitoring , COVID-19/epidemiology , Poliomyelitis/prevention & control , Poliovirus , Poliovirus Vaccine, Oral , Vaccination , Global Health
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970311


OBJECTIVE@#This study aimed to estimate spatiotemporal variations of global heat-related cardiovascular disease (CVD) burden from 1990 to 2019.@*METHODS@#Data on the burden of heat-related CVD were derived from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Deaths and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) were used to quantify heat-induced CVD burden. We calculated the age-standardized mortality rate (ASMR) and DALY rate (ASDR) per 100,000 population to compare this burden across regions. Generalized linear models were applied to evaluate estimated annual percentage changes (EAPC) for temporal trends from 1990 to 2019. The correlation between the socio-demographic index (SDI) and age-standardized rate was measured using the Spearman rank test.@*RESULTS@#Heat-induced CVD caused approximately 90 thousand deaths worldwide in 2019. Global ASMR and ASDR of heat-related CVD in 2019 were 1.17 [95% confidence interval ( CI): 0.13-1.98] and 25.59 (95% CI: 2.07-44.17) per 100,000 population, respectively. The burden was significantly increased in middle and low-SDI regions and slightly decreased in high-SDI regions from 1990 to 2019. ASMR showed an upward trend, with the most considerable increase in low-latitude countries. We observed a negative correlation between SDI and EAPC in ASMR ( r s = -0.57, P < 0.01) and ASDR ( r s = -0.59, P < 0.01) among 204 countries.@*CONCLUSION@#Heat-attributable CVD burden substantially increased in most developing countries and tropical regions.

Humans , Quality-Adjusted Life Years , Cardiovascular Diseases/etiology , Hot Temperature , Temperature , Global Health , Global Burden of Disease
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985459


Objective: The direction and intensity of population aging on the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in China from 1990 to 2019 were analyzed, and the burden of NCDs in 2050 was predicted. Methods: The disease-specific disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), years of life lost (YLLs), and years lived with disability (YLDs) in the Chinese population from 1990 to 2019 were obtained from the Global Burden of Disease Study.The differences in indicators from 1990 to 2019 were attributed to the contribution of age structure, population size, and all other causes. The Bayesian age-time-cohort models were used to predict DALYs from NCDs to 2050. Results: The absolute level of DALYs caused by NCDs increased by 7.460 million from 1990 to 2019, and the age structure contributed 186.0% (95% Uncertainty Intervals (UIs): 178.4%-193.6%), population size contributed 77.0% (95% UIs: 69.5%-80.8%), all other causes contributed -163.0% (95% UIs:-163.1%- -159.3%). DALYs caused by NCDs consist of 2.527 million YLLs and 4.934 million YLDs, in which the contribution of age structure to YLLs and YLDs was 414.6% (95% UIs: 396.2%-432.5%) and 69.1% (95% UIs: 66.7%-71.4%), respectively. From 2019 to 2050, the diseases with increased DALYs due to changes in age structure are cardiovascular diseases, neoplasms, chronic respiratory diseases, neurological disorders, sense organ diseases, diabetes and kidney diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, digestive diseases, mental disorders, and skin and subcutaneous diseases in descending order. Conclusions: From 1990 to 2019, except for skin and subcutaneous diseases, the burden of other NCDs attributable to population aging increased, mainly due to disability. By 2050, the burden of NCDsattributable to population aging will continue to rise.

Humans , Life Expectancy , Quality-Adjusted Life Years , Noncommunicable Diseases/epidemiology , Bayes Theorem , Global Health , China/epidemiology , Aging , Global Burden of Disease