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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-904632


Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle is centered on Chengdu City and Chongqing Municipality, with aims to build the “fourth growth pole” of China’s economy. During this circle, elimination of schistosomiasis had been achieved in 82.5% of the endemic counties (districts) of Sichuan Province, and schistosomiasis is not historically endemic in Chongqing Municipality; however, there is still a risk of schistosmiasis transmission in Sichuan Province and Chongqing Municipality because the natural and social factors affecting schistosomiasis transmission have not been completely eliminated in these areas. Based on the endemic situation of schistosomiasis in Sichuan Province and Chongqing Municipality, we analyzed the opportunities and challenges of schistosomiasis control during the construction of Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle, and proposed the corresponding suggestions, so as to provide insights into the sustainable development of schistosomiasis control in the context of the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle construction.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-876714


Objective To investigate the changes in the endemic situation of schistosomiasis in national surveillance sites of Sichuan Province, so as to provide the scientific evidence for formulating the schistosomiasis elimination strategy. Methods From 2015 to 2019, 63 national schistosomiasis surveillance sites were assigned in Sichuan Province, in which Schistosoma japonicum infections were monitored in humans, livestock, wild feces and snails. The monitoring data were descriptively analyzed. Results A total of 94 119 person-time local residents were serologically screened for S. japonicum infections in 63 national surveillance sites of Sichuan Province from 2015 to 2019, with sero-prevalence rates ranging from 1.28% to 3.11%, and the sero-positives were predominantly detected in local residents at ages of over 50 years and in farmers. A total of 94 119 person-time mobile populations were serologically screened for S. japonicum infections in the national surveillance sites during the 5-year period, with sero-prevalence of 1.10% to 1.59%. There were no egg-positives identified in either local residents or mobile populations. Among the 6 126 herd-time livestock detected, no egg-positives were identified, and no S. japonicum infection was detected in the 205 wild feces. Snail survey was performed covering an area of 8 484.08 hm2, and 724.80 hm2 snail habitats were identified, including 2.43 hm2 emerging snail habitats and 63.00 hm2 re-emerging snail habitats. The mean occurrence of frames with snails was 6.87% to 19.63%, and the mean density of living snails was 0.18 to 0.62 snails/0.1 m2 in the national surveillance sites of Sichuan Province from 2015 to 2019; however, no S. japonicum infection was detected in snails. Conclusions The endemic situation of schistosomiasis has reduced to the lowest level in Sichuan Province; however, there is a rise in snail habitats, and there is still a risk of schistosomiasis resurgence. Further improvements of the surveillance system for schistosomiasis are required to achieve the goal of schistosomiasis elimination in Sichuan Province as soon as possible.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-873837


Objective To analyze the risk of re-emergence of Oncomelania snail(O.snail) from 2015 to 2019, in order to improve the effectiveness of snail control. Methods Collection of report forms and schistosomiasis surveillance data was carried out from 2015 to 2019, and analyzed retrospectively. Results The area of snail-emergence was 6 241.98 hm2 during 2015-2019, 44.29、4 610.18、813.92、446.09 and 327.50 hm2 respectively, for each corresponding year.Among the re-emergence areas, flat-ground subtype was 1 185.49 hm2(18.99%), hilly subtype was 2 536.58 hm2(40.64%), and mountain subtype was 2 519.91 hm2(40.37%).The top 5 cities with O.snail re-emergence areas were Liangshanzhou(2016), Ya′an(2016), Deyang(2016), Meishan(2016), and Meishan(2017).The top 5 disticts with O.snail re-emergence areas were Renshou, Puge, Lushan, Tianquan and Dechang. Conclusion The re-emergence of O.snail attributes to several factors, such as low quality of annual snail survey, unitary method of elimination and complexity of snail habit environment.Surveillance and supervision on the sources of infection and snail spreading should continue with exploration of new method in eliminating snails especially in hilly regions.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-818467


This review describes the epidemic characteristics and endemic situation of schistosomiasis in mountainous and hilly regions of China, analyzes the main challenges of schistosomiasis control in mountainous and hilly regions and proposes targeted suggestions for the future schistosomiasis control, with aims to accelerate the progress towards schistosomiasis elimination in mountainous and hilly regions and facilitate the achievement of the goal set in The Thirteenth Five-Year National Plan for Schistosomiasis Control in China and The Three-year Tough Action Plan for Endemic Diseases Control (2018–2020) in China.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-818468


Transmission control and interruption of schistosomiasis has been gradually achieved in the mountainous and hilly endemic areas with the implementation of the schistosomiasis control programmes, which are moving towards the progress of schistosomiasis elimination. As an important measure of schistosomiasis control, health education is experiencing new challenges and problems in the new situation, and conventional health education of schistosomiasis control has already failed to meet the needs of socioeconomic and cultural development and the increasing changes of human production and life styles in the endemic areas. Therefore, a precision health education model for schistosomiasis control is of great need to be established to highly effectively promote the implementation of schistosomiasis control measures. This review summarizes the important role of health education in schistosomiasis control in mountainous and hilly endemic areas, and describes the new health education model based on optimization of the policy environment and creation of the community atmosphere according to the changes in the endemic situation of schistosomiasis and requirements of the schistosomiasis control target, so as to promote the precision and sustainable implementation of health education and health promotion in schistosomiasis control.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-818469


Objective To explore the integrated schistosomiasis control model in mountainous and hilly endemic regions, so as to provide insights into the development of the schistosomiasis elimination strategy. Methods Five hilly and mountainous areas endemic for schistosomiasis were selected as the integrated control demonstration areas in Sichuan Province from 2011 to 2015. According to the epidemic characteristics, economic levels and overall development planning of the demonstration areas, the goals, strategies and measures were developed, and the effectiveness of schistosomiasis control was evaluated following implementation of the integrated control. Results The support system of the integrated schistosomiasis control model was built in the integrated control demonstration areas in Sichuan Province from 2011 to 2015, and five ecological, industrialized and sustainable development models of integrated schistosomiasis control were developed, including integration of balancing rural and urban development, systematic ecological improvement, intensified ecological agriculture, scientific management and health education of schistosomiasis control and ecological ethnic circular economy. Since the implementation of the integrated schistosomiasis control model, the snail habitats were completely changed. Until 2015, 92.0% of all historical areas with snails were managed, the coverage of safe drinking water was 100.0%, and more than 95.0% of the livestock were fenced. The coverage of sanitary toilets increased by 93.0%, 96.8%, 78.8%, 87.1% and 82.0% from 2011 to 2015, respectively, and the farmers’mean yearly income increased by 32.7% in the demonstration areas. From 2011 to 2015, the seroprevalence of human Schistosoma japonicum infections reduced from 3.1% in 2011 to 1.6% in 2015 in the demonstration areas, and no egg-positives were identified. In addition, the number of fenced bovines reduced year by year, and no egg-positives were detected. The areas of snail habitats were 398.7, 108.2 hm2 and 52.9 hm2 in the demonstration areas from 2011 to 2013, with no infected snails found, and no snails were detected since 2014. The awareness of schistosomiasis control knowledge and percentage of correct behavior formation increased year by year among residents in the demonstration areas from 2011 to 2015. Conclusions The five integrated schistosomiasis control models meet the needs of the current schistosomiasis control activities in mountainous and hilly endemic areas of Sichuan Province, and achieve the goals of controlling the sources of S. japonicum infections, economic development, social progress and improving the ecological environment, which provides new insights into schistosomiasis elimination in the country.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-818470


Objective To build a schistosomiasis transmission risk surveillance system in Sichuan Province, so as to provide technical support for facilitating the progress towards schistosomiasis elimination in the province. Methods The surveillance sites for schistosomiasis transmission risk were assigned in 63 endemic counties (districts) of 11 cities (prefectures) in Sichuan Province. During the period from 2015 through 2018, wild feces contamination, the sources of Schistosoma japonicum infections (fever patients, livestock and wild animals), water infectivity in key settings, snail distribution in key settings, and snail breeding risk (snail importation and spread, floating debris carrying snails and snail breeding in ecological wetlands) were monitored in the surveillance sites. Results From 2015 to 2018, a total of 1 636 wild faces were detected in Sichuan Province, and 3 faces were positive for S. japonicum, with a 0.18% positive rate; among 3 995 livestock and 59 wild mice monitored, no S. japonicum infection was detected. A total of 49 414 fever patients were monitored in 2018, and 493 were seropositive for S. japonicum infection; then, 445 seropositives were subjected to stool examinations, and no egg-positives were found. From 2010 to 2018, a total of 93 sentinel sites were assigned, and 3 994 sentinel mice were placed for monitoring the water infectivity, with one S. japonicum-infected mouse detected. Between 2015 and 2018, a total of 4 156 key settings were investigated covering an area of 1 998.46 hm2, and 668 settings were detected with snails (16.07%), covering an area of 193.26 hm2; 497 suspected settings with a likelihood of snail importation with plant introduction were monitored from 2017 to 2018, and 65 settings with snails were found with 2 673 snails captured; 593 sites were assigned to collect the floating debris from 2017 to 2018, and 9 191.39 kg floating debris were collected with 186 snails captured; 4 wetlands were monitored for the risk of schistosomiasis transmission from 2013 to 2015, and snail breeding was found in 2 wetlands. No S. japonicum infection was identified in snails captured from all surveillance sites. Conclusions A sensitive and effective schistosomiasis transmission risk surveillance system has been successfully established in Sichuan Province. There is still a risk of schistosomiasis transmission risk in local areas of Sichuan Province. Therefore, the integrated schistosomiasis control measures with emphasis on the control of the source of S. japonicum infections should be further intensified, and snail monitoring and control and monitoring and control of schistosomiasis in wetlands should be also intensified.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-818471


Objective To understand the current distribution of Oncomelania snails in Sichuan Province, so as to provide scientific evidence for formulating the schistosomiasis elimination strategy and implementing the precision schistosomiasis control measures in the province. Methods According to the National Scheme on Oncomelania hupensis Snails in China and the Scheme on Oncomelania hupensis Snails in Sichuan Province, snail surveys were performed in current snail habitats, historical snail habitats and suspected snail habitats using systematic sampling in Sichuan Province from 2016 to 2017, and the survey results were analyzed. Results From 2016 to 2017, a total of 88 346 settings were surveyed in schistosomiasis-endemic areas of Sichuan Province, and 19 314 settings were detected with snails, covering an area of 4 829.25 hm2, with no Schistosoma japonicum infection identified in snails. A total of 3 017 915 frames were investigated in Sichuan Province, and 1 041 417 frames were found to have living snails, with totally 1 791 115 living snails captured. The mean density of living snails was 0.59 snails/0.1 m2, and the mean percentage of frames with living snails was 34.51% in Sichuan Province. The current snail habitats were mainly distributed in 1 704 villages, 377 townships, 54 counties (districts) of 9 cities (prefectures) across the schistosomiasis-endemic areas of Sichuan Province. Snail habitats were mainly found in ditches (70.22%), and weeds were the predominant vegetation in snail habitats (66.45%). Snails were firstly discovered in Sichuan Province in 1913, and S. japonicum-infected snails were firstly identified in 1956, with the latest identification of S. japonicum-infected snails in 2008. Conclusion There are many settings suitable for snail breeding in Sichuan Province, and snail monitoring and control should be intensified in the future.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-818472


Objective To understand the status of current schistosomiasis patients after the interruption of schistosomiasis transmission in Sichuan Province, so as to provide the reference for the development of specific rescue and treatment schemes and the implementation of dynamic management of the patients. Methods The information of registered schistosomiasis patients in disease control and prevention institutions and medical institutions were reviewed in all schistosomiasis-endemic counties (districts) across Sichuan Province in 2018, and the data of all newly discovered schistosomiasis patients were collected and analyzed. Results A total of 1 558 current schistosomiasis cases were diagnosed in 11 endemic cities (prefectures) across Sichuan Province, and all were advanced cases. Megalosplenia and ascites were the predominant types of advanced schistosomiasis cases, and no age- (χ2 = 16.723, P > 0.05) or gender-specific difference (χ2 = 2.493, P > 0.05) was seen in the clinical types of current schistosomiasis cases. There were 9.3% of current schistosomiasis patients from poor households. There was a tendency towards a decline in the number of advanced schistosomiasis cases since 2012, and the number of schistosomiasis cases in 2018 reduced by 17.8% as compared to that in 2012. Conclusions Currently, all current schistosomiasis patients are advanced cases in Sichuan Province. In the future, multidisciplinary collaboration should be implemented to search for a feasible financial subsidy pattern and establish an effective care system for advanced schistosomiasis patients.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-818482


Objective To investigate the epidemic factors of schistosomiasis in wetlands in Sichuan Province, so as to provide scientific evidence for the prevention and control of schistosomiasis in wetlands. Methods The artificial and natural wetlands were selected from Sichuan Province, and the relevant data regarding wetlands were collected. Routine snail survey, investigation on human morbidity due to schistosomiasis, snail diffusion experiments, questionnaire survey, determination of water infectivity and retrospective survey were conducted. Results In Sichuan Province, the mean densities of living snails were 0.003 snails/0.1 m2 and 2.033 snails/0.1 m2 in the upper and lower reaches of the Meiwan Reservoir wetlands, 0.08 snails/0.1 m2 in the Jinyan Lake of Guanghan City, 0.21 snails/0.1 m2 in Muhe River of Guanghan City, and 0.02 snails/0.1 m2 prior to the construction of Qiong-hai wetland park in Xichang City in 2015. Artificial simulation experiments showed that the largest distance of snail diffusion in water was 2 000 m. There were 8.80% (41/466) of subjects that lived neighboring wetlands, worked in wetlands and visited wet-lands having infested water contact behaviors. A total of 690 sentinel mice were assigned, and no Schistosoma japonicum infection was detected in the 677 mice dissected. Retrospective survey showed that the construction of the Meiwan Reservoir caused the spread of schistosomiasis in Dailing County, and snails were found in the ditches entering the Jinyan Lake and in Jinyan Lake areas 5 years following the construction of the Jinyan Lake in Guanghan City, with S. japonicum -infected snails detected in the ditches entering the Jinyan Lake. Conclusions O. hupensis snails are found in some wetlands in Sichuan Province. Protection of wetlands and snail control with environmental improvements are recommended for the prevention of snail importation in natural wetlands, while in artificial wetlands, thorough snail control is recommended during the construction of the wetlands because of the likelihood of snail importation via water systems. In addition, both natural and artificial wetlands require long-term systematic surveillance of schistosomiasis.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-818489


Earthquake is a serious natural disaster. The earthquake that occurs in schistosomiasis-endemic areas not only causes direct human and economic losses, but also induces secondary disasters that greatly threaten public health safety in affected areas. This paper analyzed the impact of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake and 2013 Lushan Earthquake on schistosomiasis transmission in Sichuan Province, and proposed emergency measures and assessment activitiesresponding to schistosomiasis following earthquake disasters. The experiences from schistosomiasis control after two earthquake disasters in Sichuan Province may provide insights into the emergency control in other regions or after other natural disasters.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-818919


This review describes the epidemic characteristics and endemic situation of schistosomiasis in mountainous and hilly regions of China, analyzes the main challenges of schistosomiasis control in mountainous and hilly regions and proposes targeted suggestions for the future schistosomiasis control, with aims to accelerate the progress towards schistosomiasis elimination in mountainous and hilly regions and facilitate the achievement of the goal set in The Thirteenth Five-Year National Plan for Schistosomiasis Control in China and The Three-year Tough Action Plan for Endemic Diseases Control (2018–2020) in China.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-818920


Transmission control and interruption of schistosomiasis has been gradually achieved in the mountainous and hilly endemic areas with the implementation of the schistosomiasis control programmes, which are moving towards the progress of schistosomiasis elimination. As an important measure of schistosomiasis control, health education is experiencing new challenges and problems in the new situation, and conventional health education of schistosomiasis control has already failed to meet the needs of socioeconomic and cultural development and the increasing changes of human production and life styles in the endemic areas. Therefore, a precision health education model for schistosomiasis control is of great need to be established to highly effectively promote the implementation of schistosomiasis control measures. This review summarizes the important role of health education in schistosomiasis control in mountainous and hilly endemic areas, and describes the new health education model based on optimization of the policy environment and creation of the community atmosphere according to the changes in the endemic situation of schistosomiasis and requirements of the schistosomiasis control target, so as to promote the precision and sustainable implementation of health education and health promotion in schistosomiasis control.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-818921


Objective To explore the integrated schistosomiasis control model in mountainous and hilly endemic regions, so as to provide insights into the development of the schistosomiasis elimination strategy. Methods Five hilly and mountainous areas endemic for schistosomiasis were selected as the integrated control demonstration areas in Sichuan Province from 2011 to 2015. According to the epidemic characteristics, economic levels and overall development planning of the demonstration areas, the goals, strategies and measures were developed, and the effectiveness of schistosomiasis control was evaluated following implementation of the integrated control. Results The support system of the integrated schistosomiasis control model was built in the integrated control demonstration areas in Sichuan Province from 2011 to 2015, and five ecological, industrialized and sustainable development models of integrated schistosomiasis control were developed, including integration of balancing rural and urban development, systematic ecological improvement, intensified ecological agriculture, scientific management and health education of schistosomiasis control and ecological ethnic circular economy. Since the implementation of the integrated schistosomiasis control model, the snail habitats were completely changed. Until 2015, 92.0% of all historical areas with snails were managed, the coverage of safe drinking water was 100.0%, and more than 95.0% of the livestock were fenced. The coverage of sanitary toilets increased by 93.0%, 96.8%, 78.8%, 87.1% and 82.0% from 2011 to 2015, respectively, and the farmers’mean yearly income increased by 32.7% in the demonstration areas. From 2011 to 2015, the seroprevalence of human Schistosoma japonicum infections reduced from 3.1% in 2011 to 1.6% in 2015 in the demonstration areas, and no egg-positives were identified. In addition, the number of fenced bovines reduced year by year, and no egg-positives were detected. The areas of snail habitats were 398.7, 108.2 hm2 and 52.9 hm2 in the demonstration areas from 2011 to 2013, with no infected snails found, and no snails were detected since 2014. The awareness of schistosomiasis control knowledge and percentage of correct behavior formation increased year by year among residents in the demonstration areas from 2011 to 2015. Conclusions The five integrated schistosomiasis control models meet the needs of the current schistosomiasis control activities in mountainous and hilly endemic areas of Sichuan Province, and achieve the goals of controlling the sources of S. japonicum infections, economic development, social progress and improving the ecological environment, which provides new insights into schistosomiasis elimination in the country.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-818922


Objective To build a schistosomiasis transmission risk surveillance system in Sichuan Province, so as to provide technical support for facilitating the progress towards schistosomiasis elimination in the province. Methods The surveillance sites for schistosomiasis transmission risk were assigned in 63 endemic counties (districts) of 11 cities (prefectures) in Sichuan Province. During the period from 2015 through 2018, wild feces contamination, the sources of Schistosoma japonicum infections (fever patients, livestock and wild animals), water infectivity in key settings, snail distribution in key settings, and snail breeding risk (snail importation and spread, floating debris carrying snails and snail breeding in ecological wetlands) were monitored in the surveillance sites. Results From 2015 to 2018, a total of 1 636 wild faces were detected in Sichuan Province, and 3 faces were positive for S. japonicum, with a 0.18% positive rate; among 3 995 livestock and 59 wild mice monitored, no S. japonicum infection was detected. A total of 49 414 fever patients were monitored in 2018, and 493 were seropositive for S. japonicum infection; then, 445 seropositives were subjected to stool examinations, and no egg-positives were found. From 2010 to 2018, a total of 93 sentinel sites were assigned, and 3 994 sentinel mice were placed for monitoring the water infectivity, with one S. japonicum-infected mouse detected. Between 2015 and 2018, a total of 4 156 key settings were investigated covering an area of 1 998.46 hm2, and 668 settings were detected with snails (16.07%), covering an area of 193.26 hm2; 497 suspected settings with a likelihood of snail importation with plant introduction were monitored from 2017 to 2018, and 65 settings with snails were found with 2 673 snails captured; 593 sites were assigned to collect the floating debris from 2017 to 2018, and 9 191.39 kg floating debris were collected with 186 snails captured; 4 wetlands were monitored for the risk of schistosomiasis transmission from 2013 to 2015, and snail breeding was found in 2 wetlands. No S. japonicum infection was identified in snails captured from all surveillance sites. Conclusions A sensitive and effective schistosomiasis transmission risk surveillance system has been successfully established in Sichuan Province. There is still a risk of schistosomiasis transmission risk in local areas of Sichuan Province. Therefore, the integrated schistosomiasis control measures with emphasis on the control of the source of S. japonicum infections should be further intensified, and snail monitoring and control and monitoring and control of schistosomiasis in wetlands should be also intensified.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-818923


Objective To understand the current distribution of Oncomelania snails in Sichuan Province, so as to provide scientific evidence for formulating the schistosomiasis elimination strategy and implementing the precision schistosomiasis control measures in the province. Methods According to the National Scheme on Oncomelania hupensis Snails in China and the Scheme on Oncomelania hupensis Snails in Sichuan Province, snail surveys were performed in current snail habitats, historical snail habitats and suspected snail habitats using systematic sampling in Sichuan Province from 2016 to 2017, and the survey results were analyzed. Results From 2016 to 2017, a total of 88 346 settings were surveyed in schistosomiasis-endemic areas of Sichuan Province, and 19 314 settings were detected with snails, covering an area of 4 829.25 hm2, with no Schistosoma japonicum infection identified in snails. A total of 3 017 915 frames were investigated in Sichuan Province, and 1 041 417 frames were found to have living snails, with totally 1 791 115 living snails captured. The mean density of living snails was 0.59 snails/0.1 m2, and the mean percentage of frames with living snails was 34.51% in Sichuan Province. The current snail habitats were mainly distributed in 1 704 villages, 377 townships, 54 counties (districts) of 9 cities (prefectures) across the schistosomiasis-endemic areas of Sichuan Province. Snail habitats were mainly found in ditches (70.22%), and weeds were the predominant vegetation in snail habitats (66.45%). Snails were firstly discovered in Sichuan Province in 1913, and S. japonicum-infected snails were firstly identified in 1956, with the latest identification of S. japonicum-infected snails in 2008. Conclusion There are many settings suitable for snail breeding in Sichuan Province, and snail monitoring and control should be intensified in the future.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-818924


Objective To understand the status of current schistosomiasis patients after the interruption of schistosomiasis transmission in Sichuan Province, so as to provide the reference for the development of specific rescue and treatment schemes and the implementation of dynamic management of the patients. Methods The information of registered schistosomiasis patients in disease control and prevention institutions and medical institutions were reviewed in all schistosomiasis-endemic counties (districts) across Sichuan Province in 2018, and the data of all newly discovered schistosomiasis patients were collected and analyzed. Results A total of 1 558 current schistosomiasis cases were diagnosed in 11 endemic cities (prefectures) across Sichuan Province, and all were advanced cases. Megalosplenia and ascites were the predominant types of advanced schistosomiasis cases, and no age- (χ2 = 16.723, P > 0.05) or gender-specific difference (χ2 = 2.493, P > 0.05) was seen in the clinical types of current schistosomiasis cases. There were 9.3% of current schistosomiasis patients from poor households. There was a tendency towards a decline in the number of advanced schistosomiasis cases since 2012, and the number of schistosomiasis cases in 2018 reduced by 17.8% as compared to that in 2012. Conclusions Currently, all current schistosomiasis patients are advanced cases in Sichuan Province. In the future, multidisciplinary collaboration should be implemented to search for a feasible financial subsidy pattern and establish an effective care system for advanced schistosomiasis patients.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-818934


Objective To investigate the epidemic factors of schistosomiasis in wetlands in Sichuan Province, so as to provide scientific evidence for the prevention and control of schistosomiasis in wetlands. Methods The artificial and natural wetlands were selected from Sichuan Province, and the relevant data regarding wetlands were collected. Routine snail survey, investigation on human morbidity due to schistosomiasis, snail diffusion experiments, questionnaire survey, determination of water infectivity and retrospective survey were conducted. Results In Sichuan Province, the mean densities of living snails were 0.003 snails/0.1 m2 and 2.033 snails/0.1 m2 in the upper and lower reaches of the Meiwan Reservoir wetlands, 0.08 snails/0.1 m2 in the Jinyan Lake of Guanghan City, 0.21 snails/0.1 m2 in Muhe River of Guanghan City, and 0.02 snails/0.1 m2 prior to the construction of Qiong-hai wetland park in Xichang City in 2015. Artificial simulation experiments showed that the largest distance of snail diffusion in water was 2 000 m. There were 8.80% (41/466) of subjects that lived neighboring wetlands, worked in wetlands and visited wet-lands having infested water contact behaviors. A total of 690 sentinel mice were assigned, and no Schistosoma japonicum infection was detected in the 677 mice dissected. Retrospective survey showed that the construction of the Meiwan Reservoir caused the spread of schistosomiasis in Dailing County, and snails were found in the ditches entering the Jinyan Lake and in Jinyan Lake areas 5 years following the construction of the Jinyan Lake in Guanghan City, with S. japonicum -infected snails detected in the ditches entering the Jinyan Lake. Conclusions O. hupensis snails are found in some wetlands in Sichuan Province. Protection of wetlands and snail control with environmental improvements are recommended for the prevention of snail importation in natural wetlands, while in artificial wetlands, thorough snail control is recommended during the construction of the wetlands because of the likelihood of snail importation via water systems. In addition, both natural and artificial wetlands require long-term systematic surveillance of schistosomiasis.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-818941


Earthquake is a serious natural disaster. The earthquake that occurs in schistosomiasis-endemic areas not only causes direct human and economic losses, but also induces secondary disasters that greatly threaten public health safety in affected areas. This paper analyzed the impact of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake and 2013 Lushan Earthquake on schistosomiasis transmission in Sichuan Province, and proposed emergency measures and assessment activitiesresponding to schistosomiasis following earthquake disasters. The experiences from schistosomiasis control after two earthquake disasters in Sichuan Province may provide insights into the emergency control in other regions or after other natural disasters.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-352446


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To evaluate the effect of snail control through soil pasting mixed with niclosamide.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>Four sites were selected in different epidemic areas in Sichuan province. Soil pasting mixed with niclosamide was carried on, and the dosage was 0 g/m2, 4 g/m2, 6 g/m2, 8 g/m2 and 10 g/m2 respectively. The mortality rate of snail and the density of snail were observed after 7, 15, 30, 90 and 180 days.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>The mortality rate of snail was more than 43.3% in blank group after 30 days. The mortality rate of snail was from 75.3% to 100.0% at 4 g/m2 group after 30 days. The mortality rate of snail in 4 g/m2 group was significantly higher than that in the blank group (chi2 = 31.27, P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in the mortality rate of snail among all study groups (chi2 = 1.07, P > 0.05). The decrease rate of snail density was more than 90%. The mortality rate of snail was about 30% higher in Chantu group than Qutu group. The unit cost of Pasting-Mixing Drug with Soil was from 5 to 7 times of spray method, but the total cost was similar for the. two methods at the endpoint of the snail control.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>The effect of soil pasting mixed with niclosamide is good, and the dosage of 4-6 g/m2 is suggested in snail control.</p>

Animales , Moluscocidas , Niclosamida , Control de Plagas , Esquistosomiasis , Epidemiología , Caracoles , Suelo