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Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972914


@#A lot of factors can cause coronary heart disease and ischemic stroke including external risk factors such as tobacco, alcohol consumption, decreased physical activity, obesity while arterial maintenance, high blood sugar, increased LDL are internal risk factors. We can reduce our external risk factors by changing our lifestyle. Recent studies have shown increased blood Lp(a) levels are independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. After 1987, the number of publications has increased since the cDNA homology sequence of Lp(a) and plasminogen 2 was identified. Lp(a) is protein complex consisting from apolipoprotein, phospholipid, free cholesterol, cholesterol esters and tryglyceride. Apoliprotein is a lipid that binds with lipoprotein. Lipoproteins have water-soluble and fat-soluble parts, and those parts bind to lipids and are transported in the bloodstream.How is elevated Lp(a) a risk factor for cardiovascular disease? How much does lowering Lp(a) reduce CVD risk factors? If high Lp(a) concentrations are present, mitigation measures are outlined below.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974339


Background@#The American Heart Association estimates that more than 1 million people die each year from acute coronary heart disease and half a million from acute coronary syndrome, and that $ 115 billion a year is spent on diagnosing and treating coronary heart disease [Word Health Organization, 2013].@*Goal@#In this study we aimed to using coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) to diagnose unstable plaques in coronary artery disease.@*Material and methods@#From 2018 to 2021, we performed a coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) scan with a Philips Ingenuity 64-slice computed tomography (64 MD-CT) device and examined 47 patients diagnosed with unstable coronary artery disease at the Reference centre on Diagnostic Imaging named after R.Purev State Laureate, People’s physician and Honorary professor of the State Third Central Hospital.</br> Common statistical measurements such as means and standard errors were calculated. Probability of results were checked using Student’s test. @*Result@#In studying signs of coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) to diagnose unstable plaques in coronary artery disease that coronary artery diameters more widening to compared healthy artery 16(34.0%±6.9), low density sites clarify in plaque (lower than +30HU)- 14(29.8%±6.7), small calcification detect in plaque 36 (74.5%±6.4), ring liked additional density (lower than +130 HU) sees in edge of plaque (Halo sign)-9(19.2%±5.8), plaque edge roughness, erosion liked changes- 18 (38.3%±7.1), rupture of intima (dissection)- 8(17.0%±5.5).@*Conclusion@#We detect that computed tomography angiography (CCTA)’s specific signs of unstable plaque of coronary artery disease are coronary artery diameters widening, low density sites clarify in plaque (lower than +30HU), small calcification detect in plaque, ring liked additional density (lower than +130 HU) sees in edge of plaque (Halo sign), plaque edge roughness, erosion liked changes and rupture of intima.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974340


Background@#Lower extremity arterial diseases are chronic stenosis of the artery and occlusive arterial diseases, which are commonly caused by atherosclerosis. Prevalence of lower extremity arterial diseases has positive proportional relationship with age of the patients. Furthermore, prevalence of lower extremity arterial disease is 16% among the males over the age of 60, whereas prevalence among same aged woman is 13%. Among the age group of 38 to 59 age, 60 to 69 age and 70-82 age group, prevalence of lower extremity arterial disease was 5.6%, 15.9%, and 33.8%, respectively.@*Goal@#Identifying lower extremity arterial occlusive disease and chronic stenosis of arteries by CTA-TASC classification of aorta-iliac and femoral popliteal lesions.@*Obiective@#</br> 1. To identify age and sex of the patients with lower extremity arterial occlusive disease and chronic stenosis of arteries.</br> 2. To identify lower extremity arterial occlusive disease and chronic stenosis of arteries by CTA-TASC classification of aorta-iliac and femoral popliteal lesions.@*Material and methods@#Study sample consisted of 237 patients, who were diagnosed with lower extremity arterial occlusive disease and chronic stenosis of arteries from 2019 to 2020 at reference centre on Diagnostic Imaging na after R.Purev State Laureate, People’s physician and Honorary professor of the State Third Central Hospital. Computed angiogram images of lower extremity arteries were examined. Contrast agent “Ultravist” was pumped by automatic syringe. Lower extremity arterial occlusive disease and chronic stenosis of arteries are categorized by CTA-TASC classification of аorta-iliac and femoral popliteal lesions. The youngest participant was 20 years old and the oldest participant was 76 years old. Common statistical measurements such as means and standard errors were calculated. Probability of results were checked using Student’s test.@*Results@#We have found following results: 185(78.1%±3.0) cases out of 237 diagnosed patients with lower extremity arterial occlusive disease and chronic stenosis of arteries are males and 52(21.9%±3.0) cases are female. Distribution of lower extremity arterial occlusive disease and chronic stenosis of arteries by the age group of patients are: up to 20 years of age is 3 (1.3%±0.7), 21 to 40 years of age is 14(5.9%±1.5), 41 to 60 years of age is 86(36.3%±3.1) and over the age of 61 is 134(56.5%±3.2). It is statistically highly significant that experiencing lower extremity arterial occlusive disease and chronic stenosis of arteries among the age group of over 61(P<0.001). </br> The result of lower extremity arterial occlusive disease and chronic stenosis of arteries by the CTA-TASC classification of aorta-iliac and femoral popliteal lesions are: CTA-TASS аorta-iliac lesions A-16(6.8%±1.8), B-8(3.4%±1.2), C-12(5.1%±1.4), D-41(17.3%±2.5), CTA-TASS femoral popliteal A-41(17.29%±2.5), B-53(22.36%±3.6), C-47(19.83%±2.6), D-96(40.5%±3.2), respectively.@*Conclusions@#</br> 1. Lower extremity arterial occlusive disease and chronic stenosis of arteries occurs 46.5% over the age of 60 and 78.1% of the patients are males.</br> 2. Following two categories have identified more than the rest, 17.3% CTA-TASC classification of аorta-iliac lesions, type D and 23.3% CTA-TASC classification of femoral popliteal lesions, type D.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974343


Introduction@#Cancer continues to be one of the world’s major health issues, with Mongolia continues to lead Asia in esophageal (100’000: 17.1) and gastric cancer incidence (100’000: 41.0). In the previous decade, 8,137 new cases of gastric cancer were reported in Mongolia. According to TNM staging, eight out of every ten people are diagnosed late, recognizing the need to improve people’s knowledge, attitudes, and practices.@*Methods@#The survey was carried out using a questionnaire. A total of 320 participants between 17- 80 ages from the aimags of Uvs, Khovd, and Zavkhan were chosen at random for the survey, and data was collected through social media. SPSS (v28.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) software was used for statistical analysis.@*Results@#The survey included 110, 106, and 104 participants from the aimags of Uvs, Zavkhan, and Khovd. A total of 320 participants, with 20.9% (67) and 79.1% (253) being male and female respectively. The average age was 35.56±9.15 years. The participants’ mean knowledges, attitudes and practices scores were 7.54±2.7, 9.6±2.2, and 3.82±1.1 respectively in the first survey. Following the advocacy campaign, the mean knowledge, attitude, and practice scores increased to 9.3±2.7, 10.1±2.2, and 4.00±1.2, respectively.@*Conclusion@#The attitudes and practices of the participants were related to their level of knowledge. It is critical to increase health education and advocacy efforts in order to develop the appropriate attitudes and behaviors to reduce cancer-related deaths.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974345


@#Most of the infected patients completely recovered after covid-19 infection. However, a substantial proportion of patients who have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 continue to have symptoms long past the time that they recovered from the initial phases of covid-19 disease. At NICE guideline, </br> 1. Acute covid-19: signs and symptoms of covid-19 for up to 4 weeks, </br> 2. Ongoing symptomatic covid-19: signs and symptoms of covid-19 from 4 to 12 weeks, </br> 3. Post-covid-19 syndrome: signs and symptoms that develop during or after an infection consistent with covid-19, continue for more than 12 weeks and are not explained by an alternative diagnosis. </br> In addition to the clinical case definitions, ‘long covid’ is commonly used to describe signs and symptoms that continue or develop after acute covid-19. As the pandemic of covid-19 continues, numerous additional symptoms, such as fever, dry cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, myalgias, vomiting or diarrhea, headache and weakness. Other critical and severe complications of covid-19 can include impaired function of the heart, brain, lung, liver, kidney, and coagulation system. Early reports have now emerged on post-acute infectious consequences of covid-19, with studies from the United States, Europe and China reporting outcomes for those who survived hospitalization for acute covid-19. An observational cohort study from 38 hospitals in Michigan, United States evaluated the outcomes of 1,250 patients discharged alive at 60 day. Of 488 patients who completed the telephone survey in this study, 32.6% of patients reported persistent symptoms. Dyspnea while walking up the stairs 22.9% was most commonly reported, while other symptoms included cough 15.4% and persistent loss of taste/smell 13.1%. Post-hospital discharge care of COVID-19 survivors has been recognized as a major research priority by professional organizations.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973290


Introduction@#Studies demonstrated that the apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein A-I (Apo B/apo A-I) ratio predicts cardiovascular risk better than any of the cholesterol indexes. Apo B and Apo A-1 are assumed to be superiormarkers for lipoprotein abnormalities [1,2]. The concentrations of Apo B and Apo A-1 are associated with cardiovascular disease more strongly than the corresponding lipoprotein cholesterol fractions, the discriminant value of these apoproteins in absolute terms appears to be less important than of their ratio (the Apo B/Apo A-1 ratio) [3, 5-7]. The Apo B/Apo A-1 ratio reflects the balance of atherogenic and antiatherogenic lipoproteins in plasma [4]. Multiple clinical and epidemiological studies have confirmed that the Apo B/Apo A-1 ratio is a superior marker for cardiovascular disease compared with lipids and lipoproteins or their ratios [8, 9].@*Goal@#We determined the variation limits of the Apo B/Apo A-1 ratio in healthy participants with normolipidemia and the relationship of this ratio with other lipid parameters.@*Material and Methods@#A total of 146 normolipidemic healthy participants aged 25–60 years were included in the study. Anthropometric measurements (height and weight) and other personal information were obtained during the clinical examination and the interview. Participants were included in the study using the following criteria: </br>1. body mass index < 30 kg/m2; </br> </br>2. TC < 5.2mmol/L; </br>3. triglycerides (TG) ≤1.7 mmol/L; </br>4. HDL-C ≥1.03 mmol/L ( woman), ≥ 1.29 mmol/L (male) . </br>The plasma levels of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), apo A-I, Apo B and Apo B/Apo A-1 were determined after a 12 h fasting period. The non-HDL-C was calculated as the difference between the TC and HDL-C. Most research data emphasized that the values for the Apo B/Apo A-1 ratio that define a high cardiovascular risk were proposed to be 0.9 for men and 0.8 for women. Statistical Analysis. The statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 21.0 (USA). Differences between the groups were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test and the chi-squared test. Correlations between the indices were assessed using the Spearman’s rank correlation. A value of < 0.05 was accepted as statistically significant.@*Results@#The relationship of ratio of apolipoprotein (Apo) B/Apo A-1 with other indicators of lipid metabolism in healthy people with normal lipidemia was analyzed. The Apo B/Apo A-1 ratio in the studied normolipidemic subjects was 0.69 ± 0.17. The percentage of subjects with the Apo B/Apo A-1 ratio exceeding 0.9 (the accepted risk value of cardiovascular disease) was 36.3 %.The subjects with Apo B/Apo A-1>0.9 were characterized by higher HDL-C levels and atherogenic Aпo B, Apo B/Apo A-1 but lower values Apo A-1.@*Conclusion@#The subjects with normolipidemia the unfavorable Apo B/Apo A-I ratio> 0.9 had more atherogenic lipid profile.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973291


Introduction@#Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is a major cause of morbidity and a leading contributor to mortality in both developed and developing countries. With rapid socioeconomic development, CVD has reached epidemic proportions in developing countries in recent decades. Dyslipidemia, elevated level of plasma cholesterol, together with arterial hipertension, is the main modifiable risk factor atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) development. Surveys to monitor and measure dyslipidemia burden in a Mongolian population has not been conducted in recent years and the available data on the prevalence, types, and associated factors of dyslipidemia in the general population is relatively insufficient and outdated. Monitoring of lipid profile at populational level is an important instrument of prevention medicine, applied for CVD populational risk assessment.@*Goal@#Evaluate comparisons of adult blood lipid levels in age, gender and location.@*Material and Methods@#In this study, 500 people aged 25-65 were classified into age groups (47.1% for males and 52.9% for females). Blood plasma in total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), high density (HDL-C) and low density (LDL-C) lipoprotein-cholesterol, apolipoprotein - ApoA1, Apo B and ratio of ApoB / ApoA1 were estimated. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 22.0@*Results@#Mean age of the participants was 48.8±14.2 years old. Mean values for male TC-4.85±0.92 mmol/l, TG-1.58±1.19 mmol/l, LDL-C-3.24±0.98 mmol/l, HLD-C-1.62±0.21, for women- 4.47±0.96 mmol/l, 1.22±0.47 mmol/l, 2.95±1.01 mmol/l, 1.77±0.23 mmol/l respectively. The mean blood TC,TG levels tended to increase with age group in male compared to women. The prevalence of an increased blood LDL-C levels or risks for an increased blood LDL-C was statistically significantly high in male.@*Conclusion@#The prevalence of lipid was shown as high, that demands respective prevention and management.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973271


Introduction@#Coronary atherosclerosis is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the world. Hypogonadism is not considered a traditional risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD). Higher CVD mortality may be partially attributed to behavioral and physical characteristics of males, including increased smoking, drinking, endocrine and metabolic factor like fat distribution, and low male engagement in preventive care. In the last decades, many studies have suggested that low testosterone levels are associated with increased prevalence of risk factors for CVD, including dyslipidemia and diabetes. For the reason, this research focused on identifying any association between testosterone deficiency and risk factors of coronary heart disease.@*Goal@#This study aimed to identify any association between testosterone deficiency and risk factors of coronary heart disease in Mongolian men.@*Material and methods@#In this case control study, we determined plasma total testosterone, total cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein-cholesterol, apolipoprotein – ApoA1, Apo B and glucose in 287 subjects, among them 125 patients with ACS and 162 healthy subjects. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 22.0 of IBM. @*Results@#Mean age of the participants was 55.19±6.99 years old. It was found that, mean plasma TT levels in patients with ACS (4.17 ng/ml) was significantly lower than in the healthy subjects (4.70 ng/ml). There was a negative association between plasma TT level and glucose level (r=-0.185; p=0.002) and ApoB/ApoA1 (r=-0.132, p=0.026).@*Conclusion@#The results in the present study suggest that low plasma TT level may be a risk factor for CHD in men, which may relate to the influence of plasma lipoprotein and glucose metabolism by endogenous testosterone.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974645


Background@#Cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass is grown rapidly in last years. The application of cardiopulmonary bypass using a heart-lung machine to perform open heart surgery is known to be associated with numerous pathophysiologic changes including injury of cellular components as erythrocyte, platelets, coagulopathy, and fibrinolysis. @*Objectives@#Our study objective is to study on relation of open heart surgery phases and blood coagulation parameters.@*Materials and Methods@#Blood samples from 49 patients (28 females and 21 males, aged 18- 63 years) who underwent open heart surgery with cardiopulnonary bypass (CPB) were collected before and at several time points during, after surgery and analyzed for coagulation parameters at Shastin Third Central Hospital.@*Results@#To compare long continued cardiopulmonary bypass (over 1 h) surgery with less 1 h groups there prothrombin time was found 18.8±5.9 sec, international normalized ratio (INR) 2.09±0.9 sec prolonged (p<0.001) in 7 days after surgery. All coagulation parameters were decreased significantly (p<0.001) in during extracorporeal circulation and after 1 h declamping than preoperative level and reached near normal value in 48 h after surgery. Our results have referred to platelet counts reduction to about 53% in during surgery, 46.8% in 48 h after surgery of the preoperative level 237.4±57.1 with final return to normal levels 228.9±78.6 within 7 days.@*Conclusions@#</br> 1. The cardiopulmonary bypass time and patient age in relation to open heart surgery type there were significant difference (p <0.01). </br>2. The coagulation parameters have revealed significant changes (p <0.01) in relation cardiopulmonary bypass time. </br>3. All coagulation parameters were decreased significantly (p<0.001) in during extracorporeal circulation and after 1 h decamping than preoperative level and reached near normal value in 48 h after surgery. </br>4. There was direct and less correlation between platelet level and CPB time (r=0.37, p<0.001).

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975628


Background: Cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass is grown rapidly in last years. Theapplication of cardiopulmonary bypass using a heart-lung machine to perform open heart surgeryis known to be associated with numerous pathophysiologic changes including injury of cellularcomponents as erythrocyte, platelets, coagulopathy, and fibrinolysis.Objectives: Our study objective is to study on relation of open heart surgery phases and bloodcoagulation parameters.Materials and Methods: Blood samples from 49 patients (28 females and 21 males, aged 18-63 years) who underwent open heart surgery with cardiopulnonary bypass (CPB) were collectedbefore and at several time points during, after surgery and analyzed for coagulation parametersat Shastin Third Central Hospital.Results: To compare long continued cardiopulmonary bypass (over 1 h) surgery with less 1h groups there prothrombin time was found 18.8±5.9 sec, international normalized ratio (INR)2.09±0.9 sec prolonged (p<0.001) in 7 days after surgery. All coagulation parameters weredecreased significantly (p<0.001) in during extracorporeal circulation and after 1 h declampingthan preoperative level and reached near normal value in 48 h after surgery. Our results havereferred to platelet counts reduction to about 53% in during surgery, 46.8% in 48 h after surgeryof the preoperative level 237.4±57.1 with final return to normal levels 228.9±78.6 within 7 days.Conclusions:1. The cardiopulmonary bypass time and patient age in relation to open heart surgery type therewere significant difference (p <0.01).2. The coagulation parameters have revealed significant changes (p <0.01) in relationcardiopulmonary bypass time.3. All coagulation parameters were decreased significantly (p<0.001) in during extracorporealcirculation and after 1 h decamping than preoperative level and reached near normal value in48 h after surgery.4. There was direct and less correlation between platelet level and CPB time (r=0.37, p<0.001).

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975633


@#Article deals with age-related hypogonadism in men as an interdisciplinary problem. Current definition, prevalence, analyzes the relationship between age and the incidents of hypogonadism were shown. The detailed overview of clinical studies, meta analysis of causal link of androgen deficiency and erectile dysfunction, ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes mellitus was presented. To date was found the relationship between metabolic syndrome and androgen deficiency. Low level of testosterone is closely connected with low libido as well as insulin resistance, abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia. Insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia are noticed in patients with hypogonadism in comparison with obese and normal-weight patients. Therefore, metabolic risk factors are the connecting link of cardiovascular diseases and androgen deficiency. Meta-analysis of clinical trials of the effects of testosterone replacement therapy and safety of long term use was presented in the article. The article discusses the importance of a unified approach to the diagnosis and treatment of androgen-deficient conditions and cardiovascular disease.

Journal of Surgery ; : 42-45, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975568


Introduction: Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) revolutionizedthe treatment of urolithiasis and graduallybecame the favorite treatment option sothat today it is considered to be the first lineof treatment for patients with urolithiasis.The purpose of this study was assessment oftherapeutic efficacy, complications of ESWLin urolithiasis in Mongolia.Material and methods: A total of46 patients harboring renal and ureteralstones underwent ESWL between March2016 and September 2016 at First CentralHospital of Mongolia. Karl Storz ModulithSLK electromagnetic machines were usedto impart shock waves. All collected stonefragments sent for biochemical analysis.Results: A total of 46 patients 23 weremales (50%). Patients were mean age of34. The stone size distribution was 0.5cmto 3.1cm. The average treatment time wasranging from 75-110 minutes. The averagenumber of shock waves per treatmentwas 3172±378 (range 1500-4000). Theoverall success rate was 75.73%. All calculidisintegrated satisfactorily except for 3stones, which is located lower 1/3rd ofureter. Stone composition analysis proved tobe composed entirely or predominantly ofcalcium oxalate monohydrate. These patientsrequired to have ureterolithoextraction. Calculicomposition for remaining patients 12 werecalcium oxalate monohydrate, 17 calciumoxalate dehydrate, 6 uric acid and 1 struvite.Complications were mostly minor and rare.Most of the patients (90.7%) developedmacroscopic hematuria after treatment; fewpatients developed mild bruising at the entryand exit sites of the shockwaves on the bodywall. Severe complications such as renalhematoma and steinstrasse were diagnosedfor one patient each and their managementwas non-surgical.Conclusion: ESWL is therefore the firstline treatment for urolithiasis with stonesize smaller than 2cm. It has an efficiencyrate above 75, low procedure time, highsafety and good tolerability and minimalcomplication.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975488


BACKGROUND:Congenital heart defects (CHD) turn out to be the leading cause of infant mortality in their first yearafter infectious diseases. Per 1,000 infants, born with CHD, about 19-75 failed to survive. It revealsthe fact that CHD is a major cause of childhood mortality in worldwide. Beyond the progress ofmedicine and surgery, the cause of CHD is not fully defined. The majority of studies reveal that CHDis triggered by many factors, such as the genetic and environmental factors.Based on the evidences of the sequence of the human genome and advances in moleculartechnology, genetic factors play a major role. Per 100 newborninfants, they’re found one child, bornwith a CHD is concerned as a highly frequent incident for birth anomaly. Only 0.5% of these congenitaldefects enable to be inherited in accordance with Mendel’s genetic laws, which is associated withthe change and mutation of a single gene. Many found that most congenital anomalies dependupon mutation or change in multiple genes and other relevant factors. As a result of the progressivedevelopment of molecular biology in the past 20 years discovered a range of genes involved in fetusformation, development, growth and control of processes. In our country case, corrective surgeryfor CHD dominates among all cardiovascular surgery in Mongolia. Particularly, for all incidents donesome corrective surgery of congenital heart defects, atrial septal defect operation occupies 42.44%,in other word it is a substantial part of the CHDoperation (D.Tsegeenjav, 2009). Molecular geneticsstudy of infant born with heart defects and simultaneous anomaly of other organ system researchstill has not been done for Mongolian population. In many cases the diagnosis of CHD is delayeduntil their adulthood, which is a research gap to address without further delay and the finding mustbe applied in practice in the near future.GOAL:The aim of the research is to conduct a molecular genetic study of children, born with CHD andcombined abnormalities of other organs and systems, identify gene lesion, location and characteristicsof mutations, pathogenetic mechanism of congenital defects and anomalies among the Mongolianpopulation.RESULT:For this study, there are 118 patients, with congenital heart disease, received surgical treatmentin the cardiovascular department of III central state hospital named P.N. Shastin, involved afterconfirmed diagnosis through objective and instrumental investigations (ECG, Fluoroscopy, EchoKG).The 118 healthy family members of patients sampled as a control group. According to the diagnosisof patients with congenital heart defect, such as atrial septal defects-95 (81.2% ± 3.6), ventricularseptal defects-17 (14.5% ± 3.3), patent ductusarteriosus- 2 (1.7± 0 .0%) have combined severedefects - 4 (3.3% ± 1.0). Out of 118 patients with congenital heart defects, 32.2% (38 patients)was male, whereas women accounted for 67.8% (80 patients) with average age of 22, 3 ± 12.9(minimum 1.0 year, maximum 51 year). These comprised 42.4% in 1-17 years old (average age10 ± 5.27) and 57.6% in 18-51 years old (average age 31 ± 9.54). The 33.9% ± 4.4 (40 patients) of operated patients responded the questionnaire that they have a hereditary heart defect. Shortnessof breath, heart pain, and recurrent pneumonia were the main complaints of patients with CHDthat significantly authentic to statistical probability. From the taken 118 blood samples, 95 werediagnosed ASD, in 7 diagnosed VSD, in 2 diagnosed PDA, in 4 diagnosed combined defects. Forthe 95 samples, we decided to examine the ASD associated GATA4, TBX5gene. It draws attentionto the fact that 81.2% of all congenital heart defects found only ASD. To examine the ASD genes inthe sample, the following changes have occurred. The study found 8 variants of mutations formingASD. It includes on exon 1 Gly 93 Ala (c.278G> C), on exon 1 P163S (c.487C>T).CONCLUSIONS:1. Patients with ASD alone occupy 81,2% of all heart defects in our study.2. For the samples of ASD, the study found 8 different mutations of GATA4.3. In the sample of blood not found TBX5 gene mutation.4. In the samples, one patient with dextrocardiasitusinvertus was combined with congenital heartdefects found E359Xfs (c.1075delG) deletion variation on exon3.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975864


Introduction:The traditional lipid and lipoprotein levels in patients with familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCHL) are relatively mildly elevated and do not fully explain the increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and elevated levels of apolipoprotein-B (apo-B) characterize FCH. Familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCHL) is a common lipid disorder characterized by elevated levels of plasma cholesterol and triglycerides that is present in 10% to 20% of patients with premature coronary artery disease. The importance of plasma TG as an independent risk factor for CAD was recognized provided support for the earlier observation that plasma TG levels predict relative risk in relatives of FCHL patientsGoal: To study of correlation between of lipid metabolism disorders and coronary atherosclerosisObjectives:- To define correlation of parameters of lipid metabolism in ischemic and control groups- To compare number of injured coronary arteries and parameters of lipid in ischemic menResults:In our study we involved 86 patients who were investigated coronary angiography. Of them 72 (82.7%) patients revealed changes of coronary artery, and one vessel change was 30 (41.6%), two vessels changes were 28 (38.9%), and three vessels 14 (19.4%) respectively. Lipid levels were significantly increased in case group compared with controls. There were no significant difference in number of injured coronary artery and lipid level.Conclusion:In this study found triglyceride was high level than cholesterol, LDL in ischemic disease. Familial combined disorder of metabolism lipid is possible to depend on hyperlipoproteinemia IIB type. Apolipoprotein B (108.5±3.2 mg/dl) was increased compare with control group (89.6±3.4 mg/dl) in ischemic disease.