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Gamme d'année
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-158588


The incidence of postspinal headache is one of the well known complications of spinal anesthesia. Several factors such as needle size, bevel direction, multiple dural puncture and previous history of postspinal headache were thought to influence the incidence of postspinal headache. This studies were done to see the effect of needle size (22 and 25 gauge needle) and needle bevel direction (parallel, vertical, oblique insertion to the longitudinal dural fiber) on the incidence, duration, severity and location of spinal headache in the 548 patients underwent spinal anesthesia. The following results wre observed: 1) Neither needle size nor needle bevel direction had effect on the incidence of severity, duration and location of postspinal headache. 2) The ineidence of headache was 8.8% (48 cases), 3) The onset of headache was 1~2 day (67%) and duration of headache was 4~5 day (85%) in postanesthetic day. 4) The severity of headache was mild and moderate in 77% cases. 5) In the half cases, headache was relieved by means of bed rest alone.

Humains , Rachianesthésie , Alitement , Céphalée , Incidence , Aiguilles , Ponctions
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-118664


The authors analysed 340 cases of the ocular injuries among 7633 out and in-patients who visited to the clinic of P.N.U. hospital during 5 years, from Jan. 1964 to Dec. 1968. Followings were discussed. 1. We found that 4.6% of all cases attending our eyes clinic was victims of ocular injuries. 2. The sex incidence showed that 78.9% of such ocular injuries occured in male and 21.1% in female. 3. The incidence was prevalent in young adult 21-30 years of age, and their large number of cases were injured from blowing and industrial accidents, while in children under 10 years of age sharp-pointed toys were more frequent causes. 4. The subconjunctival hemorrhage was the most frequent disturbance of ocular injuries and then came traumatic cataract and corneal foreign bodies in that order. 5. The prognosis of ocular injuries was generally poor, especially, poor, especially in the perforating and penetrating wound of the whether the foreign body was retained or not.

Enfant , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Jeune adulte , Accidents du travail , Cataracte , Corps étrangers , Hémorragie , Incidence , Jeu et accessoires de jeu , Pronostic , Plaies pénétrantes
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-83867


A case of optic nerve glioma is presented. This 11 years old Korean boy was seen because of proto nasion of the risht eye ball of 2 months duration. Vision of the right eye was reduced to 20/30 and optic disc showed blurring of the margin with some venous engorgement. Visual field showed enlarged blind spot of Mariotte and contraction of temporal field of vision in the right eye. Radiograpic study of the optic foramina was normal. There was no cafe-au-lait spot. On April 19. 1967. the orbit was exposed through anterior approach because of the tumor possibly invading the intraocular pertion. On operating procedure it was easy to remove the tumor and optic nerve by aspiration of 3 cc. of vitreous using 19 gauge needle. We confirmed a diagnosis of astrocytoma of the optic nerve in pathologic study. A year later the removal of the tumor, the patient was in good health and there had been no recurrence. A review of the literature of recent years related to glioma of the optic nerve, particularly its signs, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment was added.

Enfant , Humains , Mâle , Astrocytome , Taches café-au-lait , Diagnostic , Gliome , Hyperhémie , Aiguilles , Papille optique , Gliome du nerf optique , Nerf optique , Orbite , Récidive , Champs visuels
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-117741


The radii of the corneal curvature were measured with ophthalmomter for 346 eyes which were normal other than the refractive conditions being taken into consideration. The subjects were male and female children aging from 10 years to 14 years selected randomly from primary school in Pusan city. The results were as follows: 1. The radius of the corneal curvature was longer in male than in female children in genral. 2. The mean value of horizontal meridian was longer than that of vertical meridian in all cases. 3. Correlation between the corneal radii and the refractive conditions in both sexes was not existed.

Enfant , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Vieillissement , Radius