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Medwave ; 24(4): e2802, 30-05-2024.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561806


Introducción La inseguridad alimentaria es una prioridad mundial que, según se ha constatado, repercute negativamente en la salud mental, aumentando los riesgos de padecer trastornos mentales comunes y enfermedades mentales graves. Los migrantes internacionales pueden enfrentarse a la inseguridad alimentaria a lo largo del ciclo migratorio, debido a una serie de factores de riesgo como las precarias condiciones de tránsito, la precariedad laboral, la presión financiera, la discriminación y la falta de disponibilidad y acceso a alimentos culturalmente relevantes, entre otros. Aunque existen varias revisiones sobre migración, inseguridad alimentaria y salud en general, no se ha realizado ninguna revisión de alcance sobre la inseguridad alimentaria entre los migrantes internacionales con especial atención a la salud mental. Objetivo Investigar la evidencia sobre inseguridad alimentaria y salud mental entre los migrantes internacionales. Métodos Se realizará una búsqueda de literatura científica en inglés, español, francés, italiano y portugués publicada desde 2013 en las bases de datos Web of Science, PubMed, Medline, APA PsycArticles, Cinahl, y ASSIA, y de literatura gris en Google Scholar. Dos autores revisarán de forma independiente los títulos, resúmenes y textos completos, antes de extraer los datos de las publicaciones que cumplan los criterios de elegibilidad. Los datos extraídos se mapearán descriptivamente según categorías temáticas generales emergentes. Resultados esperados La revisión contribuirá a identificar lo que se sabe sobre la migración internacional, la inseguridad alimentaria y la salud mental, las lagunas en la literatura sobre el tema, las oportunidades para subtemas específicos de investigación, y explorar cómo la inseguridad alimentaria y la salud mental pueden estar vinculadas en la literatura existente.

Introduction Food insecurity is a global priority that has been found to negatively impact mental health, increasing the risk of mental disorders and severe mental illness. International migrants may face food insecurity throughout their migratory cycle due to a range of risk factors, such as poor transit conditions, precarious employment, financial pressure, discrimination, and lack of availability and access to culturally relevant food, among others. Although there are multiple reviews on migration, food insecurity, and health in general, no scoping review has been conducted on food insecurity among international migrants focusing on mental health. Objective To investigate the available evidence on food insecurity and mental health among international migrants. Methods A search of scientific literature in English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese published since 2013 will be performed in the Web of Science, PubMed, Medline, APA PsycArticles, Cinahl, and ASSIA databases, including grey literature available in Google Scholar. Two authors will independently review titles, abstracts, and full texts before extracting data from publications complying with the eligibility criteria. Extracted data will be descriptively mapped according to emerging thematic categories. Expected results The review will contribute to identifying what is known about international migration, food insecurity, and mental health, gaps in the literature, opportunities for specific research subtopics, and how food insecurity and mental health can be linked in the existing literature.

Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-6, maio. 2024. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1570604


Objetivo: Descrever a experiência da elaboração do Protocolo de Enfermagem da Atenção Primária e o gerenciamento das Unidades Básicas de Saúde de Rio Branco ­ Acre. Métodos: Trata-se de um relato de experiência, sobre a elaboração de um Protocolo, instrumento potente para a implementação de melhorias e a gerência de Unidades Básicas de Saúde. A elaboração do protocolo foi realizada por etapas: Etapa 1: Composição da Comissão; Etapa 2: Pesquisa e Construção; Etapa 3: Consulta Pública; Etapa 4: Finalização da Construção. Resultados: Foi constituído uma comissão de elaboração do protocolo. Foi observado a implementação de melhorias na assistência prestada à população durante o período de execução do projeto. A frente do gerenciamento das Unidades Básicas de Saúde, foi possível vivenciar de perto o cenário da Atenção Primária à Saúde, (financiamentos, composição de equipes e atributos), conhecer a capacidade gerencial e política para organização da assistência à saúde, como também implementar melhorias relacionadas à gestão da clínica e diretrizes clínicas. Conclusão: A elaboração e implementação de um Protocolo de Enfermagem da Atenção Primária agrega não apenas conhecimento para a prática, vislumbra mais valorização profissional, onde possibilita o rompimento de uma barreira centrada na figura médica, ao atribuir à enfermagem papel relevante e conquistada, com protocolos de atendimento capazes de suprir as demandas existentes nas Unidades. Além de permitir o fortalecimento, visibilidade técnica, científica e a ampliação do acesso às pessoas à Atenção Primária à Saúde como parte significativa e resolutiva pela enfermagem. (AU)

Objective: To describe the experience of elaborating the Primary Care Nursing Protocol and the management of Basic Health Units in Rio Branco ­ Acre. Methods: This is an experience report on the elaboration of a Protocol, a powerful instrument for implementing improvements and managing Basic Health Units. The preparation of the protocol was carried out in stages: Stage 1: Composition of the Committee; Stage 2: Research and Construction; Stage 3: Public Consultation; Step 4: Completion of Construction. Results: A protocol drafting committee was set up. The implementation of improvements in the assistance provided to the population during the project execution period was observed. Ahead of the management of Basic Health Units, it was possible to experience the Primary Health Care scenario closely, (financing, composition of teams and attributes), to know the managerial and political capacity for the organization of health care, as well as to implement related improvements. clinic management and clinical guidelines. Conclusion: The elaboration and implementation of a Primary Care Nursing Protocol adds not only knowledge to practice, it envisions more professional appreciation, which makes it possible to break a barrier centered on the medical figure, by attributing a relevant and conquered role to nursing, with protocols services capable of meeting the existing demands in the Units. In addition to allowing the strengthening, technical and scientific visibility and the expansion of people's access to PHC as a significant and decisive part of nursing. (AU)

Objetivo: Describir la experiencia de elaboración del Protocolo de Enfermería de Atención Primaria y la gestión de Unidades Básicas de Salud en Rio Branco ­ Acre. Métodos: Este es un relato de experiencia sobre la elaboración de un Protocolo, un poderoso instrumento para implementar mejoras y gestionar Unidades Básicas de Salud. La elaboración del protocolo se realizó por etapas: Etapa 1: Composición del Comité; Etapa 2: Investigación y Construcción; Etapa 3: Consulta Pública; Paso 4: Finalización de la construcción. Resultados: Se constituyó una comisión de elaboración del protocolo. Se observó la implementación de mejoras en la asistencia prestada a la población durante el periodo de ejecución del proyecto. Frente a la gestión de las Unidades Básicas de Salud, fue posible vivir de cerca el cenário de la Atención Primaria de Salud (financiación, composición de equipos y atributos), conocer la capacidad gerencial y política para la organización de la asistencia a la salud, así como implementar mejoras relacionadas, con la gestión de la clínica y direcciones clínicas. Conclusión: La elaboración e implementación de un Protocolo de Enfermería de Atención Primaria aporta no sólo conocimiento a la práctica, sino que aporta mayor valorización profesional, al permitir el rompimiento de una barrera centrada en la figura médica, para atribuir a la enfermería un papel relevante y conquistado, con protocolos de atención capaces de superar las demandas existentes en las Unidades. Además de permitir el fortalecimiento, la visibilidad técnica y científica y la ampliación del acceso de las personas a la Atención Primaria de Salud como parte significativa y resolutiva por parte de la enfermería. (AU)

Ciencia de la Implementación , Atención Primaria de Salud , Protocolos Clínicos , Enfermería , Gestión en Salud
Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 437-445, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558133


SUMMARY: Frailty affects the functional autonomy (FA) of older adults and could manifest itself in muscle imbalances in the limbs, resulting in a disparity in size and strength between them. In Chile, information on the relationship between muscle strength (MS) levels and FA asymmetries in older women is limited. This study related the levels of MS, anthropometric parameters, and asymmetries of the lower and upper limbs, with the FA of a group of older Chilean women. The study included 39 women who participated, and their FA was evaluated using the GDLAM index (IG). Based on the score obtained in the IG, they were classified by percentiles as Group 1 with favorable FA (P ≤ 50) and Group 2 with low FA (P > 50). Anthropometric parameters were BMI, fat percentage, bone mass, circumferences (arm, thigh, calf), diameters (humerus, femur) and upper/lower limb strength was evaluated to determine asymmetries. The differences between the covariates of both groups were evaluated using the student's t test and the Mann-Whitney test for independent samples. G1 presented less asymmetry (p > 0.05) in the lower limbs and greater calf circumference than G2 (p < 0.05). G1 presented greater bilateral strength (dominant and non-dominant limb) compared to G2 (p < 0.05). The covariates of age, anthropometry, MS, and lower/upper limb asymmetries influence FA in older women.

La fragilidad afecta la autonomía funcional (AF) de las personas mayores y podría manifestarse en desequilibrios musculares en los miembros, dando lugar a una disparidad de tamaño y fuerza entre ellos. En Chile, la información que relaciona los niveles de fuerza muscular (FM) y las asimetrías con la AF en mujeres mayores es limitada. Este estudio relacionó los niveles de FM, parámetros antropométricos y asimetrías de los miembros inferiores y superiores, con la AF de un grupo de mujeres mayores chilenas. Participaron 39 mujeres, cuya AF se evaluó mediante el índice GDLAM (IG). En función de la puntuación obtenida en el IG, se clasificaron por percentiles en Grupo 1 con AF favorable (P ≤ 50) y Grupo 2 con AF baja (P > 50). Los parámetros antropométricos fueron IMC, porcentaje de grasa, masa ósea, circunferencias (brazo, muslo, pantorrilla), diámetros (húmero, fémur) y se evaluó la fuerza de los miembros superiores/ inferiores para determinar asimetrías. Las diferencias entre las covariables de ambos grupos se evaluaron mediante la prueba t de student y la prueba de Mann-Whitney para muestras independientes. G1 presentó menor asimetría (p > 0,05) en los miembros inferiores y mayor perímetro de pantorrilla que G2 (p < 0,05). G1 presentó mayor fuerza bilateral (miembro dominante y no dominante) en comparación con G2 (p < 0,05). Las covariables de antropometría, FM y asimetrías de extremidades inferiores/superiores influyen en la AF en mujeres mayores.

Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Actividades Cotidianas , Antropometría , Fuerza Muscular , Chile , Estudios Transversales , Fuerza de la Mano , Autonomía Personal
Rev. ADM ; 81(2): 100-108, mar.-abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562435


Esta revisión ofrece un enfoque sistemático para establecer una prestación de atención dental segura, integral, coordinada y orientada a la familia del niño con complejidades médicas. Sugerimos que adoptar un enfoque individualizado basado en la fortaleza para la evaluación de niños con afecciones médicas complejas ofrece la base más segura para la prestación de atención en pacientes con enfermedad cardiaca y asma. El objetivo de esta revisión es brindar una visión razonada de atención en el paciente comprometido sistémicamente, basados en protocolos internacionales, y una serie de pasos y modificaciones que deben ser consideradas al momento del manejo odontológico. Se realizó la búsqueda científica en bases digitales contemplando información en idiomas inglés y español, acerca del manejo del paciente dependiendo de su diagnóstico médico y sus complicaciones. Concluimos que el tratamiento dental de pacientes pediátricos con enfermedades sistémicas se puede llevar a cabo de manera eficiente en presencia de un equipo dental bien equipado y apoyo de los padres. Un dentista pediátrico juega un papel importante en el alivio de la ansiedad del niño, manteniendo una relación positiva y haciendo que los servicios de atención se conviertan en experiencias cómodas y libres de complicaciones para pacientes infantiles con enfermedades sistémicas de base, como cardiopatías y/o asma (AU)

This review provides a systematic approach to establishing safe, comprehensive, coordinated, and family-oriented dental care delivery for the child with medical complexities. We suggest that adopting an individualized, strength-based approach to evaluating children with complex medical conditions provides the surest basis for delivering care to heart disease and asthma patients. This review aims to provide a reasoned care approach for the patient with a systemic compromise based on international protocols and a series of steps and modifications that should be considered during dental management. A scientific search was conducted in digital databases, including information in English and Spanish, on managing patients according to their medical diagnosis and complications. We conclude that dental treatment of pediatric patients with systemic diseases can be carried out efficiently in the presence of a well-equipped dental team and parental support. A pediatric dentist plays a vital role in relieving the child's anxiety, maintaining a positive relationship, and making care services become comfortable and complication-free experiences for pediatric patients with underlying systemic diseases, such as heart disease and/or asthma (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Preescolar , Niño , Atención Dental para Enfermos Crónicos/métodos , Atención Dental para Niños/métodos , Manifestaciones Bucales , Asma/terapia , Protocolos Clínicos , Ansiedad al Tratamiento Odontológico/prevención & control , Profilaxis Antibiótica/normas , Cardiopatías/terapia
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13389, fev.2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557320


During the COVID-19 outbreak, there was a sharp increase in generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Acupuncture therapy has the advantages of accurate clinical efficacy, safety and reliability, few adverse reactions, and no dependence, and is gradually becoming one of the emerging therapies for treating GAD. We present a study protocol for a randomized clinical trial with the aim of exploring the mechanism of brain plasticity in patients with GAD and evaluate the effectiveness and reliability of acupuncture treatment. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) will be used to assess cortical excitability in GAD patients and healthy people. Sixty-six GAD patients meeting the inclusion criteria will be randomly divided into two groups: TA group, (treatment with acupuncture and basic western medicine treatment) and SA group (sham acupuncture and basic western medicine treatment). Twenty healthy people will be recruited as the control group (HC). The parameters that will be evaluated are amplitude of motor evoked potentials (MEPs), cortical resting period (CSP), resting motor threshold (RMT), and Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA) score. Secondary results will include blood analysis of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamate (Glu), glutamine (Gln), serotonin (5-HT), and brain-derived nerve growth factor (BDNF). Outcomes will be assessed at baseline and after the intervention (week 8). This study protocol is the first clinical trial designed to detect differences in cerebral cortical excitability between healthy subjects and patients with GAD, and the comparison of clinical efficacy and reliability before and after acupuncture intervention is also one of the main contents of the protocol. We hope to find a suitable non-pharmacological alternative treatment for patients with GAD.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019586


At present,the development of enhanced recovery after surgery(ERAS)pathways in deep inferior epigastric perforator(DIEP)flap breast reconstruction is still in the initial stage worldwide,lacking established guidelines.In the multidisciplinary ERAS pathways,the department of anesthesiology is responsible for some core elements such as optimizing anestheticprotocols,perioperative fluid management and homeostasis regulation,prevention of hypothermia,improvement of perioperative analgesia,and postoperative nausea and vomiting prophylaxis.We summarized the anesthetic management in the ERAS pathways for patients undergoing DIEP flap breast reconstruction in Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center,along with the recent progress,aiming to establish and improve the perioperative strategy based on ERAS pathways in DIEP flap breast reconstruction.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020584


Objective:To investigate the intervention effect of binary coping strategy based on systemic interaction model on the postoperative survival quality of patients with oral cancer.Methods:A total of 99 patients with oral cancer admitted to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of a tertiary hospital from Jun 2021 to Jun 2022 was selected.They were randomly divided into the control group(50 cases)and the observation group(49 cases)with random number table method.The control group received routine nursing for oral cancer.On this basis,the observation group also received the binary coping strategy based on the systemic interaction model.The scores of UW-QOL quality of life scale and binary coping scale were compared between the two groups before surgery,at the 3rd and 9th weeks after surgery.Results:The UW-QOL scores of both groups at the 3rd and 9th weeks after surgery were lower than those at admission,and the UW-QOL score in the control group was lower than that in the observation group(P<0.05).At the 3rd week after surgery,the score of coping with the partner in the observation group was higher than that in the control group(P<0.05).At the 9th week after surgery,the total score,negative coping,stress communication,coping together,and supportive coping scores in the observation group were higher than those in the control group(P<0.05).Repeated measures analysis of variance showed that there was an interaction between time and group for the total score of binary coping scale(P<0.05).And there was a significant main effect of time and group on the total score of binary coping scale(P<0.05).Conclusions:The quality of life of patients with oral cancer is poor.The binary coping strategy based on the systemic interaction model can improve the quality of life of patients,enhance the intimacy of patients with their partners,and contribute to the disease recovery of patients with oral cancer.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020713


Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy and safety of the combination therapy of multi-targeted small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors(MTKIs)with immune checkpoint inhibitors(ICIs)for late-stage solid tumor in the patients with failed standard treatment regimens.Methods The patients with advanced solid tumors who had been hospitalized in our hospital from January 2021 to January 2023 after failure of≥2 standard treatment regimens were selected and treated with MTKIs combined with ICIs.The efficacy and safety of this regimen were retrospectively studied.Results A total of 21 patients were included.As of March 1,2022,the overall popula-tion had an ORR of 38%,a DCR of 67%,a median progression free survival(mPFS)of 10 months,and a median survival(mOS)of 15 months.Common adverse reactions were pneumonia and oral ulcers.Conclusion For the patients with advanced solid tumors who have failed standard treatment,MTKIs combined with ICIs may be a treat-ment option,but prospective studies with a larger sample size are needed to confirm the efficacy and safety of this combination therapy and to explore the population most likely to benefit from this treatment method.

Modern Hospital ; (6): 311-313,316, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022266


The number of investigator initiate trials(IIT)is increasing,and a detailed scientific clinical trial protocol is an important prerequisite for ensuring the success of clinical trials and obtaining reliable and accurate results.In this study,132 scien-tific research projects taken by the researchers of a tertiary hospital were reviewed to summarize and analyze the issues in the re-search designs.It was found the issues in common consisted of five aspects:research background,types of design,inclusion and exclusion criteria,outcomes,and sample size.Meanwhile,the causes of these problems were discussed and the countermeasures were proposed aimed at improving the efficiency of scientific review work and promoting the high-quality operation of IIT projects.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 421-426, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012915


To ensure the rights and safety of the subjects and improve the quality of clinical trials, the author analyzed and discussed the deviation type and typical cases from 184 cases of protocol violation reviewed by the ethics committee in 56 clinical trials in a tertiary hospital in 2020. Among the 184 cases of violating the protocol, there were 29 major protocol violation cases and its proportion is 16%; 99 cases (54%) violated the GCP principle; 56 cases of other violations of the protocol that require to be reported, accounting for 30%. Through the case analysis of the researcher gave the wrong doses to subjects without following the protocol and drug administration did not conform to the rules, analyzed and discussed from the five perspectives of the research protocol design, the researcher, the clinical trial institution, the sponsor and the ethics committee, and put forward solutions and suggestions, so as to provide reference to improve the compliance of clinical trial protocol, reduce the risk of subjects and protect their rights and safety and ensure the successful progress of clinical trials.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039841


@#<p style="text-align: justify;" data-mce-style="text-align: justify;">Clinical research either directly involves a particular person or group of people or uses materials from humans such their behavior or samples of their tissue. It can involve epidemiological and behavioral research, health services research and patient-oriented research like drug trials or accuracies of diagnostic tests. It is a series of steps that lead from question to answer. There is an organized structure by which we formulate questions, develop methods to gather information and answer clinical problems. The purpose of organizing the structure is to allow studies to be repeated and validated by other researchers. There are several research designs, and the choice should be influenced by the main objective of the research. The methodology is the manner of collection of data that will give confidence in the results and conclusion. This requires identifying all sources of bias and uncertainty, and developing a method that can minimize them. Actual data collection can be obtained by inspecting the records, by conducting interview or physical examination or laboratory/ imaging investigations, or by a combination of these data-eliciting methods. Lastly, the final report should be concise but contain all the details in relation to the objective of the research. The format of the written report depends on the methodology and the requirement of the journal where it is intended to be published.</p>

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039527


There has been a growing amount of evidence that a balanced blood component transfusion with roughly equal ratio of units of packed red blood cells, fresh frozen plasma, and platelets leads to better outcomes in massive transfusion resuscitation of trauma victims. Therefore, the great interest of massive transfusion protocol (MTP) with whole blood was aroused. Low titer group O whole blood (LTOWB) is implemented in routine use for civilian prehospital ambulance services in large trauma centers of most European and American countries nowadays. There is a growing body of evidence to date to support that early use of LTOWB in patients with life-threatening bleeding improve their survival. In view of the current situation of whole blood supply in our country, most trauma resuscitation guidelines still recommend balanced component transfusion for MTPs in the early stage of resuscitation. The research and application of LTOWB abroad will be introduced in this article.

CoDAS ; 36(1): e20220251, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514028


RESUMO Objetivo Elaborar um protocolo de avaliação do planejamento motor da fala com estímulos fonologicamente balanceados para o português brasileiro e que contemple todas as variáveis necessárias para este diagnóstico. Método Foram realizadas três etapas: Na primeira, construíram-se listas de palavras cujo critério principal foram os padrões silábicos e acentuais. Do levantamento realizado na Etapa 1, procedeu-se à seleção dos vocábulos que compuseram a primeira versão do protocolo na Etapa 2, reunidas em duas tarefas: de repetição e de Leitura em Voz Alta (LVA). Em seguida, investigou-se a ocorrência das palavras usando a base de dados do Corpus Brasileiro (PUC-SP) - Linguateca. Na etapa 3 realizou-se a análise estatística para verificar se as listas de repetição e de LVA estavam equilibradas quanto à ocorrência das palavras. Assim, as listas foram distribuídas em quartis e foram analisadas de forma descritiva e bivariada. O nível de significância utilizado foi de 5%. Resultados Após a realização de todas as etapas, foi possível obter as palavras que compuseram as listas das tarefas de repetição e de LVA. Finalmente, foram então acrescidas ao protocolo as demais tarefas consideradas essenciais para a avaliação da apraxia como as taxas diadococinéticas e a prancha para a emissão oral espontânea. Conclusão O protocolo desenvolvido contém as tarefas consideradas padrão para a avaliação da apraxia de fala pela literatura internacional, o que torna esse instrumento importante para o diagnóstico desse distúrbio em falantes do português brasileiro.

ABSTRACT Purpose To develop an assessment protocol for speech motor planning with phonologically balanced stimuli for Brazilian Portuguese, including all necessary variables for this diagnosis. Methods Three stages were carried out: In the first, word lists were built with the main criterion being syllabic and accentual patterns. From the survey conducted in Stage 1, the words that composed the first version of the protocol lists in Stage 2 were selected, and grouped into two fundamental tasks for diagnosing acquired apraxia of speech (AOS): repetition and Reading Aloud (RA). In Stage 3, the occurrence of words was investigated using the Brazilian Corpus (PUC-SP) - Linguateca database, and a statistical analysis was performed to verify if the repetition and RA lists were balanced in terms of the occurrences. Thus, the lists were distributed in quartiles and submitted to both descriptive and bivariate analyses. A significance level of 5% (p<0.05) was adopted. Results After completion of all stages, the words that composed the lists of the repetition and RA tasks were obtained. Finally, other tasks considered essential for the assessment of AOS, such as diadochokinetic rates and the board for spontaneous oral emission, were then added to the protocol. Conclusion The developed protocol contains the tasks considered standard for the assessment of AOS according to the international literature, which makes this instrument important for diagnosing this disorder in speakers of Brazilian Portuguese.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 46: e, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569731


Abstract Objective Our study evaluated the effectiveness of the Botucatu Abbreviated Protocol in breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) within Brazil's public healthcare system, focusing on its impact on patient access to MRI exams. Methods This retrospective study involved 197 breast MRI exams of female patients over 18 years with histological breast carcinoma diagnosis, conducted at Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu - UNESP between 2014 and 2018. Two experienced examiners prospectively and blindly analyzed the exams using an Integrated Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS). They first evaluated the Botucatu Abbreviated Protocol, created from sequences of the complete protocol (PC), and after an average interval of 30 days, they reassessed the same 197 exams with the complete protocol. Dynamic and morphological characteristics of lesions were assessed according to BI-RADS 5th edition criteria. The study also analyzed the average number of monthly exams before and after the implementation of Botucatu Abbreviated Protocol. Results The Botucatu Abbreviated Protocol showed high sensitivity (99% and 96%) and specificity (90.9% and 96%). There was a significant increase in the average monthly MRI exams from 6.62 to 23.8 post-implementation. Conclusion The Botucatu Abbreviated Protocol proved effective in maintaining diagnostic accuracy and improving accessibility to breast MRI exams, particularly in the public healthcare setting.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559693


Introducción: La detección temprana del deterioro cognitivo en personas mayores permite disminuir la incertidumbre y mejorar las tareas de intervención. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar las características psicométricas de un protocolo de cribado online para detectar tempranamente deterioro leve en personas mayores. Método: el método usado fue de tipo mixta con preguntas de tipo cuantitativas y cualitativas. La muestra fue de 75 personas mayores del gran Concepción, región del Bio-Bio. El protocolo estaba compuesto por: Cuestionario sociodemográfico, Test del Reloj Versión Cacho, Moca, Escala Depresión Yesavage y Test Acentuación de Palabras. El procedimiento consistió en la aplicación del protocolo a través de un Tablet o Laptop, videollamadas. Resultados: Se encontró que el protocolo presenta validez discriminante y convergente. Conclusiones: se concluye que el protocolo de cribado online para detectar tempranamente deterioro leve en personas mayores es válido y fiable. Se discute el uso y la aplicación de un protocolo cribado usando la Teleneuropsicología (TeleNP), en personas mayores

ABTRACT Introduction: Early detection of cognitive impairment in the elderly allows us to reduce uncertainty and improve intervention tasks. The objective of this research was to determine the psychometric characteristics of an online screening protocol for early detection of mild impairment in the elderly. Method: the method used was of a mixed type with quantitative and qualitative questions. The sample consisted of 75 older people from the greater Concepción, Bio-Bio region. The protocol consisted of: Sociodemographic Questionnaire, Cacho Version Clock Test, Mocha, Yesavage Depression Scale and Word Stress Test. The procedure consisted of the application of the protocol through a Tablet or Laptop, video calls. Results: It was found that the protocol presents discriminant and convergent validity. Conclusions: it is concluded that the online screening protocol for early detection of mild deterioration in the elderly is valid and reliable. The use and application of a screening protocol using Teleneuropsychology (TeleNP) in older people is discussed.

Hematol., Transfus. Cell Ther. (Impr.) ; 46(supl.1): 60-66, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557897


Abstract The management of major bleeding is a critical aspect of modern healthcare and it is imperative to emphasize the importance of applying Patient Blood Management (PBM) principles. Although transfusion support remains a vital component of bleeding control, treating severe bleeding goes beyond simply replacing lost blood. A more comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach is essential to optimize patient outcomes and minimize the risks associated with excessive transfusions.

Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1559780


Introducción: Es necesario la aplicación de protocolos de actuación como herramientas que permiten homogeneizar los procedimientos plásticos periodontales regenerativos y establecer las pautas de actuación del Periodontólogo para el abordaje de las recesiones gingivales con esta modalidad terapéutica de avanzada. Objetivo: Diseñar un protocolo para el tratamiento de la recesión gingival mediante la utilización de la membrana de fibrina rica en plaquetas, asociada al colgajo de avance coronal. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación con enfoque cualitativo en la Facultad de Estomatología de Villa Clara, de julio de 2020 a diciembre de 2021. Para el diseño del protocolo se empleó una fase de preparación y una de elaboración; dentro de esta última se estructuraron tres momentos: revisión sistemática de la literatura, aplicación de técnicas grupales (grupo focal y nominal) y conclusión del documento. Se realizó una valoración por criterios de especialistas externos antes de concluir la estructura definitiva del protocolo. Resultados: Se consultaron cinco guías para la confección de protocolos, cinco protocolos de atención médica y enfermería y 10 estomatológicos. La estructura del documento quedó conformada por: portada, introducción, objetivos, profesionales a quienes va dirigido, población diana, proceso de elaboración, procedimiento, algoritmo, fecha de implementación y revisión, proceso de implantación, indicadores de evaluación, glosario y referencias bibliográficas. Conclusiones: Se diseñó un protocolo de actuación que establece las pautas para la realización del proceder terapéutico regenerativo, desde la selección de los pacientes hasta la evolución de la terapéutica. El documento se valoró por especialistas externos como positivo(AU)

Introduction: It is necessary to apply action protocols as tools to homogenize regenerative periodontal plastic procedures and to establish the guidelines for the periodontist to approach gingival recession with this advanced therapeutic modality. Objective: To design a protocol for the treatment of gingival recession using platelet-rich fibrin membrane associated with coronal advancement flap. Methods: A research with a qualitative approach was carried out in the School of Stomatology of Villa Clara, from July 2020 to December 2021. For the design of the protocol, a preparation phase and an elaboration phase were used; within the latter, three moments were structured: systematic review of the literature, application of group techniques (focal and nominal group) and conclusion of the document. An evaluation by external specialists was carried out before finalizing the definitive structure of the protocol. Results: Five guides for the preparation of protocols, five medical and nursing care protocols and 10 stomatological protocols were consulted. The structure of the document consisted of: cover page, introduction, objectives, target professionals, target population, elaboration process, procedure, algorithm, implementation and revision date, implementation process, evaluation indicators, glossary and bibliographic references. Conclusions: An action protocol was designed that establishes the guidelines for carrying out the regenerative therapeutic procedure, from the selection of patients to the evolution of the therapy. The document was positively evaluated by external specialists(AU)

Humanos , Atención Médica , Odontólogos , Fibrina Rica en Plaquetas , Recesión Gingival , Guías como Asunto
BrJP ; 7: e20240005, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533970


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Lumbar disorders, which contribute to significant workplace absenteeism and chronic disability, are associated with a considerable financial and social burden. Although a conservative approach provides satisfactory pain relief, biomechanical improvement and is associated with a low risk of adverse effects, there is lack of consensus in the literature regarding the best therapeutic strategy in such cases. METHODS: This retrospective longitudinal study used secondary data from the institutional medical records of patients who completed a multidisciplinary program for the treatment of low back pain between 2019 and 2021. Data regarding pain levels and motor skills were obtained from patients who completed the care program at a private hospital in Bento Gonçalves, RS. The following step-wise treatment algorithm was used: evaluation by a specialist physician for the etiological diagnosis of pain, pharmacological management and dry needling, followed by standard rehabilitation intervention performed by the physiotherapy team and exercises by the physical education team. The visual analogue scale (VAS) was used to measure pain at the start and at the completion of the intervention, and the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) was used to measure motor skills at the start and at 6 and 12 months following the multiprofessional intervention for rehabilitation. RESULTS: A reduction in pain and motor disability in patients who completed all stages of the treatment program was observed. Pain by the VAS presented the following scores: baseline 7 [5-8] and after treatment 2 [0-4]; and the scores of the ODI were: at baseline 0.34 [0.26 - 0.40], at 6 months 0.16 [0.08 - 0.26] and after treatment 0.12 [0.04 - 0.21]. CONCLUSION: The treatment program reduced the pain and disability associated with low back pain and can serve as the basis for further studies carried out to confirm the effectiveness of this intervention.

RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: As doenças lombares, que contribuem para um absenteísmo significativo no local de trabalho e para a incapacidade crônica, estão associadas a um encargo financeiro e social considerável. Embora a abordagem conservadora proporcione alívio satisfatório da dor, melhore a biomecânica e esteja associada a baixo risco de efeitos adversos, não há consenso na literatura sobre a melhor estratégia terapêutica nesses casos. MÉTODOS: Neste estudo longitudinal retrospectivo, foram utilizados dados secundários dos prontuários médicos institucionais de pacientes que completaram um programa multidisciplinar para tratamento de dor lombar entre 2019 e 2021. Dados sobre níveis de dor e habilidades motoras foram obtidos de pacientes que completaram o programa assistencial de um hospital privado de Bento Gonçalves, RS. Foi utilizado o seguinte tratamento passo a passo: avaliação por médico especialista para diagnóstico etiológico da dor, manejo farmacológico e agulhamento a seco, seguido de intervenção de reabilitação padrão realizada pela equipe de fisioterapia e exercícios pela equipe de educação física. A escala analógica visual (EAV) foi utilizada para medir a dor no início e após a conclusão da intervenção, e o Índice de Incapacidade de Oswestry (ODI) foi usado para medir as habilidades motoras no início e aos 6 e 12 meses após a intervenção multiprofissional para reabilitação. RESULTADOS: Observou-se redução na dor e na incapacidade motora em pacientes que completaram todas as etapas do programa de tratamento. A intensidade da dor medida pela EAV apresentou as seguintes pontuações: basal 7 [5-8] e após tratamento 2 [0-4]; enquanto o ODI apresentou as pontuações: basal 0,34 [0,26 - 0,40], até 6 meses 0,16 [0,08 - 0,26] e após o tratamento 0,12 [0,04 - 0,21]. CONCLUSÃO: O programa de tratamento reduziu a dor e a incapacidade associadas à dor lombar e pode servir de base para novos estudos realizados para confirmar a eficácia desta intervenção.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Sep; 71(9): 3203-3209
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225262


Purpose: Outcome of topography?guided excimer laser ablation in conjunction with accelerated, high?fluence cross?linking in corneal ecstatic disease using the NIDEK CXIII equipped with CATz algorithm from the FinalFit software棓Bharat Protocol.� Methods: Retrospective case record review of 30 eyes of 17 patients of stage 1?3 keratoconus who underwent the procedure was performed. Data collected were for visual acuity, distortion?induced eye pain, and keratometry. Pachymetry, lower order and higher order aberrations, spherical aberrations, and topographic cylinder were documented from by Scheimpflug imaging (Pentacam 70700: Oculus, Wetzlar, Germany). Results: At a minimum follow?up of 6 months (range 6.2� months), there was significant improvement in UCVA (P < 0.00001), BCVA (P = 0.0061), decrease in Kmax (P = 0.0349), Ksteep (P < 0.0411), Kflat (P = 0.0099), and pachymetry (P = 0.0001). Significant improvement was also seen in distortion?induced eye pain (27/30 to 2/30; P < 0.00001). A more than two?line improvement in UCVA and BCVA was seen in 23/30 and 17/30 cases, respectively. Ectasia was stabilized in all cases at the last follow?up, and no complications were seen. Conclusions: The 揃harat� Protocol to arrest keratectasia progression and improve corneal regularity is a safe and efficacious alternative as a keratoconus management option. This is the first such study on Nidek Platform for the same.

Crit. Care Sci ; 35(3): 266-272, July-Sept. 2023. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528468


ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to present the protocol of a cluster randomized clinical trial to be conducted through the TeleICU project - Qualification of Intensive Care by Telemedicine. The study will consist of a cluster randomized clinical trial, open label, in pediatric intensive care units, with an allocation ratio of 1:1, to compare the intervention group (support of Telemedicine for patients admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit) with a control group (pediatric intensive care unit usual care). The study proposed to select 16 pediatric intensive care units, including 100 participants per site, with a total of 1,600 participants. The intervention group will receive telerounds from Monday to Friday and will have specialists and continuing education activities available. The primary outcome measure will be the length of stay in the pediatric intensive care unit, defined as the difference between the date of discharge of the participant and the date of admission to the intensive care unit. The secondary outcomes will be mortality rate, invasive mechanical ventilation-free days, days using antibiotics, days using vasoactive drugs and days using sedoanalgesia. This study will be conducted in accordance with Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council, with approval by the Research Ethics Committee of the institutions involved. The present study has the potential to reproduce studies on Telemedicine in intensive care and may make important contributions to care in intensive care units in Brazil and other settings. If Telemedicine shows positive clinical care results compared to conventional treatment, more pediatric patients may benefit. registry: NCT05260710

RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo será apresentar o protocolo de um ensaio clínico randomizado em cluster a ser realizado por meio do projeto TeleUTI - Qualificação da Assistência em Terapia Intensiva por Telemedicina. O estudo consistirá em um ensaio clínico randomizado por cluster, open label, em unidades de terapia intensiva pediátricas, com proporção de alocação de 1:1, com o intuito de comparar o grupo de intervenção (apoio da telemedicina para os pacientes internados na unidade de terapia intensiva pediátrica) com um grupo controle (cuidados habituais da unidade de terapia intensiva pediátrica). O estudo se propõe a selecionar 16 unidades de terapia intensiva pediátricas, incluindo 100 participantes por local, com o total de 1.600 participantes. O grupo intervenção receberá telerounds de segunda-feira a sexta-feira e terá à disposição especialistas e atividades de educação continuada. O desfecho primário a ser avaliado será o tempo de permanência nas unidades de terapia intensiva pediátricas, definido pela diferença entre a data de alta do participante com a data de admissão na unidade de terapia intensiva. Os desfechos secundários serão: taxa de mortalidade; dias livres de ventilação mecânica, dias de uso de antibióticos, dias de uso de drogas vasoativas e dias de uso de sedoanalgesia. Este estudo será conduzido em conformidade com a resolução 466/12 do Conselho Nacional de Saúde, com aprovação pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa das instituições hospitalares envolvidas. O trabalho tem o potencial de reproduzir estudos sobre Telemedicina em cuidados intensivos, podendo trazer contribuições importantes ao atendimento em unidades de terapia intensiva no Brasil e em outras realidades. Se a Telemedicina mostrar resultados clínicos assistenciais positivos em relação ao tratamento convencional, mais pacientes pediátricos poderão ser beneficiados. Registro NCT05260710