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Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1523609


Introduction: Previous retrospective studies have demonstrated that the concentration of chemokine ligand CXCL13 in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF-CXCL13) is a promising biomarker in the diagnosis of neurosyphilis and, additionally, in the monitoring of therapeutic efficacy. Objective: To describe three cases of patients with neurosyphilis (NS) treated at Hospital Universitário Gaffrée e Guinle, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with suspected active syphilis with neurological symptoms. Case report: Three patients from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were investigated for symptomatic NS. The concentration of CSF-CXCL13 was prospectively performed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in all participants at baseline and in follow-up visits at 3 months after therapy. CSF-CXCL13 concentrations were significantly higher in all three patients with established NS. The CSF-CXCL13 concentrations decreased after 3 months of therapy compared to baseline in all cases reported. The added high concentration of CSF-CXCL13 plus CSF-TPHA reactivity above 1:40 titer agreed with the diagnosis of NS in 100% of the cases. Conclusion: In this case series, we present three cases of NS diagnosed using CXCL13 in CSF as a complementary test. These case series suggest that the clinical use of CSF-CXCL13 is useful as a supplementary biomarker for NS and for monitoring the effectiveness of NS therapy, especially in patients with nonreactive CSF-VDRL, excluding other neurologic diseases

Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Liquide cérébrospinal/composition chimique , Chimiokine CXCL13/analyse , Neurosyphilis/diagnostic , Marqueurs biologiques/analyse , Études prospectives
DST j. bras. doenças sex. transm ; 35: e23351382, jan. 31, 2023. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513227


Introduction: Congenital syphilis is a serious public health problem that causes high rates of intrauterine morbidity and mortality, revealing flaws and weaknesses in the health system. Objective: to report a case of congenital syphilis in a university hospital in the Center-South Region of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Case report: A pregnant woman, aged between 19 and 23 years old, carrying a Pregnant Woman's Handbook with a record of seven prenatal consultations and a note of the serological reaction for positive syphilis, but without any treatment, hospitalized at the University Hospital of Vassouras (RJ), in labor, gave birth to a newborn (NB) with a clinical picture and serological test of congenital syphilis. The NB required care in an intensive care unit and was discharged 28 days after birth. Scraping of skin lesions of the NB and placenta was performed for analysis by molecular biology (PCR in house) and genetic material of Treponema pallidum was detected. Conclusion: Congenital syphilis is a serious outcome of syphilis during pregnancy, consuming high financial resources and significant emotional distress for the mother, father, the whole family, as well as for the health teams. Our case report was the first that we are aware of in Brazil with a diagnosis by PCR for positive Treponema pallidum of skin scraping and placental fragment. It also showed poor quality prenatal care, a common factor in most cases of CS in our reality

Humains , Femelle , Grossesse , Nouveau-né , Jeune adulte , Placenta/microbiologie , Syphilis congénitale/diagnostic , Treponema pallidum/isolement et purification , Indice de gravité de la maladie , Réaction de polymérisation en chaîne
DST j. bras. doenças sex. transm ; 34: 1-6, fev. 02, 2022.
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399703


Introduction: Dermatophytosis are very common fungal infections caused by the fungal species Microsporum, Epidermophyton or Trichophyton, which mostly affect the skin, the interdigital region, groin and scalp. Although they do not cause serious diseases, in patients with the human immunodeficiency virus the infection manifests itself and evolves exuberantly, usually with extensive and disseminated lesions. Objective: To review the literature on dermatophytosis in people living with human immunodeficiency virus and to present the experience in clinical care in a patient living with human immunodeficiency virus with extensive and disseminated dermatophytosis. Methods: A literature review on the topic was carried out in the PubMed/National Library of Medicine ­ USA databases, using the keywords dermatophytosis, or dermatophytosis associated with the words AIDS, human immunodeficiency virus or immunodeficiency, from 1988­2022. The clinical experience showed a patient living with human immunodeficiency virus developing AIDS and presenting with disseminated skin lesions. Samples of the lesion were collected by scraping, which were submitted to culture and there was growth of fungi of the Trichophyton sp genus. A biopsy of the lesion was also performed using the Grocott-Gomori's Methenamine Silver stain. Results: We found 1,014 articles, of which only 34 presented a direct correlation with our paper, and were used to discuss the main themes narrated in this article. We present clinical experience in the management of a patient with human immunodeficiency virus/AIDS and low adherence to antiretroviral treatment, showing extensive and disseminated erythematous-squamous lesions with a clinical diagnosis of tinea corporis, manifesting with a clinical picture usually not found in immunocompetent patients. The diagnosis was confirmed by laboratory tests with isolation of the Trichophyton sp fungus. The patient was treated with oral fluconazole, with complete remission of the clinical picture after two months. She was also thoroughly encouraged to use the prescribed antiretroviral medication correctly. Conclusion: Dermatophytosis in patients living with human immunodeficiency virus can present extensive and disseminated forms. The antifungal treatment is quite effective, with remission of the condition. Antiretroviral therapy is an important adjuvant for better recovery of the sickness.

Introdução: Dermatofitoses são infecções comuns, causadas pelas espécies fúngicas Microsporum, Epidermophyton ou Trichophyton, que acometem preferencialmente a pele da região interdigital, da virilha e do couro cabeludo. Apesar de não causar doenças graves, em pacientes portadores do vírus da imunodeficiência humana, a infecção se manifesta e evolui de forma exuberante, normalmente com lesões extensas e disseminadas. Objetivo: Fazer revisão de literatura sobre dermatofitose em pessoas vivendo com vírus da imunodeficiência humana e apresentar a experiência na atenção clínica em uma paciente vivendo com o vírus e dermatofitose extensa e disseminada. Métodos: A revisão de literatura sobre o tema baseou-se nos dados do Pubmed/National Library of Medicine, dos Estados Unidos, utilizando-se as palavras-chave dermatofitose, dermatofitose e AIDS, dermatofitose e vírus da imunodeficiência humana, e dermatofitose e imunodeficiência, de 1988­2022. Descreveu-se a experiência clínica na abordagem de uma paciente vivendo com vírus da imunodeficiência humana, a qual desenvolveu AIDS e apresentou lesões cutâneas disseminadas. Por raspado, foram coletadas amostras da lesão e submetidas à cultura, e constatou-se crescimento de fungos do gênero Trichophyton sp. Realizou-se também biópsia da lesão, corada pelo método da metenamina de prata de Grocott-Gomori. Resultados: Foram encontrados 1.014 artigos, dos quais apenas 34 apresentaram correlação direta com nosso trabalho, e foram utilizados para discorrer sobre os principais temas narrados neste artigo. Apresentou-se experiência clínica na abordagem de uma paciente com vírus da imunodeficiência humana/AIDS e baixa adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral, exibindo lacerações eritematoescamosas extensas e disseminadas, com diagnóstico clínico de Tinea corporis, manifestando-se com quadro clínico usualmente não encontrado em pacientes imunocompetentes. O diagnóstico foi confirmado por exames laboratoriais com isolamento do fungo Trichophyton sp. Tratada com fluconazol via oral, a paciente apresentou remissão parcial das infecções aos dois meses e completa aos seis meses. Também foi exaustivamente estimulada a usar corretamente a medicação antirretroviral prescrita. Conclusão: A dermatofitose em pacientes com vírus da imunodeficiência humana pode se apresentar de forma extensa e disseminada. O tratamento antifúngico é eficaz, com remissão do quadro. A terapia antirretroviral é importante adjuvante para melhor recuperação dos enfermos

Humains , Teigne , Syndrome d'immunodéficience acquise , VIH (Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine) , Trichophyton , Épidermophyton , Microsporum
DST j. bras. doenças sex. transm ; 33: 1-5, dez.30, 2021.
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1349335


Introduction: The elimination of congenital syphilis is a challenge in the field of public health worldwide. The failure of previous global plans forces authorities to rethink detection and control strategies, with compulsory notification being an important tool for obtaining data. Objective: To analyze the notifications of congenital syphilis made by Departamento de Vigilância Epidemiológica do Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro (Department of Epidemiological Surveillance at Antônio Pedro University Hospital), between January 2016 and August 2020. Methods: Retrospective, descriptive, and quantitative study of data from congenital syphilis notification forms in Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro from January 2016 to August 2020. In the descriptive analysis of categorical variables, absolute and relative frequencies were used; for numerical measures, central tendency and dispersion measures were used. Spearman correlation, Mann-Whitney test and Fisher's exact test were performed in the R software (version 4.0.3). Hills' criteria for causality were also considered. Results: Of the 67 forms examined, two were excluded due to duplication, and 48 variables were analyzed. No form was completely filled out, and some data were missing on more than 90% of them. According to maternal data, patients were mostly from Niterói (60%), had an average age of 23.09 years, and were brown (32.31%), while 13.85% did not finish 5th to 8th grade and 80% had prenatal care, but less than half had appropriate treatment indicated. As for the children: 55.38% were female, 40% brown, with an average age of 90.98 days. The great majority (72.31%) of them were born at Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro, and not being born at this hospital was significant when it came to being asymptomatic (69.23%, p=0.001); the most frequent symptom was jaundice. Conclusion: Improvement in the follow-up and investigation of the reported cases can significantly decrease this high percentage of missing information, improving the quality of the data. The vast majority of patients underwent prenatal care, and therefore, they were avoidable cases, since the maternal diagnosis in the peripartum period occurs when the chance for vertical transmission has already occurred and caused consequences for the child's life.

Introdução: A eliminação da sífilis congênita é um desafio para a saúde pública mundial. A falha de planos de controle anteriores força as autoridades a repensar as estratégias, sendo a notificação compulsória ferramenta importante na obtenção de dados. Objetivo: Analisar as notificações de sífilis congênita pelo Departamento de Vigilância Epidemiológica do Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro no período entre janeiro de 2016 e agosto de 2020. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo, descritivo e quantitativo. Na análise descritiva das variáveis categóricas, foram utilizadas as frequências absolutas e relativas; já para numéricas, foram utilizadas as medidas tendência central e dispersão. Foram feitos correlação de Spearman, teste de Mann-Whitney e teste exato de Fisher com o software R (versão 4.0.3). Foram considerados os critérios de Hills para causalidade. Resultados: Das 67 fichas examinadas, duas foram excluídas por duplicidade. Foram analisadas 48 variáveis. Nenhuma ficha estava completamente preenchida, e alguns dados estavam ausentes em mais de 90%. De acordo com os dados maternos, 60% das pacientes são de Niterói, com idade de 23,09 anos em média, pardas (32,31%), 13,85% não terminou os estudos da 5ª a 8ª série e 80% fez pré-natal, porém menos da metade teve tratamento adequado indicado. Quanto às crianças, 55,38% eram do sexo feminino, 40% pardas, com idade média de 90,98 dias; 72,31% nasceram no Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro. Quanto às que não nasceram nesse hospital, o local de nascimento foi significativo para que fossem assintomáticas (69,23%, p=0,001); já o sintoma mais comum foi a icterícia. Conclusão: A melhora do seguimento e investigação dos casos notificados pode diminuir significativamente essa alta porcentagem de informações ausentes, melhorando a qualidade da informação. A maioria das gestantes fez acompanhamento pré-natal e, portanto, trata-se de caso evitável, já que o diagnóstico materno no período periparto acontece quando a chance de transmissão vertical já ocorreu e já há consequências para a criança.

Humains , Syphilis congénitale , Hôpitaux universitaires , Stratégies de Santé , Transmission verticale de maladie infectieuse , Surveillance épidémiologique
DST j. bras. doenças sex. transm ; 33: 1-6, dez.30, 2021.
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359835


Introduction: Molluscum contagiosum is a dermatosis caused by a DNA virus of the family Poxvirus and genus Molluscipoxvirus, affecting mainly children, sexually active adults, atopic individuals and immunocompromised patients, especially those with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Objective: To describe our experience in caring for patients living with HIV who presented with extensive and severe Molluscum contagiosum, and to conduct a literature review on the subject as well. Methods: An electronic search was carried out in the MEDLINE/PubMed and SciELO databases and in the books: ATLAIDS and AZULAY limited to the period of January 2017 to June 2021. Results: Four clinical cases are reported in people living with HIV with extensive lesions normally not found in immunocompetent patients. The treatment performed in the cases reported in this article was the punctual application of 90% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to each lesion, with complete remission of the clinical presentation in two patients over a period of three and six months. The other two patients did not receive treatment for molluscum contagiosum as they died because of pulmonary complications. Conclusion: Infection with Molluscum contagiosum in people living with HIV has disseminated forms with large-volume lesions, with substantial stigmatizing aesthetic impairment, and treatment with 100% TCA is quite effective.

Introdução: Molusco contagioso é uma dermatose causada por um vírus de DNA da família poxvírus e do gênero Molluscipoxvirus. Afeta principalmente crianças, adultos sexualmente ativos, indivíduos atópicos e pacientes imunodeprimidos, especialmente aqueles com infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV). Objetivo: Descrever a experiência no atendimento de pacientes vivendo com HIV que apresentaram quadro de molusco contagioso extenso e grave, além de realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre o tema. Métodos: Foi realizada uma pesquisa eletrônica nas bases de dados MEDLINE/PubMed e SciELO e nos livros ATLAIDS e AZULAY, limitada ao período de janeiro de 2017 a junho de 2021. Resultados: São relatados quatro casos clínicos em pessoas que vivem com HIV com lesões extensas normalmente não encontradas em pacientes imunocompetentes O tratamento realizado nos casos relatados nesse artigo foi a aplicação pontual de ácido tricloroacético (ATC) 100% em cada lesão, com a remissão completa do quadro clínico em dois pacientes em um período de tempo entre três e seis meses. Os outros dois pacientes não receberam tratamento para o vírus do molusco contagioso pois evoluíram para óbito em razão de complicações pulmonares. Conclusão: A infecção pelo molusco contagioso em pessoas vivendo com HIV apresenta formas disseminadas com lesões de grande volume, com comprometimento estético estigmatizante importante, e o tratamento com ATC 90% é bastante eficaz.

Humains , Syndrome d'immunodéficience acquise , VIH (Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine) , Molluscipoxvirus , Maladies de la peau , Plaies et blessures , Sujet immunodéprimé , Molluscum contagiosum
Rev. bras. anal. clin ; 53(2): 167-174, 20210630. ilus, tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352925


A soroprevalência do SARS-CoV-2 foi determinada a partir de um inquérito epidemiológico transversal realizado no Hospital Universitário Gaffrée e Guinle, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, nos meses de outubro a novembro de 2020, durante a pandemia de COVID-19, na população de funcionários que exercia atividade laboral naquele período. A caracterização sociodemográfica foi realizada, além da análise das associações entre as variáveis de interesse ou exposição com a infecção pelo SARS-CoV-2, para estabelecer quais sinais e sintomas foram de maior prevalência. Para o estudo foram coletadas amostras de sangue e utilizados ensaios imunocromatográficos (COVID-19 IgG/IgM ECO Test® e Medtest® Coronavírus (COVID-19) IgG/IgM), para detectar IgG e IgM anti-SARS-CoV-2. Um cálculo amostral obtendo-se 391 profissionais de saúde demonstrou que 173 (44,2%) indivíduos apresentaram ao menos um resultado positivo para infecção pelo SARS-CoV-2. Não houve diferença significativa entre as medianas das idades dos pacientes que apresentaram infecção pelo SARS-CoV-2 (mediana 40 anos, IIQ 34-53) e dos que não apresentaram infecção (mediana 39 anos, IIQ 32-49), valor de P= 0,148. Também não houve diferença entre o sexo dos profissionais com infecção e sem infecção pelo SARS-CoV-2 (OR = 1,02; IC 95% 0,59 ­ 1,78). Dos 173 profissionais que apresentaram infecção pelo SARS-CoV-2, 70 (40,5%) relataram sintomas relacionados à COVID-19, enquanto 41 (23,7%) profissionais relataram que não apresentaram nenhum sintoma e 62 (35,8%) não informaram sobre presença ou não de sintomas, sendo excluídos da análise. Os sintomas mais frequentemente apresentados pelos profissionais infectados foram: cefaleia 46,5% (59/127); perda de olfato 32,3% (41/127); perda de paladar 30,7% (39/127); tosse seca 27,6% (35/127); diarreia 24,4% (31/127); dores no corpo 27,6% (35/127); outros 13,4% (17/127); dores nas pernas 11,8% (15/127); tonteira 11,8% (15/127) e febre 9,4% (12/127). Estabelecer um protocolo de vigilância com um teste fácil e rápido para as políticas de COVID-19 entre os profissionais na linha de frente e atuantes na assistência é imperativo para o controle da transmissão de SARS-CoV-2 e definir critérios epidemiológicos que orientem a tomada de decisão quanto ao isolamento de profissionais infectados sintomáticos e assintomáticos.

The seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 was determined from a cross-sectional epidemiological survey carried out at the Gaffrée and Guinle University Hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from October to November 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic in the population of employees who worked in that period. Sociodemographic characterization was performed in addition to the analysis of associations between the variables of interest or exposure with SARS-CoV-2 infection to establish which signs and symptoms were more prevalent. For the study, blood samples were collected and immunochromatographic assays (COVID-19 IgG/IgM ECO Test® and Medtest® Coronavirus (COVID-19) IgG/IgM) were used to detect IgG and IgM anti-SARS-CoV-2. A sample calculation obtaining 391 health professionals showed that 173 (44.2%) individuals had at least one positive result for SARS-CoV-2 infection. There was no significant difference between the median ages of patients who had SARS-CoV-2 infection (median 40 years, IIQ 34-53) and those who did not have infection (median 39 years, IIQ 32-49), P value = 0.148. There was also no difference between the sex of professionals with and without SARS-COV-2 infection (OR = 1.02; 95% CI 0.59 ­ 1.78). Of the 173 professionals who had SARS-COV-2 infection, 70 (40.5%) reported symptoms related to COVID-19, while 41 (23.7%) professionals reported that they had no symptoms and 62 (35.8%) did not report on the presence or absence of symptoms, being excluded from the analysis. The symptoms most frequently presented by the infected professionals were: headache 46.5% (59/127); loss of smell 32.3% (41/127); loss of taste 30.7% (39/127); dry cough 27.6% (35/127); diarrhea 24.4% (31/127); body pain 27.6% (35/127); another 13.4% (17/127); leg pain 11.8% (15/127); dizziness 11.8% (15/127) and fever 9.4% (12/127). Establish a surveillance protocol with an easy and quick test for COVID-19 policies among frontline and care professionals is imperative to control the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and define epidemiological criteria that guide the decision-making regarding the isolation of symptomatic and asymptomatic infected professionals.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Signes et symptômes , Études séroépidémiologiques , Enquêtes de santé , Personnel de santé , Dépistage de la COVID-19 , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19/diagnostic
DST j. bras. doenças sex. transm ; 32: 1-4, jan. 12, 2020.
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1145611


Introduction: The laboratory diagnosis of syphilis is given by a positive treponemal test and a non-treponemal test, with VDRL (Veneral Disease Research Laboratory) being the "gold standard". Objective: To compare two tests commercially validated for biological fluids and analyzed by different operators, in order to assess their performance in detecting high (≥:8) and low (≤1:2) titrations, as well as to determine the agreement between results in paired serum samples from patients with syphilis and living with HIV. Methods: Cross-sectional study, approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the teaching hospital Gaffrée e Guinle (HUGG), under CAAE 66558117.0.0000.5258. The study population was composed by patients diagnosed with syphilis and confirmed by the positivity of one or more treponemal tests. All samples were analyzed simultaneously by two different operators, each using a kit: VDRL WAMA Diagnóstica®, São Carlos, SP, Brazil; VDRL Brás, Laborclin®, Pinhais, PR, Brazil. The SPSS statistical program was used. Results: 110 serum samples from patients diagnosed with syphilis treated at HUGG were analyzed. The frequency of high VDRL titrations among patients, following the VDRL criterion ≥1:8, was practically the same in both tests, with 68% in VDRL Laborclin and 69% in VDRL WAMA (p = 0.87) and VDRL ≤1:2, 80% for WAMA and 83% for Laborclin (p = 0.72). The results of VDRL were tabulated in pairs; then the Cohen's Kappa coefficient of agreement was calculated (Κ) 0.32 (95%CI 0.21­0.41; p<0.00001), as well as the weighted Kappa (Kw) and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) 0.89 (95%CI 0.84­0.92; p<0.00001). The Bland-Altman diagram was also used. We found poor agreement between the VDRL tests when results were nominally concordant, that is, with the same titles in both tests. However, if partial agreement is considered, the interpretation of the magnitude of agreement estimators was almost complete (≥0.80). Conclusion: Reliability and agreement were high between the VDRL tests of both manufacturers when considering the close titrations (up to two dilutions). Further reliability and agreement studies are essential between the non-treponemal tests available and used in Brazil.

Introdução: O diagnóstico laboratorial da sífilis é realizado por meio da positividade de um teste treponêmico e de um teste não treponêmico, sendo o VDRL (do inglês Veneral Disease Research Laboratory) o "padrão ouro". Objetivo: Comparar dois testes comercialmente validados para fluidos biológicos e analisados por operadores diferentes, com o intuito de avaliar o desempenho dos testes em detectar titulações altas (≥ :8) e baixas (≤1:2), bem como determinar a concordância entre ambos os resultados em amostras pareadas de soro de pacientes com sífilis vivendo com HIV. Métodos: Estudo transversal, aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Hospital Universitário Gaffrée e Guinle (HUGG), sob o CAAE: 66558117.0.0000.5258. A população estudada foi a de pacientes que obtiveram o diagnóstico de sífilis confirmado por meio da positividade de um ou mais testes treponêmicos. Todas as amostras foram analisadas simultaneamente por dois operadores diferentes, cada um utilizando um kit: VDRL WAMA Diagnóstica®, São Carlos, SP, Brasil; VDRL Brás, Laborclin®, Pinhais, PR, Brasil. Utilizou-se o programa estatístico SPSS. Resultados: Foram analisadas 110 amostras de soro de pacientes com diagnóstico de sífilis atendidos no HUGG. A frequência de altas titulações de VDRL entre os pacientes, seguindo o critério de VDRL ≥1:8, foi praticamente a mesma em ambos os testes, com 68% no VDRL Laborclin e 69% no VDRL WAMA (p=0,87) e para VDRL ≤1:2, 80% para WAMA e 83% para Laborclin (p=0,72). Os resultados dos títulos de VDRL foram tabulados em pares; em seguida, foram calculados o coeficiente de concordância Kappa de Cohen (Κ) 0,32 (IC95% 0,21­0,41; p<0,00001), o Kappa ponderado (Kw) e o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI) 0,89 (IC95% 0,84­0,92; p<0,00001), bem como utilizado o diagrama de Bland-Altman. O estudo encontrou fraca concordância entre os testes de VDRL, se considerados os resultados nominalmente concordantes, isto é, com os mesmos títulos em ambos os testes. Entretanto, se considerado a concordância parcial, a interpretação da magnitude dos estimadores de concordância passou a ser quase completa (≥0,80). Conclusão: A confiabilidade e a concordância foram altas entre os testes de VDRL dos dois fabricantes, quando consideradas as titulações próximas (até duas diluições). Mais estudos de confiabilidade e concordância são fundamentais entre os testes não treponêmicos disponíveis e utilizados no Brasil.

Humains , Syphilis , VIH (Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine) , Tests sérologiques , Études transversales , Morbidité , Hôpitaux universitaires
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 53: e20190516, 2020. graf
Article de Anglais | SES-SP, ColecionaSUS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1136894


Abstract The differential diagnosis of optic neuritis is broad and varied. We report the case of a 24-year-old Brazilian man who presented with five-week history of fever, malaise, myalgia, severe fatigue, tender right preauricular lymphadenopathy, and acute vision blurring associated with right optic disc swelling and exudates in a macular star pattern. His illness developed soon after an infestation of fleas broke out among his cats. Diagnosis of ocular bartonellosis was confirmed by serological and molecular analyses targeting amplification of Bartonella spp. htrA gene. Signs and symptoms only improved after initiation of antimicrobial therapy.

Humains , Animaux , Mâle , Chats , Jeune adulte , Rétinite/microbiologie , Bartonella henselae/isolement et purification , Rétinite/diagnostic , Rétinite/traitement médicamenteux , Doxycycline/usage thérapeutique , Antibactériens/usage thérapeutique
Medicina (Ribeiräo Preto) ; 51(3): 197-202, jul.-set. 2018.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-979632


Modelo do estudo: Cohort. Objetivos: Relatar a experiência do setor de Pequenos Procedimentos em Dermatologia do Hospital Universitário Gaffrée e Guinle, determinando os diagnósticos, tipos de tratamentos e resolutividade. Metodologia: Trata-se de estudo prospectivo, observacional, por meio da coleta de dados dos pacientes do Programa de Saúde da Família da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro encaminhados para a realização de pequenos procedimentos em dermatologia, durante um período de 31 semanas. Resultados: Foram atendidos 884 pacientes. As lesões benignas representaram 77,5% dos diagnósticos clínicos e as malignas 22,5%. Os diagnósticos mais frequentes foram de cisto (133) e carcinoma basocelular (128). Os procedimentos mais realizados foram a excisão e sutura simples (337) e a retirada de lesão por shaving mais eletrocoagulação (161). No total, 98,3% dos procedimentos foram de cirurgia dermatológica básica e 1,7% dos casos necessitaram de procedimentos avançados. Além disso, 90,8% dos pacientes foram operados no dia do primeiro atendimento e 3,7% precisaram ser encaminhados para outras especialidades cirúrgicas. Conclusão: Um serviço de cirurgia dermatológica estruturado para a realização de pequenos procedimentos, em caráter ambulatorial, permite prover atendimento resolutivo à grande maioria dos pacientes com essa necessidade. (AU)

Study design: Cohort study. Objectives: To report the experience of the Small Procedures Division, Dermatology Department, at Gaffrée and Guinle University Hospital, including a description of diagnoses, types of treatment, and efficacy. Methods: This is a prospective, observational study that consisted of data compilation of patients referred from the primary Family Health Program, Local Health Department, to an University Hospital for the performance of small dermatological procedures, encompassing a period of 31 weeks. Results: Overall, 884 patients underwent procedures. Benign lesions comprised 77.5% of the clinical diagnoses, while malignant lesions constituted 22.5%. The most frequent diagnoses were cyst (133) and basal cell carcinoma (128). The most commonly performed procedures were simple excision and suture (337) and lesion removal through shaving plus electrocoagulation (161). 98.3% of the procedures consisted of basic dermatological surgeries and 1.7% of the cases required advanced procedures. In addition, 90.8% of the patients were operated on the first day of care, on the other hand 3.7% were referred to other surgical specialties. Conclusion: A Dermatologic Surgery Department structured to perform small outpatient procedures provides efficacious care to the vast majority of referred patients (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Maladies de la peau , Tumeurs cutanées , Dermatologie , Procédures de chirurgie ambulatoire
Rev. bras. anal. clin ; 49(1): 65-69, jun.16, 2017. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1151793


Objetivo: Associar as alterações citológicas do colo uterino com a carga viral e a contagemde CD4+ das pacientes portadoras do vírus HIV. Métodos: O estudo realizado foi transversal e prospectivo, sendo 112 mulheres examinadas, e o exame citológico foi colhido no HUGG e corado pela técnica de Papanicolaou na SITEC/ INCA. A carga viral e contagem de CD4+ foram retiradas dos prontuários das pacientes. Resultados: A frequência das alterações citológicas foi de 15,2%, sendo 7,1% de LSIL, 4,5% de ASCUS e 3,6% de HSIL. Pacientes com CD4+ menor que 200 células ou sem adesão ao tratamento apresentaram maior frequência de alterações citológicas; pacientes com CD4+ maior que 500 células e carga viral indetectável apresentaram menor frequência de alterações citológicas. Conclusão: Esses resultados demonstraram que houve maior frequência de alterações citológicas nas mulheres com menor contagem de CD4+ ou sem adesão ao tratamento, demonstrando uma maior associação de alterações citológicas nas mulheres com doenças que provocam imunossupressão e reforçando a importância do rastreamento do câncer de colo uterino nas mulheres HIV positivo

Objective: To associate cervical lesions with viral load and CD4+ counts of HIV positive women. Methods: The study was cross-sectional and descriptive involving 112 patients with HIV infection. Pap smear was collected at HUGG and stained by the Papanicolaou method. All cytology examination was done in INCA. Viral load and CD4+ count were taken from medical records. Results: The positivity rate of cytology lesions was 15.2%, 7.1% of LSIL, 4.5% of ASC-US and 3.6% of HSIL. Patients with CD4+ counts less than 200 cells or without adherence to treatment had higher risk of positive result and the patients with CD4 counts greater than 500 cells and an undetectable viral load were less likely to have positive cytology results. Conclusion: These results showed a higher frequency of cytological abnormalities in women with lower CD4+ count or without adherence to treatment demonstrating a greater association of cytological abnormalities in women with diseases that cause immunosuppression and reinforcing the importance of screening for cervical cancer in HIV positive women

Tumeurs du col de l'utérus , VIH (Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine) , Cytodiagnostic
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 50(2): 277-279, Mar.-Apr. 2017. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-842840


Abstract Botryomycosis is an uncommon, chronic, suppurative, bacterial infection that primarily affects the skin and subcutaneous tissues. It has long been associated with defects of cellular immunity. We report a 28-year-old woman who presented with a chronic, ulcerated lesion with draining sinuses in the right malar region. Predisposing factors were HIV infection with poor immunological control, alcoholism, and a previous trauma to the right cheek. Several courses of antimicrobial therapy provided only partial and temporary remission. Complete clinical remission was only achieved 5 years later when a novel antiretroviral regimen composed of darunavir and raltegravir was initiated.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Pyodermite/traitement médicamenteux , Infections opportunistes liées au SIDA/traitement médicamenteux , Botrytis/isolement et purification , Mycoses cutanées/traitement médicamenteux , Dermatoses faciales/traitement médicamenteux , Pyodermite/diagnostic , Infections opportunistes liées au SIDA/diagnostic , Agents antiVIH/usage thérapeutique , Mycoses cutanées/diagnostic , Dermatoses faciales/diagnostic , Darunavir/usage thérapeutique , Raltégravir de potassium/usage thérapeutique
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 75(2): 123-126, Feb. 2017.
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-838867


ABSTRACT Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya are emerging arboviruses and important causes of acute febrile disease in tropical areas. Although dengue does not represent a new condition, a geographic expansion over time has occurred with the appearance of severe neurological complications. Neglect has allowed the propagation of the vector (Aedes spp), which is also responsible for the transmission of other infections such as Zika and Chikungunya throughout the world. The increased number of infected individuals has contributed to the rise of neurological manifestations including encephalitis, myelitis, meningitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome and congenital malformations such as microcephaly. In this narrative review, we characterize the impact of the geographic expansion of the vector on the appearance of neurological complications, and highlight the lack of highly accurate laboratory tests for nervous system infections. This represents a challenge for public health in the world, considering the high number of travelers and people living in endemic areas.

RESUMO Dengue, Zika e Chikungunya são arbovírus emergentes e importante causa de doença febril aguda em áreas tropicais. Embora a dengue não represente uma doença nova, houve uma expansão geográfica ao longo do tempo, com o aparecimento de complicações neurológicas graves. A negligência desta situação permitiu a propagação do vetor (Aedes spp) em todo o mundo, que também é responsável pela transmissão de outras infecções pelos vírus Zika e Chikungunya. O grande número de casos infectados contribui para o aumento de manifestações neurológicas incluindo encefalite, mielite, meningite, síndrome de Guillain-Barré e má formações congênitas, como microcefalia. Nesta revisão narrativa, destaca-se o impacto da expansão geográfica do vetor no aparecimento de complicações neurológicas e a falta de testes laboratoriais de elevada acurácia para o diagnóstico da infecção neurológica. Estes aspectos representam desafio para a saúde pública mundial, considerando o grande número de indivíduos que moram ou viajam para áreas endêmicas.

Humains , Animaux , Dengue/complications , Fièvre chikungunya/complications , Infection par le virus Zika/complications , Vecteurs insectes/virologie , Maladies du système nerveux/virologie , Dengue/transmission , Fièvre chikungunya/transmission , Infection par le virus Zika/transmission
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 49(6): 790-792, Dec. 2016. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-829661


Abstract: Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-borne arthritogenic alphavirus that has recently been introduced to Brazil. We report the case of a 36-year-old male patient from the City of Rio de Janeiro who developed molecularly-confirmed CHIKV disease and whose clinical picture was remarkable because of acute arthritis of an interphalangeal joint that had been damaged by trauma 8 years previously. This case illustrates that acute CHIKV disease may preferentially target previously damaged joints. Careful study of individual cases may provide valuable information on the presentation and management of this emerging zoonosis in Brazil.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Arthrite/diagnostic , Traumatismes du doigt/virologie , Articulation du doigt/virologie , Fièvre chikungunya/diagnostic , Arthrite/virologie , Facteurs temps , Maladie aigüe , Fièvre chikungunya/complications
Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 59(2): 116-122, 04/2015. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-746470


Objective This study aims to estimate the prevalence of thyroid diseases and anti-TPO status. We searched for an association among presence of immune reconstitution and use of stavudine, didanosine and protease inhibitors with thyroid diseases. Materials and methods A cross-sectional study was performed to analyze the records of 117 HIV-infected patients who had their CD4+ cell count, viral load, anti-TPO, TSH and free T4 levels collected on the same day. Immune reconstitution was considered in those whose T CD4+ count was below 200 cells/mm3, but these values increased above 200 cells/mm3 after the use of antiretrovirals. The odds ratio obtained by a 2x2 contingency table and a chi-square test were used to measure the association between categorical variables. Results The prevalence of thyroid disease was 34.18%; of these, 4.34% were positive for anti-TPO. There was an association of risk between stavudine use and subclinical hypothyroidism (OR = 4.19, 95% CI: 1.29 to 13.59, X2 = 6.37, p = 0.01). Immune reconstitution achieved protection associated with thyroid disease that was near statistical significance OR = 0.45, 95% CI: 0.19 to 1.04, X2 = 3.55, p = 0.059. Conclusion The prevalence of thyroid disease in the sample studied was higher than what had been found in the literature, with a low positive anti-TPO frequency. The historical use of stavudine has an association of risk for the presence of subclinical hypothyroidism, and immune reconstitution has trends towards protection for the presence of thyroid diseases. .

Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Syndrome d'immunodéficience acquise/traitement médicamenteux , Autoanticorps/isolement et purification , Hypothyroïdie/épidémiologie , Iodide peroxidase/immunologie , Inhibiteurs de la transcriptase inverse/usage thérapeutique , Stavudine/usage thérapeutique , Maladies de la thyroïde/épidémiologie , Syndrome d'immunodéficience acquise/sang , Syndrome d'immunodéficience acquise/complications , Antirétroviraux/usage thérapeutique , Maladies asymptomatiques/épidémiologie , Maladies asymptomatiques/thérapie , Études transversales , Didéoxyinosine/usage thérapeutique , Hypothyroïdie/induit chimiquement , Hypothyroïdie/immunologie , Prévalence , Inhibiteurs de la transcriptase inverse/effets indésirables , Stavudine/effets indésirables , Maladies de la thyroïde/traitement médicamenteux
Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Säo Paulo ; 56(3): 265-266, May-Jun/2014. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-710401


A 32-year-old female, was diagnosed in 2004 with a C1 HIV1 infection, using zidovudine/lamivudine 300/150 mg BID and lopinavir/ritonavir 400/100 mg BID, in addition to prophylaxis with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole 800/160 mg QD, but no prophylaxis with macrolide antibiotics. The patient presented with a severe headache and was prescribed two capsules of the anti-migraine drug Ormigrein™, which contained ergotamine tartrate 1 mg, caffeine 100 mg, paracetamol 220 mg, hyoscyamine sulfate 87.5 mcg, and atropine sulfate 12.5 mcg. Afterwards she was prescribed one capsule of Ormigrein every 30 minutes for a total of six capsules a day. The patient took the medication as prescribed but developed a pain in her left ankle three days later, which evolved to the need for amputation.

Mulher de 32 anos infectada pelo HIV 1, vinha utilizando zidovudina/lamivudina 300/150 mg um comprimido duas vezes ao dia e lopinavir/ritonavir 200/50 mg dois comprimidos duas vezes ao dia e profilaxia com sulfametoxazol-trimetoprim 800/160 mg uma vez ao dia, sem profilaxia com macrolídeos. A paciente apresentou enxaqueca severa com prescrição da associação tartarato de ergotamina 1 mg, cafeína 100 mg, paracetamol 220 mg, sulfato de hiosciamina 87,5 mcg, sulfato de atropina 12,5 mcg, dois comprimidos na crise, seguido de um comprimido a cada 30 minutos, com no máximo seis comprimidos ao dia. A paciente ingeriu seis comprimidos em um dia, surgindo uma dor em tornozelo esquerdo três dias depois, que evoluiu para ergotismo e amputação do pé.

Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Amputation chirurgicale , Agents antiVIH/effets indésirables , Ergotamine/effets indésirables , Pied/chirurgie , Lopinavir/effets indésirables , Ritonavir/effets indésirables , Agents antiVIH/administration et posologie , Association de médicaments/méthodes , Ergotamine/administration et posologie , Infections à VIH/traitement médicamenteux , Lopinavir/administration et posologie , Ritonavir/administration et posologie
Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Säo Paulo ; 56(1): 81-84, Jan-Feb/2014. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-702062


Visceral leishmaniasis is an anthropozoonosis that is caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania, especially Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum, and is transmitted to humans by the bite of sandflies of the genus Lutzomyia, such as Lutzomyia longipalpis. There are many reservoirs, including Canis familiaris. It is a chronic infectious disease with systemic involvement that is characterized by three phases: the initial period, the state period and the final period. The main symptoms are fever, malnutrition, hepatosplenomegaly, and pancytopenia. This article reports a case of a patient diagnosed with visceral leishmaniasis in the final period following autochthonous transmission in the urban area of Rio de Janeiro. The case reported here is considered by the Municipal Civil Defense and Health Surveillance of Rio de Janeiro to be the first instance of autochthonous visceral leishmaniasis in humans in the urban area of this city. The patient was discharged and is undergoing a follow-up at the outpatient clinic, demonstrating clinical improvement.

A leishmaniose visceral é uma antropozoonose causada por protozoários do gênero Leishmania, principalmente Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum e transmitida ao homem pela picada do flebotomíneo do gênero Lutzomyia, destacando-se no Brasil a Lutzomyia longipalpis. Os animais reservatórios são muitos, tendo o cão doméstico (Canis familiaris) como principal reservatório. Trata-se de uma doença infecciosa crônica, de envolvimento sistêmico e caracterizado por três fases: período inicial, período de estado e período final. As principais manifestações são febre, hepatoesplenomegalia, desnutrição e pancitopenia. Este artigo tem como objetivo relatar o caso de paciente diagnosticada com leishmaniose visceral em período final, de transmissão autóctone na área urbana da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O caso relatado neste artigo é considerado, após investigação, pela Secretaria Municipal de Saúde e Defesa Civil do Rio de Janeiro como o primeiro caso autóctone de leishmaniose visceral em humanos na área urbana da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O tratamento oferecido foi eficaz e a paciente encontra-se em acompanhamento ambulatorial.

Adulte , Humains , Mâle , Leishmaniose viscérale/diagnostic , Brésil/épidémiologie , Villes/épidémiologie , Leishmaniose viscérale/épidémiologie , Population urbaine
Rev. bras. neurol ; 49(4): 117-125, out.-dez. 2013. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-712071


OBJECTIVE: To determine the correlation between burnout syndrome and satisfaction with life in neurologists in the state of Rio de Janeiro, and to identify associated demographic and social/occupational variables. METHODS: A questionnaire was sent by Internet to the 243 members of the Rio de Janeiro Neurologists Association. The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) was used to individually evaluate each of the dimensions of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and feeling of reduced personal accomplishment, while the Satisfaction with Life Scale was used to assess satisfaction with life. The chi-square test, Fisher's exact test and Pearson's correlation coefficient were used in the statistical analysis. RESULTS: Ninety-four questionnaires were returned (38.8%). The rate of burnout was 60.6% (Grunfeld) compared to 6.4% (Ramirez). Satisfaction with life was found in 86.2% of cases. There was a significant correlation between burnout and satisfaction with life, in both burnout criteria. When each dimension of the MBI was correlated with satisfaction with life, the following associations were found: emotional exhaustion (p < 0.0001; r = -0.417), depersonalization (p = 0.0013; r = -0.329) and feeling of reduced personal accomplishment (p = 0.0001; r = -0.491). CONCLUSION: There is a correlation between burnout and dissatisfaction with life among neurologists in Rio de Janeiro. Although the majority is satisfied with their lives, a high occurrence of burnout was found with both sets of criteria. The principal variables associated with burnout syndrome and dissatisfaction with life were long working hours, being unmarried, not being religious, having worked for less time in the specialty, lack of vacations, and not taking part in any form of physical activity or hobby.

OBJETIVO: Determinar a correlação entre a síndrome de burnout e satisfação com a vida em neurologistas do estado do Rio de Janei-ro e identificar variáveis demográficas e sociocupacionais associa-das. MÉTODOS: Um questionário foi enviado pela Internet para 243 neurologistas, membros da Associação de Neurologia do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (ANERJ). O Inventário de Burnout de Maslach (MBI) foi usado para avaliar individualmente cada uma das dimensões de exaustão emocional, despersonalização e sentimento de realização pessoal reduzido, enquanto a satisfação com a vida de escala foi uti-lizada para avaliar a satisfação com a vida. O teste de qui-quadrado, teste exato de Fisher e coeficiente de correlação de Pearson foram utilizados na análise estatística. RESULTADOS: Noventa e quatro questionários foram respondidos (38,8). A taxa de burnout foi 60,6 (Grunfeld) em comparação com 6,4 (Ramirez). Satisfação com a vida foi definida em 86,2. Houve uma correlação significativa entre burnout e satisfação com a vida em ambos os critérios de burnout. Quando cada dimensão do MBI correlacionou-se com a satisfação com a vida, foram encontradas as seguintes associações: exaustão emocional (p = 0.0001; r = -0.417), despersonalização (p = 0.0013; r = -0.329) e sensação de redução da realização pessoal (p = 0.0001; r = -0.491). CONCLUSÃO: Existe uma correlação entre estresse e insatisfação com a vida entre os neurologistas do Rio de Janeiro. Embora a maioria esteja satisfeita com suas vidas, uma alta ocorrência de burnout foi encontrada.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Médecins/psychologie , Épuisement professionnel , Satisfaction professionnelle , Neurologie , Brésil , Enquêtes et questionnaires/statistiques et données numériques , Santé au travail
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 46(3): 352-354, May-Jun/2013. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-679509


Introduction Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is being increasingly reported among the elderly and major depression (MD) may be associated with suboptimal adherence to treatment. Methods Cross-sectional study on factors associated with MD among 72 HIV-infected elderly individuals. Results Twenty (27.7%) patients were found to have MD. The female gender (odds ratio [OR] = 10.65; p = 0.00586), a low CD4 count during the study (OR = 1.005247; p = 0.01539), and current smoking status (OR = 12.89; p = 0.01693) were independently associated with MD. Conclusions Our data underscore the need to attentively search and treat MD among HIV-infected elderly patients. .

Sujet âgé , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Trouble dépressif majeur/étiologie , Infections à VIH/psychologie , Bactériocines , Études transversales , Trouble dépressif majeur/psychologie , Niveau d'instruction , Infections à VIH/immunologie , Facteurs de risque , Charge virale
Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Säo Paulo ; 55(1): 61-64, Jan.-Feb. 2013. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-661104


Envenoming syndrome from Africanized bee stings is a toxic syndrome caused by the inoculation of large amounts of venom from multiple bee stings, generally more than five hundred. The incidence of severe toxicity from Africanized bee stings is rare but deadly. This report reveals that because of the small volume of distribution, having fewer stings does not exempt a patient from experiencing an unfavorable outcome, particularly in children, elderly people or underweight people.

A síndrome de envenenamento por ferroadas de abelhas africanizadas é causada pela inoculação de uma grande quantidade de peçonha por múltiplas ferroadas de abelhas, geralmente acima de quinhentas. A incidência de uma intoxicação severa por ferroadas de abelhas africanizadas é rara, porém letal. Este relato de caso aponta que, devido a um menor volume de distribuição do veneno, um número menor de ferroadas por abelhas africanizadas não exime o paciente de apresentar envenenamentos com desfecho desfavorável, principalmente em crianças, idosos e pessoas com baixo peso.

Sujet âgé , Animaux , Humains , Mâle , Abeilles , Venins d'abeille/intoxication , Morsures et piqûres d'insectes/complications , Morsures et piqûres d'insectes/thérapie , Syndrome