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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223108


Human skin is continually exposed to internal and external forces, dynamic as well as static. The skin is normally flexible and can resist mechanical trauma due to friction, pressure, vibration, suction and laceration to a considerable degree. However, an excess of these forces can abnormally affect the structure and function of the skin, setting the stage for the development of a skin disorder. Repetitive trauma can cause lichenification, hyperpigmentation, erythema, scaling, fissuring, blisters, ulceration and chronic alterations. Frictional dermatoses is an under-recognised entity with no clear-cut definition and encompasses a variety of terms such as frictional dermatitis, frictional melanosis, frictional pigmentary dermatoses and certain other named entities, many of which are confusing. The authors propose to define frictional dermatoses as ‘a group of disorders caused by repetitive trauma to the skin as a result of friction of varied aetiology which can have a wide range of cutaneous manifestations depending on the type of insult.’ The exact prevalence of frictional dermatoses as a separate entity is unknown. Authors who conducted this review include a group of dermatologists and post graduate students from various institutions. Literature was reviewed through PubMed, Medscape, Medline, ResearchGate and Google Scholar using the terms ‘frictional dermatitis,’ ‘friction and skin,’ ‘dermatoses and culture,’ ‘clothing dermatitis,’ ‘friction melanosis,’ ‘PPE induced dermatoses in COVID-19 era,’ etc. A total of 122 articles were reviewed and 100 articles among them were shortlisted and included in the study, after removing duplications. The review was followed up with further deliberation which resulted in the formulation of a new definition and classification of frictional dermatoses taking into account the morphology, histopathological characteristics, anatomical region affected and the major predisposing factors. The rising incidence of mechanical dermatoses in the COVID-19 era was also emphasised.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992698


This paper reviews the research progress concerning the prevention and treatment of tension blisters after fracture. There are 8 preventive measures to reduce the incidence of fracture tension blisters, such as correct identification of the high risk factors for fracture blister, immobilization and fixation, and elevation of the affected limb. There are 4 treatments: blister aspiration, deroofment, leaving the blister intact, and negative pressure wound therapy. This review is to provide useful reference for those who need construction of clinical protocls for prevention and treatment of fracture tension blisters.

Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 80(supl.1): 77-81, 2023. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513770


Resumen Introducción: La epidermólisis bullosa adquirida es una enfermedad ampollar subepidérmica autoinmune, rara y crónica caracterizada por la formación de autoanticuerpos contra colágeno tipo VII. La presentación en la infancia es poco frecuente y con manifestaciones variables. Caso clínico: Se describe el caso de una paciente de sexo femenino de 12 años de edad que presentó lesiones ampollares y polimórficas en tórax y extremidades de varios meses de evolución. Por las características de las lesiones cutáneas, se realizó un estudio histopatológico y de inmunofluorescencia directa que confirmó el diagnóstico de epidermólisis bullosa adquirida, por lo que se administró tratamiento con corticoide y dapsona, con una respuesta clínica favorable durante el seguimiento. Conclusiones: La epidermólisis bullosa adquirida es inusual en la edad pediátrica. Por tanto, debe considerarse en el diagnóstico diferencial de otras enfermedades ampollares congénitas y adquiridas de la infancia. El diagnóstico definitivo se realiza a través del estudio de inmunofluorescencia, lo que permite instaurar rápidamente un tratamiento rápido y eficaz para controlar la enfermedad y evitar secuelas permanentes.

Abstract Background: Acquired epidermolysis bullosa is a rare and chronic autoimmune subepidermal bullous disease characterized by the formation of autoantibodies against type VII collagen. Presentation in childhood is rare and with several manifestations. Case report: We report the case of a 12-year-old female patient who presented bullous and polymorphic lesions on the chest and extremities of several months of evolution. Due to the characteristics of the skin lesions, a histopathological and direct immunofluorescence study was conducted, confirming the diagnosis of acquired epidermolysis bullosa. Subsequently, corticosteroid and dapsone treatment was administered, with favorable clinical response during follow-up. Conclusions: Acquired epidermolysis bullosa is unusual in pediatric age, so it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of other congenital and acquired bullous diseases of childhood. The definitive diagnosis is performed through an immunofluorescence, study, which allows for rapid and effective treatment to control the disease and avoid permanent sequelae.

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 569-573, 2021.
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987809


@#Pemphigus vulgaris is an autoimmune bullous dermatosis presenting with flaccid blisters and erosions. The morphology of pemphigus reflects the more superficial intraepidermal level of split seen histologically in contrast with pemphigoid, where the level of split is deep below the epidermis. This is a case of a 58-year-old male clinically presenting with arcuate tense bullae, which are more characteristic of the pemphigoid group of disorders, which revealed an intraepidermal split and tombstoning pattern of the basal epidermis on histopathology. Direct immunofluorescence revealed intercellular IgG and C3 distribution. Although this patient presented clinically with tense bullae, the histopathology and direct immunofluorescence results were consistent with pemphigus vulgaris.

Pemphigus , Technique d'immunofluorescence directe
Rev. argent. dermatol ; 101(3): 81-90, set. 2020. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155665


RESUMEN La Púrpura de Henoch - Schönlein (PHS) es una vasculitis leucocitoclástica, autolimitada que en la mayoría de los casos presenta manifestaciones cutáneas de purpura palpable acompañada de dolor articular, abdominal y alteración de la función renal. Reportamos un caso pediátrico de púrpura con ampollas de contenido hemorrágico variedad rara de presentación y difícil diagnóstico.

SUMARY Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) is a self-limited a leukocytoclastic vasculitis, the most case have palpable purpura skin manifestations with arthralgia strong abdominal pain, and renal function compromise. We report a pediatric case of purpura with hemorrhagic blisters rare variety of presentation and difficult diagnosis.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-211416


Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS) and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) are considered a single entity with variability in the extent of the lesions, characterized by erythema multiforme that may involve mucosa. Severe cutaneous reactions secondary to medications are classified according to the area of epidermal detachment. The activation of cytotoxic T cells and macrophages is mediated mainly by IL-2 and interferon gamma secreted by Th1 lymphocytes, and the activation of eosinophils and B lymphocytes in IgE is mediated by secreted IL-4, IL-5, IL-10 and IL13 by B lymphocytes. The topography of SJS is predominantly central, affecting the trunk and sometimes a generalized dissemination is shown that affects a body surface area of less than 10%, characterized by irregular violaceous erythematous macules of target shooting, which can form confluent blisters. TEN is characterized by a skin detachment greater than 30% of the body surface, whose predominant lesion is diffuse erythema with individual macules, which give rise to detachment surfaces greater than 5 cm. The treatment is symptomatic, nonspecific, and aimed at avoiding complications, carried out in specialized intensive care units, due to ignorance of the pathogenesis. Integral management with different therapeutic alternatives can represent a crucial part in the multisystemic management of SJS and TEN.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-199958


Radiation recall dermatitis (RRD) is the appearance of skin reactions in previously irradiated skin which is triggered by the administration of certain drugs. Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy are the mainstay of treatment in breast cancer. RRD induced by trastuzumab has been rarely reported in India. This is a case report of a 56-year-old woman presented to the medical oncology outpatient department of our hospital with breast lump, and she was diagnosed to have human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER-2/neu) positive invasive ductal carcinoma of left breast of stage T2N3cM0. She was treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and she underwent modified radical mastectomy with axillary lymph node dissection. The treating oncologist was planned to start on adjuvant chemotherapy with injection trastuzumab for every four weeks, for 15 cycles. Patient received first dose of injection trastuzumab (450 mg) intravenously in the right (contralateral) arm and developed painful, swollen, erythematous blisters, and maculopapular rashes following the sharp linear borders of her previous radiation fields. She was reviewed by the medical oncologist and diagnosed as a rare case of RRD and treated with topical betamethasone cream. Causality assessment for RRD to trastuzumab was done using Naranjo and WHO-UMC scale and found to be in the category of probable and probable/ likely respectively.

Rev. chil. pediatr ; 89(1): 103-106, feb. 2018. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-900076


Resumen: Introducción: El púrpura de Schonlein-Henoch (PSH) O Vasculitis IgA es la vasculitis sistémica más frecuente de la edad pediátrica. Se manifiesta clínicamente como púrpura palpable, artralgias, dolor abdominal y compromiso renal. El púrpura palpable buloso a diferencia de lo que ocurre en la edad adulta, es muy infrecuente en la infancia. Objetivo: Reportar una forma infrecuente de presentación cutánea del PSH en niños. Caso clínico: Niña de 14 años con historia de 2 semanas con ampollas dolorosas múltiples y confluentes en ambas extremidades inferiores asociado a artralgias. A la histo-patología destacan vesículas intracórneas, epidermis con acantosis y espongiosis e infiltrado dérmico perivascular. Inmunofluorescencia directa (+) para IgA. Se plantea el diagnóstico de PSH ampollar y se realiza tratamiento inicial con corticoides intravenosos. A los tres días del traslape a corticoides orales aparecen nuevas lesiones equimóticas en ambas piernas. Se decide asociar azatriopina e iniciar descenso de corticoides, obteniéndose buena respuesta. Conclusión: Si bien la formación de bulas en el PSH no agrega morbilidad, suele ser un fenómeno alarmante que requiere realizar diagnóstico di ferencial con otras patologías. El uso de corticoides estaría indicado en estos casos ya que disminuiría la producción de las metaloproteinsas responsables de la formación de las bulas.

Abstract: Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) or IgA Vasculitis is the most common childhood vasculitis. The classic tetrad of signs and symptoms include palpable purpura, arthralgia, abdominal pain and renal disease. The occurrence of hemorrhagic bullae in children with HSP is rarely encountered. Objec tive: To report an unusual cutaneous manifestation of HSP in children. Case report: A 14-year-old girl complained about a 2-week painful bullous rash in both lower extremities and multiple arthral gias. There was no history of abdominal pain or urinary symptoms. In both lower extremities, there were numerous palpable purpura and hemmorrhagic bullae. In light of clinical findings, laboratory tests and skin biopsy are requested. The histopathology described intraepidermal blisters, acanthosis, spongiosis and perivascular dermal infiltrate. Direct immunofluorescence (IFD) (+) for IgA. The diagnosis of bullous HSP was made and treatment with endovenous corticosteroids was initiated. Three days after overlapping to oral corticosteroids, new ecchymotic lesions appeared in both legs. Due to the persistence of cutaneous involvement and negative control tests, azathioprine was associa ted obtaining a good response. Conclusion: Although bullous lesions in HSP does not add morbidity, it is often an alarming phenomenon with multiple differential diagnoses. The anti-inflamatory effect of corticoids is likely to be beneficial in the treatment of patients with severe cutaneous involvement through inhibition of proinflammatory transcription factors and decreasing the production of the metalloproteinases.

Humains , Femelle , Adolescent , Purpura/diagnostic , Cloque/étiologie , Purpura/complications
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-514393


Objective To explore the impact of modified vacuum sealing drainage (VSD) on prevention of tension blisters during treatment of opening fracture wounds.Methods From March 2015 to February 2016,53 patients with 60 open fracture wounds were treated after surgery by VSD at our department.They were 28 males (33 wounds) and 25 females (27 wounds),aged from 24 to 65 years (average,41.1 years).The patients were divided into 2 groups.Group A (33 wounds) were subjected to traditional VSD after surgery while group B (27 wounds) to modified VSD.The mean time from injury to surgery was 5.2 hours (from 2.0 to 8.3 hours).The VSD dressing was first removed to observe whether any tension blisters would appear surrounding the dressing 5 days after surgery.Results Tension blisters appeared around 9 wounds in group A (with an incidence of 27.3%) but around one wound in group B (with an incidence of 3.7%).The difference between the 2 groups was statistically significant (P =0.037).Conclusion In treatment of open fracture wounds,the modified VSD can effectively prevent formation of tension blisters surrounding the dressing while it is used to cover a wound.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-499870


Objective To analyze the related factors of foot blisters caused by long-distance weight-bearing march and to explore the pathogenesis of foot blisters to provide a useful way for the prevention and treatment.Methods After the 300 km march,counted the number who had accomplished the march,and then recorded the number of foot blisters,location of blisters,and abrasion of sole.Collected the data of gender,age,body mass index (BMI),hand dominance,and whether had bliters before the march through questionnaire.And the data were coded for analysis with SPSS 13.0 statistical package.Results The 7 cases who complete the whole march and 17 cases who already had foot blisters before the march were ruled out of the final statistics.Among the remaining 590 cases,there were 554 cases (93.9%)suffered from foot blisters.And there were 1 282 blisters in total,among which the plantar blisters occupied 98% (1 257 cases).The analysis showed that the incidence of foot blisters had no significant correlation with gender,left/right foot,hand dominance,BMI and age.The predilection sites of blisters were the second and third metatarsals (28.2%),the hallux (21.3%),the fifth metatarsal (18.1%),and the calcaneus (15.8%)of the left foot.The predilection sites of blisters were the second and third metatarsals (33.3%),the hallux (22.4%),the fifth metatarsal (18.6%),and the calcaneus (14.5%)of the right foot.In terms of the abrasion of sole,the lateral heel was worn out the most (34.6% on the left and 34.2% on the right).Conclusion The study confirmed that the incidence of foot blisters had no significant correla-tion with gender,left/right foot,hand dominance,BMI and age,which may be affected by the particularity of this march.Most of the foot blisters occurred in the planta,and the predilection sites of blisters were in accord with sites of of the abrasion of sole and the distribution of plantar shear force,which demonstrated the shear force is the most critical factor on the pathogenesis of foot blisters.

Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-178638


PEMPHIGUS is a serious chronic skin disease characterized by the appearance of vesicles & bullae, small or large fluid filled blisters that develop in cycles. The term pemphigus refers to a group of autoimmune blistering diseases of skin and mucous membranes that are characterized histologically by intraepidermal blisters due to acantholysis and immunopathologically by an in vivo bound & circulating IgG directed against the cell surface of keratinocytes. Pemphigus vulgaris is the most common form and frequently affects oral cavity. Main antigen is Dsg 3 (desmoglein) but 50% of patients also have autoantibodies to Dsg 1. Dsg 3: Dsg 1 is directly proportional to severity. We present a case of pemphigus occurring in the oral cavity of a 45-year-old male. Treatment with oral prednisolone and topical steroid resulted in remission of the disease. Clinical features, histological features and treatment of pemphigus vulgaris will be discussed.

Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-166281


Pemphigus Vulgaris (PV) is an organ-specific autoimmune disorder affecting skin and mucous membranes with a characteristic of intraepithelial blistering. The first common sign of this disease is involvement of oral mucosa followed by skin involvement. We here in report a rare case one such recently seen by us, where oral lesions and skin lesions in a 24 year old female patient presenting with a five months history of multiple fluid filled lesions all over the body, who is known case of psychosis finally diagnosed as having pemphigus vulgaris.

Rev. MED ; 22(1): 58-61, ene.-jun. 2014. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-760067


El liquen plano es una erupción pápulo-escamosa de la cual se han descrito numerosas variantes en su presentación clínica. Una de esas variantes es el liquen plano ampolloso, en la que se desarrollan vesículas y ampollas que se originan de las pápulas características del liquen plano, o rara vez, de piel de aspecto normal. Debido a la formación de ampollas, el diagnóstico diferencial incluye liquen plano penfigoide, penfigoide ampolloso, pénfigo vulgar, eritema multiforme e infección por virus del herpes, por lo tanto, el examen histopatológico es útil para el diagnóstico definitivo. Las opciones de tratamiento incluyen esteroides tópicos y sistémicos, retinoides sistémicos, fototerapia, antimaláricos y agentes inmunosupresores. Se presenta el caso de una niña con diagnóstico clínico de liquen plano ampolloso que fue confirmado por histopatología, destacando la importancia de conocer esta rara variante y demostrando la adecuada respuesta al tratamiento con esteroides orales.

Lichen planus is a papulosquamous eruption whith numerous clinical variants. One of these variants is bullous lichen planus in which vesicles and blisters develop originating from lichen planus papules, or rarely in normal-looking skin. Due to formation of blisters, differential diagnosis includes lichen planuspemphigoid, bullous pemphigoid, pemphigus vulgaris, erythema multiforme and herpes virus infection, therefore histopathological examination is essential for a definitive diagnosis. Teatment includes topical and systemic steroids, systemic retinoids, phototherapy, antimalarials and immunosuppressive agents. We report the case of a child with clinical diagnosis of bullous lichen planus confirmed by histopathology,emphazise the importance of this rare variant and demonstrating the adequate response to treatment with oral steroid.

O líquen plano é uma erupção papulo-escamosa com numerosas variantes em sua apresentação clinica. Dessas variantes clínicas, uma é o líquen plano bolhoso, onde vesículas e bolhas originam- -se das papulas características do líquen plano, ou raramente, na pele de aparência normal. Devido à formação de bolhas, o diagnóstico diferencial inclui líquen plano penfigóide, penfigoide bolhoso, pênfigo vulgar, eritema multiforme e infecção pelo vírus do herpes, por isso, o exame histopatológico é útil para o diagnóstico definitivo. As opções de tratamento incluem esteróides tópicos e sistêmicos, retinóides sistêmicos, fototerapia, antimaláricos e imunossupressores. O caso de uma criança com diagnóstico clínico de líquen plano bolhoso foi confirmado por histopatológia , é apresentado com destaque para a importância de conhecer esta variante rara e demonstrando resposta adequada ao tratamento com esteróides orais.

Enfant , Cloque , Lichen plan , Stéroïdes
Korean Journal of Dermatology ; : 1094-1096, 2010.
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-90080


Edema blisters is an acute bullous disease that occurs following acute lower leg edema in patients with heart, renal and liver disease. Most of the affected patients are elderly, immobile and have been hospitalized for a long time. These clinical situations are commonly observed, but this can be misdiagnosed as other bullous diseases, especially friction blisters and bullous pemphigoid. We herein report a case of acute edema blisters in a 74-year-old female who presented with a tense bullae based on an edematous lower leg.

Sujet âgé , Femelle , Humains , Cloque , Oedème , Friction , Coeur , Jambe , Maladies du foie , Pemphigoïde bulleuse , Neurostimulation électrique transcutanée
Salud(i)ciencia (Impresa) ; 16(6): 652-656, abr. 2009. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-836588


En la actualidad, para diagnosticar pénfigo, es necesaria una clínica con ampollas y erosiones, histopatología con acantólisis y detección de anticuerpos en la piel afectada (inmunofluorescencia directa) o en sangre circulante (inmunofluorescencia indirecta). Objetivos: Los objetivos del trabajo son comparar la sensibilidad y especificidad de estas dos últimas técnicas y demostrar si existe relación de los niveles de ELISA frente a desmogleínas con elgrado de afectación cutáneo-mucoso. Material y métodos: Se obtuvieron 117 determinaciones en 26 pacientes con pénfigo y 29 determinaciones en pacientes con otras enfermedades ampollosas como grupo control. Medimos anticuerpos antisustancia intercelular por inmunofluorescencia indirecta y anticuerpos antidesmogleína 1 y 3 por ELISA. También se midieron las cifras de anticuerpos antes y después de terapias como las inmunoglobulinas intravenosas y plasmaféresis. Resultados: La determinación de anticuerpos por ELISA frentea desmogleínas 1 y 3 es más sensible que la inmunofluorescencia indirecta. No encontramos diferencias en cuanto a especificidad. Los niveles de anticuerpos son paralelos a la actividad clínica. Estos niveles no descienden inmediatamente tras la terapia con inmunoglobulinas intravenosas.

Nowadays diagnostic criteria of pemphigus include:clinical presentation with blisters and erosions, acantholisison the conventional histopathological examinationand detection of antibodies on affected skin (directimmunofluorescence) or serum (indirect immunofluorescence). Objective: The aims of this study are to compare sensibility and specificity between the ELISA method and the indirect immunofluorescence test (IIF)and to investigate a possible correlation between desmoglein titers (detected by ELISA) and clinical severity. Materials and methods: 26 patients with pemphigus were included in the study. The control group included 29patients with other bullous diseases. In every patient, antiintercellular substance antibodies were detected by the indirect immunofluorescence test while anti-desmoglein1 and 3 antibodies were titered by ELISA. In addition, titers of antibodies were measured before and aftertherapy with intravenous immunoglobulins and plasmapheresis. 117 determinations were obtained frompatients with pemphigus and 29 from the control group.Results: ELISA detection of antibodies against desmoglein1 and desmoglein 3 is a more sensitive method than the indirect immunofluorescence test. No difference inspecificity has been found. There is a positive correlation between titers of antibodies and clinical activity. Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy does not induceimmediate tapering of antibody titers.

Test ELISA , Pemphigus , Technique d'immunofluorescence indirecte , Plasmaphérèse