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Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet;46: 1-6, 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559581


Abstract Objective: To examine whether the DDAH2 promoter polymorphisms -1415G/A (rs2272592), -1151A/C (rs805304) and -449G/C (rs805305), and their haplotypes, are associated with PE compared with normotensive pregnant women, and whether they affect ADMA levels in these groups. Methods: A total of 208 pregnant women were included in the study and classified as early-onset (N=57) or late-onset PE (N =49), and as normotensive pregnant women (N = 102). Results: Pregnant with early-onset PE carrying the GC and GG genotypes for the DDAH2 -449G/C polymorphism had increased ADMA levels (P=0.01). No association of DDAH2 polymorphisms with PE in single-locus analysis was found. However, the G-C-G haplotype was associated with the risk for late-onset PE. Conclusion: It is suggested that DDAH2 polymorphisms could affect ADMA levels in PE, and that DDAH2 haplotypes may affect the risk for PE.

Humains , Femelle , Grossesse , Polymorphisme génétique , Pré-éclampsie , Haplotypes , Nitric oxide synthase type III/génétique , Génotype , Monoxyde d'azote
Reprod. clim ; 29(1): 27-31, jan.-abr. 2014.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-743336


Objetivo: Estudar as regulamentac¸ões referentes à reproduc¸ão humana assistida no Brasil,Chile, Uruguai e na Argentina.Método: Estudo qualitativo transversal das regulamentac¸ões referentes à reproduc¸ãohumana assistida no Brasil, Chile, Uruguai e na Argentina entre novembro de 2013 e abrilde 2014.Resultados: O Brasil é regido pela Resoluc¸ão do Conselho Federal de Medicina n◦2.013/2013;a Argentina pela Lei n◦26.862/2013; no Chile, até o momento, não existe uma lei queregulamente o uso das técnicas; e no Uruguai o projeto de lei n◦19.167/2013 aguardaregulamentac¸ão.Conclusão: Brasil, Argentina, Chile e Uruguai são países sul-americanos que se encon-tram em distintas situac¸ões legais no que diz respeito à regulamentac¸ão das práticas dereproduc¸ão humana assistida.

tObjective: This research aimed to study the regulations of Assisted Human Reproduction inBrazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay.Method: A cross-sectional qualitative study of the regulations relating to Assisted HumanReproduction in Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay was conducted between November of2013 and April of 2014. Results: Regarding the Assisted Human Reproduction techniques, currently Brazil is regulatedby Resolution of the Federal Council of Medicine No. 2013/2013; Argentina by LawNo. 26,862/2013; in Chile, so far, there is no law regulating the use of these techniques; inUruguay the draft bill No. 19,167/2013 awaits regulation.Conclusion: Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay are South American countries that arein different legal situations regarding to the regulation of the practice of Assisted HumanReproduction.

Réglementation gouvernementale , Techniques de reproduction assistée/législation et jurisprudence , Argentine , Brésil , Chili , Uruguay