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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e256598, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529209


Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a relação entre arte e vida segundo Vigotski. Para isso, foi realizada uma análise conceitual dos capítulos 1, 7, 9, 10 e 11 da Psicologia da Arte, do capítulo 13 da Psicologia Pedagógica e do texto O significado histórico da crise da Psicologia: Uma investigação metodológica. A pesquisa conceitual consiste na análise semântica dos principais conceitos de uma teoria com o intuito de elucidar seus sentidos ocultos ou confusos e desvendar possíveis contradições e ambiguidades no quadro teórico. Podemos observar que a arte é um fenômeno dialético tanto em sua criação como em seus efeitos. A influência da vida, isto é, da realidade sócio-histórica, na criação artística é indireta, pois ela é sempre mediada pelo psiquismo particular do artista. Já o efeito da arte sobre a vida possibilita que o ser humano se conscientize de sua realidade social e se engaje para mudá-la. A arte é, portanto, transformadora, pois reorganiza o psiquismo e possibilita uma mudança nas condições materiais dos seres humanos.(AU)

This study aims to analyze the relationship between art and life according to Vygotsky. Therefore, a conceptual analysis of chapters 1, 7, 9, 10, and 11 of Psychology of Art, chapter 13 of Educational Psychology and the text The Historical meaning of the Crisis of Psychology: A Methodological Investigation was carried out. Conceptual research consists of the semantic analysis of the main concepts of a theory to elucidate its hidden or confused meanings and to reveal possible contradictions and ambiguities in the theoretical framework. Results show that art is a dialectical phenomenon both in its creation and its effects. The influence of life, that is, of socio-historical reality, on artistic creation is indirect since it is always mediated by the artist's particular psyche. The effect of art on life, on the other hand, allows human beings to become aware of their social reality and engage to change it. Art is, therefore, transformative, as it reorganizes the psyche and enables a change in the material conditions of human beings.(AU)

Este proyecto tuve como objetivo analizar la relación entre el arte y la vida, según Vigotski. Para esto, fue realizado un análisis de los capítulos 1, 7, 9, 10 y 11 de Psicología del arte, del capítulo 13 de Psicología Pedagógica y del texto Él significado histórico de la crisis de la Psicología: una investigación metodológica. La pesquisa conceptual consiste en la analice semántica de los conceptos de una teoría, para aclarar sus significados ocultos o confusos y desvendar contradicciones y ambigüedades em el cuadro teórico. Pudimos observar que, el arte es un fenómeno dialéctico en su creación tanto como en sus efectos. La influencia de la vida, esto es, de la realidad socio-histórica, en la creación artística es indirecta, pues es mediada por el psiquismo particular de lo artista. Así, el efecto del arte sobre la vida habilita que lo ser humano adquiera conciencia de su realidad social y que se comprometa a cambiarla. El arte, consiguientemente, transformadora, pues reorganiza lo psiquismo y habilita un cambio en las condiciones materiales de los seres humanos.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Arte , Psicología , Vida , Representación Social , Pintura , Percepción , Personalidad , Desarrollo de la Personalidad , Filosofía , Arquitectura , Principio de Dolor-Placer , Política , Psicología Social , Agitación Psicomotora , Rechazo en Psicología , Religión , Asociación , Investigación , Rol , Sensación , Medio Social , Espiritualismo , Pensamiento , Transferencia Psicológica , Inconsciente en Psicología , Conducta , Humanos , Simbolismo , Adaptación Psicológica , Actitud , Catarsis , Comentario , Competencia Mental , Cognición , Comunismo , Conflicto Psicológico , Congresos como Asunto , Emoción Expresada , Autopsicología , Procesos Psicoterapéuticos , Dibujo , Creatividad , Señales (Psicología) , Cultura , Baile , Capitalismo , Características Humanas , Abreacción , Drama , Impulso (Psicología) , Educación , Emociones , Estética , Existencialismo , Competencia Cultural , Resiliencia Psicológica , Poesía , Placer , Normas Sociales , Ciencia en las Artes , Libertad , Terapia Conductual Dialéctica , Egocentrismo , Procesos de Grupo , Historia , Individualidad , Inteligencia , Relaciones Interpersonales , Literatura , Métodos , Antropología , Modelos Teóricos , Moral , Películas Cinematográficas , Motivación , Música
MedUNAB ; 25(1): 86-86, 202205.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1372317


Con la técnica de aerografía sobre madera, se crea la obra "Daltonismo Racional", composición planteada en orden cartesiano, iniciando en el plano izquierdo superior con el panel rojo de línea totalmente quebrada, en constante zigzag, seguido a la derecha por el panel verde con gráfico de cigarrillo humeante; luego, en el sector izquierdo debajo del panel rojo encontramos el panel verde con la botella de licor y, finalmente, en la zona derecha inferior hallamos el panel con el gráfico del monitor rojo y línea blanca horizontal. Respecto a sus dimensiones, corresponde a un políptico conformado por cuatro módulos cuadrados, de 36 cm x 36 cm x 7 cm de profundidad. Entre los módulos hay un espacio de 20 cm, lo cual permite la formación de una cruz, por los dos espacios cruzados perpendicularmente. La obra tiene un carácter contestatario, frente a la manera como se pretende financiar la salud pública, debido a que los impuestos generados por la venta y consumo de alcohol y cigarrillos, se destinan para la salud, lo que nos lleva a una paradoja: ¿es razonable pensar que a través del detrimento de la salud de las personas que consumen licores y cigarrillos, se intente solucionar los problemas de salud?, ¿no es acaso la prevención y el no consumo de estas sustancias, lo que nos permite cultivar un mejor estado de salud?

With the technique of airbrushing on wood, the work "Rational Daltonism" is created. This is laid out in Cartesian order, starting on the upper left plane with the red panel with a totally broken line, in constant zigzag, followed to the right by the green panel with a graphic of a smoking cigarette; then, in the left sector below the red panel we find the green panel with the liquor bottle and, finally, in the lower right area we find the panel with the red monitor graphic and horizontal white line. Regarding its dimensions, it corresponds to a polyptych made up of four square modules, 36 cm x 36 cm x 7 cm deep. Between the modules there is a space of 20 cm, which allows the formation of a cross, by the two spaces crossed perpendicularly. The work has an anti-establishment character, as opposed to the way in which public health is intended to be financed, because the taxes generated by the sale and consumption of alcohol and cigarettes are destined for health, which leads us to a paradox: Is it reasonable to think that there is an attempt to solve health problems through the health detriment of the people who consume liquor and cigarettes? Is not prevention and not consuming these substances what allows us to cultivate a better health condition?

Com a técnica de aerografia sobre madeira, é criada a obra Daltonismo Racional. Esta está disposta em ordem cartesiana, iniciando no plano superior esquerdo com o painel vermelho com uma linha totalmente quebrada, em constante ziguezague, seguido à direita pelo painel verde com o gráfico de um cigarro fumando; em seguida, no setor esquerdo abaixo do painel vermelho encontramos o painel verde com a garrafa de licor e, finalmente, na área inferior direita encontramos o painel com o gráfico do monitor vermelho e linha branca horizontal. Quanto às suas dimensões, corresponde a um políptico composto por quatro módulos quadrados, com 36 cm x 36 cm x 7 cm de profundidade. Entre os módulos existe um espaço de 20 cm, que permite a formação de uma cruz, pelos dois espaços cruzados perpendicularmente. La obra tiene un carácter contestatario, frente a la manera como se pretende financiar la salud pública, debido a que los impuestos generados por la venta y consumo de alcohol y cigarrillos, se destinan para la salud, lo que nos lleva a una paradoja: es razonable pensar que a través del detrimento de la salud de las personas que consumen licores y cigarrillos, se intente solucionar los problemas de salud?, no es acaso la prevención y el no consumo de estas sustancias, lo que nos permite cultivar un mejor Estado de saúde?

Defectos de la Visión Cromática , Pintura , Arte , Consumo de Bebidas Alcohólicas , Uso de Tabaco
MedUNAB ; 24(3): 392-392, 202112.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1353455


Cuando el Dr. Salman me envió algunas fotos de referencia, instantáneamente supe que tenía que elegir la foto en la que se basa esta pintura; aunque era una escena compleja con varias figuras, la narrativa que presentaba era muy poderosa y emotiva. Quería evitar el sentimentalismo, y creo que la atrevida técnica del empaste que usé, con pintura al óleo espesa y un pincel grande, ayudó con esto. Se trataba principalmente de transmitir emociones crudas de una manera expresiva, sin incluir muchos detalles. Además, convertirla en una imagen fácilmente legible solo con pinceladas sueltas, sin delinear todo, fue un verdadero desafío. Espero haberlo logrado.

When Dr Salman sent me some reference photos, I instantly knew I had to choose the photo this painting is based on - although it was a complex scene with several figures, the narrative it presented was very powerful and emotional. I wanted to avoid sentimentality, and I think that the bold impasto technique I used, with thick oil paint and a large brush, helped with this. It was mostly about conveying raw emotion in an expressive way, without including lots of detail. Also making it an easily readable image just using loose brushstrokes, without delineating everything was a real challenge. I hope I succeeded. 1. Nick Richards is a London based portrait and plein air painter. He accepts portrait commissions from life or from photos. Nick paints landscapes & cityscapes directly from life in oils, on location in front of the subject as he loves the challenge of trying to capture the weather, the light and the essence of a place. Nick has exhibited with the Royal Institute of Oil Painters for the last two years, has appeared on Sky Portrait Artist of the Year & is shortlisted for the Sequested Prize.

Quando o Dr. Salman me enviou algumas fotos de referência, eu soube imediatamente que tinha que escolher a foto na qual esta pintura se baseia - embora fosse uma cena complexa com várias figuras, a narrativa que ela apresentava era muito poderosa e emocionante. Queria evitar o sentimentalismo e acho que a ousada técnica de impasto que usei, com tinta a óleo grossa e um pincel grande, ajudou nisso. Tratava-se principalmente de transmitir emoção crua de uma forma expressiva, sem incluir muitos detalhes. Também torná-la uma imagem facilmente legível apenas com pinceladas soltas, sem delinear tudo foi um verdadeiro desafio. Espero ter conseguido.

Personal de Salud , Pintura , Arte , Familia , COVID-19
Acta toxicol. argent ; 29(2): 31-40, dic. 2021. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364283


Resumen El Plomo ha tenido una estrecha relación con el mundo artístico pictórico a través de los pigmentos utilizados por los artistas durante milenios. El íntimo contacto con sustancias químicas potencialmente peligrosas para la salud, casi siempre sin medidas de higiene y seguridad laboral, ha desarrollado en muchos casos, enfermedades laborales en estos artistas, a veces sospechadas y en otros casos, más que confirmadas. En el presente trabajo se analiza la historia de vida laboral de Miguel Angel Buonarroti, de quien se tiene registro suficiente como para establecer un nexo causal con exposición laboral al Plomo.

Abstract Lead has shown a close relationship with the fine arts'world through the pigments used by artists for thousand of years. Close contact with potentially dangerous chemical substances for health, almost always without occupational hygiene and safety measures, has produced, in many cases, occupational illnesses in these artists, sometimes suspected and in other cases, more than confirmed. In the present work, the history of Miguel Angel Buonarroti's working life is analyzed, since there is sufficient record to establish a causal link with occupational exposure to Lead.

Historia del Siglo XV , Historia del Siglo XVI , Pinturas/historia , Acúfeno/inducido químicamente , Personajes , Intoxicación por Plomo/complicaciones , Enfermedades Profesionales/inducido químicamente , Pintura/envenenamiento , Intoxicación del Sistema Nervioso por Plomo en Adultos/complicaciones
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 50(2): e670, 2021. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1341442


Un acontecimiento en la vida del doctor Carlos Juan Finlay Barrés motivó al Maestro Esteban Valderrama Peña a realizar la composición pictórica Triunfo de Finlay. La pintura representa al médico cubano exponiendo ante una comisión médica militar estadounidense, su teoría sobre el modo de contagio de la fiebre amarilla y el ente transmisor, el mosquito Aedes aegypti. Finlay había estudiado durante años la enfermedad sin que las autoridades coloniales reconocieran los resultados de sus investigaciones, a pesar de que la enfermedad causaba estragos en los militares españoles y la población. En 1898 la intervención norteamericana en la guerra de los cubanos contra el colonialismo español, generó la necesidad de sanear la Isla y crear condiciones higiénicas favorables para la estancia de las tropas norteñas. El general y médico Leonard Wood fijó su atención en la teoría de Finlay y solicitó al gobierno de su país especialistas para verificarla. Fue enviada una comisión dirigida por el mayor Walter Reed, cirujano del ejército y catedrático de bacteriología de la Facultad de Medicina Militar en Washington, para confirmarla. En la pintura, el artista representó la reunión de Finlay con la comisión norteña. El presente trabajo destaca la trascendencia de la obra, su valor estético y la integración del arte, la historia, la medicina y la ciencia. Se propone incluir su estudio como parte del trabajo educativo dirigido a fomentar la cultura general en la formación de los profesionales de la salud(AU)

One event for Doctor Carlos J. Finlay Barrés was the motive for the oil painting composition named "Triumph of Finlay" by Master of Art Esteban Valderrama Peña. The picture shows Finlay presenting his theory about the transmission of yellow fever by mosquitoes to the US Army Yellow Fever Commission. He had conceived a new infection way able to explain the propagation of the illness, and added the possibility of their scientific confirmation by experimental method. In 1898 the US army took place in the Cuban`s fighting against the Spanish colonialism. This circumstance beginning the need to improve the sanitary condition in the Island to create favorable hygienic conditions to the stay of the troops. The Military Governor of the Island, general and physician Leonard Wood took Finlay´s theory as center of his attention. He requested the government of his country experts to verify it. One commission heading for Major Walter Reed was sent. Reed was a surgeon of the army and professor of bacteriology in Military Medicine Faculty in Washington. After experimentally investigation, the commission could confirm Finlay´s theory. Valderrama´s picture shows the meeting of Finlay with the experts. This article has like objective to give emphasis about this pictorial by its importance for the Cuba´s medicine and the science history in Cuba. By the esthetic value that contains it must be included in the educational labor towards the preparation the professionals of the health. It is useful for contributing with the general culture integrating art, history, medicine and science(AU)

Humanos , Pintura , Arte , Facultades de Medicina , Bacteriología , Fiebre Amarilla , Cultura , Historia , Medicina Militar , Personal de Salud
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 50(1): e535, 2021. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289513


La labor científica del doctor Carlos J. Finlay Barrés ha motivado el trabajo de artistas que lo han homenajeado con obras que constituyen auténticos patrimonios artísticos y culturales de la nación. Entre los que le rindieron homenaje con la pintura se encuentra el maestro Juan Albaijés Ciurana, quien representó en un óleo, al ilustre sabio. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar esta obra y fundamentar el noble motivo que inspiró la pintura. Se utilizó el método iconográfico y el iconológico, fundamentados con una revisión bibliográfica sobre la vida del médico cubano y su actividad investigativa que lo convirtió en eminente hombre de ciencia, capaz de elaborar a finales del siglo XIX, una avanzada teoría sobre el modo de contagio y de propagación de la fiebre amarilla, comprobada experimentalmente y llevada a la práctica, lo cual contribuyó a salvar numerosas vidas en Cuba y en otras áreas del continente. Los resultados de este trabajo causan interés por el conocimiento del arte y su relación con la historia de la medicina. Se destaca además el valor didáctico de la obra pictórica para el trabajo educativo orientado a la formación de los futuros profesionales de la salud(AU)

The scientific work of Dr. Carlos J. Finlay Barrés has motivated the work of artists who have honored him with works that constitute authentic artistic and cultural heritages of the nation. Among those who paid homage to him with painting is the master Juan Albaijés Ciurana, who represented the illustrious sage in oil. The present work aims to show this work and establish the noble motif that inspired the painting. The iconographic and iconological methods were used, based on a bibliographic review on the life of the Cuban doctor and his investigative activity that made him an eminent man of science, capable of elaborating at the end of the 19th century, an advanced theory on the mode of contagion and the spread of yellow fever, proven experimentally and put into practice, which contributed to saving many lives in Cuba and other areas of the continent. The results of this work cause interest in the knowledge of art and its relationship with the history of medicine. The didactic value of the pictorial work for educational work aimed at the training of future health professionals is also highlighted(AU)

Humanos , Pintura , Arte , Ciencia , Fiebre Amarilla , Historia de la Medicina
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 40: e191649, jan.-maio 2020. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1140976


O artigo demonstra a dimensão heterotópica do olhar e do espaço próprios à pintura de Manet. O espaço, tal como concebido por Foucault, se constitui como poder-saber, e o olhar, tal como erigido pela pintura de Manet, visibiliza as heterotopias. A metodologia consistiu na seleção e análise crítica dos textos de Foucault sobre a pintura de Manet e a heterotopia acrescida de bibliografia de comentadores voltados para a análise da pintura, da arte e da heterotopia na obra do pensador. A raridade da reflexão sistemática acerca das considerações foucaultianas sobre a pintura e o espaço concebido como "espaço outro" faz com que a demonstração do entrelaçamento entre o espaço produzido pelas pinturas de Manet e a heterotopia configure novidade na literatura dedicada ao pensador. Concluímos indicando como as discussões estéticas estão indissoluvelmente ligadas às análises do poder. Neste caminho, Foucault indica, por exemplo, que a experiência da transgressão batailliana do olhar evidencia a condição da visualidade pictórica das telas de Manet. A visibilização dos efeitos políticos do espaço e seus outros assim como da produção artística pavimenta um caminho possível para esboçar novas compreensões das relações dos corpos com os enraizamentos espaciais e seus desdobramentos subjetivos singulares...(AU)

This article demonstrates the heterotopic dimension of glance and space in Manet's painting. Space, as conceived by Foucault, is constituted as power-knowledge, and glance, as defined by Manet's painting, reveals heterotopies. The methodology consisted in the selection and critical analysis of Foucault's texts on Manet's painting and the heterotopia plus bibliography of Foucault readers focused on the analysis of painting, art and heterotopia. The rarity of the systematic reflection of the Foucauldian reflections on painting and the space conceived as different space makes the demonstration of the interweaving between the space produced by Manet's paintings and heterotopia configure novelty in the literature dedicated to the thinker. We conclude by indicating how the aesthetic discussions are inextricably linked to the analysis of power. This path that Foucault indicates, for example, that the experience of Bataillean`s transgression of gaze evidences the condition of the pictorial visuality of Manet's canvas. The visibility of the political effects of space and other effects as well as of artistic production paves the way to sketch new understandings of the relationships of bodies with spatial roots and their unique subjective unfoldings...(AU)

El artículo pretende demostrar la dimensión heterotópica de la mirada y del espacio en la pintura de Manet. El espacio concebido por Foucault se constituye un poder-saber, y la mirada erigida por la pintura de Manet visibiliza las heterotopías. La metodología consistió en la selección y análisis crítico de los textos de Foucault sobre la pintura de Manet y la heterotopía, y en la bibliografía de comentaristas dirigidos al análisis de la pintura, del arte y de la heterotopía en la obra del pensador. La rareza de la reflexión sistemática de las reflexiones foucaultianas sobre la pintura y el espacio considerado como "espacio otro" hace que la demostración del entrelazamiento entre el espacio producido por las pinturas de Manet y la heterotopía sea una novedad en la literatura dedicada al pensador. En la conclusión indicamos cómo las discusiones estéticas están indisolublemente vinculadas a los análisis del poder. En este marco, Foucault apunta, por ejemplo, que la experiencia de la transgresión batailliana de la mirada evidencia la condición de la visualidad pictórica de los lienzos de Manet. La viabilidad de los efectos políticos del espacio y sus otros, así como de la producción artística, pavimenta un camino posible para esbozar nuevas comprensiones de las relaciones de los cuerpos con los enraizamientos espaciales y sus desdoblamientos subjetivos singulares...(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Pintura , Arte , Poder Psicológico , Pinturas , Conocimiento
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 9(2): 84-85, abr. 30, 2020. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1151829
Colomb. med ; 51(1): e3646, Jan.-Mar. 2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124610


Abstract Introduction: Car painters are routinely exposed to organic solvents classified as carcinogenic and mutagenic substances. Objective: To characterize the population susceptibility and evaluate the genotoxic effects of exposure to organic solvents. Methods: A cross-sectional study comparing a group of car painters exposed to organic solvents with a non-exposed group. CYP2E1 polymorphisms and the presence of micronuclei in lymphocytes were determined. Results: One hundred twenty-two workers participated in the study: 62 who worked in car paint shops and were exposed to solvents, and 60 who were not exposed. There were statistically significant differences between the two groups regarding micronucleated cells and nucleoplasmic bridges frequencies (p=0.042 and p=0.046, respectively; exact likelihood ratio). Significant differences were found at the interaction between the CYP2E1 genotype c1c1 and occupational exposure to solvents, with higher frequencies of micronuclei (p= 0.013) and micronucleated cells (p= 0.015). However, when the frequencies of micronuclei, micronucleated cells and nucleoplasmic bridges in the exposure group were compared between the c1c1 and c2c2/c1c2 allele groups of the CYP2E1 polymorphism, statistically significant differences were found. Conclusions: This study confirms that when workers with CYP2E1 polymorphisms, specifically the c1c1 genotype, are exposed to organic solvents, they are more likely to have somatic cell mutations, a condition associated with increased susceptibility to diseases such as cancer

Resumen Introducción: Los pintores de vehículos automotores están rutinariamente expuestos a agentes como los solventes orgánicos, capaces de producir efectos mutágenos y carcinógenos. Objetivo: Caracterizar la susceptibilidad poblacional y evaluar los efectos genotóxicos debidos a la exposición a solventes orgánicos. Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal que comparó a un grupo de pintores de carros expuestos a solven tes orgánicos con un grupo de personas no expuestas. Fueron determinados tanto los polimorfismos de CYP2E1 como la presencia de micronúcleos en linfocitos. Resultados: Participaron 122 personas, 62 trabajadores de talleres de pintura de autos expuestos a solventes y 60 personas no expuestas. Con relación al cuestionario Q 16, 32% de los expuestos refirieron síntomas sugestivos de neurotoxicidad. Las frecuencias de células micronucleadas y de puentes nucleoplásmicos fueron significativamente mayores en los expuestos que en los no expuestos: p= 0.042 y p= 0.046, respectivamente, Razón de verosimilitud exacta). Fueron halladas diferencias significativas en la interacción de CYP2E1 (c1c1) y la exposición ocupacional a solventes, con mayores frecuencias de micronúcleos (p= 0.013) y de células micronucleadas (p= 0.015). Conclusiones: Este estudio reafirma que los trabajadores expuestos a solventes orgánicos con polimorfismos de CYP2E1, específicamente con genotipo c1c1, tienen mayor probabilidad de presentar mutaciones en las células somáticas, condición asociada con una mayor susceptibilidad a enfermedades como el cáncer

Adulto , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Pintura/toxicidad , Solventes/toxicidad , Carcinógenos/toxicidad , Exposición Profesional/efectos adversos , Citocromo P-450 CYP2E1/genética , Polimorfismo Genético , Automóviles , Polimorfismo de Longitud del Fragmento de Restricción , Linfocitos/efectos de los fármacos , Linfocitos/ultraestructura , Pruebas de Micronúcleos/métodos , Estudios de Casos y Controles , Estudios Transversales , Colombia , Síndromes de Neurotoxicidad/diagnóstico , Alelos , Equipo de Protección Personal , Pruebas de Mutagenicidad
J. appl. oral sci ; 28: e20200259, 2020. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1134797


Abstract Mineralization-promoting peptides are attractive candidates for new remineralization systems. In previous studies, peptides have been applied as aqueous solutions, which is not a clinically relevant form. Objective This study aims to investigate the efficiency of a mineralization-promoting peptide, applied in varnish, on remineralizing artificial caries on primary teeth. Methodology 55 primary molars were collected. Specimens were immersed in a demineralizing solution for 7 days and then, divided into 7 groups: Baseline: No-remineralization, Placebo: Blank colophony, F: Colophony 5% fluoride, P: Colophony 10% peptide, P+F: Colophony 5% fluoride and 10% peptide, Embrace: Embrace™ varnish, Durashield: Durashield™ varnish. A mixture of 35% w/v colophony varnishes were prepared in ethanol and applied accordingly. Specimens were immersed in a remineralization solution for 4 weeks and it was evaluated using PLM and SEM. Lesion depth reduction was examined by one-way ANOVA. Results There was no significant difference in mean lesion depths between baseline (147.04 ± 10.18 µm) and placebo groups (139.73 ± 14.92 µm), between F (120.95 ± 12.23 µm) and Durashield (113.47 ± 14.36 µm) groups and between P (81.79 ± 23.15 µm) and Embrace (90.26 ± 17.72 µm) groups. Lesion depth for the P+F group (66.95±10.59 µm) was significantly higher compared to all other groups. All groups contained samples with subsurface demineralized regions. Number of subsurface demineralized regions were higher in fluoride-containing groups. Conclusions We conclude that the mineralization-promoting peptide (MPP3) is effective in this in vitro study and the peptide shows benefits over fluoride as it yields less subsurface demineralized regions.

Humanos , Niño , Remineralización Dental , Caries Dental , Pintura , Péptidos , Diente Primario , Cariostáticos , Fluoruros Tópicos
Salud pública Méx ; 61(5): 670-677, sep.-oct. 2019. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1127330


Abstract: Objective: To assess neuropsychological performance among workers at a paint factory in Mexico City. Materials and methods: During 2004 and 2005 we assessed the neuropsychological performance of 208 workers who were exposed to organic solvents at a paint factory, mainly toluene and xylene. We categorized workers into low and high exposure groups using a cumulative index for toluene, based on times spent in different tasks. We evaluated cognitive and motor functions with 13 neuropsychological tests. Results: We found lower attention, longer time to complete the test β=5.5 (R2=12.3%), and a lower score in the motor-cognitive test β=-15.7 (R2=19.5%) in the high exposure group through multiple linear regression model analysis, with adjustment for age and education. Conclusion: Our results are similar to the ones reported in the literature, but the effects are less severe, probably due to lower exposure to organic solvents.

Resumen: Objetivo: Evaluar el desempeño neuropsicológico de los trabajadores de una fábrica de pintura en la Ciudad de México. Material y métodos: Se evaluó el desempeño neuropsicológico de 208 trabajadores expuestos a disolventes orgánicos, principalmente tolueno y xileno, en una fábrica de pintura en la Ciudad de México durante 2004 y 2005. Se categorizaron en grupos de baja y alta exposición con un índice acumulado de tolueno con base en el tiempo empleado por actividad. Se evaluaron funciones motoras y cognitivas con 13 pruebas neuropsicológicas. Resultados: Se registró un tiempo más largo para completar la prueba β=5.5 (R2=12.3%) y una puntuación baja en la prueba motor-cognitiva de β=-15.7 (R2=19.5%) en el grupo de alta exposición en los modelos de regresión lineal múltiple, ajustados por confusores. Conclusión: Los presentes resultados son similares a los reportados en la literatura, aunque los efectos son menos graves, probablemente debido a la baja exposición.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Pintura/toxicidad , Desempeño Psicomotor/efectos de los fármacos , Atención/efectos de los fármacos , Solventes/toxicidad , Exposición Profesional/efectos adversos , Factores de Tiempo , Tolueno/toxicidad , Xilenos/toxicidad , Modelos Lineales , Estudios Transversales , Factores de Edad , Escolaridad , México , Pruebas Neuropsicológicas
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 39(3): 464-477, jul.-set. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038807


Resumen Introducción. La exposición a solventes orgánicos y pinturas se ha asociado con efectos genotóxicos y mayor riesgo de neoplasias. Sin embargo, aún no se ha caracterizado bien el tipo de daño que esta exposición induce en el ADN humano, ni los mecanismos por los cuales se genera. Uno de los grupos con mayor exposición a dichos solventes y pinturas son los pintores de automóviles del sector informal que trabajan sin adecuadas prácticas de seguridad ocupacional. Objetivo. Determinar el daño oxidativo y por metilación del ADN de linfocitos de pintores de automóviles expuestos a solventes orgánicos y pinturas. Materiales y métodos. Se analizaron linfocitos aislados de sangre periférica de 62 pintores y 62 sujetos no expuestos mediante el ensayo cometa de gran eficiencia acoplado a las enzimas Fpg y AlkA. Las categorías de daño en el ADN evaluadas fueron el daño basal (sin enzimas), el daño oxidativo y el daño por metilación, y el parámetro de medición, el porcentaje de ADN en la cola. Resultados. El porcentaje de ADN en la cola fue mayor en el grupo expuesto con respecto al no expuesto (p<0,05). En el grupo expuesto, dicho porcentaje fue mayor en la categoría de daño oxidativo comparado con la del basal (16,50 Vs. 12,87; p<0,001), en tanto que en el daño por metilación no se encontraron diferencias significativas (14,00 Vs. 12,87; p>0,05). Conclusión. La exposición a solventes orgánicos y pinturas se asoció con el aumento de las lesiones oxidativas del ADN de los linfocitos de pintores de automóviles, tales como la producción de 8-oxo-2'-desoxiguanosina (8-oxodG) y otros productos formamidopirimidina, los cuales se consideran considerablemente mutagénicos.

Abstract Introduction: The exposure to organic solvents and paints has been associated with genotoxicity and a greater risk of neoplasms. However, the type of DNA damage induced in humans by the exposure to these compounds, which would help explain the mechanisms of their genotoxicity, is still not fully characterized. Due to inadequate practices of occupational safety, car painters in the informal sector are a highly exposed group to organic solvents and paints. Objective: To identify the oxidative and methylating damage in the DNA of lymphocytes of car painters exposed to organic solvents and paints. Materials and methods: Isolated peripheral blood lymphocytes from 62 painters and 62 unexposed subjects were analyzed by the modified high-throughput comet assay with the Fpg and AlkA enzymes. The categories used for the evaluation of the DNA damage were basal damage (without enzymes), oxidative and methylating damage. The measurement parameter used to establish the damage was the percentage of DNA in the tail. Results: The percentage of DNA in the tail was higher in the exposed group compared to the unexposed group (p<0.05). In the exposed group, this percentage was higher in the oxidative damage category than the baseline (16.50 vs. 12.87; p<0.001), whereas methylating damage did not show significant differences (14.00 vs. 12.87; p>0.05). Conclusion: In this study, exposure to organic solvents and paints was associated with an increase in oxidative lesions in the DNA of car painters' lymphocytes, such as the production of 8-oxodG and other formamidopyrimidine products which are considered highly mutagenic.

Adulto , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven , Pintura/toxicidad , Solventes/toxicidad , Daño del ADN , Exposición Profesional/efectos adversos , Estrés Oxidativo , Metilación de ADN , Automóviles , ADN/efectos de los fármacos , Linfocitos/efectos de los fármacos , Estudios de Casos y Controles , Supervivencia Celular , Estudios Transversales , Ensayo Cometa , Mutágenos/toxicidad
Int. j. morphol ; 37(3): 912-916, Sept. 2019. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012375


The present project on learning surface anatomy through the body painting method was undertaken because anatomical knowledge supports medical practice. The appropriate anatomical training of the doctor depends on surface anatomy. We considered the renovation of teaching strategies and didactic resources to optimize the overall teaching- learning process. 189 first-year medical students, enrolled in the Trunk and Splanchnology course at the University of Cádiz (Spain) participated in this study. Students were divided into 5 groups each of 38-41 students. The students were asked to complete a satisfaction questionnaire supplied to each participant through an on-line platform. On the basis of the results, we recommend the body painting method as an alternative tool for learning surface and clinical anatomy.

El presente proyecto sobre el aprendizaje de la anatomía de superficie a través del método de pintura corporal se realizó debido a que el conocimiento anatómico apoya la práctica médica. El entrenamiento anatómico apropiado del médico depende de la anatomía de superficie. Consideramos la renovación de las estrategias de enseñanza y los recursos didácticos para optimizar el proceso general de enseñanza-aprendizaje. De este estudio participaron 189 estudiantes de primer año de medicina, matriculados en el curso de Troncal y Splanchnology en la Universidad de Cádiz (España). Los estudiantes fueron divididos en 5 grupos, cada uno de 38-41 estudiantes. Se les pidió a los estudiantes que completaran un cuestionario de satisfacción proporcionado a cada participante a través de una plataforma en línea. Sobre la base de los resultados, recomendamos el método de pintura corporal como una herramienta alternativa para el aprendizaje de la anatomía de superficie y clínica.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Pintura , Estudiantes de Medicina/psicología , Educación de Pregrado en Medicina/métodos , Anatomía/educación , España , Enseñanza , Evaluación de Programas y Proyectos de Salud , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Procesos de Grupo , Aprendizaje
Rev. enferm. UFPI ; 8(3): 83-87, jul.-ago. 2019.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1364011


Objetivo: descrever a experiência de acadêmicas de enfermagem na realização da arte de pintura no ventre grávido, enfatizando suas percepções acerca das reações das gestantes. Metodologia: relato de experiência de acadêmicas que participam do projeto de extensão "Prevenção e Promoção da Saúde em grupos de Gestantes e Puérperas". Refere-se especificamente a realização da arte de pintura no ventre grávido, desenvolvida na Maternidade do Hospital Escola da Universidade Federal de Pelotas, no segundo semestre de 2017. Resultados: a interação acadêmicas-gestantes oportunizou a emergência do cuidado integral e humanizado, visto que transcendeu os aspectos biológicos e patológicos envolvidos na gestação, oportunizando a escuta e o projetar-se na relação futura com o filho. Considerações finais: a vivência no projeto de extensão, desenvolvido na unidade de maternidade, aliado ao uso da pintura do ventre materno proporcionou ao acadêmico de enfermagem uma aprendizagem vinculada ao exercício da humanização com potencial de uma conduta aplicável ao processo de cuidar da mulher grávida hospitalizada.

Objective: to describe the experience of nursing students in the art of painting in pregnant bellies, highlighting their perceptions about the reactions of pregnant women. Methodology: this is an experience report of students attending the extension project "Prevention and Promotion of Health in groups of Pregnant and Puerperal Women". Refers to the art of painting in the pregnant womb, developed at the Maternity Hospital of the Federal University of Pelotas, in the second half of 2017. Results: the students-pregnant women interaction enabled a comprehensive and humanized care, since it transcended the biological and pathological aspects involved in pregnancy, providing opportunities for listening and making projections about the future relationship with the child. Final considerations: the experience in the extension project developed in the maternity ward, combined with the use of maternal belly painting, provided the nursing student with a learning linked to the exercise of humanization with the power of a behaviour applicable to the process of caring for hospitalized pregnant women.

Pintura , Embarazo , Enfermería
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741333


Acute pancreatitis is one of the most common diseases of the pancreas. Although the incidence of acute pancreatitis is increasing, the mortality is decreasing. In general, most of fatal cases occur within 2 weeks after admission due to multi-organ failure. Initial medical treatment of acute pancreatitis is important in order to improve the prognosis of the patients with acute pancreatitis. Essential treatment in this early period includes intravenous hydration, paint control, enteral nutrition, and antimicrobial therapy. Although aggressive intravenous hydration with lactated Ringer's solution can improve mortality rates and decrease the development of systemic inflammatory response syndrome in the patients with acute pancreatitis, fluid overload can induce pulmonary edema, increase of the extra-pancreatic fluid collection, intra-abdominal compartment syndrome, sepsis, and increase of the mortality. Therefore, goal-directed therapy, utilizing various parameters to guide fluid administration, reduces the risk of persistent single or multiple organ system failure, infected pancreatic necrosis or mortality from acute pancreatitis. Initiation of early oral feeding is recommended, beginning within 24 hours for mild acute pancreatitis. Enteral nutritional support is favored over parental nutrition in severe acute pancreatitis. Recent guidelines do not support the use of prophylactic antibiotics to prevent infection in necrotizing acute pancreatitis and severe acute pancreatitis.

Humanos , Antibacterianos , Síndromes Compartimentales , Nutrición Enteral , Incidencia , Mortalidad , Necrosis , Apoyo Nutricional , Pintura , Páncreas , Pancreatitis , Padres , Pronóstico , Edema Pulmonar , Sepsis , Síndrome de Respuesta Inflamatoria Sistémica
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786023


OBJECTIVES: This study aims to compare the fluoride-release between different fluorine varnish under in vitro experimental conditions.METHODS: In this study, 5 fluoride varnish products distributed in Korea were selected. V-varnish™ (Vericom, Korea: VV), CavityShield™ (3M ESPE, USA: CS), Clinpro™ White varnish™ (3M ESPE, USA: CP), MI Varnish™ (GC, Japan: MI), and Fluor Protector (Ivoclar Vivadent, Liechtenstein: FP). For the in vitro study, 10 mg of each fluoride varnish was thinly applied to the same area of the specimen. The specimen was then immersed in 3 ml of distilled water at consistent intervals to confirm fluoride release. Nine specimens per group were used. Fluoride ion electrodes were used to measure the fluoride concentration of the solution. The Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test was performed to compare between each experimental group, and the Wilcoxon signed-rank nonparametric test was performed to compare experimental groups over time. The significance level for a Type I error was set at 0.05. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 25.0 (IBM Co., Armonk, NY, USA).RESULTS: In vitro experiments showed that the amount of fluoride released from MI was higher than the other groups during the first 12 hours after application. However, the amount of fluoride released from CP and CS was higher than MI as the immersion time increased over 12 and 20 hours, respectively. The fluoride release from FP was the lowest at all measurement points.CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study showed that the remaining fluoride effect from rosin type fluoride varnishes was higher than liquid type fluoride varnishes. There were differences in the residual fluoride concentrations despite each fluoride varnish having the same fluoride content.

Caries Dental , Electrodos , Fluoruros , Fluoruros Tópicos , Flúor , Inmersión , Técnicas In Vitro , Japón , Corea (Geográfico) , Liechtenstein , Pintura , Agua
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-762569


BACKGROUND: In the construction industry, maintaining health and safety of workers often challenging. Among the workers at construction sites, painters are at particular risk of respiratory diseases and neurotoxicity. However, in Korea there is weak enforcement of workers' health and safety practices in the construction industry in Korea. Poisonings frequently occur at (semi)closed construction sites. In this study, we report a case of acute organic solvent poisoning during construction site painting. CASE PRESENTATION: A 71-year-old man was found unconscious at a construction site and immediately transferred to the emergency room. The consciousness level was 'stupor state' and the body temperature was hypothermic, at 32 degrees (Celsius). There were no acute brain or cardiac lesions that would have accounted for the faintness. In addition, blood and urine tests did not indicate a cause of loss of consciousness. He had been painting epoxy to waterproof the basement floor before fainting. According to exposure simulation, the patient was overexposed to various organic solvents, such as approximately 316–624 ppm toluene during the work before fainting. Considering the ventilation status of the workplace and the status of no protection, it is considered that exposure through the respiratory tract was considerable. CONCLUSIONS: The patient in this case lost consciousness during the epoxy coating in a semi-enclosed space. It can be judged as a result of acute poisoning caused by organic solvent exposure and considered to be highly related to work environment.

Anciano , Humanos , Temperatura Corporal , Encéfalo , Estado de Conciencia , Industria de la Construcción , Servicio de Urgencia en Hospital , Corea (Geográfico) , Enfermedades Profesionales , Pintura , Pinturas , Intoxicación , Sistema Respiratorio , Solventes , Síncope , Tolueno , Inconsciencia , Ventilación
Braz. j. biol ; 78(3): 548-555, Aug. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-951567


Abstract Imposex is the development of male sexual characteristics caused by the toxic effects of some chemicals that acts as an endocrinal disruptor. Antifouling paints contain these chemicals. Cartagena lacks studies to indicate the extent of imposex in its coastal waters. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of imposex in the gastropod Stramonita haemastoma in Cartagena, Colombia. Specimens were collected during 2013 from locations of high and low influence of port activity. Morphometric measurements and the frequency of the occurrence of imposex were registered. The comparison among morphometric variables showed statistically significant differences between the two sites studied. Furthermore, the females of the S. haemastoma species presented an imposex frequency of 93.1% in Birds' Island, Cartagena Bay, compared to 31.8% in La Bocana. The relative penis size index or RPLI (10.145 and 3.231) and vas deferens sequence index or VDSI (2.83 and 1.16), showed possible contamination by organotin compounds in both places.

Resumo Imposex é o desenvolvimento de características sexuais masculinas causadas por poluentes tóxicos de alguns produtos químicos que atuam como desreguladores endócrinos. Tintas anti-incrustantes são as que contêm estes produtos químicos. Cartagena carece de estudos para indicar a extensão do imposex nas suas águas costeiras. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a prevalência de imposex no gastrópode Stramonita haemastoma em Cartagena, Colômbia. Os espécimes foram coletados durante 2013 de locais de alta e baixa influência da atividade portuária. Foram registradas as medidas morfométricas e a frequência da ocorrência do imposex. A comparação entre as variáveis morfométricas mostrou diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os dois locais estudados. Além disso, as fêmeas da espécie S. haemastomaapresentaram uma frequência de imposex de 93,1% na Ilha das Aves, Baía das Cartagena, em comparação com 31,8% em La Bocana. O índice do comprimento relativo do pênis ou RPLI (10,145 e 3,231) e o índice da sequência do vaso deferente ou VDSI (2,83 e 1,16), mostraram possível contaminação por compostos organoestânicos em ambos os locais.

Animales , Masculino , Femenino , Compuestos Orgánicos de Estaño/toxicidad , Pintura/toxicidad , Trastornos del Desarrollo Sexual/inducido químicamente , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/toxicidad , Monitoreo del Ambiente/métodos , Gastrópodos/efectos de los fármacos , Conducto Deferente/efectos de los fármacos , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/análisis , Colombia