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Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 76(3)jun. 2024.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565483


La isquemia mesentérica aguda (IMA) es una emergencia médico-quirúrgica poco frecuente con alta morbimortalidad. Corresponde a una interrupción brusca del aporte sanguíneo a un segmento del intestino, produciendo isquemia, daño celular, necrosis intestinal y eventualmente la muerte. La principal etiología de este cuadro es la oclusión arterial de tipo embólica, seguida por la trombótica, no oclusiva y trombótica venosa. Es una patología infrecuente con una incidencia baja, de 12 por 100.000 habitantes en series internacionales. Su principal síntoma es el dolor abdominal tipo cólico de comienzo brusco, vómitos y diarrea, esta última sucediendo posteriormente. En el examen físico se pueden constatar signos de shock y distensión abdominal. Ante la sospecha, los pacientes hemodinámicamente inestables deben ser llevados urgentemente a laparotomía exploradora, y en aquellos estables, se debe solicitar un Angio-TC para confirmar el diagnóstico y planificar el tratamiento. Existen dos métodos para tratar esta patología: la cirugía abierta y la cirugía endovascular o mínimamente invasiva. Finalmente, con el avance de estos nuevos métodos, la tasa de mortalidad ha disminuido, significativamente, en la última década.

Acute mesenteric ischemia (AMI) is a rare medical-surgical emergency that must be treated early due to its high morbidity and mortality. It corresponds to a sudden interruption of the blood supply to a segment of the intestine, producing ischemia, cell damage, intestinal necrosis and eventually death if it is not treated. The main etiology of this condition is embolic-type arterial occlusion, followed by thrombotic, nonocclusive, and venous thrombotic. It is an infrequent pathology with a low incidence of 12 per 100,000 inhabitants in international series. During the information collection, no data was found on the Chilean population since before 1983. Its main symptom is colicky abdominal pain with a sudden onset, vomiting and diarrhea that begins after the pain. On physical examination, signs of shock and abdominal distention may be noted. Hemodynamically unstable patients should be urgently taken to exploratory laparotomy as soon as the condition is suspected, and in stable patients, an angio-CT should be requested to confirm the diagnosis and plan treatment. There are two methods to treat this pathology, open surgery and endovascular or minimally invasive surgery. The form of therapy depends on the preoperative or intraoperative findings and the type of etiology. Finally, with the advancement of these new methods, the mortality rate has decreased in the last decade.

Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551005


La isquemia intestinal aguda es una emergencia vascular provocada por fenómenos oclusivos y no oclusivos de la circulación mesentérica arterial y venosa, de difícil diagnóstico y pronóstico ominoso. Su incidencia va en aumento paulatino con el decurso de los años, asociada fundamentalmente al envejecimiento de la población. La tasa de mortalidad es elevada a pesar de los avances en el campo de la imagenología. Suele diagnosticarse de forma tardía, cuando está establecido el daño isquémico intestinal de carácter irreversible. El elemento imprescindible e indispensable lo constituye el tiempo que trascurre hasta la cirugía, por lo que su diagnóstico sigue siendo un reto clínico. El tratamiento exige medidas médicas intensivas, al igual que cirugía de revascularización y resección del intestino necrosado. Por desdicha, el examen físico y los hallazgos de laboratorio no son sensibles ni específicos para su diagnóstico. Teniendo en cuenta estos elementos, se presenta el caso de una paciente de 38 años con clínica difusa de vómitos, diarrea y dolor abdominal progresivo, que requirió intervención quirúrgica de urgencia con diagnóstico transoperatorio de isquemia mesentérica aguda. Durante su estancia hospitalaria se relaparotomizó en dos ocasiones, mantuvo soporte ventilatorio e inotrópico por fallo multiorgánico en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos, mostrando una adecuada evolución posquirúrgica. El objetivo de esta presentación es enfatizar en la clínica como elemento fundamental para abordar de forma correcta esta entidad en un medio hospitalario de limitados recursos diagnósticos imagenológicos, al abordar conceptos teóricos recientes y facilitar una adecuada actuación en la toma de decisiones.

Acute intestinal ischemia is a vascular emergency caused by occlusive and non-occlusive phenomena of the mesenteric arterial and venous circulation of difficult diagnosis and ominous prognosis. Its incidence is gradually increasing over the years, mainly associated with the ageing of the population. The mortality rate is high despite advances in the field of imaging. It is usually diagnosed late, when irreversible ischemic intestinal damage is established. The essential and indispensable element is the time that elapses until surgery, so its diagnosis continues to be a clinical challenge. Treatment requires intensive medical measures, as well as revascularization surgery and resection of the necrotic intestine. Unfortunately, physical examination and laboratory findings are neither sensitive nor specific for its diagnosis. Taking these elements into account, the authors present the case of a 38-year-old female patient with diffuse symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea and progressive abdominal pain that required emergency surgery with intraoperative diagnosis of acute mesenteric ischemia. During her hospital stay, she underwent re-laparotomy twice, maintained ventilatory and inotropic support due to multi-organ failure in the Intensive Care Unit, showing an adequate post-surgical evolution. The objective of this presentation is to emphasize in the clinic as a fundamental element to correctly address this entity in a hospital environment with limited imaging diagnostic resources by addressing recent theoretical concepts and facilitating adequate action in decision-making.

Rev. cuba. cir ; 61(3)sept. 2022.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441511


Introducción: La isquemia mesentérica aguda es la condición clínica que aparece cuando el flujo sanguíneo del territorio mesentérico resulta insuficiente para satisfacer los requerimientos del intestino. Objetivo: Caracterizar la morbilidad y mortalidad de los pacientes con isquemia mesentérica aguda. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal, en el Servicio de cirugía del Hospital Universitario "Arnaldo Milián Castro" de Santa Clara, Villa Clara desde enero del 2016 hasta diciembre del 2020. La muestra quedó constituida por 119 pacientes que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Resultados: De los 119 pacientes que presentaron isquemia mesentérica aguda, predominaron pacientes con factores de riesgo mayores de 65 años 97 (81,5 por ciento), femeninos 61 (51,3 por ciento), fumadores 52 (43,7 por ciento), con hipertensión arterial 84 (70,6 por ciento), cardiopatía isquémica 57 (47,9 por ciento), diabetes mellitus 31 (26,1 por ciento) y enfermedad arterial periférica 20 (16,8 por ciento). Predominó el tratamiento quirúrgico: la laparotomía exploratoria y cierre 55 (46,3 por ciento). Las complicaciones más frecuentes encontradas: el fallo múltiple de órganos 25 (25,7 por ciento) en los pacientes fallecidos. En los hallazgos necrológicos predominó la trombosis arterioesclerótica de la arteria mesentérica superior. Conclusiones: La isquemia mesentérica resulta frecuente en pacientes con factores de riesgo como son la edad mayor de 65 años, el sexo femenino, el hábito tóxico del tabaquismo y las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles tales como la hipertensión arterial, cardiopatía isquémica y la diabetes mellitus. El tratamiento más realizado es el quirúrgico (la laparotomía y el cierre). En la mayoría de las necropsias realizadas la trombosis de la arteria mesentérica superior es el mayor hallazgo en los informes necrológicos(AU)

Introduction: Acute mesenteric ischemia is the clinical condition that appears when the blood flow of the mesenteric area becomes insufficient to meet intestinal requirements. Objective: To characterize the morbidity and mortality of patients with acute mesenteric ischemia. Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in the surgery service of Arnaldo Milián Castro University Hospital of Santa Clara City, Villa Clara Province, Cuba, from January 2016 to December 2020. The sample consisted of 119 patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: Of the 119 patients who presented acute mesenteric ischemia, patients with risk factors predominated: older than 65 years (97; 81.5 percent), female (61; 51.3 percent), smokers (52; 43.7 percent), with arterial hypertension (84; 70.6 percent), ischemic heart disease (57; 47.9 percent), diabetes mellitus (31; 26.1 percent), and peripheral arterial disease (20; 16.8 percent). Surgical management predominated: exploratory laparotomy and closure (55; 46.3 percent). The most frequent complications were multiple organ failure (25; 25.7 percent) in the deceased patients. Among the necropsy findings, arteriosclerotic thrombosis of the superior mesenteric artery predominated. Conclusions: Mesenteric ischemia is frequent in patients with risk factors such as age over 65 years, the female sex, the toxic habit of smoking; as well as chronic noncommunicable diseases such as arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease and diabetes mellitus. The most commonly performed procedure is surgery (laparotomy and closure). In most of the performed necropsies, thrombosis of the superior mesenteric artery is the main finding according to the necrology reports(AU)

Humains , Femelle , Sujet âgé , Ischémie mésentérique/complications , Laparotomie/méthodes , Défaillance multiviscérale/mortalité , Épidémiologie Descriptive , Étude d'observation
Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 133(1): 21-24, mar. 2020. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1097699


La isquemia mesentérica aguda (IMA) es consecuencia de la oclusión de la arteria mesentérica superior (AMS) por trombosis o embolia, y es considerada la más letal del síndrome de abdomen agudo. Se presenta el caso de paciente femenina de 69 años con clínica difusa y confirmación diagnóstica radiológica, El objetivo de este caso clínico es proporcionar una revisión bibliográfica actual del tema y facilitar la adecuada actuación ante este problema de salud de amplio compromiso sistémico, y de aparición no tan infrecuente. (AU)

Acute mesenteric ischemia (IMA) is a consequence of occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery (AMS) by thrombosis or embolism; and it is considered the most lethal of acute abdomen syndrome. The case of a 69 years old female patient with diffuse clinic and radiological diagnostic confirmation is presented. The objective of this clinical case is to provide a current bibliographic review of the topic and facilitate adequate action in the face of this health problem with a broad systemic commitment, and with no appearance so infrequent. (AU)

Humains , Femelle , Sujet âgé , Artère mésentérique supérieure/imagerie diagnostique , Ischémie mésentérique/imagerie diagnostique , Occlusion vasculaire mésentérique/complications , Maladie aigüe , Artère mésentérique supérieure/chirurgie , Tomodensitométrie multidétecteurs , Ischémie mésentérique/étiologie , Ischémie mésentérique/thérapie
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-205254


Acute mesenteric ischemia [AMI] is a life-threatening situation, the diagnosis of which is often missed in early stages. Late diagnosis often precludes endovascular management as the primary treatment. The authors here present a case of seven days history of acute mesenteric ischemia in a young female, who not just benefited from endovascular management, but also a major surgical intervention was avoided andwas discharged from the hospital uneventfully. The decision to consider a patient for endovascular management in a late stage, requires a good interdisciplinary communication and successful outcome in such a scenario is rarely achieved.

CCH, Correo cient. Holguín ; 22(3): 514-529, jul.-set. 2018. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-974505


La oclusión vascular es la causa principal de la isquemia mesentérica aguda. Ambas tienen un diagnóstico complicado, elevada incidencia, letalidad, y se encuentran estrechamente relacionadas con el envejecimiento poblacional a nivel mundial. Para esta investigación, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de bases de datos como: Infomed, mediante artículos en español e inglés, y descriptores de DeCS, MeSH. Para establecer un tratamiento adecuado, se revisaron los medios diagnósticos y las opciones terapéuticas actuales de la enfermedad. La principal manifestación clínica es el dolor abdominal. Los estudios imagenológicos son los exámenes complementarios más útiles para el diagnóstico, entre ellos la angiografía y la tomografía computarizada multicorte, con contraste venoso. El tratamiento depende del estado del paciente y los recursos disponibles. La anticoagulación, trombectomía o la embolectomía endovascular o a través de una cirugía abierta, y la resección intestinal en caso de necrosis, son los más efectivos.

Vascular occlusion has become the main cause of acute mesenteric ischemia. It has a difficult diagnose and high incidence worldwide and it is closely related to population aging. Spanish and English articles were bibliographically reviewed, using DeCS and MeSH descriptors, at Infomed databases, with several therapeutic options for appropriate diagnose, and treatment. Abdominal pain is the most common clinical manifestation. Imaging studies, angiography and multislice computed tomography with venous contrast, are specific complementary tests for an accurate diagnosis. Treatment depends on patient's condition and specialists' available resources. Anticoagulation, endovascular thrombectomy or embolectomy, open surgery and intestinal resection if necrosis, are the most effective.

Ann Card Anaesth ; 2014 Apr; 17(2): 148-151
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-150316


A 62 year old female with severe mitral stenosis, large left atrial ball thrombus and acute mesenteric ischemia emergently underwent mitral valve replacement, left atrial clot removal and emergency laparotomy for mesenteric ischemia. Peri‑operative management issues, particularly, the anesthetic challenges and the role of transesophageal echocardiography are discussed.

Adulte , Anesthésie/méthodes , Échocardiographie transoesophagienne , Femelle , Atrium du coeur/imagerie diagnostique , Humains , Artère mésentérique supérieure/imagerie diagnostique , Ischémie mésentérique/imagerie diagnostique , Sténose mitrale/imagerie diagnostique , Période périopératoire/thérapie , Thrombose/imagerie diagnostique
CES med ; 28(1): 133-138, ene.-jun. 2014. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-729437


Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 56 años de edad, con dolor abdominal de cinco días de duración asociado a manifestaciones inespecíficas y sin etiología clara del dolor. Se realizaron estudios en busca del origen del dolor con los que se documentó neumatosis intestinal grave, que posteriormente se agravó a pesar del manejo medico. Debido al mal estado hemodinámico y el rápido deterioro clínico luego de la evaluación médica no pudo ser llevada a cirugía y la paciente fallece.

We report a 56-year-old woman with abdominal pain 5 days duration associated with nonspecific manifestations without etiology of pain. We conducted studies in search of the source of pain between these severe intestinal pneumatosis that progress despite medical management and could not be taken to surgery due to hemodynamic state to a rapid deterioration after medical evaluation and documented patient dies. Finally, we review this case and the most frequent finding of portomesenteric venous gas.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-470199


Acute mesenteric ischemia (AMI) is a lifethreatening disease,with high mortality rate and is easily misdiagnosed.Rapid and acute detection of the AMI and its primary diseases by multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) and computed tomography angiography (CTA) is of great significance.The clinical data of 31 patients with AMI who were admitted to the Xidian Group Hospital from January 2005 to June 2013 were retrospectively analyzed.Stenosis or occlusion of the mesenteric blood vessels,diminished or absent enhancement of the bowel wall are the direct signs of CT,thickening of the bowel wall is the most typical indirect sign of CT.Dilatation or collapse of the bowel lumen and swelling of the mesenterium are the common CT signs.Pneumatosis intestinalis and gas in the portomesenteric vein are reliable CT signs of the Intestinal Infarction.Artery and venous embolism,atherosclerosis,vasculitis,aortitis,strangulated intestinal obstruction and superior mesenteric artery dissection are the possible causes of AMI.

Journal of Medical Postgraduates ; (12): 940-944, 2014.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-456762


Objective Transcatheter thrombolysis is an important method for early recanalization of acute superior mesenteric venous thrombosis (SMVT), which is conducted mainly through percutaneous transhepatic , transjugular intrahepatic, or superior mesen-teric artery approach .This study is to assess the feasibility , effectiveness and safety of catheter-directed thrombolysis via the superior mesenteric vein and artery for acute SMVT . Methods We retrospectively reviewed 8 cases of acute extensive SMVT treated by tran-scatheter thrombolysis via superior mesenteric vein and artery in our institute .We collected and analyzed the general information , case history, etiology, risk factors, imaging characteristics, treatment procedures, complications, and follow-up data of the patients summa-rized the experience in the treatment of acute extensive SMVT by catheter-directed thrombolysis . Results Technical success was a-chieved with substantial symptoms improvement after thrombolytic therapy in all the cases .The local urokinase infusion via the superior mesenteric artery and vein was performed for (6.13 ±0.83) and (12 ±2.51) d.Four patients required delayed localized bowel resection of (1.63 ±0.48) m, with satisfactory recovery after intensive care and organ function support .Contrast-enhanced CT scan and portogra-phy demonstrated complete thrombus resolution in all the patients before discharged after a hospital stay of (19.25 ±4.89) d.Minor bleeding at the puncture site occurred in 2 cases and sepsis developed in another 2 postoperatively .No recurrence and complications were ob-served during the follow-up of (12.13 ±0.99) mo. Conclusion For acute extensive SMVT , catheter-directed thrombolytic therapy via superior mesenteric vein and artery can accelerate thrombus resolution , stimulate collateral vessel development , reverse extensive intestinal is-chemia, avert bowel resection , localize infarcted bowel segment to pre-vent short bowel syndrome , and effectively speed up the recovery and significantly increase the survival rate of the patients .

Gastroenterol. latinoam ; 24(supl.1): S119-S122, 2013. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-763739


Intestinal ischemia occurs when mesenteric blood flow is insufficient for the requirements of the intestine. Acute presentation includes acute mesenteric ischemia, usually secondary to occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery, and ischemic colitis due to decreased vascular flow to vulnerable regions of the colon. It usually presents with abdominal pain and non-specific laboratory abnormalities, so it requires a high index of clinical suspicion for early diagnosis and management in order to reduce morbidity and mortality. The following review describes clinical concepts of acute intestinal ischemia, with emphasis on diagnosis and management of these patients.

La isquemia intestinal surge cuando el flujo sanguíneo del territorio mesentérico resulta insuficiente para satisfacer los requerimientos del intestino. El cuadro agudo incluye la isquemia mesentérica aguda, generalmente secundaria a oclusión de la arteria mesentérica superior, y la colitis isquémica debida a disminución del flujo vascular a regiones vulnerables del colon. Se presenta habitualmente con dolor abdominal y alteraciones de laboratorio inespecíficos, por lo que es necesario un alto índice de sospecha clínica para el diagnóstico y manejo precoz con el fin de disminuir su alta morbimortalidad. En la siguiente revisión se exponen principalmente conceptos clínicos acerca de isquemia intestinal aguda, con énfasis en el diagnóstico y manejo de estos pacientes.

Humains , Colite ischémique/diagnostic , Colite ischémique/thérapie , Ischémie mésentérique/diagnostic , Ischémie mésentérique/thérapie , Colite ischémique/étiologie , Diagnostic différentiel , Ischémie mésentérique/étiologie , Pronostic
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-207793


We describe two patients, with no previous history of vascular problems but poor lung function, who experienced septic shock due to bowel ischemia. Both were fed an enteral formula rich in fiber using a feeding tube and experienced septic shock with regular enteral feeding. Surgical finding showed hemorrhagic ischemia in the bowel. The pathologic finding suggests these changes may have been due to inspissations of bowel contents, which may put direct pressure on the mucosa of the bowel wall, leading to local impairment of mucosal and submucosal blood flow with subsequent bowel necrosis. Bowel ischemia may have been precipitated by an increased mesenteric blood flow requirement in combination with a metabolically stressed bowel. Patients in the intensive care unit fed a fiber-rich enteral formula may have inspissated bowel contents, leading to bowel ischemia, suggesting that the use of fiber-rich formula should be limited in patients at high-risk of bowel ischemia.

Humains , Nutrition entérale , Unités de soins intensifs , Ischémie , Poumon , Muqueuse , Nécrose , Sepsie , Choc septique , Maladies vasculaires
J. vasc. bras ; 9(3): 156-163, Sept. 2010. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-578785


Mesenteric ischemia is caused by a reduction in mesenteric blood flow. It can be divided into acute and chronic, based upon the rapidity and the degree to which the blood flow is compromised. The authors retrospectively reviewed 22 cases of mesenteric ischemia, diagnosed by multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) in our service, and confirmed by surgery or clinical follow-up. The frequency of the diagnostic findings of chronic and acute mesenteric ischemia was evaluated. The improvement of three-dimensional (3D) MDCT allows accurate assessment of mesenteric vessels. Therefore, it demonstrates changes in ischemic bowel segments helpful in determining the primary cause of the disease, and can identify the complications in patients with acute and chronic mesenteric ischemia.

A isquemia mesentérica é causada pela redução do fluxo sanguíneo mesentérico. Essa patologia pode ser dividida em aguda e crônica, baseada na rapidez e no grau em que o fluxo sanguíneo está sendo comprometido. Os autores retrospectivamente revisaram 22 casos de isquemia mesentérica, diagnosticados por tomografia computadorizada com mutidetectores (TCMD) em nosso serviço, e confirmados por cirurgia ou seguimento clínico. Os achados diagnósticos de isquemia aguda e crônica e sua frequência foram avaliados. Os avanços na TCMD 3D (tridimensional) permitiram o acesso detalhado aos vasos mesentéricos. Além disso, é possível demonstrar alterações nos segmentos intestinais, auxiliando na identificação da causa primária da doença e podendo identificar as complicações associadas a isquemia mesentérica e crônica.

Humains , Ischémie/diagnostic , Syndrome de l'artère mésentérique supérieure/diagnostic , Maladie chronique , Études rétrospectives , Tomoscintigraphie/classification
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-150431


PURPOSE: Acute mesenteric ischemia (AMI) is difficult to diagnose and has a high rate of complications as well as a high mortality rate. The aim of this study was to define the risk factors and mortality rate of patients with acute mesenteric ischemia. METHOD: We retrospectively reviewed 18 patients with acute mesenteric ischemia at the Kangbuk Samsung Hospital from June 1995 to May 2006. RESULT: The mean age was 51.1 (age range, 27 to 78 years) and the gender ratio was 2:1 (male, 18, female, 6). The most common underlying diseases were hypertension (50%, n=9), diabetes mellitus (44.4%, n=8), artrial fibrillation (22%, n=4), and congestive heart failure (11%, n=2). Abdominal pain was the most frequent presenting symptom; other symptoms included nausea, vomiting and hematochezia. To confirm the diagnosis, a CT was performed in 10 cases, a CT and angiography was performed in four cases, and exploratory surgery in four cases. The causes of the acute mesenteric ischemia were SMA embolism in eight cases (44%), SMA thrombosis in 5 cases (27%), SMA with IMA thrombosis in 1 case (5%), IMA thrombosis in 1 case (5%), SMV thrombosis in 2 cases (11%), and SMV with IMV thrombosis in 1 case (5%). All of the patients underwent abdominal exploration, 16 cases had bowel resection performed, one case had a thromboembolectomy performed, and one case was opened and closed. Complications occurred in nine (50%) patients. Sepsis in three, wound infection in three, short bowel syndrome, toxic hepatitis, pulmonary embolism, and ischemic heart disease also occurred. The overall mortality rate was 33.3% (6 cases). The mortality rate with a SMA embolism was 5% (1 case), with SMA thrombosis was 40% (2 cases), with SMA+IMA thrombosis was 100% (1 case), in IMA thrombosis 100% (1 case), in SMV thrombosis was 0%, and 100% in SMV+IMV thrombosis. CONCLUSION: Despite the low incidence of acute mesenteric ischemia, it is still a life-threatening condition. Thus, when mesenteric ischemia is suspected, early diagnosis, with CT or angiography is required, and thrombolytics and surgery should be considered to improve the prognosis.

Femelle , Humains , Douleur abdominale , Angiographie , Diabète , Diagnostic , Lésions hépatiques dues aux substances , Diagnostic précoce , Embolie , Hémorragie gastro-intestinale , Défaillance cardiaque , Hypertension artérielle , Incidence , Ischémie , Mortalité , Ischémie myocardique , Nausée , Pronostic , Embolie pulmonaire , Études rétrospectives , Facteurs de risque , Sepsie , Syndrome de l'intestin court , Thrombose , Vomissement , Infection de plaie
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974606


@#ObjectiveTo explore the diagnosis and treatment of acute mesenteric ischemia.MethodsClinical data of 12 cases with acute mesenteric ischemia diagnosed by both operation and pathology were analyzed retrospectively.ResultsThe cases were mainly aged patients accompanied by cardiovascular disease and easily developed to strangulative intestinal obstruction. The mortality rate of this disease was very high.ConclusionThe early diagnosis with suitable techniques and prompt treatment are the keys to the management of this disease.

Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-22826


PURPOSE: Acute abdominal pain can be the result of many different pathophysiological processes. Among the many possible causes, acute mesenteric ischemia is a life threatening condition if the diagnosis is delayed. Generally, the mortality rate for other disease has gradually decreased; however, the mortality rate for acute mesenteric ischemia has not changed significantly and it continues to be 75% to 80% for acute mesenteric arterial embolism or thrombosis and 44% for acute mesenteric venous thrombosis. The aim of this study was to conduct an analysis of the clinical characteristics and mortality of the patients with acute mesenteric ischemia according to the etiology. METHOD: From 1989 to 2004, 43 patients were treated for acute mesenteric ischemia. Their mean age was 59 years, ranging from 24 to 81, and the male to female gender ratio was 24:19. We retrospectively analyzed their initial symptoms, the age and gender distribution, the treatment modalities and the mortality rates. RESULT: The causes of acute mesenteric ischemia were arterial embolism in 27 cases, arterial thrombosis including arterial dissection in 7 cases and venous thrombosis in 9 cases. Almost all of the patients complained of acute abdominal pain and abdominal tenderness. The overall mortality rate was 30.2% and the rates were 37.0% for mesenteric artery embolism, 42.9% for mesenteric artery thrombosis and 0% for mesenteric venous thrombosis. CONCLUSION: In this study, the causes of acute mesenteric ischemia were mesenteric artery embolism and thrombosis, including dissection and mesenteric venous thrombosis. The factors influencing the mortality were the cause of the acute mesenteric ischemia, the extent of involvement of the mesenteric vessels and the extent of bowel necrosis. Thus the most important things for the treatment of acute mesenteric ischemia are early diagnosis and proper treatment.

Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Douleur abdominale , Diagnostic , Diagnostic précoce , Embolie , Embolie et thrombose , Ischémie , Artères mésentériques , Mortalité , Nécrose , Études rétrospectives , Thrombose , Thrombose veineuse
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-119797


PURPOSE: Clinical manifestations of acute mesenteric ischemia (AMI) may be nonspecific and early diagnosis is difficult. Despite advances in diagnostic and surgical techniques, AMI is still associated with high morbidity and mortality due to delayed diagnosis. METHODS: To analyze the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of AMI, as well as the factors affecting prognosis, we retrospectively reviewed 32 patients treated for AMI between 1980 and 2002. RESULTS: There were 19 men and 13 women. The mean age was 61.5+/-15.5 years. The average duration of symptoms was 50.3 hrs (2~168). AMI presented as abdominal pain in 30, and other symptoms included vomiting, hematochezia, and melena. The most commonly associated medical condition was heart disease (valvular disease, arrhythmia, etc.). For diagnosis, conventional angiography was performed in 6, CT in 14 and exploratory surgery in 14. The predictive value of angiography and CT was 100% and 85.7%, respectively. The causes of ischemia were SMA embolism in 11, SMA thrombosis in 8, SMV thrombosis in 7, non-occlusive in 2 and indeterminate in 4. Thirty patients underwent operation. At initial operation, bowel resection was performed in 26 and thromboembolectomy only in 2. Second-look operation was performed in 4. Two patients received radiological interventional treatment; one with urokinase and the other with papaverine. Of 19 arterial ischemia, 6 patients received long term anticoagulation, whereas all 7 patients with SMV thrombosis received long term anticoagulation. The mean F/U was 27.4 mons (1~131). Complications occurred in 16 (53.3%), wound infection in 6, sepsis in 5, short bowel syndrome in 4 and anastomoticsite leakage in 2. Mortality associated with operation occurred in 7 (23.3%). The patients aged over 65 years and with postoperative complication showed higher mortality. CONCLUSION: When mesenteric ischemia is suspected, early CT or angiography and an appropriate surgical approach should be performed to improve the prognosis.

Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Douleur abdominale , Angiographie , Troubles du rythme cardiaque , Retard de diagnostic , Diagnostic , Diagnostic précoce , Embolie , Hémorragie gastro-intestinale , Cardiopathies , Ischémie , Méléna , Mortalité , Papavérine , Complications postopératoires , Pronostic , Études rétrospectives , Sepsie , Syndrome de l'intestin court , Thrombose , Activateur du plasminogène de type urokinase , Vomissement , Infection de plaie
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-21586


Acute mesenteric ischemia remains to cause high mortality in spite of the marked development of diagnostic tools and surgical techniques in the area of vascular surgery. The reason why the disease has a high mortality is mainly the delayed diagnosis. If diagnosis and treatment are established early enough to prevent irreversible change of bowel, the prognosis might be favorable. Twenty patients with a disease of acute mesenteric ischemia who received surgical or interventional treatment were studied by retrospective manner. There were 12 men and 8 women. The mean age was 57.3 years (22~81 years). Underlying cardiovascular disease including valvular lesion and arrhythmia was the most commonly associated disease. The etiologies of ischemia were embolism of superior mesenteric artery in 9 cases, thrombosis of superior mesenteric artery in 1, thrombosis of superior mesenteric vein in 5, one non-occlusive (vasoconstrictive) mesenteric ischemia and unknown in 4 cases. Two patients received radiological interventional treatment with urokinase and papaverine respectively. Eighteen patients were undergone surgical treatment including revascularization and bowel resection. Second-look procedures for bowel resection were performed in 4 cases. Complications occured in 10 cases, wound infection in 5, sepsis in 3, short bowel syndrome in 2 and anastomotic site leakage in 2. Early postoperative mortality occured in 3 cases and late mortality in 2. The cornerstone in the management of the disease is early diagnosis and prompt interventional (radiologic or surgical) treatments before irreversible change was established. Therefore, with a high index of suspicion, early and aggressive angiographic diagnosis and interventional procedures should be carried out.

Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Troubles du rythme cardiaque , Maladies cardiovasculaires , Retard de diagnostic , Diagnostic , Diagnostic précoce , Embolie , Ischémie , Artère mésentérique supérieure , Veines mésentériques , Mortalité , Papavérine , Pronostic , Études rétrospectives , Sepsie , Syndrome de l'intestin court , Thrombose , Activateur du plasminogène de type urokinase , Infection de plaie