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An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 57(1): 45-49, 20240401.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554134


RESUMEN Introducción: Cada año en América Latina, más de 200,000 mujeres son diagnosticadas con cáncer de mama. Como parte del tratamiento de esta enfermedad, la cirugía es uno de los pilares fundamentales. El acto quirúrgico es una experiencia extrema para el paciente y el cirujano, necesaria en esta patología para el tratamiento completo y, como todo acto médico, no está exento de complicaciones. En Paraguay no se cuentan con estadísticas sobre la prevalencia de las complicaciones debidas a cirugías por cáncer de mama, por lo que este trabajo tiene como principal objetivo establecer dicha frecuencia en un hospital de cuarto nivel de complejidad. Materiales y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, observacional, de corte transversal. Muestreo no probabilístico de casos consecutivos. La selección de sujetos de estudios se realizó de la población de pacientes que fueron sometidos a cirugía por cáncer de mama, en el Hospital de Clínicas en el periodo enero de 2018 a agosto 2022, y que cumplan con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Todas las variables han sido extraídas de la ficha clínica y fueron documentadas en el formulario de registro de datos. Se esperaba una frecuencia de 42 % de complicaciones post quirúrgicas utilizando el programa estadístico EPIINFO 7 para un IC de 95% a precisión de 5%, el tamaño mínimo a incluir debía ser de 143 pacientes. Resultados: Se analizaron 203 historias clínicas de pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer de mama que fueron sometidas a cirugía como parte del tratamiento, correspondientes al periodo comprendido entre enero de 2018 a agosto de 2022. Cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión 201 pacientes. Se registraron un total de 92 pacientes que presentaron alguna complicación relacionada a la cirugía, que corresponden 46 % del total de pacientes en el periodo de tiempo estudiado. De las complicaciones encontradas, 40 desarrollaron seromas, representando el 43% del total de pacientes con complicaciones; 18 pacientes tuvieron infección de la herida operatoria, representando el 20%. 7 pacientes presentaron dehiscencia de la herida operatoria, siendo el 7,5% del total; y 5 desarrollaron un hematoma, siendo el 5,3%. Entre otras complicaciones encontradas, 4 pacientes presentaron linfedema (4,3%), 4 dolor crónico (4,3%), 3 extrusión de prótesis mamaria (3,2 %), 2 de celulitis del miembro superior afecto (2,1%), 2 presentaron necrosis del complejo areola-pezón (2,1%), 1 sufrimiento de piel sin necrosis, 1 sufrimiento del complejo areola-pezón sin necrosis (1% ambos), 1 presentó fistula (1%), 1 disfunción del miembro superior homolateral (1%), y una contractura capsular (1%). Discusión: Se registraron 92 pacientes con una complicación post quirúrgica luego de una cirugía por cáncer de mama; representa así el 46% del total de pacientes estudiados. Esta prevalencia se corresponde con lo publicado en la literatura. En cuanto a las complicaciones encontradas, la más frecuente en nuestra revisión fue el seroma, que se presentó en un 40% de las complicaciones. Las publicaciones describen a esta como una de las complicaciones más frecuentemente relacionadas a la cirugía mamaria, con frecuencias que varían desde 18 al 86% según diversos autores. Conclusión: De 201 pacientes que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, se registraron un total de 92 pacientes que presentaron alguna complicación relacionada a la cirugía, que corresponden 46 % del total de pacientes en el periodo de tiempo estudiado. La complicación más frecuente fue el seroma. Todos los hallazgos de este estudio se correlacionan con lo encontrado en la literatura.

Introduction: Every year in Latin America, more than 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. As part of the treatment of this disease, surgery is one of the fundamental pillars. The surgical act is an extreme experience for the patient and the surgeon, necessary in this pathology for complete treatment and, like any medical act, it is not exempt from complications. In Paraguay there are no statistics on the prevalence of complications due to surgeries for breast cancer, so the main objective of this work is to establish said frequency in a hospital of fourth level of complexity. Materials and methods: retrospective, observational, cross-sectional study. non-probabilistic sampling of consecutive cases. The selection of study subjects was made from the population of patients who underwent surgery for breast cancer, at the Hospital de Clínicas in the period January 2018 to August 2022, and who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. All the variables have been extracted from the clinical record and were documented in the data recording form. A frequency of 42% of post-surgical complications was expected using the statistical program EPIINFO 7 for a CI of 95% with a precision of 5%, the minimum size to include had to be 143 patients. Results: 203 medical records of patients diagnosed with breast cancer who underwent surgery as part of the treatment, corresponding to the period from January 2018 to August 2022, were analyzed. 201 patients met the inclusion criteria. A total of 92 patients who presented some complication related to surgery were registered, corresponding to 46% of the total number of patients in the period of time studied. Of the complications found, 40 developed seromas, representing 43% of all patients with complications; 18 patients had surgical wound infection, representing 20%. 7 patients presented dehiscence of the surgical wound, being 7.5% of the total; and 5 developed a hematoma, being 5.3%. Among other complications found, 4 patients presented lymphedema (4.3%), 4 chronic pain (4.3%), 3 extrusion of breast prosthesis (3.2%), 2 cellulitis of the affected upper limb (2.1%), 2 presented necrosis of the nipple-areola complex (2.1%), 1 suffering from skin without necrosis, 1 suffering from the nipple-areola complex without necrosis (1% both), 1 presented fistula (1%), 1 homolateral upper limb dysfunction (1%), and capsular contracture (1%). Discussion: 92 patients with a post-surgical complication after surgery for breast cancer were registered; thus represents 46% of all patients studied. This prevalence corresponds to what has been published in the literature. Regarding the complications found, the most frequent in our review was seroma, which occurred in 40% of the complications. The publications describe this as one of the complications most frequently related to breast surgery, with frequencies ranging from 18 to 86% according to various authors. Conclusion: Of 201 patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 92 patients who presented some complication related to surgery were registered, corresponding to 46% of the total number of patients in the period of time studied. The most frequent complication was seroma. All the findings of this study correlate with what is found in the literature.

Neoplasias de la Mama
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 76(1)feb. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565446


El divertículo de Meckel es la malformación gastrointestinal congènita más frecuente y se produce por la involución parcial o total del conducto onfalomesentérico durante el desarrollo embrionario, resultando en un divertículo verdadero, puesto que contiene todas las capas del intestino delgado. Posee una incidencia de 0,6-4% en la población general y corresponde a la principal causa de hemorragia digestiva baja en pacientes pediátricos. Mayoritariamente, permanece asintomático hasta la adultez, pudiendo presentar cuadros clínicos sugerentes de apendicitis aguda, obstrucción intestinal y hemorragia digestiva baja. El hallazgo del divertículo suele ser incidental y en solo 4-6% de las ocasiones se encuentra como estudio dirigido de esta anormalidad. Existen múltiples estudios diagnósticos disponibles, pasando por la tomografía computarizada (TC), cintigrafía con pertecnetato de Tecnecio-99m (Tc-99m), videocápsula endoscópica y la laparoscopía/laparotomía. El manejo del divertículo de Meckel es quirúrgico, especialmente, debido a sus múltiples complicaciones, siendo detalladas en el presente artículo. El uso de técnicas mínimamente invasivas y las mejores tecnologías y métodos de detección han permitido disminuir la mortalidad de las complicaciones del divertículo de Meckel. Finalmente, esta patología supone un reto para cualquier especialista, puesto que la baja incidencia y el cuadro clínico similar a enfermedades diverticulares significa un mayor reto tanto en el diagnóstico como en el manejo.

Meckel's diverticulum is the most common congenital gastrointestinal malformation and is caused by partial or total involution of the omphalomesenteric duct during embryonic development, resulting in a true diverticulum, since it contains all the layers of the small intestine. It has an incidence of 0.6-4% in the general population and is the main cause of lower gastrointestinal bleeding in pediatric patients. Most of them remain asymptomatic until adulthood, and may present clinical symptoms suggestive of acute appendicitis, intestinal obstruction and lower gastrointestinal bleeding. The finding of the diverticulum is usually incidental and only 4-6% of the time it is found as a directed study of this abnormality. There are multiple diagnostic studies available, including computed tomography (CT), Technetium-99m pertechnetate (Tc-99m) scintigraphy, video capsule endoscopy, and laparoscopy/laparotomy. The management of Meckel's diverticulum is surgical, especially due to its multiple complications, which are detailed in this article. The use of minimally invasive techniques and the best technologies and detection methods have made it possible to reduce the mortality of Meckel's diverticulum complications. Finally, this pathology is a challenge for any specialist, since the low incidence and symptoms similar to diverticular diseases pose a greater challenge both in diagnosis and management.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(2): 319-325, 20240220. fig
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532716


Introducción. El edema pulmonar por reexpansión es una complicación poco frecuente, secundaria a una rápida reexpansión pulmonar posterior al drenaje por toracentesis o toracostomía cerrada. Al día de hoy, se ha descrito una incidencia menor al 1 % tras toracostomía cerrada, con mayor prevalencia en la segunda y tercera década de la vida. Su mecanismo fisiopatológico exacto es desconocido; se ha planteado un proceso multifactorial de daño intersticial pulmonar asociado con un desequilibrio de las fuerzas hidrostáticas. Caso clínico. Presentamos el caso de un paciente que desarrolló edema pulmonar por reexpansión posterior a toracostomía cerrada. Se hizo una revisión de la literatura sobre esta complicación. Resultados. Aunque la clínica sugiere el diagnóstico, la secuencia de imágenes desempeña un papel fundamental. En la mayoría de los casos suele ser autolimitado, por lo que su manejo es principalmente de soporte; sin embargo, se han reportado tasas de mortalidad que alcanzan hasta el 20 %, por tanto, es importante conocer los factores de riesgo y las medidas preventivas. Conclusión. El edema pulmonar de reexpansión posterior a toracostomía es una complicación rara en los casos con neumotórax, aunque es una complicación que se puede presentar en la práctica diaria, por lo cual debe tenerse en mente para poder hacer el diagnóstico y un manejo adecuado.

Introduction. Re-expansion pulmonary edema is a rare complication secondary to rapid pulmonary re-expansion after drainage by thoracentesis and/or closed thoracostomy. As of today, an incidence of less than 1% has been described after closed thoracostomy, with a higher prevalence in the second and third decades of life. Its exact pathophysiological mechanism is unknown; a multifactorial process of lung interstitial damage associated with an imbalance of hydrostatic forces has been proposed. Clinical case. We present the case of a patient who developed pulmonary edema due to re-expansion after closed thoracostomy, conducting a review of the literature on this complication. Results. Although the clinic suggests the diagnosis, the sequence of images plays a fundamental role. In most cases, it tends to be a self-limited disease, so its management is mainly supportive. However, mortality rates of up to 20% have been recorded. Therefore, it is important to identify patients with major risk factors and initiate preventive measures in these patients. Conclusions. Re-expansion pulmonary edema after thoracostomy is a rare complication in cases with pneumothorax; however, it is a complication that can occur in daily practice. Therefore, it must be kept in mind to be able to make the diagnosis and an adequate management.

Humanos , Neumotórax , Edema Pulmonar , Enfermedad Iatrogénica , Complicaciones Posoperatorias , Toracostomía , Lesión Pulmonar Aguda
Organ Transplantation ; (6): 377-382, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016901


As a mature organ transplantation, liver transplantation has become the optimal treatment for end-stage liver disease, which can improve the quality of life of recipients. However, liver transplantation still faces multiple challenges, such as rejection, infection, biliary complications, delayed graft function, ischemia-reperfusion injury, recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma after liver transplantation, kidney-related diseases after transplantation, and donor shortage, <i>etc.</i>, which remain to be improved and urgently resolved. With persistent attempts and experience accumulated by Chinese experts and scholars, these problems related to liver transplantation have been gradually resolved year by year. In 2023, liver transplantation teams in China have achieved a series of significant progresses in the field of clinical research. In this article, clinical frontiers and novel technological progresses in the field of liver transplantation in 2023 were reviewed, and the achievements of clinical liver transplantation in China in 2023 were summarized, aiming to provide novel ideas for promoting further development of liver transplantation in China.

Organ Transplantation ; (6): 474-478, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016915


With the optimization of surgical technologies and postoperative management regimens, the number of lung transplantation has been significantly increased, which has become an important treatment for patients with end-stage lung disease. However, due to the impact of comprehensive factors, such as bronchial ischemia and immunosuppression, the incidence of airway stenosis after lung transplantation is relatively high, which severely affects postoperative survival and quality of life of lung transplant recipients. In recent years, with the improvement of perioperative management, organ preservation and surgical technologies, the incidence of airway stenosis after lung transplantation has been declined, but it remains at a high level. Early diagnosis and timely intervention play a significant role in enhancing clinical prognosis of patients with airway stenosis. In this article, the general conditions, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of airway stenosis after lung transplantation were reviewed, aiming to provide reference for comprehensive management of airway stenosis after lung transplantation and improving clinical prognosis of lung transplant recipients.

Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 493-497, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017485


Objective To explore the relationship among serum vitamin D,calcium ion,blood lipid lev-els and preeclampsia in pregnant women,and analyze the pregnancy outcomes of pregnant women with pre-eclampsia.Methods A total of 166 pregnant women with preeclampsia who underwent pregnancy examina-tion and delivered in Urumqi Municipal Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital from January 1,2021 to Jan-uary 1,2023 were selected as the observation group,and 200 healthy pregnant women during the same period were selected as the control group.The levels of serum vitamin D,calcium ion,phosphorus ion,blood lipid in-dicators,uric acid,and creatinine were detected in the two groups,and the pregnancy complications and preg-nancy outcomes were observed.The influencing factors of preeclampsia were analyzed by using multivariate logistic regression model.Results The levels of serum vitamin D,calcium ion,and high density lipoprotein in the observation group were lower than those in the control group,and the levels of serum uric acid and creati-nine were higher than those in the control group,with statistical significance(P<0.05).The incidence of fetal growth retardation,placental abruption,oligohydramnios,cesarean section,low birth weight infants,premature delivery,and postpartum hemorrhage in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the con-trol group(P<0.05).Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that serum vitamin D(OR=15.141,95%CI:1.831-125.204,P=0.012),calcium ion(OR=4.625,95%CI:2.654-8.059,P<0.001),high-den-sit y lipoprotein(OR=0.395,95%CI:0.235-0.666,P<0.001),creatinine(OR=1.034,95%CI:1.005-1.063,P=0.020)and uric acid(OR=1.006,95%CI:1.003-1.010,P<0.001)were independent factors for the occurrence of preeclampsia in pregnant women.Conclusion The levels of serum vitamin D,calcium ions,blood lipids,uric acid and creatinine may be correlated with the occurrence of preeclampsia.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017736


Patent ductus arteriosus(PDA)is one of the most common congenital heart diseases in childhood.The prevalence of PDA is about 0.5% and PDA accounts for 5%-10% of congenital heart diseases. Continuous opening of the ductus arteriosus can affect children's growth and development. Meanwhile,PDA increases the possibility of pneumonia,infective endocarditis,neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis,and other diseases.Compared with traditional surgery,percutaneous interventional closure of PDA in children has a higher surgical success rate and shorter hospital stay. Clinical practice has proved that percutaneous interventional closure is the preferred method for children with PDA. However,transcatheter closure also has complications,including displacement,valvular regurgitation,hemolysis and thrombocytopenia. The review aims to illustrate the mechanism and treatment of the complications after PDA interventional closure,in order to increase the physician's awareness of those complications,reduce the incidence of the complications and improve the prognosis of the patients.

Basic & Clinical Medicine ; (12): 408-411, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018630


The incidence of postoperative multi-system complications,such as pulmonary complications and sep-sis,as well as mortality of patients with COVID-19.Therefore,patients with COVID-19 should be fully recovered before elective surgery and a minimum of 7 weeks recovery time is routinely recommen-ded.At the same time,the occurrence of adverse outcomes such as postoperative complications in patients with COVID-19 should be consid-ered in a multidimensional manner,taking into account the related risk factors such as age,severity of the dis-ease,type of surgery,anesthesia method,underlying comorbidities,type of viral strain,vaccination status and other related risk factors.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018816


Objective To investigate the safety and efficacy of ExoSeal vascular occluder in bridging therapy for patients with acute ischemic stroke(AIS).Methods The clinical data of 142 AIS patients,who received mechanical thrombectomy in the bridge-connected vascular lumen after full dose recombinant tissue plasminogen activator(rt-PA)thrombolysis at the Weifang Municipal People's Hospital of China between June 2018 and December 2020,were retrospectively analyzed.An 8-F femoral arterial sheath was used for the performance of endovascular mechanical thrombectomy in all patients.After the interventional procedure finished,the hemostasis of femoral artery puncture point was achieved by using manual compression(MC)method in 68 patients(MC group)and by using a 7-F ExoSeal vascular occluder method in 74 patients(ExoSeal group).The success rate of puncture point hemostasis and the incidence of puncture point-related complications were compared between the two methods.Results The success rate of surgery in the ExoSeal group was 94.6%,which was obviously higher than 83.8%in the MC group(P=0.037).During the period from the time of finishing surgery and the time of discharge,11 patients(16.2%)in the MC group and 4 patients(5.4%)in the ExoSeal group developed puncture point-related complications(P=0.030),and 6 patients(8.8%)in the MC group and 2 patients(2.7%)in the ExoSeal group developed deep vein thrombosis(P=0.109).No arteriovenous fistula,pseudoaneurysm,acute ischemia of the ipsilateral lower limb,puncture point-associated major bleeding,or other complications that required vascular surgery or interventional therapy occurred in all patients.Conclusion ExoSeal vascular closure device can be safely used in AIS patients who are receiving mechanical thrombectomy in the bridge-connected vascular lumen after thrombolysis.It carries high success rate for femoral artery puncture point hemostasis,besides,it can reduce the incidence of puncture point hematoma.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018825


Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of Tubridge flow diverter(TFD)in the treatment of ruptured intracranial aneurysms.Methods The clinical data of 13 patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage,who received TFD treatment at the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University between March 2019 and Jul 2022,were retrospectively collected.The perioperative materials and follow-up results were summarized and analyzed.Results Successful operation was accomplished in all the 13 patients(13 aneurysms in total).TFD and coil embolization were simultaneously performed in 10 patients(simultaneous treatment),spring coil filling followed by selective staged TFD placement was adopted in 2 patients(staged treatment),and pure TFD placement was employed in one patient.The incidence of perioperative complications was 15.4%(2/13),including asymptomatic ischemic event in one patient and extra-ventricular drainage-related postoperative bleeding in another patient,which caused death of the patient.The median follow-up time was 6.5 months,and 83.3%of patients(10/12)completed cerebral angiography reexamination with DSA.OKM grade D(complete occlusion of the aneurysm)was obtained in 8 patients(80%),and OKM grade C(residual aneurysm neck)in 2 patients.Conclusion For ruptured intracranial aneurysms,TFD implantation is a clinically feasible treatment with favorable safety and efficacy.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020042


The long-term efficacy and complications of implantable diaphragm pacer (IDP) in a child with cervical spinal cord injury (CSCI) in the Department of Spinal and Neural Functional Reconstruction, China Rehabilitation Research Center in September 2022 were retrospective analyzed.A male child had quadriplegia without an obvious cause at the age of 12 years, and he was then lived completely with the assistance of mechanical ventilation.At the age of 14 years, he could wean off the ventilator in unilateral diaphragmatic pacing mode.However, mechanical ventilation was re-given for months after 5 years due to pneumonia, and then the IDP was re-given with the self-felt decreased pacing effect.After hospitalization, the patient was examined with mild diaphragmatic atrophy, secondary flat chest, and mild scoliosis.After optimization of the transdiaphragmatic pacing threshold and rehabilitation, his respiratory function improved.IDP can be used in CSCI for long time, while flat chest and scoliosis that limited the expansion of the lungs should be considered.At the meantime, the increased abdominal spasm affected the abdominal compliance, leading to the decrease in the efficiency of the diaphragm.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020056


Objective:To explore the influencing factors of early postoperative complications after radical resection of congenital choledochal cyst (CCC) in a single center and provide some clinical basis and guidance for reducing postoperative complications.Methods:Case control study.Clinical data of 124 children (29 boys and 95 girls) with CCC diagnosed and radically treated at the Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University from September 2010 to October 2019 were analyzed.According to postoperative complications (bile leakage, gastrointestinal anastomotic fistula, bleeding, incision dehiscence, cholangitis, abdominal infection, pancreatitis, and lymphatic fistula), these children were divided into the complication group (group A) and non-complication group (group B). Age, laboratory indicators[preoperative white blood cell (WBC) count, hemoglobin, glutamic pyruvic transaminase, prealbumin, and postoperative albumin], and clinical factors, such as operation method, operation time, intraoperative blood loss, cyst type, cyst diameter, hepatic duct diameter, abdominal operation history, biliary sludge and calculus, hepatic duct anatomic variation, and pancreaticobiliary maljunction were statistically analyzed between the two groups.The t-test was performed for normal distribution of the measurement data, and the non-parametric rank sum test for non-normal distribution.Multivariate analysis was made using Logistic regression. Results:Among the 124 children, 25(20.16%) had complications, and 99(79.84%) had no complications.Bile leakage occurred in 14 children (11.29%), of whom 7 received operation again and 7 received conservative treatment.Gastrointestinal anastomotic fistula occurred in 2 children (1.61%), of whom 1 was re-operated and 1 was cured conservatively.One child (0.81%) was complicated with bleeding and cured by re-operation.Two children (1.61%) were complicated with incision dehiscence, of whom 1 was cured by re-operation and 1 was cured by conservative treatment.Cholangitis in 2 children (1.61%), abdominal infection in 2 children (1.61%), pancreatitis in 1 child (0.81%), and lymphatic fistula in 1 child (0.81%) were all conservatively cured.No significant difference was found in non-normal distribution indicators-age and WBC count-between the two groups (all P>0.05). Blood loss volume and cyst diameter were significantly different between the two groups (all P<0.05). Postoperative albumin[(27.84±4.62) g/L vs.(32.45±3.72) g/L] meeting the normal distribution showed a statistically significant difference between the two groups ( t=5.254, P<0.05). Logistic multivariate regression analysis suggested that preoperative anemia ( OR=7.922, 95% CI: 1.468-42.757) and biliary sludge and calculus ( OR=1.295, 95% CI: 1.075-4.359) were independent risk factors for postoperative complications; postoperative albumin ( OR=0.055, 95% CI: 0.012-0.244) was a protective factor for postoperative complications, and the differences were statistically significant (all P<0.05). Conclusions:The larger the cyst diameter, the more the intraoperative bleeding, and the higher the risk of operation.Treating anemia before operation, clearing sludge in the hepatic duct during operation, reducing bleeding, and strengthening the monitoring of albumin and hemoglobin during the perioperative period can prevent and reduce early complications after radical resection of CCC in children.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021407


BACKGROUND:High tibial osteotomy results in massive blood loss during the perioperative period.Tranexamic acid can effectively reduce perioperative blood loss.However,the method of tranexamic acid application has not been unified. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effect and safety of different methods of tranexamic acid on perioperative blood loss in the high tibial osteotomy. METHODS:A total of 160 patients who underwent primary unilateral high tibial osteotomy in the Binzhou Medical University Hospital from January 2019 to December 2021,including 69 males and 91 females,were randomly divided into four groups(n=40 per group).Among them,40 patients were given an intravenous infusion of saline containing 2 g tranexamic acid 10 minutes before tourniquet release(venous group);40 patients were given an intravenous infusion of 1 g tranexamic acid and 1 g tranexamic acid was injected through a drainage tube after the closure of the incision(combined group);40 patients were given 2 g tranexamic acid infusion into drainage tube after the closure of the incision(perfusion group);an additional 40 patients were given an intravenous infusion of the same amount of normal saline(blank group).The general information was compared among the four groups of patients.The hemoglobin,hematocrit,intraoperative blood loss,drainage volume,blood transfusion rate,incision complication,and the incidence of deep vein thrombosis were recorded on days 1,3 and 5 after operation in the four groups.The total blood loss and hidden blood loss were calculated. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)There was no statistically significant difference in general information among the four groups.(2)No significant difference was found in intraoperative blood loss among the four groups.(3)The maximum decreased values of hemoglobin and hematocrit on days 1,3 and 5 after operation,drainage volume,total blood loss and hidden blood loss were all ranked as the combined group<venous group<perfusion group<blank group.(4)The postoperative blood transfusion rate of the blank group was significantly higher than that of the other three groups,and there was no significant difference in the postoperative blood transfusion rate among the combined group,the venous group and the perfusion group.(5)There was no significant difference in the incidence of venous thrombosis and incision complications among the four groups.(6)It is indicated that the application of tranexamic acid in high tibial osteotomy can reduce perioperative bleeding and postoperative blood transfusion rate,and the effect of intravenous infusion combined with drainage tube perfusion is better,which does not increase the incidence of venous thrombosis and incision complications.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021478


BACKGROUND:Scaphoid fractures are common wrist fractures.The percutaneous screw is used to treat scaphoid fractures.The closed reduction of the fracture site,the precise placement of the hollow compression screw in the scaphoid axis and the compression fixation of the fracture site can promote fracture healing and achieve the better function of the wrist. OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the efficacy of percutaneous hollow compression screw fixation of scaphoid fractures using a novel Kirschner wire guide. METHODS:Between January 2015 and December 2020,clinical data from 15 patients with scaphoid fractures selected at the Department of Hand Surgery,Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University were retrospectively analyzed.All patients underwent percutaneous hollow compression screw fixation by a novel Kirschner wire guide.Fracture healing time,operation time,number of intraoperative fluoroscopies,time to return to work and complications were collected.According to the modified Mayo wrist scoring system,the functional outcomes of wrists were assessed 12 months after surgery.Wrist flexion,extension,ulnar deviation,radial deviation and grip strength were measured. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:All patients were followed up for 12 months.The compression screw was located in the axial position of the scaphoid by routine immediate postoperative radiographs.All scaphoid fractures united at an average of 10.0 weeks.The average operation time was 55.7 minutes.The number of intraoperative fluoroscopies was 10.9.The average time to return to work was 10.3 weeks.The results of wrist joint function were excellent in 9 cases,good in 5 cases,and average in 1 case,with an excellent and good rate of 93.3%.No significant differences in wrist flexion,extension,ulnar deviation,radial deviation and grip strength were found between the affected and healthy sides(P>0.05).None of the patients had wound infection,malunion,screw displacement,or screw breakage.These findings indicate that the application of a novel guide can shorten the operation time,reduce the number of intraoperative fluoroscopies,improve the accuracy of screw insertion,and shorten the time to return to work.The function of the wrist was satisfactory after the operation.The novel Kirschner wire guide made percutaneous hollow compression screw fixation easier for scaphoid fractures.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021622


BACKGROUND:Total hip and knee arthroplasty is widely used in the elderly population,but there is a lack of accurate prediction methods for unplanned readmission and postoperative complications. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effect of the Rothman index on unplanned readmission and complications in elderly patients undergoing total hip and knee arthroplasty. METHODS:A total of 153 patients who underwent elective total hip and knee arthroplasty from December 2020 to December 2022 in Ward Area One,Department of Orthopedics,The First People's Hospital of Zunyi were selected as the study subjects.According to whether they were unplanned readmission within 90 days after discharge,they were divided into a readmission group(n=21)and a non-readmission group(n=132).The general data of all patients were collected through the electronic medical record system,including gender,age,body mass index,diabetes mellitus,hypertension,and surgical joint type.The Rothman index was evaluated according to the literature.Postoperative complications were counted. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)There was no significant difference in gender,body mass index,surgical joint type,and length of hospital stay between the readmission group and the non-readmission group(P>0.05).There were significant differences in the number of comorbidities,age,and Rothman score between the two groups(P<0.05).(2)The results of multivariate Logistics regression analysis showed that the number of comorbidities,age,and Rothman score were independent influencing factors for readmission 90 days after total hip and knee arthroplasty in elderly patients with hip and knee diseases(P<0.05).(3)The results of receiver operating characteristic curve analysis exhibited that the area under the curve of the Rothman index for predicting readmission 90 days after total hip and knee arthroplasty was 0.824;the sensitivity was 80.85%;the specificity was 78.85%;the maximum Youden index was 0.597,and the optimal cutoff value was 46 points.(4)The incidence of total complications in elderly patients with Rothman<46 was higher than that in elderly patients with Rothman≥46(P<0.05).(5)It is concluded that the Rothman index can accurately predict unplanned readmission after total hip and knee arthroplasty in elderly patients with hip and knee joint diseases.Simultaneously,patients with Rothman index of less than 46 points have a higher overall risk of complications and poor joint recovery,which can be used to improve postoperative management of patients in clinical practice.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021629


BACKGROUND:It has been suggested that CT multiplanar reconstruction should be performed prior to the placement of axial pedicle screws to determine the anatomy of the C2 pedicle in each patient,to design the appropriate screw locus and diameter,and to evaluate the feasibility of screw placement to reduce the incidence of surgery-related complications. OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the feasibility of axis pedicle screw placement by morphologic classification of pediculoisthmic component with CT multiplanar reconstruction. METHODS:The CT data of 200 patients(400 axial pedicle screws)with cervical spine were retrospectively studied by using Siemens Syngo.Via software.According to the direction of the axis of the pedicle,the CT multiplanar reconstruction positioning line was adjusted to reconstruct the sectional image of the narrowest part of the pediculoisthmic component.According to its morphological characteristics,the narrowest part of the pediculoisthmic component was divided into three types:type 1,"hook"type:Type 1a outer diameter width(a1)>0.4 cm,type 1b outer diameter width(a1)≤0.4 cm;type 2,"like circle/ellipse"type;type 3,"horizontal ellipse"type.The outer diameter width of the narrowest part of pediculoisthmic component(d1),medullary cavity width(d2),outer diameter height(a1),and medullary cavity height(a2)were compared among the three types,and the feasibility of pedicle screw placement of the three types was evaluated. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)A total of 400 axial pedicles included 269 cases of type 1,130 cases of type 2,and 1 case of type 3.(2)The mean external diameter height between types 1 and 2 was not significantly different(P>0.05).The mean medullary cavity height,mean outer diameter widths,and mean medullary cavity width were significantly different(P<0.001).There were 42 cases(15.6%)of type 1 and 0 cases(0.00%)of type 2 with mean external diameter width≤0.4 cm,and the difference was significant(P<0.001).There was only one case of type 3,whose external diameter height,medullary cavity height,outer diameter width and medullary cavity width were 1.20 cm,0.84 cm,0.64 cm and 0.31 cm,respectively.(3)These results confirm that axial pedicle screws can be safely inserted in patients with types 1a,2 and 3,which requires no further measurement and assessment.Pedicle screw insertion should be performed with caution in type 1b patients.Therefore,in type 1 patients,the width of the narrowest outer diameter of the pediculoisthmic component should be further measured to evaluate the feasibility of axial pedicle screw placement.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021632


BACKGROUND:The number of hip fracture patients with dementia is increasing with an aging population,posing challenges for surgical treatment. OBJECTIVE:To determine the effect of dementia on postoperative complications in older patients with hip fractures. METHODS:Patients aged over 60 years old with hip fractures from 2000 to 2019 at Chinese PLA General Hospital were included.Dementia patients with a preexisting diagnosis of dementia at admission were identified.Each dementia patient was matched,for age±5 years,gender,and fracture type with 10 non-dementia patients.The differences in postoperative complications were compared between the two groups,including pneumonia,respiratory failure,gastrointestinal bleeding,urinary tract infection,surgical site infection,deep venous thrombosis,pulmonary embolism,angina pectoris,arrhythmia,heart failure,myocardial infarction,stroke,and death.The impact of dementia on major complications was evaluated using multivariate conditional logistic regression. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:A total of 2 887 patients were included,of whom 125(4.3%)were dementia patients and matched with 1 243 non-dementia patients.The average age of dementia patients was(80.6±7.4)years;64.8%were female;53.6%were intertrochanteric fractures,and 46.4%were femoral neck fractures.Major complications occurred in 25(20.0%)patients with dementia and 123(9.9%)patients without dementia(P<0.01).The risk of major complications was 200.0 per 1 000 persons(95%CI,139.3-278.6)in dementia patients and 99.0 per 1 000 persons(95%CI,83.6-116.9)in non-dementia patients.Multivariate conditional logistic regression showed that a 2-fold risk of major postoperative complications after hip fracture surgery was found in dementia patients than in those without dementia(adjusted OR,2.11;95%CI,1.08-4.10).The results show that dementia is an independent risk factor for postoperative complications in elderly patients with hip fractures.Appropriate preoperative risk assessment and corresponding preventive and therapeutic measures should be given to this vulnerable population to mitigate postoperative complications.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021892


BACKGROUND:Diabetic foot patients with wound infections constitute a large patient population,and there is currently no satisfactory treatment approach. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the clinical efficacy of a modified tibial cortex transverse transport combined with antibiotic-loaded bone cement for treating refractory diabetic foot ulcers. METHODS:A total of 46 diabetic foot ulcers patients,27 males and 19 females,with an average age of 64.37 years,were selected from Beijing Chaoyang Hospital,Capital Medical University and Beijing Chaoyang Integrative Medicine Rescue and First Aid Hospital from January 2020 to January 2023.All of them underwent the modified tibial cortex transverse transport combined with antibiotic-loaded bone cement treatment.Ankle-brachial index,WIFi(Wound/Ischemia/Foot infection)classification,pain visual analog scale score,and ulcer area were recorded before and 3 months after surgery. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)The mean ulcer healing time for the 46 patients was(58.07±24.82)days.At 3 months postoperatively,there were significant improvements in ankle-brachial index,pain visual analog scale score,ulcer area,and WIFi classification in 46 patients,as compared to the preoperative values,with statistically significant differences(P<0.05).Two patients experienced pin-tract infections,without infection or ulcer recurrence during the follow-up period.(2)These findings indicate that the modified tibial cortex transverse transport combined with antibiotic-loaded bone cement effectively alleviates patients'pain,improves lower limb circulation,controls infections,and promotes ulcer healing.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022494


Objective:To investigate the application value of biological muscle flap in laparo-scopic radical proximal gastrectomy with esophagogastric anastomosis.Methods:The retrospec-tive and descriptive study was conducted. The clinicopathological data of 10 patients with adeno-carcinoma of esophagogastric junction who were admitted to The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi′an Jiaotong University from May 2023 to August 2023 were collected. All patients were males, aged (65±5)years. All patients underwent laparoscopic radical proximal gastrectomy and esophagogastric anastomosis with digestive tract reconstruction using the esophagogastric biological muscle flap. Observation indicators: (1) surgical situations and early complications; (2) follow-up and late com-plications. Measurement data with normal distribution were represented as Mean± SD, and measure-ment data with skewed distribution were represented as M(range). Count data were described as absolute numbers. Results:(1) Surgical situations and early complications. All 10 patients success-fully completed the surgery without conversion to open surgery, and the operation time was (166±18)minutes. Cases with digestive tract reconstruction as end-to-side anastomosis and Overlap anas-tomosis were 1 and 9, respectively. The time of digestive tract reconstruction, the number of lymph node dissected, volume of intraoperative blood loss, time to postoperative first anal exhaust, time to postoperative first intake of liquid food, duration of postoperative hospital stay were (40±12)minutes, 24±6, (41±9)mL, (3.4±0.5)days, (4.1±1.0)days, (8.3±0.7)days in the 10 patients. Of 4 cases with postoperative early complications, 1 case developed pulmonary infection (Clavien-Dindo grade Ⅱ) on the second day after surgery, with pulmonary infection absorbed after 5 days of antibiotic treat-ment. Two cases experienced chest distress and shortness of breath on the third day after surgery, with the diagnosis of a small to moderate amount of pleural effusion after chest B-ultrasound examination. After pleural puncture and active treatment, the symptoms of them were improved and the pleural effusion disappeared. There was 1 case with choking sensation when eating solid food, which was started from the third week after surgery. Upper gastrointestinal imaging revealed mild anastomotic stenosis of Clavien-Dindo grade Ⅰ in the patient, who was improved after conservative treatment. On the 7th day after surgery, all 10 patients underwent upper gastrointestinal angiography, and no anastomotic leakage or stenosis occurred. There was no sign of contrast agent reflux in the supine position and 30° head down position. (2) Follow-up and late complications. All 10 patients were followed up for 59.5(range, 31.0-127.0)days. The esophageal reflux scale score of 10 patients was 1.4±0.3. During the follow-up, 1 case underwent gastroscopy on 40 days after surgery, which showed reflux esophagitis with Los Angeles grade as B and the Clavien-Dindo grade as Ⅰ. There was no clinical symptom such as heartburn or acid reflux. Results of 24-hour pH monitoring showed that the patient experienced 24 instances of reflux in an upright position and 15 instances of reflux in a supine position, with no prolonged reflux. The total reflux time within 24 hours was 75 minutes. The DeMeester score was 38.3. Results of esophageal pressure measurement showed that the esophageal contraction morphology was normal, but the anastomotic opening was not well relaxed. The rest of 9 cases had no complication such as reflux esophagitis.Conclusion:Biological muscle flap applied in the laparoscopic radical proximal gastrectomy with esophagogastric anastomosis is safe and feasible, with satisfied short-term efficacy.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027591


Objective:To study the prognosis of congenital bile duct cysts following cyst resection, and to analyze the risk factors associated with the development of postoperative biliary calculus.Methods:Clinical data of 149 patients with congenital bile duct cysts undergoing surgery in the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University from May 2004 to January 2022 were retrospectively analyzed, including 59 males and 90 females, with a median age of 32 (21, 47) years old. Patients were divided into two groups: the stone group ( n=51, biliary calculus occurred during the follow-ups after surgery) and non-stone group ( n=98). Clinical data such as gender, age, medical history, cyst type, biliary calculus, anastomotic stenosis and occurrence of cancer were compared. All patients were followed up via telephone consultations. A logistic regression analysis was used to identify the risk factors associated with the occurrence of biliary calculus after surgery. Results:The duration of the follow-ups was 120 (24, 211) months. The observed incidence of postoperative biliary calculus, anastomotic stricture, and cancer in the patients were 34.2% (51/149), 8.7% (13/149), and 4.7% (7/149), respectively. The logistic regression analysis indicated that incomplete cyst resection ( OR=3.332, 95% CI: 1.221-9.094) and postoperative anastomotic stenosis ( OR=13.300, 95% CI: 2.586-68.401) were associated with a higher risk of biliary calculus formation after cystectomy (all P<0.05). Conclusion:Patients with congenital bile duct cysts suffer a high risk of biliary calculus formation after cystectomy. The residual cyst and postoperative anastomotic stenosis are independent risk factors for biliary calculus after surgery.