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Indian J Pathol Microbiol ; 2015 Oct-Dec 58(4): 513-515
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-170511


Ameloblastic carcinoma is a rare aggressive malignancy of odontogenic epithelial origin. The disease has been reported to afflict people over a wide range of age group without any sex predilection. It is characterized by rapid growth and destruction of overlying bones along with involvement of adjacent soft tissues. The overall prognosis of this cancer is poor despite radical surgery and radiotherapy. Owing to the rarity of this lesion, complete data on the biological behavior and response to different treatment modalities are still lacking. The authors hereby report a case of this uncommon tumor arising from left maxilla in a 60-year-old Indian male. Histopathological examination of the tumor showed foci of spindling intermixed with large areas of tumor cells arranged in cribriform pattern and having luminal eosinophilic material which was reminiscent of adenoid cystic carcinoma. A final diagnosis was achieved after immunohistochemical study. These unusual findings prompted this case report.

Indian J Pathol Microbiol ; 2013 Jul-Sept 56 (3): 200-203
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-155869


Background: The role of fi ne needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in the diagnosis of malignant lesions is well documented. Conventionally obtained fi ne needle aspiration (FNA) smears frequently contain well preserved viable intact tissue fragments (microbiopsies). Aims: The present study was aimed at evaluating the microbiopsies and carrying out further cyto-histopathologic correlation in order to assess what additional information they could provide. Materials and Methods: A total of 116 FNA smears from clinically suspected malignant lesions were examined, of which 81 smears (70.0%) contained representative tissue fragments of the tumors. Histopathological details were available in 75 cases. Immunocytochemistry (ICC) was applied in selected smears as and when required. Results: Tumors in which microbiopsies aided in diagnosis chiefl y included soft tissue malignancies (12 cases), typed into malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, fi brosarcoma, spindle cell sarcoma and malignant melanoma; lung tumors (14 cases) classifi ed as small cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma, squamous carcinoma and adenocarcinoma; breast tumors (08 cases), typed into ductal, medullary and lobular carcinoma; and lymph node metastasis (19 cases) from primaries in lung, larynx and thyroid. The cyto-histopathologic concordance was raised from 81.2% in the absence of microbiopsies to 93.2% in their presence. Conclusions: FNA smears containing microbiopsies are of ample help in establishing fi rm diagnosis, tumor typing, and predicting possible primary sites in metastatic tumors which were not possible by cytology alone. Hence, this technique can be utilized to enhance the diagnostic accuracy of FNAC, if put into practice in evaluation of routine cytology smears, without increasing any fi nancial burden on patients.