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Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 38: e056, 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1564205


Abstract This study evaluated the effect of fluoride varnishes containing micrometric or nanosized sodium trimetaphosphate (TMP) on dentin erosive wear in vitro. Bovine root dentin blocks were selected by surface hardness and randomly divided into five experimental groups/varnishes (n = 20/group): placebo, 5% sodium fluoride (NaF); 5% NaF+5% micrometric TMP; 5% NaF+2.5% nanosized TMP; and 5% NaF+5% nanosized TMP. Half of the surface of all blocks received a single application of the assigned varnish, with subsequent immersion in artificial saliva for 6 h. Varnishes were then removed and the blocks were immersed in citric acid (90 s, 4×/day, 5 days). After each erosive cycle, ten blocks of each group were immersed in a placebo dentifrice for 15 s (ERO), while the other ten blocks were subjected to abrasion by brushing (ERO+ABR). Dentin erosive wear was assessed by profilometry. Data were submitted to 2-way ANOVA and to the Holm-Sidak test (p<0.05). Dentin erosive wear was significantly higher for ERO+ABR than for ERO for all varnishes. TMP-containing varnishes promoted superior effects against dentin erosive wear compared with 5% NaF alone; and 5% nanosized TMP led to the lowest wear among all varnishes. In conclusion, the addition of TMP to conventional fluoride varnish (i.e., varnish containing only NaF) enhanced its protective effects against bovine root dentin erosion and erosion+abrasion. Additionally, the use of 5% nanosized TMP led to superior effects in comparison to 5% micrometric TMP, both for erosion and erosion+abrasion in vitro.

J. appl. oral sci ; 31: e20230155, 2023. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448555


Abstract Objective To evaluate the effects of fluoride (F) gels supplemented with micrometric or nano-sized sodium trimetaphosphate (TMPmicro and TMPnano, respectively) on the in vitro remineralization of caries-like lesions. Methodology Bovine enamel subsurface lesions (n=168) were selected according to their surface hardness (SH) and randomly divided into seven groups (n=24/group): Placebo (without F/TMP), 4,500 ppm F (4500F), 4500F + 2.5% TMPnano (2.5% Nano), 4500F + 5% TMPnano (5% Nano), 4500F + 5% TMPmicro (5% Micro), 9,000 ppm F (9000F), and 12,300 ppm F (Acid gel). The gels were applied in a thin layer for one minute. Half of the blocks were subjected to pH cycling for six days, whereas the remaining specimens were used for loosely- (calcium fluoride; CaF2) and firmly-bound (fluorapatite; FA) fluoride analysis. The percentage of surface hardness recovery (%SHR), area of subsurface lesion (ΔKHN), CaF2, FA, calcium (Ca), and phosphorus (P) on/in enamel were determined. Data (log10-transformed) were subjected to ANOVA and the Student-Newman-Keuls' test (p<0.05). Results We observed a dose-response relation between F concentrations in the gels without TMP for %SHR and ΔKHN. The 2.5% Nano and 5% Micro reached similar %SHR when compared with 9000F and Acid gels. For ΔKHN, Placebo and 5% Nano gels had the highest values, and 5% Micro, 2.5% Nano, 9000F, and Acid gels, the lowest. All groups had similar retained CaF2 values, except for Placebo and Acid gel. We verified observed an increase in Ca concentrations in nano-sized TMP groups. Regarding P, TMP groups showed similar formation and retention to 9000F and Acid. Conclusion Adding 2.5% nano-sized or 5% micrometric TMP to low-fluoride gels lead to enhanced in vitro remineralization of artificial caries lesions.

Araçatuba; s.n; 2022. 121 p. ilus, graf.
Thèse de Anglais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1510466


O presente estudo avaliou os efeitos de nanopartículas de hexametafosfato de sódio (HMPnano), associadas ou não ao fluoreto (F), na composição orgânica (Subprojeto 1- S1) e inorgânica (Subprojeto 2-S2) de biofilmes mistos de Streptococcus mutans e Candida albicans formados in vitro; e na viabilidade celular e atividade metabólica de biofilmes microcosmos derivados de saliva (Subprojeto 3-S3). Em S1 e S2, soluções de HMPnano ou HMP microparticulado (HMPmicro) foram preparadas a 0,5% ou 1%, com ou sem F (1100 ppm F, NaF), além de 1100 ppm F (controle positivo) e saliva artificial (controle negativo). S. mutans e C. albicans foram cultivados em saliva artificial. Os biofilmes foram formados no fundo de poços de placas de microtitulação e tratados 72, 78 e 96 horas após o início da formação, por 1 minuto. Em S1, após o último tratamento, realizou-se análises de quantificação das unidades formadoras de colônias (UFCs), produção de biomassa total, atividade metabólica, além da composição da matriz extracelular dos biofilmes e avaliação estrutural. Observou-se que 1% de HMPnano combinado ao F levou aos menores UFCs de S. mutans, bem como às menores concentrações de carboidratos da matriz extracelular dos biofilmes, além de afetar substancialmente a sua estrutura. Em S2, após o último tratamento, avaliou-se o pH e a composição inorgânica dos biofilmes (análise das concentrações de F, cálcio (Ca) e fósforo (P)), antes e após exposição a sacarose. Soluções contendo 1% HMPnano combinado ao F promoveram os maiores valores de pH dos biofilmes, mesmo após exposição à sacarose. Além disso, 1% HMPnano promoveu maiores concentrações de P, enquanto que o HMP (micro/nano, com/sem F) levou a concentrações inexpressivas de Ca no fluido do biofilme. Em S3, os efeitos do HMPmicro ou HMPnano, sozinhos ou associados ao F, foram avaliados em biofilmes microcosmos derivados de saliva. Os biofilmes foram formados sobre discos de vidro por 24 h e, em seguida, S. mutans (C180- 2) foi incorporado ou não aos biofilmes. A partir deste momento, os mesmos ativos avaliados em S1/S2 foram adicionados ao meio de cultura, a 20% das concentrações utilizadas nesses subprojetos. Após 96 h de formação, foram determinadas as UFCs totais e de S. mutans, e avaliada a produção de ácido láctico pelos biofilmes. Todos os meios de cultura contendo contendo HMP levaram às menores concentrações de ácido láctico e às maiores reduções de UFCs totais e de S. mutans dos biofilmes, sem influência do tamanho da partícula de HMP, associação com F ou adição de S. mutans. Conclui-se que o HMPnano a 1%, associado a 1100 ppm F, promoveu uma diminuição substancial no metabolismo de biofilmes mistos de S. mutans e C. albicans, e da viabilidade de S. mutans. Esta combinação também levou a valores de pH mais próximos do neutro, além de afetar a composição inorgânica destes biofilmes. Para biofilmes microcosmos, o HMP promoveu a diminuição da viabilidade microbiana e acidogenicidade, sem influência, entretanto, do tamanho da partícula de HMP e da presença de F(AU)

This study evaluated the effects of sodium hexametaphosphate nanoparticles (HMPnano), combined or not with fluoride (F), on the organic (Subproject 1-S1) and inorganic (Subproject 2-S2) compositions of dual-species biofilms of Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans formed in vitro; and on the cell viability and metabolic activity of saliva-derived microcosms biofilms (Subproject 3-S3). In S1 and S2, solutions containing HMPnano or conventional/micrometric HMP (HMPmicro) were prepared at 0.5 or 1%, combined or not with F (1,100 ppm F, as NaF). Also, a solution containing 1,100 ppm F and pure artificial saliva were tested as positive and negative controls, respectively. S. mutans and C. albicans strains were cultivated in artificial saliva. The biofilms were formed in well plates, and treated with the test solutions at 72, 78 and 96 from the beginning of the biofilm formation, for 1 minute. In S1, after the last treatment, the number of the colony-forming units (CFUs), production of total biomass, metabolic activity, composition of the extracellular matrix, and the structure of the biofilms were determined. HMP at 1% combined with F led to the lowest S. mutans CFUs and lowest concentration of carbohydrates from the extracellular matrix of the biofilms, besides substantially affecting biofilm's structure. In S2, after the last treatment, the pH and the inorganic composition of the biofilms (analysis of F, calcium (Ca), and phosphorus (P) concentrations), prior to and after sucrose exposure, were evaluated. Solutions containing 1% HMPnano combined with F led to the highest biofilm pH, even after exposure to sucrose. In addition, 1% HMPnano promoted the highest P concentrations, while HMP (micro/nano, with/without F) led to inexpressive Ca levels in the biofilm fluid. In S3, the effects of HMPmicro or HMPnano, alone or associated with F, were evaluated in salivaderived microcosm biofilms, which were formed during 24 h attached to glass coverslips. Thereafter, S. mutans (C180-2) was incorporated to the biofilms. From that timepoint onwards, the same actives analyzed in S1/S2 were added to the culture medium at 20% of the concentrations used in those subprojects. After 96 h of formation, total and S. mutans CFU-counting were determined, and the production of lactic acid was assessed. All HMP-containing culture media led to the lowest lactic acid concentrations, and to the highest reductions in total and S. mutans CFU counts, with no significant influence of HMP's particle size, association with F or the addition of S. mutans. In summary, it was concluded from S1 and S2 that 1% HMPnano combined with 1,100 ppm F substantially reduced the metabolism of S. mutans and C. albicans dual-species biofilms, besides reducing the viability of S. mutans. Also, this combination led to biofilm pH values closer to neutral ones, besides affecting their inorganic composition. From S3, HMP promoted reductions in the microbial viability and acidogenicity, without the influence, however, of HMP's particle size or the presence of F(AU)

Phosphates , Phosphore
Rev. odontol. Univ. Cid. São Paulo (Online) ; 31(2): 187-193, abr/jun 2019. il.
Article de Portugais | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1022162


A área odontológica vem sendo abordada constantemente pela mídia, seja direta ou indiretamente, e isso é esperado, considerando-se que a odontologia não foge do contexto social. O fato é como e quais informações os veículos de comunicação vêm emitindo, e também como a sociedade vem absorvendo essas informações. Considerando esses fatores, o presente estudo traz uma revisão de literatura que objetivou agregar os pontos de representatividade social da odontologia sob a visão da mídia, além de identificar possíveis resultados desta abordagem para o contexto social da profissão odontológica e consequências sobre a perspectiva de promoção de saúde e relação profissional-paciente. Esta revisão constatou que a veiculação pela mídia de elementos relacionados à odontologia necessita de vários avanços, visto que os paradigmas que tangem a imagem do profissional odontológico acarreta danos no cenário de promoção de saúde bucal, sendo desfavorável tanto para a sociedade quanto para a classe odontológica.

The dental field has been constantly approached by the media, either directly or indirectly, and this is normal considering that dentistry does not escape from the social context. The fact is how and what information the media has been sending and how society has been absorbing this information. Considering these factors, this study is a review of literature that aims to aggregate aspects of social representation of dentistry under the media's vision, as well as to identify possible results of this approach to the social context of dentistry and consequences on health promotion perspective and professional-patient relationship. The study found that the media usage of elements oriented to dentistry needs several advances, once that the paradigms that touch the image of the dental professional entail damages in the oral health promotion scene, being unfavorable for both society and the dental community.

Odontologie , Science, Technologie et Société , Science , Sociologie médicale