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Gamme d'année
Interdisciplinaria ; 38(1): 235-243, ene. 2021. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149391


Resumen El tatuaje representa un fenómeno presente desde los comienzos de la historia de la humanidad. A lo largo de los años, supo ocupar diferentes roles asociados a distintos significados y utilidades, y se ha convertido en la actualidad en una forma de expresión de los individuos. En este contexto, el objetivo planteado para este estudio fue descubrir las percepciones del tatuaje como elemento cultural. Para alcanzarlo, se llevó a cabo una investigación descriptiva, de diseño transversal simple, mediante un cuestionario online estructurado y autoadministrado. La muestra se realizó mediante el muestreo bola de nieve y se compuso de 745 individuos que vivían, estudiaban o trabajaban en AMBA (Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, Argentina) y tenían entre 18 y 60 años. Como principal resultado de esta investigación se destaca la existencia de fuertes correlaciones entre las principales variables culturales del tatuaje (moda que vino para quedarse; prejuicios en el entorno laboral; expresión cultural). Adicionalmente, fue posible desarrollar un modelo predictivo para la percepción de que el tatuaje representa una expresión cultural, a través de las otras dos variables culturales mencionadas. Por último, se evidencia la existencia de diferencias significativas que permiten reconocer que los individuos más jóvenes presentan un mayor nivel de acuerdo con la idea de que los tatuajes son una moda que vino para quedarse.

Abstract Tattoo represents a phenomenon present since the beginning of human history. Over the years, it took different roles associated with different meanings and utilities, becoming today a form of expression of individuals. Nowadays, tattoos are understood as fashion ornaments, body art, among others, which integrate a social reality. The individuals who are tattooed do not perceive their body as an organic entity, but as an expressive and aesthetic one: they permanently record a story that tells their experiences, feelings and their significant links. Consequently, the tattoo is not a part of the body of the subject, but a synthesis of it. Tattoos are also understood as elements that represent collective identities. In this context, the objective of this study was to discover the perceptions of tattoos as cultural elements. To achieve this, a descriptive research was carried out, with a simple transversal design, through a structured and self-administered online questionnaire. The sample was collected by snowball sampling and consisted of 745 individuals who live, study or work in AMBA (Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, Argentina) and who are between 18 and 60 years old. As the main results of this research, it is relevant to highlight the existence of strong correlations between the main cultural variables of tattoos (Fashion that will last; Prejudices in the workplace; Cultural expression). Additionally, a multiple linear regression model was formulated to predict the perception that tattoos are a cultural expression through the idea that it represents a fashion that came to stay and the perception that there are prejudices in the work environment regarding the use of tattoos. Finally, there is evidence of significant differences that allow to recognize that younger individuals have a higher level of agreement with the idea that tattoos are a fashion that will last. These results contribute to previous studies on the subject. Tattoos currently represent elements associated with fashion and culture, which can be reflected in the correlations found between cultural variables, reinforcing previous studies, who add to this panorama the idea that Tattoos constitute a social reality. Moreover, the predicted model found allows to assess the existence of a subculture around the use of tattoo as a cultural expression. Additionally, the importance of the Prejudice variable in the work environment as one of the predictors of the Cultural Expression variable can be evidenced in previous studies that confirm the existence of these prejudices.