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Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 88(1): e2023, 2025. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568850


ABSTRACT A patient presented with corneoscleral thinning five months after the treatment of suspected ocular squamous surface neoplasia with mitomycin-C and interferon. For tectonic and aesthetic purposes, we decided to perform lamellar corneoscleral transplantation. The approach used established new tectonic support and corneal homeostasis. This technique might be an option in similar cases.

Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 28(1)mar. 2024.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550544


Introducción: La córnea constituye el elemento más importante del sistema óptico, al ser el primer medio transparente del ojo; tiene la finalidad de mejorar la calidad de la imagen que se forma en la retina, por lo que su transparencia es imprescindible para poder obtener una buena agudeza visual. Cuando sus capas están afectadas por diferentes enfermedades, se requiere sustituir este tejido dañado; este procedimiento, denominado trasplante de córnea o queratoplastia, tiene diferentes finalidades. Objetivo: Caracterizar los resultados de la cirugía de trasplante de córnea tras diez años del primer procedimiento quirúrgico en la provincia de Villa Clara. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo longitudinal retrospectivo, con una muestra de 204 pacientes operados de trasplante de córnea en el Hospital Universitario Clínico-Quirúrgico «Arnaldo Milián Castro» de Villa Clara, en el período comprendido entre 2008 y 2018. Las variables estudiadas fueron: sexo, finalidad del procedimiento, diagnóstico y complicaciones. Resultados: Predominó el sexo masculino (53,4 %); la finalidad más frecuente del trasplante tuvo fines ópticos (85,8 %); principal diagnóstico: la queratopatía bullosa (42,7 %); dentro de las complicaciones más frecuentes estuvieron: el rechazo al injerto, el defecto epitelial y el glaucoma secundario. Conclusiones: La cirugía de trasplante de córnea en la provincia de Villa Clara significa un gran avance en el desarrollo y perfeccionamiento para el tratamiento de múltiples afecciones corneales. Los diagnósticos más frecuentes fueron: la queratopatía bullosa y las opacidades corneales; las complicaciones más frecuentes, el rechazo al injerto, la aparición de defectos epiteliales y el glaucoma secundario.

Introduction: the cornea constitutes the most important element of the optical system, being the first transparent medium of the eye; its purpose is to improve the quality of the image that is formed on the retina, so its transparency is essential to obtain good visual acuity. When its layers are affected by different diseases, it is required to replace this damaged tissue; this procedure called cornea transplant or keratoplasty has different purposes. Objective: to characterize the results of corneal transplant surgery ten years after the first surgical procedure in Villa Clara province. Methods: a retrospective, longitudinal, descriptive and observational study was carried out with a sample of 204 patients who underwent corneal transplant surgery at "Arnaldo Milián Castro" Clinical and Surgical University Hospital in Villa Clara between 2008 and 2018. Age, purpose of the procedure, diagnosis and complications were the variables studied. Results: male gender predominated (53.4%); the most frequent purpose of the transplant was for optical purposes (85.8%); bullous keratopathy (42.7%) was the main diagnosis as well as, graft rejection, epithelial defect and secondary glaucoma were among the most frequent complications. Conclusions: corneal transplant surgery in Villa Clara province means a great advance in the development and improvement for the treatment of multiple corneal conditions. The most frequent diagnoses were bullous keratopathy and corneal opacities; graft rejection, the appearance of epithelial defects and secondary glaucoma were the most frequent complications.

Cornée , Transplantation de cornée , Maladies de la cornée
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022821


Objective:To analyze the research status of scleral lenses by bibliometric method based on the relevant collection of scleral lenses in the Web of Science database.Methods:Using the scleral lens-related literature collected in the Web of Science Core Collection database in the past 10 years (January 2013 to December 2022) as the object of analysis, bibliometric method and CiteSpace tools were used to conduct visual analysis of the literature.A comprehensive analysis of the volume of literature published, the distribution of countries and institutions, the information of core authors, the distribution of journals, and keyword clustering was performed.Results:A total of 340 articles were retrieved, which were published in 54 journals, with an average of 6.3 articles per journal, involving 301 authors.Research in this area covered 35 countries or regions, and 256 research institutions were involved.Discipline development was mainly in the United States, India, Spain and Australia.The main focus was on scleral lens (scleral contact lens), ocular surface disease, corneal edema, miniature scleral lens, etc.In the past 10 years, the trend of research hot topics in scleral lenses had shifted from the initial study of combining scleral contact lenses with ocular surface diseases to the subsequent study of prosthetic replacement of the ocular surface ecosystem, and the exploration of corneal clearance and shape.From 2013 to 2021, the main focuses were ocular surface diseases, scleral contact lenses, and corneal edema.After 2021, research on ocular surface diseases and keratoplasty declined.From January 2013 to December 2022, emergent keywords related to scleral lens mainly included scleral contact lens, transplantation, anti-host disease, prosthetic device in the first stage, artificial replacement of ocular surface ecosystem and irregular cornea in the second stage, and the research on corneal gap and characteristic shape in the third stage.Optical coherence tomography and corneal topography were commonly used examinations for scleral lens research and fitting.Conclusions:At present, the scleral lens is mainly used for dry eye, corneal diseases, corneal ectasia, keratitis, and corneal transplantation, especially after penetrating keratoplasty and refractive errors.Prosthetic replacement of the ocular surface ecosystem, and the exploration of corneal clearance and shape are the research hotspots in scleral lenses.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(3): e2021, 2024. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520221


ABSTRACT Primary graft failure (PGF) is a known complication following penetrating keratoplasty (PKP). The usual approach to treat this complication is to repeat a penetrating keratoplasty. Here, we report a case of Descemet's membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) for the treatment of PGF after PKP. A patient that underwent PKP, developed PGF with persistent graft edema and very poor visual acuity despite aggressive steroid use and a proof anti-viral treatment. Three months after the initial surgery, a DMEK was performed under the PKP graft. There was progressive early corneal clearing and, by the end of the first month, the patient already had no corneal edema. Uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) improved to 20/40 and best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) to 20/20. DMEK may be an alternative to a second PKP for the treatment of PGF. This technique is a less invasive option when compared to the standard PKP procedure.

RESUMO A falência primária do enxerto é uma complicação conhecida que pode ocorrer após o transplante penetrante de córnea. O tratamento usual dessa complicação é com um novo transplante penetrante. Apresentamos um caso em que foi usado o transplante endotelial de membrana de Descemet (DMEK - do inglês Descemet membrane endo-thelial keratoplasty) para o tratamento da falência primária após o transplante penetrante. Uma paciente submetida a transplante penetrante evoluiu com falência primária do enxerto a despeito do uso intenso de corticoide tópico e uma prova terapêutica de antivirais. Três meses após a cirurgia inicial, foi optado pela realização do transplante endotelial de membrana de Descemet sob o transplante penetrante. Houve um clareamento precoce e progressivo do enxerto com melhora importante da visão. Após um mês, a visão sem correção era de 20/40 melhorando para 20/20 com refração. O transplante endotelial de membrana de Descemet pode ser uma alternativa a um novo transplante penetrante como tratamento da falência primária.

Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 83: e0040, 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569741


ABSTRACT Objective: To verify whether there are pathological dysfunctions in the cornea of patients with endometriosis. Methods: Case-control research with a quantitative approach that compared topographic and tomographic examinations of the cornea of patients with a laparoscopic diagnosis of endometriosis, without the use of hormonal medications, to the control group. Results: We analyzed 78 eyes, 34 from the endometriosis group and 44 from the control group. The loss of orthogonality between the axes of the corneal curvatures was more frequent in the group with endometriosis (p = 0.0744). The difference between the mean keratometric measurements of the two eyes was significantly greater in the control group (p = 0.0204). In the tomographic findings, the group with endometriosis presented higher means of posterior elevation compared to the control group (p = 0.0060). Conclusion: The results do not allow us to conclude that women with endometriosis have a higher risk of developing corneal ectasia, although the posterior elevation map demonstrated a greater posterior curvature of the cornea in this group, with a statistically significant difference. However, an isolated increase in the posterior elevation map does not have good diagnostic accuracy.

RESUMO Objetivo: Verificar se há disfunções patológicas na córnea de pacientes portadoras de endometriose. Métodos: Pesquisa do tipo caso-controle de abordagem quantitativa, que comparou exames topográficos e tomográficos da córnea de pacientes com diagnóstico laparoscópico de endometriose, sem uso de medicações hormonais, ao grupo controle. Resultados: Foram analisados 78 olhos, 34 do grupo com endometriose e 44 do grupo controle. A perda da ortogonalidade entre os eixos das curvaturas corneanas foi mais frequente no grupo com endometriose (p = 0,0744). A diferença entre as médias das medidas ceratométricas dos dois olhos foi significativamente maior no grupo controle (p = 0,0204). Nos achados tomográficos, o grupo com endometriose apresentou maiores médias de elevação posterior em relação ao controle (p = 0,0060). Conclusão: Os resultados não permitem concluir que portadoras de endometriose têm maior risco de desenvolver ectasia corneana, embora o mapa de elevação posterior tenha demonstrado maior curvatura posterior da córnea nesse grupo, com diferença estatisticamente significativa. Contudo, um aumento isolado no mapa de elevação posterior não possui boa acurácia diagnóstica.

Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 83: e0046, 2024. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569742


RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar o perfil clínico-epidemiológico dos pacientes e o perfil dos agentes causadores de ceratite infecciosa em pacientes submetidos à cultura obtida a partir de raspados corneanos em um serviço de emergência oftalmológica em um hospital de referência. Métodos: Análise retrospectiva de prontuários e resultados do exame de cultura de córnea. Os dados foram coletados após a aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com Seres Humanos. Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes era do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 47,6 anos, etnia caucasiana, baixo nível de escolaridade e procedentes da Grande Florianópolis. Trauma ocular foi o principal fator de risco observado. Foram obtidos resultados de cultura positivos em 43,6% dos casos, sendo Pseudomonas aeruginosa o principal agente identificado. O tratamento clínico foi a conduta inicial na maioria dos casos. Conclusão: Ceratite infecciosa é uma doença grave e o conhecimento atualizado é necessário para o diagnóstico precoce e manejo adequado da doença.

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate patients' clinical-epidemiological profile and causative agents of infectious keratitis on patients submitted to culture obtained from corneal smears in an ophthalmological emergency in a reference hospital. Methods: Retrospective analysis of medical records and corneal culture examination results. The data were collected after the approval of the Human Research Ethics Committee. Results: Most patients were male, with an average age of 47.6 years old, Caucasian ethnicity, low level of education, and from the Greater Florianópolis area. Ocular trauma was the main observed risk factor. Positive culture results were obtained in 43.6% of cases, with Pseudomonas aeruginosa being the main identified agent. Clinical treatment was the initial approach in most cases. Conclusion: Infectious keratitis is a serious disease, and up-to-date knowledge is necessary for early diagnosis and appropriate management of the disease.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 86(4): 337-344, July-Sep. 2023. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447372


ABSTRACT Purpose: This study aimed to compare the clinical outcomes following deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty and penetrating keratoplasty in contralateral eyes of the same patients. Methods: In this retrospective, comparative case series, clinical outcome data included best-corrected visual acuity, refractive spherical equivalent, refractive astigmatism, endothelial cell density, endothelial cell loss, central corneal thickness, and intraocular pressure, which were evaluated at 6, 12, 24, and 36 months after deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty and penetrating keratoplasty. Additionally, complications were assessed. Results: Fifty-two eyes (26 patients) were included, of which 19 patients had keratoconus, 6 had stromal dystrophy, and 1 had post-laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis ectasia. The mean follow-up was 44.1 ± 10.5 months in the deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty Group and 47.9 ± 11.9 months in the penetrating keratoplasty Group. No significant differences were observed in the mean best-corrected visual acuity, refractive spherical equivalent, refractive astigmatism, and central corneal thickness between the deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty and penetrating keratoplasty Groups during follow-up. The endothelial cell density was significantly higher in the deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty Group than in the penetrating keratoplasty Group at 24 and 36 months postoperatively (p=0.022 and 0.013, respectively). Endothelial cell loss was significantly lower in the deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty Group than in the penetrating keratoplasty Group at 24 and 36 months postoperatively (p=0.025 and 0.001, respectively). Intraocular pressure was significantly lower in the deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty Group than in the penetrating keratoplasty Grroup at 6 months postoperatively (p=0.015). Microperforation occurred in 4 eyes (15%) during deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty surgery; however, penetrating keratoplasty was not required. No endothelial rejection occurred in the penetrating keratoplasty Group during follow-up. Conclusions: Over the 3-year follow-up, endothelial cell loss and intraocular pressure in the deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty Group were significantly lower than those in the penetrating keratoplasty Group, while visual and refractive results were similar.

RESUMO Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar os resultados clínicos após ceratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda e ceratoplastia penetrante nos olhos contralaterais dos mesmos pacientes. Métodos: Nesta série de casos comparativa e retrospectiva, avaliaram-se os seguintes dados de resultados clínicos: melhor acuidade visual corrigida, equivalente esférico refrativo, astigmatismo refrativo, densidade de células endoteliais, perda de células endoteliais, espessura central da córnea e pressão intraocular. Esses dados foram avaliados aos 6, 12, 24 e 36 meses após ceratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda e ceratoplastia penetrante. Também foram avaliadas as complicações. Resultados: Foram incluídos 52 olhos (26 pacientes), sendo que 19 pacientes apresentavam ceratocone, 6 apresentavam distrofia estromal e 1 apresentava ectasia após ceratomileuse in situ assistida por laser. O tempo médio de acompanhamento foi de 44,1 ± 10,5 meses no grupo da ceratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda e 47,9 ± 11,9 meses no grupo da ceratoplastia penetrante. Nenhuma diferença significativa foi observada nas médias da melhor acuidade visual corrigida, equivalente esférico refrativo, astigmatismo refrativo e espessura central da córnea entre os grupos da ceratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda e da ceratoplastia penetrante durante o acompanhamento. A densidade de células endoteliais foi significativamente maior no grupo da ceratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda que no grupo da ceratoplastia penetrante aos 24 e 36 meses de pós-operatório (p=0,022 e 0,013, respectivamente). A perda de células endoteliais foi significativamente menor no grupo da ceratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda que no grupo da ceratoplastia penetrante aos 24 e 36 meses de pós-operatório (p=0,025 e 0,001, respectivamente). A pressão intraocular foi significativamente menor no grupo da ceratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda que no grupo da ceratoplastia penetrante aos 6 meses de pós-operatório (p=0,015). Ocorreu microperfuração em 4 olhos (15%) durante a cirurgia de ceratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda; entretanto, a ceratoplastia penetrante não foi necessária. Não ocorreu nenhuma rejeição endotelial no grupo da ceratoplastia penetrante durante o período de acompanhamento. Conclusões: Durante o acompanhamento de 3 anos, a perda de células endoteliais e a pressão intraocular foram significativamente menores no grupo da ceratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda que no grupo da ceratoplastia penetrante, mas os resultados visuais e refrativos foram semelhantes.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 86(3): 270-273, May 2023. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439367


ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to alert the ophthalmic community to an atypical manifestation of ocular surface squamous neoplasia, which may delay diagnosis and treatment and result in a guarded visual prognosis and significant sequelae. A 61-year-old immunocompetent man presented with an initial diagnosis of necrotizing scleritis in the right eye for 3 months. He was treated with systemic prednisone but experienced persistent pain and low visual acuity. Conjunctival biopsy of the affected region confirmed the diagnosis of invasive ocular surface squamous neoplasia, which progressed with intraocular and orbital invasion; thus, exenteration was performed. Masquerade syndrome should be suspected in patients with nodulo-ulcerative lesions of the conjunctiva and sclera. This clinical can be more aggressive, with a greater likelihood of intraocular and orbital involvement. The earlier the diagnosis and treatment, the better the patient prognosis.

RESUMO O objetivo é alertar a comunidade oftalmológica sobre uma manifestação atípica de neoplasia escamosa da superfície ocular (OSSN) que pode levar a um atraso no diagnóstico e tratamento, evoluindo com prognóstico reservado e significativas sequelas. Homem, imunocompetente, 61 anos com diagnóstico inicial de esclerite necrosante em olho direito há 3 meses, em tratamento com prednisona sistêmica porém com persistência da dor e baixa acuidade visual. Realizado biópsia conjuntival em região acometida e diagnosticado como neoplasia escamosa da superfície ocular invasiva. Evolui com invasão intraocular e orbital sendo submetido a exenteração. Assim sendo, deve-se suspeitar de síndrome mascarada frente a um paciente com lesões nódulo-ulcerativas da conjuntiva e esclera. Essa forma clínica pode ser mais agressiva, com maior chance de comprometimento intraocular e orbital. Quanto mais precoces o diagnóstico e o tratamento, melhor o prognóstico para o paciente.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 86(3): 201-205, May 2023. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439372


ABSTRACT Purpose: To describe the clinical outcomes of manual scraping of epithelial ingrowth followed by compressed heating air flow after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). Methods: We underwent a retrospective, noncomparative, and interventional case series. Twenty eyes of 17 patients were included in this study. Each patient with a history of LASIK underwent epithelial removal with mechanical debridement followed by compressed heating air flow. Our primary outcome was the recurrence of epithelial ingrowth after 3 months of follow-up, while our secondary outcomes were uncorrected distance visual acuity, corrected distance visual acuity, and complications after surgery. Results: Ten patients (58.8%) were male, and eight eyes of seven (41.2%) patients underwent primary LASIK surgery, while12 eyes of 10 patients had flap-lift retreatment LASIK; sixteen eyes (80.0%) underwent mechanical microkeratome LASIK and four (20.0%) underwent femtosecond laser-assisted LASIK. Mean age at surgical removal of epithelial ingrowth was 37.0 years ± 9.3 years (range 24 to 55 years). There was recurrence of ingrowth in two eyes (10%) after 3 months of follow-up. The mean corrected distance visual acuity of patients before surgery was 0.07 ± 0.09 logMAR, and after the last follow-up was 0.02 ± 0.04 logMAR (p=0.06). The odds ratio of presenting with epithelial ingrowth after LASIK enhancement compared to primary LASIK was 29.41. Conclusion: Manual scraping followed by compressed heating air flow is a safe and effective treatment of clinically significant epithelial ingrowth after LASIK. At the last follow-up, no eye lost any line in corrected distance visual acuity.

RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever os resultados clínicos do tratamento do crescimento epitelial através da técnica de remoção manual seguido da utilização de um compressor de ar comprimido aquecido após a cirurgia de laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). Métodos: Vinte olhos de 17 pacientes foram incluídos no estudo. Cada paciente havia sido submetido a cirurgia de LASIK com presença de crescimento epitelial e foi submetido a tratamento cirúrgico para sua retirada. O objetivo primário foi identificar a presença de crescimento epitelial recorrente ao final de 3 meses de seguimento. Os objetivos secundários foram as medidas de acuidade visual sem correção, acuidade visual com correção, e complicações pós-operatórias. Resultados: Dez pacientes (58,8%) eram homens e 7 mulheres. Oito olhos de sete (41,2%) pacientes apresentavam cirurgia de LASIK primária e 12 olhos de 10 pacientes tinham cirurgia de LASIK com retratamento; dezesseis olhos (80%) utilizaram microcerátomo manual e quatro (20%) laser de femtosegundo. A média de idade no momento da cirurgia de remoção do epitélio era de 37,0 anos ± 9,3 (DP) (variando de 24 a 55 anos). Ocorreu recidiva do crescimento epithelial em dois olhos (10%) após 3 meses de seguimento. A acuidade visual sem correção antes da cirurgia era de 0,07 ± 0,09 logMAR, e após a cirurgia passou para 0,02 ± 0,04 logMAR (p=0,06). A chance (odds ration) de aparecimento do crescimento epithelial após uma reoperação de LASIK é 29,41 vezes maior do que no LASIK primário. Conclusão: A técnica de remoção epitelial manual seguida da utilização de ar comprimido aquecido é segura e efetiva no tratamento do crescimento epitelial após LASIK. Ao final do último acompanhamento, nenhum olho apresentou perda de linhas de visão.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 86(2): 131-136, Mar.-Apr. 2023. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429850


ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate the impact of corneal and conjunctival tumors on the ocular surface and quality of life of patients before and after surgical treatment. Methods: This prospective study conducted a preoperative and 30- and 90-day postoperative assessment of patients diagnosed with conjunctival and corneal tumors. Demographic data were collected preoperatively. The 12-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-12) and Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) questionnaires were applied to assess patients' quality of life and perception of their vision-related functions. The tear breakup time and Schirmer tests were performed for ocular surface evaluation. The tumor extensions were measured using ImageJ image analysis software. Results: Twenty-three patients were enrolled. The mean age at examination was 52.8 ± 17.3 years (range: 27-9 years). The most common tumor type was squamous cell carcinoma (61.5%). The patients' visual acuity improved significantly at 1 month and 3 months (p=0.018 and p=0.036, respectively). No significant differences were found between tear breakup time and Schirmer tests preoperatively and at 3 months postoperatively (p=0.150 and p=0.490, respectively). The SF-12 scores demonstrated significant differences between the preoperative and 30- and 90-day postoperative mental components (p=0.008 and p=0.026, respectively). Tumor extension was 868.7 ± 344.9 pixels (range, 224.6-1481.6 pixels) and were significantly correlated with the preoperative (p=0.011), 30-day postoperative (p=0.017), and 90-day postoperative (p=0.012) SF-12 mental components, as well as the emotional component at the 30th postoperative day (p=0.016). Conclusion: Patients with corneal and conjunctival tumors improved their ocular symptoms, visual acuity, and the emotional component of their quality of life after surgical excision of the tumor.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto dos tumores cór­neo-conjuntivais na superfície ocular e na qualidade de vida dos pacientes antes e após o tratamento cirúrgico. Métodos: Este estudo prospectivo conduziu uma avaliação pré-operatória e com 30 e 90 dias de pós-operatório de pacientes com diagnóstico de tumores de córnea e conjuntiva. Os dados demográficos foram coletados no pré-operatório. Os questionários Health Survey Short-Form (SF-12) e Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) foram aplicados para avaliar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes e a percepção de suas funções relacionadas à visão. Os testes tear break-up time (TBUT) e Schirmer foram realizados para avaliação da superfície ocular. A extensão do tumor foi medida usando o programa ImageJ. Resultados: Vinte e três pacientes foram incluídos. A média de idade foi de 52,8 ± 17,3 anos (27-79 anos). O tipo mais comum de tumor foi o carcinoma de células escamosas (61,5%). A acuidade visual dos pacientes melhorou significativamente em 1 mês e 3 meses (p=0,018 e p=0,036, respectivamente). Não houve diferenças significativas entre os testes tear break-up time e Schirmer no pré-operatório e com 3 meses de pós-operatório (p=0,150 e p=0,490, respectivamente). Os escores do SF-12 demonstraram que o componente mental apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante entre o pré-operatório e no 30 e 90 dias de pós-operatório (p=0,008 e p=0,026, respectivamente). A extensão do tumor foi de 868,7 ± 344,9 pixels (intervalo, 224,6-1481,6 pixels) e foram significativamente correlacionados com o componente mental de SF-12 no pré-operatório (p=0,011), 30 (p=0,017) e 90 dias de pós-operatório (p=0,012), e o componente emocional no 30º dia de pós-operatório (p=0,016). Conclusão: Pacientes com tumores córneo-conjuntivais melhoraram os sintomas oculares, a acuidade visual e o componente emocional da qualidade de vida após a excisão cirúrgica do tumor.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990844


Neurotrophic keratopathy (NK) is a relatively rare degenerative corneal disease.Over time, it can cause varying degrees of ocular surface damage, leading to corneal ulcers, perforations and even blindness.The best opportunity to reverse ocular surface damage is in the earliest stage of NK.However, patients experience few typical symptoms and diagnosis is often delayed.In 2021, BMC Ophthalmology published the Expert Consensus on the Identification, Diagnosis and Treatment of Neurotrophic Keratopathy in Volume 21.Through the interpretation of the consensus, this paper hopes to further improve ophthalmologists' understanding of the screening and treatment of NK, and optimize the management norms of NK diagnosis and treatment.

Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 36: eAPE01552, 2023. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1439017


Resumo Objetivo Identificar a incidência de lesão de córnea em pacientes internados na unidade de terapia intensiva e associar os principais fatores de risco com a ocorrência de lesão de córnea em pacientes internados na unidade de terapia intensiva. Métodos Estudo de coorte prospectivo, no qual foram incluídos 40 pacientes internados na unidade de terapia intensiva, no período de dezembro de 2019 a fevereiro de 2020. A análise de dados ocorreu de forma descritiva e inferencial, por testes estatísticos e medidas de efeito. Resultados A amostra foi composta por 40 pacientes. A lesão de córnea se desenvolveu em 20% (n=8) dos participantes e está significativamente associada aos seguintes fatores: tempo de internação de dois a sete dias (70%; n=28), Glasgow < 13 (50%; n=7), uso de sedativo (33,3%; n=8),uso de broncodilatador (36,8%; n=7), uso de Traqueostomia (TQT) (50%; n=6) e Ventilação Mecânica Invasiva (VMI) (58,3%; n=7), o piscar menos de cinco vezes (61,5%; n=8), o fechamento parcial da pálpebra(38,9%;n=7), a hiperemia (34,8%; n=8), o edema palpebral(41,2%; n=7), o edema conjuntival (50%; n=7) e o ressecamento(50%; n=5). Conclusão O paciente internado em unidade de terapia intensiva está exposto a diversos fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de lesão na córnea, com destaque para ventilação mecânica e Glasgow menor que 13 sendo necessária a implementação de medidas profiláticas para lesão de córnea, mediante o controle e mitigação dos fatores de risco e exposição do paciente.

Resumen Objetivo Identificar la incidencia de lesión en la córnea en pacientes internados en una unidad de cuidados intensivos y asociar los principales factores de riesgo con los episodios de lesión de córnea en pacientes internados en una unidad de cuidados intensivos. Métodos Estudio de cohorte prospectivo, en el que se incluyeron 40 pacientes internados en una unidad de cuidados intensivos, en el período de diciembre de 2019 a febrero de 2020. El análisis de los datos se realizó de forma descriptiva e inferencial, mediante pruebas estadísticas y medidas de efecto. Resultados La muestra estuvo compuesta por 40 pacientes. La lesión en la córnea se presentó en el 20 % (n=8) de los participantes y está significativamente asociada a los siguientes factores: tiempo de internación de dos a siete días (70 %; n=28), Glasgow < 13 (50 %; n=7), uso de sedante (33,3 %; n=8), uso de broncodilatador (36,8 %; n=7), uso de traqueotomía (TQT) (50 %; n=6) y ventilación mecánica invasiva (VMI) (58,3 %; n=7), parpadear menos de cinco veces (61,5 %; n=8), cierre parcial del párpado (38,9 %; n=7), hiperemia (34,8 %; n=8), edema palpebral (41,2 %; n=7), edema conjuntival (50 %; n=7) y resecamiento (50 %; n=5). Conclusión Los pacientes internados en una unidad de cuidados intensivos están expuestos a diversos factores de riesgo para contraer lesión en la córnea, con énfasis en la ventilación mecánica y Glasgow menor a 13, para lo cual es necesario implementar medidas profilácticas para lesión en la córnea mediante el control y mitigación de los factores de riesgo y exposición de los pacientes.

Abstract Objective To identify the incidence of corneal injury in patients hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit and associate the main risk factors with the occurrence of corneal injury in patients hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit. Methods This is a prospective cohort study, in which 40 patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit were included, from December 2019 to February 2020. Data analysis was descriptive and inferential, using statistical tests and effect measures. Results The sample consisted of 40 patients. Corneal injury developed in 20% (n=8) of participants and is significantly associated with the following factors: length of stay from two to seven days (70%; n=28), Glasgow < 13 (50%; n= 7), use of sedatives (33.3%; n=8), use of bronchodilators (36.8%; n=7), use of tracheostomy (TCT) (50%; n=6) and invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) (58.3%; n=7), blinking less than five times (61.5%; n=8), partial eyelid closure (38.9%; n=7), hyperemia (34.8%; n=8), eyelid edema (41.2%; n=7), conjunctival edema (50%; n=7) and dryness (50%; n=5). Conclusion Patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit are exposed to several risk factors for developing corneal injury, with emphasis on mechanical ventilation and Glasgow less than 13, requiring the implementation of prophylactic measures for corneal injury, through the control and mitigation of risk factors and patient exposure.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-931054


Recurrent corneal erosion (RCE), a common disease caused by repeated episodes of corneal epithelial defects, is characterized by the sudden onset of eye pain, usually upon first awakening.Among many causes of the disease, trauma is the most common one, followed by epithelial basement membrane dystrophy.The disease can be diagnosed via the characteristic medical history, ocular symptoms and slit-lamp examination.Treatment of RCE includes both conservative management and surgical management.Conservative treatment is the first choice for the primary patients, including medication, bandage contact lens, application of serum drops, coverage of cryopreserved amniotic membrane, etc.The appropriate surgical procedures should be performed in patients when the conservative therapy failed.Surgical treatment mainly includes epithelial debridement, diamond burr polishing, anterior stromal puncture, alcohol delamination, phototherapeutic keratectomy, photorefractive keratectomy, femtosecond laser-assisted lamellar keratectomy, etc.RCE treatment progress was comprehensively reviewed in this article to provide references for clinical therapy.

International Eye Science ; (12): 62-66, 2022.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-906731


@#Netrin-1 is a neuronal axon guidance factor, a soluble protein secreted by the cell floor, and is among the most widely studied members of the Netrins family.Netrin-1 has the diversity of receptors, and its binding to different receptors can activate different biological effects, resulting in multiple functions. Recent studies have revealed that Netrin-1 is closely associated with neural axon guidance, inflammatory responses, neovascularization, apoptosis, and other responses. It can act not only in the central nervous system, but also in many systemic diseases such as those of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, making it an important target for the treatment of these diseases. In the field of ophthalmology, Netrin-1 is closely associated with optic nerve hypoplasia(ONH), corneal disease, diabetic retinopathy(DR), age-related macular degeneration(ARMD), and retinoblastoma(RB), and has very promising applications in the prevention and treatment of these diseases. In this review, we will explore the association of Netrin-1 with ocular diseases and its role.

Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 81: e0037, 2022. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376781


ABSTRACT Objective: To outline the epidemiological profile of cornea donors and recipients before reaching queue zero. Methods: Epidemiological study, of quantitative approach, with transversal, analytical design, analyzing database records from the Health Secretary of the State of Ceará, from 2013 to 2015. Results: We obtained 1,558 cornea donors and 2,287 cornea recipients from 2013 to 2015. Most donors were male, capital residents, from 21 to 40 years old. Of donated eyeballs, 14.52% were disposed, due to poor condition, infiltration or positive serology. The recipients were predominantly women over 60 years old. The procedures were mostly elective, due to bullous keratopathy (28%). Regarding emergency transplants, ulcer (38.51%) and retransplant (35.14%) were most prevalent. Predominantly, transplants were funded by the Unified Health System. Conclusion: The majority of patients who were submitted to corneal transplantation are senile, especially females, therefore should be cautiously observed. On the other hand, donors are mainly male and young, reflecting the high number of tragic accidents. The surgery for bullous keratopathy is the most frequent among elective transplants, while the ulcer surgery is the main cause of emergency procedures. The fact that most surgeries were financed by the Unified Health System reflects the importance of this system.

RESUMO Objetivo: Traçar o perfil epidemiológico dos doadores e receptores de córnea antes de atingir a Fila Zero. Métodos: Estudo epidemiológico, de abordagem quantitativa, com delineamento transversal e analítico, analisando registros da base de dados da Secretaria de Saúde do Estado do Ceará, de 2013 a 2015. Resultados: Foram obtidos 1.558 doadores de córnea e 2.287 receptores de córnea, de 2013 a 2015. A maioria dos doadores era homem, procedente da capital, de 21 a 40 anos. Dentre os globos oculares doados, 14,52% foram descartados por má condição, infiltração ou sorologia positiva. Os receptores eram predominantemente mulheres acima de 60 anos de idade. Os procedimentos foram majoritariamente eletivos, devido à ceratopatia bolhosa (28%). Já para transplantes de emergência, a úlcera (38,51%) e o retransplante (35,14%) foram os mais prevalentes. Em geral, os transplantes foram custeados pelo Sistema Único de Saúde. Conclusão: A maioria dos pacientes submetidos a transplantes de córnea foram do grupo etário senil, principalmente do sexo feminino, devendo esse grupo ser observado com cautela. Em contrapartida, os doadores eram, principalmente, homens e jovens, refletindo o alto número de pessoas que morrem devido a acidentes trágicos. A cirurgia de ceratopatia bolhosa foi a mais frequente dentre os transplantes eletivos; já a de úlcera foi a principal causa dos procedimentos de emergência. O fato de a maioria das cirurgias ter sido financiada pelo Sistema Único de Saúde reflete a importância desse sistema.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Donneurs de tissus/statistiques et données numériques , Acquisition d'organes et de tissus/statistiques et données numériques , Transplantation de cornée/statistiques et données numériques , Banques des yeux/statistiques et données numériques , Receveurs de transplantation/statistiques et données numériques , Rendez-vous et plannings , Donneurs de tissus/ressources et distribution , Acquisition d'organes et de tissus/normes , Acquisition d'organes et de tissus/organisation et administration , Études épidémiologiques , Documents , Études transversales , Listes d'attente , Transplantation de cornée/normes , Banques des yeux/organisation et administration , Banques des yeux/ressources et distribution
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 81: e0058, 2022. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394861


ABSTRACT Objective To analyze and describe the coefficients found on maximum Ambrósio Relational Thickness-Maximum (ART-Max) and Belin/Ambrósio Enhanced Ectasia Display total deviation (BAD-D) in eyes with normal corneal topography subjected to cataract surgery with premium intraocular lens implantation and correlated these data with final visual acuity. Methods ART-Max and BAD-D data from 103 eyes of patients subjected to implantation of diffractive bifocal intraocular lens, with normal corneal topography who achieved visual acuity of 20/20 or 20/25 without correction after cataract surgery were analyzed. The groups with normal and abnormal values were compared using the chi-square test. Results Thirty-two (31.1%) and 71 (68.9%) eyes presented normal and abnormal ART-Max values, respectively. The difference between these groups was significant (p=0.0002). Fifty-five (53.4%) and 48 (46.6%) eyes had normal and abnormal BAD-D, respectively, and intergroup difference was not significant (p=0.9576). Conclusion Among patients with normal corneal topography who underwent premium intraocular and had good final visual acuity of 20/20 or 20/25, suspicious or abnormal indices of ART-Max and BAD-D were frequent, providing evidence that it possibly should not be a contraindication.

RESUMO Objetivo Analisar e descrever os coeficientes numéricos encontrados nos exames Ambrósio Relational Thickness-Maximum (ART-Max) e desvio total do Belin/Ambrósio Enhanced Ectasia Display (BAD-D) em olhos com topografia normal submetidos ao implante de lente intraocular premium na cirurgia de catarata, correlacionando-os com a acuidade visual final pós-operatória. Métodos Foram analisados os resultados de ART-Max e BAD-D de 103 olhos de pacientes submetidos ao implante de lentes bifocais difrativas, que apresentavam exame topográficos normal e alcançaram acuidade visual 20/20 ou 20/25 sem correção visual no pós-operatório final. Para a análise estatística entre os grupos normais e anormais ou suspeitos, utilizou-se o teste do qui-quadrado. Resultados Foram encontrados 32 (31,1%) olhos com ART-Max normal e 71 (68,9%) com ART-Max suspeito/anormal. A diferença entre os grupos foi significativa (p=0,0002). Quanto ao BAD-D, foram encontrados 55 (53,4%) olhos com resultados normais e 48 (46,6%) com resultados suspeitos/anormais. A diferença entre os grupos não foi significativa (p=0,9576). Conclusão Entre os pacientes com topografia normal submetidos ao implante de lentes premium e que alcançaram acuidade visual 20/20 ou 20/25, os índices suspeitos ou anormais de ART-Max e BAD-D eram frequentes, não se configurando em contraindicação para a realização do implante.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Troubles de la réfraction oculaire/prévention et contrôle , Acuité visuelle/physiologie , Cornée/anatomopathologie , Maladies de la cornée/diagnostic , Topographie cornéenne/méthodes , Dilatation pathologique/diagnostic , Complications postopératoires , Extraction de cataracte/effets indésirables , Études rétrospectives , Courbe ROC , Maladies de la cornée/étiologie , Pose d'implant intraoculaire/effets indésirables , Pachymétrie cornéenne/méthodes
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 84(4): 324-329, July-Aug. 2021. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285298


ABSTRACT Purpose: Keratoconus presents certain specificities in pediatric patients compared with adults. The greatest challenge is because the disease is typically more severe and progresses faster in children. This retrospective study aimed to report crosslinking procedure in patients under 18 years of age and their follow-up for at least 24 months after the procedure. Methods: Overall, 12 eyes from 10 patients were studied and data, such as visual acuity with and without correction, maximum keratometry, corneal thickness, foveal thickness, and endothelial microscopy, were assessed at both preoperative and postoperative visits. Corneal crosslinking was performed in all patients. Results: A tendency toward reduced Kmax and improved Corrected Distance Visual Acuity at all postoperative moments. Only one of the 12 eyes exhibited increased Kmax of more than 1 D during a time frame longer than 12 months. Regarding pachymetry, a tendency for corneal thinning was observed in the first four months after surgery. Conclusion: Encouraging results were obtained regarding the stabilization of the disease, progression, and procedural safety, corroborating to other authors' findings. The significance of early diagnosis and short-term follow-up were highlighted.

RESUMO Objetivo: O ceratocone na população pediátrica apresenta algumas particularidades em relação à população adulta. O maior desafio é devido à doença ser geralmente mais severa e rapidamente progressiva em crianças. Métodos: Este artigo utiliza uma análise retrospectiva para relatar o uso do crosslinking em jovens menores de 18 anos e sua evolução pelo menos 24 meses após o procedimento. Foram estudados 12 olhos de 10 pacientes, e dados como acuidade visual com e sem correção, ceratometria máxima, espessura corneana, espessura foveal e microscopia endotelial avaliados no pré e pós-operatórios. O crosslinking corneano foi realizado em todos os pacientes pelo mesmo cirurgião. Resultados: Observou-se uma tendência de redução do valor do Kmax e melhora da acuidade visual corrigida em todos os momentos de pós operatório. Com relação à paquimetria, observou-se afinamento corneano do ponto mais fino, nos primeiros quatro meses de pós-operatório. Conclusão: Resultados encorajadores foram obtidos com relação à estabilização da doença, progressão e segurança do procedimento, corroborando com as conclusões de outros autores. A importância do diagnóstico precoce e do acompanhamento a curto prazo do paciente deve ser destacada.

Adolescent , Adulte , Enfant , Humains , Photothérapie dynamique , Kératocône , Riboflavine/usage thérapeutique , Rayons ultraviolets , Études rétrospectives , Collagène/usage thérapeutique , Photosensibilisants/usage thérapeutique , Cornée , Topographie cornéenne , Réactifs réticulants/usage thérapeutique , Pachymétrie cornéenne , Kératocône/chirurgie , Kératocône/traitement médicamenteux
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 84(3): 282-296, May-June 2021. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1248965


ABSTRACT This review is intended to describe the therapeutic approaches for corneal blindness, detailing the steps and elements involved in corneal wound healing. It also presents the limitations of the actual surgical and pharmacological strategies used to restore and maintain corneal transparency in terms of long-term survival and geographic coverage. In addition, we critically review the perspectives of anabolic agents, including vitamin A, hormones, growth factors, and novel promitotic and anti-inflammatory modulators, to assist corneal wound healing. We discuss the studies involving nanotechnology, gene therapy, and tissue reengineering as potential future strategies to work solely or in combination with corneal surgery to prevent or revert corneal blindness.(AU)

RESUMO O presente trabalho traz uma revisão das abordagens terapêuticas para a cegueira da córnea. O estudo detalha as etapas e os elementos envolvidos na cicatrização da córnea. Ele mostra as limitações das estratégias cirúrgicas e farmacológicas usadas para restaurar e manter a transparência da córnea em termos de sobrevida a longo prazo e alcance geográfico. As perspectivas dos agentes anabólicos, incluindo vitamina A, hormônios, fatores de crescimento e novos moduladores pró-mitóticos e anti-inflamatórios para auxiliar a cicatrização da ferida na córnea, são revisadas criticamente. Aqui, apresentamos estudos envolvendo nanotecnologia, terapia gênica e reengenharia de tecidos como possíveis estratégias futuras para atuar de maneira isolada ou combinada com a cirurgia da córnea para prevenir ou reverter a cegueira corneana.(AU)

Humains , Cécité/prévention et contrôle , Cécité/thérapie , Lésions de la cornée/prévention et contrôle , Lésions de la cornée/thérapie , Cellules souches , Rétinol/usage thérapeutique , Thérapie génétique/instrumentation , Nanotechnologie/instrumentation , Protéines et peptides de signalisation intercellulaire/usage thérapeutique , Hormones/usage thérapeutique , Anti-inflammatoires/usage thérapeutique
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 80(2): 136-139, Mar.-Apr. 2021. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1280110


ABSTRACT We report a case of two twins for whom advanced keratoconus is present in one of the siblings and no clear sign of the disease could be found for the other.

RESUMO Relatamos um caso de dois gêmeos em que o ceratocone avançado está presente em um dos irmãos e nenhum sinal da doença foi encontrado no outro.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Kératocône/diagnostic , Jumeaux , Tomographie , Acuité visuelle , Maladies de la cornée/diagnostic , Topographie cornéenne , Kératocône/génétique
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-908626


Objective:To observe the transparency and tissue structure changes of human corneal stromal lenticules after long-term cryopreservation and explore a simple and feasible method for long-term effective preservation of corneal stromal lenticules.Methods:Two hundred samples of intact human corneal stromal lenticules from 200 eyes were obtained during femtosecond laser small-incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) in Hainan Eye Hospital, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center from 2013 to 2020.The samples were divided into 1-month, 24-month, 60-month and 80-month group and were stored in an ultra-low temperature freezer for 1, 24, 60 and 84 months respectively at -80 ℃ according to grouping, with 50 samples in each group.Transmittance of the corneal lenticules at wavelength of 300-800 nm was measured with an ultra-micro spectrophotometer and every lenticule was measured for 10 times with a 50 nm interval.The histomorphology and collagen fiber structure of the corneal lenticules were examined by hematoxylin-eosin staining and Masson staining, respectively.The arrangement of collagen fibers and ultrastructure changes of keratocytes in the samples were inspected with a transmission electron microscope.The apoptosis rate of keratocytes was determined by TUNEL staining.The study protocol was approved by an Ethics Committee of Hainan Eye Hospital at Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center (No.2013-003). This study complied with the Declaration of Helsinki.Written informed consent was obtained from each subject before surgery.Results:The corneal lenticules were clear and intact in all groups and no significant difference in the transmittance within 450-800 nm wavelength was seen among the 4 groups (all at P>0.05). Masson staining revealed that the collagen fibers in the lenticules were neatly arranged and tightly packed in the 1-month group.In the 24-month group, interfibrous vacuoles were found in some collagen fibers.The arrangement of the collagen fibers was loose and more vacuoles were displayed in the 60-month group, and the loss of some collagen fibers appeared and the lenticules were thinned in the 84-month group.It was found through hematoxylin-eosin staining that the morphological changes of corneal stromal lenticules corresponded to the alterations of collagen fibers.Transmission electron microscopy showed that in the 1-month group, the collagen fibers of the corneal stroma lenticules were neatly arranged and regular, and the corneal stromal cells were elongated and spindle-shaped, and the nuclear membrane was intact and the cytoplasm was abundant.In the 24-month group, the collagen fibers showed slightly loose arrangement, and the corneal stromal cells were deformed with incomplete nuclear membrane.In the 60-month group, the collagen fibers were in loose and irregular arrangement, and the nuclei were atrophied and deformed.The 84-month group showed disorganized arrangement of collagen fibers, wrinkled and atrophied corneal stromal cells, discontinuous nucleus membrane and nucleoplasmic lysis.TUNEL staining showed that the percentage of apoptotic corneal cells in lenticules was (87.80±1.17)%, (89.50±1.05)%, (89.30±1.51)% and (90.20±1.47)% in the 1-month, 24-month, 60-month and 84-month groups, respectively, with no statistically significant difference found in overall comparison ( F=4.525, P=0.053). Conclusions:The disorder of collagen fibers and apoptosis of keratocytes occur in the human corneal stromal lenticules till 84 months after cryopreservation, however, the transparency and integrity remain excellent.The ultra-low temperature preservation technique provides an effective and simple solution for long-term storage of human corneal stromal lenticule.