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Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(6): 1110-1116, jun. 2018. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-955429


Descrevem-se os aspectos epidemiológicos das doenças causadas por fungos e oomicetos na população de equinos na região sudeste do Rio Grande do Sul, estabelecendo as taxas epidemiológicas, suas causas e sua importância sanitária na região. Foi realizada a epidemiologia descritiva por meio do cálculo da incidência das doenças encontradas ao longo dos anos e verificada a existência de associação entre a ocorrência dessas enfermidades e o sexo, a raça e a estação do ano. Entre os anos de 1978 e 2014 a pitiose teve prevalência de 49,71% (86/173), as micotoxicoses 30,05% (52/173), sendo 45 casos de leucoencefalomalácia e sete de ergotismo. As micoses tiveram prevalência de 19,65% (34/173), sendo as dermatofitoses as mais prevalentes com 58,82% (20/34) dos casos. As espécies de dermatófitos mais frequentemente isoladas foram Trichophyton mentagrophytes 60% (12/20), Trichophyton equinum 25% (5/20) e Microsporum gypseum, Microsporum canis e Trichophyton verrucosum ambos responsáveis por 5% (1/20) das infecções. Rinosporidiose foi diagnosticada em 35,29% (12/34) dos casos. Micoses uterinas causadas por Candida albicans e Cryptococcus laurentii foram observadas em 5,88% (2/34) dos casos. Alergia por Cladosporium sp. teve um registro. De acordo com as incidências calculadas entre 1990 e 2014 a pitiose teve incidência mediana (IM) 2,98 e distância interquartil (DI) =3,82, as fêmeas tiveram chance 4,18 vezes maiores de desenvolver a doença, a enfermidade ocorre independente das estações climáticas. A leucoencefalomalácia teve IM=0,0; DI 1,00 e equinos machos tiveram 3,4 vezes mais chance de desenvolver a doença que fêmeas, no inverno a possibilidade de ocorrência dessa enfermidade foi seis vezes maior. O ergotismo teve IM = 0,00; DI = 0,000, rinosporidiose IM=0,00; DI=0,088 e dermatofitose IM=0,00; DI=0,935. A pitiose foi mais prevalente entre as doenças encontradas, podendo ser considerada endêmica na região. Considera-se que a magnitude das doenças possa ser ainda maior dentro do rebanho equino, uma vez que as doenças descritas não são de notificação obrigatória e algumas são bem conhecidas por veterinários e proprietários, que muitas vezes não fazem a confirmação laboratorial do diagnóstico.(AU)

The epidemiological aspects of diseases caused by fungi and oomycetes in horses in southeastern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, is described. The epidemiological rates, their causes, and health importance in the region were established. A descriptive epidemiology study was carried out in relation of potential risk factors. The impact on these diseases in the region was measured. From 1978 to 2014, pythiosis had a prevalence of 49.71% (86/173), and mycotoxicoses of 30.05% (52/173), with 45 cases of leukoencephalomalacia and 7 of ergotism. The prevalence of fungal infections was 19.65% (34/173) of cases. Dermatophytosis was the most prevalent fungal infection with 58.82% (20/34) of cases. The most isolated dermatophyte species were Trichophyton mentagrophytes 60% (12/20), Trichophyton equinum 25% (5/20) and Microsporum gypseum, Microsporum canis, and Trichophyton verrucosum, both responsible for 5% (1/20) of infections. Rhinosporidose was diagnosed in 35.29% (12/34) of cases. Uterine mycosis caused by Candida albicans and Cryptococcus laurentii was observed at 5.88% (2/34) of cases. Cladosporium sp. allergy was noted in one record. According to the incidence from 1990 to 2014, pythiosis had median incidence (MI) of 2.98 and interquartile range (DI) of 3.82. Mares were 4.18 times likely to develop the disease then males. The disease occurs in the region in every season. Leukoencephalomalacia had MI of 0.0; DI 1.00 and male horses were 3.4 times more likely than mares to develop the disease. Leukoencephalomalacia was 6 times more likely to occur during winter. Ergotism had MI of 0.00; DI of 0.000, rhinosporidiosis MI of 0.00, DI of 0.088 and ringworm MI of 0.00, and DI of 0.935. In the study pythiosis had the highest prevalence among the diseases observed, and may be considered endemic in the region. The magnitude of the diseases observed may be even greater within the equine herd, since these diseases are not of obligatory notification and some are well known by veterinarians and owners, who often do not obtain a laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis.(AU)

Animales , Micotoxicosis/epidemiología , Pitiosis/epidemiología , Caballos/microbiología , Micosis/epidemiología
Acta toxicol. argent ; 24(2): 128-133, set. 2016. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-837860


Se presentan dos casos clínicos de intoxicación por A. lilloi, hongos silvestres, que fueron recolectados por quienes los consumieron. Ambas pacientes desarrollaron sintomatología digestiva y evolucionaron a la falla hepática. La consulta tardía retrasó el diagnóstico y el tratamiento, pero igualmente la evolución de ambas pacientes fue favorable.

Two clinical cases of poisoning A. lilloi, wild mushrooms, which were collected by those who consumed themdebe, are presented. Both patients developed gastrointestinal symptoms and progressed to liver failure. The late consultation delayed diagnosis and treatment, but nevertheless the evolution of both patients was favorable.

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Micotoxicosis/epidemiología , Micotoxinas/envenenamiento , Amanita , Fallo Hepático/terapia , Micotoxinas/metabolismo , Uruguay/epidemiología
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-631396


Sago haemolytic disease is a rare but sometimes fatal disease found primarily in the coastal regions of Papua New Guinea and among groups in which sago is a primary source of carbohydrate. It has been known since 1961 and fungi consistently have been suspected of being involved. Investigations carried out on stored sago and samples recovered from poisoning episodes have failed to indicate the consistent presence of mycotoxins. However, fungi (especially Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium, Trichoderma) with strong haemolytic activity have been associated with sago, particularly when stored in open-weave baskets and sago-leaf-wrapped bundles. The haemolytic activity has been attributed to fatty acids (principally oleic, palmitic, linoleic) contained primarily in the fungal hyphae. It is hypothesized that when these acids are released through hyphal breakdown during digestion and are present in individuals with a low serum albumin level, free fatty acid excess occurs resulting in red cell membrane destruction and intravascular haemolysis. In extreme cases, blood transfusion is required. Methods of storage providing high levels of access to oxygen favour the development of fungi: eg, leaf-encased bundles and open-weave storage favour growth over that seen in starch stored under water, such as in earthen vessels. Ensuring storage does not exceed 3-4 weeks, encouraging anaerobic conditions of the starch and maintaining protein nutrition in communities where sago is relied upon should alleviate outbreak episodes.

Humanos , Anemia Hemolítica/epidemiología , Cycas , Carbohidratos de la Dieta/envenenamiento , Manipulación de Alimentos , Enfermedades Transmitidas por los Alimentos/epidemiología , Micotoxicosis/epidemiología , Papúa Nueva Guinea/epidemiología
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 24(4): 207-210, out.-dez. 2004. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-395091


Descreve-se um surto de aflatoxicose ocorrido no outono de 2004, em uma granja de suínos, no município de Sentinela do Sul, RS. O milho utilizado no arraçoamento dos animais e que causou a intoxicação, foi produzido e processado na propriedade. Morreram 7 porcas e 8 leitões, e foram relatados dois casos de aborto. Os sinais clínicos foram apatia, anorexia, icterícia, urina amarelada com sangue e fotossensibilização. A gama-glutamil transferase (GGT) e a bilirrubina total mostraram-se elevadas nos animais necropsiados. Os principais achados de necropsia incluíam icterícia generalizada, fígado amarelo-alaranjado, edema de parede da vesícula biliar e presença de líquido amarelado nas cavidades abdominal e pericárdica. As lesões microscópicas mais importantes foram encontradas no fígado e consistiam em tumefação, degeneração e necrose individual de hepatócitos, proliferação de ductos biliares e colestase. O diagnóstico foi baseado nos sinais clínicos, nos achados de necropsia e de histopatologia e nos níveis altos de aflatoxina B1 (milho 3140ppb, ração 4670ppb) encontrados no milho e na ração.

Animales , Masculino , Femenino , Aflatoxinas/inmunología , Micotoxicosis/epidemiología , Porcinos
Medical Journal of Cairo University [The]. 2003; 71 (4 Supp. 2): 237-54
en Inglés | IMEMR | ID: emr-63779


Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by ceratin species of fungi. They have a range of diverse chemical and physical properties and toxicological effects on man and animal. In the ear of globalization, Mycotoxins are by far, the most important contaminatns of the food chain for human health and economy. Aflacions continue to receive major rsearch attention bcause of its high toxicity and carcinogenicity. Fumonisinis, ochratxin A, trichothencese, patulin and zearalenone have gained growing nterest in view of their osed threat to the health of humans and animals. In Egypt, many foods and feeds are not uncommonly contaminated with mycotoxins. These include cereals, nuts, milk and milk products, animal feeds sampled from different regions of Egypt. Immense research efforts are going on to identify and determine the magnitude of these contaminations and potential harads to health. Children are at a particular risk to health hazards posed by mycotoxins because of the likelihood of higher exposure on a body weight basis. In Egypt, available epidemiological data suggest a possible causative role for mycotoxins in some liver and rnal disorders in children and adults. Maternal and child health, neonatal diseases, protein energy malnutrition are repeatedly studied in relation to mycotoxins. While complete elimination of mycotoxins from foods is an impossible goal, it is important to ensure that their levels in food do not pose a health concern. A variety of interrelated safety approaches have been dvanced in recent years to assess the hazards, monitor and assess exposure, and determine te associated risk. Integrated mycotoxin control proframes have been developed. Risk posed by mycotoxins in food present an enormous challenge to national govermments and international agencies responsible for food safety control. food control is a widely shared responsibility that requires positive interaction between all stakeholders. Countries are allowed to adopt different food safety standards provided they ae justified by current available evidence and will not create unnecessary technical barriers to international trade. Code Ali mentarius national requirements worldwide, control through legalization is usually set no a national basis and is mainly restricted to the aflatoxins, of which aflatoxins B1 is accepted as a potent liver carcinogen. It has been recommended at the international level the tolerance level be based on a risk assessment approach rather than on analyticial limitations [i.e. level below which no detection is possible by analytical means]. National capability to cope with the impact of globalization will be crucial in the years to come. Egypt food safety control in relaton to mycotoxins is dicussed and recommendations were withdrawn

Contaminación de Alimentos , Análisis de los Alimentos , Alimentos Integrales , Protección a la Infancia , Legislación Alimentaria , Micotoxicosis/epidemiología , Seguridad
Enferm. Infecc. microbiol ; 16(6): 275-7, nov.-dic. 1996.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-187803


En el planeta existe una gran variedad de setas, muchas de ellas tóxicas e incluso mortales. La intoxicación alimentaria por la ingestión de hongos (micetismo) es un problema muy difundido cuyo diagnóstico se confunde o pasa inadvertido. Se señalan los estados de la República en donde el mecetismo se presenta con mayor frecuencia, se alude a su cuadro clínico, diagnóstico y tratamiento

Humanos , Basidiomycota/patogenicidad , Enfermedades Transmitidas por los Alimentos/etiología , Micotoxicosis/diagnóstico , Micotoxicosis/epidemiología , Micotoxicosis/terapia
Rev. méd. Chile ; 122(7): 795-802, jul. 1994. tab, ilus, mapas
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-136924


We report 4 episodes of mushroom poisoning that ocurred before 1986 and 1990 in the province of Malleco. 25 of 36 individuals who ingested the mushroom became ill; they had an acute gastroenteritis that was followed in 7 by an acute hepatitis and in 1 by a massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Three subjects with fulminant hepatic failure and the subject with the massive bleeding died. Amanita gemmata (strain described as toxic in Chile since 1967) was found in 2 episodes and Amanita sp in 1. The clinical picture is similar to that described for Amanita phaloides. The treatment is symptomatic but penicillin and silymarin may have an antitoxic action. The importance of warning the population about the existence of toxic mushrooms in Chile is emphasized

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Preescolar , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Amanita/patogenicidad , Micotoxicosis/epidemiología , Amanitinas/toxicidad , Hepatitis/etiología , Micotoxicosis/terapia
Bol. micol ; 7(1/2): 59-65, jul.-dic. 1992. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-153172


En los últimos años se ha reconocido la importancia y la relevancia clínica de levaduras aisladas de muestras de pacientes. Candida albicans es la especie mayoritariamente responsanble de candidosis, de tipo oportunista. El aumento de infecciones por Candida ha llevado ha desarrollar métodos de marcaje epidemiológico para encontrar lor tipos más frecuentes. Se estudiaron 161 cepas de C. albicans aisladas de diferentes orígenes anatómicos, aplicando el método de tipificación por toxinas killer de Polonelli (1983), encontrandose 48 tipos de killer. Los más frecuentes el 812, 111, 811 y 712. No huvo una asociación particular entre el tipo killer hallado y la región anatómica del cual proviene la muestra, según cuadro clínico. Sin embargo epidemiológicamente, en un caso de corioamnionitis y de fungemia fué posible establecer que las cepas aisladas en el primero de líquido amniótico y raspado uterino y en el segundo de los dos hemocultivos, correspondían a los tipos killer 812 y 811 respectivamente

Humanos , Candida albicans/aislamiento & purificación , Candida albicans/clasificación , Corioamnionitis/diagnóstico , Fungemia/diagnóstico , Micotoxicosis/epidemiología , Micotoxinas/clasificación , Fenotipo
Rev. mex. micol ; 3: 203-9, 1987. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-77990


Se presenta un envenenamiento producido por Amanita virosa Lam. ex Secr. en una familia de la región de Las Minas, Municipio de Villa Aldama, Veracruz. Los hongos los comieron el padre, la esposa, sus cuatro niños y dos abuelos, pero solamente tuvieron intoxicación hepática mortal dos niños de 8 y 10 años de edad, respectivamente, no así los otros niños y los adultos que solamente tuvieron una leve intoxicación y se recueraron ocho días después. Se sospecha que A. virosa se mezcló con hongos comestibles, todos identificados como "tecomate blanco" (A. rubescens a A. crocea) y que la dosis de hongos venenosos que ingerieron los adultos y dos de los niños fué muy pequeña, no así en los dos menoes que murieron

Niño , Adulto , Humanos , Masculino , Micotoxicosis/epidemiología , Agaricales/patogenicidad , México