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Arq. bras. neurocir ; 41(1): 35-42, 07/03/2022.
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362074


Introduction Fluorescence guidance with 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) is a safe and reliable tool in total gross resection of intracranial tumors, especially malignant gliomas and cases of metastasis. In the present retrospective study, we have analyzed 5-ALA-induced fluorescence findings in different central nervous system (CNS) lesions to expand the indications of its use in differential diagnoses. Objectives To describe the indications and results of 5-ALA fluorescence in a series of 255 cases. Methods In 255 consecutive cases, we recorded age, gender, intraoperative 5-ALA fluorescence tumor response, and 5-ALA postresection status, as well the complications related to the method. Postresection was classified as '5-ALA free' or '5-ALA residual'. The diagnosis of histopathological tumor was established according to the current classification of the World Health Organization (WHO). Results There were 195 (76.4%) 5-ALA positive cases, 124 (63.5%) of whom underwent the '5-ALA free' resection. The findings in the positive cases were: 135 gliomas of all grades; 19 meningiomas; 4 hemangioblastomas; 1 solitary fibrous tumor; 27 metastases; 2 diffuse large B cell lymphomas; 2 cases of radionecrosis; 1 inflammatory disease; 2 cases of gliosis; 1 cysticercosis; and 1 immunoglobulin G4-related disease.

Tumeurs du cerveau/chirurgie , Chirurgie assistée par ordinateur/méthodes , Acide amino-lévulinique , Microscopie de fluorescence/méthodes , Soins postopératoires , Tumeurs du cerveau/anatomopathologie , Soins préopératoires , Études rétrospectives , Neuronavigation/méthodes , Cerveau/chirurgie , Cerveau/anatomopathologie , Soins peropératoires , Amérique latine/épidémiologie
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;77(10): 746-748, Oct. 2019. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038727


ABSTRACT The illustrious Colombian Professor Salomón Hakim provided the annals of neurology with one of the most brilliant and original bodies of research on record, developing the concept of normal pressure hydrocephalus, as well as proving that ventricular shunting is an effective treatment. Thus, Professor Hakim proved that some of the dementias, at that time considered senile, could be successfully treated. Here the authors present an historical review of his main contributions, which continue to influence the study of dementia to this day.

RESUMO O ilustre professor colombiano Salomón Hakim deixou como legado nos anais da neurologia uma das mais brilhantes e originais séries de pesquisa da história, desenvolvendo o conceito de hidrocefalia de pressão normal, bem como introduzindo a derivação ventricular como tratamento efetivo. Assim, Hakim provou que algumas das demências até então consideradas senis tinham possibilidade de tratamento bem-sucedido. Aqui os autores apresentarão uma revisão histórica de suas maiores contribuições, que continuam a influenciar o estudo de demências até os nossos dias.

Histoire du 20ème siècle , Histoire du 21ème siècle , Hydrocéphalie chronique de l'adulte/histoire , Neurologie/histoire , Dérivation ventriculopéritonéale/histoire , Colombie