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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217421


Background: Exam anxiety is a global troublesome psychological problem, impairing the academic perfor-mance of medical students. This study was planned to estimate the prevalence and associated risk factors of Exam anxiety among Indian medical students Methodology: A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted among 230 Indian medical undergraduate students. Westside Test Anxiety Inventory (WTAI) was used to estimate the level of Exam anxiety among medical students. We utilized multivariable logistic regression to identify independent risk factors among medical students. Results: The prevalence of high Exam Anxiety among medical students was 49.6 % (95% CI 43.9-57.0). The mean age of the students was 21.3 years. Multivariable logistic regression revealed the presence of excessive course load [AOR=2.22,95% CI:(1.03,4.78)], the presence of psychological stress [AOR=2.89,95% CI:(1.51,5.48)] and low self-esteem [AOR=8.15,95% CI:(1.51,43.96)] to be independent risk factors for exam anxiety. Conclusions: Our studyfindings suggest that the prevalence of Exam anxiety is very high among Indian un-dergraduate medical students. Our study also showed that the perception of excessive course load, psycholog-ical stress and low self-esteem were the independent risk factors in medical students.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222012


Background: The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic continues its deadly reign all over the world. Devising effective strategies for detecting and controlling the infection has become ever more critical. Effective prevention and control of the pandemic is entirely dependent on human behavior in terms of practicing preventive and curative measures. During the second wave of COVID-19, people’s perceptions of preventive and curative measures changed. Objective: To study healthcare-seeking behavior of hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Methods: Hospitalized patients due to COVID-19 in the month of March, April and May of 2021 were included in the study. Their attendants/close relatives were contacted telephonically to know about the admitted patients’ healthcare-seeking behavior. Verbal consent was taken from attendants before the commencement of the interview, followed by informing them about the purpose of the interview. Results: Amongst the subjects, there were more males than females (67.5 vs 32.4%), age ranged between 18 to 88 with a mean value of 56.61 ± 14.7 years. Self-medication was significantly associated with study subjects’ mortality (p=0.03). Conclusion: Elderly people were having higher mortality rate than their younger counterparts. People were hesitant to visit primary care physicians after having symptoms of COVID-19.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-205502


Background: The World Health Organization recommends the practice of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) of infants for the first 6 months after birth. It is the simplest, healthiest, and least expensive method that fulfills the infant’s nutritional requirement, and it plays an important role in reducing the child mortality and morbidity. Although breastfeeding is a common practice in India, most of the people do not properly understand the importance of the knowledge about breastfeeding how it should be given the timings, duration, correct techniques, and appropriate time of weaning mother’s milk. Objective: The objectives were to identify the prevalence of EBF, association with demographic characteristics, and reasons of nonadherence on EBF among the mothers of children <2 years of age. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried at the immunization clinic of Late Shri Lakhiram Agrawal Memorial Government Medical College, Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, for 2 months. Mothers who came to the immunization clinic for vaccination with infants aged <2 years were interviewed. A total of 412 mothers were included in this study. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS version 10.0 software. Results: Our study showed that the prevalence of EBF practice was 53.88%. Factors found significant to influence EBF practice are the type of family, time of initiation of breastfeeding, colostrums given, mother’s age, and education. Main barriers for EBF practice were found to be resumption of work, milk insufficiency, and too painful during feeding. Conclusion: Universally it is accepted that breast feeding is best for infants as well as for mothers. The prevalence of EBF is not satisfactory among mothers. This study is focused on an urgent need of educating the mothers to feed their newborn child in the first 30 min and continues it to the first 1/2 year age of the child without any external supplements. This study highlights the need to educate mothers regarding breastfeeding during their antenatal and postnatal checkup visits.

J Environ Biol ; 2019 Jul; 40(4): 634-640
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214600


Aim: The present investigation was carried out to study root anatomy of sugarcane cultivars (CoLk 94184 and CoJ64) planted under waterlogged condition through Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Methodology: Two sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid) cultivars, CoLk 94184 and CoJ 64 were evaluated for changes in root anatomy in response to waterlogging during 2017-2018. For waterlogging treatment, crop was grown in deep plot which was waterlogged upto a depth of 1 m during active grand growth stage (monsoon season) along with untreated control plot. After three months of waterlogging, the plants were uprooted to study the root morphology and anatomy through SEM. Results: Waterlogged plants showed aerial root formation in both the cultivars but number and mass were higher in CoJ64. Aerenchyma was formed in the cortical region of both control and waterlogging roots but the size was relatively increased in waterlogged. Irregular and damaged surface cells with longer root hairs were observed in waterlogging treatment. Waterlogged roots exhibited cell distortion, loss of uniformity in endodermis and pericycle regions and higher number of metaxylem vessels. Interpretation: The study concluded that waterlogging treatment caused structural anomalies and induced anatomical and surface ultra-structural changes in both the cultivars, but the level of deformation was relatively higher in genotype CoJ 64, indicating sensitivity towards waterlogging as compared to cultivar CoLk 94184.

J Environ Biol ; 2019 May; 40(3): 384-392
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214567


Aim: The aim of the present investigation was to study the effect of waterlogging on growth and physiological behaviour of sugarcane varieties, and to evaluate these in relation to waterlogging tolerance to identify reliable physiological parameters for screening sugarcane genotypes for waterlogging tolerance.. Methodology: Ten sugarcane varieties including four tolerant and one sensitive were planted under waterlogged and non waterlogged (control) conditions. Waterlogging was imposed for 70 days at the crop age of 120 days, thereafter water was completely drained. Based on relative cane weight (% waterlogged/control), the ranking of varieties was done for waterlogging tolerance. Changes in cane weight, stalk growth rate, internode length, chlorophyll stability index and antioxidant enzyme activity were measured at the end of waterlogging. Leaf samples were analysed for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content. Correlation between waterlogging tolerance and different traits was assessed. Results: Based on relative cane weight (% waterlogged/control), CoLk 94184 was found to be the most waterlogging tolerant variety while CoJ 64 the most sensitive. Waterlogging remarkably reduced stalk growth rate and a significant positive correlation was found between waterlogging tolerance and stalk growth rate during waterlogging. The average internode length of sugarcane varieties increased by 11% in waterlogging as compared to control. Tolerant varieties had high chlorophyll stability index than sensitive one showing that tolerant varieties had less chlorosis in waterlogging. Waterlogging caused a significant increase in antioxidant enzyme activity of catalase, peroxidase and superoxide dismutase, however these increase were higher in tolerant varieties. Waterlogging induced severe deficiencies of N, P and K in sugarcane; the leaf N and K concentration were below critical deficiency level. A strong positive correlation was found between leaf K content and waterlogging tolerance. Interpretation: Stalk growth rate, chlorophyll stability index and leaf potassium concentration during waterlogging were identified as efficient physiological traits for screening the sugarcane varieties for waterlogging tolerance.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-185309


Background:Antenatal check up (ANC) is imperative for the timely diagnosis and treatment of pregnancy related morbidities.Good and timely ANC is a vital component for the safe motherhood and child survival. The study aims to describe the socio demographic prole & to assess the ANC Status and degree of acceptance of different services given in ANC among pregnant women.Methods: This was a cross sectional hospital based study done in Obs. &Gynae. department of RIMS, Ranchi for a duration of 3 months. All pregnant women admitted for delivery in Obs. & Gynae. department, RIMS, Ranchi during our data collection period were selected randomly from ve units. Total sample size during this period came out to be 163. Templates were generated in MS excel sheet and data analysis was done using SPSS software (version20.0).Results: After analysis of 163 subjects, it was found that about half (50.6%) of the patients were from rural background with non tribal ethnicity (68.11%). ANC registration was found in 98.1% of women and 34.4% women have more than four ANC visits. Conclusions: Majority of the women were taking ANC visits and getting iron supplementation with TTinjection.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-189356


Objective: To find out the frequency and distribution of white spot enamel lesions (WSL) in cleft patients. Methods: Total fifteen subjects(M=7,F=8) in the range of 10-21 years seeking orthodontic treatment were screened out for the study. Among 15 subjects a total of 315 teeth were examined and evaluated for white spot enamel lesions in cleft patients. The frequency and severity were recorded on standard proforma at the beginning of orthodontic treatment by direct visual assessment and diagnodent method.In the study pearsons correlation coefficient was used to find out relationship between plaque score, diagnodent and white spot enamel lesions. Results: The distribution of white spot enamel lesions in cleft patients was found 100%.The frequency of white spot enamel lesions in 315 teeth examined were 192 teeth (61% with score 1 without WSL), 107 teeth (34% with score 2 with WSL), 10 teeth (3% with WSL and without cavitation) and 06 teeth (2% with WSL and cavitation). Conclusion: Increased numbers of initial/white spot lesions in CLP patients predisposes to an increased risk for further development of carious cavitated lesions during the comprehensive orthodontic treatment.There is immense need to evaluate the white spot lesions, reinforce good oral hygiene measures, institute preventive fluoride regimen and manage white spot enamel lesions before orthodontic treatment to obtain optimum esthetic results.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186145


Background: Old age is an imminent natural phenomenon and is a significant outcome of demographic transition. Ageing of population is primarily the results in reduction in mortality and fertility. The process of industrialization, globalization and urbanization results in overall demographic and family structure. India is also among the countries with the high burden of ageing population. Objective: To study the Socio-demographic Characteristics, Nutritional status and Health condition of elderly living in Old Age Homes. Methodology: This was a cross sectional exploratory study. Area of research was Old Age Homes of Varanasi district. Elderly who were aged 60 years and above formed the study population with a total number of 231 study subjects. Information was collected with a pre-designed and pre tasted interview schedule. Results: Elderly females were found approximately three times higher than male (73.6% vs 26.4%). Majority 44.7% belonged to age group 60-69 years. Most of them (96.5%) were Hindus. The illiteracy rate in this study group was 59.7%. Half (51.1%) belonged to lower socio-economic status, 47.6% had normal nutritional status, 45.9% were found to be suffering from Joint pain; the most common health problem. Conclusion: Majority of the study subjects was females, the literacy rate found very low, more than half have poor nutritional status and majority of them were suffering from different morbid illnesses.

Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-178402


Insulin, Glibenclamide and Tolbutamide are some of the frequently used drugs for the most common metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus. Along with hypoglycaemic drugs diabetic patient is exposed to variety of drugs. NSAIDs are one of the commonly used drugs in this metabolic syndrome. When a patient on hypoglycaemic drugs receives NSAIDs there are chances of drug interactions. This study was undertaken in the department of Pharmacology, GSVM medical college, Kanpur (UP) after approval by the institutional animal ethics committee to find out the interaction if any between Diclofenac and three hypoglycaemic drugs i.e. insulin, glibenclamide and tolbutamide. Young healthy rabbits were divided into six groups: five rabbits in each group. First group received Insulin 1 u/kg subcutaneously; second Glibenclamide 0.05 mg/kg orally; third Tolbutamide 40 mg/kg orally; fourth Diclofenac 1mg/kg orally and insulin 1mg/kg s.c. simultaneously; fifth glibenclamide 0.05mg/kg orally at 0 hour and diclofenac 1mg/kg orally at 2 hours and sixth tolbutamide 40mg/kg orally at 0 hour and diclofenac 1mg/kg orally at 2 hours. Blood samples were taken at 0, 1, 2, 4 and 6 hours for blood sugar estimation. Mean blood sugar levels reduced significantly from their fasting levels when insulin, glibenclamide and tolbutamide were administered. However blood sugar levels did not showed any significant changes when diclofenac was administered along with insulin, glibenclamide and tolbutamide in comparison to when insulin, glibenclamide and tolbutamide were given alone. The results showed that diclofenac does not interact with insulin, glibenclamide and tolbutamide on blood sugar levels in rabbits.