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Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561319


O hiperparatireoidismo nutricional secundário é uma deficiência comum em répteis de cativeiro, podendo ocorrer pelo déficit de cálcio, o que leva, neste caso, ao sequestro desse mineral dos ossos para a manutenção do metabolismo. No geral, essa deficiência acontece devido ao manejo ambiental e alimentar incorretos, como a falta de cálcio na dieta ou falta de exposição à radiação ultravioleta, não permitindo a bioativação da vitamina D e, consequentemente, impedindo a absorção de cálcio na alimentação. Este estudo relata um caso de um gecko-leopardo, atendido no Consultório Veterinário Ilha Animal., na cidade do Rio de Janeiro ­ RJ. Na anamnese foi relatado que o paciente sofria de apatia, postura cifótica e andar incoordenado, além dos citados erros de manejo. Foi realizado exame radiográfico, onde foi observado redução da densidade e deformidade óssea, o que permitiu o diagnóstico de osteodistrofia metabólica, considerando também os sinais clínicos e a anamnese. Com o tratamento oral, houve melhoras do animal.(AU)

Secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism is a common deficiency in captive reptiles. It can occur due to a calcium deficit, which leads, in this case, to the sequestration of this mineral from the bones to maintain metabolism. In general, this deficiency occurs due to incorrect environmental and food management, such as a lack of calcium in the diet or lack of exposure to ultraviolet radiation, not allowing the bioactivation of vitamin D and, consequently, preventing the absorption of calcium in the diet. This study reports a case of a leopard gecko, seen at the Ilha Animal Veterinary Clinic. In the anamnesis it was reported that the patient suffered from apathy, kyphotic posture and uncoordinated walking, in addition to the aforementioned handling errors. A radiographic examination was performed, where a reduction in bone density and deformity was observed, which allowed the diagnosis of metabolic osteodystrophy, also considering clinical signs and anamnesis. With oral treatment, the animal improved. The objective of the work is to report the clinical case and review the literature on secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism.(AU)

El hiperparatiroidismo nutricional secundario es una deficiencia común en reptiles en cautiverio que puede ocurrir debido a un déficit de calcio, lo que lleva, en este caso, al secuestro de este mineral de los huesos para mantener el metabolismo. En general, esta deficiencia se produce por un incorrecto manejo ambiental y alimentario, como la falta de calcio en la dieta o la falta de exposición a la radiación ultravioleta, no permitiendo la bioactivación de la vitamina D y, en consecuencia, impidiendo la absorción del calcio en la dieta. Este estudio reporta un caso de gecko leopardo, visto en la Clínica Veterinaria Animal Ilha. En la anamnesis se informó que el paciente padecía apatía, postura cifótica y descoordinación en la marcha, además de los errores de manejo antes mencionados. Se realizó examen radiográfico, donde se observó reducción de la densidad ósea y deformidad, lo que permitió el diagnóstico de osteodistrofia metabólica, considerando además los signos clínicos y la anamnesis. Con el tratamiento oral el animal mejoró. El objetivo del trabajo es reportar el caso clínico y revisar la literatura sobre hiperparatiroidismo nutricional secundario.(AU)

Animales , Trastorno Mineral y Óseo Asociado a la Enfermedad Renal Crónica/veterinaria , Hiperparatiroidismo Secundario/diagnóstico , Lagartos/fisiología , Brasil
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e254253, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1350308


Abstract During the present study, specimens were collected from selected sites of Cholistan desert and Kalabagh Game Reserve, Punjab province, Pakistan. Each captured specimen was tagged with voucher number and morphometric measurements were taken. The average snout to vent length was 172.559±1.40 mm and average weight was 92.1±1.30 g. The DNA of Uromastyx hardwickii was amplified and sequenced using 16S rRNA primer set. The obtained DNA sequence has shown reliable and clear species identification. After trimming ambiguous bases, the obtained 16S rRNA fragment was 520 bp while 16S rRNA fragments aligned with closely matched sequence from NCBI comprised of 510 bp. Closely matched sequences of genus Uromastyx were retrieved from NCBI in blast searches. Neighbour-joining tree of genus Uromastyx was constructed based on p-distance using MEGA X. The mean intraspecific variation was 0.095±0.01 while intraspecific variation was ranging from 0-1%. Similarly, interspecific variation of Uromastyx hardwikii with Saara asmussi, Uromastyx alfredschmidti, Uromastyx geyri, Uromastyx thomasi, Uromastyx alfredschmidti was 0-12%, 0-19%, 0-19%, 0-20%, 12-19% respectively. The newly produced DNA was submitted to NCBI and accession number was obtained (MW052563.1). Results of current study provided information about the molecular and morphological identification of Genus Uromastyx. In our recommendation, comprehensive molecular based identification of Pakistan's reptiles is required to report any new or subspecies from country.

Resumo Durante o presente estudo, os espécimes foram coletados em locais selecionados do deserto do Cholistan e da Reserva de Caça de Kalabagh, província de Punjab, Paquistão. Cada espécime capturado foi etiquetado com o número do comprovante e medidas morfométricas foram realizadas. O comprimento médio do focinho à cloaca foi de 172,559 ± 1,40 mm, e o peso médio foi de 92,1 ± 1,30 g. O DNA de Uromastyx hardwickii foi amplificado e sequenciado usando o conjunto de primer 16S rRNA. A sequência de DNA obtida mostrou identificação de espécies confiável e clara. Após o corte de bases ambíguas, o fragmento de rRNA 16S obtido tinha 520 pb, enquanto os fragmentos de rRNA 16S alinhados com a sequência próxima do NCBI composta por 510 pb. Sequências semelhantes do gênero Uromastyx foram recuperadas do NCBI em pesquisas de explosão. A árvore de união de vizinhos do gênero Uromastyx foi construída com base na distância-p usando MEGA X. A variação intraespecífica média foi de 0,095 ± 0,01, enquanto a variação intraespecífica foi de 0-1%. Da mesma forma, a variação interespecífica de Uromastyx hardwikii com Saara asmussi, Uromastyx alfredschmidti, Uromastyx geyri, Uromastyx thomasi, Uromastyx alfredschmidti foi de 0-12%, 0-19%, 0-19%, 0-20%, 12-19%, respectivamente. O DNA recém-produzido foi submetido ao NCBI e o número de acesso foi obtido (MW052563.1). Os resultados do estudo atual forneceram informações sobre a identificação molecular e morfológica do Gênero Uromastyx. Em nossa recomendação, a identificação de base molecular abrangente de répteis do Paquistão é necessária para relatar qualquer nova ou subespécie do país.

Animales , Lagartos , Pakistán , Filogenia , Variación Genética/genética , ARN Ribosómico 16S
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e253508, 2024. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360218


Present research work represents antiviral and antibacterial value of body fat of Saara hardwickii commonly called as spiny tailed lizard. Oil was extracted from body fats located in the ventral region of this animal using hydrocarbons e.g., n-hexane, methanol, butanol and ethyl acetate as a solvent. The antibacterial activity of lizard oil was tested against standard as well as multi-resistant lines ofEscherichia coli, Styphalococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Proteus vulgaris alone and with antibiotic ampicillin. For antibacterial potential, Ethyl acetate and Butanol solvent extract showed best zone of inhibition (7mm) with P. aeruginosa and S. aureus respectively. For antiviral potential, Butanol and Methanol extract showed best HA (Hemagglutination) titer of 04 with NDV and IBV viral strain respectively. It is concluded that lizard oil has antimicrobial potential against different pathogens strains (virus, bacteria).

O presente trabalho de pesquisa apresenta a importância antiviral e antibacteriana da gordura corporal de Saara hardwickii, comumente chamado de lagarto de cauda espinhosa. O óleo foi extraído de gorduras corporais localizadas na região ventral desse animal usando hidrocarbonetos, por exemplo, n-hexano, metanol, butanol e acetato de etila, como solvente. A atividade antibacteriana do óleo do lagarto foi testada em linhagens padrão e multirresistentes de Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Proteus vulgaris, de forma isolada e com antibiótico ampicilina. Para o potencial antibacteriano, acetato de etila e extrato de butanol apresentaram melhor zona de inibição (7 mm) com P. aeruginosa e S. aureus, respectivamente. Para o potencial antiviral, o extrato de butanol e o extrato de metanol apresentaram melhor título de hemaglutinação de 4 com as cepas virais NDV e IBV, respectivamente. Conclui-se que o óleo do lagarto possui potencial antimicrobiano contra diferentes cepas de patógenos (vírus e bactérias).

Animales , Antivirales , Tejido Adiposo , Lagartos , Antibacterianos
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e249617, 2024. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345540


Abstract Hibernation is a natural condition of animals that lives in the temperate zone, although some tropical lizards also experience hibernation annually, such as the lizard native from South America, Salvator merianae, or "tegu" lizard. Even though physiological and metabolic characteristic associated with hibernation have been extensively studied, possible alterations in the red blood cells (RBC) integrity during this period remains unclear. Dehydration and fasting are natural consequences of hibernating for several months and it could be related to some cellular modifications. In this study, we investigated if the osmotic tolerance of RBCs of tegu lizard under hibernation is different from the cells obtained from animals while normal activity. Additionally, we indirectly investigated if the RBCs membrane of hibernating tegus could be associated with oxidation by quantifying oxidized biomolecules and the activity of antioxidant enzymes. Our findings suggest that RBCs are more fragile during the hibernation period, although we did not find evidence of an oxidative stress scenario associated with the accentuated fragility. Even though we did not exclude the possibility of oxidative damage during hibernation, we suggested that an increased RBCs volume as a consequence of hypoosmotic blood during hibernation could also affect RBCs integrity as noted.

Resumo A hibernação é uma condição natural dos animais que vivem na zona temperada, embora alguns lagartos tropicais também experenciem hibernação anualmente, como é o caso do lagarto nativo da América do Sul, Salvator merianae ou "teiú". Embora as características fisiológicas e metabólicas associadas à hibernação tenham sido amplamente estudadas, possíveis alterações na integridade das hemácias durante esse período ainda permanecem obscuras. A desidratação e o jejum são consequências naturais da hibernação por vários meses e podem estar relacionadas a algumas modificações celulares. Neste estudo, investigamos se a tolerância osmótica de hemácias do lagarto teiú sob hibernação são diferentes das células obtidas de animais em atividade normal. Além disso, investigamos indiretamente por meio da quantificação de biomoléculas oxidadas e da atividade de enzimas antioxidantes se a membrana das hemácias dos teiús em hibernação poderia estar associada à oxidação. Nossos resultados sugerem que as hemácias possuem maior fragilidade durante o período de hibernação, embora não tenhamos encontrado evidências de um cenário de estresse oxidativo associado à essa fragilidade acentuada. Embora não tenhamos excluído a possibilidade de dano oxidativo durante a hibernação, sugerimos que um aumento no volume das hemácias como consequência de sangue hipoosmótico durante a hibernação também poderia afetar a integridade de hemácias, tal como foi observado.

Animales , Hibernación , Lagartos , Oxidación-Reducción , Estrés Oxidativo , Eritrocitos
Int. j. morphol ; 41(5): 1513-1526, oct. 2023. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521017


SUMMARY: The livers of reptiles are being studied as a model for the link between the environment and hepatic tissue. There have been few investigations on the histology of reptile livers, and very few or no studies have examined the histology of liver of veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus). This paper describes the histomorphological, histochemical and ultrastructural characterization of the liver of veiled chameleons in southern Saudi Arabia. Seven Chamaeleo calyptratus were captured in the summer season in Abha City, Aseer region, southern Saudi Arabia. Chamaeleon liver samples were processed for histomorphology, histochemistry and ultrastructure analyses. Morphologically liver of Chamaeleo calyptratus was observed as a large dark brown organ with lighter speckles, which represent melanin deposits. It located at the ventral part of abdominal cavity forward of the stomach. Its dimensions approximately were 3.7 x 2 cm. The liver was a bilobed organ divided into two lobes, right and left lobes. The right one was bigger than the others. The gallbladder was well developed and had an elongated shape, situated between the two lobes and contained the bile for the digestion. Microscopically, the liver was found to be covered by a thick layer of connective tissue, which formed the hepatic capsule. Hepatic parenchyma probably appeared in cross sections as hepatic glandular-like alveoli "acini" or follicular structures with various diameters, each acinus contains approximately four to six hepatocytes, surrounded by sinusoidal capillaries filled with abundant melanomacrophages, which are absent in birds and mammals. Melanomacrophages are common in the hepatic parenchyma's perisinusoidal areas, particularly near portal spaces. Hepatocytes are polyhedral or pyramidal with and mostly contained large, rounded nuclei mostly peripherally located, with prominent dark oval nucleoli. Some of nuclei are eccentric or central position. The cytoplasm appeared spongy or vacuolated and more eosinophilic when stained by hematoxylin-eosin and strongly reactive to PAS staining technique, indicating abundant glycogen content. The reticular fibers that surround hepatocytes, blood arteries, and sinusoids supported the hepatic parenchyma. The blood sinusoids are seen interspersed among hepatocytes of varying sizes. The sinusoidal lumen was bordered by flattened endothelial cells and includes elliptical nucleated erythrocytes and liver macrophages as phagocytes, which are also known as Kupffer cells. Branches of the portal vein, hepatic artery, small bile duct, and lymph vessels were detected in the hepatic portal area "tract" or triad which made up of connective. Hematopoietic tissue was observed in subcapsular region and portal triads. Ultrastructurally, the hepatocyte appeared polyhedric containing a single large rounded basal or eccentric vesicular nucleus with prominent nucleolus. Extensive network of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) often arranged in an array parallel to the nuclear membrane with many mitochondria, and Golgi apparatus were described. The cytoplasm contained glycogen granules, vesicles or vacuoles scattered throughout the cytoplasm especially at the apical region were reported. The bile canaliculi and the hepatic "Kupffer" cells were also discussed. This is the first study on the histological characterization of the healthy liver of Yemen veiled chameleon in southern Saudi Arabia. The findings reported here should be used as a reference to compare with the pathological abnormalities of the liver in this animal.

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Animales , Hígado/anatomía & histología , Lagartos/anatomía & histología , Fotomicrografía , Hepatocitos , Microscopía Electrónica de Transmisión , Hígado/ultraestructura
Int. j. morphol ; 41(1): 65-72, feb. 2023. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430530


SUMMARY: Respiration and water-liquid transportation are controlled by many factors in the lung. The aim of this study was to explore the structure and proteins expression in lungs of Phrynocephalus vlangalii by means of gross anatomy, light microscope observation, scanning electron microscope and immunohistochemistry. Results show that there were many alveoli in the lung and the walls of alveoli and capillaries were very thin. The inner surface of the lung was divided into many cystic chambers by reticular diaphragm, and the network of pulmonary capillaries was dense. Immunohistochemistry showed that AQP1 was mainly expressed in the epithelium of interstitial bronchi, parabronchiole endothelium, capillary endothelium and alveolar epithelial cells. VIP positive nerve fibers are mainly distributed in trachea, bronchial smooth muscle layer, the walls of pulmonary vessels and bronchial vessels and around submucosal glands. CECR2 is distributed in peripheral capillaries and small. Investigations of structure and proteins biology could be relevant with the adaptive strategy to drought and hypoxia environment in Phrynocephalus vlangalii.

La respiración y el transporte de agua y líquido están controlados en el pulmón por muchos factores. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar la estructura y la expresión de proteínas en los pulmones de Phrynocephalus vlangalii por medio de la anatomía macroscópica, observación con microscopio óptico, microscopio electrónico de barrido e inmunohistoquímica. Los resultados muestran que había muchos alvéolos en el pulmón y que las paredes de los alvéolos y de los capilares eran muy delgadas. La superficie interna del pulmón estaba dividida en cámaras quísticas por el diafragma reticular y se observó una densa red de capilares pulmonares. La inmunohistoquímica mostró que AQP1 se expresaba principalmente en el epitelio de los bronquios intersticiales, el endotelio parabronquial, el endotelio capilar y las células epiteliales alveolares. Las fibras nerviosas VIP positivas se distribuyen principalmente en la tráquea, la capa de músculo liso bronquial, las paredes de los vasos pulmonares y los vasos bronquiales y alrededor de las glándulas submucosas. CECR2 se distribuye en pequeño capilares periféricos. Las investigaciones de la biología de la estructura y las proteínas podrían ser relevantes con la estrategia de adaptación al entorno de sequía e hipoxia en Phrynocephalus vlangalii.

Animales , Adaptación Fisiológica , Lagartos/anatomía & histología , Pulmón/anatomía & histología , Inmunohistoquímica , Microscopía Electrónica de Rastreo , Pulmón/ultraestructura
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-7, 2022. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468546


The composition of macro endoparasites associated with the lizard Norops fuscoauratus (Squamata) was analysed in two localities in the Atlantic Forest on the northeast of Brazil between December 2012 and July 2015. 74 specimens of N. fuscoauratus were examined and five species of helminths were reported, being: (a) for the population of Pernambuco: Cystacanth (Prevalence=37.5%), Physaloptera retusa Rudolphi, 1819 (Prevalence=4.16%), larva of flatworm (Prevalence=2.08%), Rhabdias sp. (Prevalence=2.08%) and Strongyluris oscari Travassos, 1923 (Prevalence=2.08%), and (b) of Alagoas: S. oscari (Prevalence=17.85%) and Rhabdias sp. (Prevalence=3.57%). The differences in the composition of endoparasites in the two populations are attributed to individualities of environments occupied by the lizards. The collection period does not influence the abundance of parasites, but when associated with sex, there was a positive correlation with the abundance of helminths, with more females than males being infected with parasites in the rainy season.

A composição de macro endoparasitas associada com o lagarto Norops fuscoauratus (Squamata) foi analisada em duas localidades da Mata Atlântica no nordeste do Brasil, entre dezembro de 2012 e julho de 2015. 74 espécimes foram examinados e cinco espécies de helmintos foram encontradas, sendo: (a) para a população de Pernambuco: Cistacanto (Prevalência=37.5%), Physaloptera retusa Rudolphi, 1819 (Prevalência=4.16%), larva de platelminto (Prevalência=2.08%), Rhabdias sp. (Prevalência =2.08%) e Strongyluris oscari Travassos, 1923 (Prevalência =2.08%) e (b) Alagoas: S. oscari (Prevalência=17.85%) e Rhabdias sp. (Prevalência =3.57%). As diferenças na composição dos endoparasitas nas duas populações pode ser atribuída as individualidades dos ambientes ocupados por esses lagartos. O período de coleta não influenciou na abundância de parasitas, mas quando associado com o sexo, houve uma correlação positiva com a abundância de helmintos, com mais fêmeas do que machos, infectadas na estação chuvosa.

Animales , Helmintos , Lagartos/parasitología , Spiruroidea
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e241819, 2022. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278484


The composition of macro endoparasites associated with the lizard Norops fuscoauratus (Squamata) was analysed in two localities in the Atlantic Forest on the northeast of Brazil between December 2012 and July 2015. 74 specimens of N. fuscoauratus were examined and five species of helminths were reported, being: (a) for the population of Pernambuco: Cystacanth (Prevalence=37.5%), Physaloptera retusa Rudolphi, 1819 (Prevalence=4.16%), larva of flatworm (Prevalence=2.08%), Rhabdias sp. (Prevalence=2.08%) and Strongyluris oscari Travassos, 1923 (Prevalence=2.08%), and (b) of Alagoas: S. oscari (Prevalence=17.85%) and Rhabdias sp. (Prevalence=3.57%). The differences in the composition of endoparasites in the two populations are attributed to individualities of environments occupied by the lizards. The collection period does not influence the abundance of parasites, but when associated with sex, there was a positive correlation with the abundance of helminths, with more females than males being infected with parasites in the rainy season.

A composição de macro endoparasitas associada com o lagarto Norops fuscoauratus (Squamata) foi analisada em duas localidades da Mata Atlântica no nordeste do Brasil, entre dezembro de 2012 e julho de 2015. 74 espécimes foram examinados e cinco espécies de helmintos foram encontradas, sendo: (a) para a população de Pernambuco: Cistacanto (Prevalência=37.5%), Physaloptera retusa Rudolphi, 1819 (Prevalência=4.16%), larva de platelminto (Prevalência=2.08%), Rhabdias sp. (Prevalência =2.08%) e Strongyluris oscari Travassos, 1923 (Prevalência =2.08%) e (b) Alagoas: S. oscari (Prevalência=17.85%) e Rhabdias sp. (Prevalência =3.57%). As diferenças na composição dos endoparasitas nas duas populações pode ser atribuída as individualidades dos ambientes ocupados por esses lagartos. O período de coleta não influenciou na abundância de parasitas, mas quando associado com o sexo, houve uma correlação positiva com a abundância de helmintos, com mais fêmeas do que machos, infectadas na estação chuvosa.

Animales , Masculino , Femenino , Ascarídidos , Helmintos , Lagartos , Brasil , Bosques
Int. j. morphol ; 40(5): 1202-1208, 2022. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405269


SUMMARY: The Wnt pathway is essential for the initiation of lizard tail regeneration. The regenerated lizard tails exhibit obvious morphological differences compared to the original ones. The expression of Wnt1 and Wnt2b proteins in the regenerating tail of Scincella tsinlingensis was detected by immunohistochemistry and then comparatively analyzed for ultrastructural changes in the original and regenerated spinal cord. The ependymal layer of the original spinal cord was pseudostratified with multiciliated cells and primary monociliated cells, while the cells of the ependymal layer of the regenerated spinal cord were organized in a monolayer with a few biciliated cells. Immunolocalization indicated that Wnt1 and Wnt2b were mainly distributed in the dermis near the original tail stump, spinal cord, and clot-positive migratory cells during Stage I, 0-1 days post-amputation (dpa). Wnt1 and Wnt2b were predominantly detected in the epaxial and hypaxial musculature near the original tail stump, wound epithelium, and spinal cord in the original tail during Stage II, 1-7 dpa. Mesenchymal cells and wound epithelium showed immunostaining during Stage III and IV, 7-15 dpa. The ependymal tubes contained these signaling proteins during Stage V and VI, 20- 30 dpa. Labeling was mainly observed in nearby regenerative blood vessels, ependymal cells, epaxial and hypaxial musculature in the apical epithelial layer (AEC) after 45-160 dpa. These findings indicated that Wnt1 and Wnt2b proteins presented primarily in regenerating epidermis and nerve tissues were a critical signal for tail regeneration in S. tsinlingensis.

RESUMEN: La vía Wnt es esencial para el inicio de la regeneración de la cola del lagarto. Las colas de lagarto regeneradas exhiben diferencias morfológicas obvias en comparación con las originales. La expresión de las proteínas Wnt1 y Wnt2b en la cola en regeneración de Scincella tsinlingensis se detectó mediante inmunohistoquímica y luego se analizaron comparativamente los cambios ultraestructurales en la médula espinal original y regenerada. La capa ependimaria de la médula espinal original se pseudoestratificó con células multiciliadas y células monociliadas primarias, mientras que las células de la capa ependimaria de la médula espinal regenerada se organizaron en monocapa con algunas células bicilicadas. La inmunolocalización indicó que Wnt1 y Wnt2b se distribuyeron principalmente en la dermis cerca del muñón de la cola original, la médula espinal y las células migratorias positivas en el coágulo durante la Etapa I, 0-1 días después de la amputación (dpa). Wnt1 y Wnt2b se detectaron predominantemente en la musculatura epaxial e hipaxial cerca del muñón de la cola original, el epitelio de la herida y la médula espinal en la cola original durante la Etapa II, 1-7 dpa. Las células mesenquimales y el epitelio de la herida mostraron inmunomarcaje durante la Etapa III y IV, 7- 15 dpa. Los tubos ependimarios contenían estas proteínas de señalización durante la Etapa V y VI, 20-30 dpa. El marcaje se observó principalmente en vasos sanguíneos regenerativos cercanos, células ependimarias, musculatura epaxial e hipaxial en la capa epitelial apical (AEC) después de 45-160 dpa. Estos hallazgos indicaron que las proteínas Wnt1 y Wnt2b están presentes principalmente en la epidermis en regeneración y en los tejidos nerviosos y eran una señal crítica para la regeneración de la cola en S. tsinlingensis.

Animales , Cola (estructura animal)/metabolismo , Cola (estructura animal)/ultraestructura , Vía de Señalización Wnt , Lagartos/anatomía & histología , Inmunohistoquímica , Proteínas Wnt/metabolismo , Regeneración de la Medula Espinal
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;81(4): 1144-1165, Oct.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153445


Abstract Although currently there is already a set of studies regarding ecological aspects of some particular reptile and amphibian species living in Brazilian sandy coastal plains (including the so-called "restinga" and "campo nativo" habitats), there is comparatively few information on the species composition usually associated to these environments. During 31 years (1988-2019) of herpetological studies carried out in sandy coastal plains environments by our research team of the Laboratory of Vertebrate Ecology (Department of Ecology, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, in Rio de Janeiro Brazil) we have surveyed reptile and amphibian communities and performed different studies with similar methods in 70 sites from 10 different states along the Brazilian coast. Our surveys resulted in records of 87 species of reptile (five turtles, two crocodylians, six amphisbaenians, 36 lizards and 39 snakes) from 24 families, and 77 species of anuran amphibians from nine families. We have studied multiple natural history topics for anurans and reptiles which resulted in the publication of some specific ecological studies, especially regarding some species, encompassing population and community ecology, foraging and feeding habits, species activity, thermoregulation, reproduction, use of microhabitats, and parasitism by ecto and endoparasites. Our results along these three decades have also contributed for the description of four new lizard species (Ameivula nativo, Glaucomastix littoralis, G. abaetensis and G. itabaianensis). Our studies constitute an important contribution to the knowledge of the ecology of anuran amphibians and reptiles in these ecosystems, as well as to the conservation of sandy coastal plains environment. The checklist presented in this study, based on our records of sandy coastal plains herpetofauna, provides for many localities along the Brazilian coast, the needed knowledge on species occurrence, including the presence of endemic and/or endangered species, which can be of value for many conservation actions.

Resumo Embora atualmente exista um conjunto de estudos sobre aspectos ecológicos de algumas espécies de répteis e de anfíbios que ocorrem nas planícies costeiras arenosas brasileiras (incluindo os chamados habitats de "restinga" e de "campo nativo"), há relativamente poucas informações sobre a composição de espécies geralmente associada a esses ambientes. Durante 31 anos (1988-2019) de estudos herpetológicos realizados em restingas por nossa equipe de pesquisa do Laboratório de Ecologia de Vertebrados (Departamento de Ecologia, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) nós estudamos comunidades de répteis e de anfíbios e realizamos diferentes estudos com métodos semelhantes em 70 localidades de dez diferentes Estados ao longo da costa brasileira. Nossas pesquisas resultaram em registros de 87 espécies de répteis (cinco tartarugas, dois crocodilianos, seis anfisbênios, 36 lagartos e 39 serpentes) de 24 famílias, e 77 espécies de anfíbios anuros de nove famílias. Estudamos vários tópicos de história natural sobre anuros e répteis, que resultaram na publicação de alguns estudos ecológicos específicos, especialmente em relação a algumas espécies, abrangendo ecologia populacional e de comunidades, forrageamento e dieta, horário de atividade de espécies, termorregulação, reprodução, uso do microhabitat e parasitismo por ecto e endoparasitas. Nossos resultados ao longo dessas três décadas também contribuíram para a descrição de quatro novas espécies de lagartos (Ameivula nativo, Glaucomastix littoralis, G. abaetensis e G. itabaianensis). Nossos estudos constituem uma importante contribuição para o conhecimento da ecologia de répteis e de anfíbios anuros nesses ecossistemas, bem como para a conservação dos ecossistemas de restinga. A lista de espécies apresentada neste estudo, com base em nossos registros de herpetofauna das planícies costeiras arenosas, fornece para muitas localidades ao longo da costa brasileira o conhecimento necessário sobre a ocorrência de espécies, incluindo a presença de espécies endêmicas e/ ou ameaçadas de extinção, que podem ser úteis para muitas ações de conservação.

Animales , Ecosistema , Lagartos , Anuros , Brasil , Arena
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;81(4): 1050-1053, Oct.-Dec. 2021. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153444


Abstract The number of individuals with empty stomachs in a population (i.e. the proportion of individuals "running on empty") can be used as a simple index of instantaneous energy balance of some organisms such as lizards and fishes. In this study, we aimed to analyze the proportion of empty stomachs in 16 populations of five cnemidophorine species (Glaucomastix abaetensis, Ameivula ocellifera, Glaucomastix littoralis, Contomastix lacertoides and Ameivula nativo) along approximately 5,000 km the Brazilian coast. A total of 550 individuals had their stomach contents removed and identified in the laboratory. Our results showed that the proportion of individuals "running on empty" varied from 0 to 11.1% among the different populations and species. These proportions are suggestive that the five studied species would be in an overall positive energy balance at the time of the study.

Resumo O número de indivíduos com estômagos vazios em uma população (i.e. a proporção de indivíduos "correndo no vazio") pode ser usado como um índice simples do balanço energético instantâneo de organismos como lagartos e peixes. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a proporção de estômagos vazios em 16 populações pertencentes a cinco espécies de cnemidophorines (Glaucomastix abaetensis, Ameivula ocellifera, Glaucomastix littoralis, Contomastix lacertoides e Ameivula nativo) ao longo de cerca de 5,000 km da costa leste do Brasil. Um total de 550 indivíduos tiveram seus conteúdos estomacais removidos e analisados em laboratório. Nossos resultados mostraram que a proporção de indivíduos "correndo no vazio" variou entre 0 a 11.1% entre as diferentes populações e espécies. Essas proporções sugerem que as cinco espécies estudadas estariam em geral em um balanço energético positivo, quando da realização deste estudo.

Humanos , Animales , Carrera , Lagartos , Brasil , Contenido Digestivo
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;81(3): 842-844, July-Sept. 2021. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153411

Animales , Lagartos
Int. j. morphol ; 39(4): 1139-1146, ago. 2021. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385447


SUMMARY: The cutaneous wounds of trunk and tail healing scar-free or with scar were different in lizard species. Full- thickness cutaneous injuries of tail and body of Scincella tsinlingensis were examined by histomorphological and immunohistochemistrical methods. The results showed that all injuries healed without scarring. The process of the wound healing of S. tsinlingensis involved hemostasis, re-epithelialization, proliferation and remodelling, which also could be further subdivided into six stages. Stage I, 0-2 day post wound (dpw), the blood oozed gradually, no obvious wound contraction, minimal blood loss. Stage II, 2-10 dpw, the wound bed covered by the fibrin clot of blood, tissue fluid and tissue debris. Stage III, 7d-15 dpw, the wrinkled wound epitheliums was gradually stratified, and its surface was keratinized and exfoliated. Stage IV, 10-28 dpw, pigment cells were distributed at the boundary between epidermis and dermis, with few blood vessels and no granulation tissue formation. Stage V, 20-70 dpw, opaque scales covered the wound epithelium with randomly scattered melanophores in the base of the epidermis. Stage VI, 45-135 dpw, the epidermis and dermis restored to the thickness of the original skin. Regenerated scales were similar to scales of the uninjured dermis. The positive immunostaining of matrix metalloproteinases-9, cytokeratin 6, alpha smooth muscle actin, caspase 3 and transforming growth factor-β3 showed the specificity of healing period and different stages, which participated in skin wounds healing of S. tsinlingensis.

RESUMEN: En las diferentes especies de lagartos las heridas cutáneas del tronco y la cola sin cicatrices, o con algún tipo de cicatriz son diversas. En este estudio se examinaron las heridas cutáneas de espesor total de la cola y el cuerpo de Scincella tsinlingensis mediante métodos histomorfológicos e inmunohistoquímicos. Los resultados indicaron que todas las lesiones sanaron sin cicatrices visibles. El proceso de cicatrización de heridas de S. tsinlingensis implicó hemostasia, reepitelización, proliferación y remodelación, que también podrían subdividirse en seis etapas. Etapa I, 0-2 días después de la herida (dph), la sangre filtraba gradualmente, sin contracción evidente de la herida, con pérdida mínima de sangre. Etapa II, 2-10 dph, el lecho de la herida estaba cubierto por el coágulo de sangre, líquido tisular y restos tisulares de fibrina. Etapa III, 7-15 dph, los epitelios de la herida se estratificaron gradualmente y su superficie se queratiniza y exfolia. Etapa IV, 10-28 dph, las células pigmentarias se distribuyeron en el límite entre la epidermis y la dermis, con pocos vasos sanguíneos y sin formación de tejido de granulación. Etapa V, 20-70 dph, escamas opacas cubrieron el epitelio de la herida con melanóforos dispersos al azar en la base de la epidermis. Etapa VI, 45-135 dph, la epidermis y la dermis restauradas al grosor de la piel original. Las escamas regeneradas eran similares a las escamas de la dermis sin herida. La inmunotinción positiva de metaloproteinasas- 9 de matriz, citoqueratina 6, actina de músculo liso alfa, caspasa 3 y factor de crecimiento transformante-β3 mostró la especificidad del período de curación y las diferentes etapas, que participaron en la curación de heridas cutáneas de S. tsinlingensis.

Animales , Fenómenos Fisiológicos de la Piel , Cicatrización de Heridas/fisiología , Lagartos , Inmunohistoquímica
Int. j. morphol ; 39(4): 1200-1211, ago. 2021. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385429


SUMMARY: This study aimed to describe the morphology, histology, and histochemistry of the kidneys and the sexual segment of the kidney (SSK) in Chamaeleo calyptratus (Yemen chameleons or veiled chameleons) collected during the active reproductive season. To achieve this objective, a total of 7 mature male Chamaeleo calyptratus were captured from their natural habitats from different areas in the Aseer region of Saudi Arabia and transferred to the reptilian laboratory where their kidneys were dissected out. Next, a morphological examination was conducted on the kidneys and the SSK was processed for light microscopic examinations with the primary focus placed on the morphology and histology of the SSK. The results of the study showed that Chamaeleo calyptratus possess two, reddish-brown, attenuated kidneys divided into lobes and lobules (lobulated). The histological study showed that the chameleons had no distinct limits between the cortex and medulla of the kidneys. In general, similar with other reptiles, this lizard demonstrated that the kidneys have few nephrons, do not show any nephron loop (loop of Henle), and display few glomeruli. The nephron is generally composed of standard components: renal corpuscle, glomerulus surrounded by a double-walled, the glomerular capsule (Bowman's capsule) and renal tubules (six renal tubular segments differentiated as the ciliated neck segment [between the glomerulus and the proximal segment], proximal segment, ciliated intermediate segment instead of nephron loop that connects proximal and distal, distal segment, terminal segment or sexual segment, and all segments emptying into the collecting ducts. The epithelial tissues lining the lumen of these segments vary from simple cuboidal cells to columnar and tall columnar cells in the SSK. Mature male Chamaeleo calyptratus possess hypertrophied parts of the distal renal segments, which are called the SSK. Histologically, the active SSK consists of simple tall columnar epithelial cells with rounded basal nuclei with clear centralized nucleoli and numerous apical coarse secretory granules which are released from the cells by an apocrine process. Histochemically, the secretory granules stain positively for proteins with mercuric bromophenol blue and react intensely to periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) for neutral carbohydrates. This is the first report about the histology of the SSK of the Chamaeleo calyptratus, and this study adds to the knowledge of the reproductive biology, biodiversity, and reproductive strategies of chameleons. Further studies are required to investigate the ultrastructure of the kidneys and SSK.

RESUMEN: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir la morfología, histología e histoquímica de los riñones y el segmento sexual en el riñón (SSK) del Chamaeleo calyptratus (camaleones de Yemen o camaleones con velo) recolectados durante la temporada reproductiva. Un total de 7 machos maduros de Chamaeleo calyptratus fueron capturados en su hábitat natural de diferentes áreas en la región de Aseer de Arabia Saudita y transferidos al laboratorio de reptiles donde fueron disecados los riñones. Posteriormente, se llevó a cabo un examen morfológico de los riñones y se procesó la SSK para exámenes con microscopio óptico con el enfoque principal puesto en la morfología y la histología. Los resultados del estudio mostraron que Chamaeleo calyptratus posee dos riñones atenuados de color marrón rojizo divididos en lóbulos (lobulados). En el estudio histológico se observó que los riñones de los camaleones no tenían límites definidos entre la corteza y la médula. En general, y similar a otros reptiles, este lagarto demostró que los riñones tienen pocas nefronas, no muestran ningún asa de Henle y presentan pocos glomérulos. La nefrona está compuesta por componentes estándar: corpúsculo renal (glomérulo rodeado por una pared de doble pared). Cápsula de Bowman y túbulos renales (seis segmentos tubulares renales diferenciados como el segmento del cuello ciliado [entre el glomérulo y el segmento proximal], segmento proximal, segmento intermedio ciliado en lugar del asa de Henle que conecta proximal y distal, segmento distal, segmento terminal o segmento sexual y todos los segmentos que desembocan en los conductos colectores Los tejidos epiteliales que recubren la luz de estos segmentos varían desde células cuboidales simples hasta células columnares y columnares altas en la SSK. Los machos maduros de Chamaeleo calyptratus poseen partes hipertrofiadas de los segmentos renales distales, denominados SSK. Histológicamente, la SSK activa consiste en células epiteliales cilíndricas altas simples con núcleos basales redondeados, nucléolos centralizados claros y gránulos secretores gruesos apicales que se liberan de las células por un proceso apocrino. Histoquímicamente, los gránulos secretores se tiñen positivamente para las proteínas con azul de bromofenol mercúrico y reaccionan intensamente al ácido periódico-Schiff (PAS) para obtener carbohidratos neutros. Este es el primer informe sobre la histología de la SSK de Chamaeleo calyptratus, y se suma al conocimiento de la biología reproductiva, la biodiversidad y las estrategias reproductivas de los camaleones. Se requieren más estudios para investigar la ultraestructura de los riñones y la SSK.

Animales , Masculino , Genitales Masculinos/anatomía & histología , Riñón/anatomía & histología , Lagartos/anatomía & histología
Rev. argent. microbiol ; Rev. argent. microbiol;53(2): 31-40, June 2021. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376405


Abstract In the present study, pentastomids belonging to the order Cephalobaenida were isolated from the lungs of Berber skinks Eumeces schneideri (Famiy: Scincidae), which were morphologically described by light and scanning electron microscopy and taxonomically justi- fied by 18s rDNA molecular analyses of the parasites. Seventeen host specimens were collected from well-vegetated wadis at high altitudes, Jizan, Saudi Arabia as new type locality; twelve specimens (70.59%) were infected. All of the recovered parasites were adults, possessed small broadly triangular cephalothorax flattened on the ventral surface and merged smoothly with a uniformly thick and squat abdomen and terminated in a pair of divergent lobes. The results obtained indicated that the parasites belong to the sharp-tipped posterior-hook Raillietiella spp. distinguished from other raillietiedids of the same group some important characteristic fea- tures including annulus number, shape and dimensions of the buccal cadre, copulatory spicules, and anterior and posterior hooks. The anterior hook of the female specimens (n = 5) had a blade length (AB) of 135±5 (110-146) ^m and shank length (BC) 158±5 (150-169) ^m while the posterior hook was much larger with AB measuring 221 ±5 (200-236) m and BC 286 ±6 (280-289) -o.m. For the male specimens (n = 5), the anterior hook had an AB of 73 ±3 (72-75) -j.m and a BC 102±5 (100-103) ^m. The posterior hook was much larger with AB 190.6±5 (190-191).

Resumen En el presente estudio se aisló un pentastómido perteneciente al orden Cephalobaenida del pulmón de un eslizón bereber (Eumeces schneideri, Familia: Scincidae). Se efectuó su descripción morfológica basada en observación por microscopía óptica y de bar rido y se justificó su ubicación taxonómica mediante análisis molecular del gen 18S del ADNr. Se recolectaron 17 especímenes del citado huésped en valles ubicados a elevadas altitudes, en la región de Jizan (Arabia Saudí); 12 de ellos (70,59%) estaban infectados. Todos los parásitos recuperados eran adultos y poseían un pequeño cefalotórax triangular, aplanado en la super ficie ventral, que se fusionaba con un abdomen abultado y terminado en un par de lóbulos divergentes. Los resultados indicaron que este parásito pertenece a Raillietiella spp., que agrupa especies con gancho posterior puntiagudo; estas se distinguen de otros miembros de la Familia Raillietiella por algunos rasgos característicos, como el número de anillos y la forma y dimensiones del cuadro bucal, las espículas copulatorias y los ganchos anterior y posterior. La caracterización morfológica demostró que el parásito recuperado era muy similar a R. aegypti, previamente aislada del mismo huésped. El alineamiento de secuencias mediante el método de probabilidad máxima basado en el análisis del gen 18s del ADNr detectó identidades del 88-95% con los géneros de pentastómidos disponibles en GenBank. Dentro del árbol filogenético se pudo incluir este parásito dentro del clado monofilético pentastómido con máxima identidad con las especies de Raillietiella. Las secuencias obtenidas fueron depositadas en GenBank, con número de acceso MK970649.1. El presente análisis molecular confirma por primera vez la posición taxonómica de Raillietiella aegypti, anteriormente aislado del mismo huésped.

Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Pentastomida , Lagartos , Filogenia , ADN Ribosómico/genética , Pentastomida/genética , Lagartos/genética , Pulmón
Int. j. morphol ; 39(2): 497-505, abr. 2021. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385384


SUMMARY: The microstructure of inner ear in Scincella tsinlingensis was observed by light microscopy and the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in membranous labyrinth among the juvenile age group, subadult age group and adult age group were also detected by methods of immunohistochemistry. The inner ear in S. tsinlingensis resembled those in other Scincid lizards in their anatomy and histology. Large and elongate cochlear duct was slightly bowed or arched laterally. There was no hint of limbic modifications and the limbic lip was absent in cochlear recess. The basilar papilla elongated anteroventrally possessed specialized tectorial sallets. GFAP staining was significantly distributed in supporting cells of the sensory epithelia of cochlear duct, while the utricular macula and canal ampullae showed immunopositive for the GFAP antibody, with weaker staining in the saccular macula. The membranous inner ear of three different age groups revealed the similar pattern of GFAP expression, which suggested that the distribution of supporting cells were independent of age in S. tsinlingensis.

RESUMEN: La microestructura del oído interno en Scincella tsinlingensis fue analizada mediante microscopía óptica y por otra parte, fue cuantificada la expresión de la proteína ácida fibrilar glial (GFAP) en el laberinto membranoso, entre los grupos de edad juvenil, subadulto y adulto, utilizándose métodos inmunohistoquímicos. El oído interno de S. tsinlingensis se asemejaba al de otros lagartos Scincid tanto en su anatomía como en su histología. El conducto coclear mayor estaba ligeramente arqueado o arqueado lateralmente. No había indicios de modificaciones límbicas y no se evidenció el labio en el receso coclear. La papila basilar alargada anteroventralmente poseía sallets tectoriales especializados. La tinción de GFAP se distribuyó significativamente en las células del epitelio sensorial del conducto coclear, mientras que la mácula utricular y la ampolla del canal mostraron inmunopositividad para el anticuerpo GFAP, con una tinción más débil en la mácula sacular. El oído interno membranoso de los tres grupos de edad diferentes reveló un patrón similar de expresión de GFAP, lo que sugiere que la distribución de las células de soporte son independiente de la edad en S. tsinlingensis.

Animales , Proteína Ácida Fibrilar de la Glía/metabolismo , Oído Interno/anatomía & histología , Lagartos/anatomía & histología , Inmunohistoquímica , Proteína Ácida Fibrilar de la Glía/análisis , Oído Interno/química , Microscopía
Acta amaz ; Acta amaz;50(3): 239-245, jul. - set. 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118840


The increasing urbanization of the Amazonian biome has promoted the creation of several forest fragments surrounded by an urban matrix, but the relationship of animal assemblages to the urban environment, especially in forest fragments, is poorly known. Here we aimed to 1) determine the composition of the squamate fauna of the largest urban forest fragment from central Amazonia, in the Brazilian city of Manaus, and 2) evaluate the influence of environmental parameters on assemblage diversity. We sampled 10 standardized riparian plots through visual search in six surveys between 2008/09 and 2015, totaling 360 observer-hours. We found 15 species of lacertoids (lizards and amphisbaenians) and seven species of snakes through active search. After considering occasional encounters and search in museum collections, we recorded a total of 24 lacertoid and 22 snake species. Multiple regression models indicated that species richness and abundance of individuals increased with the distance from the edge of the fragment, while other structural parameters of the environment did not affect the assemblage. We conclude that this forest fragment 1) consists of a subset of the regional species pool, and 2) undergoes reduction of species richness and abundance of individuals from the center to the borders. This and additional urban forest fragments should be continually monitored in order to evaluate their long-term role in maintaining the tropical biodiversity. (AU)

Serpientes , Amphisbaena vermicularis , Lagartos , Reptiles , Urbanización