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Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995196


Objective:To document the expression of aphasia-related progranulin gene (GRN) in mononuclear cells in the peripheral blood (PBMC) of patients with post-stroke aphasia (PSA).Methods:PC12 cells at the logarithmic-growth stage were cultured and divided into a non-specific interference group (the gene control group) and a specific interference group (the gene silencing group) when the cell density reached 30 to 50%. After the expression of GRN was knocked down in the cells, the occurrence of variable splicing events was analyzed using high-throughput transcriptome sequencing (RNA-seq). Meanwhile, 10 PSA patients were selected into a patient group and 10 healthy counterparts were chosen as a control group. Blood was collected from both groups and real-time fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reactions (RT-qPCR) were employed to determine any changes in GRN mRNA expression and the occurrence of variable splicing events in the nuclear factor related to kappa-B-binding protein (NFRKB) in their PBMCs. The patient group received conventional speech therapy, and immediately after their first and second blood collections their speech functioning was assessed using the Chinese Aphasia Battery (ABC). Pearson correlation coefficients were then computed relating the GRN expression and ABC scores.Results:After knocking down GRN in the PC12 cells, the expression of GRN in the gene knockdown group was significantly different from that in the control group. There were 237 genes with significant differences in variable splicing between the two samples. The number of genes with variable splicing events at the 5′ end was the largest. There were also significant differences between the groups in the average occurrence of NFRKB variable splicing events. And significant diffe-rences were observed in the mRNA expression of GRN between the two blood collections from the patient group, as well as between the first collection from the patient group and the controls. The average oral expression score of the PSA patients improved significantly, particularly the retelling score. The changes in the GRN expression level were positively correlated with the recovery of oral expression ability.Conclusion:GRN can promote the recovery of speech function in PSA patients by regulating the variable splicing of NFRKB.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995234


Objective:To observe the temporal variability of functional connectivity between the bilateral inferior frontal gyrus and rest of the brain in persons with Broca′s aphasia (BA) and to compare the connectivity between Uygur and Chinese aphasics.Methods:Thirty Chinese and Uygur BA patients (the patient group) and 30 healthy people speaking Uygur and Chinese (the healthy group) were included. rs-fMRI images were acquired, and the patient group was divided then into a Uygur language patient group (9 cases) and a Chinese language patient group (12 cases). The healthy group was divided into a Uygur language healthy group (13 cases) and a Chinese language healthy group (15 cases). Dynamic functional connectivity (dFC) calculations were performed, and a two-factor analysis of covariance was used to obtain the brain regions in which there was an interaction between language and aphasia and to analyze the correlation between the brain regions with abnormal dFCs and linguistic behavior.Results:Interaction between the bilateral inferior frontal gyrus and the left medial and paracentral cingulate gyrus and the right postcentral gyrus dFC was observed to vary. Temporal variability among the Uygur patients was significantly less than among the Uygur healthy and Chinese patient groups. The temporal variability of Broca′s mirror area and the right postcentral gyrus in the Chinese patient group was significantly greater than in the Chinese healthy group or the Uygur patient group. Variability of Broca′s area and the left medial and paracingulate cingulate gyrus in the Uygur patients group correlated positively with oral fluency, reading comprehension and writing.Conclusion:There are differences in the temporal variability of the dFC in the bilateral inferior frontal gyrus between Uygur and Chinese BA patients. The lower variability of Broca′s area with the left medial and paracingulate and cingulate gyrus may help to identify impaired language function in BA patients. The enhanced variability of the Broca′s mirror image area with the right postcentral gyrus may be the result of reorganization of the linguistic network in Chinese BA patients.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-744190


Rehabilitation physician training is an important part of the development of rehabilitation medicine.Rehabilitation physician education in Taiwan has a complete and standardized training system,and rehabilitation physician training in mainland China is mainly achieved through standardized residency training.This article compares the differences in training processes for rehabilitation physicians in education in medical colleges and universities,residency training,and specialist training between Taiwan and mainland China.The results show that rehabilitation physician training in Taiwan is rigorous and orderly,with reasonable contents,clear objectives,strong specialty,and standardized assessment,while in mainland China,rehabilitation physicians in mainland China have insufficient training time,and there is a lack of detailed training plan and unified assessment standards.Rehabilitation physician training in mainland China needs to learn from advanced experience,further reform the training process,improve the operability of the overall education program,and perfect the training system of rehabilitation physicians.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-665977


Objective To observe any differences in the spontaneous activity of brain areas between Manda rin-speaking and Uyghur-speaking aphasics at rest and explore the reasons.Methods Functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to scan the brains of 15 Mandarin-speaking and 12 Uyghur-speaking subjects.Statistical parametric maps of the active brain areas were prepared and low-frequency amplitude (ALEF) indexes were calculated.Results While at rest the ALEF indexes of the Mandarin-speakers were,on averge,larger than those of the Uyghur-speakers.The difference was primarily in the ALEF of the right thalamus.Conclusion At rest,the average ALEF of the right thalamus of aphasic Mandarin-speakers is larger than that of Uyghur-speakers.It might be that after a left-brain stroke the Mandarin-speakers form new language circuits with the help of the right thalamus which compensates for the loss of language function.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-505583


Objective To observe brain areas activated during verb generation in Uyghur and Chinese,and thus to explore the neural mechanism of speech formation and understanding and the language barriers after brain injury and during recovery.Methods The blood oxygen level dependent contrast functional magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD-fMRI) was used to scan activated brain areas of 31 cases of Uyghur and 28 cases of Chinese speakers as they completed a verb generation task.Results The mainareas activated in the brains of the Chinese group were the left caudate nucleus,the left inferior occipital gyrus,the left fusiformgyrus,bilateral supplementary motor areas (BA8/6),the left BA32 area,the left precuneus,the left superior parietal lobe (BA7),the left inferior parietal lobe,the left angular gyrus,the right precentral area (BA9),the pars triangularis of the left inferior frontal gyrus,the pars opercularis of the right inferior frontal gyrus and the bilateral cerebellum.The main activated areas of the Uyghur group were the left precentral area (BA9),the pars opercularis of the left inferior frontal gyrus,the pars triangularis of the left inferior frontal gyrus and the left cerebellum.Moreover,the Chinese group showed significantlygreater activation in left caudate body,the left orbital part of the middle frontal gyrus,the right caudate head and the bilateral anterior cingulate gyrus (BA32) compared to the Uyghur group.The Uyghur group,on the other hand,did not show activation significantly greater than that of the Chinese group in any area.Conclusions The brain areas activated when generating verbs in Uyghur and Chinese are not exactly the same-the processing of Uyghur mainly occursin the left hemisphere,while that of Chinese may need the participation of more brain areas in the right hemisphere.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-479985


Objective To study the reliability and validity of an aphasia battery of Uighur (ABU).Methods The Chinese Aphasia Battery (ABC) was translated into Uighur.Appropriate adaptation was made according to the features of Uyghur language,but the overall structure was unchanged.Three rounds of comments and revisions were conducted by experts and the ABU was back-translated into Chinese after language adjustment and pretesting.The ABU was then applied to evaluating 104 cases of stroke aphasia among Uighur speakers,among which 30 cases were retested one week later.The construct validity,internal reliability,retest reliability and splithalf reliability of the scale were tested using factor analysis and Spearman rank correlation analysis.Results The discrepancy between the original and back-translated ABC was less than 10%.The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin value was 0.917 and the p value of the Bartlett's test for sphericity was ≤0.005.Three common factors were extracted using principal component analysis with a varimax orthogonal rotation:a writing factor;and a listening comprehension factor.Together they explained a total of 81% of the variance.The Cronbach's α of the components were 0.969 for oral expression,0.922 for listening comprehension,0.966 for reading and 0.924 for writing,giving a total α coefficient of 0.978.The test-retest correlation coefficients of 22 items were greater than 0.8,with only another two below 0.7.The split-half reliability of the scale was 0.906.Conclusions The aphasia battery in Uighur has good validity and reliability,and can quantitatively reflect the functional status and language changes among Uighur's with stroke aphasia.It may also be suitable for application in the clinical rehabilitation of other sorts of Uighurspeaking aphasics.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-439377


Objective To observe the difference in activated brain regions when speaking Mandarin and Uyghur.Methods Blood oxygenation level dependent magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD-fMRI) was used to scan the brains of 30 healthy,right handed volunteers-15 native Uyghur speakers and 15 native Mandarin speakers-while they performed semantic identification and verb generation tasks.The fMRI data were used to generate statistical parametric maps of the brain areas activated by each task.Results In the semantic identification task the left anterior cingulate gyrus (BA23) and the midline mesophyll wedge were activated significantly more strongly in the Uyghur group compared with the Mandarin speakers.In the verb generation task the left inferior temporal gyrus (BA37),the inferior parietal lobule,the fusiform gyrus and the parahippocampal gyrus in the Uyghur group were all significantly more active.The right superior temporal gyrus (BA38) in the Mandarin group was significantly more active during verb generation than among the Uyghur speakers.Conclusions The brain regions activated during semantic processing and verb generation differ when speaking Uyghur and Mandarin.The cingulate gyrus and the praecuneus are more involved in Uyghur-language semantic processing,especially the left anterior cingulate gyrus.The right hemisphere is more important in Mandarin processing than in Uyghur.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-944973


@#Objective To study the writing characteristics and related focuses in brain in patients with Uighur and Chinese agraphia.Methods Aphasia Battery of Chinese (ABC) and Uighur ABC were used to examine the characteristics of speaking and writing. The focues were observed with CT and MRI. Results 67 patients were with agraphia, in which 37 were Uigur and 30 were ethnic Han. Both groups mostly showed aphasic agraphia, the focuses were found in various areas in the brain, and mostly located on the left frontal, parietal, temporal lobes and basal ganglion. Conclusion The characteristics of writing were various with the types of agraphia, but similar between Uighur and Chinese cases with same writing characteristics.Writing behavior relies on the cooperation of the whole neuromechanism.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-430463


Objective To observe the different needs of Uighur and Han stroke patients for oceupational activities using the Canadian occupational performance measure (COPM).Methods The COPM was employed to evaluate 51 stroke patients in hospital before and after treatment.Thirty were from the Han ethnic group and 21 were Uighur.The first evaluation was performed at admission to confirm their occupational activity problems.Interventions were then planned using a patient-centered occupational therapy model.At discharge the second evaluation was performed to assess and compare the effects of treatment.Results In the first evaluation,both the Uighur and Han stroke patients had problems with self-care activities which were more prominent than those with productive and leisure activities.Older Uighur patients had special occupational activity needs resulltng from their religious practices.Compared witb the first evaluation,the total performance and satisfaction scores had improved significantly by the second evaluation for both the Han and Uighur patients,but their satisfaction scores were lower than their occupational activities performance scores.Conclusion Different nationalities may have different occupational activities needs.The COPM is easy to use and helpful in confirming occupational activity problems.Its use can contribute to the plan ning of primary goals for rehabilitation and treatment programs and help assess the effect of rebabilitation.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-420960


Objective To study the linguistic manifestations and locations of brain lesions of Uyghur aphasia patients,and the differences between Uyghurs and other Chinese aphasics.Methods Forty-five aphasic Uyghurs and forty-five other Chinese aphasies were studied.All had suffered a stroke.Aphasia examinations were performed using a Chinese aphasia battery(ABC).CT and MRI images were taken of all patients.Results There was no obvious difference in linguistic manifestations between the Uyghur and other aphasics.The brain lesions of 24 Uyghur cases(53.33%)and 36 of the others(80%)were located in the classic language centers,a highly significant difference.The incidence of crossed aphasia in the Uyghur group was higher than among the others.Conclusion Various types of aphasia have their own unique linguistic characteristics,but the same type of aphasia has the same linguistic characteristics among Uyghurs and other Chinese.Chinese aphasia is more coincident with the pattern of classic language centers than aphasia among Uyghurs.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-544334


N400 as one of endogenic components in event-related potentials,which reflected the cognitive process of language in brain,has been more and more widely concerned.This article reviewed the discovery,the characteristics,the origins and the elicited methods of N400,summarized the investigations and point at issue on the cognitive process of language over the past several years,and explored the application foreground of N400 in the field of language cognition.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-545373


Objective:TO provide theoretic evidence for Chinese rehabilitation training to study the characteristics of right hemisphere in recognizing Chinese and association between left and right cerebral hemispheres.Methods:102 cases up to the qualification,including 41 patients with right-hemisphere-lesion(RHL)、 31 patients with left-hemisphere-lesion(LHL) and 30 healthy individuals as control,were collected and tested with The Standardized Aphasia Battery in Chinese(ABC)、Writing-scopy of Chinese Character and Visual Spatial Structure-scopy.Results:14 aphasic patients,including 1 RHL and 13 LHLs,were found 11 of 72 patients had apparent reading disorder,including 7 LHLs with language reading disorder and 4 RHLs with neglect reading disorder;and 29 of 72 patients had apparent writing disorder,including 13 LHLs with language writing disorder and 16 RHLs among whom 9 cases had visual space writing disorder and 7 cases had language writing disorder;RHLs showed lighter listenning comprehension disorder than that of LHLs in the test.Conclusion:Right hemisphere is mainly involved in Chinese written language recognition and processing,and one of the most important reasons of reading and writing disorder is left side neglect、visual consciousness and spatial analysis dysfunction due to RHL.

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