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Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 3(65): 19-30, set-dez.2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1567818


O objetivo desta revisão integrativa foi elaborar uma avaliação qualitativa da literatura existente sobre as modalidades de tratamento utilizadas para cistos dentígeros em pacientes pediátricos. O presente estudo trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura na qual utilizou-se as bases de dados PubMed, BVS (Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde), LILACS, e SciELO. Como critérios de inclusão estavam os artigos publicados na íntegra, relatos de caso clínico, revisões sistemáticas e de meta-análise publicados nos últimos 10 anos, disponível nos idiomas português ou inglês, que abordassem a temática. Os critérios de exclusão foram: resumos, anais, editoriais, cartas ao editor, reflexão, duplicidade, artigos com detalhamento incompleto. O cisto dentígero é o tipo mais comum dos cistos odontogênicos de desenvolvimento e o segundo mais frequente entre todos que ocorrem nos maxilares, representando cerca de 20% de todos os cistos revestidos por epitélio nos ossos gnáticos. Clinicamente pode estar associado a qualquer dente impactado, porém ele envolve com mais frequência os terceiros molares inferiores. Acomete pacientes entre 10 a 30 anos de idade, com predileção pelo sexo masculino, sendo na maioria dos casos detectados em exames radiográficos de rotina. O tratamento baseia-se nas técnicas de descompressão, marsupialização e enucleação. O prognóstico para os cistos dentígeros é altamente favorável e não há chance de recorrência após a remoção completa. Assim, a decisão terapêutica deve ser tomada de forma adequada para cada caso, levando em consideração a localização anatômica, extensão clínica, tamanho, idade, remoção do dente não irrompido e possibilidades de acompanhamento.

The aim of this integrative review was to carry out a qualitative assessment of the existing literature on the treatment modalities used for dentigerous cysts in pediatric patients. This study is an integrative literature review using the PubMed, VHL (Virtual Health Library), LILACS and SciELO databases. The inclusion criteria were articles published in full, clinical case reports, systematic reviews and meta-analysis published in the last 10 years, available in Portuguese or English, which addressed the subject. The exclusion criteria were: abstracts, annals, editorials, letters to the editor, reflection, duplication, articles with incomplete details. The dentigerous cyst is the most common type of developmental odontogenic cyst and the second most frequent of all those that occur in the jaws, accounting for around 20% of all epithelium-lined cysts in the gnathic bones. Clinically, it can be associated with any impacted tooth, but it most often involves the lower third molars. It affects patients between 10 and 30 years of age, with a predilection for males, and in most cases it is detected during routine radiographic examinations. Treatment is based on decompression, marsupialization and enucleation. The prognosis for dentigerous cysts is highly favorable and there is no chance of recurrence after complete removal. Therefore, the therapeutic decision must be made appropriately for each case, taking into account the anatomical location, clinical extension, size, age, removal of the unerupted tooth and follow-up possibilities.

Cirugía Bucal , Quiste Dentígero/terapia , Quistes Odontogénicos , Niño , Dentición Mixta
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 24(1): 49-54, jan.-mar. 2024. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1567681


Objetivo: O Cisto Dentígero (CDT) é o tipo mais comum dos cistos odontogênicos de desenvolvimento e o segundo mais frequente entre todos que ocorrem nos maxilares. E uma lesão benigna, radiolúcida, geralmente unilocular, prevalente no sexo masculino, nas três primeiras décadas de vida e com uma maior ocorrência na mandíbula. Possui crescimento lento e assintomático e sua etiopatogenia ainda é considerada desconhecida. Este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar dois casos clínicos de cistos dentígeros, o primeiro em um paciente de 50 anos e o segundo, em uma paciente de 11 anos, ambos localizados em mandíbula e envolvendo molares. Relato de caso: O método utilizado para o tratamento dessa lesão foi a descompressão, no qual foi criada uma comunicação entre o cisto e a cavidade oral, colocando um dispositivo para o condicionamento de sua drenagem e posterior enucleação da lesão e do dente envolvido. Este tratamento, por ser menos invasivo, promove uma maior preservação das estruturas saudáveis adjacentes e consequentemente, um pós-operatório mais favorável. Conclusão: Portanto, é de total importância que o profissional esteja apto para realizar este tipo de procedimento e tenha conhecimento para realizar a técnica, para que assim, o risco de complicações trans e pós-operatórias seja diminuído... (AU)

Objective: The Dentigerous Cyst (DTC) is the most common type of developmental odontogenic cyst and the second most frequent among all that occur in the jaws. It is a benign, radiolucent, usually unilocular lesion, prevalent in males, in the first three decades of life and with a greater occurrence in the mandible. It has slow and asymptomatic growth and its etiopathogenesis is still considered unknown. This paper aims to report two clinical cases of dentigerous cysts, the first in a 50-year-old patient and the second in an 11-year-old patient, both located in the mandible and involving molars. Case report: The method used to treat this lesion was decompression, in which a communication was created between the cyst and the oral cavity, placing a device to condition its drainage and subsequent enucleation ofthe lesion and the tooth involved. This treatment, being less invasive, promotes greater preservation of adjacent healthy stmctures and, consequently, a more favorable postoperative peñod. Conclusion: Therefore, it is of utmost importance that the professional is able to perform this type of procedure and has the knowledge to perform the technique, so that the risk of trans and postoperative complications is reduced... (AU)

Objetivo: El Quiste Dentígero (CDT) es el tipo más común de quiste odontogénico del desarrollo y el segundo más frecuente entre todos 10s que se presentan en 10s maxilares. Es una lesión benigna, radiolúcida, generalmente unilocular, prevalente en el sexo masculino, en Ias tres pñmeras décadas de Ia vida y con mayor incidencia en Ia mandíbula. Tiene un crecimiento lento y asintomático y su etiopatogenia aún se considera desconocida. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo reportar dos casos clínicos de quistes dentígeros, el primero en un paciente de 50 años y el segundo en un paciente de 11 años, ambos localizados en Ia mandíbula y afectando molares. Caso clínico: El método utilizado para el tratamiento de esta lesión fue Ia descompresión, en Ia que se creaba una comunicación entre el quiste y Ia cavidad bucal, colocando un dispositivo para condicionar su drenaje y posterior enucleación de Ia lesión y del diente afectado. Este tratamiento, al ser menos invasivo, favorece una mayor conservación de Ias estmcturas sanas adyacentes y, en consecuencia, un postoperatorio más favorable. Conclusión: Por Io tanto, es de suma importancia que el profesional sea capaz de realizar este tipo de procednmento y tenga 10s conocnmentos para realizar Ia técnica, de manera que se reduzca el riesgo de complicaciones trans y postoperatorias... (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Persona de Mediana Edad , Descompresión Quirúrgica , Cuidados Preoperatorios
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564648


Extensive odontogenic cysts in children may represent surgical challenges, as they may have common clinical characteristics and different approaches. The main objective of this study is to compare two cases of pediatric odontogenic cysts in maxilla with similar surgical treatment and different histopathological diagnosis. The case series collected included two children, both 12 years old, with encapsulated osteolytic lesions in the region of the maxilla and zygoma body, with clinical and imaging characteristics that suggested odontogenic cysts. The histopathological diagnosis was dentigerous cyst and radicular cyst. In this way, we address the clinical-surgical diagnostic and therapeutic process adopted, analyzing clinical data, such as signs and symptoms, as well as pre- and postoperative tomography scans. Outpatient visits at regular intervals were planned. Both patients achieved significant regression of initial signs and symptoms and returned to their daily activities. It is noticeable that a good stratification of surgical need and planned action in diagnosis and surgery offer benefits with a favorable prognosis for pediatric odontogenic cysts of the jaw.

Los quistes odontogénicos extensos en niños pueden representar desafíos quirúrgicos, ya que pueden tener características clínicas comunes y diferentes abordajes. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue comparar dos casos de quistes odontogénicos en mandíbulas de niños con tratamiento quirúrgico similar y diagnóstico histopatológico diferente. La serie de casos recolectada incluyó dos niños, ambos de 12 años, con lesiones osteolíticas encapsuladas en la región mandibular y cuerpo cigomático, con características clínicas e imagenológicas que sugerían quistes odontógenos. El diagnóstico histopatológico fue quiste dentígero y quiste radicular. De esta manera abordamos el proceso diagnóstico y terapéutico clínico-quirúrgico adoptado, analizando datos clínicos, como signos y síntomas, así como tomografías pre y postoperatorias. Se planificaron visitas ambulatorias a intervalos regulares. Ambos pacientes lograron una regresión significativa de los signos y síntomas iniciales y regresaron a sus actividades diarias. Se destaca que una buena estratificación de la necesidad quirúrgica y una acción planificada en diagnóstico y cirugía ofrecen beneficios con un pronóstico favorable para los quistes odontogénicos de la mandíbula en pediatría.

Arq. odontol ; 60: 70-77, 2024. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1568610


Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar uma série de casos de manutenção de dentes retidos associados ao cisto dentígero (CD), empregando-se a marsupialização ou descompressão cística. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo epidemiológico transversal, fundamentado na análise retrospectiva e descritiva dos registros do Serviço de Estomatologia e Cirurgia Bucomaxilofacial do HMOB (Hospital Metropolitano Odilon Behrens) entre novembro de 2005 a novembro de 2020. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram doze pacientes que receberam a marsupialização como tratamento do CD. Os dentes mais envolvidos foram pré-molares e incisivos centrais superiores e o tempo médio de erupção foi de 13 meses, sendo que a maioria das erupções ocorreram de forma espontânea. Em todos os casos verificou-se erupção do dente associado e neoformação óssea na região do cisto. Não foram observadas recidivas. Conclusão:Assim, baseado no presente estudo e na literatura, a marsupialização ou descompressão cística mostrou-se uma alternativa terapêutica eficiente na abordagem de pacientes jovens portadores de CD, inclusive, com o aproveitamento do dente associado ao cisto em casos selecionados.

Aim: The objective of this study was to present a series of cases of maintenance of impacted teeth associated with dentiger cyst (DC), using marsupialization or cystic decompression. Methods:A cross-sectional epidemiological study was carried out, based on a retrospective and descriptive analysis of the records of the Stomatology and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Service of the HMOB (Hospital Metropolitano Odilon Behrens) between November 2005 and November 2020. Results: The results showed twelve patients who received marsupialization as a treatment for DC. The most involved teeth were premolars and upper central incisors and the mean eruption time was 13 months, with most eruptions occurring spontaneously. In all cases, there was eruption of the associated tooth and new bone formation in the region of the cyst. No recurrences were observed. Conclusion: Based on the present study and the literature, marsupialization or cystic decompression is an efficient therapeutic alternative in approaching young patients with DC, including the use of the tooth associated with the cyst in selected cases.

Cirugía Bucal , Diente Impactado , Quiste Dentígero , Descompresión Quirúrgica , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Orales
Odontol.sanmarquina (Impr.) ; 26(4): e25073, oct.-dic. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551414


El proceso biológico de la odontogénesis es complejo, en ella participan mecanismos moleculares y celulares orientados a formar las estructuras dentarias, la alteración de estos mecanismos pueden originar los quistes dentígeros o foliculares. Estas patologías son cavidades anormales recubiertas por epitelio y con contenido líquido o semilíquido, rodeados generalmente de una capa de tejido conectivo; siempre asociados a la corona de dientes incluidos, son asintomáticos y de evolución lenta, descubiertas radiográficamente como una imagen unilocular y radiolúcidos, los de gran tamaño son infrecuentes, el tratamiento consiste en remoción quirúrgica completa.

The biological process of odontogenesis is complex, where molecular and cellular mechanisms participate at forming dental structures. The alteration of these mechanisms can cause dentigerous or follicular cysts, which are pathologies with abnormal cavities lined by epithelium and with liquid or semi-liquid content, usually surrounded by a layer of connective tissue; always associated with the crown of included teeth, they are asymptomatic and of slow evolution, discovered radiographically as a unilocular image and radiolucent. The large ones are infrequent and their treatment consists of complete surgical removal.

J. health sci. (Londrina) ; 25(4): 201-204, 20231229.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563040


The formation of oral structures occurs due to ectomesenchymal cell proliferation, which will originate an anatomical structure known as peri coronal follicle, which undergoes apoptosis after complete formation of the dental crown, causing its eruption. In some cases, there may be impaction of the tooth as a result of an alteration in the reduced epithelium of the enamel organ, which prevents epithelial self-destruction. These changes may be associated with blood type which, based on scientific findings, can prove a correlation between human diseases and the ABO blood system. Thus, the present research project aims to find out if there is a relationship between the anatomical structure of the peri coronal follicle and the dentigerous cyst, comparing it with the blood typing of the individuals who carry it. The research is descriptive with data collection of cases of peri coronal follicle and dentigerous cyst, sent to the histopathological laboratory of the University of Passo Fundo. The prevalence of the ABO blood system found for the anatomical alteration of the peri coronal follicle was A+ and for the pathological structure of the dentigerous cyst it was O+. The other classes, AB, were presented in a smaller percentage, with B+, B-, A- only in the peri coronal follicle, as well as O-. These results conclude that blood typing can establish a predisposition for odontogenic findings, requiring further research to confirm the clinical diagnosis. (AU)

A formação das estruturas bucais ocorre devido às proliferações celulares ectomesenquimais, o que irão originar uma estrutura anatômica conhecida como folículo pericoronário, a qual sofre apoptose após a formação completa da coroa dentária, ocasionando sua erupção. Em alguns casos, pode haver a impactação do dente por consequência de uma alteração no epitélio reduzido do órgão do esmalte, o que impede a autodestruição epitelial. Essas alterações podem estar associadas ao tipo sanguíneo que, com base em achados científicos, pode-se provar uma correlação entre doenças humanas e o sistema sanguíneo ABO. Assim, o presente projeto de pesquisa tem por objetivo averiguar se há relação entre a estrutura anatômico do folículo pericoronário e o cisto dentígero comparando com a tipagem sanguínea dos indivíduos que o portam. A pesquisa é descritiva com coleta de dados dos casos de folículo pericoronário e cisto dentígero, enviados para o laboratório histopatológico da Universidade de Passo Fundo. A prevalência do sistema sanguíneo ABO encontrada para a alteração anatômico do folículo pericoronário foi A+ e para estrutura patológica do cisto dentígero foi O+. As demais classes, AB, apresentaram-se em menor porcentagem, sendo B+, B-, A- apenas em folículo pericoronário, assim como o-. Tais resultados concluem que a tipagem sanguínea pode estabelecer uma pré-disposição para os achados odontogênicos, sendo necessário maiores pesquisas para confirmação de diagnóstico clínico. (AU)

Rev. cuba. cir ; 62(3)sept. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1550833


Introducción: El quiste dentígero es un quiste odontogénico, casi siempre asociado a la corona de un diente retenido. Sus ubicaciones más frecuentes son la zona de tercer molar inferior y canino superior. Objetivo: Caracterizar la presentación de un quiste dentígero en un paciente adulto. Presentación de caso: Se presentó el caso de una paciente de 27 años de edad que acude a consulta por presentar sensación de opresión, dolor e inflamación en región de tercer molar inferior izquierdo. Al examen oral se observa tejido dentario en correspondencia con molar 38 parcialmente brotado con ligero edema de la mucosa a su alrededor. En radiografía panorámica se observa imagen radiolúcida en relación con cara mesial del 38 con discreto halo radiopaco, redondeada, compatible con un quiste dentígero. Conclusiones: Un diagnóstico a tiempo de estas lesiones constituye la clave para un tratamiento exitoso y menos invasivo, lo cual evitaría complicaciones mayores como la malignización, el crecimiento exagerado que puede ocasionar deformidad facial y la disfunción masticatoria permanente(AU)

Introduction: Dentigerous cyst is an odontogenic cyst, almost always associated with the crown of a retained tooth. Its most frequent locations are the areas of the lower third molar and the upper canine. Objective: To characterize the presentation of a dentigerous cyst in an adult patient. Case presentation: The case is presented of a 27-year-old female patient who came to the clinic with a sensation of pressure, pain and inflammation in the region of the lower left third molar. Oral examination permits to observe some dental tissue corresponding with molar 38 partially erupted with slight edema of the surrounding mucosa. Panoramic radiograph shows a radiolucent image related to the mesial side of 38, with a discrete radiopaque halo, rounded, compatible with a dentigerous cyst. Conclusions: A timely diagnosis of these lesions is the key to a successful and less invasive treatment, which would avoid major complications, such as malignization, the exaggerated growth that can cause facial deformity and permanent masticatory dysfunction(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Radiografía Panorámica/métodos , Quiste Dentígero/diagnóstico
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 44(2): 30-37, maio-ago. 2023. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1428047


Introdução: o odontoma é considerado como um frequente tumor odontogênico benigno, podendo ser classificado em tipo composto ou tipo complexo. O cisto dentígero é o mais comum entre os cistos odontogênicos de desenvolvimento, onde envolve a coroa da unidade dentária no nível da junção amelocementária. Há poucos estudos na literatura do encontro das duas lesões, acometendo o mesmo local na cavidade oral. O diagnóstico pode ser constituído por exame clínico e de imagem. Objetivo: apresentar um caso clínico de odontoma composto e cisto dentígero em região de parassínfise mandibular esquerda abordando as caraterísticas clínicas destas duas lesões e as adequadas formas de tratamento. Relato de caso: paciente do sexo masculino, 16 anos de idade, compareceu ao ambulatório do Centro Odontológico da Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública (Salvador, Bahia), portando encaminhamento de ortodontista, solicitando exodontia da unidade dentária 33 inclusa associada a um odontoma. Ao realizar exames físicos e imaginológicos detectou-se a hipótese diagnóstica de odontoma composto associado a unidade dentária, envolto em folículo pericoronário ou cisto dentígero. Foi realizada biópsia excisional das duas lesões e exodontia da unidade. A análise histopatológica confirmou o diagnóstico para odontoma composto associado a cisto dentígero na unidade 33. Ao acompanhamento de 03 meses, paciente apresentou neoformação óssea da região de parassínfise mandibular, mediante a análise de novos exames imaginológicos. Discussão: há poucos estudos na literatura da associação entre as duas lesões, porém relatos afirmam que o odontoma pode ser encontrado associado aos cistos odontogênicos. Por conta da falta de maiores estudos dessa associação, há escassez de recomendações terapêuticas de acordo com faixa etária e extensão do acometimento das lesões. Considerações finais: lesões comumente assintomáticas, tem o diagnóstico constituído por exame clínico e avaliação de exames de imagem(AU)

Introduction: odontoma is considered a frequent benign odontogenic tumor and can be classified as a compound or complex type. The dentigerous cyst is the most common among developmental odontogenic cysts, where it involves the crown of the dental unit at the level of the cementoenamel junction. There are few studies in the literature on the meeting of the two lesions, affecting the same site in the oral cavity. The diagnosis can be made by clinical and imaging examination. Objective: to present a clinical case of compound odontoma and dentigerous cyst in the left mandibular parasymphysis region, addressing the clinical characteristics of these two lesions and the appropriate forms of treatment. Case report: male patient, 16 years old, attended the outpatient clinic of the Centro Odontológico da Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública (Salvador, Bahia), having been referred by an orthodontist, requesting extraction of the included dental unit 33 associated with an odontoma. Upon physical and imaging examinations, the diagnostic hypothesis of a compound odontoma associated with a dental unit, surrounded by a pericoronal follicle or dentigerous cyst, was detected. Excisional biopsy of the two lesions and extraction of the unit were performed. The histopathological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of compound odontoma associated with dentigerous cyst in unit 33. At the 03-month follow-up, the patient presented bone neoformation in the mandibular parasymphysis region, through the analysis of new imaging exams. Discussion: there are few studies in the literature on the association between the two lesions, but reports state that odontoma can be found associated with odontogenic cysts. Due to the lack of further studies on this association, there is a lack of therapeutic recommendations according to age group and extent of lesion involvement. Final considerations: commonly asymptomatic lesions, the diagnosis consists of clinical examination and evaluation of imaging tests(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Quiste Dentígero , Odontoma , Corona del Diente , Anomalías Dentarias , Quiste Dentígero/diagnóstico , Quiste Dentígero/terapia , Quistes Odontogénicos , Tumores Odontogénicos , Odontoma/diagnóstico , Odontoma/terapia , Corona del Diente/anomalías , Neoplasias
Rev. ADM ; 80(4): 228-231, jul.-ago. 2023. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527398


Los terceros molares heterotópicos son dientes que se encuentran incluidos en los maxilares y la mandíbula distantes a su sitio de erupción habitual. Su etiología no está bien definida y existen diversas teorías. Estos dientes pueden aparecer en diferentes zonas de las estructuras óseas, teniendo predilección por la mandíbula. Suelen aparecer entre la segunda y la séptima década de la vida, la mayoría de los casos son hallazgos imagenológicos en la consulta odontológica. El tercer molar mandibular es el diente que presenta heterotopía con mayor frecuencia, siendo su localización habitual en rama mandibular y en la región subcondílea. El quiste dentígero es la patología asociada más común. Presentamos un caso de tercer molar heterotópico en rama mandibular derecha de larga evolución, relacionado a un quiste dentígero, el cual se manejó bajo anestesia regional. Se describe la etiología, técnica quirúrgica y consideraciones especiales relacionados con los dientes heterotópicos (AU)

Heterotopic third molars are teeth that are embedded in the maxilla and mandible, remote from their usual eruption site. Its etiology is not well defined and there are various theories at the moment. These teeth can appear in different areas of the bone's structures, having a predilection for the jaw. They usually appear between the second and seventh decade of life, and in most cases are imaging findings. The mandibular third molar is the tooth with the most frequent heterotopia, being its usual location in the mandibular branch and in the subcondylar region. The dentigerous cyst is the most common associated pathology. We present a case of a long evolution heterotopic third molar in the right mandibular branch, related to a dentigerous cyst which was managed under local anesthesia. The etiology, surgical technique and special considerations related to heterotopic teeth are described (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Anciano , Erupción Ectópica de Dientes/cirugía , Erupción Ectópica de Dientes/etiología , Quiste Dentígero/complicaciones , Tercer Molar/anomalías , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Orales/métodos , México , Tercer Molar/diagnóstico por imagen
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 27(2)jun. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440531


Los quistes radiculares constituyen los quistes odontogénicos más comunes de la cavidad bucal. El objetivo de esta investigación es caracterizar un paciente con quiste odontogénico radicular mandibular. Se presenta un individuo masculino de 86 años, que fue atendido en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Provincial General Universitario «Mártires del 9 de abril», de Sagua la Grande, durante los años 2017-2018. Inicialmente, se le realizó el estudio clínico correspondiente (interrogatorio y examen físico), y se observó una evidente tumefacción y abombamiento cortical en relación a dientes residuales permanentes mandibulares; se asoció radiográficamente a una imagen radiolúcida ovoide extensa, que justificó la realización de biopsias incisionales en primer orden. Se siguió una conducta quirúrgica, con resección total de la lesión mediante enucleación, y se confirmó el diagnóstico de quiste odontogénico radicular mandibular a través del estudio histopatológico.

Radicular cysts are the most common odontogenic cysts in the oral cavity. The objective of this investigation is to characterize a patient with a mandibular radicular odontogenic cyst. We present an 86-year-old male individual who was treated in the maxillofacial surgery service at "Mártires del 9 de Abril" Provincial General University Hospital in Sagua la Grande from 2017 to 2018. Initially, a corresponding clinical study was performed (interrogation and physical examination), and an evident swelling and cortical bulging was observed in relation to mandibular permanent residual teeth; it was radiographically associated with an extensive ovoid radiolucent image, which justified the performance of first-order incisional biopsies. A surgical procedure was followed, with total resection of the lesion by means of enucleation, and the diagnosis of mandibular radicular odontogenic cyst was confirmed through the histopathological study.

Cirugía Bucal , Anciano , Quiste Dentígero
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 16(1): 82-84, abr. 2023. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440282


El objetivo de este estudio es presentar un reporte de caso de un paciente que presenta un tercer molar inferior asociado a un quiste dentígero, cuya lesión desplazó el diente hasta quedar inmerso dentro del canal alveolar inferior. Caso: Paciente acude por tratamiento de un quiste dentígero asociado a un tercer molar desplazado hacia nervio alveolar inferior y borde basilar. Se realiza una descompresión del quiste, además de una tracción de la pieza con ortodoncia para posteriormente ser extraída de forma segura. Conclusión: La tracción ortodóntica de tercer molar ofrece una buena alternativa frente a estos casos. Si bien la evolución del paciente frente a este tratamiento es favorable, falta evidencia que demuestre significativamente su eficacia.

The aim of this study is to present a case report of a patient with a lower third molar associated with a dentigerous cyst, whose lesion displaced the tooth into the inferior alveolar canal. Case: Patient asks for treatment of a dentigerous cyst associated with a displaced third molar towards the inferior alveolar nerve and basilar border. A cyst decompression was performed, in addition to a traction of the tooth with orthodontics to be later extracted in a safe way. Conclusion: Traction of the third molar offers a good choice in cases such as the one presented in this article. Although the evolution of the patient is favorable, there is a lack of evidence demonstrating its efficacy.

Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Ortodoncia , Quiste Dentígero , Nervio Mandibular , Tercer Molar
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016787


@#Impacted third molar extractions are one of the most common oral surgical procedures. In cases where a pathological condition is observed, it is relatively easy to decide on surgery. However, cystic changes can be observed in follicular tissues even in cases where pathological changes are not observed on radiography. The present study aimed to evaluate the histopathologic changes in dental follicles associated with radiographically normal impacted lower third molar. One hundred and one dental follicles were obtained after third molar surgeries. The patients with follicular width of less than 2.5 mm in the panoramic radiographs were included in the study. The relationships between pathological changes in follicular tissues and angular position of impacted teeth, age and gender were statistically examined. Cystic changes were observed in 65 (64.3%) of 101 follicles examined. The relationship between cystic changes and the angular position of impacted lower third molars was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Cystic changes were observed in 13 (43.3%) of 30 mesioangular teeth, 24 (80%) of 30 vertical teeth, 19 (65.5%) of 29 horizontal teeth, and 9 (75%) of 12 distoangular teeth. About 60% of cystic changes and 64.06% of inflammation occurred in patients between the ages of 20 and 30. Cystic changes can be observed in the follicular tissues of impacted lower third molars that are radiographically normal. There is a probability of histopathological changes, especially in patients over the age of 20 years and in the impacted lower third molars in the vertical position.

Acta odontol. Colomb. (En linea) ; 13(1): 26-39, 20230000. ilus, ilus, tab, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425208


Objetivo: establecer la relación entre el diagnóstico histopatológico de sacos foliculares de terceros molares y la medida radiográfca estandarizada en radiografía panorámica digital. Métodos: se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo en el que se incluyeron 28 sacos foliculares de terceros molares. Dos observadores midieron la radiolucidez pericoronal en radiografías panorámicas digitales usando un método estandarizado y se calculó el índice de correlación intraclase. Se estableció un diagnóstico radiográfco según la medida del saco, con <2.5 mm como el límite para sacos foliculares normales. Dicho diagnóstico fue comparado con el respectivo diagnóstico histopatológico. Se calculó sensibilidad y especifcidad; se aplicó la prueba de chi-cuadrado, exacta de Fisher y, fnalmente, el índice Kappa. Resultados: se obtuvo un alto grado de acuerdo entre los observadores. La prueba radiográfca tuvo una baja sensibilidad (0.27) y especifcidad (0.6) y no se encontró diferencia estadísticamente signifcativa entre estos. Conclusiones: la ausencia de hallazgos radiográfcos no implica ausencia de enfermedad. Además, no se puede establecer relación entre la presencia de quistes dentígeros y radiolucidez ≥ 2.5 mm en radiografía panorámica digital.

Objective: To establish the relationship between the histopathological diagnosis of follicular sacs of third molars and the standardized radiographic measurement in digital panoramic radiography. Methods: This was a descriptive study in which 28 follicular sacs of third molars were included. In digital panoramic radiographs two observers measured the pericoronal radiolucency using a standardized method and the intraclass correlation index was calculated. A radiographic diagnosis was established according to the size of the sac, with <2.5mm being the limit for normal follicular sacs. This diagnosis was compared with the respective histopathological diagnosis. Sensitivity and specifcity were calculated; the chi-square test, Fisher's exact test and fnally the Kappa index were applied. Results: A high degree of agreement was obtained among the observers. The radiographic test had a low sensitivity (0.27) and specifcity (0.6) and no statistically signifcant diference was found between these. Conclusions: The absence of radiographic fndings does not imply absence of disease, furthermore, no relationship can be established between the presence of dentigerous cysts and radiolucency ≥ 2.5 mm in digital panoramic radiography.

Humanos , Adulto , Quiste Dentígero , Tercer Molar , Patología , Radiografía Panorámica , Quistes
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218495


Background: Calretinin plays an important role in calcium signalling and naturally expressed in nervous tissues. Various stud- ies suggest that calretinin may involve in amelogenesis. Calretinin also seems to have role in tumorigenesis since it regulates apoptosis. Aim: To find out whether there is any variation in expression of calretinin in Ameloblastoma, Odontogenic keratocyst and Dentigerous cyst. Materials & Methods: A total of 50 samples each from Ameloblastoma, odontogenic keratocyst and Dentigerous cyst were retrospectively studied. The immunohistochemical expression of calretinin was assessed by using calretinin antibody. Results: Chi square test was used to compare categorical parameters between groups. Kruskal Wallis Test and Mann-Whitney U Test were carried out to compare quantitative parameters among the groups. Statistically, significant values were obtained when comparing the immunohistochemical expression of calretinin in various odontogenic lesions studied and it was highest in ameloblastoma followed by OKC. None of the cases of dentigerous cyst were immunopositive for calretinin. Conclusion: There was statistically significant variation in the expression of calretinin among ameloblastoma, OKC and dentig- erous cyst and it contributes to the aggressiveness of those lesions.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218491


Background: Glandular odontogenic cyst is an uncommon developmental cyst of odontogenic origin. Till now, around 200 cases have been reported in the English literature, out of which approximately 25 of them are associated with an unerupted tooth. Herein we present a case report of a 7-year-old boy with swelling in the anterior maxillary region which was later diag- nosed as a Glandular odontogenic cyst that mimicked a Dentigerous cyst. Case presentation: A painless swelling was noted in the anterior palatal region. Orthopantamogram was advised which re- vealed a unilocular radiolucency associated with an impacted supernumerary tooth. Provisional diagnosis of Dentigerous cyst was made. The cyst was enucleated in conjunction with peripheral osteotomy. The histopathological examination revealed a cystic capsule with non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium with 2-4 cell layer thickness, with some areas showing epithelial plaque, microcysts, hobnail cells and few clear cells. Contemplating all the histological features, final diagnosis of Glandular odontogenic cyst was given. Conclusions: The presented case emphasizes the importance of histopathological examination of the unusual and rarely ob- served Glandular odontogenic cyst which can be missed due to similarities with other entities. Recurrence rates being very high, follow up of the cases is imperative.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421835


Establecer la frecuencia y características de quistes dentígeros asociados a sacos foliculares de terceros molares incluidos, extraídos en las clínicas de cirugía oral de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Estudio cuantitativo, se realizó el análisis histopatológico de 30 sacos foliculares de terceros molares incluidos con col oración de hematoxilina-eosina. Se analizaron 30 biopsias de sacos foliculares de terceros molares superiores e inferiores correspondientes a 21 pacientes con edades comprendidas entre los 17 a 36 años (media: 25,3). De los sacos estudiados 25 (83,3 %) se diagnosticaron como quiste dentígero y 5 (16,7 %) como saco folicular, siendo más frecuente el diagnóstico de quiste dentígero en la zona mandibular. El saco folicular asociado al tercer molar incluido tiene alta capacidad de desarrollar patolo gía odontogénica quística, siendo la más frecuente el quiste dentígero con predilección a la ubicación anatómica en la mandíbula.

To establish the frequency and characteristics of dentigerous cysts associated with follicular sacs of impacted third molars extracted in the oral surgery clinics at the School of Dentistry at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Quantitative study, a histopathological analysis of 30 follicular sacs of impacted third molars with hematoxylin-eosin staining was performed. 30 biopsies of follicular sacs of upper and lower third molars corresponding to 21 patients aged between 17 and 36 years (mean: 25.3) were analyzed. Of the sacs studied 25 (83.3%) were diagnosed as dentigerous cysts and 5 (16.7%) as follicular sacs, with the diagnosis of dentigerous cysts being more frequent in the mandibular area. The follicular sac associated with impacted third molars has a high capacity to develop cystic odontogenic pathology, being the most frequent the dentigerous cyst with a predilection for the anatomical location in the mandible.

Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 82(4): 470-475, dic. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431938


Los quistes odontogénicos son lesiones óseas, de carácter benigno, la mayoría asintomáticas, que habitualmente corresponden a un hallazgo radiológico. El tratamiento es quirúrgico y está condicionado por factores como localización, tamaño y la afectación de estructuras vecinas. El objetivo es elegir la modalidad de tratamiento que conlleve el menor riesgo de recurrencia, la mínima morbilidad, y al mismo tiempo la erradicación de la lesión. Siguiendo esta premisa han sido abordados, tradicionalmente, con técnicas abiertas con buenos resultados, pero con el advenimiento y desarrollo de la cirugía endoscópica, se empezó a usar esta técnica en forma exclusiva o en forma mixta para la resección de los quistes odontogénicos, logrando similares tasas de éxito, pero con menores complicaciones y morbilidad posoperatoria. Además, presenta una ventaja respecto del seguimiento para las recurrencias, ya que se pueden controlar endoscópicamente en la consulta ambulatoria. El objetivo de esta revisión es describir el desarrollo del rol de las cirugías endoscópicas para el tratamiento de lesiones odontogénicas maxilares.

Odontogenic cysts are benign bone lesions, most of them asymptomatic, which usually constitute a radiological finding. The treatment is surgical and is conditioned by factors such as location, size and involvement of nearby structures. The objective is to choose the treatment mode that presents the lowest risk of recurrence, the minimum morbidity, and at the same time, the eradication of the lesion. Following this premise, the treatment of these lesions has traditionally been approached with open techniques with good results but, with the advent and development of endoscopic surgery, this technique began to be used exclusively or in a mixed form for the resection of odontogenic cysts, achieving similar rates of surgical success, but with fewer complications and postoperative morbidity. It also has an advantage regarding follow-up for recurrences, since patients can be controlled endoscopically in the outpatient clinic. The objective of this review is to describe the development and role of endoscopic surgery for the treatment of maxillary odontogenic lesions.

Humanos , Enfermedades Maxilares/cirugía , Quistes Odontogénicos/cirugía , Quistes Odontogénicos/diagnóstico por imagen , Maxilar/cirugía , Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X/métodos , Endoscopía/métodos
Rev. ADM ; 79(5): 251-256, sept.-oct. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1426467


Introducción: a pesar de que un tercer molar no erupcionado repre- senta un riesgo de formación quística, la práctica clínica desestima el análisis histopatológico de los folículos de dichos molares. Objetivo: identificar la frecuencia de lesiones quísticas en los sacos pericoronarios de terceros molares mandibulares. Material y métodos: estudio des- criptivo, transversal, analítico y observacional, en donde se incluyeron sacos pericoronarios de terceros molares mandibulares para su análisis histopatológico, descripción de características clínico-radiográficas y su asociación con la presencia de cambios histológicos o lesiones quís- ticas. Resultados: se incluyeron 48 muestras de sacos pericoronarios, la histopatología de los sacos pericoronarios mostró que 83.3% tenían algún tipo de alteración: 13 quistes paradentales (27.1%), cuatro quistes dentígeros (8.3%), 12 folículos hiperplásicos (25.0%) y 11 folículos inflamados (22.9%). La presencia de lesiones quísticas en la población fue de 35.4%. Se detectó asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el sexo y la presencia de lesiones quísticas (p = 0.039) y entre el nivel de erupción y la presencia de cambios histológicos (p = 0.046). Con- clusiones: la frecuencia de lesiones quísticas o cambios histológicos en folículos de terceros molares mandibulares es alta, principalmente en molares parcialmente erupcionados o submucosos y sin importar la ausencia de sintomatología o alteraciones radiográficas (AU))

Introduction: although a non-erupted third molar represents a risk of cystic formation; clinical practice rejects the histopathological analysis of the follicles of said molars. Objective: identify the frequency of the histopathological changes in pericoronary sacs of mandibular third molars. Material and methods: descriptive cross- sectional, observational and analytic study, where pericoronary sacs of mandibular third molars were included for histopathological analysis, description of clinical-radiographic characteristics and their association with the presence of histological changes or cystic lesions. Results: 48 samples of pericoronary sacs were included, the histopathology of the pericoronary sacs showed 83.3% had some type of alteration: 13 paradental cysts (27.1%), four dentigerous cysts (8.3%), 12 hyperplastic follicles (25.0%) and 11 inflamed follicles (22.9%). The presence of cystic lesions in the population was 35.4%. A statistically significant association was detected between sex and the presence of cystic lesions (p = 0.039); and between the level of eruption and the presence of histological changes (p = 0.046). Conclusions: the frequency of cystic lesions or histological changes in mandibular third molar follicles is high, mainly in partially erupted or submucosal molars and regardless of the absence of symptoms or radiographic alterations (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Preescolar , Niño , Adolescente , Adulto , Quiste Dentígero/epidemiología , Quistes Odontogénicos/epidemiología , Tercer Molar , Quistes Odontogénicos/clasificación , Quiste Periodontal/epidemiología , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Transversales , Interpretación Estadística de Datos , Técnicas Histológicas/métodos , Saco Dental/anatomía & histología , Distribución por Edad y Sexo , Estudio Observacional , Mandíbula , México
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218472


Introduction: Tumors like Odontogenic Keratocyst (OKC), Dentigerous Cyst (DC)and Pyogenic Granuloma are frequently oc- curring in the oral cavity with each of them having relation to angiogenesis. Higher angiogenesis may be associated with increased tissue metabolism, more aggressive biologic behaviour, and increased recurrence and growth rate. Tumor growth is dependent not only on a rise in the number of blood vessels, but also on factors such as protein molecules produced in en- dothelial cells. Microvessel density (MVD), Microvessel area (MVA), Microvessel perimeter (MVP) can predict the growth of the tumour, metastasis and patient’s survival and this value is related to the aggressiveness of the tumour. Aims: The aim of the present study was to determine the angiogenic potential of OKC and DCcompared with normal mucosa using CD 105 marker immunohistochemically. Materials and methods: Immunohistochemical staining was done on 70 paraffin embedded tissue samples. Histopathologi- cally diagnosed cases of OKC, DC and Pyogenic granuloma and healthy gingival tissue samples were retrieved for the study purpose. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in the mean MVD, MVA, MVP values of OKC, DC and pyogenic granu- loma groups. Conclusion: The angiogenic potential was determined in 3 different cases of OKC, Dentigerous Cyst and Pyogenic granuloma in terms of MVD, MVA and MVP and compared to normal mucosa using CD105 marker immunohistochemically.Though the mean values of MVA, MVD, MVP were statistically not significant but was estimated to be higher than the normal mucosa

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218467


Background: Dentigerous cyst diagnosis is simple but several case reports have documented neoplastic changes arising from them. Ameloblastoma is a common benign Odontogenic tumor with an aggressive manner and a high rate of recurrence. Ameloblastic Carcinoma is the malignant counterpart of Ameloblastoma but usually difficult to be distinguished from each other’s. Hence, need for Immunohistochemical markers may help achievement of accurate diagnosis. Objectives: Evaluation of Epithelial and Stromal Syn1 expressions and their roles in tumorigenesis and biological behavior of Dentigerous cyst, Ameloblastoma and Ameloblastic Carcinoma. Methods: Tissue samples comprising of 54 archived histopathologically confirmed cases of (10 Dentigerous cysts, 29 Ameloblastomas and 15 Ameloblastic Carcinoma). The sections were subjected to Immunohistochemical staining according to a standard protocol using antibody to Syn1. Results: Stromal Syn1 expression was higher in Desmolpastic Ameloblastoma than other Conventional Ameloblastoma subtypes. Unicystic Ameloblastoma showed higher Stromal Syn1 than Dentigerous cyst. Ameloblastic Carcinoma showed the highest immune-reactivity to Stromal Syn1 than Conventional Ameloblastoma. While, Epithelial Syn1 immune-reactivity was weak. Conclusions: Desmoplastic Ameloblastoma behaves in a more aggressive manner than other subtypes.Stromal Syn1 are highly expressed in aggressive and malignant odontogenic tumors and could be used together as prognostic predictor tool for odontogenic tumors