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Gamme d'année
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202505


Introduction: Physical and mental issues related with loss ofsemen or "dhat" results in a disorder called as Dhat syndrome.It is a culture-bound disorder portrayed by unseemly and overthe top pain of losing semen from one's body. Aim: The aimof the study was to find the socio-demographic determinantsassociated with this disorder along with finding out variousphysical complaints and co-morbid psychiatric disorders. Thestudy also focused on evaluating the quality of life of patients.Material and Methods: 100 patients were included in thisstudy with selective sampling technique. Diagnosis of Dhatsyndrome was made according to ICD-10 DCR criteria.Socio-demographic determinants, physical complaints werenoted down. HAM-A, BDI II inventory and SF36 scales wereapplied.Results: Age less than 24 years, illiteracy, marriage andpeople living in rural area were strong factors associated withDhat Syndrome. Generalized weakness and body pain weretwo complaints which were present in all the patients. Almostall the patients had moderate to severe score on HAM-A andBECK’s II inventory. SF36 PCS and MCS showed scores lessthan 11.Conclusion: Socio-demographic variables play a pivotal rolein Dhat syndrome. Physical symptoms and mental disorderwere common amongst people suffering from Dhat syndrome.The quality of life of these patients were hampered. It is aserious entity which affects the whole body and mind. It alsodisrupts the quality of life

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203170


Introduction: Incidence of Blood stream infection (BSI) is onthe rise and so is the increasing drug resistance amongdifferent organisms causing BSI. The trend of such infectionand the antibiotic sensitivity pattern may vary from region toregion.Materials and Methods: This study was conducted with thesame aim in which about 240 blood culture and sensitivityresults were noted from the records and were analysed to seethe current trend in this region. Our focus was mainly on Gramnegative organisms, as they have been found to causeincreased number of BSI.Results: Escherichia coli was the main Gram negativeorganism, and Staphylococcus aureus along with Coagulasenegative Staphylococcus (CoNS) were the main gram positiveorganisms isolated. Candida albicans was also found in four ofthe cases. The antibiotic sensitivity pattern of gram negativeisolates showed more than 90% susceptibility to higherantibiotics, whereas the susceptibility to other antibiotics werefound to be variable.Conclusion: E. coli is the main GNB causing the infectionfollowed by K. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa. Increasingtrend of drug resistance is being noted by GNBs against mostcommonly used antibiotics.

Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-166745


Abstract: This article overviews the signs, symptoms, diagnosis and other facets of SRBDs ( sleep related breathing disorders. Snoring and EDS (excessive day time sleepiness) are the commonest signs of OSAs (obstructive sleep apneas). OSA are known to impact cvs, respiratory & metabolic balance. A new paradigm has evolved inter-connecting SRBDs& chronic periodontitis. So as to help a dentist to diagnose & manage SRBDs in dental scenario.