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Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 89(3): 152-157, jun. 2024. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569781


Introducción: La enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional (ETG) corresponde al espectro de lesiones proliferativas del tejido trofoblástico placentario. Presenta una incidencia mundial variable; en Chile no existen estudios nacionales, por lo que las cifras se deben extrapolar de estudios extranjeros. Objetivo: Caracterizar clínica y epidemiológicamente a las pacientes diagnosticadas con embarazo molar en el periodo 2013-2022 en el Hospital Regional de Talca (HRT). Método: Estudio observacional transversal, se consideró el recuento total de pacientes de la base de datos del Servicio de Onco-Ginecología (n = 100) y la cantidad de embarazos ocurridos entre 2013-2022 en el HRT. Resultados: La edad promedio de presentación fue de 32 años, obteniéndose una incidencia de ETG de 2,1 casos por cada 1.000 embarazos. El 54% de los casos corresponde a mola parcial. Los principales síntomas fueron metrorragia (67%) y dolor abdominal (40%). El principal tratamiento efectuado fue aspiración uterina (92%). En el 48% de los casos se sospechó la ETG con la clínica previo al diagnóstico por biopsia y solo en un 13% únicamente con estudio ecográfico. Conclusiones: Es necesario realizar más investigaciones nacionales que permitan recopilar información actualizada sobre ETG, sobre todo por la variabilidad clínica de la enfermedad, que hace difícil su sospecha diagnóstica.

Introduction: Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTO) corresponds to the spectrum of proliferative lesions of placental trophoblastic tissue. It has a variable global incidence; in Chile there are no national studies so it must be extrapolated from foreign studies. Objective: To clinically and epidemiologically characterize patients diagnosed with molar pregnancy in the period 2013-2022, at the Talca Regional Hospital (HRT). Method: Cross-sectional observational study, the total count of patients from the Onco-Gynecology Service database (n = 100) and the number of pregnancies that occurred between 2013-2022 in the HRT were considered. Results: The average age of presentation was 32 years, obtaining an incidence of GTO of 2.1 cases per 1000 pregnancies; 54% of cases correspond to partial mole. The main symptoms were metrorrhagia (67%) and abdominal pain (40%). The main treatment performed was uterine aspiration (92%). In 48% of the cases, GTO was suspected with clinical symptoms prior to diagnosis by biopsy, and only 13% with an ultrasound study alone. Conclusions: It is necessary to carry out more national research to collect updated information on GTO, especially due to the clinical variability of the disease that makes its diagnostic suspicion difficult.

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Mola Hidatiforme/diagnóstico , Mola Hidatiforme/terapia , Enfermedad Trofoblástica Gestacional/diagnóstico , Enfermedad Trofoblástica Gestacional/terapia , Coriocarcinoma/diagnóstico , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Diagnóstico por Imagen
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013466


Background@#During postmolar evacuation surveillance, beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) regression levels can predict invasive disease while Doppler ultrasound can assess in vivo tumor neovascularization and quantify uterine blood supply. As an ancillary tool to β-hCG monitoring, ultrasound can detect the early presence of viable trophoblastic tissues and identify patients at risk of developing postmolar gestational trophoblastic Neoplasia (PMGTN). @*Objective@#The objective of this study was to correlate uterine artery Doppler ultrasound with β-hCG levels during pre- and postmolar evacuation surveillance among patients with complete mole.@*Materials and Methods@#A cohort of patients with sonographic diagnosis of complete hydatidiform mole and managed with suction curettage in the same institution were prospectively followed up after evacuation. The pre- and postmolar evacuation surveillance period was at days 1, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35. Monitoring of serum β-hCG levels was based on the standard regression curve. For Doppler ultrasound parameters, monitoring of the systolic/diastolic (S/D) ratio, pulsatility index (PI), resistance index (RI), and peak systolic velocity (PSV) was based on its relationship with its serum β-hCG levels. The ultrasound images generated were archived and reviewed by the authors. Descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized to analyze median differences. For the correlation of uterine artery Doppler flow parameters, analysis for the test of difference used Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression analysis for the odds ratio.@*Results@#Sixteen of the 23 enrolled patients completed the protocol (16 of 23, 69.50%). A majority had spontaneous remission (13; 81%) while 3 cases (19%) presented increasing and plateauing β-hCG levels. The pre- and post evacuation median β-hCG levels showed a significant decrease (P = 0.001). As post evacuation β-hCG levels decreased, PSV also decreased (r = 0.478, P = 0.061) while Doppler parameters, RI, PI, and S/D ratio increased. However, when post evacuation β-hCG levels rose or plateaued, Doppler parameters decreased. These changes had statistical correlation (all P < 0.05). Moreover, the magnitude of the relationship for β-hCG and Doppler parameters was moderate and ranged from 0.524 to 0.581. Among the Doppler parameters, the S/D ratio and RI of the right uterine artery strongly predicted a rise in β-hCG levels. The odds ratio of predicting increased β-hCG levels and risk of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia by the right S/D ratio were − 2683.67 (confidence interval [CI] = −271.692–5095.655; P = 0.034) and by the right RI − 66,193.34 (CI = −161,818.107–29,431.433; P = 0.046). Notably, Doppler parameter changes appeared early at day 14 up to day 35 and before the appearance of abnormal β-hCG regression patterns.@*Conclusion@#There is a strong correlation between uterine artery Doppler flow changes and β-hCG levels during postmolar evacuation surveillance. The inverse relationship of the S/D ratio, PI and RI, and β-hCG regression patterns confirms spontaneous remission of the disease. For patients with abnormal β-hCG patterns, this relationship is altered. The Doppler changes become erratic, unpredictable, and significantly decreased. These changes were detected as early as 2 weeks post evacuation. Thus, the use of ultrasound as an adjunct to β-hCG post evacuation surveillance can predict abnormal β-hCG regression patterns and identify patients at risk of developing postmolar gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (PMGTN).

Mola Hidatiforme , Enfermedad Trofoblástica Gestacional , Mola Hidatiforme
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 81-89, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039005


@#Hydatidiform mole coexistent with a live fetus (CMCF) is a rare entity occurring in 1:20,000 to 1:100,000 pregnancies. Three mechanisms of this type are possible: (1) a singleton pregnancy consisting of partial mole with a triploid fetus, (2) a twin gestation consisting of an androgenic complete hydatidiform mole with a biparental diploid fetus, and (3) a twin gestation consisting of a biparental diploid fetus with a normal placenta and a partial hydatidiform mole (PHM) with a triploid fetus. The abnormal triploid fetus in a partial mole tends to die in the first trimester while the fetus coexisting with a complete or partial mole in the dizygotic twin pregnancy has a chance to survive. Early detection and diagnosis of a molar gestation with a viable fetus is needed to allow medical interventions, if available. Three cases of complete mole with a twin fetus (CMTF) that were diagnosed in the prenatal period by ultrasonography will be presented. This report will also discuss the indications for continuing the pregnancy, and review the literature on the recommended prenatal care, intrapartum management, and postpartum surveillance. This report aims to encourage others to document cases of CMTF in order to arrive at a consensus regarding its optimal management.

Mola Hidatiforme , Embarazo Gemelar
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988673


@#Precision medicine is a form of medicine that utilizes information about a person’s own genes to prevent, diagnose, or treat disease. In trophoblastic disease, precision medicine is important for accurate diagnosis, risk stratification, prognostication, and management. Immunohistochemistry, particularly p57kip2, has become an important ancillary procedure for the accurate identification of complete hydatidiform mole (HM). Molecular genotyping, on the other hand, is now considered the gold standard for the accurate classification of HM. Both tests are important for prognostication and the determination of the appropriate follow‑up plan. For gestational trophoblastic neoplasia, immunohistochemical markers can confirm the histologic diagnosis of its various types. Molecular genotyping differentiates gestational from nongestational tumors with overlapping histology and allows for precise identification of the index or causative pregnancy of a choriocarcinoma.

Enfermedad Trofoblástica Gestacional , Mola Hidatiforme , Medicina de Precisión
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988675


Background@#Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) is considered one of the most curable malignancies, especially when diagnosis and treatment are commenced early. Identifying predictors for the development of GTN will enable prompt management equating to an excellent prognosis.@*Objectives@#The objectives of this study were to determine the validity of uterine artery Doppler parameters (UADPs) as predictors for postmolar GTN, compare UADP values before and after evacuation, determine cutoff values and relationship with beta‑human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels.@*Materials and methods@#This was a prospective cohort study, which included histopathologically confirmed hydatidiform mole (HM) patients who underwent suction curettage. UADPs (pulsatility index (PI), resistive index, and systolic/diastolic [S/D] ratio) were measured preevacuation, 4 weeks postevacuation, and 6 weeks postevacuation. Patients were followed up to determine whether they will develop postmolar GTN or not.@*Results@#A total of 31 HM patients were admitted during the study period, 84% (26/31) of whom underwent suction curettage. Of these, 92% (24/26) had histopathology of complete HM and were recruited. However, only 17 patients followed up and completed the study. Results showed that there was an increasing trend of the UADP from preevacuation to 6 weeks postevacuation and the trend between those with and without postmolar GTN was statistically significant. There was also an inverse relationship between the UADP and baseline β‑hCG values. UADP showed lower values among patients who developed postmolar GTN compared to those who did not. The cutoff values recommended by the area under curve (AUC) that can be a possible predictor were 4th‑week right PI of 2.14 (AUC = 0.71) and right S/D ratio of 2.60 (AUC = 0.73) and 6th‑week left PI of 2.80 (AUC = 0.70) and right PI of 2.53 (AUC = 0.74).@*Conclusion@#Neoangiogenesis, a hallmark of malignancy, is correlated with invasive disease and will show increased myometrial vascularization with lower uterine artery indices. Doppler ultrasound may be a useful tool for postmolar follow‑up and GTN diagnosis. However, the small sample size in this study is a limitation and a larger multicenter study is recommended.

Enfermedad Trofoblástica Gestacional , Mola Hidatiforme
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003751


@#Gestational trophoblastic diseases are histologically different types of tumors originating from the placenta with an incidence of 0.2–5.8/1000 pregnancies. Ectopic pregnancy is the implantation of the fertilized ovum outside the uterine cavity, and a 0.64% incidence is reported. Ectopic cornual pregnancy and molar pregnancy are rare cases, and a combination of these two rare entities occurring simultaneously is even rare and very few cases have been reported in the literature. A cornual pregnancy refers to the implantation and development of a gestational sac in one of the upper and lateral portions of the uterus, whereas an interstitial pregnancy is a gestational sac that implants within the proximal, intramural portion of the fallopian tube that is enveloped by the myometrium. We present one of the rare combinations of molar pregnancy and cornual/interstitial ectopic pregnancy in a 30‑year‑old G3 P1 who presented with a triad of amenorrhea, vaginal bleeding, and abdominal pain. Laparotomy was done in view of an ultrasound which was suggestive of a well‑defined complex thick‑walled lesion of size 3.2 × 3.3 with a gestational sac and no cardiac activity in the right fallopian tube/adnexa suggesting tubal ectopic pregnancy. Beta‑human chorionic gonadotropin (β‑hCG) levels were done and noted to be as high as 9998 mIU/mL. Intraoperatively, a cornual ectopic pregnancy was found with no hemoperitoneum which was excised. Histopathology showed chorionic villi with variable size and hydropic change, myxoid stromal changes, and cistern formation with polar trophoblastic proliferation, based on which a diagnosis of molar pregnancy was made. Although ultrasonography and higher than usual serum β‑hCG levels are diagnostic of uterine molar pregnancy, they do not yield a proper diagnosis in ectopic molar pregnancy, hence, making it difficult to distinguish between an early ectopic molar pregnancy from a nontrophoblastic tubal pregnancy. The final diagnosis is usually made only after histopathology. A high degree of clinical suspicion of cornual pregnancy followed by histopathological examination of the products of conception is the standard for arriving at an appropriate diagnosis. Serial serum β‑hCG level follow‑up is recommended to rule out its malignant potential.

Embarazo Cornual , Embarazo Ectópico , Mola Hidatiforme
Femina ; 50(10): 624-630, out. 30, 2022. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1414421


A doença trofoblástica gestacional (DTG) agrupa um conjunto de anomalias do desenvolvimento trofoblástico, que incluem formas clínicas benignas como a mola hidatiforme completa e parcial, o nódulo do sítio placentário atípico e o sítio trofoblástico exagerado, e malignas, caracterizando a neoplasia trofoblástica gestacional (NTG). De modo geral, seu diagnóstico precoce antecipa complicações clínicas que podem estar associadas a near miss obstétrico. Diante da suspeição clínica, é a ultrassonografia (US) precoce o exame de escolha pa ra o diagnóstico, associado à dosagem sérica de gonadotrofina coriônica humana, capaz de minimizar a ocorrência de complicações clínicas associadas à gravidez molar. Nos casos de NTG, é a US também de grande valia para estadiamento, avaliação de prognóstico e acompanhamento da mulher tratada para DTG. Este estudo faz uma revisão sobre o papel da US na DTG, sendo importante para familiarizar os tocoginecologistas com essa doença e salientar o papel da US consoante as melhores práticas clínicas.(AU)

Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) includes a set of trophoblastic developmental anomalies, which include benign forms such as complete and partial hydatidiform mole, atypical placental site nodule and exaggerated trophoblastic site, and malignant forms, characterizing gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN). In general, its early diagnosis anticipates clinical complications that could be associated with obstetric near miss. In view of clinical suspicion, early ultrasonography (US) and serum levels of human chorionic gonadotropin are the best diagnostic screening techniques, able to minimizing the occurrence of medical complications associated with molar pregnancy. In cases of GTN, US is also of great value for staging, assessment of prognosis and follow-up of women treated for GTN. This study reviews the role of US in GTD, being important to familiarize tocogynecologists with this disease and highlight the role of US according to best clinical practices to minimize the morbidity of these patients and maximize the remission rates of this disease.(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Ultrasonografía Prenatal , Ultrasonografía Intervencional/métodos , Enfermedad Trofoblástica Gestacional/diagnóstico por imagen , Malformaciones Arteriovenosas/diagnóstico por imagen , Coriocarcinoma/congénito , Mola Hidatiforme/congénito , Bases de Datos Bibliográficas , Tumor Trofoblástico Localizado en la Placenta/congénito , Mola Hidatiforme Invasiva/congénito , Neoplasias Trofoblásticas/congénito , Diagnóstico Precoz
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 44(8): 746-754, Aug. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407570


Abstract Objective There are few multinational studies on gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) treatment outcomes in South America. The purpose of this study was to assess the clinical presentation, treatment outcomes, and factors associated with chemoresistance in low-risk postmolar GTN treated with first-line single-agent chemotherapy in three South American centers. Methods Multicentric, historical cohort study including women with International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO)-staged low-risk postmolar GTN attending centers in Argentina, Brazil, and Colombia between 1990 and 2014. Data were obtained on patient characteristics, disease presentation, and treatment response. Logistic regression was used to assess the relationship between clinical factors and resistance to first-line single-agent treatment. A multivariate analysis of the clinical factors significant in univariate analysis was performed. Results A total of 163 women with low-risk GTN were included in the analysis. The overall rate of complete response to first-line chemotherapy was 80% (130/163). The rates of complete response to methotrexate or actinomycin-D as first-line treatment, and actinomycin-D as second-line treatment postmethotrexate failure were 79% (125/157), 83% (⅚), and 70% (23/33), respectively. Switching to second-line treatment due to chemoresistance occurred in 20.2% of cases (33/163). The multivariate analysis demonstrated that patients with a 5 to 6 FIGO risk score were 4.2-fold more likely to develop resistance to first-line single-agent treatment (p= 0.019). Conclusion 1) At presentation, most women showed clinical characteristics favorable to a good outcome, 2) the overall rate of sustained complete remission after first-line single-agent treatment was comparable to that observed in developed countries, 3) a FIGO risk score of 5 or 6 is associated with development of resistance to first-line single-agent chemotherapy.

Resumo Objetivo Existem poucos estudos multinacionais sobre os resultados do tratamento da neoplasia trofoblástica gestacional (NTG) na América do Sul. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a apresentação clínica, os resultados do tratamento e os fatores associados a casos de quimiorresistência em NTG pós-molar de baixo risco tratados com quimioterapia de agente único de primeira linha em três centros sul-americanos. Métodos Estudo multicêntrico de coorte histórica incluindo mulheres com NTG pós-molar de baixo risco com estadiamento International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) em centros de atendimento na Argentina, Brasil e Colômbia entre 1990 e 2014. Foram obtidos dados sobre as características do paciente, apresentação da doença e resposta ao tratamento. A regressão logística foi usada para avaliar a relação entre fatores clínicos e resistência ao tratamento de primeira linha com agente único. Foi realizada uma análise multivariada dos fatores clínicos significativos na análise univariada. Resultados Cento e sessenta e três mulheres com NTG de baixo risco foram incluídas na análise. A taxa global de resposta completa à quimioterapia de primeira linha foi de 80% (130/163). As taxas de resposta completa ao metotrexato ou actinomicina-D como tratamento de primeira linha e actinomicina-D como tratamento de segunda linha após falha do metotrexato foram 79% (125/157), 83% (⅚) e 70% (23/33), respectivamente. A mudança para o tratamento de segunda linha por quimiorresistência ocorreu em 20,2% dos casos (33/163). A análise multivariada demonstrou que pacientes com pontuação de risco FIGO de 5 a 6 foram 4,2 vezes mais propensos a desenvolver resistência ao tratamento com agente único de primeira linha (p= 0,019). Conclusão 1) Na apresentação, a maioria das mulheres demonstrou características clínicas favoráveis a um bom resultado, 2) a taxa geral de remissão completa sustentada após o tratamento de primeira linha com agente único foi comparável à de países desenvolvidos, 3) um escore de risco FIGO de 5 ou 6 está associado ao desenvolvimento de resistência à quimioterapia de agente único de primeira linha.

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , América del Sur , Mola Hidatiforme , Enfermedad Trofoblástica Gestacional/terapia , Quimioterapia
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965019


@#Sad fetus syndrome is a rare gestational trophoblastic disease wherein a hydatidiform mole coexists with a live fetus. We report a case of a 40‑year‑old G4P2 (2012) with 29 weeks gestational age who came in with vaginal bleeding and labor pains. A previous ultrasound done at 16 weeks of gestation showed a live fetus, a normal placenta, and a focal multicystic uterine mass. The beta‑human chorionic gonadotropin level was 1,500,000 mIU/mL. She delivered a live preterm female fetus weighing 900 g by partial breech extraction. The placenta was grossly normal. Postpartum hemorrhage secondary to uterine atony was encountered and a total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingectomy was performed. Cut section of the specimen revealed molar tissue at the anterofundal area with evidence of gross myometrial invasion. The histopathologic finding was consistent with a diagnosis of partial hydatidiform mole. This paper describes the incidence, pathology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment, and postpartum course of this rare condition.

Mola Hidatiforme
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 86(5): 465-469, oct. 2021. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388683


Resumen Reportamos el caso de una mujer de 28 años con atraso menstrual de 14 días, diagnosticada en el servicio de urgencia obstétrica del Hospital Félix Bulnes con un embarazo ectópico cervical mediante ultrasonido, en contexto de metrorragia grave. El tratamiento consistió en legrado uterino segmentario más ligadura de arterias cervicales. El estudio histopatológico reveló una mola hidatiforme parcial en el producto del curetaje. La paciente evolucionó favorablemente sin requerir más intervenciones. Este caso da cuenta del exitoso manejo de un embarazo cervical con tratamiento quirúrgico, dando una oportunidad de preservar la fertilidad de la paciente.

Abstract We are reporting the case of a 28-year-old woman with 14-day menstrual delay diagnosed, in the obstetric emergency department of Félix Bulnes Hospital, with a cervical pregnancy through ultrasound, in the context of severe metrorrhagia. The treatment consisted in uterine curettage and ligation of cervical arteries. A histopathological study revealed a partial hydatidiform mole in the curettage product. The patient evolved favorably without other interventions. This case its an example of the successful management of a cervical pregnancy with surgical treatment, giving a chance of preserving the fertility of the patient.

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Adulto , Embarazo Ectópico/cirugía , Embarazo Ectópico/diagnóstico , Embarazo Ectópico/patología , Mola Hidatiforme , Cuello del Útero , Legrado , Ligadura
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964832


Objective@#This study aimed to determine if the beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels during the first 5 weeks after a molar evacuation predict progression to gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN).@*Materials and Methods@#This was a retrospective cohort study of complete mole cases managed at a Philippine tertiary hospital from January 2009 to December 2018. Extracted data were analyzed using applicable statistical tools. The level of significance was set at a P < 0.05 using two-tailed comparisons. @*Results@#One hundred and fifty-five complete patient records were available for review. Disease progression in 15.48% of cases while regression in 84.52% were noted. Uterine size was larger in those who eventually had postmolar GTN (t: −3.12, df: 32.64, P: 0.01). Analysis of the receiver operating characteristic curve showed that optimum cut-off levels for predicting GTN at 1, 3, and 5 weeks after evacuation were 4,152 mIU/ml (sensitivity: 50%, specificity: 94.7%, area under the curve [AUC]: 0.75), 804 mIU/ml (sensitivity: 62.5, specificity: 96.9%, AUC: 0.94), and 541 mIU/ml (70.8%, specificity: 97.7%, AUC: 0.96), respectively. @*Conclusion@#The level of hCG within the first 5 weeks after molar pregnancy evacuation is predictive of progression to GTN.

Enfermedad Trofoblástica Gestacional , Mola Hidatiforme
Rev. chil. endocrinol. diabetes ; 14(1): 14-16, 2021. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1146466


La enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional (ETG) es una complicación del embarazo poco común. Corresponde a un espectro de lesiones proliferativas del tejido trofoblástico: Mola Hidatiforme (MH) en sus formas parcial y completa, Coriocarcinoma, Tumor Trofoblástico y Tumor Trofoblástico Epiteloide. Los distintos tipos de ETG presentan en común la hipersecreción de gonadotrofina coriónica humana (hCG). La hCG es una hormona glicoproteica con una estructura muy similar a la TSH, por lo cual puede estimular la función tiroidea en condiciones fisiológicas y en algunas condiciones patológicas. La ETG puede cursar con hipertiroidismo, el cual puede variar en intensidad, desde una presentación asintomática con alteración leve de hormonas tiroideas a un cuadro de hipertiroidismo manifiesto. Se presentan 3 casos clínicos de pacientes con ETG, específicamente MH que evolucionaron con tirotoxicosis transitoria. Los casos presentaron un cuadro leve de hipertiroidismo con pocos síntomas asociados. La taquicardia fue el único síntoma en la mayoría de los casos. En todas las pacientes las hormonas tiroideas se normalizaron después del tratamiento de la ETG. Conclusión: Se debe tener presente la posibilidad de hipertiroidismo en toda paciente con ETG. Un alto nivel de sospecha permitirá identificar a aquellas pacientes que cursen con hipertiroidismo, permitiendo así un diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno.

Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) is a rare complication of pregnancy. GTD includes a group of proliferative lesions of trophoblastic tissue: partial and complete hydatidiform mole, choriocarcinoma, epithelioid trophoblastic tumor, and placental site trophoblastic tumor. The different types of GTD have in common the hypersecretion of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). HCG is a glycoprotein hormone with a similar structure to TSH. In physiological and pathological conditions hCG can stimulate thyroid function. GTD can present with hyperthyroidism, which can vary in intensity, from an asymptomatic presentation with mild alteration of thyroid hormones to a manifest hyperthyroidism. We present 3 clinical cases of patients with GTD thyrotoxicosis. All cases presented mild hyperthyroidism. Tachycardia was the only symptom in most cases. In all patients thyroid hormones return to normal after treatment of GTD. Conclusion: In patients with GTD the possibility of hyperthyroidism should be kept in mind. A high level of suspicion will allow to identifying patients with hyperthyroidism.

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Joven , Enfermedad Trofoblástica Gestacional/complicaciones , Enfermedad Trofoblástica Gestacional/diagnóstico , Hipertiroidismo/etiología , Propranolol/uso terapéutico , Taquicardia , Tirotoxicosis/etiología , Mola Hidatiforme , Metotrexato/uso terapéutico , Enfermedad Trofoblástica Gestacional/tratamiento farmacológico
Rev inf cient ; 100(5): 1-7, 2021. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1348802


Se presentó un caso de enfermedad trofoblástica tipo mola invasiva. El diagnóstico se sospechó con la ecografía del primer marcador genético, se realizaron dos legrados terapéuticos, el segundo de ellos, sugirió el diagnóstico de mola invasiva. Se realizó tratamiento quirúrgico (histerectomía total) con previa administración de quimioterapia con metotrexato sistémico. La biopsia confirmó el diagnóstico de mola invasiva. La mola invasiva es una de las formas de presentación de la enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional, es una condición infrecuente, en que la proliferación de células del trofoblasto y sincitiotrofoblasto penetran o incluso perforan la pared uterina, producen destrucción local pudiendo invadir el tejido parametrial y los vasos sanguíneos viajando dentro de estos, aunque no se han reportado verdaderas siembras metastásicas en otros órganos. La evolución clínica se realizó en consulta externa. Transcurrido dos años la evolución es satisfactoria, el tratamiento efectivo y bien tolerado por la paciente(AU).

A case of trophoblastic disease, of the invasive mole type was presented. The diagnosis was first suspected with the ultrasound of the first genetic marker. Two therapeutic curettages were performed, the second of which suggested the diagnosis of invasive mole. Surgical treatment (total hysterectomy) was performed with prior administration of chemotherapy with systemic methotrexate. The biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of invasive mole. Invasive mole is one of the forms of presentation of gestational trophoblastic disease. It is a rare condition in which the proliferation of trophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast cells penetrate or even perforate the uterine wall, produce local damage and can invade the parametrial tissue and blood vessels, traveling within these. True metastatic seeding in other organs has not been reported. The clinical evolution was carried out in an outpatient clinic. After two years the evolution is satisfactory, the treatment effective and well tolerated by the patient(AU).

Foi apresentado um caso de doença trofoblástica invasiva por mola. O diagnóstico foi suspeitado com a ultrassonografia do primeiro marcador genético, foram realizadas duas curetagens terapêuticas, sendo que a segunda sugeriu o diagnóstico de mola invasiva. O tratamento cirúrgico (histerectomia total) foi realizado com administração prévia de quimioterapia com metotrexato sistêmico. A biópsia confirmou o diagnóstico de mola invasiva. A mola invasiva é uma das formas de apresentação da doença trofoblástica gestacional, é uma condição infrequente, em que a proliferação de células trofoblásticas e sincitiotrofoblásticas penetram ou mesmo perfuram a parede uterina, produzem destruição local e podem invadir o tecido parametrial e vasos sanguíneos dos vasos. viajando dentro deles, embora verdadeira semeadura metastática em outros órgãos não tenha sido relatada. A evolução clínica foi realizada em ambulatório. Depois de dois anos, o a evolução é satisfatória, o tratamento é eficaz e bem tolerado pelo paciente(AU).

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Mola Hidatiforme/cirugía , Enfermedad Trofoblástica Gestacional/diagnóstico , Enfermedad Trofoblástica Gestacional/patología , Enfermedad Trofoblástica Gestacional/tratamiento farmacológico , Histerectomía
Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 71(3): 286-296, jul.-set. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144391


RESUMEN Objetivo: reportar un caso de mola parcial con feto vivo y realizar una revisión de la literatura sobre las complicaciones maternas y fetales asociadas a esta condición. Materiales y métodos: se presenta el reporte de un caso de mola parcial y feto vivo de 33 semanas, complicado por restricción de crecimiento intrauterino, oligoamnios y preeclampsia severa. Después de seguimiento del recién nacido a un año reportamos un resultado satisfactorio materno-fetal. Se realiza una búsqueda de la literatura en Medline vía PubMed, Lilacs, OVID, Uptodate y Google Scholar, con los siguientes términos MESH: "hiditadiform mole", "partial mole", "live fetus", "coexisting live fetus". Se seleccionaron estudios de series de caso y reportes de caso de gestantes con coexistencia de mola parcial y feto vivo al momento del diagnóstico, y se extrajo información sobre el pronóstico materno-fetal. Resultados: se identificaron inicialmente 129 títulos relacionados, de los cuales 29 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión, 4 artículos fueron excluidos por no obtener acceso al texto completo. Se analizaron 31 casos reportados, 9 casos terminaron en aborto, 8 terminaron en óbito o muerte perinatal y 14 (45 %) casos terminaron con un recién nacido vivo. La complicación materna más frecuente fue preeclampsia, en 6 (19,35 %) casos. Conclusión: la coexistencia de mola parcial con feto vivo presenta un riesgo alto de resultado perinatal adverso y preeclampsia. Se requiere más información sobre esta rara condición para determinar de mejor manera posibles intervenciones en los casos de fetos euploides y dar una adecuada asesoría en la práctica clínica, por lo que es importante el reporte de estos casos para tener suficiente evidencia sobre el comportamiento natural de la enfermedad.

ABSTRACT Objective: To report the case of a partial molar pregnancy with live fetus and conduct a review of the literature regarding maternal and fetal complications associated to this condition. Materials and methods: Case report of a partial mole with a 33 weeks live fetus complicated by intrauterine growth restriction, oligohydramnios and severe preeclampsia. We report satisfactory maternal and neonatal outcomes and 1-year follow-up. A search was conducted in the Medline via Pubmed, Lilacs, Ovid, Uptodate and Google Scholar databases using the following MESH terms: hiditadiform mole, partial mole, live fetus, coexisting live fetus. Case series and case reports of pregnant women with coexisting partial mole and live fetus at the time of diagnosis were selected and information regarding maternal and fetal prognosis was extracted Results: Initially, 129 related titles were identified. Of these, 29 met the inclusion criteria, and 4 articles were excluded due to failed access to the full text. Overall, 31 reported cases were included; 9 ended in miscarriage, 8 in fetal demise or perinatal death, and 14 (45 %) resulted in a live neonate. The most frequent maternal complication was preeclampsia in 6 (19.35 %) cases. Conclusion: The coexistence of a partial mole with a live fetus poses a high risk of adverse perinatal outcomes and preeclampsia. The volume of information regarding this rare condition must be increased in order to better determine potential interventions in cases of euploid fetuses and to provide adequate counseling in clinical practice. Therefore, reporting these cases is important to build sufficient evidence about the natural course of this condition.

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Recién Nacido , Mola Hidatiforme , Feto , Preeclampsia , Retardo del Crecimiento Fetal
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 19(1): 133-138, jun 17, 2020. tab, fig
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358916


Introdução: perdas gestacionais esporádicas são comuns e estima-se que aproximadamente 30 a 50% de todas as concepções não terminem em um recém-nascido vivo. Patologia materna ou alteração genética de natureza cromossômica, em um dos progenitores, são fatores de risco favoráveis a esses acontecimentos. Outras situações que podem estar relacionadas às alterações cromossômicas são a infertilidade e a ocorrência de mola hidatiforme (neoplasia trofoblástica gestacional), caracterizada por interferência na formação e desenvolvimento do embrião. Embora haja um consenso sobre o caráter multifatorial das perdas gestacionais, incluindo componentes anatômicos, imunológicos, endócrinos, genéticos e ambientais, ainda assim, a causalidade pode permanecer desconhecida. Objetivos: analisar e quantificar achados de dificuldades reprodutivas relacionados a presença de alterações cromossômicas encontrados no serviço de genética realizado pelo programa Genética & Sociedade, do Instituto de Biologia da Universidade Federal da Bahia. Metodologia: estudo descritivo e analítico, realizado por meio de consulta a fichas de anamneses, preenchidas durante o atendimento de casais, que buscaram o serviço de genética comunitária para aconselhamento genético no período de vinte anos. Resultados: entre os 73 casais selecionados para estudo, 59 (80,8%) relataram abortos recorrentes, 9 (12,3%) tinham histórico de mola hidatiforme e 5 (6,8%) apresentaram infertilidade. Entre as alterações foram verificadas translocações, inversões, além de polimorfismos de regiões heterocromáticas. Conclusões: o presente estudo confirma a importância das alterações cromossômicas na etiologia das dificuldades reprodutivas, justificando a busca pelo aconselhamento genético. Em termos de saúde pública, traz contribuições para o entendimento das condições genéticas da comunidade beneficiada pelo programa Genética & Sociedade.

Introduction: sporadic gestational losses are common, it's estimated that approximately 30 to 50% of all conceptions don't end in a newborn alive. Maternal pathology or genetic alterations of chromosomal nature in one of the progenitors are risk factors favorable to these events. Other situations that may be related to chromosomal alterations are infertility and the occurrence of hydatidiform mole (gestational trophoblastic neoplasia), characterized by interference in the formation and development of the embryo. Although there is a consensus about the multifactorial nature of gestational losses, including anatomical, immunological, endocrine, genetic and environmental components, however, the causality may remain unknown. Objectives: analyze and quantify the findings of reproductive difficulties related to the presence of chromosomal alterations found in the genetics service performed by the Genética&Sociedade program of the Biology Institute of the Federal University of Bahia. Methodology: a descriptive and analytical study, carried out by consultation of anamnesis records, made during the care of couples, who sought the community genetic service for genetic counseling in the period of twenty years. Results: among the 73 couples selected, 59 (80.8%) reported recurrent abortions, 9 (12.3%) had a history of hydatidiform mole and 5 (6.8%) had infertility. Among all the alterations, were found translocations, inversions, and polymorphisms of heterochromatic regions. Conclusions: this study confirms the importance of chromosomal alterations in the etiology of reproductive difficulties, justifying the search for genetic counseling. In terms of public health, it contributes to the understanding of the genetic conditions in the community benefited by the Genética&Sociedade program.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Mola Hidatiforme , Aborto Espontáneo , Aberraciones Cromosómicas , Infertilidad , Métodos de Análisis de Laboratorio y de Campo , Registros Médicos , Epidemiología Descriptiva
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 42(5): 240-247, May 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1137829


Abstract Objective To compare the effect of high-dose vitamin A (HD Vit-A) use during postmolar follow-up of patients with low and plateauing (L&P) serum human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels, from the moment serum hCG plateaued (P-hCG) to the first normal serum hCG value (< 5IU/L). Methods The present retrospective series case study compared two nonconcurrent cohorts of patients. Control group (CG): 34 patients with L&P serum hCG levels who underwent expectant management for 6 months after uterine evacuation, from 1992 to 2010; study group (SG): 32 patients in similar conditions who received 200,000 IU of Vit-A daily, from the identification of a P-hCG level to the first normal hCG value or the diagnosis of progression to gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN), from 2011 to 2017. The present study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the institution where it was conducted. Results In both groups, the prevalence of persistent L&P serum hCG levels was < 5%. In the SG, hCG levels at plateau were higher (CG = 85.5 versus SG = 195 IU/L; p = 0.028), the rate of postmolar GTN was lower (CG = 29.4% versus SG = 6.3%, p = 0.034) and follow-up was shorter (CG = 14 versus SG = 10 months, p < 0.001). During GTN follow-up, there were no differences in GTN staging or treatment aggressiveness in both groups. High-dose Vit-A use did not have any relevant toxic effect. There were no GTN relapses or deaths. Conclusion The limited use of HD Vit-A seems to have a safe and significant effect on the treatment of postmolar patients with L&P serum hCG levels and may decrease the development of postmolar GTN in this population.

Resumo Objetivo Comparar o efeito de alta dose de vitamina A (VitA) no seguimento pósmolar de pacientes com gonadotrofina coriônica humana (hCG) sérica apresentando valoresbaixoseem platô(L&P). Métodos Estudo retrospectivo de série de casos comparando duas coortes não simultâneas. Grupo controle (CG): 34 pacientes com títulos de hCG sérico L&P submetidos a manejo expectante por 6 meses após o esvaziamento uterino, de 1992 a 2010; Grupo de Estudo (SG): de 2011 a 2017, 32 pacientes em condições semelhantes de hCG receberam Vit-A na dose de 200.000 IU por dia, do momento da identificação dohCG em platôate o primeirohCG normaloudiagnóstico de progressão para neoplasia trofoblástica gestacional (NTG). O presente estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética da Instituição na qual foi desenvolvido. Resultados Em ambososgrupos, aprevalência de hCGL&P foi < 5%. No SG, os níveis de hCGemplatô forammaiores (CG = 85.5 versus SG = 195 IU/L; p = 0,028), e foram significantemente menores tanto a prevalência de NTG pós-molar (CG = 29.4% versus SG = 6.3%, p = 0,034) como o tempo de seguimento (CG = 14 versus SG = 10 meses, p < 0.001). Na evolução para NTG não houve diferença no estadiamento da Interna tional Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO, na sigla em inglês) ou na agressividade do tratamento. Com altas doses de Vit-A não houve qualquer efeito tóxico relevante. Não houve casos de recidiva de NTG ou de óbito. Conclusão O uso limitado de altas doses de Vit-A parace ser seguro e apresenta efeitos significativos na evolução de pacientes em controle pós-molar com títulos de hCG sérico L&P, e pode diminuir o desenvolvimento de NTG pós-molar nessa população.

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Joven , Neoplasias Uterinas/sangre , Vitamina A/uso terapéutico , Mola Hidatiforme/sangre , Gonadotropina Coriónica/sangre , Vitamina A/administración & dosificación , Biomarcadores de Tumor/sangre , Estudios Retrospectivos , Resultado del Tratamiento , Enfermedad Trofoblástica Gestacional/prevención & control , Persona de Mediana Edad
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-876556


Background@#The clinical presentation of patients with hydatidiform mole have changed in recent years due to earlier diagnosis as a result of widespread use of ultrasonography and availability of assays for human chorionic gonadotrophin.@*Objective@#To determine the clinicopathologic profile of patients diagnosed with hydatidiform mole at the Philippine General Hospital from January 2013 to August 2018.@*Methods@#This retrospective cross-sectional study included all patients with histologically confirmed diagnosis of hydatidiform mole managed at the Philippine General Hospital from January 2013 to August 2018. Medical records of patients were retrieved. All abstracted variables were analyzed retrospectively. The level of significance for all sets of analysis was set at p-value < 0.05 using two-tailed comparisons.@*Results@#From January 2013 to August 2018, a total of 435 patients diagnosed with hydatidiform mole were managed at the Philippine General Hospital with a prevalence rate of 15.7/1,000 pregnancies. Diagnosis was made in the first trimester in 52% of patients. A quarter of the patients had pre-evacuation B-hCG levels of more than 1 million mIU/mL. Vaginal bleeding was the most frequent presenting symptom but only 59% of the patients had anemia requiring blood transfusion. Majority (90.57%) had a histopathologic diagnosis of complete hydatidiform mole.@*Conclusion@#The prevalence and clinicopathologic profile of patients with hydatidiform mole in the Philippine General Hospital have remained largely unchanged.

Embarazo , Femenino , Mola Hidatiforme , Enfermedad Trofoblástica Gestacional
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-876592


Background@#Administration of chemotherapy to prevent postmolar gestational trophoblastic neoplasia was first implemented in the 1960’s. However, its use has remained controversial.@*Objectives@#This study aimed to describe the effect of chemoprophylaxis in preventing progression of hydatidiform mole to gestational trophoblastic neoplasia among patients managed in a tertiary hospital in Davao City from 2011 to 2015.@*Materials & Method@#This retrospective cross-sectional study evaluated 123 cases of hydatidiform mole who were managed at a tertiary hospital in Davao City from the years 2011 to 2015. The patients’ charts were retrieved to get the clinicodemographic profile, progression to gestational trophoblastic neoplasia, and occurrence of adverse effects secondary to chemoprophylaxis. Patients with rising or plateauing beta human chorionic gonadotropin titer were identified within the 3-year period from molar evacuation. Collected data were analyzed using frequency and percentage distribution.@*Results@#The mean age of the patients was 30.5 years, 24% of whom were noted in women more than 40 years of age. The average age of gestation on admission was 14.89 weeks. All patients had a histopathologic diagnosis of complete mole and at least one risk factor for developing postmolar gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. Patients did not experience any significant side effect to chemoprophylaxis. None of the patients developed gestational trophoblastic neoplasia within the 3-year period of monitoring.@*Conclusion@#The administration of chemoprophylaxis to patients diagnosed with hydatidiform mole may be effective against the development of postmolar gestational trophoblastic neoplasia.

Embarazo , Femenino , Enfermedad Trofoblástica Gestacional , Mola Hidatiforme , Neoplasias , Quimioprevención
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-876606


@#The co-existence of a hydatidiform mole with a living fetus during the third trimester is extremely rare. The optimal management of such a case is controversial especially when medical and obstetric complications set in before term. The aim of management is towards avoidance of complications and planning the delivery at the most appropriate time to ensure good maternal and fetal outcome. We report the case of a 27-year-old Gravida 2 Para 1, who was diagnosed with a complete mole with co-existing live fetus at around 12 weeks age of gestation. She was referred to our institution at 31 weeks and 1 day age of gestation due to vaginal bleeding for which an emergency cesarean section was done. She delivered a live baby boy weighing 1.5 kg, with Apgar Score of 4,6,6. Chemoprophylaxis was administered and her serum beta human chorionic gonadotropin was monitored post-partum.

Embarazo , Femenino , Mola Hidatiforme
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-876607


@#Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia is a group of tumors which includes invasive mole, choriocarcinoma, placental site trophoblastic tumor and epithelioid trophoblastic tumor, all of which develop after a recognized pregnancy. Choriocarcinoma is a highly invasive and metastatic neoplasm which arises in women of reproductive age. Local spread is reported at 15% while distant metastasis at 4%. Of the 4% of cases having distant metastasis, 60% goes to the lungs, 30% to the vagina, and 10% to other sites. Less than 5% of patients with metastatic gestational trophoblastic neoplasia have involvement of the gastrointestinal tract. This is the case of a 47-year-old multigravid patient who came in with an enlarging abdomen 8 years after she had a hydatidiform mole. Work-ups were done which revealed metastases to the colon, liver and lungs. The plan of management was to give multiple agent chemotherapy.

Embarazo , Femenino , Mola Hidatiforme , Enfermedad Trofoblástica Gestacional , Coriocarcinoma