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Braz. j. biol ; 83: e248493, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339399


Abstract Parasites of veterinary importance have been heavily focused on domesticated livestock that was introduced into the neo-tropics. The text used in the teaching parasitology to veterinary students in Trinidad has only investigated the parasites of domesticated species. In the reviewed veterinary parasitology text no mention was made on the parasites that affect wild neo-tropical animals. Information on wild neo-tropical animals had to be sourced from texts on the management of wild life animals in the Neotropics. The texts that were reviewed in this document spanned from the mid-1950s to 2020. The information presented in this review reveals the exhaustive work done on the parasites of domesticated species but also revealed little information on neo-tropical animals with the potential for domestication. In conclusion, this review reveals the gap of information that is missing from parasitology texts used in the teaching of veterinary students. In the future these parasitology texts can be revised to include chapters on the parasites of neo-tropical animals with the potential for domestication. At present students that graduate from the veterinary parasitology course has little information on the parasites of animals which are present in their 'backyards'.

Resumo Parasitas de importância veterinária têm se concentrado fortemente em animais domésticos que foram introduzidos na região neotrópica. O texto usado no ensino de parasitologia para estudantes de veterinária em Trinidad investigou apenas os parasitas de espécies domesticadas. No texto de parasitologia veterinária revisado, nenhuma menção foi feita sobre os parasitas que afetam os animais selvagens neotropicais. As informações sobre animais selvagens neotropicais tiveram que ser obtidas a partir de textos sobre o manejo de animais selvagens nos Neotrópicos. Os textos revisados neste documento vão de meados da década de 1950 até 2020. As informações apresentadas nesta revisão revelam o trabalho exaustivo realizado sobre os parasitas de espécies domesticadas, mas também revelaram poucas informações sobre animais neotropicais com potencial para domesticação. Em conclusão, esta revisão revela a lacuna de informação que existe nos textos de parasitologia utilizados no ensino de estudantes de veterinária. No futuro, esses textos de parasitologia podem ser revisados ​​para incluir capítulos sobre os parasitas de animais neotropicais com potencial para domesticação. Atualmente, os alunos que se formam no curso de parasitologia veterinária têm poucas informações sobre os parasitas de animais que estão presentes em seus "quintais".

Humanos , Animales , Educación en Veterinaria , Animales Salvajes , Facultades de Medicina Veterinaria , Estudiantes , Trinidad y Tobago , Universidades
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e246780, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285620


Abstract Anthelmintic drugs have been used strategically in livestock reared in the tropics. These drugs have been used in the treatment of endoparasitism which have resulted in an increase in the animals' performance. The agouti (Dasyprocta leporina) is a neo-tropical rodent with the potential for domestication and has been farmed intensively in Trinidad. However, the objective of this research was to investigate the effect of anthelmintic use of the growth performance of the agouti. In searching the literature, it was found that this type of study on the agouti has not been done. In this experiment fourteen weaned agoutis weighing 1kg were divided into two groups randomly. The first group (T1) was not given any anthelmintic treatment but the second group (T2) was treated with Endovet Ces® subcutaneously every three months. There were no significant differences (p > 0.05) between the two groups in the carcass weight, weight gain, dressing percentage (hot and cold), heart, lungs, skin, head and feet. However, a significant difference (p < 0.05) was seen between groups in the weight of liver and pluck. To the authors knowledge this is the first time that carcass parameters has been presented in literature. The live weight of the animals at the end of the experiment ranged from 2.4 kg to 2.6 kg and animals had a dressing percentage of 57% to 55%. The results are suggestive that the use of anthelmintic drugs in agoutis reared intensively had no significant effect on weight gain and dressing percentage.

Resumo Drogas anti-helmínticas têm sido usadas estrategicamente em rebanhos criados nos trópicos. Essas drogas têm sido utilizadas no tratamento do endoparasitismo, o que resultou em um aumento no desempenho dos animais. A cutia (Dasyprocta leporina) é um roedor neotropical com potencial para domesticação e tem sido criada intensivamente em Trinidad. Porém, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar o efeito do uso de anti-helmínticos no desempenho de crescimento da cutia. Através de uma busca na literatura, constatou-se que esse tipo de estudo na cutia não foi realizado. Neste experimento, quatorze cutias desmamadas pesando 1kg foram divididas em dois grupos aleatoriamente. O primeiro grupo (T1) não recebeu nenhum tratamento anti-helmíntico, mas o segundo grupo (T2) foi tratado com Endovet Ces® por via subcutânea a cada três meses. Não houve diferenças significativas (p> 0,05) entre os dois grupos no peso da carcaça, ganho de peso, porcentagem de cobertura (quente e frio), coração, pulmão, pele, cabeça e pés. No entanto, uma diferença significativa (p <0,05) foi observada entre os grupos no peso do fígado e depenagem. Para os autores, esta é a primeira vez que parâmetros de carcaça são apresentados na literatura. O peso vivo dos animais ao final do experimento variou de 2,4 kg a 2,6 kg e os animais tinham uma porcentagem de curativo de 57% a 55%. Os resultados sugerem que o uso de anti-helmínticos em cutias criadas intensivamente não teve efeito significativo no ganho de peso e na porcentagem de curativo.

Animales , Cuniculidae , Dasyproctidae , Antihelmínticos , Roedores , Trinidad y Tobago
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e246781, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285625


Abstract The agouti (Dasyprocta leporina) is a rodent that is found in the Neo-tropical region. This animal is hunted for its meat but has recently been reared in captivity as a source of meat protein in rural communities. A 20-month experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of an anthelmintic on the reproductive performance of the agouti (Dasyprocta leporina) reared in captivity. This experiment was conducted in the humid tropics of Trinidad and Tobago. Sixteen animals (15 females, 1 male) placed in each of the two treatment groups in a completely randomized study design. In treatment 1 (T1) animals were given subcutaneous injections of Endovet Ces® (Ivermectin/Praziquantel) at 0.2 mg/kg every three months. Treatment 2 (T2) was the negative control group where animals were not exposed to an anthelmintic. Reproductive data were collected at parturition which included birth weight, litter weight, litter size and gender of offspring. The results showed that there was no statistical difference (p > 0.05) between the treatment groups with respect to birth weight, litter weight, litter size and gender. However, agoutis that were dewormed had a higher birth weight (220.24 g vs 209.1 g) and litter weight (369.8 g vs 343 g). The same values were obtained for the litter size (1.7 vs 1.7) and animals that were dewormed had a higher female offspring to male offspring (2.41:1 vs 1.11:1). This experiment demonstrated that the use of an anthelmintic strategically in the management of captive reared agoutis had no statistical effect (p > 0.05) on the reproductive parameters. Therefore, these animals can be kept in captive conditions without being dewormed and produce efficiently with proper feeding and housing management.

Resumo A cutia (Dasyprocta leporina) é um roedor que se encontra na região neo-tropical. Esse animal é caçado por sua carne, mas recentemente foi criado em cativeiro como fonte de proteína de carne em comunidades rurais. Um experimento de 20 meses foi realizado para avaliar o efeito de um anti-helmíntico no desempenho reprodutivo de cutias (Dasyprocta leporina) criadas em cativeiro. Esse experimento foi conduzido nos trópicos úmidos de Trinidad e Tobago. Dezesseis animais (15 fêmeas, 1 macho) colocados em cada um dos dois grupos de tratamento em um desenho de estudo completamente randomizado. No tratamento 1 (T1) os animais receberam injeções subcutâneas de Endovet Ces® (Ivermectina / Praziquantel) na dose de 0,2 mg / kg a cada três meses. O tratamento 2 (T2) foi o grupo de controle negativo onde os animais não foram expostos a um anti-helmíntico. Os dados reprodutivos foram coletados no parto, incluindo peso ao nascer, peso da ninhada, tamanho da ninhada e sexo da prole. Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença estatística (p > 0,05) entre os grupos de tratamento com relação ao peso ao nascer, peso da ninhada, tamanho da ninhada e sexo. No entanto, cutias desparasitadas tiveram maior peso ao nascer (220,24 g vs. 209,1 g) e peso da ninhada (369,8 g vs. 343 g). Os mesmos valores foram obtidos para o tamanho da ninhada (1,7 vs. 1,7) e os animais que foram desparasitados tiveram uma prole feminina maior do que a prole masculina (2,41: 1 vs. 1,11: 1). Esse experimento demonstrou que o uso de anti-helmíntico estrategicamente no manejo de cutias criadas em cativeiro não teve efeito estatístico (p > 0,05) sobre os parâmetros reprodutivos. Portanto, esses animais podem ser mantidos em cativeiro sem serem vermifugados e produzir de forma eficiente com alimentação adequada e manejo do alojamento.

Animales , Masculino , Femenino , Dasyproctidae , Antihelmínticos , Reproducción , Roedores , Trinidad y Tobago
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e237869, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1249268


Reproductive diseases have been well documented in domestic livestock such as sheep, goat, cattle and pigs. However, there is very little information on these diseases in the agouti (Dasyprocta leporina). The agouti is used for its meat in South America and the Caribbean. More recently, intensive farming of this animal is being practiced in the Neotropics. There is dearth of information on dystocia and vaginal prolapses in the agouti. This document reports on three cases of reproductive diseases in captive reared agoutis in Trinidad and Tobago. The first case was a female agouti weighing approximately 3 kg that was in the last stage of pregnancy, which was found dead in its cage. The vulva of the mother had the protruding hind-limbs of the fetus. Necroscopic evaluation of carcass revealed little fat tissue and the mother had two fetuses in the right horn of the uterus. Each fetus weighed approximately 200 g. The fetuses were well formed with fur, teeth and eyes. The placenta was attached to each fetus. The pathological findings suggested that dystocia resulted from secondary uterine inertia which was the cause of death of the adult female agouti. The second case was that of an adult female agouti weighing 2.5 kg. This female had given birth to an offspring three weeks prior and was observed to have had a vaginal prolapse. Surgery was performed and the prolapsed vagina was placed back into the pelvic cavity. Further to this intervention, the vagina prolapsed twice. Subsequent to the re-insertion of the vaginal tissue the agouti was euthanized. The third case was also that of a dystocia. However, the fetuses weighed 235 g and 165 g respectively and were in normal presentation, posture and positioning. The fetus however was unable to pass via the vagina and was trapped in the pelvic cavity. This caused secondary uterine inertia which was the cause of death. The causes of reproductive diseases in these cases are unknown but the feeding management and space allowance given to the agouti in late gestation may be contributing factors.

As doenças reprodutivas têm sido bem documentadas em rebanhos domésticos, como ovinos, caprinos, bovinos e suínos. Porém, há muito pouca informação sobre essas doenças na cutia (Dasyprocta leporina). A cutia é usada como carne na América do Sul e no Caribe. Mais recentemente, a criação intensiva desse animal está sendo praticada na região neotropical., Há escassez de informações sobre distocia e prolapsos vaginais na cutia. Este documento relata três casos de doenças reprodutivas em cutias criadas em cativeiro em Trinidad e Tobago. O primeiro caso foi de uma cutia de aproximadamente 3 kg que estava na última fase de gestação, encontrada morta em sua gaiola. A vulva da mãe tinha as patas traseiras salientes do feto. A avaliação necroscópica da carcaça revelou pouco tecido adiposo e a mãe tinha dois fetos no corno direito do útero. Cada feto pesava aproximadamente 200 g. Os fetos eram bem formados com pelos, dentes e olhos. A placenta foi presa a cada feto. Os achados patológicos sugeriram que a distocia resultou de inércia uterina secundária, que foi a causa da morte da cutia adulta. O segundo caso foi o de uma cutia adulta pesando 2,5 kg. Essa fêmea deu à luz uma cria três semanas antes e foi observado que tinha prolapso vaginal., A cirurgia foi realizada e a vagina prolapsada foi colocada de volta na cavidade pélvica. Após essa intervenção, a vagina prolapsou duas vezes. Após a reinserção do tecido vaginal, a cutia foi eutanasiada. O terceiro caso também foi de distocia. No entanto, os fetos pesavam 235 g e 165 g e estavam em apresentação, postura e posicionamento normais. O feto, entretanto, não conseguiu passar pela vagina e ficou preso na cavidade pélvica. Isso causou inércia uterina secundária, que foi a causa da morte. As causas das doenças reprodutivas nesses casos são desconhecidas, mas o manejo da alimentação e o espaço concedido à cutia no final da gestação podem ser fatores contribuintes.

Animales , Femenino , Embarazo , Dasyproctidae , América del Sur , Porcinos , Trinidad y Tobago , Bovinos , Ovinos , Región del Caribe
West Indian med. j ; West Indian med. j;69(2): 91-95, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1341875


ABSTRACT Objective: The number of palliative care patients in Trinidad and Tobago is unknown. The purpose of this study is to estimate the prevalence of palliative care patients on a public general medical ward. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was undertaken to collect information on patients' diagnoses, symptoms and Palliative Performance Scale (PPS) scores. Patients who would benefit from palliative care services and satisfied inclusion criteria were referred to as palliative-care-appropriate patients. Results: The one-month prevalence of palliative-care-appropriate patients was found to be 23.47% on an acute medical ward of a public hospital. Most of these patients had diagnoses that were either neurologic or cardiac in nature. Pain (46.8%) and dyspnoea (51.1%) were the most common symptoms documented for palliative-care-appropriate patients. Seven (14.95%) palliative-care-appropriate patients died while in hospital. Conclusion: There is a significant palliative care burden in this pilot study as evidenced by the high prevalence of palliative-care-appropriate patients on a general medicine ward. A larger prospective study should be undertaken to elucidate the number of patients who could benefit from hospice and palliative care services. Palliative performance scale scores may be considered for more widespread use in the Caribbean.

Humanos , Cuidados Paliativos/estadística & datos numéricos , Trinidad y Tobago/epidemiología , Prevalencia , Estudios Transversales , Estudios Retrospectivos , Hospitales Públicos
West Indian med. j ; West Indian med. j;69(2): 114-120, 2021. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1341881


ABSTRACT Objective: Screening for childhood obesity is a necessary step in developing appropriate and effective interventions. We evaluated the diagnostic performance of various recommended international anthropometric cut-offs based on body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist-to-height ratio (WHtR), triceps skinfold (TSF), and mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) in predicting excess adiposity (body fat ≥ 25%) in a random sample of Trinidadian preschoolers. Methods: After obtaining written parental consent, weight, height, WC, TSF, and MUAC were measured in 596 children using standard procedures. These were used to calculate BMI for age, WHtR, TSF-for-age z-scores, and MUAC-for-age z-scores. Percentage body fat was measured using a Tanita-531 foot-to-foot bioelectrical impedance analyser (BIA). Sensitivities, specificities and area under the receiver-operating curve analysis and predictive values were then computed in reference to BIA estimates. Results: The prevalence of excess adiposity was 12.2% and 5.1% among males and females, respectively. Sensitivities for the various cut-offs ranged from 20.0% to 75.0% and 57.1% to 96.9% among males and females, respectively. WHO-BMI recommended cut-offs and those based on MUAC z-scores had significantly higher sensitivities in females than in males. TSF z-scores had significantly lower sensitivities compared to those based on BMI and WHtR among males. Similarly, specificities ranged from 81.3% to 99.9% and 79.8% to 99.9% among males and females, respectively. In girls, cut-offs based on TSF z-scores had a higher likelihood ratio than cut-offs from Centers for Disease Control, International Obesity Task Force and WHtR. Diagnostic performance was not associated with ethnicity. Conclusion: Our results suggest that diagnostic performance was associated with gender and the cut-offs used; however, it was not associated with ethnicity.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Preescolar , Obesidad Infantil/diagnóstico , Grosor de los Pliegues Cutáneos , Trinidad y Tobago/epidemiología , Circunferencia del Brazo , Índice de Masa Corporal , Estudios Transversales , Circunferencia de la Cintura , Obesidad Infantil/epidemiología , Relación Cintura-Estatura
Braz. j. biol ; 81(2): 377-386, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153358


Poppiana dentata (Randall, 1840) is widely distributed throughout riverine habitats in Trinidad. However, there is a scarcity of information on the biology of this species. This study provides the first baseline examination that describes growth aspects for P. dentata. Juvenile crabs were obtained from berried females collected in northwest Trinidad. Carapace width (CW), length (CL), moult incident, intermoult period and qualitative aspects were recorded for crabs (N = 23) over 9 months. CW, CL and intermoult period were used to derive percentage size increment, specific growth rate (SGR) and size at structural maturity for both sexes. Growth curves and logistic equations were also generated for each sex. Hatched crabs (< 5 mm CW) underwent rapid hardening after their first moult, indicating a fast turnover of moult cycles. SGR and CW percent increment were also the highest for this initial moult (P < 0.05). CW, CL, intermoult period, size increment and SGR did not differ between sexes (P > 0.05), with logistic equations expressed as CW = 32.81 (1+exp (1.481 ̵ 0.031t))-1 for males and CW = 34.07 (1+exp (1.516 ̵ 0.027t))-1 for females. Yet, breakpoint analyses indicated dissimilar sizes for structural maturity (male: 28.40 mm CW; female: 16.84 mm CW). These patterns reflect a shorter life span for this species in comparison to what has been reported for other trichodactylid relatives. This can have implications for P. dentata populations residing in anthropogenically disturbed habitats; thus, highlighting the need for conservation strategies to ensure preservation of native wild stock.

O Poppiana dentata (Randall, 1840) está amplamente distribuído nos habitats fluviais de Trinidad. Existem, porém, poucas informações sobre a biologia dessa espécie. Este estudo fornece a primeira análise de referência que descreve aspectos do crescimento do P. dentata. Caranguejos jovens foram obtidos a partir de fêmeas em desova na região noroeste de Trinidad. A largura da carapaça (LC), o comprimento da carapaça (CC), a incidência de muda, o período de intermuda e aspectos qualitativos foram registrados para caranguejos (N = 23) ao longo de mais de nove meses. A LC, o CC e o período de intermuda foram utilizados para obter o aumento porcentual, a taxa específica de crescimento (TEC), e o tamanho na maturidade estrutural para os dois sexos. Curvas de crescimento e equações logísticas foram também geradas para cada sexo. Os caranguejos que nasceram (com largura de carapaça < 5 mm) apresentaram um endurecimento rápido depois de sua primeira muda, o que indica uma rápida rotação dos ciclos de muda. A TEC e o aumento da porcentual da LC foram também os mais altos para esta muda inicial (P < 0,05). Não houve variação da LC, CC, do período de intermuda, aumento do tamanho e da TEC entre os sexos (P > 0,05), e as equações logísticas foram expressas como: LC = 32,81 (1+exp (1,481 ̵ 0,031t))-1 para machos, e LC = 34,07 (1+exp (1,516 ̵ 0,027t))-1 para fêmeas. Porém, as análises de quebra indicaram tamanhos diferentes para maturidade estrutural (LC para macho: 28,40; para fêmea: 16,84 mm). Esses padrões refletem um período de vida mais curto para esta espécie em comparação com o que tem sido registrado para outras famílias de Trichodactylidae. Isso pode ter implicações para as populações de P. dentata que residem em habitats modificados antropogenicamente; destaca-se, assim, a necessidade de estratégias de conservação para assegurar a preservação das populações selvagens nativas.

Animales , Masculino , Femenino , Braquiuros/anatomía & histología , Braquiuros/crecimiento & desarrollo , Trinidad y Tobago , Ecosistema , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Experimentación Animal , Agua Dulce
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 4(4): 423-434, out.dez.2020. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1382041


La contaminación ambiental, en todas sus vertientes, tiene un efecto de enormes dimensiones no sólo sobre la existencia del planeta, sino también sobre la salud de la humanidad. América Latina es una región privilegiada ambientalmente, debido a su gran acervo de patrimonio natural, biodiversidad y posibilidades de provisión de servicios ambientales. Pero, a su vez, es una de las regiones más urbanizadas del orbe, con las afectaciones y presión al medio ambiente que esto implica, principalmente en la calidad del aire que se respira, derivadas de antiguos patrones productivos y de ocupación territorial, que se han agudizado como consecuencia del modelo de desarrollo predominante. Los efectos sobre la salud humana de diversas sustancias contaminantes están relacionados a procesos inflamatorios sobre mucosas y al aumento de la morbimortalidad en personas con enfermedades preexistentes, principalmente de los sistemas neurológico, cardiaco y respiratorio, en particular las enfermedades alérgicas respiratorias. La región latinoamericana enfrenta importantes problemas ambientales, determinados por los patrones de uso de sus recursos naturales, los sistemas de producción, los hábitos de consumo de las poblaciones humanas y la regulación gubernamental ambiental, que en muchos casos es laxa o pobremente implementada por los gobiernos en turno.

Air quality, in all its dimensions, has a major effect not only on the existence of the planet, but also on human health. Latin America is an environmentally privileged region, due to its great wealth of natural heritage, biodiversity and possibilities of provision of environmental services. But, at the same time, it is one of the most urbanized regions in the world, with the effects and pressure on the environment that this implies, mainly in the air quality, due to patterns of production and of territorial occupation, which they have exacerbated as a result of the predominant development model. The effects of diverse pollutant substances on the human health are related to inflammatory processes on mucous membranes and to increased morbidity and mortality in people with pre-existing diseases, especially of the neurological, cardiac and respiratory systems, in particular respiratory allergic illnesses. The Latin American region faces important environmental problems determined by the patterns of use of its natural resources, systems of production, habits of consumption of the human populations, and environmental governmental regulation, which is often lax or poorly implemented by the local authorities.

Humanos , Sociedades Médicas , Salud , Regulación Gubernamental , Contaminación del Aire , Contaminación Ambiental , Alergia e Inmunología , América Latina , Panamá , Paraguay , Perú , Argentina , Población , Puerto Rico , Sistema Respiratorio , Trinidad y Tobago , Uruguay , Venezuela , Bolivia , Brasil , Chile , Colombia , Recursos Naturales , Costa Rica , Cuba , Biodiversidad , República Dominicana , Economía , Ecuador , El Salvador , Ambiente , Contaminantes Ambientales , Guatemala , Haití , Honduras , México , Membrana Mucosa , Nicaragua
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;80(3): 529-534, July-Sept. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132425


Abstract Wildlife rehabilitation facilities in the Caribbean region are limited, yet they can provide relevant information on wild populations. Didelphis marsupialis insularis is a popularly hunted, under-studied, neo-tropical marsupial species that is increasingly being admitted for rehabilitation. The aim of this study was 1. To record the experiences of rehabilitating D. marsupialis insularis in the neo-tropical island of Trinidad and Tobago and 2. To extract and highlight information on the biology of this opossum sub-species. Using admission records, obtained over a roughly four year period, two breeding periods (February to March and August to October) were illustrated. Litter sizes averaged five individuals, with a range of 1 to 8 young. This species was found to be common in urban areas of the country, with dog attacks reported as the major cause for admission. Thus the information recorded by this wildlife rehabilitation facility has provided great insight on the sparsely studied opossum, D. marsupialis insularis.

Resumo As instalações de reabilitação e assistência à vida selvagem na região neotropical do Caribe são limitadas, mas informações relevantes sobre populações selvagens podem ser obtidas nesses locais. Didelphis marsupialis insularis é uma espécie de marsupial neotropical, subestimada e popularmente caçada; no entanto, essa espécie está sendo cada vez mais admitida para a reabilitação. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: 1. Registrar as experiências de reabilitação de D. marsupialis insularis na ilha neotropical de Trinidad e Tobago; e 2. Extrair e destacar informações sobre a biologia dessa subespécie de gambá. Utilizando registros de admissão, obtidos ao longo de um período de aproximadamente quatro anos, foram mostrados dois períodos de reprodução, de fevereiro a março e de agosto a outubro. O tamanho da ninhada foi em média de cinco indivíduos, variando de um a oito jovens. Comumente encontrado em áreas urbanas do país, os ataques de cães foram relatados como a principal causa de internação dessa espécie. Assim, a informação registrada por essa instalação de reabilitação de vida selvagem forneceu uma grande visão sobre o gambá D. marsupialis insularis, que tem sido pouco estudado.

Animales , Perros , Mordeduras y Picaduras , Didelphis , Zarigüeyas , Trinidad y Tobago , Región del Caribe , Animales Salvajes
Chaguanas; MALF; June 2020. 29 p. ilus.
No convencional en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425896


The Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries is cognizant of its responsibility to ensure the safety and health of all our employees during the COVID-19 pandemic and strives to be safe while maintaining its operations during this time. As such, this COVID-19 Workplace Infection Prevention and Control Policy document was developed to support all employees in implementing and adhering to risk control measures that will reduce the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace, as far as is reasonably practicable. This Policy is based on information and advice from the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (GoRTT), Ministry of Health, as well as other reputable organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA). This Policy is subject to change and will be amended accordingly based on the recommendations and advice from the relevant organizations. Employees are also encouraged to keep up to date with the latest measures introduced by the Ministry of Health and any advice issued as a result.

Humanos , Autocuidado , Subproductos de la Desinfección , Higiene de las Manos , Equipo de Protección Personal/normas , COVID-19/prevención & control , Trinidad y Tobago
West Indian med. j ; West Indian med. j;68(2): 154-159, 2019. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1341853


ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the barriers or factors that may hinder receipt of the human papilloma virus (HPV) among adolescent girls, 14-18 years old, and evaluate the awareness level about HPV and the HPV vaccine acceptance. Methods: A questionnaire consisting of two parts, demographic and family history of cervical cancer, and a cluster of questions about HPV, was distributed to 651 female adolescents in 17 secondary schools in Trinidad and Tobago to determine knowledge, attitude, and awareness levels pertaining to HPV and acceptance of the HPV vaccine. Chi-square tests and logistic regressions were used. Results: Of the 651 students completing questionnaires, the majority (61%) were in the 15-16 age group; and 76% were either of African descent or multi-racial. There were significant associations between a family member having a diagnosis of cervical cancer and knowledge that cervical cancer is caused by the HPV virus, that the virus is spread sexually, and the likelihood of getting cervical cancer in the future (p = < 0.05). However, the majority (63%) did not know that cervical cancer is caused by the HPV virus or that the virus was spread sexually. Conclusion: Lack of knowledge of the HPV vaccine was seen among adolescents from each school. There is need for education on cervical cancer and its causes, and the HPV virus.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Entender las barreras o factores que pueden obstaculizar la recepción del virus del papiloma humano (VPH) entre las adolescentes, de 14-18 años, y evaluar el nivel de concientización sobre el VPH y la aceptación de la vacuna contra el VPH. Métodos: Un cuestionario de dos partes -antecedentes demográficos e historia familiar de cáncer cervicouterino--, y un grupo de preguntas sobre el VPH, fueron distribuidos entre 651 adolescentes femeninas en 17 escuelas secundarias de Trinidad y Tobago para determinar los niveles de conocimiento, actitud y concientización relacionados con el VPH y la aceptación de la vacuna contra el VPH. Se utilizaron pruebas de Chi-cuadrada y regresiones logísticas. Resultados: De las 651 estudiantes que respondieron los cuestionarios, la mayoría (61%) estaban en el grupo de edad de 15-16 años; y el 76% eran de ascendencia africana o multirracial. Hubo asociaciones significativas entre un miembro de la familia con diagnóstico de cáncer cervical y el conocimiento de que el cáncer cervical es causado por el virus del VPH, que el virus se propaga sexualmente, y que existe la probabilidad de contraer cáncer cervical en el futuro (p = < 0.05). Sin embargo, la mayoría (63%) no sabía que ese tipo de cáncer es causado por el virus VPH, ni que el virus se propaga sexualmente. Conclusión: Se observó falta de conocimiento de la vacuna contra el VPH entre las adolescentes de cada escuela. Hay necesidad de educación sobre el cáncer cervical y sus causas, y el virus del VPH.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Aceptación de la Atención de Salud/estadística & datos numéricos , Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Infecciones por Papillomavirus/prevención & control , Vacunas contra Papillomavirus/uso terapéutico , Estudiantes , Trinidad y Tobago , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
West Indian med. j ; West Indian med. j;68(2): 101-107, 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1341854


ABSTRACT Objective: Pharmacists have not demonstrated the ability to manage chronic diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, which is an ongoing problem in Trinidad and Tobago. The primary objective was to demonstrate that pharmacists can assist patients to achieve at least a 1% decrease in glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c). Methods: A randomized, controlled Pharmacist Evaluative Research Study compared the efficacy of pharmacist-managed care (the intervention), and routine standard management (control) of poorly controlled (abnormal HbA1c, blood pressure, blood glucose and lipid panel) adult diabetic patients. Participants in the intervention group met with the pharmacist at their respective primary care sites on a regular basis for an assessment of adherence to medications, barriers to adherence and education. Control group participants consisted of patients receiving routine care by their primary physician but with no direct intervention by the pharmacist except for the filling of prescriptions. Results: Seventy-five patients were initially recruited. Of these, 48 (20 intervention and 28 control) met the inclusion criteria. It was only possible to analyse the result from 20 patients: 14 (70%) intervention and 6 (21.4%) control because of incomplete collected data. A minimum decrease of at least 1% HbA1c was obtained by 8 (57%) intervention participants compared to 2 (33%) in the control group; while HbA1c remained unchanged for two participants, each in the intervention and control groups (14% and 33%, respectively). Conclusion: We could not conclude any statistical or clinical significance in the paper as the data could only be analysed using descriptive methods. Building a culture of research among pharmacists may promote the use of pharmacists as adjunctive healthcare practitioners to achieve better patient outcomes.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Los farmacéuticos no han demostrado ser capaces de manejar el tratamiento de enfermedades crónicas como el tipo 2 Diabetes mellitus, que es un problema actual en Trinidad y Tobago. El objetivo principal fue demostrar que los farmacéuticos pueden ayudar a los pacientes a lograr al menos una disminución del 1% en hemoglobina (Hba1C). Métodos: Un Estudio de Investigación Evaluativa Farmacéutico controlado aleatorio, comparó la eficacia de la atención gestionada por los farmacéuticos (intervención) y el manejo estándar de rutina (control) de pacientes diabéticos adultos con pobre control (niveles anormales de hemoglobina glicosilada, presión arterial, glucosa en sangre, y perfil lipídico). Los participantes en el grupo de intervención se reunieron de manera regular con el farmacéutico en sus respectivos centros de atención primaria para evaluar el cumplimiento con los medicamentos, así como los obstáculos a la observancia y la educación. Los participantes del grupo de control eran pacientes que recibían atención de rutina de parte de su médico primario, pero sin intervención directa del farmacéutico, excepto para el llenado de prescripciones. Resultados: Setenta-cinco pacientes fueron reclutados inicialmente. De estos, 48 (20 de intervención y 28 de control) cumplían los criterios de inclusión. Debido a que los datos recopilados estaban incompletos, sólo fue posible analizar el resultado de 20 pacientes: 14 (70%) de intervención y 6 (21.4%) de control. Una disminución mínima de al menos 1% de HbA1C fue obtenida por 8 (57%) participantes de intervención en comparación con 2 (33%) en el grupo de control, mientras que el HbA1C permaneció inalterado para 2 participantes, cada uno en los grupos de intervención y control (14% y 33%, respectivamente). Conclusión: Los datos apoyan la hipótesis de que la gestión de los farmacéuticos como profesionales complementarios de la salud, posibilita lograr mejores resultados en los pacientes, a diferencia de lo que ocurre en ausencia de tal gestión.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Farmacéuticos , Hemoglobina Glucada/análisis , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/tratamiento farmacológico , Administración del Tratamiento Farmacológico , Trinidad y Tobago , Glucemia , Automonitorización de la Glucosa Sanguínea , Enfermedad Crónica/tratamiento farmacológico , Estudios Longitudinales , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/sangre
West Indian med. j ; West Indian med. j;68(2): 86-100, 2019. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1341858


ABSTRACT Objectives: The study aimed to determine the demographics of the clients attending a primary care based tobacco cessation clinic, examine the characteristics regarding current tobacco use among clinic attendees, identify the methods associated with previous successful quit attempts and attitudes towards and perceptions regarding the role of pharmacotherapy in tobacco cessation and determine current levels of tobacco use among attendees, reasons for successes and relapses, satisfaction with the service provided and suggestions for improvement. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional survey was conducted at the Arima Health Facility during the period March 1st to June 30th 2013 using both quantitative and qualitative measures. Results: A total of 31 patients were interviewed during the study period. Amongst smokers who tried to quit cigarette smoking in the past, Willpower (n = 11) was cited as the most common method that assisted in smoking cessation. However, amongst clinic attendees the most popular perceived methods for promoting tobacco cessation amongst respondents was joining a Tobacco Cessation clinic (n = 23), followed by Quitting on your own (n = 13) and seeing a Physician (n = 8). Significant gaps in knowledge exist regarding the role and availability of pharmacologic agents in promoting tobacco cessation, 22.6% of respondents were not using tobacco at the time of the study and 96.7% of all patients attending this clinic would recommend it to a friend or co-worker who is trying to quit using tobacco. Conclusion: This study highlights the knowledge, attitudes, practices, perceptions and expectations of clients accessing care at this tobacco cessation clinic in order to obtain a better understanding of the demographics of the clients and provide feedback on what is being done to date. It is hoped that the baseline findings of this study will serve a useful purpose for improving the quality of care by addressing deficiencies in knowledge and meeting the expectations of the clients. The results will enable future efforts geared towards assessing the effectiveness of the interventions provided at this clinic.

RESUMEN Objetivos: El estudio estuvo encaminado a determinar la demografía de los clientes que asisten a una clínica de cesación del tabaquismo en el contexto de la atención primaria, examinar las características relativas al consumo actual de tabaco entre los asistentes a la clínica, identificar los métodos asociados con el éxito previo de los intentos por abandonar su consumo, identificar las actitudes y percepciones sobre el papel de la farmacoterapia en el cese del tabaquismo, y determinar los niveles actuales de consumo de tabaco entre los asistentes, las razones de los éxitos y las recaídas, la satisfacción con el servicio prestado y sugerencias para la mejoría. Métodos: En el Centro de Salud de Arima, se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal durante el período del 1ero. de marzo al 30 de junio de 2013, haciendo uso de mediciones tanto cuantitativas como cualitativas. Resultados: Se entrevistó un total de 31 pacientes durante el período de estudio. Entre los fumadores que trataron de dejar el hábito de fumar cigarrillos en el pasado, la fuerza de voluntad (n = 11) fue citada como el método que más comúnmente ayudó a abandonar el hábito de fumar. Sin embargo, entre los asistentes a la clínica, los métodos percibidos como más populares para promover el cese del tabaquismo fueron, en primer lugar, el incorporarse a una Clínica de Cesación del Tabaquismo (n = 23), seguido por dejar de fumar por su cuenta (n = 13), y por último, ver a un médico (n = 8). Existen lagunas significativas en el conocimiento sobre el papel y la disponibilidad de los agentes farmacológicos en la promoción del cese del tabaquismo. El 22.6% de los encuestados no estaban consumiendo tabaco en el momento del estudio, y el 96.7% de todos los pacientes que asistían a esta clínica, la recomendarían a un amigo o compañero de trabajo que estuviera tratando de dejar de consumir tabaco. Conclusión: Este estudio resalta los conocimientos, actitudes, prácticas, percepciones y expectativas de los clientes que acceden a la atención en esta clínica de cesación del tabaquismo, con el fin de obtener una mejor comprensión de la demografía de los clientes y proporcionar retroalimentación sobre lo que se está haciendo hasta la fecha. Se espera que las conclusiones de referencia de este estudio sirvan para un propósito útil que permita mejorar la calidad de la atención, abordando las deficiencias en el conocimiento y satisfaciendo las expectativas de los clientes. Los resultados permitirán futuros esfuerzos orientados a evaluar la efectividad de las intervenciones proporcionadas en esta clínica.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Tabaquismo/terapia , Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Cese del Uso de Tabaco/estadística & datos numéricos , Trinidad y Tobago , Factores de Riesgo , Resultado del Tratamiento , Cese del Hábito de Fumar/métodos , Investigación Cualitativa , Factores Sociodemográficos
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;78(3): 540-547, Aug. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-951574


Abstract The red-rumped agouti (Dasyprocta leporina) produces precocial young and is the most hunted and farmed game species in several Neotropical countries. An understanding of the reproductive biology, including the relationship between litter size and teat functionality is crucial for conservation management of this animal. In precocial mammals, as the red-rumped agouti, maintaining maternal contact to learn foraging patterns may be more important than the energy demands and nutritional constraints during lactation and suckling may not play important roles when compared to altricial mammals. Therefore, in this study we evaluated the relationship between mammary functionality with litter size, litter birth weight, and parturition number in captive red-rumped agouti. Functionality was assessed by manual palpation of teats from un-sedated females (N=43). We compared the average birth weight of all newborns, male newborns and female newborns among agoutis with different litter sizes and different parturitions by one way ANOVA's, while Pearson's Chi-squared tests were used to detect relationships between teat functionality, litter size, and parturition number. Parturition number had no effect on the mean birth weight of all young (F0.822, P > 0.05), male young (F0.80, P > 0.05) or female young (F0.66, P > 0.05) in the litters. We found (i) no significant correlations (P > 0.05) between teat functionality and litter size and (ii) no significant correlations (P > 0.05) between teat functionality and parturition number. This suggests that whilst all teat pairs were functional, functionality was a poor indicator of litter size; suggesting that female agouti young may not have a high dependency on maternal nutrition; an possible evolutionary strategy resulting in large wild populations; hence its popularity as a game species.

Resumo A cutia (Dasyprocta leporina) produz filhotes precoces, e é a espécie cinegética mais caçada e criada em muitos países neotropicais. O entendimento da biologia reprodutiva, incluindo a relação entre o tamanho da ninhada e a funcionalidade das glândulas mamárias é crucial para o manejo conservacionista deste animal. Nos mamíferos precoces, como a cutia, manter o contato materno para a aprendizagem de padrões de forrageamento pode ser mais importante do que a demanda energética e de restrição nutricional durante a lactação, e a amamentação pode não desempenhar um papel importante quando comparado aos mamíferos altriciais. Portanto, neste estudo nós avaliamos a relação entre a funcionalidade mamária com o tamanho da ninhada, peso ao nascer da ninhada, e o número de partos em cutias cativas. A funcionalidade foi avaliada por meio de palpação manual das glândulas mamárias em fêmeas não sedadas (N=43). Nós comparamos a média do peso ao nascer de todos os recém-nascidos, macho e fêmeas recém-nascidos entre cutias com diferentes tamanhos de ninhadas e diferentes parturições, por meio da análise one-way ANOVA unifatorial; enquanto o teste do chi-quadrado de Pearson foi utilizado para detectar as relações entre a funcionalidade da glândula mamária, o tamanho da ninhada e o número de partos. O número de partos teve efeito na média de peso ao nascer dos filhotes (F0,822, P > 0,05), filhotes machos (F0,80, P > 0,05) ou filhotes fêmeas (F0,66, P > 0,05) nas ninhadas. A análise bivariada de Pearson (i) não mostrou correlação (P > 0,05) entre a funcionalidade da glândula mamária e o tamanho da ninhada e (ii) nenhuma correlação significativa (P > 0,05) entre a funcionalidade da glândula mamária e o número de parições. Os resultados sugerem que, embora todos os pares de tetas fossem funcionais, as cutias recém-nascidas podem não depender da nutrição materna para sobreviver; .embora todos os pares de tetas sejam funcionais, as cutias recém nascidas aparentemente não dependem da nutrição materna para sua sobrevivência; esta é, provavelmente, uma estratégia evolutiva que resulta em grandes populações da cutia em vida livre; e que pode explicar sua popularidade como espécie cinegética

Animales , Masculino , Femenino , Embarazo , Peso al Nacer/fisiología , Lactancia/fisiología , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Dasyproctidae , Tamaño de la Camada/fisiología , Glándulas Mamarias Animales/fisiología , Trinidad y Tobago , Animales Recién Nacidos , Animales Lactantes
West Indian med. j ; West Indian med. j;67(4): 334-343, Oct.-Dec. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045859


ABSTRACT Objective: To compare all-cause-mortality in screening-detected prostate cancer cases versus non-cases after a median 12.2-year follow-up. Methods: In this prospective, population-based study of 3089 Afro-Caribbean men aged 40-79 years in Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies, all men were screened for prostate cancer (serum prostate specific antigen and/or digital rectal exam) one to three times between 1997 and 2007 and followed for mortality to 2012. Among 502 men diagnosed with prostate cancer, 81 younger men underwent radical retropubic prostatectomy. Minimal treatment was available for older men. Survival curves compared all-cause-mortality in cases versus non-cases within 10-year age groups at first screening. Results: There were 350 all-cause-deaths over 34 089 person-years of follow-up. All-cause-survival curves in men aged 60 years or above at first screening did not diverge between cases and non-cases until after 10-12 years of follow-up (p > 0.36). In contrast, among men first screened at age 50-59 years, survival was lower in cases, with survival curves diverging at seven years (p = 0.003). Survival in men aged 50-59 years who underwent prostatectomy was similar to survival in non-cases (p = 0.63). Conclusion: Among men aged 60 years or above, the absence of excess all-cause-mortality among screening-detected prostate cancer cases provides argument against the utility of routine prostate cancer screening in this older population of African descent. However, the significantly poorer survival in men aged 50-59 years with screening-detected prostate cancer, compared with screened men without prostate cancer, along with the potential for prostate cancer treatment to improve survival, supports the continuation of prostate cancer screening in this age group, pending further research to assess the risks and benefits.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Comparar la mortalidad por todas las causas en casos de cáncer de próstata frente a no casos tras un seguimiento medio de 12.2 años. Métodos: En este estudio prospectivo poblacional de 3089 hombres afrocaribeños de 40-79 años en Tobago, Trinidad y Tobago, West Indies, todos los hombres fueron expuestos a tamizaje de cáncer de próstata (antígeno prostático específico en suero y/o examen rectal digital) de una a tres veces entre 1997 y 2007, y a un seguimiento de la mortalidad hasta 2012. De entre los 502 hombres diagnosticados con cáncer de próstata, a 81 hombres de los más jóvenes se les practicó una prostatectomía retropúbica radical. El tratamiento mínimo estuvo disponible para los hombres mayores. Las curvas de supervivencia compararon la mortalidad por todas las causas en los casos frente a los no casos dentro de los grupos de edades de 10 años en la primera tamización. Resultados: Hubo 350 muertes por todas las causas con más de 34 089 persona-años de seguimiento. Las curvas de supervivencia por todas las causas en hombres de 60 años o más en el primer tamizaje, no divergieron entre casos y no casos hasta después de 10 a 12 años de seguimiento (p > 0.36). En cambio, entre los hombres tamizados por primera vez a la edad 50-59 años, la supervivencia fue menor en los casos, con curvas de supervivencia divergentes a los siete años (p = 0.003). La supervivencia en los hombres de 50-59 años que tuvieron prostatectomía fue similar a la supervivencia en los no casos (p = 0.63). Conclusión: Entre los hombres de 60 años o más, la ausencia de exceso de mortalidad por todas las causas entre los casos de cáncer de próstata detectados por tamizaje proporciona argumentos contra la utilidad de la tamización rutinaria del cáncer de próstata en esta población mayor de ascendencia africana. Sin embargo, la supervivencia significativamente más pobre en hombres de 50 a 59 años con cáncer de próstata detectado mediante tamizaje - en comparación con los hombres tamizados sin cáncer de próstata, además de las posibilidades de tratamiento del cáncer de próstata para mejorar la supervivencia - respalda la continuación del tamizaje del cáncer de próstata en este grupo etario, quedando pendiente una investigación ulterior a fin de evaluar sus riesgos y beneficios.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Neoplasias de la Próstata/diagnóstico , Población Negra , Neoplasias de la Próstata/etnología , Neoplasias de la Próstata/mortalidad , Trinidad y Tobago/epidemiología , Análisis de Supervivencia , Tamizaje Masivo , Estudios Prospectivos
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;66(3): 1101-1117, jul.-sep. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-977370


Abstract Human pressures have placed many tropical estuaries in developing countries under increased levels of stress. The Caroni Swamp Ramsar Site, the largest mangrove swamp along the west coast of Trinidad, has been subjected to high levels of anthropogenic impacts including hydrological alteration and pollution from land-based sources since the 1920's. While most of these impacts have been well documented, limited information exists on the macrobenthic communities in the swamp. This study addresses the paucity of information. The macrobenthic fauna in the main waterways of Caroni Swamp was sampled at 12 locations using a Van Veen 0.025 m2 grab, once in the dry (April) and wet (August) season of 2015 with a total of 144 samples. The samples were sorted, counted and species were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level. A total of 55 taxa were identified with polychaetes being the most abundant taxa. The ecological status of the macrobenthos was assessed using AZTI's Marine Biotic Index (AMBI) and the multivariate-AMBI (M-AMBI). Physicochemical parameters were measured with a YSI multiparameter metre. Chemical analyses were also conducted on nitrates, nitrites, ammonia and reactive phosphates using standard methods. Overall, AMBI characterised the Caroni Swamp as "slightly disturbed" with a macrobenthic community of "poor" ecological status according to M-AMBI. Generally, the quality of the environment improves from the dry season to the wet season. However, seasonal variations in AMBI and M-AMBI were found to be site specific as some showed improvement in ecological status and macrozoobenthos quality while others showed degradation from the dry season to the wet season. The stations to the North of the swamp showed improvement from the dry season to the wet season while the opposite was observed in the more Southern stations. One notable characteristic of the swamp was the high levels of pollutants, particularly ammonia, recorded in one of its major waterways, the Caroni River. This is in contrast to the other waterways within the swamp which experience much lower levels of pollutant input from land-based sources. The assessment of the Caroni Swamp using AMBI and M-AMBI may be useful for informing management strategies to conserve the wetland and improve environmental quality. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(3): 1101-1117. Epub 2018 September 01.

Resumen Los estuarios tropicales de países en desarrollo han experimentado un aumento en los niveles de estrés debido a la presión humana. El sitio Ramsar pantano Caroní, el manglar más grande de la costa oeste de Trinidad, ha estado sujeto a altos niveles de impacto antropogénico, incluyendo alteraciones hidrológicas y contaminación de fuentes terrestres desde la década de 1920. Aunque la mayoría de estos impactos han sido bien documentados, existe información limitada sobre las comunidades macrobentónicas en el pantano. Este estudio aborda esta escasez de información. Se muestreó la fauna macrobentónica en el canal principal del pantano Caroní en 12 localidades utilizando una draga Van Veen de 0.025 m2, una vez durante la época seca (Abril) y la época lluviosa (Agosto) 2015, con un total de 144 muestras. Las muestras fueron ordenadas, contadas y las especies se identificaron al menor nivel taxonómico posible. Se identificaron un total de 55 taxa, siendo los poliquetos el taxa más abundante. El estatus ecológico del macrobentos se evaluó utilizando el Índice Marino Biótico de AZTI (AMBI) y el AMBI-multivariado (M-AMBI). Los parámetros fisicoquímicos se midieron con un multiparámetro YSI. Los análisis químicos también se realizaron para nitratos, nitritos, amonio y fostatos activos utilizando métodos estándar. En conjunto, el índice AMBI caracterizó el pantano Caroní como "levemente alterado" con una comunidad macrobentónica de categoría "pobre" de acuerdo al M-AMBI. Generalmente, la calidad de los ambientes incrementa desde la época seca hasta la época lluviosa. Sin embargo, las variaciones estacionales en los índices AMBI y M-AMBI fueron específicas a la localidad, mostrando algunas un incremento en el estatus ecológico y calidad del macrozoobentos, mientras que otros mostraron una degradación de la época seca a la época lluviosa. Las estaciones al norte del pantano mostraron una mejora de la época seca a la época lluviosa, mientras que se presentó lo contrario en las estaciones más al sur. Una característica notable del pantano fueron los altos niveles de contaminantes, particularmente amonio, registrado en uno de los canales principales del río Caroní. Esto contrasta con los otros canales del pantano que experimentan niveles menores de aporte de contaminantes de fuentes terrestres. La evaluación del pantano Caroní utilizando los índíces AMBI y M-AMBI puede ser una base útil de información para las estrategias de manejo y conservación del humedal y mejorar su calidad ambiental.

Poliquetos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Estaciones del Año , Trinidad y Tobago , Fauna Béntica/análisis , Fauna Béntica/efectos adversos , Flora Béntica/análisis , Humedales , Compuestos de Amonio/efectos adversos , Actividades Humanas , Contaminantes del Agua/efectos adversos , Ambiente
West Indian med. j ; West Indian med. j;67(2): 157-159, Apr.-June 2018. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045829


ABSTRACT Objective: To identify cardiac risk factors that contribute to sudden cardiac death in a haemodialysis population and thus optimize them, in an effort to minimize death in this population. Methods: This was a retrospective study and audit. The medical records of the patients receiving chronic haemodialysis were reviewed for the period January to December 2014. Data collected included age, gender, comorbidities, types of access, length of time on haemodialysis, laboratory indices, and main electrocardiographic and echocardiographic findings. Results: All patients had elevated intact parathyroid hormone. Some patients had hypocalcaemia, hyperphosphataemia and mild anaemia. Prominent echocardiographic findings were left ventricular hypertrophy and pulmonary hypertension. Conclusion: Sudden cardiac death in end-stage renal disease patients on haemodialysis may be predicted by certain abnormal laboratory findings and echocardiographic findings which may all be positively correlated.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Identificar los factores de riesgo cardíaco que contribuyen a la muerte cardíaca súbita en una población de hemodiálisis, y de este modo optimizarlos, en un esfuerzo por minimizar los fallecimientos por tal motivo en esta población. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio retrospectivo y auditoría. Se revisaron las historias clínicas de los pacientes que recibían hemodiálisis crónica, correspondientes al período de enero a diciembre de 2014. Los datos recogidos incluyeron edad, sexo, comorbilidades, tipos de acceso, tiempo de hemodiálisis, índices de laboratorio, y los principales hallazgos electrocardiográficos y ecocardiográficos. Resultados: Todos los pacientes tenían hormona paratiroides intacta elevada. Algunos pacientes tenían hipocalcemia, hiperfosfatemia y anemia leve. Los resultados ecocardiográficos más sobresalientes fueron la hipertrofia ventricular izquierda y la hipertensión pulmonar. Conclusión: La muerte cardíaca repentina en pacientes con la enfermedad renal en fase terminal sujetos a hemodiálisis, puede predecirse por ciertos resultados de laboratorio anormales y los resultados de la ecocardiografía, todos los cuales se pueden correlacionar positivamente.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Adulto Joven , Diálisis Renal , Muerte Súbita Cardíaca/prevención & control , Trinidad y Tobago , Ecocardiografía , Estudios Retrospectivos , Factores de Riesgo , Electrocardiografía
West Indian med. j ; West Indian med. j;67(2): 122-130, Apr.-June 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045833


ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the feasibility of recommending a screening process for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and their risk factors, as a national and regional model. Methods: A cross-sectional, six-station process was carried out. It consisted of invitation and consent, history (personal and family history of NCDs), biometrics (waist circumference and body mass index), blood levels (lipids and glycosylated haemoglobin) and urinalysis (microalbuminuria), basic examinations (blood pressure, peripheral neuropathy, presence of acanthosis nigricans and visual acuity), and an exit interview. Net present value (NPV) calculations were carried out for very high-risk patients (those with a > 30% risk of a cardiovascular event (limb amputation) in the next 10 years) for two discount rates: 0.75% (United States of America) and 3.4% (Trinidad and Tobago). Results: A convenience sample of 514 walk-in patients (56.2% recruitment rate) was screened (about 23 patients per day). The median time for a patient attending all stations was 21 minutes (range: 11-59 minutes). Of the six stations, the laboratory took the longest: median 10 minutes (range: 2-50 minutes). The entire project cost US$20 439 (US$39.76 per patient). Between one and seven very high-risk patients (three sub-groups of patients had this risk profile) were identified. The cost of identifying a very high-risk patient ranged from US$2907 to US$20 349. The NPV of identifying these high-risk patients ranged from -US$6748.71 to US$14 725 and was favourable for three of four monetary scenarios. Conclusion: A six-station process to provide rapid screening of walk-in patients for NCDs was found to be feasible and provided monetary value in three of four scenarios in a Trinidad and Tobago setting.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Determinar la viabilidad de recomendar un proceso de cribado de las enfermedades no transmisibles (ENT) y sus factores de riesgo, como modelo nacional y regional. Métodos: Se realizó un proceso transversal de seis estaciones. El mismo consistió en invitación y consentimiento; historia (antecedentes personales y familiares de ENT); biometría (circunferencia de la cintura e índice de masa corporal); niveles sanguíneos (lípidos y hemoglobina glicosilada); y análisis de orina (microalbuminuria); exámenes básicos (presión arterial, neuropatía periférica, presencia de acantosis nigricans y agudeza visual); y una entrevista de salida. Se realizaron cálculos del valor actual neto (VAN) para pacientes de muy alto riesgo - pacientes con riesgo de un 30% de evento cardiovascular (amputación de extremidades) en los próximos 10 años - para dos tasas de descuento: 0.75% (Estados Unidos de América) y 3.4% (Trinidad y Tobago). Resultados: Una muestra de conveniencia de 514 pacientes ambulatorios (tasa de reclutamiento de 56.2%) fue sometida a pruebas de detección (unos 23 pacientes por día). El tiempo promedio para que un paciente asistiera a todas las estaciones fue de 21 minutos (rango: 11-59 minutos). De las seis estaciones, el laboratorio tomó el tiempo más largo: un promedio de 10 minutos (rango: 2-50 minutos). El proyecto entero costó $20 439 USD (39.76 USD por paciente). Entre uno y siete pacientes de muy alto riesgo (tres subgrupos de pacientes tenían este perfil de riesgo) fueron identificados. El costo de identificar a un paciente de muy alto riesgo osciló entre $2907 USD y $20 349 USD. El VAN de identificación de estos pacientes de alto riesgo fluctuó de $6748.71 a $14 725 USD, y fue favorable para tres de cuatro escenarios monetarios. Conclusión: Se halló que un proceso de seis estaciones para pruebas de detección rápidas de ENT a pacientes ambulatorios, es factible y proporciona valor monetario en tres de cuatro escenarios en un contexto de Trinidad y Tobago.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Tamizaje Masivo/economía , Enfermedad Crónica , Técnicas y Procedimientos Diagnósticos/economía , Atención Ambulatoria , Enfermedades no Transmisibles , Trinidad y Tobago , Proyectos Piloto , Estudios Transversales , Factores de Riesgo
West Indian med. j ; West Indian med. j;67(1): 57-59, Jan.-Mar. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045818


ABSTRACT Objective: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is associated with soft tissue infections in surgical patients. In severe cases, it may result in pneumonia, septicaemia and osteomyelitis. Limited data are available with regard to its prevalence and associations in the Caribbean. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of MRSA in patients hospitalized in the surgical wards of the Port-of-Spain General Hospital (POSGH), Trinidad and Tobago, and determine associated risk factors. Methods: Over the period of April 1 to August 1, 2013, all patients from the surgical wards of the POSGH who had had wound swabs taken were identified. Demographic data included duration of hospital stay, surgical and medical history, antibiotic use and type of wound swab. Microbiological reports were then retrieved and analyses done. Results: A total of 153 patients had wound swabs taken. There were 38 patients (24%) infected with Staphylococcus aureus, with 15 (39.5%) growing MRSA. Increased susceptibility to MRSA was associated with age, gender, ethnicity, duration of hospital stay, co-morbidities, previous antibiotic use, previous surgery and the type of wound (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The prevalence of MRSA in the surgical wards of the POSGH was 39.5% of Staphylococcus aureus isolates. Risk factors included the age range of 60-69 years, patients with co-morbidities, hospital stays of longer than one week, previous surgery and prior use of antibiotics. We recommend more awareness of this problem in the practice of Caribbean medicine to improve infection rates.

RESUMEN Objetivo: El estafilococo dorado resistente a la meticilina (EDRM) se asocia con infecciones de tejidos blandos en pacientes quirúrgicos. En casos severos, puede dar lugar a pulmonía, septicemia y osteomielitis. Los datos disponibles con respecto a su prevalencia y asociaciones en el Caribe son limitados. Este estudio persigue evaluar la prevalencia de EDRM en pacientes hospitalizados en las salas quirúrgicas del Hospital General de Puerto de España (POSGH, siglas en inglés) en Trinidad y Tobago, y determinar los factores de riesgo asociados. Métodos: Durante el período del 1 de abril al 1 de agosto de 2013, fueron identificados todos los pacientes de las salas quirúrgicas del Hospital POSGH a quienes se les había practicado frotis de las heridas. Los datos demográficos incluyeron la duración de la estadía hospitalaria, las historias clínicas y quirúrgicas, el uso de antibióticos, y el tipo de frotis de la herida. Luego se obtuvieron los informes microbiológicos y se realizaron los análisis. Resultados: A un total de 153 pacientes se le tomaron frotis de heridas. Hubo 38 pacientes (24%) infectados con estafilococos dorados, de los cuales 15 (3.5%) presentaban EDRM creciente. El aumento de la susceptibilidad a EDRM se asoció con la edad, el género, la etnicidad, la duración de la estadía hospitalaria, las co-morbilidades, el uso previo de antibióticos, las cirugías previas, y el tipo de herida (p < 0.05). Conclusión: La prevalencia de EDRM en las salas quirúrgicas del Hospital POSGH fue 39.5% de aislados de estafilococos dorados. Los factores de riesgo incluyeron un rango de edad de 60-69 años, pacientes con co-morbilidades, estancia hospitalaria de más de una semana, cirugía previa, y uso previo de antibióticos. Recomendamos tomar más conciencia de este problema en la práctica médica en el Caribe a fin de mejorar las tasas de infección.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Infecciones Estafilocócicas/microbiología , Infección de la Herida Quirúrgica/microbiología , Staphylococcus aureus Resistente a Meticilina/aislamiento & purificación , Trinidad y Tobago , Prevalencia , Factores de Riesgo , Hospitales Generales
Anatomy & Cell Biology ; : 12-16, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-193193


Currently, the importance of human anatomical dissection have come under debate in many countries but there are not references in Venezuela on this concern. This survey's aim is to assess the insights of Venezuelan surgeons and their outlines of usage of human anatomical dissection in teaching and learning human anatomy. Sixty-five Venezuelan surgeons at the Centro Médico Docente La Trinidad completed an anonymous survey on current and future teaching practices in human anatomy. Eighty-nine point two three percent of surveyed (n=58) conferred importance to human anatomical dissection despite the arrival of new innovations in learning human anatomy. The group surveyed view human anatomical dissection-based teaching as the most beneficial method of teaching human anatomy and it should be bolstered in human anatomical education with matching use of three-dimensional computerized tomography imaging as a complementary form for teaching and learning.

Humanos , Anónimos y Seudónimos , Educación , Aprendizaje , Métodos , Cirujanos , Trinidad y Tobago , Venezuela