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Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207413


Background: Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women. In India and other developing countries cervical cancer is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Cancer cervix continues to be most common genital carcinoma in India accounting for 80% of all female genital malignancies. Pre-invase lesions can spontaneously regress to normal or remain stable for long period or progress to a higher degree of dysplasia. Cancer of cervix is preventable if diagnosed at the pre-invasive stage with regular intervals of cytological screening by Papanicolaou (Pap) smears. The aim of the study is to analyse the pap reports in terms of normal findings, infections, premalignant lesions and invasive cancers.Methods: All women attending the outpatient department gynaecology at TMMC and RC Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh over a period of 1 year from august 2017-18 presented of obstetrics and with white discharge per vagina were screened for cervical cancer using pap smear. All the smears were reported as per the 2014 Bethesda system.Results: Out of 1392 Pap smear reports ASCUS was reported in 27 cases (2%), LSIL in 27 cases (2%), HSIL in 15 cases (1%), malignant cells in 15 cases (1%) and normal including the infection is reported in 1308 cases (94%).Conclusions: Early cervical epithelial changes can be identified by a Pap smear test, which is the primary screening test for detection of precancerous cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and the early stage of invasive cervical cancer.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207345


Background: Postpartum depression (PPD) is non-psychotic depressive episode that occurs between postpartum to fourteen months of childhood. It has adverse effect on mother and child health. Aim of this study was to analyze prevalence and risk factors for postpartum depression at tertiary care centre.Methods: This cross-sectional study was done in obstetrics and gynaecology department where 175 women between 10 days to 1 year of delivery were assessed using Edinberg postpartum depression scale. A score of 10 or more were taken as sign of postpartum depression. Various socio-demographic and obstetrics variables were assessed using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences).Results: Prevalence of PPD was found in 11.4% patients. Common risk factors associated were intrauterine death (IUD) or early neonatal death, postpartum complications and lack of family support.Conclusions: Postpartum is common among postnatal women and is associated with various factors which can be modified. So early detection of associated risk factors is needed for early intervention and prevents its impact on mother and child health.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206469


Background: Intrauterine fetal movements are sign of fetal life and well being. Perception of decreased fetal movements by the expecting mother is a common concern for both the mother and her obstetrician. Inadequate evaluation of reported decreased fetal movements may lead to catastrophic perinatal outcome. These necessitates us to identify the mothers perceiving decreased fetal movements, evaluating them to identify any risk factor, and follow up them to know the correlation with perinatal outcome.Methods: Antenatal mothers with singleton pregnancy at third trimester are recruited from OPD/ Emergency of Obstetrics and Gynaecology departments of Teerthankar Mahaveer Medical College and Research Center, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India. Both case and control group comprise of 80 mothers matched by demographic profile, with perception of decreased fetal movements only in case group. They were evaluated thoroughly to identify risk factor if any and were followed up till delivery to know the perinatal outcome.Results: Majority of women reporting reduced fetal movements were between 20-30 years of age group (73%), Primigravida (80%), 72.5% were at term pregnancy. Common (46%) pattern of decreased movements was both in frequency and as well as intensity. 62% women with decreased fetal movements had anteriorly placed placenta.  In the study group, 48.75% women were identified with risk factor, and association of more than one antenatal risk factor was significantly high (p value 0.0026). LBW was more common (21.25%), many neonates were associated with low Apgar score in the study group.Conclusions: Pregnant mothers reported with decreased fetal movement in third trimester should be evaluated adequately for identification of risk factors, as well as for fetal surveillance. Record of fetal movement for 2 hours while the mother is in rest, Cardiotocography, elaborative USG, BPP should be monitored to have good perinatal outcome by providing timely intervention.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206420


Background: This was a prospective study which was done to observe various skin lesions in pregnancy and to determine the most likely causes and their incidence in antenatal patients, it was noticed that many women in our institute were having pregnancy related cutaneous complaints thus this observational study was carried out so that better preventive measures and treatment options could be provided to these patients.Methods: Study was conducted in out-patient department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, TMU, Moradabad. All ANC cases between October 2017 to September 2018 having any type of dermatoses were included in the study irrespective of gestational age. 6348 patients appeared in OPD in the given time period out of which 1256 were included. In case of pruritus, liver function tests were done with USG whole abdomen and patients were reviewed by physician if required. Screening with VDRL, HCV, HbSAg and ELISA for HIV was done in all. Results were tabulated and analyzed.Results: 50.8% primi gravidas ,49.2% multi gravidas. age range 18-38 years. 29.3% presented in third trimester ,25.6% presented in second trimester. Physiological changes seen in all cases, 8.68% specific dermatoses of pregnancy. 40.4 % no complaints, 5.65% melasma, 90.8% hyperpigmentation, 94.6% linea nigra. Secondary areola 89.3%,striae 80.3% out of which 38.9%- primi gravidas and 41.40% -multi gravidas. 92.9% no change in hair density. Montgomery’s tubercles 30-50% of cases. spiders nevi 67%. No cases of palmar erythema. Pruritus gravidarum 38.53%. PUPPP 28.4%. Pemphigoid Gestationis 9.17%. Prurigo of pregnancy 18.34%. Pruritic folliculitis 1.8%. Eczema in pregnancy : pre-existing in 3.7% , out of which exacerbation 1, 3 unaffected. 3 chicken pox.1 filariasis.24 herpetic lesions (herpes simplex).1 scleroderma.17.27% pre-existing taenia infection . Scabies 20.46%.11 0.87% dual infection (scabies-taenia).Conclusions: This study highlights high prevalence of community acquired infections in our region like taenia, scabies giving rise to skin lesions in Antenatal women. Moreover, it highlights a probable association between the prevalence of skin lesions with factors like poor personal hygiene, overcrowding, low socioeconomic status, anaemia and poor nutritional status.