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Int. j. morphol ; 28(4): 1281-1287, dic. 2010. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-582924


Studies on testes and epididymis tissue of rats treated orally for fourteen days with therapeutic doses of cloxacillin (6mg/100g/day), ampicillin (4mg/100/day) and tetracycline (12mg/100g/day) separately showed a significant reduction in testicular and epididimis architecture. Microscopic studies of these male reproductive organs further revealed a significant alteration in the epididymis as revealed by a significant reduction (p<0.05) in epididymal ductular diameter (EDD), and epididymal epithelial height (EEH) in treated group of animals. A significant increase (p<0.05) was however recorded in epididymal luminal diameter (ELD) in all the animals after the two and three week's recovery period allowed. This gives another insight into the toxicity activities of these antibiotics on male reproductive organs, apart from reduction in serum testosterone level, decreased sperm motility, decreased spermatozoa count and decrease in RNA and DNA content of spermatogenic cells as earlier reported.

Estudios referentes a testículos y tejido epididimario en ratas tratadas por vía oral durante catorce días, con dosis terapéuticas de cloxacilina (6mg/100g/día), ampicilina (4mg/100/día) y tetraciclina (12mg/100g/día) por separado muestran una reducción significativa en el peso testicular y epidídimario. Los estudios microscópicos de los órganos reproductores masculinos revelan además una alteración significativa en el epidídimo como se observa en la reducción del diámetro (p<0,05) de los conductos del epidídimo (EDD), y la altura del epitelio epididimal (EEH) en el grupo de los animales tratados. Sin embargo, se registró un aumento significativo (p <0,05) en el diámetro luminal del epidídimo (ELD) en todos los animales después de dos y tres semanas del período de recuperación. Esto genera otro punto de vista en relación a la toxicidad de estos antibióticos en los órganos reproductivos masculinos, además de la reducción de la concentración sérica de testosterona, disminución de la motilidad del esperma, disminución del recuento de espermatozoides y disminución en el contenido de ARN y ADN en las células de espermatogénesis como se reportó anteriormente.

Mâle , Animaux , Rats , Antibactériens/administration et posologie , Épididyme , Testicule , Administration par voie orale , Ampicilline/administration et posologie , Poids , Cloxacilline/administration et posologie , Épididyme/anatomopathologie , Taille d'organe , Rat Wistar , Facteurs temps , Testicule/anatomopathologie , Tétracycline/administration et posologie
Article de Anglais | AIM | ID: biblio-1267777


Fourteen days oral administration of therapeutic dose of Ampicillin (4mg/100g/day); Cloxacillin (6mg/100g/day) and Tetracycline (12mg/100g/day) separately to healthy adult male albino rats significantly reduced their serum testosterone level as assessed by enzyme immunoassay. The control group received equal volume of the vehicle (Normal saline) throughout the period of the treatment. A significant reduction (P0 .05) in testicular and epididymal weight was also produced by Cloxacillin; Cloxacillin and Tetracycline respectively. Ampicillin administration on the other hand significantly reduced (P0 .05) prostrate gland weight. After subjecting the treated animals to a recovery period ranging from 1-2 weeks; during which the drug administration was discontinued; all the animals recovered fully from the antifertility effect of these antibiotics on the serum testosterone level by the end of the second week. A significant recovery in the epididymal; testicular and prostrate gland weight was also recorded in the Cloxacillin and Tetracycline; Cloxacillin; and Ampicillin treated animals respectively. The result suggests that the reversible antifertility effects of these antibiotics were produced via the disruption of testosterone hormone production process. This was also accompanied by reduction in the weight of some of the male reproductive organs

Ampicilline , Antibactériens , Infertilité , Mâle , Testostérone , Tétracycline
Article de Anglais | AIM | ID: biblio-1267796


Fourteen days oral administration of therapeutic dose of Ampicillin (4mg/100g/day); Cloxacillin (6mg/100g/day) and Tetracycline (12mg/100g/day) separately to healthy adult male albino rats significantly reduced their serum testosterone level as assessed by enzyme immunoassay. The control group received equal volume of the vehicle (Normal saline) throughout the period of the treatment. A significant reduction (P0 .05) in testicular and epididymal weight was also produced by Cloxacillin; Cloxacillin and Tetracycline respectively. Ampicillin administration on the other hand significantly reduced (P0 .05) prostrate gland weight. After subjecting the treated animals to a recovery period ranging from 1-2 weeks; during which the drug administration was discontinued; all the animals recovered fully from the antifertility effect of these antibiotics on the serum testosterone level by the end of the second week. A significant recovery in the epididymal; testicular and prostrate gland weight was also recorded in the Cloxacillin and Tetracycline; Cloxacillin; and Ampicillin treated animals respectively. The result suggests that the reversible antifertility effects of these antibiotics were produced via the disruption of testosterone hormone production process. This was also accompanied by reduction in the weight of some of the male reproductive organs

Ampicilline , Antibactériens , Système génital , Infertilité , Mâle , Rats , Testostérone , Tétracycline