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Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 35(1): 40-44, mar. 2024. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551683


En este reporte presentamos tres pacientes en quienes ocurrieron condiciones inflamatorias perianales tardías, luego de la administración de sustancias modeladoras no identificadas en los glúteos. El diagnóstico inicial y supuesto no fue correcto, ya que no se investigó durante la evaluación preliminar el antecedente de la administración de elementos modeladores. Recomendamos que los pacientes con patologías inflamatorias del ano, sobre todo aquellos cuyo curso es extraño, se les pregunte acerca de la administración de agentes modeladores en los glúteos. Esta práctica puede contribuir a la eficacia del diagnóstico de manifestaciones perianales caracterizadas por flogosis, que se presentan de forma inusual. (AU)

In this report we present three patients in which late perianal inflammatory conditions occurred after administration of unidentified modeling agents to the buttocks. The initial diagnosis was not correct because of the administration of modeling agents was not investigated during the initial eval-uation. We recommend inquiring patients with inflammatory pathologies of the anus, especially those whose course is unusual, about the adminis-tration of modeling agents to the buttocks. This approach can contribute to the efficiency of the diagnosis of perianal complaints characterized by inflammation, but rare in its appearance. (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Maladies de l'anus/chirurgie , Maladies de l'anus/étiologie , Biopolymères/effets indésirables , Fesses/chirurgie , Maladies de l'anus/diagnostic , Techniques cosmétiques , Migration d'un corps étranger , Implantation de prothèse/effets indésirables
Saúde em Redes ; 10(1): 1-24, fev. 2024.
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553317


Resumo:Introdução:O câncer anal é uma patologia considerada rara, apesar de crescente na população. A citologia anal tem sido uma aposta para diagnosticar as alterações pré-neoplásicas, evitando a evolução ao câncer. Objetivos:I) Abordar aspectos de satisfatoriedade da amostra celular e revisar os critérios citomorfológicos dos achados benignos e malignos nos esfregaços de citologia anal. II) Tornar este artigo um instrumento de suporte aos profissionais de saúde que atuam no setor de Citopatologia vinculados ao Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) ou à iniciativa privada. Métodos:Revisão narrativa, com busca nas bases PubMed, Science Direct e SciELO, de fevereiro a abril/2023. Desenvolvimento:A análise da literatura aponta para a aplicação da citologia anal para diagnóstico das alterações induzidas pelo Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) no canal anal. O rastreamento se baseia na semelhança ao controle do câncer de colo uterino e à história natural da doença, reconhecendo que as lesões precursoras evoluem ao câncer invasivo. Essa janela entre a lesão e o câncer abre espaço para detecção precoce. Oportunamente, a técnica pode diagnosticar agentes responsáveis por outras Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis (IST). Conclusão: Qualificar os laudos de diagnóstico citopatológico pode apoiar o cuidado desde a atenção primária. O intuito deste trabalho foi contribuir com o processo de aprendizagem dos profissionais da saúde e apoiar a saúde pública nas estratégias de garantia de cuidado às pessoas.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 92(2): 60-68, ene. 2024. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557856


Resumen OBJETIVO: Determinar la prevalencia de alteraciones en la citología anal, infección anal por virus del papiloma humano y en la neoplasia intraepitelial anal; además, explorar los factores de riesgo y los serotipos asociados en pacientes con lesión intraepitelial cervical de alto grado, a partir de la hipótesis de que esta población tiene mayor riesgo de lesiones precursoras o cáncer anal. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal, con componente analítico, efectuado en pacientes con diagnóstico de lesión intraepitelial cervical de alto grado (LIEAG) en dos instituciones de salud: una privada y otra pública de Bogotá, atendidas entre enero de 2017 y febrero de 2018. Se efectuó un muestreo no probabilístico, por conveniencia. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 119 participantes, en 4 de ellas se evidenció, en la citología anal, el hallazgo de células anormales en el tejido que reviste la parte exterior del cuello uterino. Se encontraron 14 anoscopias anormales que dieron una prevalencia de neoplasia intraepitelial anal del 6.7%. Siete eran neoplasia intraepitelial anal de bajo grado y una de alto grado. Se encontró infección por VPH anal en 45 participantes (37.8%) y se detectaron genotipos de VPH-AR en 29 participantes (24.4%). Más de 3 compañeros sexuales, más de 3 hijos y tener menos de 21 años antes del primer embarazo tuvieron un valor de p < 0.05 que confiere mayor riesgo de infección por VPH anal. CONCLUSIÓN: Es importante establecer en Colombia protocolos para la detección de la neoplasia intraepitelial anal en grupos de alto riesgo, como las pacientes con neoplasia intraepitelial cervical o cáncer de cuello uterino, e incentivar el adiestramiento en la anoscopia de alta resolución en especialistas relacionados con el diagnóstico de patología anogenital.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of alterations in anal cytology, anal human papillomavirus infection, and anal intraepithelial neoplasia, and to explore the risk factors and associated serotypes in patients with high-grade cervical intraepithelial lesion, based on the hypothesis that this population is at higher risk for precancerous lesions or anal cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study, with analytical component, performed in patients diagnosed with high-grade cervical intraepithelial lesion (HG-CIL) in two health institutions: one private and one public in Bogota, visited between January 2017 and February 2018. A non-probabilistic sampling was performed, by convenience, with a sample calculated in 124 patients. RESULTS: 119 participants were included, in 4 of them it was evidenced in the anal cytology, the finding of abnormal cells in the tissue lining the outside of the cervix. Fourteen abnormal anoscopies were found, giving a prevalence of anal intraepithelial neoplasia of 6.7%. Seven were low-grade anal intraepithelial neoplasia and one was high-grade. Anal HPV infection was detected in 45 participants (37.8%) and HR-HPV genotypes were detected in 29 participants (24.4%). More than 3 sexual partners, more than 3 children and being younger than 21 years before first pregnancy had a p-value < 0.05 conferring an increased risk of anal HPV infection. CONCLUSION: It is important to establish protocols in Colombia for the detection of anal intraepithelial neoplasia in high-risk groups, such as patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or cervical cancer, and to promote training in high-resolution anoscopy in specialties related to the diagnosis of anogenital pathology.

J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 44(2): 141-144, 2024. tab, ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564733


Introduction: This article describes an unusual case of perianal Paget's Disease in a 42-year-old man, highlighting distinct characteristics about more typical cases. Case report: 42-year-old male patient with persistent perianal lesion, recurrent abscesses, and discomfort. Magnetic resonance imaging indicated a possible fistulous path. Biopsy revealed secondary anal Paget's disease and adenocarcinoma. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment demonstrated a positive response. Discussion: Perianal Paget's Disease is a rare condition of the anal canal that is part of the Extramammary Paget's Disease (EMPD) group. Symptoms include itching, pain, perianal bleeding, and skin lesions. Diagnosis can be challenging and usually involves performing a histopathological biopsy associated with an immunohistochemical study. Treatment varies and may involve surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Due to the rarity of the disease, the best therapeutic approach is not yet well defined, and follow-up is essential due to the risk of recurrence. Conclusion: Perianal Paget's Disease is rare and requires differentiation from other conditions. Early detection is essential to prevent malignancy. (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Adénocarcinome , Maladie de Paget extramammaire/diagnostic , Tumeurs des glandes anales , Maladie de Paget extramammaire/thérapie
J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 43(3): 221-223, July-sept. 2023. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521145


Objective: This study aims to report the case of a 69-year-old female patient with a diagnosis of anorectal melanoma (AM) established by immunohistochemistry. Methods: Clinical case report, a descriptive and qualitative study. Results: The patient had a nodular and ulcerative lesion in the anal region, the imaging exams revealed an expansive lesion that affected the rectum and the vaginal wall. The chosen course of treatment was initial surgical intervention, the surgery and postoperative course progressed without complications, and the anatomopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of invasive malignant melanoma of the distal rectum of anorectal transition. The anatomopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of invasive malignant melanoma located in the distal rectum of the anorectal transition. Immunohistochemistry analysis showed infiltrative melanoma with microsatellites, as well as peri and intratumoral lymphocytic infiltrate, angiolymphatic invasion, and perineural invasion. The surgical resection margins, ovaries, posterior vaginal wall, and parametrium showed no signs of neoplastic involvement. Following the surgery, the patient began immunotherapy, which she is still undergoing. Conclusions: The survival rate of AM can be improved through various diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. However, further exploration of this topic through clinical studies is necessary to enhance both diagnosis and treatment. (AU)

Humains , Femelle , Sujet âgé , Tumeurs de l'anus/imagerie diagnostique , Mélanome/chirurgie , Mélanome/diagnostic
Cambios rev. méd ; 22(1): 894, 30 Junio 2023. ilus, tabs
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451329


La fisura anal es una de las enfermedades más antiguamente descritas, la misma que, ha tenido hasta el momento múltiples tratamientos tanto médicos como quirúrgicos, existiendo controversias en su algoritmo terapéutico. Constituye una de las patologías cuyo diagnóstico y tratamiento corresponde a la Especialidad de Coloproctología, afecta a ambos sexos y a cualquier edad y puede ser aguda o crónica. Proponemos el presente Protocolo para un adecuado manejo de la patología, de manera que sirva de guía en la toma correcta de decisiones basadas en la evidencia y el consenso de quienes integramos la Unidad Técnica de Coloproctología del Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín.

Anal fissure is one of the oldest described diseases, which has so far had multiple medical and surgical treatments, with controversies in its therapeutic algorithm. It is one of the pathologies whose diagnosis and treatment corresponds to the Coloproctology Specialty, it affects both sexes and any age and can be acute or chronic. We propose the present Protocol for an adequate management of the pathology, so that it serves as a guide in the correct decision making based on evidence and consensus of those who integrate the Technical Unit of Coloproctology of the Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Canal anal , Maladies de l'anus , Prurit anal , Chirurgie colorectale , Fissure anale/chirurgie , Qualité de vie , Proctoscopie , Régime alimentaire , Équateur , Sphinctérotomie latérale interne , Hémorragie , Analgésie
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(3): e202202752, jun. 2023. ilus
Article de Anglais, Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1437250


Una niña de 11 años de edad con antecedentes de ano imperforado, infección urinaria y episodios de constipación intermitentes se presentó a la consulta con cólicos abdominales y náuseas de una semana de evolución. Estudios radiológicos revelaron hidrometrocolpos y fusión renal pélvica con uréter único hidronefrótico. El examen vaginal evidenció un tabique transverso no permeable. Se evacuó temporalmente la colección con resolución de los síntomas. La paciente fue programada para cirugía vaginal reconstructiva definitiva. Se destaca en este caso no solo la asociación de malformaciones infrecuentes, sino una sintomatología muy común en la práctica pediátrica a causa de una patología rara vez considerada en el diagnóstico diferencial, y la importancia de una evaluación precoz y completa de este tipo de malformaciones para un tratamiento oportuno.

An 11-year-old girl with a history of imperforate anus, urinary tract infection, and intermittent episodes of constipation presented with abdominal pain and nausea for 1 week. The x-rays revealed hydrometrocolpos and fused pelvic kidney with a single hydronephrotic ureter. The vaginal examination revealed a non-permeable transverse vaginal septum. The collection was temporarily drained and symptoms resolved. The patient was scheduled for definitive vaginal reconstructive surgery. In this case, it is worth noting the association of infrequent malformations and also the signs and symptoms very common in pediatric practice due to a pathology rarely considered in the differential diagnosis, and the importance of an early and complete assessment of this type of malformations for a timely treatment.

Humains , Femelle , Enfant , Imperforation anale/chirurgie , Imperforation anale/diagnostic , Uretère , Infections urinaires , Vagin/malformations , Rein
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-989735


Objective:To explore the effects of Compound Huangbai Liquid coating combined with Xiaochuang Mixture on wound healing, clinical symptoms and inflammatory response in patients with perianal abscess surgery; To evaluate the clinical efficacy.Methods:Randomized controlled trial. 120 patients after perianal abscess surgery in the hospital from August 2021 to August 2022 were selected as the observation subjects, and they were divided into three groups by the random number table method, with 40 cases in each group. On the basis of routine anti-infection therapy, external TCM application group was given Compound Huangbai Liquid coating, oral TCM administration group was given oral Xiaochuang Mixture, and combined treatment group was treated with Compound Huangbai Liquid coating + Xiaochuang Mixture. The three groups were continuously treated for 15 days. TCM symptoms scores and VAS score were performed on the 2nd day, 7th day and 15th day after surgery, and the levels of IL-6 and TNF-α were detected by ELISA. The wound healing time and carrion shedding time of patients were observed and recorded, and the clinical efficacy was evaluated.Results:The scores of perianal secretions, granulation morphology and surrounding tissue edema and score of VAS decreased in the three groups at 7 days and 15 days after surgery compared with those at 2 days after surgery ( P<0.01), and with the extension of time, the scores of perianal secretions, granulation morphology and surrounding tissue edema and VAS score from the aspects of time-point effect ( F=21.69, 134.65, 19.27, 73.15) and between-group effect ( F=7.99, 98.79, 8.68, 10.71) were declined ( P<0.01), and there was an interaction effect between the decline degree and the treatment method ( F=9.78, 59.52, 11.29, 22.48, P<0.01). The carrion shedding time [(4.63±1.31) d vs. (6.22±2.14) d, (6.17±2.09) d, F=9.16] and healing time [(27.76±3.46) d vs. (30.27±4.11) d, (31.48±4.23) d, F=9.24] were earlier in combined treatment group than those in the external TCM application group and oral TCM administration group ( P<0.01). Serum levels of IL-6 and TNF-α in the three groups at 7 and 15 days after surgery were reduced compared with those at 2 days after surgery ( P<0.01), and with the extension of time, the levels of serum IL-6 and TNF-α in the three groups decreased from the aspects of time-point effect ( F=69.36, 38.76) and between-group effect ( F=21.81, 13.50) ( P<0.01), and there was an interaction effect between the decrease degree and treatment method ( F=28.46, 23.34, P<0.01). The total effective rate was 100.0% (40/40) in combined treatment group, 80.0% (32/40) in external TCM application group and 87.2% (34/39) in oral TCM administration group ( H=8.44, P=0.015). Conclusion:The combination of Compound Huangbai Liquid coating and Xiaochuang Mixture can reduce perianal secretions, improve granulation morphology, alleviate surrounding tissue edema and wound pain, promote wound healing, and reduce inflammatory response of patients with perianal abscess surgery.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990287


Objective:Based on the framework of 5W1H analysis, to establish the continuous nursing project by delphi expert consultation method for children with congenital imperforate anus after discharge.Methods:This study is observational. Through the literature review, qualitative interview and group discussion to establish the expert correspondence questionnaire from April 2021 to March 2022. Delphi consultation was applied to experts for two rounds of expert consultation, to evaluate the initiative, authority and coordination of expert opinions.Results:Two rounds of expert consultation were carried out with 20 experts.The response rates of two rounds of expert questionnaires were 19/20 and 20/20 respectively, the expert authority coefficients were 0.873 and 0.893 respectively, and the Kendall′s coefficients were 0.311 and 0.405 respectively. The coordination of expert opinions was statistically significant ( P<0.05); After two rounds of expert consultation, it was finally determined that the continuing care plan for children with anal atresia included three first-level indicators (composition and responsibilities of continuing care personnel, implementation methods of continuing care, and implementation content of continuing care), 23 second-level indicators, and 46 third-level indicators. Conclusions:This study have high enthusiasm and authority of experts, and concentrated expert opinions on various indicators. The results are reliable, scientific and comprehensive, which will provide a basis for clinical medical staff to carry out the continuous nursing of children with congenital imperforate anus.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995144


Objective:To summarize the clinical features and gene variations in children with Townes-Brocks syndrome (TBS).Methods:The clinical data of a female infant diagnosed with TBS caused by human spalt-like transcription factor 1 ( SALL1) gene mutation in Gansu Maternal and Child Health Hospital in May 2022 were analyzed retrospectively. Relevant articles up to July 2022 were retrieved from several databases including CNKI, VIP, Wanfang, Chinese Medical Journal Network and PubMed with the terms of " SALL1 gene" and "Townes-Brocks syndrome". Patients diagnosed with TBS caused by SALL1 gene mutation were retrieved and the clinical phenotype-genotype correlations in patients with TBS caused by frameshift mutation in SALL1 gene were analyzed and summarized. Descriptive statistical analysis was applied. Results:(1) Clinical data: The index patient was a 40-day-old girl exhibiting major clinical manifestations of polycystic kidney dysplasia, congenital external ear deformity, preaxial polydactyly and recto-perineal fistula. Whole exome sequencing and Sanger sequencing revealed a heterozygous variation of c.420delC (p.S141fs*42) in the SALL1 gene, while the same gene was found to be wild type in her parents and sister. The variant was predicted to be pathogenic (PVS1+PS2+PM2). (2) Literature review retrieved 161 cases of TBS, of which 71 were attributable to a frameshift mutation in SALL1 gene. Clinical phenotypes of the 71 cases and the index case were summarized. TBS was mainly characterized by external ear, hand and anal deformities, sometimes accompanied by hearing loss, abnormal kidney development and foot deformity. A small number of affected cases presented with rare clinical phenotypes such as abnormal eyes, hypothyroidism and abnormal development. At present, the human gene mutation database records 110 variations in the SALL1 gene, with a majority located in exon 2. The most common mutation type was frameshift variation, accounting for 52%, followed by missense variation and nonsense variation. Conclusion:TBS should be considered in children with ear, hand and anal malformations, accompanied by renal dysfunction and hearing loss, and genetic testing is recommended for timely diagnosis.

The Journal of Practical Medicine ; (24): 3286-3289, 2023.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020693


Objective To explore the systematic nursing intervention for patients with artificial anal bowel habit of effect.Methods Our hospital from May 2020 to select-treated 100 cases of artificial anal in May,2022 patients as the research object,the patients were randomly divided into control group and research group of consent of all the 50 cases,control group adopted routine nursing care,the team take systematic nursing intervention,compare the effect of two groups of patients with bowel movements.Results The team bowel habit each index compared with control group,difference has statistical significance(P<0.05).Conclusion Systematic nursing intervention to actively promote the use of clinical nursing work in the future.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022976


Objective:To analyze the effect of intestinal fluid reinfusion after anterior resection of rectum and preventive ileostomy in patients with low rectal cancer.Methods:A prospective research method was used, and 60 patients with low rectal cancer in Zhejiang Jinhua Guangfu Tumor Hospital from January 2021 to June 2022 were enrolled. The patients were divided into control group (treated with anterior resection of rectum and preventive ileostomy) and observation group (treated with anterior resection of rectum and preventive ileostomy combined with intestinal fluid infusion) by random number table method with 30 cases each. On the next day and 3 months after surgery, the low anterior resection syndrome (LARS) scale was used to evaluate anal function, the patient-generated subjective global assessment (PG-SGA) method was used to evaluate nutritional status, the stoma-quality of life (stoma-QOL) was used to evaluate the quality of life. The complications were recorded.Results:Both groups of patients were successfully completed the scheduled surgery. There were no statistical differences in LARS score and incidence of LARS on the next day after surgery between the two groups ( P>0.05); the LARS score and incidence of LARS 3 months after surgery in observation group were significantly lower than those in control group: (18.63 ± 3.15) scores vs. (24.90 ± 6.11) scores and 23.33% (7/30) vs. 46.67% (14/30), and there were statistical differences ( P<0.01 or <0.05). There were no statistical differences in PG-SGA score and incidence of malnutrition on the next day after surgery between the two groups ( P>0.05); the PG-SGA score and incidence of malnutrition 3 months after surgery in observation group were significantly lower than those in control group: (3.07 ± 0.82) scores vs. (5.13 ± 1.01) scores and 26.67% (8/30) vs. 46.67% (14/30), and there were statistical differences ( P<0.01 or <0.05). There were no statistical differences in the scores of psychological burden, social interaction, stoma management and daily living of stoma-QOL on the next day after surgery between the two groups ( P>0.05); the scores 3 months after surgery in observation group were significantly higher than those in control group: (27.70 ± 4.28) scores vs. (21.47 ± 5.16) scores, (14.33 ± 2.03) scores vs. (11.90 ± 1.64) scores, (14.87 ± 1.92) scores vs. (11.57 ± 2.38) scores and (15.30 ± 1.03) scores vs. (12.37 ± 2.11) scores, and there were statistical differences ( P<0.01). The incidence of complications in observation group was significantly lower than that in control group: 30.00% (9/30) vs. 60.00% (18/30), and there was statistical difference ( χ2 = 5.45, P<0.05). Conclusions:For the patients with low rectal cancer, the anterior resection of rectum and preventive ileostomy combined with intestinal fluid reinfusion can reduce LARS, improve nutritional status, improve quality of life, and also reduce complications.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029307


Urorectal septum malformation sequence (URSMS) is a rare congenital complex malformation characterized by severe abnormalities in the urinary, reproductive and digestive systems. It is difficult to diagnose URSMS by prenatal ultrasound due to its complex and variable manifestations. This paper reported a twin with partial URSMS. Prenatal ultrasound findings included pelvic "trilobe" cystic masses, sacrococcygeal hemivertebral malformations, imperforate anus, and transient ascites. Postnatal examination confirmed the diagnosis of URSMS, as the baby girl was born with anal atresia. Her colon, urethra, and vagina converged and formed a common tract with a single perineal opening. The baby died after her parents' refusal to surgical treatment.

Cancer Research and Clinic ; (6): 537-540, 2023.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996271


Objective:To investigate clinical characteristics and factors influencing the prognosis of patients with mucosal melanoma.Methods:The clinical data of 49 patients with mucosal melanoma in Fujian Cancer Hospital from March 2012 to March 2022 were retrospectively analyzed, and their clinical characteristics and prognostic influencing factors were observed. Kaplan‐Meier method was used for survival analysis and Cox proportional risk model was used to analyze the prognostic influencing factors.Results:Female accounted for 61.2% (30/49) of all 49 patients with mucosal melanoma and the median age was 56 years (42-79 years). The most frequent primary tumor sites occurred in head and neck (42.9%, 21/49), followed by the reproductive system (32.7%, 16/49). At the time of initial diagnosis, 81.6% (40/49) of patients had no distant metastasis and 79.6% (39/49) of patients had normal levels of peripheral blood lactate dehydrogenase. The median overall survival time of 49 patients with mucosal melanoma was 39.5 months (95% CI 23.1-55.9 months). The median overall survival time of patients without distant metastasis at the time of initial diagnosis was significantly longer than that of patients with distant metastasis [46.5 months (95% CI 31.6-61.4 months) vs. 19.2 months (95% CI 0-42.2 months, P = 0.025]. There were no statistically significant differences in median overall survival time of patients with different gender, age at the time of initial diagnosis, primary tumor site, and the level of lactate dehydrogenase in peripheral blood at the time of initial diagnosis (all P > 0.05). The presence of distant metastasis at the time of initial diagnosis was an independent risk factor for the prognosis of patients with mucosal melanoma ( HR = 0.379, 95% CI 0.157-0.918, P = 0.032). Conclusions:Mucosal melanoma is more common in female. The most frequent primary tumor sites occur in head and neck. At the time of initial diagnosis, most patients have non‐distant metastasis and the normal level of peripheral blood lactate dehydrogenase. At the time of initial diagnosis, whether there is distant metastasis is an independent influencing factor for the prognosis of patients with mucosal melanoma.

Journal of Chinese Physician ; (12): 1423-1427, 2023.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025975


Rectal cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors in the digestive system, and mid to low rectal cancer has attracted great attention due to its unique anatomy, examination, and treatment. Accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment are key to improving the prognosis of rectal cancer patients. One of the long-standing technical challenges in colorectal surgery is how to make a more accurate evaluation of the surgical plan for rectal cancer before surgery. Transrectal intracavitary ultrasound can provide some effective objective basis for the selection of surgical plans for middle and low rectal cancer. This article reviews the application value and progress of preoperative evaluation of preoperative staging and anal preservation of middle and low rectal cancer using transrectal intracavitary ultrasound.

Cir. Urug ; 7(1): e304, 2023. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1505950


El manejo del adenocarcinoma de recto se ha visto revolucionado por la cirugía mesorectal y la neoadyuvancia al igual que el cáncer epidermoide de ano con el protocolo de Nigro. Sin embargo, los adenocarcinomas de ano constituyen una patología infrecuente, relacionada con procesos inflamatorios crónicos como las fístulas perianales y cuyo tratamiento genera controversias. El desconocimiento de sus características clínicas e imagenológicas puede generar una confusión diagnóstica principalmente con un absceso perianal. Presentamos el caso clínico de un adenocarcinoma de canal anal en relación a una fístula perianal crónica y una revisión de la literatura actual sobre el tema.

The mesorectal surgery and the neoadyuvant treatment have changed the management of rectal adenocarcinoma. The Nigro protocol had the same impact on the squamous cell cancer of the anus. However, the adenocarcinoma of the anus is an infrequent pathology, related to chronic inflammatory processes such as perianal fistulas and its treatment generates controversy. The lack of knowledge about clinical and imaging characteristics of this pathology can lead to diagnostic confusion, mainly with a perianal abscess. We hereby present the clinical case of an anal canal adenocarcinoma in relation to a chronic perianal fistula and a review of the current literature on the subject.

O manejo do adenocarcinoma retal foi revolucionado pela cirurgia mesorretal e pelo tratamento neoadjuvante, assim como o câncer de células escamosas do ânus com o protocolo Nigro. Entretanto, os adenocarcinomas do ânus são uma patologia pouco frequente, relacionada a processos inflamatórios crônicos como as fístulas perianais e cujo tratamento gera controvérsias. O desconhecimento de suas características clínicas e de imagem pode levar a uma confusão diagnóstica, principalmente com o abscesso perianal. Apresentamos o caso clínico de um adenocarcinoma do canal anal relacionado a uma fístula perianal crônica e uma revisão da literatura atual sobre o assunto.

Humains , Mâle , Sujet âgé , Canal anal/anatomopathologie , Tumeurs de l'anus/imagerie diagnostique , Adénocarcinome mucineux/imagerie diagnostique , Tumeurs de l'anus/radiothérapie , Soins palliatifs , Fistule rectale , Issue fatale , Adénocarcinome mucineux/radiothérapie
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(10): 5468-5484, 2023.
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1511574


Os Papilomavírus Humano (HPVs) são membros da família Papilomaviridae. O vírus destaca-se pelo seu tropismo por células epiteliais, infectando exclusivamente mucosa epitelial e cutânea. O HPV-16 e HPV-18 são subtipos classificados como de alto risco, conhecidos por sua oncogenicidade, fortemente associados aos cânceres anais, genitais e de orofaringe. Lesões por HPV representam um grande grupo de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis. O objetivo do presente estudo consistiu em realizar uma revisão narrativa sobre a associação entre lesões por HPV e carcinomas genitais e da cavidade oral. Realizamos uma busca na base de dados eletrônicos PubMed, Lilacs, Scielo, Medline e Google Scholar, sendo utilizados artigos publicados entre os anos de 2017-2021, ao fim, foram selecionados 36 artigos. Grande parte das infecções por HPV são subclínicas, ou seja, não apresentam sintomatologia importante e tendem a desaparecer espontaneamente. Desta forma, faz-se necessário ter conhecimento a respeito dos aspectos clínicos e comportamentais dessas lesões, possibilitando o diagnóstico precoce, evitando a evolução para estágios mais invasivos, favorecendo um tratamento efetivo e melhor prognóstico.

Human Papillomaviruses (HPVs) are members of the Papilomaviridae family. The virus stands out for its tropism for epithelial cells, exclusively infecting epithelial and cutaneous mucosa. O HPV-16 and HPV-18 are subtypes classified as high risk, known for their oncogenicity, strongly associated with anal, genital and oropharyngeal cancers. HPV lesions represent a large group of sexually transmitted diseases. The objective of this study was to carry out a narrative review on the association between HPV lesions and genital and oral cavity carcinomas. We carried out a search in the electronic databases PubMed, Lilacs, Scielo, Medline and Google Scholar, using articles published between the years of 2017-2021, at the end, foram selected 36 articles. A large part of HPV infections are subclinical, or seem to, do not present significant symptoms and tend to disappear spontaneously. In this way, it is necessary to be aware of the two clinical and behavioral aspects of these injuries, enabling early diagnosis, avoiding evolution to more invasive stages, favoring effective treatment and better prognosis.

Los virus del papiloma humano (VPH) son miembros de la familia Papillomaviridae. El virus destaca por su tropismo por las células epiteliales, infectando exclusivamente mucosas epiteliales y cutáneas. El VPH-16 y el VPH-18 son subtipos clasificados como de alto riesgo, conocidos por su oncogenicidad, fuertemente asociados con cánceres anales, genitales y orofaríngeos. Las lesiones por VPH representan un gran grupo de enfermedades de transmisión sexual. El objetivo del presente estudio fue realizar una revisión narrativa sobre la asociación entre las lesiones por VPH y los carcinomas genitales y de cavidad oral. Realizamos una búsqueda en la base de datos electrónica PubMed, Lilacs, Scielo, Medline y Google Scholar, utilizando artículos publicados entre los años 2017-2021, al final se seleccionaron 36 artículos. La mayoría de las infecciones por VPH son subclínicas, es decir, no presentan síntomas importantes y tienden a desaparecer espontáneamente. Por lo tanto, es necesario tener conocimiento sobre los aspectos clínicos y conductuales de estas lesiones, que permitan un diagnóstico precoz, evitando la progresión a estadios más invasivos, favoreciendo un tratamiento eficaz y un mejor pronóstico.

J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 43(1): 52-55, Jan.-Mar. 2023. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430687


Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus have a higher incidence of neoplasms associated with human papillomavirus infections, such as those that affect the vulva, the vagina, and the cervix; however, little is known about the frequency of anal cancer among these patients. Although there are recommendations for screening for this cancer in immunosuppressed individuals, it is possible that this procedure is not strictly followed. We describe the case of a 47-year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus who was treated with immunosuppressants and developed advanced anal squamous cell carcinoma after adequate treatment and healing of a high-grade cervical squamous intraepithelial lesion. Five years after the completion of the anal cancer treatment, the patient presented with cystic hepatic lesions that were histopathologically confirmed to be metastatic squamous cell carcinoma. This report aimed to highlight the need for anal cancer screening in patients with lupus, particularly if there was a history of cervical cytopathological alterations. (AU)

Resumo Pacientes com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico apresentam maior incidência de neoplasias associadas a infecções por HPV, como aquelas que acometem a vulva, a vagina e o colo do útero, mas pouco se sabe sobre a frequência de câncer anal entre essas pacientes. Embora existam recomendações para o rastreamento desse câncer em indivíduos imunossuprimidos, é possível que esse procedimento não esteja sendo rigorosamente seguido. Descrevemos uma mulher de 47 anos com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, tratada com imunossupressores, que desenvolveu um carcinoma escamocelular anal avançado após tratamento adequado e cicatrização de lesão intraepitelial escamosa cervical de alto grau. Cinco anos após o término do tratamento do câncer anal, a paciente apresentou lesões císticas hepáticas cujo resultado citopatológico confirmou ser carcinoma escamocelular metastático. O presente relato teve como objetivo chamar atenção para a necessidade do rastreamento do câncer anal em pacientes com lúpus, principalmente se houver história prévia de alterações citopatológicas cervicais. (AU)

Humains , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Tumeurs de l'anus/diagnostic , Carcinome adénosquameux , Lupus érythémateux disséminé , Infections à papillomavirus , Tumeurs du foie/secondaire
An. Facultad Med. (Univ. Repúb. Urug., En línea) ; 9(2): e201, dic. 2022. graf, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1403135


La cirugía del cáncer de recto y ano se ha desarrollado considerablemente en las últimas décadas. En función de dichos avances, se ha observado una disminución en la morbimortalidad operatoria, así como también una mejoría en el pronóstico de estos pacientes. El objetivo del presente estudio es exponer y analizar los resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico del cáncer de recto y ano en un servicio universitario. Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y retrospectivo de todos los pacientes intervenidos por cáncer de recto y ano en el Hospital Español entre 2016 y 2020. Las variables registradas fueron: variables demográficas, clínico-oncológicas, relacionadas a la morbimortalidad operatoria y a la recidiva locorregional, y la sobrevida a 5 años. El procedimiento más realizado fue la resección anterior de recto (RAR) en 11 intervenciones (58%), mientras que las 8 restantes correspondieron a amputaciones abdominoperineales (AAP) (42%). Se diagnosticaron un total de 6 complicaciones intraoperatorias en 5 pacientes, siendo la perforación del tumor la más frecuente, y un total de 18 complicaciones postoperatorias en 11 pacientes, siendo la más frecuente la infección de la herida quirúrgica abdominal. La morbilidad operatoria mayor fue de 31,6% y la mortalidad operatoria a 90 días fue de 0%. La sobrevida global a 5 años fue de 63,2%. Los resultados quirúrgicos en la presente casuística fueron comparables con los de la bibliografía consultada. Destacamos la nula mortalidad a 90 días, con resultados oncológicos similares a los reportados en la literatura.

Rectal and anus surgery have been developed considerably in the last decades. Based on these advancements, it has been observed a decrease in the surgical morbidity and mortality, as well as an improved prognosis of these patients. The aim of the present study is to expose and analyze the results of the anus and rectal surgical treatment in a university service. An observational, descriptive and retrospective study was performed of all the intervened patients for rectum and anus cancer in the Hospital Español between 2016 and 2020. We recorded data about demographic, clinical-oncologic, related to the surgical morbidity and mortality, locoregional relapse and overall 5 year survival. The most performed procedure was the rectum anterior resection in 11 interventions (58%), while the 8 left corresponded to abdominoperineal resection (42%). There was a total of 6 intraoperative complications diagnosed in 5 patients, being the tumor perforation the most frequent one, and a total of 18 postoperative complications diagnosed in 11 patients, being the surgical wound infection the most frequent one. The serious surgical morbidity was 31,6%, while the surgical mortality rate at 90 days was 0%. Overall 5 year survival was 63,2%. The surgical results in the present study about the rectum and anal cancer were comparable with the results reported on the consulted bibliography. We highlight the null mortality within 90 days, with oncologic results similar to the ones reported in the literature.

A cirurgia do câncer retal e anal desenvolveu-se consideravelmente nas últimas décadas. Com base nesses avanços, observou-se diminuição da morbimortalidade operatória, bem como melhora no prognóstico desses pacientes. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar e analisar os resultados do tratamento cirúrgico do câncer de reto e anal em um serviço universitário. Foi realizado um estudo observacional, descritivo e retrospectivo de todos os pacientes operados por câncer de reto e ânus no Hospital Espanhol entre 2016 e 2020. As variáveis ​​registradas foram: variáveis ​​demográficas, clínico-oncológicas, relacionadas à morbidade e mortalidade operatórias e recorrência locorregional. , e sobrevida em 5 anos. O procedimento mais realizado foi a ressecção anterior do reto (RAR) em 11 intervenções (58%) e as 8 restantes corresponderam a amputações abdominoperineais (AAP) (42%). Foram diagnosticadas 6 complicações intraoperatórias em 5 pacientes, sendo a perfuração tumoral a mais frequente, e um total de 18 complicações pós-operatórias em 11 pacientes, sendo a infecção da ferida operatória abdominal a mais frequente. A morbidade operatória maior foi de 31,6% e a mortalidade operatória em 90 dias foi de 0%. A sobrevida global em 5 anos foi de 63,2%. Os resultados cirúrgicos da presente casuística foram comparáveis ​​aos da bibliografia consultada. Destacamos a mortalidade nula em 90 dias, com resultados oncológicos semelhantes aos relatados na literatura.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Tumeurs de l'anus/chirurgie , Complications postopératoires/épidémiologie , Tumeurs du rectum/chirurgie , Procédures de chirurgie digestive/méthodes , Complications peropératoires/épidémiologie , Taux de survie , Études rétrospectives , Résultat thérapeutique , Octogénaires , Récidive tumorale locale
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222214


Anorectal disorders, anal fissures, and distal polyps are the most common causes of hematochezia in children. However, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), even though quite rare in children, can present with an isolated per rectal bleeding. Early onset IBD is described in patients younger than 10 years of age; however, these are rare instances of even neonates presenting with IBD.Here, we report the case of a 6-year-old girl who presented with episodes of per rectal bleeding for several months with severe anemia and malnutrition and was also found to have an anteriorly displaced anus. She underwent colonoscopy which revealed features suggestive of ulcerative colitis which was eventually confirmed by biopsy. She was treated with corticosteroids and aminosalicylate, namely, Mesalamine. Later, the patient was treated with Azathioprine which resulted in the complete resolution of symptoms and improvement in nutritional status that was evident on regular follow-ups. IBD in children younger than 10 years of age is a rare entity and requires a strong suspicion for diagnosis.