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Neotrop. entomol ; 40(2): 164-169, Mar.-Apr. 2011. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-586651


Recent studies have revealed that the prevalence of Wolbachia in arthropods is attributable not only to its vertical transmission, but also to its horizontal transfer. In order to assess the horizontal transmission of Wolbachia between predator and prey, arthropods belonging to 11 spider families and six insect families were collected in the same field of rice. The distribution of Wolbachia in these arthropods was detected by diagnostic PCR amplification of the wsp (Wolbachia outer surface protein gene) and 16S rDNA genes. Nurscia albofasciata Strand (Araneae: Titanoecidae), Propylea japonica Thunberg (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), Paederus fuscipes Curtis (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), and Nilaparvata lugens Stal (Homoptera: Delphacidae) were infected with Wolbachia. This is the first report of infection of N. albofasciata and P. fuscipes by Wolbachia. No direct evidence indicated the existence of horizontal transmission of Wolbachia between predator and prey.

Animaux , Araignées/microbiologie , Wolbachia/isolement et purification , Infections bactériennes/transmission , Infections bactériennes/médecine vétérinaire
Biocell ; Biocell;30(2): 269-278, ago. 2006. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-491551


OBJECTIVE: To investigate the functions of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-2 (FGFR2) at different stages of cell differentiation. The engineered murine embryonic stem (ES) cells with conditional knockout of FGFR2 were developed depending on Cre-loxP. METHODS: Cre-loxP system was used in a conditional targeting vector. The competent AM-1 bacteria, which expressed Cre-recombinase, was used to confirm the Cre-mediated deletion of the floxed exons 7 and 8 of FGFR2. The targeting vector was electroporated into the ES cells, and the transfected ES cells were screened with G418 and Ganciclovir. Finally, the ES clones with correct targeting events were identified by Southern Blot and PCR. RESULTS: The targeting vector with conditional knockout of murine FGFR2 was successfully constructed andconfirmed by PCR and digesti on analysis in bacteria. 86 ES clones were collected by selective culture with G418 and Ganciclovir. Four of the 86 ES clones were found containing the targeting gene sequence in genomic DNA proved by Southern Blot with a 5'-end flank probe. Two of the four ES clones had the correct targeting events that included the insertion of the targeting gene sequence in genomic DNA and were checked by Southern Blot with a 3'-end flanking probe. Finally, the insertion of loxP (loxP3) between exons 8 and 9 in genomic DNA was identified in one of the two ES clones by Southern Blot and PCR.CONCLUSION: FGFR2 conditional knockout depending on Cre-loxP can be successfully used in ES cells.

Animaux , Souris , Cellules souches embryonnaires/métabolisme , Structures de l'embryon/cytologie , Ciblage de gène , Génome/génétique , Vecteurs génétiques/génétique , Séquence nucléotidique , Integrases/génétique , Integrases/métabolisme , Données de séquences moléculaires , Recombinaison génétique , Cartographie de restriction , Analyse de séquence d'ADN