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CienciaUAT ; 18(2): 107-121, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569024


Resumen: El gel de Aloe vera es considerado una fuente natural de múltiples beneficios, originados por la acción combinada de vitaminas, aminoácidos, compuestos fenólicos, enzimas, minerales, ácidos orgánicos, lípidos y carbohidratos, que se relacionan con la mejora de enfermedades neuro-degenerativas como Alzheimer. Los ensayos in vitro e in silico permiten confirmar e identificar posibles beneficios de esta planta y sus compuestos en enfermedades. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la actividad antioxidante del gel de A. vera y mediante análisis in silico, establecer el potencial terapéutico de sus compuestos bioactivos en la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Se obtuvieron hojas de A. vera, de las que se extrajo el gel, retirando el exocarpio, se liofilizó y almacenó hasta su uso. Se caracterizó la capacidad antioxidante, se cuantificaron los compuestos fenólicos y flavonoides y se analizó la relación que existe entre los parámetros mediante correlación de Pearson. Mediante análisis in silico se evaluó el potencial de interacción de 8 compuestos del gel con la proteína gamma secretasa. El gel de A. vera obtuvo alta capacidad antioxidante por ABTS, DPPH, radical OH y poder reductor, usando bajas concentraciones para inhibir el 50 % de los radicales, y correlaciones positivas con fenoles totales y flavonoides. En el estudio in silico el compuesto que presentó mejor unión con gamma secretasa fue aloe-emodina, con menor energía libre de unión y menor concentración de constante de inhibición, sugiriendo su potencial uso como coadyuvante en el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Alzheimer.

Abstract: Aloe vera gel is considered a natural source of multiple benefits, originated by the combined action of vitamins, amino acids, phenolic compounds, enzymes, minerals, organic acids, lipids and carbohydrates, which are related to the improvement of neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. In vitro and in silico tests allow us to confirm and identify possible benefits of this plant and its compounds in diseases. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the antioxidant activity of A. vera gel and, through in silico analysis, to establish the therapeutic potential of its bioactive compounds in Alzheimer's disease. A. vera leaves were obtained, from which the gel was extracted, removing the exocarp, lyophilized and stored until use. The antioxidant capacity was characterized, the phenolic compounds and flavonoids were quantified, and the relationship between the parameters was analyzed using Pearson correlation. The interaction potential of 8 compounds in the gel with the gamma secretase protein was evaluated through in silico analysis. The A. vera gel obtained high antioxidant capacity due to ABTS, DPPH, OH radical and reducing power, using low concentrations to inhibit 50 % of the radicals, and positive correlations with total phenols and flavonoids. In the in silico study, the compound that showed the best binding with gamma secretase was aloe-emodin, with lower binding free energy and lower inhibition constant concentration, suggesting its potential use as an adjuvant in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

Rev. Bras. Neurol. (Online) ; 60(1): 29-32, jan.-mar. 2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555106


Arnold Pick described a series of cases with progressive aphasia, behavioural disorders, and dementia. The post-mortem examination revealed on macroscopy, beside diffuse brain atrophy, also circumscribed (lobar) atrophy of the temporal and/or frontal lobes. The histopathology was not provided. Such kind of cases were soon named after the author, being known for a time as 'Pick's disease', coming to constitute a new nosological group. A time later after the original description, Alois Alzheimer and Oskar Fischer completed microscopic examination of similar cases, where the first author found, on silver impregnation, spheric neuronal inclusions, he named 'argentophilic ball' inclusions, while the second one identified complex cortical changes he named 'spongiform cortical wasting', and additionally a type of swollen cell that was named 'ballooned neuron'. Such microscopic changes became the first histopathological markers of this group of diseases.

Arnold Pick descreveu uma série de casos apresentando, de modo progressivo, afasia, transtornos de comportamento e demência. O exame pós-morte revelou à macroscopia, além de atrofia cerebral difusa, também atrofia circunscrita (lobar) dos lobos temporais e/ou frontais. A histopatologia não foi fornecida. Tal tipo de casos foi logo denominado segundo o autor, sendo conhecido por um período como 'doença de Pick', vindo a constituir um novo grupo nosológico. Algum tempo após a discrição original, Alois Alzheimer e Oskar Fischer perfizeram exame microscópio de casos semelhantes, onde o primeiro autor encontrou inclusões neuronais esféricas à impregnação pela prata, que denominou de 'bola argirofílica', enquanto o segundo identificou alterações corticais complexas às quais denominou 'perda cortical espongiforme', além de um tipo de célula tumefeita que chamou de 'neurônio balonizado'. Tais alterações microscópicas tornaram-se os primeiros marcadores histopatológicos desse grupo de doenças.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 2(64): 8-18, mai-ago.2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1567256


O objetivo do presente estudo foi revisar a literatura para buscar evidências na associação entre a doença de Alzheimer e a Periodontite. A metodologia usada resultou numa busca às bases de dados PubMed/MEDLINE, Cochrane Library e Web of Science, através dos artigos publicados entre o período de maio de 2000 a maio de 2022. A doença de Alzheimer (DA) é classificada como uma condição neurodegenerativa, um grupo heterogêneo de doenças caracterizadas pela perda lenta e progressiva de uma ou mais funções do sistema nervoso. A doença periodontal (DP) é uma doença infecciosa e inflamatória que causa principalmente destruição óssea alveolar e perda dentária e estima-se que entre 20 e 50% da população geral possa sofrer de DP, dos quais 15-20% apresentam formas graves. A inflamação desempenha um papel crítico no aparecimento e progressão de ambas as doenças. A conclusão desta revisão é que a literatura estudada mostra que os patógenos periodontais e as citocinas pró-inflamatórias contribuíram para a progressão do processo neurodegenerativo da doença de Alzheimer. Porém, são necessários mais estudos clínicos controlados randomizados para a confirmação da relação causal desta associação.

The aim of this study was to review the literature to look for evidence in the association between Alzheimer's disease and Periodontitis. The methodology used resulted in a search of the PubMed/MEDLINE, Cochrane Library and Web of Science databases, through the articles published between May 2000 and May 2022. Alzheimer's disease (AD) is classified as a neurodegenerative condition, a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by the slow and progressive loss of one or more functions of the nervous system. Periodontal disease (PD) is an infectious and inflammatory disease that mainly causes alveolar bone destruction and tooth loss and it is estimated that between 20 and 50% of the general population may suffer from PD, of which 15-20% present severe forms. Inflammation plays a critical role in the onset and progression of both diseases. The conclusion of this review is that the literature studied shows that periodontal pathogens and pro-inflammatory cytokines contributed to the progression of the neurodegenerative process of Alzheimer's disease. However, more randomized controlled clinical trials are needed to confirm the causal relationship of this association.

Enfermedades Periodontales , Periodontitis , Enfermedad de Alzheimer , Inflamación
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 53(1)mar. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569888


Introducción: La enfermedad de Alzheimer, constituye un problema sanitario y social de gran magnitud; precisa de diagnóstico y terapéutica precoces. Se realizó una búsqueda de artículos sobre factores de riesgo y biomarcadores de la enfermedad en las bases de datos PubMed/Medline, Scopus, Scielo y Lilacs, y mediante el buscador Google académico; desde el año 2017 hasta el 2023, en idioma español, inglés y portugués. Objetivo: Analizar los factores de riesgo y los biomarcadores de la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Desarrollo: Los principales factores de riesgo encontrados son edad avanzada, menor educación, poca actividad física, hábito de fumar, consumo excesivo de alcohol, hipertensión arterial, diabetes, obesidad, depresión, pérdida o disminución de la audición, aislamiento social, los traumas craneales y la contaminación ambiental. Los biomarcadores fundamentales son: los marcadores que se utilizan en los estudios de neuroimágenes como la PET Amiloide, PET tau, PET FDG; y en LCR y plasma: Aβ42, Aβ42/Aβ40, p tau 217, p tau 181, GFAP, y neurofilamentos de cadena ligeras. Conclusiones: Se requieren estudios longitudinales, a partir de la presencia de los factores de riesgo asociados a biomarcador, desde edades pregeriátricas en pacientes sanos, que tengan como salidas el deterioro cognitivo y el desarrollo de la demencia, para construir un modelo de predicción.

Introduction: Alzheimer's disease is a health and social problem of great magnitude; it requires early diagnosis and therapy. A search for articles on risk factors and biomarkers of the disease was conducted; in the databases PubMed/Medline, Scopus, Scielo and Lilacs, and through the Google scholar search engine; from 2017 to 2023, in Spanish, English and Portuguese. Objective: To analyze the risk factors and biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease. Development: The main risk factors found are advanced age, lower education, little physical activity, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, depression, hearing loss or decrease, social isolation, head trauma and environmental pollution. The fundamental biomarkers are: markers used in neuroimaging studies such as amyloid PET, tau PET, FDG PET; and in CSF and plasma: Aβ42, Aβ42/Aβ40, p tau 217, p tau 181, GFAP, and light chain neurofilaments. Conclusions: Longitudinal studies are required, based on the presence of risk factors associated with biomarkers, from pregeriatric ages in healthy patients, which have cognitive impairment and the development of dementia as outputs, to build a prediction model.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13447, fev.2024. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564157


Epidemiological surveys show that the incidence of age-related dementia and cognitive impairment is increasing and it has been a heavy burden for society, families, and healthcare systems, making the preservation of cognitive function in an increasingly aging population a major challenge. Exercise is beneficial for brain health, and FDNC5/irisin, a new exercise-induced myokine, is thought to be a beneficial mediator to cognitive function and plays an important role in the crosstalk between skeletal muscle and brain. This review provides a critical assessment of the recent progress in both fundamental and clinical research of FDNC5/irisin in dementia and cognitive impairment-related disorders. Furthermore, we present a novel perspective on the therapeutic effectiveness of FDNC5/irisin in alleviating these conditions.

Medwave ; 24(1): e2754, 29-02-2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532753


BACKGROUND: Two new SNPs have been recently associated to Alzheimer's disease in African American populations: FCGRIIB rs1050501 C/T, and PILRA rs1859788 A/G. The risk of Alzheimer's disease in FCGRIIB C and PILRA A allele carriers is three times higher than in non-carriers. However, the association between these and other single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) has not been assessed. METHODS: Linkage disequilibrium analysis, with r= 0.8 as a threshold value, was used to impute new candidate SNPs, on genomic data from both genes in 26 populations worldwide (n= 2504) from the 1000Genomes database. RESULTS: Four SNPs (rs13376485, rs3767640, rs3767639 and rs3767641) were linked to rs1050501 and one (rs2405442) to rs1859788 in the whole sample. CONCLUSIONS: Five novel SNPs could be associated with Alzheimer's disease susceptibility and play a causal role, even if none of them are exon variants since their potential roles in the regulation of gene expression.

ANTECEDENTES: Recientemente se han asociado dos nuevos polimorfismos de un solo nucleótido (SNP) a la enfermedad de Alzheimer en poblaciones afroamericanas: FCGRIIB rs1050501 C/T, y PILRA rs1859788 A/G. El riesgo de enfermedad de Alzheimer en los portadores de los alelos FCGRIIB C y PILRA A es tres veces mayor que en los no portadores. Sin embargo, no se ha evaluado la asociación entre estos y otros SNP. MÉTODOS: Se utilizó el análisis de desequilibrio de ligamiento, con r2= 0,8 como valor umbral, para imputar nuevos SNPs candidatos, sobre datos genómicos de ambos genes en 26 poblaciones de todo el mundo (n= 2504) de la base de datos 1000Genomes. RESULTADOS: Cuatro SNPs (rs13376485, rs3767640, rs3767639 y rs3767641) se vincularon al rs1050501 y uno (rs2405442) al rs1859788 en toda la muestra. CONCLUSIONES: Cinco nuevos SNP podrían estar asociados con la susceptibilidad a la enfermedad de Alzheimer y desempeñar un papel causal, aunque ninguno de ellos sea una variante de exón, dado su papel potencial en la regulación de la expresión génica.

Humanos , Enfermedad de Alzheimer/genética , Glicoproteínas de Membrana/genética , Receptores Inmunológicos/genética , Desequilibrio de Ligamiento , Predisposición Genética a la Enfermedad , Polimorfismo de Nucleótido Simple
Alerta (San Salvador) ; 7(1): 79-87, ene. 26, 2024. tab.
Artículo en Español | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1526718


La enfermedad de Parkinson y Alzheimer son las enfermedades neurodegenerativas más frecuentes a nivel mundial. Tienen etiología multifactorial, entre ellas, la genética; y son motivo de interés en la investigación científica actual. Se realizó una revisión narrativa con el objetivo de determinar las alteraciones genéticas asociadas a estas patologías, además su influencia en la evolución y respuesta al tratamiento de ellas. Se consultaron artículos originales, revisiones bibliográficas, sistemáticas, metaanálisis en inglés y español, con fecha de publicación entre el 1 enero de 2018 y el 20 de mayo de 2023, en bases como PubMed y Medline. Se utilizaron los términos MeSH «Alzheimer Disease¼, «Parkinson Disease¼, «Drug Therapy¼ y «Mutations¼. El riesgo hereditario para la enfermedad de Parkinson suele ser poligenético, sin embargo, existen genes relacionados con mutaciones monogénicas. Se identifican alteraciones en genes de α-sinucleína, glucocerebrosidasa y quinasa 2 rica en leucina que se relacionan con mayor riesgo de desarrollar Parkinson, además de variaciones en el cuadro clínico y edad de inicio de síntomas. En cuanto a la enfermedad de Alzheimer, las alteraciones en los genes de la proteína precursora amiloide, presenilina 1 y 2 se relacionan con la forma familiar de la enfermedad; por otra parte, las de apolipoproteína E4 se han identificado en la forma esporádica, por lo que se consideran como el factor de riesgo genético más importante para su desarrollo

Parkinson's and Alzheimer's are the most frequent neurodegenerative diseases worldwide. They have a multifactorial etiology, including genetics, and are of interest in current scientific research. A narrative review was carried out with the aim of determining the genetic alterations associated with these pathologies, as well as their influence on their evolution and response to treatment. Original articles, literature reviews, systematic reviews, meta-analyses in English and Spanish, with publication date between January 1, 2018 and May 20, 2023, were consulted in databases such as PubMed and Medline. MeSH terms "Alzheimer Disease", "Parkinson Disease", "Drug Therapy" and "Mutation" were used. Hereditary risk for Parkinson's disease is usually polygenetic, however, there are genes related to monogenic mutations. Alterations in α-synuclein, glucocerebrosidase and leucine-rich kinase 2 genes have been identified that are related to an increased risk of developing Parkinson's disease, in addition to variations in the clinical picture and age of symptom onset. As for Alzheimer's disease, alterations in the genes of the amyloid precursor protein, presenilin 1 and 2 are related to the familial form of the disease; on the other hand, those of apolipoprotein E4 have been identified in the sporadic form, and are therefore considered to be the most important genetic risk factor for its development

El Salvador
Alerta (San Salvador) ; 7(1): 103-110, ene. 26, 2024.
Artículo en Español | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1526797


Las enfermedades de Alzheimer y esclerosis múltiple son neurodegenerativas, con tratamientos complejos y de costos elevados, orientados a disminuir la progresión de la sintomatología. Sin embargo, a causa de la falta de terapias adecuadas y de los posibles efectos adversos ocasionados por tratamientos de primera línea, es necesario implementar mejores abordajes terapéuticos complementarios que no produzcan mayores efectos secundarios y mejoren la sintomatología de dichas patologías. La restricción calórica y el ayuno intermitente han demostrado ser estrategias novedosas y beneficiosas en enfermedades neurodegenerativas, a través de mecanismos inmunitarios, metabólicos y fisiológicos. Con el objetivo de determinar el uso del ayuno intermitente y la restricción calórica como tratamiento coadyuvante en esclerosis múltiple y enfermedad de Alzheimer, se realizó una revisión narrativa de artículos originales en revistas científicas, en idiomas inglés y español, de 2018 a 2022. El uso de la restricción calórica y ayuno intermitente han generado cambios positivos produciendo disminución de estados proinflamatorios, estrés oxidativo y envejecimiento. Se consideran abordajes que modulan la progresión de la enfermedad y mejoran la función cognitiva por vías de señalización de monofosfato de adenosina cinasa, factor de crecimiento similar a la insulina y la enzima sirtuina, generando un efecto neuroprotector.

Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis are neurodegenerative disorders with expensive and complex treatments aimed at reducing the progression of symptoms. However, due to the lack of adequate therapies and the possible adverse effects caused by first-line treatments, it's necessary to implement better complementary therapeutic approaches that do not produce major side effects and improve symptoms. Caloric restriction and intermittent fasting have been shown to be novel and beneficial strategies in neurodegenerative diseases, through immune, metabolic, and physiological mechanisms. To determine the use of intermittent fasting and caloric restriction as a new treatment in multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease, a narrative review of original articles in both national and international scientific journals, in English and Spanish languages with no greater obsolescence than five years. The use of caloric restriction and intermittent fasting have generated positive changes, producing a decrease in pro-inflammatory states, oxidative stress, and aging. Approaches that modulate disease progression and improve cognitive function of adenosine monophosphate kinase, insulin-like growth factor, and sirtuin enzyme pathways are considered, generating a neuroprotective effect.

El Salvador
Rev. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Quito) ; 49(1): 8-16, Ene 24, 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554703


Introducción: La enfermedad de Alzheimer es un trastorno neurodegenerativo de inicio insidioso y progresión lenta. Epidemiológicamente representa 60% a 70% de los casos de demencia.Objetivo: Determinar el grado de satisfacción y seguridad con la combinación fija de memantina-donepezilo durante 6 meses.Material y métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional, transversal y analítico con base a un diseño de Real World Evidence (RWE), para evaluar la satisfacción del tratamiento a través de preguntas con una escala de Likert para la valoración de la satisfacción de 31 pacientes que recibieron como parte de su tratamiento habitual la combinación fija de memantina + donepezilo una vez al día durante seis meses previos a la aplicación de la escala de satisfacción. La información se recopiló de febrero a noviembre del 2021. Resultados: 60% de los eventos adversos fueron leves, 40% moderados. La tolerabilidad luego de 3 meses fue percibida como muy buena o excelente por 81% de pacientes. A seis meses 87,1% calificó como muy bueno o excelente el tratamiento. Satisfacción con el tratamiento a 3 meses fue, "satisfecho en su mayoría" o "totalmente satisfecho" para el 87,1%. Discusión: Prevalencia en el género femenino de 77,4% mayor a la reportada para todo el país de 54,8%, comorbilidades reportadas similares a las descritas por la literatura. Tolerabilidad calificada como excelente en comparación con otros estudios que calificaron como buena tolerabilidad. Conclusión: La administración de la combinación fija de memantina 14 mg + donepezilo 10 mg o memantina 28 mg + donepezilo 10 mg, fue una opción segura y bien tolerada.

Introduction:Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder of insidious onset and slow progression. Epidemiologically it accounts for 60% to 70% of cases of dementia.Objective:Determine the degree of satisfaction and safety with the fixed combination of memantine-donepezil for 6 months.Materials and methods: A cross-sectional, observational, and analytical study was conducted based on a Real World Evidence (RWE) design to assess treatment satisfaction through Likert-scale questions of 31 patients who, as part of their regular treatment, received the fixed combination of memantine + donepezil once daily for six months before the administration of the satisfaction scale. Data collection took place from February to November 2021.Results: 60% of adverse events were mild, 40% moderate. Tolerability after 3 months was perceived as very good or excellent by 81% of patients. At six months 87,1% rated the treatment as very good or excellent. Satisfaction with treatment at 3 months was, "mostly satisfied" or "totally satisfied" for 87,1%. Discussion: Prevalence in the female gender of 77,4% higher than that reported for the whole country of 54,8%, reported comorbidities similar to those described in the literature. Tolerability rated as excellent compared to other studies which rated as good tolerability. Conclusions:Administration of the fixed combination of memantine 14 mg + donepezil 10 mg or memantine 28 mg + donepezil 10 mg was a safe and well-tolerated option.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006289


Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the most common diseases in the elderly population. Its etiology involves multiple pathogenic factors and pathological links such as abnormal deposition of β amyloid protein (Aβ), hyperphosphorylation of Tau protein, abnormalities of the cholinergic system, oxidative stress, and inflammatory response. However, its specific pathogenesis has not been clarified, and no specific therapeutic drugs have been found. In recent years, more and more studies have paid attention to the potential of chemical components of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in the treatment of AD. However, the diversity and complexity of the chemical components of TCM may have a positive impact on multiple pathological links of AD. Researchers have isolated many active components from TCMs, and the effects of treating AD have been confirmed by modern pharmacological studies. Through literature analysis, this article found that the main chemical components of TCM with anti-AD effects were saponins (31%), flavonoids (24%), polysaccharides (20%), lactones (8%), alkaloids (7%), phenols (3%), and other compounds (7%). Among them, ginsenoside, notoginsenoside, epimedium flavones, puerarin, baicalein, schisandra polysaccharide, angelica polysaccharide, ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide, pachyman, huperzine A, berberine, andrographolide, curcumin, emodin, and gastrodin have been extensively studied in terms of their anti-AD effects, and their mechanisms of pharmacological action have been involved in many aspects of AD pathogenesis. This article reviews the anti-AD activities and possible mechanisms of chemical components of TCM, so as to provide a reference for the development of new drugs for the prevention and treatment of AD.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016823


ObjectiveTo investigate the effects of Linggui Zhugantang (LGZGT)-containing serum on primary astrocytes (AS) induced by β amyloid 1-42 (Aβ1-42) in a rat model of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and explore the phagocytic and degradative effects of LGZGT on Aβ. MethodAn AD model was established by inducing AS with Aβ1-42. The cells were divided into normal group, model group, LGZGT low-, medium-, and high-dose (LGZGT-L, LGZGT-M, and LGZGT-H) groups, and donepezil hydrochloride group. The model group was treated with Aβ1-42 at a final concentration of 10 μmol∙L-1. The LGZGT-L, LGZGT-M, and LGZGT-H groups were treated with 10% serum containing LGZGT on the basis of the model group. Cell viability was assessed using a cell counting kit-8 (CCK-8), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity was measured using an LDH assay kit, and cell morphology was observed using an inverted microscope. The expression of Aβ-related degradation enzymes insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) and cathepsin D (CTSD) was detected using Western blot, and the fluorescence intensity of cathepsin B (CTSB) was measured using immunofluorescence. The content of Aβ1-42 in cells was determined using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). ResultCompared with the normal group, the viability of AS in all groups decreased, and Aβ1-42 at different concentrations had inhibitory effects on AS proliferation. After administration, compared with the normal group, the cell survival rate of the model group decreased significantly (P<0.05). Compared with the model group, the cell survival rates of the LGZGT-H group and donepezil hydrochloride group increased significantly (P<0.05). The LDH activity of cells in the model group was significantly increased compared with that in the normal group (P<0.05), and cell bodies were swollen and enlarged with increased protrusions and elongation, suggesting more obvious cell damage. Compared with the model group, the LDH activity of cells in the donepezil hydrochloride, LGZGT-L, LGZGT-M, and LGZGT-H groups decreased significantly (P<0.05). After administration, the cell swelling in the LGZGT-M, LGZGT-H, and donepezil hydrochloride groups improved, cell protrusions shortened, and cell clustering decreased. Compared with the normal group, the expression of IDE and CTSD in the model group decreased significantly (P<0.05). Compared with the model group, the expression of IDE increased significantly in the LGZGT-M and LGZGT-H groups (P<0.05). Compared with the model group, the expression of CTSD increased significantly in the LGZGT-L, LGZGT-M, LGZGT-H, and donepezil hydrochloride groups (P<0.05). The average fluorescence intensity of CTSB in the model group was significantly lower than that in the normal group (P<0.05). Compared with the model group, the average fluorescence intensity of CTSD in the LGZGT-L, LGZGT-M, LGZGT-H, and donepezil hydrochloride groups increased significantly (P<0.05). The intracellular content of Aβ1-42 in cells in the model group was significantly higher than that in the normal group (P<0.05). After administration, compared with the model group, the intracellular content of Aβ1-42 in cells in the LGZGT-L, LGZGT-M, LGZGT-H, and donepezil hydrochloride groups decreased significantly (P<0.05), and LGZGT-containing serum reduced Aβ1-42 in a dose-dependent manner (P<0.05). ConclusionLGZGT has a protective effect on Aβ1-42-induced AS and can promote the degradation of Aβ. Its mechanism may be related to reducing Aβ toxicity, enhancing cell viability, promoting the expression of IDE, CTSD, and CTSB, and restoring lysosomal function.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016981


Objective To analyze the current status and influencing factors of sleep behavior disorders in elderly patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Methods The clinical data of 420 elderly patients with AD were collected retrospectively. The REM sleep behavior disorder questionnaire-Hong Kong (RBDQ-HK) was used to evaluate the status of sleep behavior disorders. Based on the evaluation results, the patients were divided into sleep behavior disorder group and non-sleep behavior disorder group. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify the influencing factors of sleep behavior disorders in elderly patients with AD. The correlation between sleep behavior disorders and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PQSI) score, Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) score, Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA) score and Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD) score was analyzed. Results Among the 420 patients, there were 227 (54.05%) patients with sleep behavior disorders. Gender, course of disease, disease severity, PQSI score, HAMA score and HAMD score were risk factors for sleep behavior disorders, while education level, standardized medication and MMSE score were protective factors (P<0.05). PQSI score, HAMA score and HAMD score were positively correlated with the RBDQ-HK score. The MMSE score was negatively correlated with the RBDQ-HK score (P<0.05). Conclusion Sleep behavior disorders are common in elderly patients with AD. Female patients, patients with low education level, patients with long course of disease and patients in severe condition are at high risk of developing sleep behavior disorders. Clinically, alleviating anxiety and depression and improving sleep quality and cognitive function may help to prevent the occurrence of sleep behavior disorders.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017004


Alzheimer' s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease that progresses with age and is clinically characterized by cognitive impairment, memory decline, mental symptoms and behavioral disorders. Oxidative stress emerges when an imbalance exists between the generation of free radicals and the antioxidant capacity to scavenge them in the body, and the resulting oxidative injury is closely related to the occurrence of AD. Oxidative stress leads to the mass production of free radicals, which increases the oxidation of macromolecules of nerve cells, the aggregation of β amyloid (Aβ) and the excessive phosphorylation of tau protein and forms the neurofibrillary tangles, thereby inducing apoptosis of nerve tissue cells. In addition, a large number of free radicals can also cause brain inflammatory response and aggravate nerve tissue injury. This paper mainly reviews the pathogenesis of AD and its relationship with oxidative stress, aiming to provide ideas for clinical research.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017122


@#Abstract: Integrated stress response is an adaptive response produced by eukaryotic cells after intracellular and extracellular stimulation. The activation of integrated stress response inhibits the translation of most proteins, yet it can promote the translation of certain proteins to cope with complex cellular microenvironment changes. A large number of studies have found that in a variety of nervous system diseases, the integrated stress response can be activated by stress signals of disease-related cells and participates in the occurrence and progression of diseases through processes such as learning and memory consolidation, myelin regeneration and synaptic plasticity. This article summarizes the role, mechanism and possible drug targets of integrated stress response in central nervous system diseases and discusses the potential of pharmacological methods to regulate integrated stress response in the treatment of central nervous system diseases, in order to provide reference for pathological research on and drug development for central nervous system diseases.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017181


With intensified aging, Alzheimer's disease has become a serious problem in China's health field. In the field of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Alzheimer's disease mainly describes cognitive deficits such as dementia and amnesia. After the inheritance and summary by medical experts of successive generations, the theory of "toxin damaging brain collaterals" has become a mature pathogenesis hypothesis of this disease. Blood stasis, as one of the main viral pathogens, is also closely related to the theory of Alzheimer's disease in modern pharmacology. Chuanxiong Rhizoma is used frequently in clinical prescriptions for Alzheimer's disease. As the main component of Chuanxiong Rhizoma, tetramethylpyrazine has a series of pharmacological effects on the cardiovascular system such as vasodilation, anti-platelet aggregation, anti-atherosclerosis, and anti-myocardial ischemia, which reflects the effects of Chuanxiong Rhizoma in activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis. However, few studies have focused on the effect of tetramethylpyrazine on the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. From the perspective of TCM theory and modern pharmacology, this article discussed the effects of tetramethylpyrazine on the pathology and pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease from the aspects of cardiovascular function, oxidative stress, inflammatory response, mitochondrial function, and cholinergic system and made prospects for the future application of tetramethylpyrazine to prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017188


The pathological mechanism of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is complex, and there are many hypotheses. The mainstream theory is the amyloid-beta protein (Aβ) and Tau protein phosphorylation. Oxidative stress (OS) is a bridge between other hypotheses and mechanisms and plays a key role in many hypotheses. Therefore, the treatment of OS in AD (ADOS) is beneficial in alleviating disease progression. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) is a kind of antioxidant and a kind of oxidation products, with Aβ and Tau protein interactions, activating microglia and astrocytes, triggering inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction, leading to the deterioration of the environment in the brain, and accelerating the development of disease. ROS, as a signal messenger inducing OS, is widely involved in the progression of AD and may be a new target for the progression of AD. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) monomers and compounds play an increasingly important role in the prevention and treatment of AD. Recent studies have found that the effective prevention and treatment of AD by TCM is closely related to the regulation of ROS. There are many studies on the mechanism of TCM in the treatment of AD via regulating ROS, but there is a lack of systematic review. By analyzing and summarizing the literature in China and abroad in recent years, this paper reviewed the generation and physiology of ROS, the mechanism of action of AD, and the prevention of AD by TCM via regulating ROS through relevant ways, so as to provide references for the research on the regulation of ROS by TCM and provide new targets and new methods for the prevention and treatment of AD.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017246


Objective To investigate the effects of nuclear respiratory factor 1(NRF1)on mitochondrial and cog-nitive dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease(AD)model mice.Methods The 5 × FAD mice were utilized as a mod-el for Alzheimer's disease,and the sparsely labeled AAV virus overexpressing NRF1(AAV-NRF1)was adminis-tered via stereotaxic injection into the brain.The expression of NRF1 in hippocampus was determined by Western blot,the morphology of mitochondria in hippocampus was observed by transmission electron microscope,the den-dritic spines of sparsely labeled neurons in the CA1 region were visualized and quantified using confocal laser mi-croscopy,cognitive and memory functions of mice were evaluated using the Morris water maze test,while electro-physiological methods were employed to detect long-term potentiation(LTP)of synaptic efficacy.Results The ex-pression of NRF1 in the hippocampus was significantly upregulated following stereotactic injection of AAV-NRF1(P<0.001).This intervention led to notable improvements in mitochondrial morphology within hippocampal neurons,as well as enhanced cognitive and memory functions in mice(P<0.01).Moreover,there was a significant in-crease in dendritic spine density among neurons located in the CA1 region of the hippocampus(P<0.001),ac-companied by long-lasting and stable long-term potentiation(LTP)and a substantial elevation in fEPSP slope(P<0.01).Conclusion The overexpression of NRF1 in a 5 × FAD mouse model of Alzheimer's disease(AD)initia-ted the restoration of mitochondrial dysfunction and enhanced synaptic plasticity,indicating that these alterations may contribute to the therapeutic efficacy of NRF1 overexpression in ameliorating cognitive dysfunction associated with AD.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017286


Objective:To explore the expression relationship and significance of long chain non-coding RNA nuclear-enriched abundant transcript 1(LncRNA NEAT1)and miR-27a-3p in serum and cerebro-spinal fluid of patients with Alzheimer disease(AD).Methods:Sixty-six AD patients received by the department of neurology of our hospital from October 2019 to September 2021 were gathered,according to the clinical dementia rating scale score,they were grouped into mild group(≤ 1 point,n=41)and moderate-to-severe group(>1 point,n=25).Another 66 cases of serum and cerebrospinal fluid sam-ples from outpatient physical examination personnel were regarded as the control group.The general infor-mation on all subjects was recorded and cognition was assessed;real-time quantitative PCR was performed to measure the expression levels of miR-27a-3p and NEAT1 in serum and cerebrospinal fluid;enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was performed to measure the protein levels of β-amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme 1(BACE1),β-amyloid(Aβ)40 and Aβ42 in cerebrospinal fluid;Spearman's method was performed to analyze the correlation of serum miR-27a-3p and NEAT1 levels with mini-mental state examination(MMSE)and montreal cognitive assessment(MoCA)scores;Pearson method was per-formed to analyze the correlation between serum miR-27a-3p and NEAT1 levels and Aβ deposition standard uptake value ratio(SUVR)and cerebrospinal fluid miR-27a-3p,NEAT1,BACE1,Aβ42 and Aβ40 levels.Results:The MMSE score[21(17,25),9(7,11)vs.27(21,34)],MoCA score[17(12,21),10(7,13)vs.27(21,31)],serum miR-27a-3p level(0.55±0.13,0.46±0.06 vs.0.97± 0.22),cerebrospinal fluid miR-27a-3p(0.48±0.10,0.35±0.10 vs.1.03±0.31),Aβ42 levels[(303.55±36.77)ng/L,(231.45±34.14)ng/L vs.(499.99±53.63)ng/L]and Aβ42/Aβ40 ra-tio(0.030±0.008,0.022±0.007 vs.0.048±0.010)of AD patients in mild group and moderate-to-severe group were all lower than those in the control group,and the moderate-to-severe group were lower than the mild group(all P<0.05);the serum NEAT1 level(2.31±0.64,3.13±0.76 vs.1.05± 0.20),SUVR(1.50±0.29,1.76±0.52 vs.0.74±0.15),and cerebrospinal fluid NEAT1(3.51± 1.24,4.30±1.65 vs.1.01±0.23)and B ACE 1 levels[(55.78±5.98)μg/L,(72.32±16.08)μg/L vs.(21.39±3.73)μg/L]were higher than those in the control group,and the moderate-to-se-vere group were higher than the mild group(all P<0.05).Serum NEAT1 level in AD patients was posi-tively correlated with SUVR,cerebrospinal fluid NEAT1 and BACE1(r=0.350,0.606,0.341,P<0.05),and negatively correlated with MMSE score and MoCA score(r=-0.473,-0.482,all P<0.05);serum miR-27a-3p level was positively correlated with cerebrospinal fluid miR-27a-3p level,MMSE score and MoCA score(r=0.695,0.424,0.412,all P<0.05),and negatively correlated with SUVR and cerebrospinal fluid BACE1 level(r=-0.521,-0.447,all P<0.05).Conclusion:The expression trends of NEAT1 and miR-27a-3p in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid of AD patients are con-sistent,the level of NEAT1 is increased,and the level of miR-27a-3p is decreased.The levels of the two are negatively correlated,which is related to the degree of Aβ deposition in the brain of AD patients and is involved in the progression of AD.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017317


Objective:To discuss the differential effects of apolipoprotein E(APOE)gene polymorphism in the neurotoxicity-reactive astrocytes,and to provide the theoretical basis for the study of the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease(AD).Methods:The primary cortical astrocytes from the APOE-knockout mice(APOE-/-)were isolated and cultured in vitro,and the purity of the cells was identified by immunofluorescence staining.The human APOE3 and APOE4 recombinant over-expression plasmids were constructed and separately transfected into the primary APOE-/-astrocytes,and the APOE-/-primary cells were regarded as control.Western blotting method was used to detect the expression levels of APOE and glial fibrillary acidic protein(GFAP)proteins in the cells;enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)method was used to detect the APOE level in the cellular culture supernatant.The inflammatory models were prepared with the primary astrocytes transfected with APOE3 and APOE4 and co-stimulated with interleukin-1α(IL-1α),tumor necrosis factor(TNF),and complement C1q.The cells were divided into APOE3+PBS group,APOE4+PBS group,APOE3+IL-1α+TNF+ C1q group,and APOE4+IL-1α+TNF+C1q group.Cell immunofluorescence staining method was used to observe the morphology of the cells in various groups;real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR(RT-qPCR)method was used to detect the expression levels of glypican 4(Gpc4),glypican 6(Gpc6),thrombospondin 1(Thbs1),thrombospondin 2(Thbs2),SPARC-like protein 1(Sparcl1)and glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor(GDNF),C3,and S100 calcium binding protein B(S100B)mRNA in the cells in various groups;microsphere phagocytosis assay was used to detect the phagocytic capacities of the cells in various groups;Western blotting was used to detect the protein expression levels of B-cell lymphoma 2(Bcl-2),and cysteinyl aspartate specific protease-3(Caspase-3)proteins in the cells in various groups.Results:Compared with APOE-/-group,the expression levels of APOE and GFAP proteins in the cells and the APOE level in the cellular culture supernatant in transfected APOE3 and transfected APOE4 groups were increased(P<0.01).The fluorescence microscope observation results showed that compared with APOE3+PBS and APOE4+PBS groups,the astrocytic processes in APOE3+IL-1α +TNF+Cq1 group and APOE4+IL-1α+TNF+Cq1 group became shorter and the cell bodies became larger;compared with APOE3+IL-1α +TNF+Cq1 group,the astrocytic processes in APOE4+IL-1α +TNF+Cq1 group were even shorter.Compared with APOE3+PBS and APOE4+PBS groups,the expression levels of Gpc4,Gpc6,Thbs1,Thbs2,and Sparcl1 mRNA in the cells in APOE3+IL-1α +TNF+Cq1 group and APOE4+IL-1α +TNF+Cq1 group were significantly decreased(P<0.01);compared with APOE3+IL-1α +TNF+Cq1 group,the expression levels of Gpc4,Gpc6,Thbs1,Thbs2,and Sparcl1 mRNA in the cells in APOE4+IL-1α +TNF+Cq1 group were significantly decreased(P<0.05 or P<0.01).Compared with APOE3+PBS and APOE4+PBS groups,the expression levels of GDNF mRNA in the cells in APOE3+IL-1α+TNF+Cq1 group and APOE4+ IL-1α +TNF+Cq1 group were decreased(P<0.01),and the expression levels of C3 and S100B mRNA were increased(P<0.01);compared with APOE3+IL-1α +TNF+Cq1 group,the expression level of GDNF mRNA in the cells in APOE4+IL-1α+TNF+Cq1 group was decreased(P<0.05),and the expression levels of C3 and S100B mRNA were increased(P<0.05).Compared with APOE3+ PBS group and APOE4+PBS group,the numbers of hagocytosis of microspheres in the cells in APOE3+ IL-1α +TNF+Cq1 group and APOE4+IL-1α +TNF+Cq1 group were significantly decreased;compared with APOE3+IL-1α+TNF+Cq1 group,the number of hagocytosis of microspheres in the cells in APOE4+IL-1α+TNF+Cq1 group was significantly decreased.Compared with APOE3+PBS group and APOE4+PBS group,the expression levels of Bcl-2 protein in the cells in APOE3+IL-1α+TNF+ Cq1 group and APOE4+IL-1α +TNF+Cq1 group were decreased(P<0.05 or P<0.01)and the expression levels of Caspase-3 protein were significantly increased(P<0.01);compared with APOE3+ IL-1α+TNF+Cq1 group,the expression level of Bcl-2 protein in the cells in APOE4+IL-1α+TNF+ Cq1 group was decreased(P<0.01),and the expression level of Caspase-3 protein was increased(P<0.05).Conclusion:The APOE4 genotype has a stronger ability to induce the inflammatory factors compared with APOE3;it can lead to a neurotoxicity-reactive astrocyte phenotype,increase the neurotoxicity,affect the astrocyte apoptosis,and aggravate the neuron damage.

Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 528-531,536, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017492


Objective To explore the needs and influencing factors of palliative care among primary car-egivers in families of patients with advanced Alzheimer's disease(AD).Methods The main caregivers of 148 patients with advanced AD who were diagnosed at the Memory Clinic of this hospital from January 2021 to December 2022 were randomly selected as the research subjects.A self-designed questionnaire on palliative care needs was used for investigation and statistical analysis.Results The total score of the main caregivers for palliative medical needs was(91.88±15.19),with a score indicator of 66.57%.The highest score indicator was the demand for professional medical care guidance,and the lowest was the demand for social support.There were statistical differences in the scores of palliative medical care needs of caregivers with different a-ges,education level,relationship with patients,nursing experience,death of relatives and friends,annual family income,medical payment method and physical condition(P<0.05).The results of linear regression analysis showed that education level,relationship with patients and nursing experience were the influencing factors of family caregivers'easing medical needs(P<0.05).Conclusion The main caregivers of advanced AD patients have a high demand for palliative care,and there is an urgent need to strengthen palliative care services.