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Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219352


Aims: Hopea sangal Korth. is listed as vulnerable species and recently its remnant habitat was rediscovered in the degraded forest near the springs area in East Java. In the forest, the regeneration of the seedling and saplings understory is affected by the heterogeneity in environmental factors especially various light levels due to the canopy gaps. H. sangal is considered a shade-tolerant species, hence the establishment of the seedling in its natural habitat occurs under the closed canopy. This study aimed to understand the Water Use Efficiency (WUE) and Relative Growth Rate (RGR) of Hopea sangal Korth seedling grown in two different levels of tree canopy shades. Study Design: This research was using a completely randomized design, with 9 replications. Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted in the Purwodadi Botanic Garden, East Java, between March � July. Methodology: We used seedling of H. sangal collected from the field in Pasuruan which were planted in plastic pots and acclimatized to obtain seedling of a similar size. The microclimate was measured weekly using solarimetri and sling psychrometer at 08.00; 10:00; 12:00; 14:00 and 16:00. RGR was measured by harvesting the seedling and whole plant WUE was measured using the gravimetric method. Results: We observed the light level during the periodic opening of the canopy gap was significantly different at a specific time (8-12 am), with the highest light intensity at 10.00 of 333.57 祄ol photon m-2s-1. The canopy shades differences did not affect the WUE of seedling (P = 0.333), meanwhile, there was a significant difference in the seedling RGR (P = 0.025). The seedling that were grown under a higher gap and received higher light intensity periodically during a day had higher RGR than those under a closed canopy. The WUE has a positive relationship with the RGR of seedling (R2 = 0.5; P < 0.05). Conclusions: This study suggested that the H. sangal is one of the shade-tolerant species capable of responding to gap-opening sunlight. The study also showed RGR of the seedling positively correlated with the WUE of plants, indicating that the seedling could use the water supply efficiently to grow rapidly.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;66(2): 622-633, abr.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-977333


Resumen El estudio de la ecofisiología de las especies en peligro de extinción es clave para el éxito de programas de conservación y restauración ecológica. El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer el efecto de los factores luz, fertilidad de suelo y procedencia de las plántulas en el crecimiento de plántulas de Magnolia pugana. Se estimó la tasa relativa de crecimiento (TRC) y sus componentes (Tasa de Asimilación Neta: TAN y Cociente del Área Foliar: CAF), así como la relación raíz/vástago (C: R/V). Las plántulas fueron obtenidas de semillas recolectadas de dos localidades en Zapopan, Jalisco, México, la primera es una población silvestre en San Nicolás (SN) y la segunda es una plantación ubicada en los jardines del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias (CUCBA). El experimento se llevó a cabo en condiciones de invernadero. En septiembre 2015, 96 plántulas de tres meses de edad fueron sometidas a los siguientes tratamientos con un experimento factorial (2 × 2 × 2): nivel de luz (alta = 1 120 μmol m-2 s-1 y baja = 136.3 μmol m-2 s-1), procedencia de las plántulas (San Nicolás y CUCBA) y fertilidad del suelo (alta = suelo San Nicolás, baja = suelo del CUCBA) con 12 repeticiones por cada combinación de factores y niveles. El crecimiento se estimó con dos cosechas: la primera a los 30 días de establecido el experimento y la segunda a los 60 días. Los niveles de luz, fertilidad del suelo y la procedencia de las plántulas influyeron en el crecimiento a través de ajustes fisiológicos y morfológicos. En general Magnolia pugana mostró mayor TRC y TAN en la luz alta, mientras que el CAF disminuyó. La fertilidad del suelo y la procedencia de las plántulas no afectaron la TRC ni sus componentes. Sin embargo, si fueron afectados por los niveles de luz, las plántulas de SN crecieron más en luz alta. La altura del tallo varió debido a la fertilidad del suelo y a la procedencia de las plántulas, en el suelo con fertilidad baja, en el suelo del CUCBA las plántulas de SN fueron 35 % más altas que las del CUCBA. El suelo de baja fertilidad en la luz alta ocasionó que las plántulas asignaran mayor biomasa a la raíz. El componente fisiológico (TAN) fue el mayor determinante en la variación intraespecífica de la TRC. Las plántulas de SN mostraron mayor plasticidad fenotípica debido a que es una población silvestre, por lo que posiblemente tiene variación genética más alta que la población cultivada del CUCBA. Los resultados sugieren que Magnolia pugana es una especie con capacidad de adaptarse a diversos ambientes debido a su plasticidad fenotípica frente a los distintos niveles de luz y fertilidad del suelo.

Abstract The study of ecophysiology of endangered species is key to the success of conservation and ecological restoration programs. The objective of this work was to know the effect of light, soil fertility and seed origin on the growth of Magnolia pugana seedlings. The relative growth rate (RGR) and its components (Net Assimilation Rate: NAR and Leaf Area Ratio: LAR), as well as the root-shoot ratio (R/S) were estimated. Seedlings were obtained from seeds collected in two localities in Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico, the first is a wild population in San Nicolás (SN) and the second is a plantation located in the gardens of the Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias (CUCBA). The experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions. In September 2015, 96 seedlings of approximately three months old were subjected to the following treatments in a factorial experiment (2x2x2): light level (high = 1 120 μmol m-2 s-1 and low = 136.3 μmol m-2 s-1), seedling origin (SN and CUCBA) and soil fertility (high fertility = SN soil, low fertility = CUCBA soil) with 12 replicates for each combination of factors and levels. Growth was estimated in two harvests: the first harvest after 30 days of starting the experiment and the second at 60 days. Light and soil fertility levels, as well as seedling origin influenced growth through physiological and morphological adjustments. In general, Magnolia pugana showed higher RGR and NAR in high light, while LAR decreased. Soil fertility and seedling origin did not affect RGR or its components. However, these were affected by the light level, seedlings from SN grew more in high light. Stem height varied due to soil fertility and seedling origin, in low fertility soil (CUCBA) the seedlings of SN were 35 % higher than those of CUCBA. Low fertility soil under high light caused greater investment in seedling root biomass. The physiological component (NAR) was the major determinant of intraspecific variation in RGR. SN seedlings showed greater phenotypic plasticity due to coming from a wild population, which possibly has higher genetic variation than the cultivated population from CUCBA. The results suggest that Magnolia pugana is a species capable of adapting to diverse environments due to its phenotypic plasticity in response to different light and soil fertility levels. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(2): 622-633. Epub 2018 June 01.

Suelo/clasificación , Análisis del Suelo , Magnolia/crecimiento & desarrollo , Plantones/crecimiento & desarrollo
rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 20(2): 321-328, jul.-dic. 2017. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094681


Waterlogging stress is a limiting factor in the production of crops grown in localities with high rainfall frequency. Waterlogging causes a decrease in the availability of O2 in roots, which substantially affects the anatomy, morphology and metabolism of plants. Oxygen deficiency inhibits mitochondrial respiration, oxidation, and oxygenation processes, causing severe affection of plant metabolism. A test in greenhouse conditions was carried out in Tunja, Colombia, in order to evaluate the effect of waterlogging on the growth of cabbage plants (Brassica oleracea var. capitata). Some plants were waterlogged for 25 days and their physiological response was compared with plants maintained at field capacity. As consequence of waterlogging, leaf area, total dry weight, chlorophyll content, leaf area ratio, absolute growth rate and relative growth rate were reduced. In addition, necrotic plants exhibited a high percentage of necrosis in the leaves. As for the variables related to chlorophyll fluorescence, there was a decrease of 17,9, 50,0 and 36,0% in the Fv/Fm values, ΦPSII and qP, respectively. All of these results indicate low tolerance of cabbage plants to waterlogging.

El estrés por encharcamiento es un factor limitante en la producción de algunos cultivos que se desarrollan en localidades, con alta frecuencia de lluvias. El encharcamiento causa disminución en la disponibilidad de O2 en las raíces, lo cual, afecta sustancialmente la anatomía, la morfología y el metabolismo de las plantas. El déficit de oxígeno inhibe la respiración mitocondrial, la oxidación y los procesos de oxigenación, con lo cual, el metabolismo de la planta resulta severamente afectado. Se desarrolló en Tunja, Colombia, un ensayo en condiciones de invernadero, con el propósito de evaluar el efecto del encharcamiento sobre el crecimiento de plantas de repollo (Brassica oleracea var. capitata). Algunas plantas fueron encharcadas durante 25 días y su respuesta fisiológica se comparó con la de plantas mantenidas a capacidad de campo. Como consecuencia del encharcamiento, se redujo el área foliar, el peso seco total, el contenido de clorofila y los valores de la relación de área foliar, de la tasa absoluta de crecimiento y de la tasa relativa de crecimiento. Adicionalmente, solo en las plantas expuestas al encharcamiento, se presentó necrosis en las hojas, en un alto porcentaje. En cuanto a las variables relacionadas con la fluorescencia de la clorofila, se registró una disminución de 17,9; 50,0 y 36,0%, en los valores de Fv/Fm, ΦPSII and qP, respectivamente. El conjunto de estos resultados indica baja tolerancia de las plantas de repollo al encharcamiento.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;65(3): 1161-1173, Jul.-Sep. 2017. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-897611


Resumen: El crecimiento diamétrico arbóreo (CDA) es un componente fundamental de la productividad primaria neta (PPN) y del almacenamiento de carbono en ecosistemas boscosos, por lo cual cumple un papel importante en la mitigación del cambio climático global. Se ha planteado la hipótesis de que en los bosques lluviosos tropicales de baja altitud el CDA está limitado por la disponibilidad edáfica de nutrientes; sin embargo, pocas evidencias experimentales la apoyan, especialmente en bosques con alta precipitación (>5 000 mm anuales). Este estudio evalúa los efectos de la fertilización del suelo sobre el CDA en bosques pluviales tropicales del Pacífico Colombiano, una de las zonas más lluviosas del mundo. Tales efectos se evaluaron a nivel de localidades, categorías diamétricas, densidad de madera y grupos funcionales. Para ello, se realizaron dos inventarios arbóreos (2014 y 2015), se aplicaron cinco tratamientos de fertilización (nitrógeno-N, fósforo-P, potasio-K, NPK y Control) y se determinó el CDA en cinco parcelas permanentes de una hectárea. Se encontró que la aplicación de N y NPK tuvo poco efecto sobre el CDA con respecto al control, mientras que la adición de P y K produjo reducción significativa en la tasa de crecimiento relativo arbórea con respecto al control a nivel de las localidades, en árboles pequeños y medianos, en todas las densidades de madera (baja, media y alta) y en el grupo de plantas dicotiledóneas. Aunque los resultados no corroboraron la hipótesis de limitación de nutrientes sobre el CDA en los bosques estudiados, se evidenció que durante los primeros años de fertilización (principalmente con P y K) ocurrieron cambios en los patrones de PPN aérea y subterránea, probablemente para maximizar la fotosíntesis y la adquisición de nutrientes del suelo.

Abstract: The tree diameter growth (CDA) is a fundamental component of net primary productivity (NPP) and carbon storage in forest ecosystems; therefore, it plays a key role in mitigating global climate change. It has been hypothesized that CDA in lowland tropical rain forests is limited by the availability of soil nutrients, yet little experimental evidence is available, especially in forest of high precipitation (>5 000 mm per year). This study evaluated the effects of soil fertilization on CDA in tropical rainforests of the Colombian Pacific, one of the wettest areas of the world. Such effects were assessed at the level of localities, diametric categories, wood density, and functional groups. To do this, two arboreal inventories (2014 and 2015) were performed, five fertilization treatments (Nitrogen-N, Phosphorus-P, Potassium-K, NPK and Control) were applied, and the CDA was determined in five permanent plots of one hectare. We found that the application of N and NPK had little effect on CDA as compared to the control; while the addition of P and K produced significant reduction of the trees relative growth rate, with respect to the control at the level of localities, in small and medium sized trees, in all wood densities (low, medium and high), and in the group of dicotyledonous species. Although these results did not corroborate the hypothesis of nutrient limitation on CDA in the studied forests, it was found that during the early years of fertilization (mainly with P and K), different patterns of aboveground and belowground NPP occurred to maximize photosynthesis and soil nutrient acquisition. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65 (3): 1161-1173. Epub 2017 September 01.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-853711


Objective: To investigate the effects of cadmium (Cd) stress on the growth and physiological characteristics of Panax ginseng (ginseng). Methods: Two-year old ginseng was cultivated in barrels in phytotrone with different concentration of Cd (0, 0.3, 1.0, 2.0, and 4.0 mg/kg) soil for a whole growth period. In red fruit stage, the contents of biomass and SPAD, the activities of anti-oxidant enzymes, and contents of malondialdehyde (MDA) were determined and analyzed. Results: With Cd concentration increasing, the relative growth rate of ginseng expressed a slowly decreasing trend, and showed negative linear correlations with Cd stress level (P stem > root. Conclusion: Ginseng has an adaptability to the contaminated soil with Cd (≤1.0 mg/kg), and at this time ginseng can enhance the activity of anti-oxidant enzyme and other physiological and biochemical responses to eliminate reactive oxygen species, maintain stability of the cell membrane, alleviate the harm from the stress of Cd; Though with Cd (>1 mg/kg), the contents of MDA could increase significantly, and the oxidative damage of ginseng is very serious. The growth of plants is affected, resulting in a decline in ginseng biomass.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-853980


Objective: To study the effect of different concentration of plumbum (Pb) stress on antioxidase activity in different organs of Rabdosia Rubescentis Folium (RRF, the aerial parts of Rabdosia rubescens) and their growth, and provide the basis for the growth regulation of R. rubescens under Pb pollution. Methods: Ramets hydroponic test was performed with the concentration of Pb (0, 135, 270, and 540 mg/L) and the stress time (50 d), taking superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT), relative growth rate (RGR), biomass, and Pb mass fraction as indexes, the determination of antioxidant enzyme activity was performed with spectrophotometer, and plant's Pb mass fraction of plant with plasma emission spectrometer was carried out. Results: Under Pb stress at different concentration (135-540 mg/L), SOD activity in the leaves and the roots of R. rubescens was increased first and then decreased, but no significant difference on SOD activity in the leaves at each level; POD activity in the leaves under Pb concentration (135-270 mg/L) was no significant difference compared with the control group, but was significantly increased at the concentration of 540 mg/L, while the POD activity in the roots under Pb stress at various concentration was significantly lower than that of the control group which gradually went up after declined; CAT activity in the leaves increased significantly with Pb concentration rising, and the activity in the root decreased gradually with Pb concentration rising. No significant effect on the growth of R. rubescens at low and mid levels of Pb concentration (135 and 270 mg/L), but under high concentration (540 mg/L) of Pb treatment compared with the control group, the biomass and RGR decreased by 33.33% and 46.59%, respectively. Conclusion: The stimulus response is different obviously for antioxidase activities between the leaves and roots of R. rubescens; Through fitting model predictive analysis, the critical Pb concentration is 301.99 mg/L, which decreases RGR by 10% compared with control group (P < 0.01). RRF shows a strong resistance to Pb stress.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;61(3): 1433-1444, sep. 2013. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-688487


Environmental heterogeneity mostly dominated by differing light regimes affects the expression of phenotypic plasticity, which is important for plant growth and survival, especially in the forest understory. The knowledge about these responses to this heterogeneity is a key factor for forest restoration initiatives. In this study, we determine several phenotypic responses to contrasting light conditions in five native tree seedling species of La Cangreja National Park, Central Pacific of Costa Rica, four of them with threatened or relict populations. After 14 weeks at a medium gap condition (24% of full sun), seedlings were transferred and acclimated for 11 weeks to three different natural light regimes: large gap (LG), medium gap (MG) and small gap (SG), corresponding to 52%, 24%, 9% of the mean direct and indirect radiation at each site from full sun. Growth, biomass allocation and leaf gas exchange were measured after the acclimation period. Four species strongly reduced relative growth rate (RGR) in the lower light condition. Total biomass (TB) and RGR were different in Hymenaea courbaril and Platymiscium curiense. H. courbaril and Astronium graveolens had significant changes in the maximum assimilation rate, with a mean value in the LG of 11.02 and 7.70µmolCO2/m²s, respectively. P. curuense showed the same trend and significant changes in RGR and biomass allocation. Aspidosperma myristicifolium and Plinia puriscalensis showed no adjustments to the light regimes in any of the measured variables. This study remarks the importance of determining the growth and physiological performance of these tree native species. It also demonstrates that the most threatened species are those with the less plastic responses to the light regimes, which stresses the difficult situation of their natural populations. This study highlights an urgent definition of the conservation and restoration needs of the degraded forests of the Costa Rican Central Pacific area, where these species dwell.

La heterogeneidad ambiental dominada mayormente por diferencias en los regímenes lumínicos afecta la expresión de la plasticidad fenotípica, la cual es importante para el crecimiento y la supervivencia de las plantas, especialmente en el sotobosque. Conocer dichas respuestas ante la heterogeneidad es un factor clave para las iniciativas de restauración forestal. En este estudio, determinamos varias respuestas fenotípicas ante condiciones lumínicas contrastantes de cinco especies de plántulas de árboles nativos del Pacífico Central de Costa Rica, algunos de ellos con poblaciones amenazadas. El crecimiento, la asignación de biomasa y el intercambio gaseoso a nivel foliar se midieron al final de once semanas de aclimatación en tres regímenes con diferente radiación: claro grande (LG), claro mediano (MG) y claro pequeño (SG) que corresponden al 54, 24 y 9% de la media del factor de radiación indirecta e indirecta en cada sitio a pleno sol, respectivamente. Cuatro especies presentan fuertes disminuciones en la tasa de crecimiento relativo (RGR) en la condición de poca luz. La biomasa total, RGR y la relación raíz/tallo fueron diferentes para todas las especies. Hymenaea courbaril y Astronium graveolens respondieron significativamente en la tasa de asimilación máxima, con un valor promedio en el LG de 11.02 y 7.70µmolCO2/m²s¹ respectivamente. Platymiscium curuense mostró tendencias similares y cambios significativos en la RGR y la asignación de biomasa. Aspidosperma myristicifolium y Plinia puriscalensis mostraron una plasticidad muy baja debido que no expresaron ajustes en ninguna de las variables medidas ante los regímenes de luz. Este estudio resalta la importancia de determinar el crecimiento y el rendimiento fisiológico de estas especies de árboles nativos. También demuestra que las especies más amenazadas son aquellas con las respuestas con menor plasticidad ante los regímenes luz, lo que acentúa la difícil situación de sus poblaciones naturales. Este estudio destaca una urgente definición de las necesidades de conservación y restauración de los bosques degradados de zona del Pacífico Central costarricense, donde estas especies habitan.

Magnoliopsida/crecimiento & desarrollo , Biomasa , Fotosíntesis/fisiología , Luz Solar , Plantones/fisiología , Magnoliopsida/fisiología , Costa Rica , Fenotipo
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;61(1): 363-376, Mar. 2013. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-674088


Relocation of Espeletia grandiflora (Asteraceae) plants as a strategy for enrichment of disturbed paramo areas (PNN Chingaza, Colombia). Ecological restoration of the Andean paramos faces several ecological barriers mainly at the phase of dispersal and establishment of native species. With the aim to contribute to the enrichment of degraded areas, different strategies have to be developed to overcome those barriers. In this work we studied the response of individuals of Espeletia grandiflora (Asteraceae) to the relocation as a strategy for ecological restoration programs. We also evaluated the effect of size of relocated individuals on their survival and development. The work was carried out in an experimental plot at 3 424m altitude in the sector Lagunas de Siecha of Chingaza National Park, Colombia. We relocated 200 plants that belonged to three different size classes: 5, 10 and 15cm of initial height. The following variables were registered: survival, plant height, number of living leaves and stem diameter of each individual. We also evaluated the differences between individuals in survival and development. In terms of survival the most efficient size classes corresponded to 15cm high; the survival was 85% after two years. The relative growth rates for height and stem diameter decreases with the increase in size, but the absolute increase in height did not show significant differences between the three sizes tested. Since the stem diameter was found the strongest survival predictor after two years of relocation activities, we suggest its use as a criterion for selection of relocation individuals. The relocation of individuals of E. grandiflora had a positive side effect, carrying other species that may contribute to the enrichment and restoration of degraded areas. Among these, we found species of the genus Hypericum, as well as Arcytophyllum nitidum and Calamagrostis effusa, which should be evaluated in terms of survival and development for the subsequent implementation of the relocation strategy. In this study we verified the successful relocation of individuals of E. grandiflora as a strategy for enrichment of paramos, and provided values of survival and growth, which should be useful for planning and predicting with greater certainty the success of restoration programs in the paramo.

El trasplante o reubicación de individuos ha sido ampliamente usado para la adición de especies en procesos de restauración. En este trabajo se estudió la respuesta de individuos de Espeletia grandiflora a la reubicación como estrategia de restauración ecológica; así mismo, se evaluó el efecto del tamaño de los individuos reubicados sobre la supervivencia y desarrollo. Se reubicaron individuos de tres diferentes tamaños, 5, 10 y 15cm de altura. Se registraron las variables supervivencia, altura de la planta, número de hojas vivas y diámetro del tallo de cada uno de los individuos, se evaluaron las posibles diferencias en cuanto a supervivencia y desarrollo. La categoría de tamaño más eficaz corresponde a la de 15cm de altura, que presentó una supervivencia del 85% luego de dos años. Se sugiere el uso del diámetro del tallo como criterio de selección de los individuos a reubicar, ya que es la variable que mejor predice la supervivencia dos años luego de la reubicación. Las tasas de crecimiento relativo en altura y diámetro del tallo disminuyen conforme aumenta el tamaño de los individuos; sin embargo, el incremento absoluto en altura no presenta diferencias entre los tres tamaños evaluados. A partir de los resultados se verifica el éxito de la reubicación de plantas de E. grandiflora como estrategia de enriquecimiento en pastizales de páramos alterados.

Asteraceae/crecimiento & desarrollo , Tallos de la Planta/crecimiento & desarrollo , Asteraceae/clasificación , Colombia , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos
Ciênc. rural ; Ciênc. rural (Online);41(8): 1347-1353, Aug. 2011. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-596939


O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os efeitos dos fatores externos no crescimento, desenvolvimento e na produtividade da planta de mamona. O experimento foi realizado com a cultivar 'BRS Energia' semeada em três épocas nas safras 2008/09 e 2009/10 em Pelotas - RS. As variáveis avaliadas foram a taxa de crescimento relativo (TCR), taxa assimilatória líquida (TAL), produtividade e as principais variáveis meteorológicas. A maior taxa de crescimento relativo e assimilatória líquida ocorre nos períodos de temperatura média de 22,5 a 25,7°C e insolação média diária maior que seis horas, que coincidem com as semeaduras de novembro e dezembro na região de Pelotas, enquanto as maiores produtividades ocorrem nas semeaduras de outubro e novembro.

The objective was to study external effects on growth, development and plant productivity. The experiment was conducted with 'BRS Energia' sown at three times in 2008/09 and 2009/10 seasons in Pelotas, Southern Brazil. It was evaluated the relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR), yield and the main meteorological variables. The highest relative growth rate and net assimilation rate occurred at an average temperature of 22.5 to 25.7°C and average daily insolation greater than six hours, which coincide with November and December sowings in Southern Brazil. The highest yields were observed in October and November sowings.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;58(4): 1283-1297, dic. 2010. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-638001


One of the strongest hypothesis about the maintenance of tree species diversity in tropical areas is disturbance. In order to assess this, the effect of intensive natural disturbances on forest growth and mortality in a thinning canopy was studied after the landfall of hurricane Joan in 1988. We evaluated the growth and mortality rates of the 26 most common tree species of that forest in eastern Nicaragua. Permanent plots were established at two study sites within the damaged area. Growth and mortality rates of all individual trees ≥3.18cm diameter at breast height were assessed annually from 1990 to 2005. During this period the forest underwent two phases: the building phase (marked by increased number of individuals of tree species present after the hurricane) and the canopy thinning phase (marked by increased competition and mortality). Our results from the thinning phase show that tree survival was independent of species identity and was positively related to the increase in growth rates. The analysis of mortality presented here aims to test the null hypothesis that individual trees die independently of their species identity. These findings were influenced by the mortality observed during the late thinning phase (2003-2005) and provide evidence in favor of a non-niche hypothesis at the thinning phase of forest regeneration. Rev. Biol. Trop. 58 (4): 1283-1297. Epub 2010 December 01.

Estudiamos el efecto de los fenómenos naturales sobre la dinámica de bosques húmedos tropicales del este de Nicaragua después del paso del huracán Juana en 1988. Evaluamos las tasas de crecimiento y mortalidad de las 26 especies más comunes en ese bosque posterior al huracán. El estudio se llevó a cabo en dos localidades del área afectada por el huracán. Establecimos parcelas permanentes en dos sitios afectados por el huracán, en las cuales medimos variables demográficas poblacionales a todos los individuos con un diámetro a la altura del pecho ≥3.18cm. El estudio se realizó durante dos fases, la fase de construcción de dosel (caracterizada por el aumento en el número de individuos de las especies que resistieron el huracán) la fase de raleo del dosel (caracterizado por el aumento de la competencia y mortalidad). El análisis de la mortalidad en la etapa de raleo del dosel trata de probar la hipótesis que la mortalidad de los árboles no esta ligada a la identidad de especies de árboles y que la sobrevivencia se encuentra directamente relacionada con el crecimiento de los árboles. Asimismo, estos resultados confirman la hipótesis de independencia con respecto a posibles nichos ecológicos.

Biodiversidad , Tormentas Ciclónicas/estadística & datos numéricos , Regeneración , Árboles/fisiología , Ecosistema , Ambiente , Nicaragua , Dinámica Poblacional , Especificidad de la Especie , Clima Tropical , Árboles/crecimiento & desarrollo
Int. j. high dilution res ; 9(30)2010. ilus, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-542664


The use of highly diluted and agitated solutions is widespread. Its use extends to all living beings including plants, acting effectively in the latter's primary and secondary metabolism. Aims: this is a pilot study designed to assess the action of Natrum muriaticum in dilutions 6 CH and 30 CH in comparison to the action of 5.0% NaCl solution administered separately to a population of Phaseolus vulgaris L. (common bean). Materials and methods: it was determined the relative growth rate (RGR) of the bean population treated for 6 weeks and subdivided into 4 groups (5 vases each): P1 (control) treated with 30% alcohol solution only; P2, treated with aqueous 5.0% NaCl solution; P3, treated with Nat-m 6 CH; P4, treated with Nat-m 30 CH. Results: it was seen an increase in the salinity of the soil that caused the inhibition of the development of the bean population P2. In addition, the use of Nat-m promoted a significant increase in vegetable growth, chiefly in dilution 6 CH (P3), causing a significant increase in the RGR of the bean population. Conclusion: high dilutions of Nat-m showed to be efficient to stimulate the growth of common bean.

Altas Potencias , Crecimiento y Desarrollo , Natrium Muriaticum , Phaseolus nanus
Mycobiology ; : 72-76, 2009.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-729204


To investigate the growth response of various crop species to mycorrhizal inoculation, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were applied to Glycine max, Vigna angularis, Senna tora, Hordeum vulgare var. hexastichon. Zea mays, Sorghum bicolor, Allium tuberosum, Solanum melongena, and Capsicum annuum. The biomass of the inoculated crops was measured every two weeks for the 12-week growth period. By measuring biomass, we calculated the mycorrhizal responsiveness of the nine crop species. Among the nine crop species, four species showed a significant response to mycorrhizal inoculation. The shoot biomasses of V. angularis, C. annuum, A. tuberosum, and S. tora significantly increased with mycorrhizal inoculation.

Biomasa , Capsicum , Cebollino , Hongos , Hordeum , Solanum melongena , Sorghum , Glycine max , Zea mays
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;56(4): 2055-2067, Dec. 2008. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-637797


Growth, survival and herbivory of seedlings in Brosimum alicastrum (Moraceae), a species from the Neotropical undergrowth. Growth responses, survival, and herbivory, on seedlings of Brosimum alicastrum were studied in a neotropical Mexican forest. We selected 122 seedlings and divided them into three groups assigned to defoliation treatments: control or 0 (n=21), 50 (n=51) and 90% (n=50). Every 4 months during two years we measured seedling growth (in terms of relative growth rate in biomass, leaf area growth, produced leaves and height growth) and survival. In addition, we evaluated every 12 months pathogen damage and insect herbivory using a 2 mm-2 grid. Separately, we estimated mammal herbivory in 3-month old seedlings that were selected within a plot of 500 m x 10 m (N=1095). Pathogen damage and insect herbivory were evaluated within the same plot in 113 seedlings. We found that 50 % defoliated seedlings showed compensatory responses in all growth parameters. Relative growth rate and height growth also had a compensatory response in seedlings at 90% defoliation. Relative growth rate and leaf area growth gradually decreased with time although height growth seedling showed an opposite pattern. Leaves produced were not affected by time. Estimated seedling survival probability increased with defoliation to a maximum of 97%, decreasing at 24 month to 37%. Mammal herbivory was more frequent and severe than herbivory caused by pathogens and insects. In some cases, mammal herbivory produced total defoliation. Compensatory growth in leaf area growth, produced leaves and height growth seedling suggest a synergic compensatory mechanism expressed in a whole-plant growth biomass (relative growth rate). Compensation and survival results suggest trade-offs at the leaf level, such as leaf area growth and produced leaves versus chemical defenses, respectively. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (4): 2055-2067. Epub 2008 December 12.

Se estudiaron las respuestas de crecimiento, supervivencia y los diferentes tipos de herbivoría sobre plántulas de B. alicastrum en una selva neotropical de México. Se seleccionaron 122 plántulas de una población las cuales se asignaron a tres tratamientos de defoliación: control o 0% (n=21), 50% (n=51) y 90% (n=50). Cada 4 meses durante dos años se midió su crecimiento (en términos de la tasa relativa de crecimiento en biomasa, área foliar, hojas producidas y altura) y supervivencia. Además cada 12 meses, mediante el uso de una cuadricula de 2mm-2, se evaluó la herbivoría causada por patógenos e insectos. También dentro de una parcela de 500 m largo x 10 m de ancho se evaluó en 1095 plántulas de 3 meses de edad la herbivoría por mamíferos. En la misma parcela pero en 113 plántulas se estimó la herbivoría por patógenos e insectos. Las plántulas defoliadas al 50% compensaron su crecimiento en todas las estructuras medidas, pero sólo la tasa relativa de crecimiento y altura lo hicieron con la defoliación al 90%. La tasa relativa de crecimiento y el área foliar disminuyeron gradualmente con el tiempo, contrario a la altura con un patrón opuesto. El número de hojas producidas no se afectó por el tiempo. La probabilidad estimada de supervivencia incrementó hasta un 95% con la defoliación y disminuyó hasta un 37% a los 24 meses. La herbivoría por mamíferos fue el más incidente y severo, en algunos casos hasta un 100% de defoliación. En tanto la causada por patógenos e insectos fue secundaria. El crecimiento compensatorio en área foliar, producción de hojas y altura sugieren un mecanismo compensatorio sinérgico expresado a nivel del crecimiento individual de la planta (tasa de crecimiento en biomasa). Al mismo tiempo junto con la supervivencia sugiere un posible compromiso entre las respuestas de crecimiento a nivel de la hoja - área foliar y hojas producidas - versus producción de defensas químicas.

Animales , Moraceae/crecimiento & desarrollo , Plantones/crecimiento & desarrollo , Biomasa , México , Moraceae/parasitología , Estaciones del Año , Plantones/parasitología , Factores de Tiempo , Clima Tropical
Rev. cuba. plantas med ; 11(2)abr.-jun. 2006.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-629690


Se comparó el crecimiento de plantas de Urena sinuata L. (cadillo de perro), Plantago major L. (llantén) y Zingiber officinale L. (jengibre), cultivadas en canteros a cielo abierto en Maracay, Venezuela. Las curvas de acumulación de materia seca total y de crecimiento del área foliar mostraron valores significativamente mayores en Z. officinale a partir de los 50 días desde la siembra. Los rendimientos en materia seca representaron el equivalente a 4,87; 1,91 y 1,81 t/ha, en Z. officinale, U. sinuata y P. major, mientras que la fracción de hojas en U. sinuata y de P. major, fueron respectivamente 0,47 y 0,82 t/ha, y la de rizoma de Z. officinale 2,04 t/ha. Estos resultados muestran que el cultivo en canteros es una forma sencilla de producir plantas medicinales en ambientes caseros. No hubo diferencias en los valores del índice de crecimiento relativo entre las especies, pero sí en sus variables componentes.

The growth of Urena sinuta L. (cadillo de perro), Plantago major L. (Plantain), and Zingiber oficinale L. (Ginger) plants cultivated in open-air beds in Maracay, Venezuela, was compared. The curves of accumulation of total dry matter and of the foliage area growth showed significantly high values in Z. officinale from the 50th day of its sowing on. The yieldings in dry matter accounted for 4.87, 1.91, and 1.81 t/ha in Z. officinale , U. sinuata and P. major . The leave fraction in U. sinuata , and P. major were 0.47, and 0.82 t/ha, respectively; whereas that of rhizome of Z. officinale was 2.04 t/ha. These results showed that the cultivation in beds is a simple way to produce medicinal plants in home environments. There were no differences in the values of growth relative rate among species, but they were certainly observed in their component variables.