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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201742


Background: Stress is inescapable part of modern life, where workplace is becoming a volatile stress factory for most employees. Occupational stress/work stress/job stress can occur when there is discrepancy between the demands of the environment/workplace and an individual’s ability to carry out and complete these demands. There is paramount need to address the factors which are leading to stress at the earliest since they are increasing rapidly. The objectives of the study were to determine the levels of stress among software professionals and to determine its association with key socio-demographic variables and with working environment.Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among software professionals working in Madhapur area of Hyderabad using self-administered, pre-designed and pre-tested questionnaire after taking informed consent. Data was analyzed using MS Excel and Epi Info software.Results: Among the study participants, 71.5% were males and 28.5% were females. Mean age of the study participants was 34.04±7.52 years. Around 45.25% were having low stress, 33.5% moderate stress and only 21.25% had high stress according to perceived stress scale. Significant association was found between stress and age, type of family, marital status, gender and working hours per day.Conclusions: In the study, most of them were having low stress according to perceived stress scale. Females were having high stress compared to males. Software professionals have to be educated on factors which are leading to stress to prevent its adverse effects.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201266


Background: Measles is an acute infectious exanthematous disease of childhood caused by paramyxovirus. With increase in immunization coverage levels, the intensity of measles outbreak has decreased in the country. In some parts of India, measles is still a major cause of morbidity and childhood mortality. Objective of the study was to determine the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients with macular/maculo-papular rash.Methods: A cross sectional record based retrospective study was carried out at Sir Ronald Ross institute of tropical and communicable diseases, Hyderabad. All the cases admitted in year 2016 with history of fever and macular/maculo-papular rash were included in the study. The study was carried out for 2 months.Results: A total of 639 cases were admitted to infectious disease hospital during the year 2016 with history of fever and rash. The mean age of study population was 6.08±4.9 years. Around 43.7% of cases were in the age group of 1–5 years. The disease was slightly higher among boys (52.3%) as compared to girls (47.7%). Amongst the clinical features, fever and rash were seen in 100%, coryza in 80%, and conjunctivitis in 63.3% of study population.Conclusions: Majority of the children suffering from measles was not vaccinated and the most common reason for failure to immunize children was lack of awareness. There is a need to increase awareness about importance of measles immunization to reduce under five mortality.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201254


Background: Auto rickshaws form 10-20% of daily motorized urban transport and ensure connectivity and easy access throughout congested Indian cities. Harmful lifestyles practiced by auto rickshaw drivers like irregularity of meals, bad posture while driving, sedentary lifestyle predisposes them to many gastrointestinal, respiratory, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular diseases. This study was taken to assess the risk factors of non-communicable diseases among of auto rickshaw drivers. Objectives of the study were to estimate the proportion of various non-communicable diseases among study population and to assess various risk factors for non- communicable diseases among study population.Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out among 100 auto rickshaw drivers, aged above 20 years commuting at bus terminus and railway station in Hyderabad, Telangana using a predesigned questionnaire from May to July 2018.Results: The mean age of the study population was found to be 41.58±10.9 years. Around 14% of study subjects had history of diabetes mellitus and 15% hypertension. About 69% were overweight or obese, 41% had refractive errors and majority had musculoskeletal problems. The mean duration of physical activity was found to be 35±7 minutes/day.Conclusions: The prevalence of cardio vascular disease risk factors i.e. tobacco smoking, sedentary lifestyle, obesity was found to be quite high among auto rickshaw drivers. Early precautionary measures, regular medical check-up and prompt interventions are necessary for managing risk factors

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201241


Background: Early neonatal period (<1 week) is the crucial period in the life of an infant as the risk of death is greatest during the first 24- 48 hours after birth. In India, around 61.3% of all infant deaths occur during neonatal period (<28 days) and more than half of these deaths occur during early neonatal period. Most of these deaths can be attributed to harmful newborn care practices in relation to bathing, feeding, cord care etc. The aims and objectives of the study were to assess the newborn care practices among women who delivered in Gandhi Hospital; to assess the relationship between maternal education and newborn care practices among study population.Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out among 200 women who delivered in Gandhi Hospital, Hyderabad, Telangana from March to June 2017 and a predesigned, pre tested questionnaire was used to obtain information.Results: The mean age of study population was 21.5±2.3 years. Around 61.9% of mother’s breastfed within first hour of life and 93.5% fed colostrum. Around 17% were given pre lacteal feeds like cow milk, honey, water etc. No harmful cord care practices like application of cow dung etc. were not followed.Conclusions: Majority of the study population had correct knowledge regarding newborn care practices. Although some of the traditional practices were still observed like giving pre lacteal feeds, discarding colostrum and avoidance of certain foods like pulses, meat, curd etc. by mother.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201097


Background: The phase of menopause is a physiological event which occurs as a result of progression of reproductive ageing. Women from developing countries view variations due to menopause as natural process and there is no need for medical care. The objective of the study was to assess the health seeking behaviour among the post menopausal women.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the rural and urban field practice areas of department of Community Medicine of Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad. About 300 urban and 300 rural women were interviewed using a semi-structured and pretested questionnaire from August 2015 to September 2017.Results: Among the rural women, 100 (25.4%) women did not seek health care and among those who sought health care, majority (34.3%) preferred government healthcare services followed by 23% who consulted private facility. Of the urban women, 14.7% did not seek health care, 42% of the women approached private practitioner followed by 23% who sought health care in government hospital. Majority of the women (42.2%) did not seek health care as they thought they will be normal with time.Conclusions: More than one third of the women are not aware of menopause and related problems. Among those who did not seek health care, higher proportion felt they will be Ok with time followed by financial constraints, fear/shy, family problems and lack of transport.