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Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 40: e0253, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1529863


Resumo No Brasil, o estudo da condição de legitimidade (filiação) é tópico que vem sendo tratado pela literatura especializada, tanto no âmbito da História quanto no da Demografia Histórica, sobretudo a partir da década de 1980. O objetivo deste artigo é contribuir para o avanço da temática, mapeando a incidência e a distribuição espacial da ilegitimidade no estado de São Paulo, no final do século XIX, a partir de uma perspectiva diferente daquela dos estudos já elaborados, especialmente em relação ao recorte temporal e às fontes utilizadas. Assim, foram analisados os dados sobre a filiação na população paulista a partir dos Recenseamentos Gerais da População Brasileira, realizados em 1890 e 1900, acrescidos de outras fontes de cunho estatístico, produzidas para o estado de São Paulo. Os resultados apontam um quadro diferenciado em relação às várias zonas que compõem o estado e, embora as fontes sejam distintas, corroboraram o papel fundamental da imigração internacional, pois, nas áreas onde ela foi mais intensa, verificou-se a queda nos percentuais da ilegitimidade.

Abstract In Brazil, the study of the condition of legitimacy (affiliation) is a topic that has been studied by the specialized literature, both in the field of History and in that of Historical Demography, especially from the 1980s onwards. The objective of this article is to contribute to the advancement of the debate on illegitimacy, mapping the incidence and the spatial distribution of the phenomenon in the state of São Paulo, at the end of the 19th century, from a different perspective of previous studies, especially in relation to the considered period and the used sources. Thus, data on affiliation in the São Paulo population were analysed from the General Censuses of the Brazilian Population, carried out in 1890 and 1900, in addition to other statistical sources produced for the state of São Paulo. The results point to a different picture in relation to the various zones that make up the state of São Paulo and, although the sources are different, the results corroborate the fundamental role of international immigration, because in the areas where it was more intense, there was a decrease in the percentages of illegitimacy.

Resumen En Brasil, el estudio de la condición de legitimidad (filiación) es un tema que viene siendo abordado por la literatura especializada tanto en el campo de la Historia como en el de la Demografía Histórica, especialmente a partir de la década del ochenta del siglo XX. Es nuestra intención contribuir al avance del tema, mapeando la incidencia y la distribución espacial de la ilegitimidad en el estado de São Paulo, a finales del siglo XIX, desde una perspectiva diferente a la de estudios anteriores, en especial en relación con el marco temporal y las fuentes utilizadas. Así, los datos de afiliación en la población paulista fueron analizados a partir de los censos generales de población brasileña de 1890 y de 1900, además de otras fuentes estadísticas producidas para el estado de São Paulo. Los resultados apuntan a un cuadro diferente en relación con las diversas zonas que componen el estado de São Paulo y, aunque las fuentes son diferentes, los resultados corroboran el papel fundamental de la inmigración internacional, pues en las áreas donde fue más intensa disminuyeron los porcentajes de ilegitimidad.

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XIX , Política Pública , Ilegitimidad , Dinámica Poblacional , Demografía , Emigración e Inmigración , Población , Factores Socioeconómicos , Brasil , Censos , Imigración Ilegal
Investig. desar ; 29(2): 196-222, jul.-dic. 2021. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1375683


Resumen Este artículo se concentra en el desarrollo del concepto de legitimidad social en las organizaciones como fundamento teórico de la reputación. Así mismo, establece una triangulación en la revisión de literatura que inicia con la teoría institucional hasta llegar al concepto de legitimidad institucional y su importancia en el estudio de la reputación corporativa. En esta revisión se analizaron las dimensiones o fuentes de la legitimidad, como lo son: la moral, cognitiva y evaluativa. En el mismo sentido, esta investigación se soporta en la revisión de literatura, la cual se edificó mediante la revisión de más de 50 referencias bibliográficas. Estas fuentes bibliográficas contribuyeron a darle una mayor comprensión al concepto de reputación corporativa desde el campo de la sociología en relación con la teoría de la legitimidad institucional.

Abstract This article focuses on the development of the concept of social legitimacy in organizations, as a theoretical foundation for reputation. The article establishes a triangulation in the literature review that begins with institutional theory until reaching the concept of institutional legitimacy and its importance in the study of corporate reputation. In this review, the dimensions or sources of legitimacy were analyzed, including: moral, cognitive and evaluative dimensions. In the same sense, this research is supported by the literature review, which was done by reviewing more than 50 bibliographic references. These bibliographic sources contributed to give a greater understanding of the concept of corporate reputation from the field of sociology in relation to the theory of institutional legitimacy.

Humanos , Ilegitimidad , Organizaciones , Ética Institucional , Literatura , Moral
Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 38: e0155, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1288523


Os estudos sobre a escravidão vêm demonstrando que o acesso ao casamento entre os cativos estava longe de constituir a regra. Aliás, mesmo para a população livre, parte dos homens e das mulheres jamais teria a sua união formalizada. Aqui explora-se o universo minoritário dos matrimônios entre escravizados realizados na freguesia Nossa Senhora da Madre de Deus de Porto Alegre, Capitania-Província do Rio Grande de São Pedro, entre 1772 e 1850, como mote para discutir a questão dos regimes demográficos restritos, tema importante da pauta da demografia histórica brasileira. As fontes principais são os assentos paroquiais de casamentos, batismos e óbitos de escravizados, analisados a partir de uma perspectiva agregada − perfil dos nubentes, naturalidade, (i)legitimidade −, assim como por meio do estudo das senzalas de dois proprietários que permitiram o casamento de escravizados. Os resultados confirmam o acesso limitado dos escravizados ao casamento formalizado, bem como indicam o impacto do tráfico nos indicadores demográficos, sobretudo a queda muito significativa da fecundidade legítima, com a entrada de escravizados adultos, especialmente a partir da segunda década do século XIX. Por fim, são analisadas duas senzalas, para exemplificar políticas senhoriais que incentivavam o casamento e a reprodução endógena.

Studies on slavery have shown that access to marriage among captives was far from the norm. In fact, even for the free population, some men and women would never have their union formalized. Here we explore the minority universe of marriages between enslaved people held in the parish of Nossa Senhora da Madre de Deus in Porto Alegre, Captaincy-Province of Rio Grande de São Pedro, between 1772 and 1850, in order to discuss the issue of restricted demographic regimes, an important issue on the agenda of Brazilian Historical Demography. The main sources are parish records of marriages, baptisms, and deaths of enslaved people, analyzed from an aggregate perspective - profile of spouses, birthplace, (il)legitimacy - as well as through the study of some owners of captive couples who had their marriage recorded in the parish. The results confirm the limited access of slaves to formalized marriage. It also points to the impact of trafficking on demographic indicators, especially the significant drop in legitimate fertility, with the entry of adult slaves, especially as of the second decade of the 19th century. Finally, we analyzed two "senzalas", to exemplify slaveholder's policies which encouraged marriage and endogenous reproduction.

Los estudios sobre la esclavitud han demostrado que el acceso al matrimonio entre los cautivos estaba lejos de ser la regla. De hecho, incluso para la población libre, gran parte de hombres y mujeres nunca formalizarían su unión. Aquí, el universo minoritario de los matrimonios entre esclavos realizados en la parroquia de Nossa Senhora da Madre de Deus en Porto Alegre, Capitanía-Provincia de Rio Grande de São Pedro, entre 1772 y 1850, se explora como lema para discutir el tema de regímenes demográficos restringidos, de importancia en la agenda de la Demografía histórica brasileña. Las principales fuentes son los registros parroquiales de matrimonios, bautismos y muertes de esclavos, analizados desde una perspectiva agregada —perfil del prometido, lugar de nacimiento, (i)legitimidad—, así como a través del estudio de dos senzalas de propietarios que permitieron el matrimonio de esclavizados. Los resultados confirman el acceso limitado de los esclavos al matrimonio formalizado. También señala el impacto del tráfico en los indicadores demográficos, especialmente la muy significativa caída de la fecundidad legítima, con la entrada de esclavos adultos, especialmente a partir de la segunda década del siglo XIX. Finalmente, analizamos dos barrios de esclavos para ejemplificar las políticas señoriales que fomentaron el matrimonio y la reproducción endógena.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Matrimonio , Demografía , Esclavización , Reproducción , Ilegitimidad , Registros , Fertilidad , Personas Esclavizadas
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-758555


PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to investigate the social perceptions of the baby box and infant abandonment. METHODS: The study included a survey on social perceptions of infant abandonment, including the baby box and permissiveness of infant abandonment. F-tests and t-tests were performed to clarify the differences in permissiveness of infant abandonment based on general characteristics. RESULTS: First, it was found that awareness of the baby box was high, and positive perceptions were slightly higher than negative perceptions due to the value placed on the abandoned child's life and safety, the unavoidable reasons for not rearing a child, and the child's quality of life after abandonment. However, the reasons for negative attitudes toward the baby box included the increase in infant abandonment and the decrease in parental responsibility toward the child. Second, the permissiveness of infant abandonment was generally low; however, the level of permissiveness differed according to age, education level, status, and marital status. For people who are in their 30s or older, hold a graduate or higher level degree, are employed, and are married, the permissiveness of infant abandonment was lower than that of others. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that the current support policy for unmarried mothers should be changed to improve the economic and social conditions of child care. Furthermore, we must strive to improve the social perceptions of various family structures, including unmarried parents and their children.

Niño , Humanos , Lactante , Maltrato a los Niños , Cuidado del Niño , Educación , Ilegitimidad , Estado Civil , Padres , Tolerancia , Calidad de Vida , Persona Soltera , Condiciones Sociales , Percepción Social
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-765156


BACKGROUND: This study aimed to analyze the barriers affecting the utilization of antenatal care (ANC) among Senegalese mothers. METHODS: Health facility staffs were surveyed to examine the availability coverage of ANC (infrastructural capacity of health posts to handle maternal and newborn healthcare). A total of 113 women of childbearing age were surveyed to identify factors associated with the accessibility coverage (physical, economic, and information accessibility factors), acceptability coverage (socio-cultural features, social acceptance, and language), and effectiveness coverage (ratio of mothers having completed 4 visits) of ANC. Further, to identify the socio-cultural factors and the specific characteristics of the barriers, 5 focus group discussions were conducted with women of childbearing age, their husbands and mothers-in-law, community health workers, and health facility staff. The effectiveness coverage of ANC was analyzed by reviewing materials from the District Health Information System 2 of Senegal. RESULTS: Key barriers of ANC utilization were associated with acceptability coverage. ANC during early pregnancy was avoided owing to the negative social stigma surrounding miscarriage. The survey results indicated an extremely high miscarriage rate of 30.9% among the participants. The social stigma towards unmarried mothers caused them to hide their pregnancy, which deterred ANC utilization. The husband was the final decision maker and social supporter on ANC utilization. CONCLUSION: To promote the utilization of ANC services among pregnant women in Senegal, it is important to alleviate the social stigma towards miscarriages and unmarried mothers, and to provide greater social support for pregnancies and newborn deliveries within family.

Femenino , Humanos , Recién Nacido , Embarazo , Aborto Espontáneo , Agentes Comunitarios de Salud , Grupos Focales , Instituciones de Salud , Sistemas de Información en Salud , Ilegitimidad , Salud del Lactante , Salud Materna , Madres , Aceptación de la Atención de Salud , Mujeres Embarazadas , Senegal , Estigma Social , Esposos
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-765188


The revised Mental Health Act, in which the legal status and role of “the committee for the appropriateness of hospitalization” as an administrative committee, which has been launched since June 2017, is discussed. The German and British laws were reviewed in comparison with the Korean laws, focusing on the similarities and differences among the laws and which parts require revision. This study reported that patient care should be considered not only from a constitutional point of view, but also from a health care point of view. Self-determination and medical paternalism are both important but generally incompatible values. In recent days, objective and fair diagnosis from medical experts have been challenging. The current Mental Health Act was inevitably revised to actively accept the decisions of the Constitutional Court and apparently guarantee the basic rights of people in the future. The pros and cons of “the committee for the appropriateness of hospitalization” and which parts need to be revised to perform its role properly as a guardian of the admission procedure are assessed. This should reflect the current reality of the mental health medical community. In addition, a face-to-face examination should be made in principle. Nevertheless, the basic rights of the mentally ill are not guaranteed based on current law because of the shortage of budget and human resources. The final option maybe the introduction of a judicial system on involuntary admission. Legitimacy and professionalism are engagements that should be adhered to when treating psychiatric patients.

Humanos , Presupuestos , Atención a la Salud , Diagnóstico , Hospitalización , Ilegitimidad , Jurisprudencia , Salud Mental , Enfermos Mentales , Paternalismo , Atención al Paciente , Profesionalismo
Acta colomb. psicol ; 21(1): 249-270, Jan.-June 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-886327


Abstract In Argentina, like in the rest of Latin America, the perception of transgression and lack of institutional legitimacy are shared beliefs. This tendency to illegal practices corrodes the political, economic and social development of the country. The goals of this study are to validate the structure of the Normative System Perception Scale (EPSN, for its Spanish acronym) and to analyze the perception of the normative system functioning. The sample consisted of 508 Argentinean participants. A self-administered questionnaire with the Normative System Perception Scale and socio-demographic data was designed. Results show a good goodness-of-fit of the model and the reliability coefficients indicated satisfactory levels of internal consistency (α = .89). The descriptive analysis showed that participants had a negative perception of the normative system performance. Also the findings exhibit that women have a more negative perspective of the normative system than men, and that participants ideologically positioned on the right are more critical than those who are positioned on the left.

Resumo Na Argentina, assim como em toda a América Latina, a percepção da transgressão e da falta de legitimidade institucional são crenças compartilhadas. Além disso, a tendência a realizar práticas ilegais corrói o desenvolvimento político, econômico e social de um país. Nesse sentido, os objetivos deste estudo foram validar a estrutura da Escala de Percepção do Sistema Normativo (EPSN) e descrever a percepção do funcionamento do sistema normativo, com uma amostra de 508 participantes argentinos. Para isso, desenhou-se um questionário autoadministrado com a escala EPSN e dados sociodemográficos. Os resultados mostram uma bondade de ajuste e coeficientes de confiabilidade que indicam uma consistência interna satisfatória (α=.89), e as análises descritivas evidenciam que os participantes têm uma percepção negativa do funcionamento do sistema normativo e, especificamente, que as mulheres têm uma perspectiva mais negativa do funcionamento do sistema normativo do que os homens; além disso, os participantes posicionados ideologicamente à direita são mais críticos que os posicionados à esquerda.

Resumen En Argentina, al igual que en el resto de América Latina, la percepción de la transgresión y la falta de legitimidad institucional son creencias compartidas. Además, la tendencia a realizar prácticas ilegales corroe el desarrollo político, económico y social de un país. Teniendo esto en cuenta, los objetivos del presente estudio fueron validar la estructura de la Escala de Percepción del Sistema Normativo (EPSN) y describir la percepción del funcionamiento del sistema normativo, con una muestra compuesta por 508 participantes argentinos. Para esto se diseñó un cuestionario autoadministrado con la escala EPSN y preguntas sobre datos sociodemográficos. Los resultados muestran una buena bondad de ajuste y coeficientes de fiabilidad que indican una consistencia interna satisfactoria (a = .89), y los análisis descriptivos dan cuenta de que los participantes presentan una percepción negativa del funcionamiento del sistema normativo y, específicamente, que las mujeres tienen una perspectiva más negativa del funcionamiento del sistema normativo que los hombres, y que los participantes posicionados ideológicamente a la derecha son más críticos que los de izquierda.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Ilegitimidad , Normas Jurídicas
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-715139


PURPOSE: To identify factors affecting parenting stress of unmarried mothers. METHODS: The subjects were 108 unmarried women who were parenting their children under the age of six. The data was collected from December 15, 2016 to March 5, 2017. The instruments consisted of self-reported questionnaires that included93 items: 21 on depression, 16 on social support, 20 on health perception, and 36 on parenting stress. The collected data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlations, and hierarchical multiple regression. RESULTS: The factors influencing parenting stress were health perception (β=−.55, p < .001), evaluative support (β=−.42, p=.005), informative support (β=−.35, p=.040), emotional support (β=−.24, p=.045), partner support (β=−.20, p=.048), and depression (β=.14, p=.033), and the explanatory power was 57%. CONCLUSION: In order to alleviate the parenting stress of unmarried mothers, it is necessary to develop programs considering the physical, psychological, and social factors of unmarried mothers. Their subjective assessment of their health can increase or decrease their parenting stress, so it is necessary to develop parenting-stress intervention focusing on health perception.

Niño , Femenino , Humanos , Depresión , Ilegitimidad , Responsabilidad Parental , Padres , Padres Solteros , Persona Soltera , Estrés Psicológico
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-719019


The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions, precedent tasks, positive and negative effects, and expandable professional tasks regarding the inclusion of dental hygienists (DHs) in the category of medical personnel. This study involved a survey of 259 DHs and 128 dentists. The findings were as follows: 94.2% of DHs and 46.9% of dentists were aware of inclusion in the category of medical personnel; 95.0% of DHs and 64.1% of dentists supported the idea; and 84.9% of DHs and 51.6% of dentists recognized its legitimacy. As for precedent tasks for inclusion in the category of medical personnel, both DHs and dentists scored high points in professional consciousness in the area of occupation. Both DHs and dentists scored the highest points in the quality management of DH education and the lowest points in the unification of school systems in the area of institution. In the area of society, DHs scored high points in the persuasion of the central government, whereas dentists scored high points in collaboration among concerned organizations. Regarding the positive effects of inclusion in the category of medical personnel, both DHs and dentists scored the highest points in the expanded perception of DHs. As for its negative effects, DHs scored high points in the aggravation of salary increase, whereas dentists scored high points in the aggravation of salary increase. Regarding expandable professional tasks after the inclusion of DHs in the category of medical personnel, the management of independent periodontal care programs recorded the highest percentage both in DHs and dentists. These findings highlight the need for adequate discussions about the meanings of the inclusion of DHs in the category of medical personnel and will hopefully contribute to the rational adjustment and legalization of DHs' works with regard to their inclusion in the category of medical personnel.

Humanos , Estado de Conciencia , Conducta Cooperativa , Higienistas Dentales , Odontólogos , Educación , Ilegitimidad , Ocupaciones , Comunicación Persuasiva , Salarios y Beneficios
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-740242


The National Health Promotion Fund has grown as the increase of tax on tobacco consumption, but more than half of the fund was spent on health insurance supporting. It is important to use the fund appropriately to keep legitimacy and sustainability of health promotion. Therefore, services regarding health promotion should be a priority in spending health promotion fund, and operation system should be established to manage and administer the fund properly.

Administración Financiera , Promoción de la Salud , Ilegitimidad , Seguro de Salud , Corea (Geográfico) , Impuestos , Uso de Tabaco
Artículo | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960043


BACKGROUND: Newborn screening (NBS) detects genetic and metabolic conditions that may be present in a newborn before clinical symptoms manifest. Early detection and treatment prevents catastrophic health outcomes. It was introduced into the public health delivery system with the enactment of the Newborn Screening Act of 2004. However, there still seems to be a trend of noncompliance.OBJECTIVE: The study sought to determine the prevalence of NBS compliance in Quezon City lying-in clinics (LICs) between 2010-2015 and the factors that are associated with compliance of mothers with NBS.METHODS: An analytic cross sectional study design was utilized. Records of 710 mothers who gave birth in Quezon City LICs were randomly selected. Multiple logistic regression was used to determine if the mothers' age, civil status, PhilHealth membership, gravidity, and parity were associated with NBS compliance.RESULTS: A 6-year prevalence of NBS compliance of 36.6% was found. PhilHealth members were more likely to comply with newborn screening (AOR=4.1; 95%CI: 2.9 - 6.0). Moreover, the odds of compliance among married mothers were higher than unmarried mothers (AOR=1.6; 95%CI: 1.1 - 2.3). Finally, primiparous mothers were more likely to comply than multiparous mothers (AOR=1.5; 95%CI: 1.0 - 2.1). Age and gravidity were not found to have statistical association with NBS compliance.CONCLUSION: The higher odds of compliance among PhilHealth members was expected since they can avail of NBS for free. Ninety-five percent of primiparous mothers included in the study were primigravid; they are more likely to go to prenatal checkups when NBS information is given, according to literature.

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Recién Nacido , Número de Embarazos , Paridad , Ilegitimidad , Prevalencia , Madres , Salud Pública , Edad Materna , Parto , Tamizaje Neonatal , Matrimonio
Journal of Gastric Cancer ; : 283-294, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-179813


PURPOSE: This study primarily aimed to investigate the short- and long-term remission rates of type 2 diabetes (T2D) in patients who underwent surgical treatment for gastric cancer, especially patients who were non-obese, and secondarily to determine the potential factors associated with remission. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the clinical records of patients with T2D who underwent radical gastrectomy for gastric cancer, from January 2008 to December 2012. RESULTS: T2D improved in 39 out of 70 (55.7%) patients at the postoperative 2-year follow-up and 21 of 42 (50.0%) at the 5-year follow-up. In the 2-year data analysis, preoperative body mass index (BMI) (P=0.043), glycated hemoglobin (A1C) level (P=0.039), number of anti-diabetic medications at baseline (P=0.040), reconstruction method (statistical difference was noted between Roux-en-Y reconstruction and Billroth I; P=0.035) were significantly related to the improvement in glycemic control. Unlike the results at 2 years, the 5-year data analysis revealed that only preoperative BMI (P=0.043) and A1C level (P=0.039) were statistically significant for the improvement in glycemic control; however, the reconstruction method was not. CONCLUSIONS: All types of gastric cancer surgery can be effective in short- and long-term T2D control in non-obese patients. In addition, unless long-limb bypass is considered in gastric cancer surgery, the long-term glycemic control is not expected to be different between the reconstruction methods.

Humanos , Índice de Masa Corporal , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Estudios de Seguimiento , Gastrectomía , Gastroenterostomía , Índice Glucémico , Hemoglobina Glucada , Ilegitimidad , Métodos , Estudios Retrospectivos , Estadística como Asunto , Neoplasias Gástricas
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 74(3): 233-238, jun. 2014.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-734374


Una mujer de 38 años de edad fue derivada a nuestro centro para un tratamiento de maternidad subrogada, por haber sufrido la ablación subtotal de su útero a causa de una hemorragia puerperal grave. Su perfil hormonal y estructura ovárica eran normales. El esposo tenía fertilidad probada y un espermograma normal. La subrogante era una mujer de 39 años, fértil, con dos hijos propios y con un largo vínculo de amistad con la paciente. Luego de una estimulación con gonadotropinas y antagonista de Gn-RH se obtuvieron 6 ovocitos maduros por punción folicular, que originaron 4 embriones por fertilización in vitro. Tres de ellos evolucionaron y fueron transferidos a la subrogante, lográndose un embarazo único que concluyó con el nacimiento de una niña normal que ya tiene dos años cumplidos. Se inició una acción solicitando la inscripción de la beba ya nacida a nombre de los padres procreacionales. El juez finalmente la otorgó basándose en las pruebas y testimonios aportados, los antecedentes en la jurisprudencia internacional, y el hecho de que según el artículo 19 de la Constitución Nacional: "Ningún habitante de la Nación será obligado a hacer lo que no manda la ley, ni privado de lo que ella no prohíbe". Este es un ejemplo casi ideal de cómo se puede desarrollar un caso de subrogación. Sin embargo, hay que tener en cuenta que en nuestro país no existe aún un marco regulatorio para estos tratamientos, por lo que no queda exenta la posibilidad de conflicto.

A woman aged 38 was referred to this center for surrogacy treatment, after subtotal ablation of her uterus due to a severe postpartum hemorrhage. Her hormonal profiles and ovarian structure were normal. The husband proved fertile and semen analysis was normal. The carrier, a woman 39 years old, fertile with two children of her own, and a long bonding friendship with the patient. After hormonal stimulation with gonadotropins and GnRH antagonist, six mature oocytes were obtained. These originated four embryos after in vitro fertilization, three of which were transferred to the carrier, achieving a singleton pregnancy which led to the birth of a normal child, now more than a year old. A lawsuit was filed after birth requesting the baby be registered with the biological parents name. The judge granted the request based on evidence and testimonies provided, international jurisprudence history and specification in Article 19 of the Argentine Constitution: "No inhabitant of the Nation shall be obliged to do what the law does not demand .nor be deprived of what it does not prohibit". This is an almost ideal example of the proceedings in a case of subrogation .However, we must always bear in mind the fact that in our country there is as yet no regulatory framework for these treatments, therefore there is a high probability of conflict.

Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Embarazo , Fertilización In Vitro/legislación & jurisprudencia , Ilegitimidad/legislación & jurisprudencia , Madres Sustitutas/legislación & jurisprudencia , Argentina , Constitución y Estatutos , Transferencia de Embrión
Rev. méd. hondur ; 81(1): 18-28, ene.-mar. 2013. tab, graf, mapas
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-750049


Antecedentes: La búsqueda de aislamientos genéticos, i.e. poblaciones humanas aisladas, es importante para la salud pública puesto que la endogamia aumenta la prevalencia de enfermedades mendelianas. Además, la frecuencia de alelos deletéreos en general podría verse aumentada por efecto fundador y deriva génica. El aislamiento genético puede ser estimado mediante análisis de las proporciones de apellidos con las técnicas de isonimia.Objetivos: Determinar la estructura genética aproximada, la presencia de aislamientos genéticos y la proporción de hijos ilegítimos mediante el análisis de frecuencias de apellidos e isonimia en 60 comunidades de cinco municipios rurales Hondureños.Método: Los apellidos se obtuvieron de la base de datos del TSE. Se determinaron los coeficientes de endogamia FST, FIT y FIS a partir de las proporciones de apellidos por los métodos matemáticos descritos por Crowy Mange. Se calculó la tasa de ilegitimidad como la proporción de sujetos con un solo apellido. Resultados: Las comunidades más aisladas fueron las del municipio de Trinidad, seguidas por Orica. Las menos aisladas correspondieron a los municipios de predominio afrodescendiente. Orica presentó la tasa de ilegitimidad más elevada. Discusión: El método de isonimia utilizado reveló la presencia de aislamientos genéticos que deberán ser estudiados más a fondo desde el punto de vista de la epidemiología genética. La diversidad encontrada en las comunidades afrodescendientes tiene como origen la contribución anglosajona. La alta proporción de ilegitimidad en Orica podría estar relacionada con paternidad irresponsable y bajo estatus socioeconómico con consecuencias adversas para el bienestar social y la salud pública...

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Análisis de la Aleatorización Mendeliana/métodos , Consanguinidad , Nombres , Ilegitimidad/legislación & jurisprudencia , Pueblos Indígenas
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-208560


PURPOSE: This study was conducted to identify relationships among knowledge and attitudes of unmarried mothers toward emergency contraceptive pills. METHODS: Data were collected through structured questionnaires from 135 unmarried mothers enrolled in 7 single mothers' facilities nationwide. Data were analyzed using the SPSS/WIN 17.0 program for descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe-test, and Pearson correlation coefficients. RESULTS: For knowledge about emergency contraceptive pills, there were significant differences among who live with her before pregnancy, experience of past pregnancies, state of present pregnancy and preparation in using contraceptives. For attitude toward emergency contraceptive pills, there were significant differences according to age, education level and religion. There were significant positive relationships between knowledge and attitudes toward emergency contraceptive pills. CONCLUSION: The results of this study suggest that unmarried women should be better informed about emergency contraceptive pills, and reassured about their safety. Efforts are needed to disseminate up-to-date information to experts in sex education including nurses.

Femenino , Humanos , Embarazo , Anticoncepción , Anticonceptivos , Urgencias Médicas , Ilegitimidad , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Educación Sexual , Persona Soltera
Investig. psicol ; 16(3): 29-45, dez. 2012.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-750032


Pater semper incertus est, así reza la antigua fórmula jurídica citada por Freud en La novela Familiar del neurótico. Es la verdad fundacional sobre la filiación del viviente sostenida por Freud y Lacan en su enseñanza y que los ha conducido a interrogarse por el estatuto del padre y su función. Dicha incertidumbre constitutiva sobre la paternidad conlleva un acto de fe sobre quién es el padre, que recae en aquél que lo nombra como tal. Entonces, ¿como dirimir la cuestión del padre? ¿Cómo situar el lugar del que posibilita la filiación y la genealogía al encadenar al sujeto con una historia que lo inscribe en una serie generacional?Se presenta aquí un apartado específico de la investigación que vengo realizando sobre El padre en la apropiación de niños. Un estudio sobre la función del padre en la filiación en los casos de apropiación de niños en la Argentina entre 1976-1983, referido a las discusiones generadas sobre el lugar del padre y su función, en el marco del plan sistemático de apropiación de niños e identidades el cual desbarató el orden generacional, desapareciendo un linaje, una historia, afectando, por lo menos, a tres generaciones e impidiendo que una transmisión sea posible.

Humanos , Niño , Adulto , Ilegitimidad/psicología , Padres/psicología , Argentina , Violaciones de los Derechos Humanos/psicología
Cad. saúde pública ; 28(12): 2363-2366, dez. 2012.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-661162


O Fórum debate as tendências e os desafios atuais deste subcampo para o ensino, pesquisa e diante dos critérios vigentes de avaliação de sua produção acadêmica. Apostamos na hipótese de estarmos vivenciando o embate entre a consolidação das Ciências Sociais e Humanas no campo da Saúde Coletiva (CSHS), com uma identidade demarcada, de inegável vigor investigativo e propositivo, com um número expressivo de praticantes, e por outro lado, um estrangulamento dos processos formativos e uma iniquidade e inadequação dos mecanismos institucionais de reconhecimento de mérito. O Fórum apresenta quatro artigos. O primeiro, de Minayo, discute os saberes de base dessa formação e aqueles que são necessários para se analisar os desafios contemporâneos de um mundo globalizado. Debate ainda as articulações e mediações entre o biológico e o social numa proposta de ensino. O segundo, de Trad, apresenta um retrato atual da produção do subcampo. O terceiro, de Deslandes & Iriart, apresenta as tendências teórico-metodológicas das recentes pesquisas publicadas, apontando suas lacunas e características. Bosi, autora do quarto artigo, aviva o debate acerca dos critérios de avaliação da produção acadêmica no campo e problematiza suas consequências. O posfácio, de Nunes, resgata e atualiza o debate sobre a construção de identidades das CSHS.

The Forum debates current trends and challenges for teaching and research in this subfield and the prevailing criteria for evaluation of its academic output. The authors wager on the hypothesis that we are currently experiencing a clash between the consolidation of social and human sciences in public health (with a well-defined identity, undeniable vigor in their research and proposals, and an important number of practitioners) and a bottleneck in training processes and iniquity and inadequacy in the institutional mechanisms for recognition of merit. The Forum presents four articles. The first, by Minayo, discusses the basic forms of knowledge for this training and those needed to analyze contemporary challenges in a globalized world, besides debating the interfaces and mediations between the biological and the social in a teaching proposal. The second, by Trad, provides a current portrait of the subfield's output. The third, by Deslandes & Iriart, presents theoretical and methodological trends in recently published studies, identifying their gaps and characteristics. Bosi, author of the fourth article, fuels the debate on the criteria for evaluation of academic output in the field and analyzes their consequences. The Postscript, by Nunes, reclaims and updates the debate on the construction of identities in the social and human sciences in public health.

Humanos , Salud Pública , Ciencias Sociales , Congresos como Asunto , Humanidades , Ilegitimidad , Salud Pública/tendencias , Ciencias Sociales/tendencias
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 31(1): 25-31, ene. 2012. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-618464


OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi examinar a associação entre a idade ao ter o primeiro filho durante a adolescência e antes do casamento e o envolvimento religioso no Brasil, medido através da afiliação religiosa e frequência aos cultos ou missas. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados dados transversais e obtidos na Pesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Saúde de 1996 e da Pesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Saúde de Mulheres e Crianças de 2006. Foram empregados modelos de riscos proporcionais de Cox para estimar a associação entre religião e idade ao ter o primeiro filho pré-marital e durante a adolescência. RESULTADOS: Os resultados indicam uma forte associação entre fecundidade pré-marital na adolescência e envolvimento religioso, tanto em 1996 como em 2006. Em 1996, a frequência aos cultos ou missas foi mais importante na explicação da idade ao primeiro filho do que a afiliação religiosa. Em 2006, o pertencimento a uma igreja pentecostal passa a ser predominante. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho são instigantes, na medida em que evidenciam que adolescentes protestantes, particularmente pentecostais, apresentam um risco reduzido de serem mães adolescentes e antes do casamento. Este resultado não era esperado, já que o pentecostalismo predomina nos grupos populacionais menos favorecidos, com menor renda, educação e residentes nas áreas urbanas, onde também se concentra a fecundidade de adolescentes no Brasil. Futuros estudos devem ser conduzidos a fim de compreender como os distintos mecanismos da influência religiosa atuam na vida e comportamento de adolescentes no Brasil.

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to examine the association between the age of having one's first child in adolescence and before marriage and religious involvement in Brazil, measured by religious affiliation and frequency of attendance at religious services or masses. The objective of this study was to examine the association between the age of having one's first child in adolescence and before marriage and religious involvement in Brazil, measured by religious affiliation and frequency of attendance at religious services or masses. METHODS: Transverse data obtained from the National Survey of Demographics and Health of 1996 and the National Survey of Demographics and Health of Women and Children of 2006 were utilized. Cox proportional risks models were employed to estimate the association between religion and age of having one's first child premaritally and during adolescence. RESULTS: The results indicate a strong association between premarital fertility in adolescence and religious involvement in both 1996 and 2006. In 1996, frequency of attendance at religious service s or masses was more important than religious affiliation in explaining the age at which one had her first child. In 2006, belonging to a Pentecostal church comes to predominate. CONCLUSIONS: The results presented in this study are encouraging insofar as they show that Protestant adolescents, particularly Pentecostals, have a reduced risk of adolescent premarital motherhood. This result was not expected, given that Pentecostalism predominates in the less advantaged population groups, with lower incomes and levels of education and residence in urban areas, where adolescent fertility is also concentrated in Brazil. Future studies must be undertaken with the purpose of understanding how the various mechanisms of religious influence operate in the life and behavior of adolescents in Brazil.

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Conducta del Adolescente , Ilegitimidad/estadística & datos numéricos , Embarazo en Adolescencia , Religión , Brasil/epidemiología , Catolicismo , Escolaridad , Modelos de Riesgos Proporcionales , Protestantismo , Población Rural , Conducta Sexual , Factores Socioeconómicos , Población Urbana
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-117817


PURPOSE: There are no guidelines for the optimal timing of the decision of when to perform completion thyroidectomy, and controversy exists regarding how the timing of completion thyroidectomy impacts survival patterns. We investigated the legitimacy of an observational strategy in central node metastasis after thyroid lobectomy for papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). METHODS: We retrospectively evaluated 522 consecutive patients who underwent thyroid lobectomy. Of the 69 patients with central metastasis, 61 patients (88.4%) were included in an observational study under cautious evaluation with informed consent by the patients, and compared with an observation arm of 180 postlobectomy N0 (node negative proven) patients. RESULTS: Of the 522 patients, six (1.1%) thyroid, five (0.9%) central, and two (0.4%) lateral recurrences were observed. Lateral recurrences occurred in the immediate completion N0 and Nx groups but not in the N1a observation arms. There were two (3.3%) central recurrences without thyroid or lateral recurrence on the observation arm of N1a observation patients. But two (1.1%) thyroid and three (1.7%) central recurrences were on the observation arm of N0 patients. In Kaplan-Meier survival curves for central or lateral recurrences between observation arms for the N1a and N0 groups, no significant difference was found between the N1a and N0 observation arms (P = 0.365). CONCLUSION: The timing of when to perform completion thyroidectomy in central metastases-proven patients after lobectomy for PTC should be based on the patient's risk category.

Humanos , Brazo , Carcinoma Papilar , Factor IX , Ilegitimidad , Consentimiento Informado , Estimación de Kaplan-Meier , Metástasis Linfática , Metástasis de la Neoplasia , Recurrencia , Estudios Retrospectivos , Glándula Tiroides , Neoplasias de la Tiroides , Tiroidectomía
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-100442


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to identify mental health of parents in single parent families according to sociodemographic variables and then to identify analyzed sociodemographic factors affecting their mental health. METHODS: The study participants included 291 parents in single parent families registered at Yangcheon-gu. They accomplished a self-report questionnaire, which included sociodemographic characteristics and self-rating scales ; Global Assessment of Recent Stress (GARS), The Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression (CES-D), Scale for Suicidal Ideation (SSI-Beck), and The Korean Version of the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT-K). First, we identified mental health of parents in single parent families according to sociodemographic variables by independent T test or ANOVA. Second, ANCOVA was used for determination of sociodemographic variables affecting mental health of parents in single parent families after adjusting other significant sociodemographic variables. RESULTS: Among sociodemographic variables, structure of family, age, occupation, type of residence, and monthly income had a significant effect on mental health of parents in single parent families. In families with an unmarried mother and unemployed, scores for GARS, CES-D, SSI-Beck, and AUDIT-K were significantly higher, while these scores were significantly lower in subjects whose monthly income was over 3 million won. CONCLUSION: Results of this study demonstrate that parents in single parent families were vulnerable to mental health problems, especially unmarried mothers, families, and unemployed. We should try to provide practical support in order to reduce social burden and provide earlier psychological interventions in order to reduce distress for single parent families.

Humanos , Ilegitimidad , Salud Mental , Ocupaciones , Padres , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Padres Solteros , Familia Monoparental , Ideación Suicida , Pesos y Medidas