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Global Health Journal ; (4): 192-197, 2022.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036148


Objectives:This study aims to explore the role of consultation and relational empathy(CARE)and socio-demographic profile as predictors of patients'satisfaction among pregnant women attending antenatal care(ANC)in selected public primary health facilities in rural sub-districts of Saki,Oyo State,Nigeria.Methods:This cross-sectional study recruited a total of 582 pregnant women in four primary health centers.Expectant mothers responded to a questionnaire covering demographic characteristics,clinic visitation,CARE,and patients'satisfaction.All data was analyzed using descriptive,univariate and multivariate statistical tools.P<0.05 level was considered statistically significance.Results:Findings revealed that the participants had a mean age of 23.15±5.23 years.The pattern of patients'satisfaction revealed that 13.40%(78/582)were highly satisfied with the health care received compared to 86.60%(504/582)with moderate to low satisfaction ratings with ANC.Highly satisfied patients placed higher value on technical quality,interpersonal relation,communication,financial aspects,time spent and accessibility convenience(P=0.001).Multiple linear regression model indicated that relational empathy(β=0.28,P<0.001),2nd trimester of pregnancy(β=0.13,P=0.01),age categories of 30-<40 years(β=-0.12,P=0.02),and 40-<50 years(β=-0.11,P=0.04),religious affiliation(β=0.10,P=0.03)predicted satisfaction with ANC.Conclusion:Low patients'satisfaction with antenatal healthcare services resulting from hostile attitudes from health workers has implication for the delivery and acceptability of services offered to eradicate maternal mor-tality globally.Thus,regular training and re-training of health care personnel in frequent contact and interaction with patients will go a long way in reducing untoward work attitude and maternal mortality in rural ANC centers globally.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-210283


Background:The prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) havetripled from 1980 till date as a result of many factors of which obesity/excessive weight gain is a closely related factor of DM. There are many adverse challenges of DM in pregnancy with its associated fetal and maternal consequences.Aim:To determine the prevalence of DM in pregnancy amongst antenatal clinic (ANC) at booking at the Rivers State University Teaching Hospital (RSUTH).Methods: It was a cross sectional study of ANC attendees at booking at the RSUTH. Simple random sampling method was used. The Information was coded and analyzed using SPSS version 25.Results: A total of 99 pregnant women were recruited at booking in the ANC of the RSUTH. The mean age was 32.2 years and the modal parity was 1.0.The number of ANC attendees with weight equal to or greater than 90 Kg were 21 (21.2%), number with weight greater than equal to 90 Kg with glucose in urine were 10 (10.1%) Three (3.0%) of the subjects were known diabetic whereas 12 (12.1%) had family history of DM.Conclusion: The study revealed the prevalence of DM amongst ANC attendees at the RSUTH as 3.0%. There was corresponding glycosuria in 10.1% of the ANC attendees. ANC attendees had family history of DM were 12.1%. Advocacy is needed to educate the populace on the predisposing factors of DM and its adverse effect on maternal and child health.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-210265


Introduction: Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) or Female Circumcision (FC) have been influenced by religion, culture and medicine. The practice of FGM havebeen associated with myriads of negative health consequences, resulting in its abolishment by the World Health Organization (WHO). This is unlike male circumcision which is well accepted by most religions of the world, culture and medically.Aim: To ascertain the influence of religion, culture and medicine as regards FGM amongst antenatal clinic (ANC) attendees at the Rivers State University Teaching Hospital (RSUTH). Methods: It was a cross sectional study of ANC attendees at The RSUTH. The Information was retrieved using a self structured questionnaire which was coded and analyzed using SPSS version 25.Results: A total number 84 ANC attendees were recruited for the study. The mean age was 30.7 years and the modal parity was 1. The mean gestational age was 15.8 weeks. Twenty (23.8%) respondents had FC, all of whom were Christians. Eighteen (21.4%) of the respondents were of the opinion that FGM was a good practice; while 66 (78.6%) respondents believed that FGM was a wrong practice. The 2 most common reasons for FGM were to prevent promiscuity 7 (8.3%) and cultural reasons 7 (8.3%). The commonest known complication by respondents following FGM was bleeding from the genital tract 24 (28.6%).Conclusion: The prevalence of FGM from the study was 23.8% amongst ANC attendees at the RSUTH. Religion, culture and medicine may play vital roles in the eradication of FGM in our sub-region as recommended by WHO

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-200478


Background: Hydrochloric acid (pH 1.5-3.5) being the major component of gastric acid is produced by parietal cells of stomach. Its secretion is a complex and relatively energetically expensive process. The preservation of acidity of stomach is evidently important because of its implications in peptic and duodenal ulceration.Methods: In the present study, we attempted to compare the activity of 13 (F1-F13) antacid formulations (5-liquid, 4- quick releases and 4- tablets) by using acid-base neutralization studies. Preliminary antacid test (PAT) was performed to define whether the given formulation falls under the category of antacid wherein the pH of the antacid-acid (HCl) solution should be higher than pH of 3.5. The chosen antacids were further subjected to acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) (reaction between the sample of antacid and amount of acid neutralized by the formulation) and acid neutralizing potential (ANP) which explains the time duration during which a given sample of antacid can maintain pH above 3.5).Results: Out of the 13 samples tested, two formulations of pastels (F6, F12) were rejected as per the standard protocol of classifying formulations as antacids after screening for PAT. Sample F5 was found to have the highest ANC. F7 also showed highest ANC among the tablets tested. Also, F13 showed better ANC and ANP as in comparison to other quick releases.Conclusions: Digene products (F5, F7, and F13) showed better antacid properties. This data would provide insights into development of drug, comparison between antacids depending on their chemical formulation and determination of dosage to avoid plausible side effects.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201610


Background: Postnatal period is a vulnerable time, because most maternal and new born deaths occur during this period, especially immediately after childbirth. Postnatal care in the first hours and days after childbirth could prevent the great majority of these deaths. The objective of study was to assess the utilization of post-natal care and associated factors for low utilization in urban area of Jabalpur district.Methods: A community based cross-sectional study was carried 360 mothers who delivered in last one year in urban area of Jabalpur district. Sampling method was multistage sampling method. A total 36 wards with 10 mothers from each ward was selected. The questionnaire included information related to mode of delivery, post-natal checkups and visits of health care providers.Results: Among 360 mothers, 93.9% mothers received first postnatal check-up within 24 hrs. 1.11% of mothers between 2-3 days and 1.67% of mothers received first postnatal check-up between 4-7 days while 3.33% of mothers didn’t receive any postnatal check-up. Regarding number of post-natal visits, 58.33% mothers received 3 or more postnatal visits, 35% of mother received 2 PNC visits, while 3.3% did not receive a single postnatal visit. The education of mothers, joint type of family, high socioeconomic status, early registration of pregnancy, minimum 4 ANC visits and institutional deliveries were found significantly associated with utilization of postnatal check-up.Conclusions: Utilization of postnatal services is still poor in the urban areas even though the physical accessibility was adequate. In the present study, it was concluded that the role of education, especially of female education, is important contributing factor associated with utilization of postnatal care.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-211349


Background: The factors essential to define the severity and the prognosis of subjects with NCFB have not been sufficiently assessed. A prospective observational study was conducted to assess the serum parameters, their correlation with BSI (bronchiectasis severity index) and FACED (FEV1% predicted, age, chronic colonization by pseudomonas aeruginosa, extension by radiological assessment and dyspnoea) score in assessing disease severity and respiratory hospitalizations in patients with NCFB.Methods: About 76 clinically stable patients diagnosed as NCFB were included. Data extraction was done using structured proforma. The BSI and FACED scores were calculated. The serum parameters albumin, CRP (C-reactive protein), ANC (Absolute neutrophil count) and Hb (hemoglobin) levels were estimated. The number of exacerbations and hospitalizations during the 6 months follow up period were recorded.Results: The mean value of the serum parameters albumin, CRP, absolute neutrophil count (ANC) and Hb were 3.86 (95% CI 3.77- 3.95), 19.61 (95% CI 15.53 -23.68), 8632.95 (95% CI 7258.5-10068) and 12.3 (95% CI 11.84- 12.74) respectively. There was strong negative correlation between serum albumin and the BSI and FACED score. The mean exacerbations and hospitalizations during the 6 months follow up period were 3.3 (95% CI 2.93-3.65) and 1.14 (95% CI 0.85-1.44) respectively.Conclusions: The serum albumin level exhibited strong correlation and was identified as a variable associated with the BSI and FACED scores. Further studies in this direction are needed for use of serum parameters in severity assessment.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201359


Background: In India, 17 per cent or nearly 50,000 of 2.89 lakh women died as result of complication due to pregnancy in 2013. In past decade, many studies have revealed low utilization of health services by different segments of society for varying reasons. This study was conducted to assess the utilization pattern of ANC services by the pregnant women in a rural area. The objectives of the study were to assess the pattern of utilization of ANC services by pregnant and recently delivered women; to study the association between socio-demographic factors and utilization pattern among recently delivered women.Methods: A community based cross-sectional study conducted at the rural health training centre in Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu among pregnant women and recently delivered women using pre-designed and pre-tested questionnaire. The entire registered pregnant mothers were included for the study and survey was done through house to house visit and the analysis was done using SPSS 21.Results: Out of 170 study participants, majority 132 (77.6%) of them had their antenatal check-up at primary health centre, 138 (81.2%) have received the IFA tablets and 139 (81.8%) had early antenatal registration. And most of the study participants 108 (63.5%) did not utilize anganwadi for health education and supplementary nutrition. Number of IFA tablets consumption by mothers was significantly associated with literacy and socio-economic status of the mother with p value of 0.03 and 0.002 respectively.Conclusions: Our study results showed that better ANC services utilization pattern in our study area except anganwadi utilization.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-200087


Background: ANC is the care woman receives throughout the pregnancy in order to ensure that both the mother and child remain healthy. Promotion of maternal and child health is the most important component of family welfare programme of Govt. of India. It is useful to promote, prevent and protect maternal and perinatal health for the sustainable growth and development of country. Unfortunately, many women in developing countries do not receive such care. This study is conducted to identify, address and to assess the awareness and knowledge about own health during pregnancy and to improve maternal health, to improve maternal health services and to limit barriers among health systems working at all levels.Methods: This study is done in D.Y. Patil Hospital, Kolhapur among pregnant women attending ANC from April to June 2017. A questionnaire was used to collect data and assessed in either positive or negative response. Statistical analysis was done in terms of percentage.Results: During the analysis 48.1% had knowledge about ANC check-ups and 26.7% admitted about the importance of ANC check-up and visits. Regarding awareness, 35.8% were aware about the importance of ANC card, 28.3% were aware about the parameters, check-ups and investigations. 23% agreed that each ANC visit can improve the health and baby抯 growth, while evaluating Attitude 32.6% enquired about their improvement or complications they will have to face.Conclusions: Present study data is baseline but informative for further planning of health in intervention programme. It is also useful for enhancing awareness of antenatal care and for motivating the women to utilize maternal care services.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-211237


Background: Despite the availability of modern and scientific measures, unacceptably high numbers of maternal deaths still occur in developing countries. Spacing methods of family planning may avoid maternal and infant deaths. The Government of India launched postpartum IUCD (PPIUCD) services in the year 2000; although acceptance of Postpartum IUCD is a real concern.Methods: The retrospective study was conducted in rural government hospital in Maharashtra during 2016 - 2017. We analyzed sociodemographic variables and acceptance of Postpartum IUCD among postpartum women. The sample size was 595 (N=595). The sociodemographic factors studied included age, type of delivery, sex of newborn, socioeconomic status, educational status, etc.Results: The total postpartum women included in the study was 595, out of which, 202 (34%) accepted for postpartum IUCD whereas 393 (66%) rejected for the same. The most common age group was 20-25 years (65%), followed by age group 25-30 years (30%). Primipara was the comment group (45%) and normal vaginal delivery was common (95%). The educational status of both, the postpartum women and their husband, showed statistically significant association with acceptance of postpartum IUCD (p<0.05).Conclusions: The acceptance Postpartum IUCD was low (34%). The women’s and their husband’s educational status is an important factor in acceptance of Postpartum IUCD (p<0.05). Due attention should be given to enhancing educational level of women, also effective counselling both for pregnant woman and her husband during ANC is required.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203072


Background: Maternal mortality remains a biggest setback in developing nations like India. Almost 90% of maternal deaths can be prevented by timely intervention, antenatal care acts as an effective tool to reduce both maternal and infant mortality. The objective of this study is to assess the utilization of antenatal care services in two divisions of Uttarakhand: Kumaun and Garhwal.Materials and Methods: The study was carried out using secondary data source i.e. NFHS-4 data of Uttarakhand which is divided into two regions, Garhwal and Kumaun. Statistical test i.e. Z-test is used for the comparison between two regions and within inter districts of Uttarakhand.Result: The results of this study indicates that between the two regions i.e Kumaun has better utilization of maternal health care facilities. Nainital district recorded best and Pithoragarh district recorded the least utilization of ANC services in Kumaun division. In Garhwal division, district Chamoli and Dehradun recorded highest utilization of maternal health care services whereas Rudraprayag and Tehri-Garhwal had discouraging statistics.Conclusion: Uttarakhand has immensely progressed in terms of maternal health in recent times; still there are some key areas that require immediate attention. Certain districts in both Garhwal and Kumaun division need assistance to improve maternal health care seeking behavior amongst the mother and the family. Dissemination of information and benefits regarding the utilization of ANC services should be encouraged to achieve a reduction in maternal mortality.

Indian J Public Health ; 2018 Sep; 62(3): 235-238
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-198067


Near-miss obstetric events (NMEs) refers to the situations where women experience severe, life-threatening obstetric complications during pregnancy, delivery, or postpregnancy (up to 42 days) which they survive either by chance or because they receive good care at a facility. A cross-sectional study was conducted from May to June 2016 at the subdivisional hospital of West Bengal. The WHO near-miss criteria were followed for case identification. Data were collected by interview and record review. No maternal deaths were reported during data collection period; however, the frequency of NMEs was quite high (38%). Maternal near-miss ratio was 379.51/1000 live births, and maternal mortality index was 0%. Higher age group, below poverty line status, term pregnancy, and higher gravid and higher parity significantly favored the occurrence of NMEs, while ANC registration and Iron and Folic Acid consumption were significantly protective against it. Early identification of risk factors for NMEs and prompt initiation of treatment plays a critical role in the management of NMEs.

Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-181178


Background & objectives: Despite various efforts by the Government of India, utilization of antenatal care (ANC) services continues to be low among women from rural areas particularly those belonging to the Scheduled Tribes. The present study was undertaken to examine the factors associated with the utilization of ANC services among women in four States including Rajasthan, Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh which constitute a good share of tribal population of the country. Methods: Data from third round of District Level Household and Facility Survey, 2007-08 (DLHS-3) have been used. Bivariate and multivariate analyses (logistic regression model) were used to study the association between the utilization of ANC services and the independent variables at individual, household and village levels along with the motivational factors (motivation by health workers and family members). Results: The utilization of ANC services among Scheduled Tribes women varied from about 4 per cent in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan to 10-14 per cent in Chhattisgarh and Odisha. Utilization was highest among those women with level of education 9th class and above (15-28%) and those women who visited health facility for pregnancy confirmation test (9-27%). Across the States, women who visited health facility for pregnancy testing (adjusted odds ratio, AOR = 1.5-2.5; P<0.001) except in Madhya Pradesh; registration of pregnancy (AOR = 2.1-4.5; P<0.01) and sought treatment of pregnancy related problems (AOR = 1.5-1.8; P<0.06) except in Rajasthan, were more likely to avail complete ANC services than their counterparts. Interpretation & conclusions: The utilization of antenatal care among Scheduled Tribe women across four States was very poor. The reasons behind non-utilisation include both socio-economic and health system factors. For improving ANC utilization among tribes, these factors need to be addressed with special emphasis on woman’s educational attainment of high school and above. In addition, the study highlighted the need to create awareness among both pregnant tribal women as well as her family members on the importance of early ANC care.

Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-182485


Introduction: In India, report says that we failed to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. The maternal mortality rate and infant mortality rate in developing regions are approximately 15 times higher than developed countries. Hence safe delivery and essential newborn care, besides neonatal care in domestic setting and timely referral for cases unmanageable are important areas to be addressed. This study was aimed to assess the current pattern of utilization of maternal and neonatal care services in rural areas of Lucknow. Material and Method: This community based cross sectional study was conducted in between August 2014 to July 2015. Study site was rural area of Lucknow. The study unit was a recently delivered woman, defined as a woman who gave live birth in last one year. A multi stage random sampling technique was used. We uses SPSS version 17 for our statistical analysis. Results: We interviewed 368 RDWs and found that 10.6 % of RDWs did not visit even once to health care facility and almost 62% of registered RDWs were registered early. About 70% RDWs completed at least three ANC visits, 67.7% received complete course of tetanus toxoid and 79.1% received at least one hundred of iron and folic acid (IFA) tablets. Approximately 90% deliveries were conducted by qualified physicians in government institution. There was a clear reduction in facilitating services by health care workers before and after delivery. We found that age less than 30 years, higher socioeconomic strata, educational level higher than matriculation of RDWs were likely to complete their ANC cares and these associations were statistically significant. Conclusion: We are still far away from health for all. To achieve SDG, a multi prong approach is need of hour.

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-632848


@#<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>OBJECTIVES:</strong> This study aims to determine if there is a significant difference in the recovery time and duration of hospital stay of patients with anti-thyroid drug-(ATD) induced agranulocytosis with and without granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (GCSF) therapy. It also aims to describe the clinical characteristics of patients who had anti-thyroid drug-induced agranulocytosis.<br /><strong>METHODOLOGY:</strong> This is a retrospective study of hyperthyroid patients on anti-thyroid drugs (ATD) who had an absolute neutrophil count (ANC) of less than 500/?L. Their charts were reviewed for collection of data on age, gender, body mass index (BMI), type and duration of ATD and use of antibiotic and steroid. Recovery time and length of hospital stay were compared between those who received and did not receive GCSF.<br /><strong>RESULTS:</strong> With similar clinical features between the GCSF and non-GCSF groups, the recovery time from agranulocytosis and duration of hospitalization were significantly shorter in the GCSF group, despite lower ANC.<br /><strong>CONCLUSION:</strong> GCSF significantly decreased recovery time (4 versus 7 days, p=0.005) and duration of hospital stay (5 versus 7 days, p=0.009) of hyperthyroid patients with anti-thyroid drug-induced agranulocytosis compared to patients not given GCSF.</p>

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Adulte , Jeune adulte , Adolescent , Granulocytes , Granulocytes neutrophiles , Neutropénie , Hyperthyroïdie , Facteur de stimulation des colonies de granulocytes , Antibactériens , Antithyroïdiens , Agranulocytose , Thiamazol , Propylthiouracile
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-166472


Background: The discourse on the ASHA’s role centres around three typologies - ASHA as an activist, ASHA as a link worker or facilitator, and ASHA as a community level health care provider. She will counsel women on birth preparedness, importance of safe delivery, breastfeeding and complementary feeding, immunization, contraception and prevention of common infections including reproductive tract infection/sexually transmitted infection (RTIs/STIs) and care of the young child. Hence this study was conducted to evaluate the knowledge of antenatal and postnatal care of ASHA workers. Methods: A cross sectional study was done on 132 ASHA workers selected from 5 random PHCs in Bijapur taluk. Data was collected in a prestructured proforma using interview technique from June to October, 2012. Results: Most of the ASHA (68.1%) considered minimum of 3 postnatal visits after the normal vaginal delivery. Around 73.4% were aware that the new born child is to be wrapped up in the cloth soon after birth to prevent hypothermia. Majority (735.%) were aware about the duration of exclusive breastfeeding to be practiced by the lactating mother. 69.7% of the respondents said the duration of breastfeeding should be between 18-24 months. Conclusions: Self-explanatory, specific financial guidelines should be made available within time to the programme managers. Under the cascade model of training to the ASHA, trainings should provide complete knowledge and skills to the trainees within the stipulated time. Quality of training should be enhanced and refresher trainings should be planned regularly.

Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-166713


Abstracts: Background: Cost studies are paramount for demonstrating how resources have been spent and identifying opportunities for more efficient use of resources. The aim of this study was to determine the unit cost of maternal and child health (MCH) programme provided at Primary Health Centers (PHCs) and to examine the variation in unit cost in different PHCs. Methodology: The present study was carried out in three PHCs of Ahmedabad district namely Sanathal, Nandej, and Uperdal, between 1 April, 2006 and 31 March, 2007. For estimating the cost of a health program, information on all the physical and human resources that were basic inputs to the PHC services were collected and grouped into two categories, non-recurrent (capital resources vehicles, buildings, etc.) and recurrent resources (salaries, drugs, vaccines, contraceptives, maintenance, etc.). To generate the required data, two types of schedules were developed, daily time schedule and PHC/SC (Subcenter) information schedule. Results: Unit cost for each contact of MCH beneficiaries was Rs. 54.87 at Sanathal PHC, Rs. 87.63 at Nandej PHC and Rs. 70.01 at Uperdal PHC. Conclusion: Even though maternal and child health services are free, utilization of these services at the health centres were low, particularly for delivery, leading to high unit costs.

Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-175484


Background: Micro insurance for health is one method to address unmet health needs. Women are the primary and target market for micro- insurance for health. The study was conducted to assess the level of awareness on maternal health services among the micro health insurance beneficiaries. Methods: This cross-sectional study was done on 230 micro health insurance beneficiaries and 223 non-insured. The beneficiaries belonged to SAJIDA Foundation under Keraniganj thana and the non- insured belonged to Basila under Mohammadpur thana of Dhaka district. Purposive sampling technique was employed to select the sample and data were collected by face to face interview using a structured interview schedule. Results: The mean age ± SD of the women were 28.1 years ± 5.7 and 24.8 years ± 4.9 in program and comparison area respectively. The mean family income of the respondents of program and comparison area were 14489.13 Tk ± 12641.17 and 6814.35 Tk ± 3010. The women of the program area were more aware about the different components of maternal health than that of comparison area. Majority (93.9%) of women in program area were fully aware of maternal health services than that of comparison area (55.6%). Statistically significant (P <0.001, 2 = 90.72, df = 2) association was found between micro health insurance and level of awareness. Conclusions: Study shows higher proportions of women in programme area were aware on different components of maternal health services than in comparison area. Based on the study findings it can be recommended that steps should be taken to further improvement of the level of awareness on the factors influencing maternal health and the comparison area needs special attention to improve maternal health.

Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-16496


OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to compare pegfilgrastim and filgrastim in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients treated with a rituximab with cyclophosphamide, hydroxydaunorubicin, oncovin, and prednisone (R-CHOP) regimen in terms of clinical efficacy and cost-effectiveness. METHOD: Clinical efficacy was measured by trough level of absolute neutrophil count (ANC), days of ANC under 50% of baseline value, days of ANC under 90% of baseline value, duration of ANC recovery to baseline value, days of ANC less than 0.5 x 109 cells/L, and difference of peak and trough level of ANC during 1 cycle of R-CHOP regimen. To evaluate cost-effectiveness, total prices of used filgrastim and pegfilgrastim within 1 cycle of R-CHOP were analyzed. RESULTS: In terms of clinical efficacy, trough level of ANC and days to ANC recovery showed statistical significance. The median trough levels of ANC with administration of filgrastim and pegfilgrastim were 0.18 and 1.94 (p = 0.021), respectively, and the median durations of ANC recovery to baseline value were 5.5 days and 2 days (p = 0.023), respectively. For the median days of ANC under 50% of baseline value, days of ANC under 90% of baseline value, days of ANC less than 0.5 x 109 cells/L, and difference of peak and trough level of ANC during 1 cycle of R-CHOP, the pegfilgrastim group performed better than the filgrastim group. However the difference was not statistically significant. In terms of overall expense during 1 cycle of R-CHOP, pegfilgrastim is about 3.43 times more expensive than filgrastim. CONCLUSION: Pegfilgrastim is more efficient than filgrastim in terms of clinical efficacy. In terms of prices, pegfilgrastim is more expensive than filgrastim for patients, but it is more convenient in clinical use. Therefore, pegfilgrastim should be the preferred choice of G-CSF for neutropenic patients. Further comparative study of pegfilgrastim and filgrastim is needed.

Humains , Cyclophosphamide , Facteur de stimulation des colonies de granulocytes , Lymphome B , Neutropénie , Granulocytes neutrophiles , Prednisone , Vincristine , Filgrastim , Rituximab
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-152482


Aim: To study Ante Natal Care Service (ANC) Utilization & Factors Affecting Them in Rural Bidar, Karnataka. Objectives: 1.To study the ANC utilization of study population. 2. To study the factors influencing the utilization of ANC services in study population. Materials & Method: A cross-sectional, observational, epidemiological study was carried out among 57 women who recently delivered during last three month in Kamthana PHC of Bidar Taluka, Karnataka. Results: Adequate utilization of ANC services was only 61.4%. It means that 22 (38.6%) pregnant women had underutilized or not utilized the services. Education, religion, type of family & head of the family were significantly associated with utilization of ANC services. Main reasons for underutilization of ANC services were financial, obstacles from family members, unavailability of transport facilities & tradition. Conclusion: Developing “Friendly Maternal Care” services will improve ANC service utilization.

Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-150587


Background: In an attempt to make primary health care services available, especially, to the poorest and most vulnerable segments of rural & tribal society, JSY forms a crucial component of the NRHM. JSY is a safe motherhood intervention initiated to reduce maternal and neo-natal mortality and increasing institutional deliveries in them. Objective: 1) To assess awareness about Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) among ANC registered women. 2) To establish association of socio-demographic factors with awareness about Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY). Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in Primary Health Centre, Khardi of Thane district of Maharashtra during the period of Oct. 2010. A total of 110 ANC registered women were interviewed using pre-designed questionnaire. Results were analyzed by using SPSS version-15. Chi-square test was applied and p < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results: More than half of the women (52.7%) were aware about this governmental scheme & only 17.24% of them were able to answer the correct name of the scheme. They obtained this knowledge mainly from the ANMs (58.6%), AWWs (22.4%) and ASHAs (17.2%). About 54.5% women had the knowledge about the components of JSY. Poor socioeconomic class, backward caste (SC/ST) & skilled/unskilled type of occupation were found to be significantly associated with the presence of knowledge about JSY. Conclusion: As the awareness and knowledge in our study group was less compared to other studies, there is a need to intensify the efforts to increase awareness and knowledge about JSY.