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Acta odontol. venez ; 50(4)2012. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-679001


Fue evaluado el efecto del grabado de la dentina radicular con EDTA en la resistencia de unión (RU) inmediata (IM) y después de termociclaje (TM) de un cemento autoadhesivo (AA) y uno auto grabador (AG) para la cementación de postes de fibra de vidrio. Fueron utilizadas 40 raíces de premolares humanos divididas en 4 grupos según tipo de cementación (n=10) G1 RelyX U100 (UC) según indicaciones del fabricante(IF); G2 grabado con EDTA 24% por 60 s antes de la aplicación del UC ; G3 Para Post Para Core Automix (PC) (IF)G4 - grabado con EDTA 24% por 60 s antes de la aplicación del (PC).Las raíces fueron cortadas en discos de 1 mm (dos discos por tercio radicular), la mitad de los discos fueron sometidos a ensayo expulsión IM (0,5mm/min) y la otra mitad después de TM (5º C e 55º C).los datos fueron analizados en test de ANOVA y Tukey (?=0,05).dando como resultado que el grabado con EDTA altero negativamente los valores de RU solo del tercio cervical en los dos cementos. Cuando fue comparado TM con IM con o sin aplicación de EDTA no se encontraron diferencias estadísticas significativas. Para todos los grupos testados.El cemento PC obtuvo mayores valores de RU (19,59 MPa) comparado con el UC (15,80 MPa).concluyéndose que el tratamiento con EDTA afecto la RU solo para el tercio cervical tanto en IM como TM en los dos cementos. El TM con o sin EDTA no afecto los valores de RU cuando comparado con IM

The effect of post-space treatment whit EDTA on the bond strength (BS) of fiber posts in different root regions was evaluated using two different type of resin cements Rely X U100 (UC) and Para Post Para Core automix (PC) . Fourty extracted premolars root canals were assigned to four groups of 10 roots each. G1 RelyX U100 (UC) according to manufacturer's instructions (MI), G2 etching whit EDTA 24% for 60 s before application of UC; G3 Para Post Para Core Automix (PC) MI; G4 Etching whit EDTA 24% for 60s before application off PC. After cementation the roots were sectioned in 6 slices 1mm each (two slides for root region) and randomly divided into two subgroups, depending on testing time immediate (IM) vs. after termocicling(TM) ), for expulsion test. Statistical analysis was performed with ANOVA and Tukey test (?=.05) No differences in BS was found among the groups whit and whit out EDTA 24 %. Etching whit EDTA adversely alter the BS values of the cervical third in the two cements. When TM was compared with IM with or without application of EDTA there was no statistically significant difference. For all groups tested, PC show higher values of BS (19.59 MPa) was compared with UC (15.80 MPa). Concluded that treatment with EDTA affected the BS only on the cervical third in both IM and TM in the two cements. The TM with or without EDTA did not affect the values of BS when compared with IM

Humains , Acide édétique , Acide édétique/usage thérapeutique , Céments résine/usage thérapeutique , Dentine/anatomopathologie , Plâtres chirurgicaux , Scellants de puits et fissures/usage thérapeutique
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 63(4): 1043-1045, ago. 2011.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-599631


This study was carried out to compare the physiochemical quality of honeys from beekeepers in northern Zona da Mata, MG, and honeys from warehouses registered at the Serviço de Inspeção Federal (SIF) in the State of Minas Gerais. Physiochemical analysis involving 39 samples were done, with three samples from each of the 13 beekeepers and 18 samples from warehouses registered at SIF-MG. Differences in quality from the two origins occurred in: free acidity, ashes, hydroxymethylfurfural, apparent sucrose and insoluble solids, where honeys from warehouses were of better quality. In addition, for free acidity and insoluble solids, two samples from northern Zona da Mata showed values above the established by the Instrução Normativa n°11 relative to the year 2000, whereas the values for insoluble solids in 11 samples from northern Zona da Mata and 2 samples from warehouses were in disagreement with this legislation.

Animaux , Miel/analyse , Apiculture/méthodes
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 38(6): 935-941, June 2005. ilus, tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-402659


Histamine release induced by plant lectins was studied with emphasis on the carbohydrate specificity, external calcium requirement, metal binding sites, and mast cell heterogeneity and on the importance of antibodies bound to the mast cell membrane to the lectin effect. Peritoneal mast cells were obtained by direct lavage of the rat peritoneal cavity and guinea pig intestine and hamster cheek pouch mast cells were obtained by dispersion with collagenase type IA. Histamine release was induced with concanavalin A (Con A), lectins from Canavalia brasiliensis, mannose-specific Cymbosema roseum, Maackia amurensis, Parkia platycephala, Triticum vulgaris (WGA), and demetallized Con A and C. brasiliensis, using 1-300 æg/ml lectin concentrations applied to Wistar rat peritoneal mast cells, peaking on 26.9, 21.0, 29.1, 24.9, 17.2, 10.7, 19.9, and 41.5 percent, respectively. This effect was inhibited in the absence of extracellular calcium. The lectins were also active on hamster cheek pouch mast cells (except demetallized Con A) and on Rowett nude rat (animal free of immunoglobulins) peritoneal mast cells (except for mannose-specific C. roseum, P. platycephala and WGA). No effect was observed in guinea pig intestine mast cells. Glucose-saturated Con A and C. brasiliensis also released histamine from Wistar rat peritoneal mast cells. These results suggest that histamine release induced by lectins is influenced by the heterogeneity of mast cells and depends on extracellular calcium. The results also suggest that this histamine release might occur by alternative mechanisms, because the usual mechanism of lectins is related to their binding properties to metals from which depend the binding to sugars, which would be their sites to bind to immunoglobulins. In the present study, we show that the histamine release by lectins was also induced by demetallized lectins and by sugar-saturated lectins (which would avoid their binding to other sugars). Additionally, the lectins also released histamine from Rowett nude mast cells that are free of immunoglobulins.

Animaux , Cricetinae , Femelle , Cochons d'Inde , Mâle , Rats , Libération d'histamine/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Mastocytes/effets des médicaments et des substances chimiques , Lectines végétales/pharmacologie , Mastocytes/métabolisme , Rat Wistar
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 11(1): 76-83, jan.-abr. 2005. graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-396702


The direct effect of ethanolic extract of propolis on guinea pig lung cell suspension containing mast cells, as well as its influence on the histamine release induced by antigen (ovoalbumin 10 mug/ml) and ionophore A 23187 (3 muM) were investigated. Propolis ethanolic extract (300 mug/ml) increased the histamine release in guinea pig lung suspension containing mast cells by a cytotoxic effect. Lower concentrations of propolis had no effect on histamine release. Our results demonstrated that propolis (3, 10, 30, and 100 mug/ml) shows no significant effect on the histamine release induced by ionophore and antigen. Based on these results, we suggest that propolis could directly activate mast cells, promoting inflammatory mediators release by cytotoxic mechanisms, what could be related to allergic processes in propolis sensitive people.(AU)

Propolis , Histamine , Mastocytes , Cytotoxines
Brasília méd ; 32(1): 35-42, jan.-jun. 1995. tab, graf
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-210086


O presente trabalho constitui análise retrospectiva de 106 espirogramas, que estudou o comportamento de dois grupos de 53 pacientes cada, a saber, DPOC e asma brônquica (AB) diante do uso de broncodilatador (BCD) (fenotenol, 2 bombadas = 200 microgramas). Os resultados obtidos mostraram resposta significativa entre asmáticos (t < 0.05) em comparaçäo com a resposta discreta, mas existente, em pacientes com DPOC. O trabalho aponta como indicadores mais confiáveis para estimar a resposta ao broncodilatador, índice de Tifneau (p=0.43-DPOC e p=0.01-asma), o FEF 25/75 por cento p=0.78-DPOC e p=0.01-asma) e o VEF1 (p=0.37-DPOC e p=0.006-asma), sendo este o mais sensível entre os valores aferidos. Os resultados säo compatíveis com a literatura. Dos 53 casos de asma, 48 säo de ambulatório, 4 da enfermaria e um do Pronto Socorro. Quanto à distribuiçäo por sexo, observou-se prevalência, no DPOC, do sexo masculino da ordem de 41 em 53 casos, enquanto no grupo asma observou-se a prevalência feminina da ordem de 32 em 53 casos (Figura 1). O trabalho é útil para distinçäo simples entre DPOC e ASMA e confirma a expectativa de que a broncorresponsividade constitui atributo singular da asma, prevalente ao nível de grandes vias e com percentual médio de diferença (pré e pós uso de B.C.D.) em torno de 11 por cento

Asthme , Bronchodilatateurs , Bronchopneumopathies obstructives
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 34(6): 397-8, nov.-dez. 1984. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-32841


Utilizamos antagonista agonista do opiáceo, nalorfina 10 30/microng. kg-1, no tratamento do prurido, náuseas e vômitos e retençäo urinária, quando se tornaram insuportáveis, após 2 mg de morfina peridural pós-operatória, havendo melhora dos sintomas, näo ocorrendo regressäo da analgesia espinhal

Humains , Anesthésie péridurale , Morphine/usage thérapeutique , Nalorphine/usage thérapeutique
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 34(2): 119-23, 1984.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-23437


Estudo prospectivo, comparativo da analgesia pos-operatoria em pacientes submetidas a cesareana e recebendo analgesico (dipirona) quando solicitado num grupo de analgesia espinhal com 0, 1,2 ou 4 mg de morfina peridural. Concluimos que a analgesia foi efetiva nos 4 grupos com uma incidencia maior de efeitos indesejaveis no grupo com 4 mg de morfina peridural

Humains , Femelle , Anesthésie péridurale , Césarienne , Métamizole sodique , Morphine , Douleur postopératoire
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 2(4): 255-60, 1983.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-19046


Os autores relatam caso raro de embolia aerea durante cirurgia da fossa posterior em posicao sentada, no qual a entrada do ar se deu atraves de um dos ferimentos provocados pelos pinos do suporte-fixador de cabeca de Gardner. Sao discutidos os cuidados no preparo dos pacientes para cirurgia em posicao sentada. Sao analisados os 5 casos semelhantes encontrados na literatura

Adulte d'âge moyen , Humains , Femelle , Embolie gazeuse , Complications peropératoires
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 31(4): 311-8, 1981.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-12196


Estudamos, retrospectivamente, 52 pacientes uremicos, por insufuciencia renal cronica, submetidos a 102 anestesias para cirurgias de grande porte (duracao media 195.5 +/- 76,3 minutos), analisando e comparado as alteracoes da potassemia durante diferentes tecnicas anestesicas. Hemodialise foi realizada 12 horas antes da cirurgia, exceto quando os pacientes eram admitidos para transplante de rim de cadaver, nos quais o objetivo era corrigir as alteracoes de azotemia e obter, com transfusao de hemacias, valores de hematocritos em torno de 25% (X = 27.0; DP 6,6); o potassio serico que antecedeu a cirurgia foi de 4.6 =/- 0,9 mEq/1. A associacao anestesica mais comumente empregada foi halotano, succinilcolina venosa continua (63% dos casos), seguindo-se a adicao de oxido nitroso e succinilcolina venosa continua.Nao houve obito anestesico apesar de duas paradas cardiacas e dos tres episodios de insuficiencia respiratoria imediata, que foram de curta duracao e de recuperacao espontanea. Ocasionalmente, a potassemia pos-operatoria imediata aumentou de 1.4 mEq/1, porem, em media, as alteracoes nao foram significativas e nao tiveram correlacao com as paradas cardiacas observadas

Enfant , Adolescent , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Anesthésie , Anesthésiques , Insuffisance rénale chronique , Urémie
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