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Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 76(3)jun. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565482


El cáncer de tiroides (CT) es el primer tumor maligno en glándulas endocrinas, y se estima que al 2030 estará en el top cinco de cáncer a nivel mundial. En Chile, el CT fue incluido, recientemente, como la patología N° 82 con Garantías Explícitas de Salud, lo que implica destinar importantes recursos públicos y privados al tratamiento de pacientes con un cáncer que va en aumento en el mundo. Existen grupos de pacientes jóvenes con tumores pequeños que presentan un comportamiento clínico más agresivo desde el inicio, donde se podría adelantar la toma de decisiones. Específicamente, destaca un grupo de pacientes menores de 55 años con tumores pequeños menores de 2 cm, pero con metástasis regionales, que quedan fuera de la indicación de radioyodoterapia y podrían requerir tratamiento complementario o presentar peor evolución. Las herramientas clínicas y moleculares para guiar el tratamiento adecuado en pacientes con metástasis linfonodales son limitadas y no han sido actualizadas hasta el momento. Existen factores de tumorigenicidad y pronóstico, tales como los marcadores de Transición Epitelio-Mesenquimal (TEM) y Cáncer Stem Cells (CSC) que se han incorporado al estudio de otros tumores y recientemente en cáncer de tiroides. Actualmente estudios que relacionan TEM y CSC con CT apuntan a la descripción molecular y genética, con escasos reportes que correlacionen, clínicamente, estos hallazgos, (particularmente en subgrupos con características particulares de agresividad) y que los propongan como marcadores de tumorigenicidad y pronóstico. La descripción de estos biomarcadores en la población descrita podría facilitar la toma de decisiones en cuanto a seguimiento, terapia quirúrgica y radioyodoterapia.

Thyroid cancer (TC) is the first malignant tumor in endocrine glands, and it is estimated that by 2030 it will be in the top five cancers worldwide. In Chile, TC was recently included as pathology No. 82 with Explicit Health Guarantees, which implies allocating significant public and private resources to the treatment of patients with a cancer that is on the rise. There are groups of young patients with small tumors that present a more aggressive clinical behavior, where decision-making could be advanced. Specifically, a group of patients under 55 years of age with tumors less than 2 cm in size but with regional metastases, that lack indication for radioiodine therapy and could require complementary treatment or present a worse evolution. Clinical and molecular tools to guide appropriate treatment in patients with lymph node metastases are limited and have not been updated. There are tumorigenicity and prognostic factors, such as EpithelialMesenchymal Transition (EMT) and Cancer Stem Cells (CSC) markers that have been incorporated into the study of other tumors and recently in thyroid cancer. Studies linking EMT and CSC with TC currently point to molecular and genetic description, with few reports clinically correlating these findings (particularly in subgroups with particular characteristics of aggressiveness) and proposing them as tumorigenicity and prognosis markers. The description of these biomarkers in the described population could facilitate decision-making regarding follow-up, surgical therapy, and radioiodine therapy.

Neumol. pediátr. (En línea) ; 19(2): 41-45, jun. 2024. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566983


Una de las dificultades más comunes que enfrentan los lectores de artículos del área de la biomedicina y epidemiología es la interpretación del término "significativo". El término "estadísticamente significativo" a menudo se malinterpreta como un resultado "clínicamente significativo". La confusión surge del hecho de que muchas personas equiparan "significativo" con su significado literal de "importante", sin embargo, la significación estadística cuantifica la probabilidad de que los resultados de un estudio se deban al azar, mientras que la significancia clínica refleja la importancia práctica o relevancia en el contexto de la atención médica o práctica clínica. Este artículo aborda la diferencia entre la significación estadística y la relevancia o importancia clínica en la interpretación de los resultados de una investigación biomédica.

One of the most common difficulties faced by readers of articles in the area of biomedicine and epidemiology is the interpretation of the term "significant". The term "statistically significant" is often misinterpreted as a "clinically significant" result. Confusion arises from the fact that many people equate "significant" with its literal meaning of "important," however, statistical significance quantifies the probability that the results of a study are due to chance, while clinical significance reflects the practical importance or relevance in the context of health care or clinical practice. This article addresses the difference between statistical significance and clinical relevance or importance in the interpretation of biomedical research results.

Interpretación Estadística de Datos , Investigación Biomédica
Estima (Online) ; 22: e1531, JAN - DEZ 2024. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1568188


Objetivo: construir y validar un folleto educativo enfocado en la atención domiciliaria de lesiones por presión. Método: estudio metodológico realizado en tres etapas: elaboración de los temas, construcción del folleto y validación del contenido por parte de los jueces. El folleto fue elaborado en la plataforma digital de diseño gráfico Canva®, con un enfoque dinámico y autoexplicativo, adecuado al público objetivo, con una apariencia ligera, atractiva y con un lenguaje sencillo. La validación del contenido se realizó utilizando el Índice de Validez de Contenido (IVC). Resultados: El folleto se tituló "Lesión por presión y cuidados domiciliarios: ¿Hablemos de eso?", validado por 8 jueces con un índice de validez de contenido global superior a ≥0,78. Teniendo en cuenta la preocupación de accesibilidad lingüística por parte de los jueces, se llevó a cabo una revisión de contenido y adecuación textual para la versión final. Conclusión: La tecnología construida y validada demostró potencial para ser utilizada y generar mejoras en la atención domiciliaria de las personas con lesiones por presión. Investigaciones futuras deberían centrarse en validar la usabilidad de la tecnología por parte de los usuarios. (AU)

Objective: To create and validate an educational pamphlet focused on home care for pressure injuries. Method:This methodological study was conducted in three stages: topic development, pamphlet creation, and content validation by experts. The pamphlet was designed using the Canva® digital graphic design platform, considering a dynamic, self-explanatory approach suitable for the target audience, featuring a light and attractive appearance with simple language. For content validation, the Content Validity Index (CVI) was used. Results: The pamphlet, titled "Pressure Injuries and Home Care: Let's Talk About It?", was validated by eight experts with an overall CVI above ≥ 0.78. Due to concerns raised by the experts regarding linguistic accessibility, a content review and textual adjustments were made for the final version. Conclusion: The constructed, validated pamphlet has demonstrated potential for use and improvement in home care for people with pressure injuries. Future research should focus on validating the usability of the technology by users. (AU)

Objetivo:Construir e validaruma cartilha educativa voltada ao cuidado domiciliar com lesão por pressão. Método:estudo metodológico realizado em três etapas: elaboração dos assuntos, construção da cartilha e validação de conteúdo por juízes.A cartilha foi elaborada na plataforma digital de design gráfico Canva®, considerando abordagem dinâmica, autoexplicativa, adequada ao público-alvo; contendo uma aparência leve, atrativa e linguagem simples. Para validação de conteúdo, utilizou o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (IVC). Resultados: A cartilha foi intitulada "Lesão por pressão e cuidados domiciliares: Vamos falar sobre isso?", validada por oito juízes com índice de validade de conteúdo geral acima de ≥ 0,78. Considerando a preocupação por parte dos juízes, diante da acessibilidade linguística, foi realizada uma revisão do conteúdo e adequação textual para a versão final. Conclusão: A tecnologia construída e validada demonstrou potencial para ser utilizada e gerar melhoria dos cuidados domiciliares às pessoas que convivem com lesões por pressão. Como perspectiva para pesquisas futuras, ressalta-se a validação da usabilidade da tecnologia pelos usuários. (AU)

Humanos , Tecnología Biomédica , Servicios de Atención de Salud a Domicilio , Tecnología Educacional , Úlcera por Presión , Estomaterapia
Rev. Bras. Neurol. (Online) ; 60(1): 23-28, jan.-mar. 2024. fig
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555101


The trajectory of healthcare has evolved from ancient holistic practices to the present biomedical model, reflecting the dynamic interplay between scientific progress, technological advancements, and the integration of humanistic values. While biomedical advancements have revolutionized medical treatments, there is an emerging recognition of the importance of integrating neuroscience and humanities to foster holistic patient care and understanding. This paper aims to explore the historical development of medicine, emphasizing the convergence of neuroscience, psychiatry, and neurology within the biomedical framework. Additionally, it investigates the resurgence of humanities in healthcare and its role in promoting patientcentered care. Through a comprehensive review of literature, this study traces the historical roots of medicine and examines the interdisciplinary intersections of neuroscience, psychiatry, neurology, and medical humanities. The exploration reveals the significant contributions of interdisciplinary approaches in enhancing patient-centered care, fostering a comprehensive understanding of health and well-being, and shaping modern healthcare practices. The integration of neuroscience and humanities offers valuable insights into the complexities of human health, bridging legacy practices with innovative approaches. Embracing this interdisciplinary perspective is crucial for promoting holistic healthcare, emphasizing patient-centered care, and enriching the understanding of health and well-being in contemporary healthcare settings.

A trajetória dos cuidados de saúde evoluiu das antigas práticas holísticas para o atual modelo biomédico, reflectindo a interação dinâmica entre o progresso científico, os avanços tecnológicos e a integração de valores humanísticos. Embora os avanços biomédicos tenham revolucionado os tratamentos médicos, há um reconhecimento emergente da importância de integrar as neurociências e as humanidades para promover a compreensão e os cuidados holísticos dos doentes. Este artigo tem como objetivo explorar o desenvolvimento histórico da medicina, salientando a convergência da neurociência, da psiquiatria e da neurologia no quadro biomédico. Além disso, investiga o ressurgimento das humanidades nos cuidados de saúde e o seu papel na promoção de cuidados centrados no doente. Através de uma revisão exaustiva da literatura, este estudo traça as raízes históricas da medicina e examina as intersecções interdisciplinares da neurociência, psiquiatria, neurologia e humanidades médicas. A exploração revela os contributos significativos das abordagens interdisciplinares para melhorar os cuidados centrados no doente, promover uma compreensão abrangente da saúde e do bem-estar e moldar as práticas modernas de cuidados de saúde. A integração das neurociências e das humanidades oferece conhecimentos valiosos sobre as complexidades da saúde humana, fazendo a ponte entre práticas antigas e abordagens inovadoras. A adoção desta perspetiva interdisciplinar é crucial para promover cuidados de saúde holísticos, enfatizando os cuidados centrados no doente e enriquecendo a compreensão da saúde e do bem-estar nos contextos de cuidados de saúde contemporâneos.

Int. braz. j. urol ; 50(2): 209-222, Mar.-Apr. 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558064


ABSTRACT Objective: The objective of this narrative review is to discuss the current state of research funding in Brazil. Materials and Methods: This study is based on the most recent edition of the course Funding for Research and Innovation in the University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine which was a three-day course with 12 hours of instruction. The course brought together leading experts in the field to comprehensively discuss the current state of research funding in Brazil. Each speaker provided a presentation on a specific topic related to research funding. After the workshop, speakers assembled relevant topics in this manuscript. Results: collaborative research is critical for securing research funding. It optimizes proposal competitiveness, amplifies societal impact, and manages risks effectively. As such, fostering and supporting these collaborations is paramount for both researchers and funding agencies. To maintain the highest integrity in research, investigators involved in these collaborations must disclose any relationships that could potentially influence the outcomes or interpretation of their projects. Conclusions: In Brazil, the mainstay of research funding stems from public entities, with agencies such as CNPq, CAPES, and state bodies like FAPESP, FAPERJ, FAPEMIG and others at the forefront. Concurrently, industry funding offers viable pathways, especially through industry-sponsored studies, investigator-led projects, and collaborative initiatives. The Brazilian funding landscape is further enriched by innovative platforms, including crowdfunding and the contributions of institutions like the Serrapilheira Institute. Internationally, esteemed organizations such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation stand out as potential funders.

Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 24(2): e2560, abr.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569203


RESUMEN Objetivo: Describir la cronología, evolución e impacto de la investigación global sobre el dolor crónico posoperatorio. Materiales y métodos: Estudio bibliométrico que utilizó la base de datos Scopus. Se diseñó y validó una búsqueda estructurada que permitió la recolección de metadatos, los cuales se analizaron a través del paquete Bibliometrix del lenguaje de programación R. Se realizó la descripción de las características generales, la evolución y el cálculo de métricas de impacto de la investigación global sobre el dolor crónico postoperatorio. Resultados: Se incluyeron 1496 documentos, con una ventana de tiempo entre 1983 y 2023. El 70,7 % (n = 1059) de la producción total fueron artículos originales, seguido de revisiones (n = 357; 23,8 %). Existió una colaboración internacional del 15,6 %, y, desde 1983, ha existido un crecimiento sostenido de la producción, con un incremento marcado en los últimos 13 años, donde el 2022 fue el año más fecundo (n = 191 documentos publicados). Se identificó que Canadá y Dinamarca lideran el impacto de la investigación global, y cuentan con los autores e instituciones más prolíficas. Sin embargo, Estados Unidos es el país más productivo, ya que lidera una importante colaboración, esencialmente junto a países europeos y latinos. Se encontró que el dolor neuropático, la valoración de factores de riesgo y el manejo del dolor son algunos de los tópicos más frecuentes. En los últimos 10 años, aproximadamente, ha existido un interés persistente en la investigación sobre calidad de vida, predicción, prevención y valoración de factores de riesgo. Últimamente, ha existido especial interés en el estudio del dolor en cirugía toracoscópica videoasistida y construcción de modelos de predicción. Conclusiones: Se reveló un crecimiento sostenido en la investigación global sobre dolor crónico postoperatorio, en los últimos 40 años. Dicho crecimiento ha estado liderado esencialmente por instituciones canadienses y danesas, a pesar de que se ha considerado a Estados Unidos como el país más prolífico. Asimismo, ha existido una transición importante en los tópicos estudiados, se ha pasado del uso de fármacos y determinación de factores de riesgo al estudio de modelos de predicción, sistematización de datos y cirugía videoasistida.

ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the chronology, evolution and impact of global research into chronic postoperative pain. Materials and methods: A bibliometric study was conducted using the Scopus database. A structured search was designed and validated, thereby allowing the collection of metadata, which were analyzed through the Bibliometrix package of the R programming language. The study involved the description of the general characteristics, evolution and calculation of impact metrics of global research into chronic postoperative pain. Results: The study included 1,496 documents, which spanned from 1983 to 2023. Original articles accounted for 70.7 % (n =1,059) of the total output, followed by reviews (n = 357; 23.8 %). There was an international collaboration rate of 15.6 %, and there has been sustained growth in output since 1983, with a sharp increase in the last 13 years, 2022 being the most prolific one (n =191 published documents). It was identified that Canada and Denmark lead the impact of global research and have the most productive authors and institutions. However, the United States is the most prolific country because it leads significant collaboration, mainly with European and Latin American countries. Neuropathic pain, risk factor assessment and pain management were identified as some of the most frequent topics. Over the past approximately 10 years, there has been persistent interest in research on quality of life, prediction, prevention, and risk factor assessment. Recently, there has been interest in studying pain in video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery and developing predictive models. Conclusions: The study revealed sustained growth in global research on chronic postoperative pain over the past 40 years. Such growth has been mainly led by Canadian and Danish institutions, despite the United States being the most prolific country. Moreover, there has been a significant transition in the studied topics, moving from the use of drugs and identification of risk factors to the study of predictive models, data systematization, and video-assisted surgery.

Rev. mex. ing. bioméd ; 45(1): 43-59, Jan.-Apr. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570002


Abstract This systematic review aims to assess the extent to which biomedical engineering has been applied in the rehabilitation of patients suffering from Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), given the scarcity of information on this topic. We conducted a thorough analysis of research articles, conference abstracts, and case reports published between 2000 and 2023, specifically from ScienceDirect, PubMed, IEEE Xplore, Springer, and Dimensions. 19 articles were extensively discussed, complemented by an additional 40 information sources providing supplementary information. Each paper underwent a meticulous review process by the four authors, where each separately examined the title and abstract of the papers and subsequently provided a thorough examination of the full text; when conflicts arose, a clear consensus was reached through discussion. The analysis of the articles revealed a notable improvement in upper and lower limb function of GBS patients that was facilitated by both custom-made and commercial devices. Likewise, a small handful of other devices have been used (e.g., to improve urinary retention issues). There is a clear opportunity for new research, innovation and applications.

Resumen Esta revisión sistemática tiene como objetivo evaluar hasta qué punto se ha aplicado la ingeniería biomédica en la rehabilitación de pacientes que padecen el Síndrome de Guillain-Barré (SGB), dada la escasez de información sobre este tema. Realizamos un análisis exhaustivo de artículos de investigación, resúmenes de conferencias e informes de casos publicados entre 2000 y 2023, específicamente de ScienceDirect, PubMed, IEEE Xplore, Springer y Dimensions. Se discutieron ampliamente 19 artículos, complementados con 40 fuentes de información adicionales. Cada artículo pasó por un meticuloso proceso de revisión por parte de los cuatro autores, donde cada uno examinó por separado el título y el resumen de los artículos y posteriormente proporcionó un examen exhaustivo del texto completo; cuando surgieron conflictos, se alcanzó un consenso mediante la discusión. El análisis de los artículos reveló una mejora notable en la función de las extremidades superiores e inferiores de los pacientes con SGB que fue facilitada por dispositivos tanto hechos a medida como comerciales. Asimismo, se han creado un pequeño puñado de otros dispositivos, (por ejemplo, para mejorar los problemas de retención urinaria). Existe una clara oportunidad para nueva investigación, innovación y aplicaciones.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 53(1)mar. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1569894


La formación académica sustenta las bases para el desempeño investigativo del egresado. No obstante, en el camino entre la proyección del pregrado y el rediseño del posgrado de los planes de estudio, persisten dificultades en el proceso investigativo. Se propone considerar la utilidad del vínculo asistencia-docencia-investigación, sustentado en la presencia de esta última en cada momento y espacio de la vida del profesional, en función de transformar su entorno y con ello, su desarrollo intelectual, según criterios y experiencia de los autores. Es reconocida, la importante y decisiva integración docente-asistencial-investigativa, elemento característico de las formas organizativas de la educación médica cubana. No es posible llevar a cabo una investigación de calidad, sin una práctica médica de excelencia La investigación clínica mejora la calidad de los médicos y debe fomentarse como actividad esencial. Se deben identificar las necesidades de aprendizaje, y entre ellas estar contenidos los problemas investigativos, en torno a los cuales se erigen las investigaciones científicas. Para un profesional, no es posible que se separen las 3 vertientes interrelacionadas: la asistencia, la docencia y la investigación. Por lo tanto, de su trabajo diario, justamente emerge la ciencia. La formación de recursos humanos en Cuba, en el contexto actual, es transformadora, revolucionaria y a favor del bienestar de la sociedad. El vínculo asistencia-docencia-investigación debe concebirse como un sistema articulado e integral presente en cada momento de actuación del sistema de salud que debe ser aprovechado por los profesionales, los directivos, en función de transformar su entorno, calidad y pertinencia(AU)

Academic training supports the bases for the graduate's research performance. However, on the path between the undergraduate projection and the postgraduate redesign of the study plans, difficulties persist in the research process. It is proposed to consider the usefulness of the assistance-teaching-research link, supported by the presence of the latter in every moment and space of the professional's life, in terms of transforming their environment and with it, their intellectual development, according to criteria and experience of the authors. The important and decisive integration of teaching-care-research is recognized, a characteristic element of the organizational forms of Cuban medical education. It is not possible to carry out quality research without excellent medical practice. Clinical research improves the quality of doctors and should be promoted as an essential activity. Learning needs must be identified, and among them the research problems, around which scientific research is built, must be contained. For a professional, it is not possible to separate the 3 interrelated aspects: assistance, teaching and research. Therefore, science emerges from daily work. The training of human resources in Cuba, in the current context, is transformative, revolutionary and in favor of the well-being of society. The care-teaching-research link must be conceived as an articulated and integral system present at every moment of action of the health system that must be taken advantage of by professionals, managers, in order to transform its environment, quality and relevance(AU)

Ciencia/educación , Enseñanza/educación , Docentes/educación , Asistencia Médica , Investigación
Medisur ; 22(1)feb. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558536


En la investigación clínica es crucial realizar una selección adecuada del diseño de investigación. Cada tipo de diseño cumple con diferentes objetivos, desde examinar prevalencias mediante diseños transversales hasta analizar exposiciones a lo largo del tiempo en estudios de cohorte. Los diseños de investigación pueden ser clasificados en primarios, como los ensayos clínicos aleatorizados, o secundarios, como las revisiones. También se dividen en experimentales, que evalúan intervenciones, y observacionales que simplemente observan sin intervenir. Al elegir el diseño más apropiado, se deben tener en cuenta la pregunta de investigación, los recursos disponibles y las consideraciones éticas. Una elección acertada garantiza la validez y aplicabilidad de los resultados, lo cual resulta beneficioso tanto para la medicina como para los pacientes.

In clinical research, it is crucial to make an appropriate selection of the research design. Each type of design meets different objectives, from examining prevalences through cross-sectional designs to analyzing exposures over time in cohort studies. Research designs can be classified as primary, such as randomized clinical trials, or secondary, such as reviews. They are also divided into experimental, which evaluate interventions, and observational, which simply observe without intervening. When choosing the most appropriate design, the research question, available resources, and ethical considerations should be taken into account. A correct choice guarantees the validity and applicability of the results, which is beneficial for both medicine and patients.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021307


BACKGROUND:In recent years,metal-organic frameworks have been widely used in the biomedical field because of their unique properties,and metal-organic frameworks can be applied to implant surface modification for improving their biological properties and the surgery's success rate. OBJECTIVE:To introduce metal-organic frameworks commonly used in implant surface modification and the preparation and action mechanism of surgical implants modified by metal-organic frameworks. METHODS:The articles concerning metal-organic frameworks used in implant surface modification published from 2010 to 2023 were searched on PubMed,Web of Science and CNKI.Finally,64 articles were included for review. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Metal-organic frameworks have the properties of high porosity,large specific surface area,and diverse spatial structure.As bioactive material,metal-organic frameworks have attracted much attention in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.(2)The metal-organic frameworks commonly used in the field of implant surface modification include three types.Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks are commonly used as carriers,carrying various drugs and biomolecules.The MIL series are suitable for drug carriers and nanoenzymes.Bio-metal-organic frameworks have many applications because of their diverse structure and are characterized by excellent biosafety.(3)The preparation of implant materials modified by metal-organic frameworks can be mainly divided into two types:one is to incorporate metal-organic frameworks into pretreated implants;the other is to synthesize metal-organic frameworks in situ on pretreated implants.(4)Metal-organic frameworks on the implant surface could release their components,load drugs,catalyze active reactions,or combine with other materials,giving implants antibacterial and anti-inflammatory characteristics and promoting osseointegration.The preparation method of metal-organic framework coatings needs further improvement,and the metabolism and distribution of metal-organic framework coatings should be deeply explored,and its clinical application should be actively promoted.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021309


BACKGROUND:Bone wax is a filler that can be used for bone hemostasis.Although modification of bone wax formulations is attempted worldwide,its inertness is still the main challenge today.There is an urgent clinical need to develop novel orthopedic hemostatic materials with hemostasis,osteogenesis and antibacterial properties. OBJECTIVE:To review the development of orthopedic hemostatic materials including bone wax and its substitutes. METHODS:PubMed,Web of Science,WanFang,CNKI and VIP databases were searched for literature related to bone wax,hemostatic materials,and research progress of orthopedic hemostatic materials,and 136 articles were selected for inclusion in the review by reading the abstracts of the articles in the initial screening. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:To replace traditional bone wax,researchers have developed various orthopedic hemostatic materials based on the needs of practical scenarios such as hemostasis and osteogenesis.However,relevant studies mostly focus on basic physical and chemical and performance tests,lack a systematic evaluation system,and lack sufficient reports of large animal experiments and clinical trials.Therefore,bone wax is still a recognized orthopedic hemostatic material at present.The fundamental reason is that the design of existing materials cannot timely meet the new needs of intraoperative hemostasis,postoperative osteogenesis and clinical practice.In the future,the structure,composition and function of existing hemostatic and osteogenic materials need to be integrated and redesigned to meet the increasing demand for hemostatic and osteogenic materials.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021559


BACKGROUND:Biomimetic design of bioactive materials to restore,maintain or improve the function of tissue based on the understanding of anatomy on the function and structure of biological tissue is a research hotspot in the field of regenerative medicine at present. OBJECTIVE:To discuss the effect of mechanical properties,three-dimensional spatial structure,and biochemical activity of biomedical scaffolds on cell behavior and review the application of biomedical scaffolds in the field of tissue engineering. METHODS:The articles published in CNKI,Wanfang,Web of Science,and PubMed databases from January 2003 to April 2023 were searched by computer.The Chinese search terms were"extracellular matrix,tissue engineering,scaffolds,biomaterials,biomimetic structures,mechanical properties,three-dimensional structures,tendon-bone interface,osteochondral,neural conduits,artificial blood vessels".English search terms were"extracellular matrix,tissue engineering,scaffolds,biomimetic structures,biomaterials,tendon bone interfaces,osteochondral,neural conduits,artificial blood vessels". RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Cells are in a complex and dynamic three-dimensional environment,so the extracellular matrix is the ultimate target of biomaterial simulation.The bionic structure of biomedical scaffolders needs to be similar to the real microenvironment,so that cells can stick to the wall,grow and migrate normally,and maintain their diverse physiological functions.Biomimetic design of extracellular matrix in terms of mechanical properties,three-dimensional spatial structure,and biochemical properties of biomedical scaffolds can play a decisive role in tissue repair,thus affecting the final result of tissue repair.Biomimetic biomedical scaffolds have been widely used in tendon-bone interface,bone cartilage interface,nerve,vascular regeneration,and other fields,providing a promising new idea in clinical practice.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021911


BACKGROUND:Bioactive glass is a multifunctional synthetic composite material that releases active ions slowly and exhibits certain biological activities after affinity with tissues.Their versatility stems from the versatility of their preparation processes and components,allowing them to be applied in different clinical scenarios. OBJECTIVE:To review the main application forms,application fields of bioactive glass,as well as the influence of doping different elements on its function. METHODS:A literature search was conducted across WanFang Medical Database,CNKI Database,PubMed Database,and Web of Science Database,using the search terms"bioactive glass,slow-release ions,bone tissue engineering,composite scaffold,tissue regeneration and repair,biomedical engineering"in Chinese and English.The timeframe was limited from 2000 to 2023.Finally,88 articles were included for review. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)In terms of application forms,bioactive glass can be fabricated as coatings,particles,bone cements,and scaffolds according to needs.Coatings have the potential to enhance the biological activity of implants,yet they are susceptible to instability as a result of degradation.Particles offer a viable solution for the repair of irregular bone defects;however,particles produced through traditional methods often possess limited functionality.Bone cement provides the benefits of minimal invasiveness and injectability,yet its application is restricted to smaller bone defects.Scaffolds exhibit excellent mechanical properties and are commonly used for larger-sized bone defects,yet they have limited toughness.(2)In terms of applications,bioactive glass can be used in a variety of tissue regeneration and repair and disease treatment fields,including dentistry,orthopedics,soft tissue engineering,and cancer.(3)In terms of element doping,the addition of specific elements to bioactive glass not only improves its mechanical properties but also endows it with special biological functions such as bioactivity,degradability,and antibacterial properties.(4)Biologically active glass is a versatile material that can be used in different forms and functions by adjusting the preparation process and element doping to meet various clinical needs in bone tissue engineering and is widely used in the field of biomedical engineering.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022961


The working principle and development of flexible semiconductor devices based on organic field effect transistor(OFET)technology were introduced.The current research status of OFET-based wearable flexible monitoring devices were reviewed,including biomechanical monitoring devices,tattoo biomonitoring devices and cellular detection devices and etc.The deficiencies of OFET-based wearable flexible monitoring devices were analyzed,and it's pointed out that miniaturization,personalization and diversification were the directions for the development of the future OFET-based wearable flexible moni-toring devices.[Chinese Medical Equipment Journal,2024,45(1):93-100]

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023486


Purpose/Significance To put forward strategies for the open sharing of biomedical scientific data and provide theoretical support for the sustainable development of scientific data in China.Method/Process The paper adopts the multiple-case study method to analyze open sharing practices of four international typical biomedical scientific data platforms,including UK Biobank,National Center for Biotechnology Information(NCBI),Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data(GISAID)and Cortellis Drug Discovery Intelli-gence(CDDI).Result/Conclusion Suggestions are proposed based on three processes of before,during and after data sharing.In the construction of data resources,the division of data rights and rights subjects should be determined.The open use of data should be differ-entiated according to data attributes.In terms of data ecology construction,mechanisms and measures to promote data value-added should be formulated.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 33-40, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012845


Based on the data of a national sampling survey, this paper described and analyzed the understanding, attitude, behavior, and their differences and influencing factors of Chinese medical researchers on ethical review of biomedical research involving human subject. The survey found that researchers with master’s degree or below, working in scientific research institutes or universities, no overseas experience, living in the central region and not serving as committee members have relatively poor acquaintance of "ethical review" ; researchers with the characteristics of male, the younger age, living in the western region, knowing less about "ethical review" , agree more with the view that "ethical review consumes too much time and energy" ; researchers who serve as members of the ethics committee are more likely to participate in scientific research projects that have not passed the ethical review process. Therefore, recommendations are put forward: comprehensively popularizing the training of ethical review, focusing on strengthening the vulnerable groups and regions, strictly implementing ethical review laws and regulations, and strengthening evaluation and supervision, so as to improve the service quality and efficiency of ethical review in multiple directions.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 185-189, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012873


The advancement of medicine and biotechnology is based on biomedical research. The rights and safety protection of subjects in biomedical research is one of the core issues of research ethics,and the protection of vulnerable subjects should be the top priority importantly,research ethics should provide special protection for vulnerable subjects. Chinese laws and regulations have not yet given a clear definition of the concept of vulnerability,and the content and regulations related to vulnerability are relatively rough and not perfect. By drawing on the main international and foreign research ethics policies and guidelines,introducing the definition of vulnerability,clarifying the source of vulnerability,and applying vulnerability to the process of biomedical research in China. When applying vulnerabilities,one should avoid using the label approach to include people with common characteristics into vulnerable groups,but mainly analyze the types and sources of vulnerability,and includes as many vulnerable subjects of different types as possible to provide them with more comprehensive and adequate protection in biomedical research.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(4): e00117923, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557411


Resumen: En pandemia, en Argentina y en otros países se observó variabilidad en las políticas públicas implementadas sobre tecnologías sanitarias para prevención y tratamiento de la COVID-19. El objetivo fue analizar cómo se procesaron en Argentina los movimientos de coordinación vs. cooperación, y de autonomía vs. reparto de autoridad entre entidades, explorando asimetrías entre diferentes entidades en la implementación de políticas públicas sobre tecnologías sanitarias en pandemia y las influencias de otros actores. Se realizó una revisión documental del período 2020-2021 (informes técnicos publicados por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, organismos nacionales y sociedades científicas, leyes, fallos judiciales, prensa, encuestas y entrevistas en profundidad a miembros de los Ministerios de Salud de Argentina). Se indagó sobre procesos y resultados de la toma de decisiones en los Ministerios de Salud, mapeando la cobertura y recomendación de cada tecnología y el partido político provincial gobernante. Hubo heterogeneidad en resultados y procesos entre los Ministerios, y disputas en el interior de los mismos. La adherencia a recomendaciones oficiales fue baja, influyendo distintos criterios técnico-políticos (relaciones de poder, presión social, de los medios, académicos, poder Judicial y Legislativo). En algunos casos se observó una fuerte tensión entre oficialismo y oposición al partido gobernante a partir de la discusión sobre tecnologías. Cada provincia argentina definió sus políticas sobre tecnologías sanitarias para COVID-19 con autonomía, y la toma de decisiones en la administración pública en pandemia fue desordenada, compleja y no lineal.

Abstract: Argentina, as other countries, showed several public policies related to the health technologies implemented to fight and treat the COVID-19 pandemic. This study sought to analyze how articulation vs. cooperation and autonomy vs. division of powers between entities occurred in Argentina, exploring asymmetries between several entities in implementing public policies related to health technologies during the pandemic and the influences of other actors. For this, a documentary research was carried out related to 2020-2021 (technical reports published by the World Health Organization, national agencies and scientific societies, laws, court decisions, press, and research and in-depth interviews with members of the Argentine Ministries of Health). The processes and results of decision-making in the Ministries of Health were analyzed, outlining the coverage and orientations of each technology and the political party in power in the province. This study found heterogeneous results and processes between Ministries and disputes within them. It also observed the poor adherence to official guidelines due to technical-political criteria (power relations, social, media, academic, judiciary, and legislative pressure). Some cases showed a strong tension between the government and its opposition over the discussion of technologies. Each province in Argentina has autonomously defined its policies on health technologies for COVID-19, and decision-making in public administration was disorderly, complex, and non-linear during the pandemic.

Resumo: Na Argentina, assim como em outros países, houve uma variabilidade de políticas públicas relacionadas às tecnologias de saúde implementadas no combate e tratamento da COVID-19 durante a pandemia. Este estudo buscou analisar como ocorreram a articulação vs. cooperação, e a autonomia vs. divisão de poderes entre as entidades na Argentina, explorando assimetrias entre diferentes entidades na implementação de políticas públicas relacionadas a tecnologias de saúde na pandemia, bem como as influências de outros atores. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa documental para o período de 2020-2021 (relatórios técnicos publicados pela Organização Mundial da Saúde, agências nacionais e sociedades científicas, leis, decisões judiciais, imprensa, pesquisas e entrevistas em profundidade com membros dos Ministérios da Saúde da Argentina). Os processos e os resultados da tomada de decisão nos Ministérios da Saúde foram analisados, traçando a cobertura e orientações de cada tecnologia e o partido político no poder na província. Observou-se uma heterogeneidade nos resultados e processos entre os Ministérios, e disputas em seu interior. Houve uma baixa adesão às orientações oficiais, influenciada por diferentes critérios técnico-políticos (relações de poder, pressão social, midiática, acadêmica, do poder Judiciário e do Legislativo). Em alguns casos, observou-se uma forte tensão entre governo e oposição a partir da discussão das tecnologias. Cada província da Argentina definiu suas políticas sobre tecnologias de saúde para a COVID-19 de forma autônoma, e a tomada de decisões na administração pública foi desordenada, complexa e não linear durante a pandemia.

Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1557738


Objetivo: Validar o conteúdo do Instrumento de Mapeamento dos Fatores de Risco para Incontinência Urinária Feminina (IMFRIU-Fem) considerando o contexto das mulheres adultas jovens. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa metodológica quantitativa, desenvolvida no período de abril 2020 a dezembro de 2021, em três etapas: revisão integrativa da literatura, construção do instrumento e validação do conteúdo. Resultados: Através da revisão integrativa, 55 fatores de risco foram identificados e agrupados em dimensões na estrutura do instrumento, considerando desde os aspectos sociodemográficos até os sistemas corporais. O instrumento foi validado pelo índice de validade de conteúdo (IVC) e contou com a avaliação de 7 juízes. Para a maioria das dimensões do instrumento os juízes apresentaram uma resposta unanime, expressando uma porcentagem de 91 % quanto a clareza e compreensão, o que significa dizer que tais dimensões apresentam funcionalidade diante do objetivo de mapear os fatores de risco para a incontinência urinária feminina. O IVC global das dimensões, mostrou-se extremamente significativos, com IVC = 0,91. Conclusão: Espera-se que o IMFRIU-Fem possa auxiliar os enfermeiros a identificar precocemente os fatores de risco para a incontinência urinária, fornecendo dados longitudinais que permitam elaborar um plano assistencial que considere a integralidade da saúde da mulher.

Objetivo: Validar el contenido del Instrumento de Mapeo de Factores de Riesgo para la Incontinencia Urinaria Femenina (IMFRIU-Fem) considerando el contexto de las mujeres adultas jóvenes. Método: Se trata de una investigación metodológica cuantitativa, desarrollada entre abril de 2020 y diciembre de 2021, en tres etapas: revisión bibliográfica integradora, construcción del instrumento y validación de contenido. Resultados: A través de la revisión integradora, se identificaron 55 factores de riesgo y se agruparon en dimensiones en la estructura del instrumento, considerando desde aspectos sociodemográficos hasta sistemas corporales. El instrumento fue validado por el índice de validez de contenido (IVC) y fue evaluado por 7 jueces. Para la mayoría de las dimensiones del instrumento los jueces presentaron una respuesta unánime, expresando un porcentaje del 91 % en cuanto a claridad y comprensión, lo que significa que dichas dimensiones presentan funcionalidad frente al objetivo de mapear los factores de riesgo de la incontinencia urinaria femenina. El IVC global de las dimensiones resultó ser extremadamente significativo, con un valor de 0.91. Conclusión: Se espera que el IMFRIU-Fem pueda ayudar al personal de enfermería a identificar de forma precoz los factores de riesgo para la incontinencia urinaria, proporcionando datos longitudinales que permitan elaborar un plan de asistencia que considere la integralidad de la salud de la mujer.

Objective: To validate the content of the Risk Factors Mapping Instrument for Female Urinary Incontinence (IMFRIU-Fem) considering the context of young adult women. Method: This is quantitative methodological research, developed from April 2020 to December 2021, in three stages: integrative literature review, instrument construction and content validation. Results: Through the integrative review, 55 risk factors were identified and grouped into dimensions in the structure of the instrument, considering from sociodemographic aspects to body systems. The instrument was validated by the content validity index (CVI) and was assessed by 7 judges. For most of the dimensions of the instrument the judges presented a unanimous answer, expressing a percentage of 91 % as to clarity and understanding, which means that such dimensions present functionality in the face of the objective of mapping the risk factors for female urinary incontinence. The global CVI of the dimensions showed to be extremely significant, with CVI = 0.91. Conclusion: It is expected that the IMFRIU-Fem may help nurses to identify early risk factors for urinary incontinence, providing longitudinal data that allow the elaboration of a care plan that considers the integrality of women's health.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(1): e00322023, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528330


Resumo O objetivo foi identificar o arcabouço regulatório e as orientações federais que sustentam o processo de implementação de tecnologias em saúde no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), por meio da análise de documentos e legislações relacionados à Política Nacional de Gestão de Tecnologias de Saúde, publicados entre 2009 e 2021. Foi realizada busca e seleção dos documentos e posterior extração de dados, agrupados por três categorias: normativas estruturantes, recomendações na avaliação de tecnologias e recomendações nas diretrizes clínicas. Em 38,8% das normativas, foram identificadas citações à implementação relacionadas principalmente às diretrizes clínicas do SUS, mas nenhum documento dedicado a orientar as ações de implementação. As recomendações relacionadas às implementações foram identificadas em 27,1% dos relatórios e em 66,1% das diretrizes, mas sem padronização e, de modo geral, pouco detalhadas, com foco em recursos e ações necessárias para a disponibilização da tecnologia, ao invés de métodos e intervenções para implementação. Os resultados confirmam a existência de uma lacuna de diretrizes formais para guiar o processo de implementação no Brasil, o que se constitui em oportunidade para o desenvolvimento de modelos alinhados à realidade do SUS.

Abstract This study aimed to identify the regulatory framework and federal guidelines that support the process of implementing health technologies in the Unified Health System (SUS) through analysis of documents and legislation related to the National Health Technology Management Policy, published between 2009 and 2021. The search and selection of documents and subsequent data extraction were carried out. The documents were grouped into three categories: structural regulatory documents, recommendations on evaluation of technologies, and recommendations on clinical guidelines. In 38.8% of the regulatory documents, citations to implementation related mainly to SUS clinical guidelines were identified; however, no document dedicated to guiding implementation actions was identified. Recommendations related to implementations were identified in 27.1% of the reports and 66.1% of the guidelines, although without standardization and, in general, in little detail, focusing on resources and actions needed for making technology available rather than on methods and interventions for its implementation. The results evidence a gap in formal guidelines to guide the implementation process in Brazil, representing an opportunity for the development of models aligned with the reality of the SUS.