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Rev. polis psique ; 12(3): 213-236, 2023-04-13.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1517522


Neste manuscrito, apresentamos uma pesquisa cujo objetivo foi o de compreender como vem sendo produzidas as práticas de cuidado às gestantes usuárias de crack nos serviços de saúde de um município do interior do Rio Grande do Sul. Este estudo de abordagem qualitativa, foi realizado junto a dois serviços públicos, o Programa de Redução de Danos (PRD) e o Centro de Atenção Psicossocial para Álcool e outras Drogas (CAPSad III), com cinco mulheres voluntárias para a pesquisa. As histórias de vida foram reconstruídas a partir de suas narrativas e também de profissionais da saúde que proveram algum tipo de cuidado às participantes. Após a exposição das histórias, refletimos sobre três pistas importantes para pensarmos as práticas de cuidado às gestantes usuárias de crack: saúde mental, uso de drogas e interseccionalidade; direitos humanos, hierarquias reprodutivas e concepções de maternidade; e as práticas de cuidado em saúde. Observamos que as concepções dos profissionais acerca da maternidade direcionam as práticas de cuidado em saúde, caracterizando-se como um cuidado no espectro da saúde materno-infantil, e não um cuidado direcionado à saúde da mulher. Conhecer as demandas de cuidado dessas mulheres é essencial para que possamos pensar em práticas de saúde pautadas pela clínica ampliada. (AU)

In this manuscript, we present a research whose objective was to understand how the practicesof care to the pregnant women users of crack have been being produced in the services of health in a town of Rio Grande do Sul. This study of qualitative approach it was developed jointly to two public services, the Program of Reduction of Harms (PRH) andPsychosocial Care Centers Alcohol and other Drugs (CAPSad), with five voluntary women for the research. The life histories were rebuilt starting from their narratives and also of health's professionals that provided some care to the participants.After exposing the stories, we reflected on three important clues to think about care practices for pregnant women who use crack: mental health, drug use and intersectionality; human rights, reproductive hierarchies and conceptions of motherhood; and health care practices. We observed that the professionals' conceptions about maternity guide health care practices, characterized as care in the spectrum of maternal and child health, and not care directed at women's health.Knowing the care demands of these women is essential for us to think about health practices guided by the expanded clinic. (AU)

En este manuscrito presentamos una investigación cuyoobjetivo fue comprender cómo se ha producidolas prácticas de atención a las embarazadas usuarias de crack en los servicios de salud de una ciudad del interior de Rio Grande do Sul. Este estudio cualitativo se realizó con dos servicios públicos, el Programa de Reducción de Daños (PRD) y el Centro de Atención Psicosocial de Alcohol y Otras Drogas (CAPSad III), con cinco mujeres voluntarias para la investigación. Las historias de vida fueron reconstruidas a partir de sus narrativas y también de profesionalesde la salud que brindaron algún tipo de atención a los participantes. Luego de exponer las historias, reflexionamos sobre tres claves importantes para pensar en las prácticas de cuidado de las embarazadas que consumen crack: salud mental, consumo de drogas y interseccionalidad; derechos humanos, jerarquías reproductivas y concepciones de la maternidad; y prácticas de atención de la salud.Observamos que las concepciones de los profesionales sobre la maternidad orientan las prácticas de atención de la salud, caracterizadas como cuidados en el espectro de la salud maternoinfantil, y no cuidados dirigidos a la salud de la mujer. Conocer las demandas de atención de estas mujeres es fundamental para que pensemos en las prácticas de salud guiadas por la clínica ampliada. (AU)

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Crack , Troubles liés à la cocaïne/psychologie , Femmes enceintes/psychologie , Services de santé/statistiques et données numériques , Recherche qualitative
Journal of Medical Biomechanics ; (6): E479-E486, 2023.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987974


Objective Based on interface damage, a numerical simulation method for in-plane propagation of false lumen (FL) was proposed to explore the regular pattern of in-plane propagation of the initial cavity. Methods Three interface damage modes were characterized by bi-linear traction separation law, and the damage parameters were calibrated by simulating peeling and shearing tests. The damage interface was introduced into the ideal double-layer cylindrical tube aortic model by means of cohesive zone model (CZM) to simulate the in-plane propagation of FL. The control variable method was used to establish several computational models to investigate the influence of cavity geometric parameters on propagation direction, critical pressure and interface damage mode. Results The interface damage was mainly opening mode (Mode I) in axial propagation and sliding mode (Mode II) in circumferential propagation. With radial depth of the initial cavity increasing, the propagation of the FL changed from circumferential direction to axial direction, the critical pressure decreased, and the axial damage tended to be pure opening mode. With circumferential angle and axial length of the initial cavity increasing, the critical pressure decreased and the circumferential damage tended to be pure sliding mode. The critical pressure of single damage was lower than that of mixed damage. Conclusions The CZM can effectively characterize interface damage behavior of elastic lamellae within the media, and it applies to numerical simulation of in-plane propagation of the FL. The results of this study is helpful to understand the complex pathophysiological process of dissection crack propagation.

J. appl. oral sci ; 31: e20220480, 2023. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440419


Abstract The use of cocaine and its main derivative, crack, can cause some systemic effects that may lead to the development of some oral disorders. Objective To assess the oral health of people with a crack cocaine use disorder and identify salivary protein candidates for biomarkers of oral disorders. Methodology A total of 40 volunteers hospitalized for rehabilitation for crack cocaine addiction were enrolled; nine were randomly selected for proteomic analysis. Intraoral examination, report of DMFT, gingival and plaque index, xerostomia, and non-stimulated saliva collection were performed. A list of proteins identified was generated from the UniProt database and manually revised. Results The mean age (n=40) was 32 (±8.88; 18-51) years; the mean DMFT index was 16±7.70; the mean plaque and gingival index were 2.07±0.65 and 2.12±0.64, respectively; and 20 (50%) volunteers reported xerostomia. We identified 305 salivary proteins (n=9), of which 23 were classified as candidate for biomarkers associated with 14 oral disorders. The highest number of candidates for biomarkers was associated with carcinoma of head and neck (n=7) and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (n=7), followed by periodontitis (n=6). Conclusions People with a crack cocaine use disorder had an increased risk of dental caries and gingival inflammation; less than half had oral mucosal alterations, and half experienced xerostomia. As possible biomarkers for 14 oral disorders, 23 salivary proteins were identified. Oral cancer and periodontal disease were the most often associated disorders with biomarkers.

Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 45: e20210401, 2023. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442238


Abstract Introduction High rates of early hospital discharge are often observed in crack cocaine users and are related to adverse outcomes and increased public spending. This study evaluated clinical and sociodemographic factors associated with early treatment discharge among crack users. Methods The sample comprised 308 men diagnosed with crack cocaine use disorder (crack only), aged 18 to 65 years, admitted between 2013 and 2017 to a male-only hospital unit to treat substance use disorders. Sociodemographic and clinical data were obtained using the Addiction Severity Index, 6th version, and a Sociodemographic Questionnaire. Results Early discharge (within 7 days) was significantly associated with lack of own income, insufficient family support, being single, and recent homelessness. Regarding drug use, lower treatment retention was related to younger age of crack use onset, recent alcohol use, and nicotine use. Factors such as age, skin color, and educational level showed no relation to the outcome. Conclusion Our findings suggest that presence of characteristics verifiable at the time of admission may be related to crack users' treatment retention. Identification of these factors can contribute to target interventions in order to improve treatment adherence in crack cocaine users.

Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442240


Abstract In much of the West, including Brazil, drug use has increased since social distancing began in response to the pandemic. Use of smoked and modified drugs, and their impacts on health, may contribute to aggravate the effects of the pandemic. However, studies on the relationship between use of smoked drugs and the new coronavirus are still scarce and have not received enough attention in global health recommendations. This paper aims to briefly review the relationship between use of smoked drugs and acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]. Recent studies also suggest that drug consumption increases the risk of contamination by SARS-CoV-2 and leads to worse prognosis, particularly consumption of drugs that affect lung function. Use of smoked drugs, especially tobacco, is strongly associated with lung diseases that are risk factors for contamination by SARS-CoV-2. It is essential to develop strategies based on specific characteristics of drug users and for mental health professionals to be included in strategic teams. It is also necessary to invest in information campaigns regarding risks and prevention of harm caused by smoked drugs as well as to design strategies that facilitate access to psychosocial treatment during the pandemic.

Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1524050


Objetivo: compreender as Representações Sociais do planejamento e do desejo de exercer a maternidade em gestantes usuárias de drogas que vivencia/vivenciou a gravidez na adolescência. Método: estudo qualitativo, descritivo, fundamentado na Teoria das Representações Sociais. Foram entrevistadas 10 adolescentes que vivenciaram a gestação e o uso de drogas. A análise dos dados foi realizada a partir da Análise Textual Discursiva. Resultados: os resultados apontaram falta de conhecimento sobre aspectos da vida sexual e uso de anticoncepcionais. A droga ocupou o espaço vazio de solidão e medo, sendo uma forma encontrada pelas adolescentes de lidar com os problemas da vida. Apesar de muitas não terem planejado a gestação, esse processo motivou a diminuição do uso da substância. Conclusão: o estudo revelou a necessidade de diálogo sobre o processo gestacional na adolescência e uso de drogas, bem como, a importância de pesquisas e ações governamentais que abordem este problema de saúde pública

Objective: to understand the Social Representations of planning and the desire to exercise motherhood. Method: qualitative, descriptive study, based on the Theory of Social Representations.10 adolescents who experienced pregnancy and drug use were interviewed. Data analysis was performed using Discursive Textual Analysis. Results: lack of knowledge about aspects of sexual life and use of contraceptives was observed. The drug occupied an empty space of loneliness and fear, a found way of dealing with life's problems. Although many did not plan the pregnancy, this process motivated the decrease in substance use/dependence. Conclusion: the study revealed the need for dialogue about the pregnancy process in adolescence and drug use, as well as the importance of research that problematize this public health problem

Objetivos: comprender las Representaciones Sociales de la planificación y el deseo de ejercer la maternidad. Método: estudio cualitativo, descriptivo, basado en la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales. Se entrevistaron 10 adolescentes que vivieron el embarazo y el consumo de drogas. El análisis de los datos se realizó mediante análisis textual discursivo. Resultados: se observó desconocimiento sobre aspectos de la vida sexual y uso de anticonceptivos. La droga ocupaba un espacio vacío de soledad y miedo, una forma encontrada de afrontar los problemas de la vida. Aunque muchas no planificaron el embarazo, este proceso motivó la disminución del uso / dependencia de sustancias. Conclusión: el estudio reveló la necesidad de dialogar sobre el proceso del embarazo en la adolescencia y el consumo de drogas, así como la importancia de las investigaciones que problematizan este problema de salud pública

Humains , Femelle , Grossesse , Enfant , Adolescent , Jeune adulte , Grossesse de l'adolescente , Adolescent , Usagers de drogues , Santé publique
Braz. dent. sci ; 26(4): 1-4, 2023.
Article de Anglais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1511769


The forthcoming letter will encompass the following highlights: Crack cocaine use involves smoking a highly addictive form of cocaine, which is a significant concern in Brazil, particularly in urban areas. This addiction is linked to various health problems, including cardiovascular issues, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like AIDS and syphilis, tuberculosis, and a notable increase in mortality, largely due to violent causes. Furthermore, crack cocaine users are particularly vulnerable to dental caries, gingival inflammation, oral mucosa lesions, and xerostomia (AU)

A próxima carta incluirá os seguintes destaques: O uso de crack envolve fumar uma forma altamente viciante da cocaína, o que é uma preocupação significativa no Brasil, especialmente em áreas urbanas. Esta dependência está ligada a vários problemas de saúde, incluindo problemas cardiovasculares, infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST), como a AIDS e a sífilis, a tuberculose e um aumento notável da mortalidade, devido, em grande parte, a causas violentas. Além disso, os usuários de crack são particularmente vulneráveis a cáries dentárias, inflamação gengival, lesões na mucosa oral e xerostomia (AU)

Qualité de vie , Liquides biologiques , Marqueurs biologiques , Santé buccodentaire , Crack
Ribeirão Preto; s.n; 2023. 92 p. ilus.
Thèse de Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1555248


O estudo teve por objetivo avaliar as possíveis relações entre impulsividade, fissura e comportamentos sexuais de risco entre usuários de cocaína. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, de abordagem quantitativa. A amostra foi composta por 80 indivíduos acolhidos em duas Comunidades Terapêuticas (CTs). Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Informações sociodemográficas, Escala de Impulsividade de Barrat (BIS-11); o Crack Craving Questionnaire - Brief (CCQB) e Questionário sobre uso de substâncias e comportamentos sexuais (SUSBS). Da amostra, todos eram do sexo masculino adultos, com baixas condições socioeconômicas, acolhidos há mais de um mês, usuários crônicos de múltiplas drogas, sendo as mais usadas: o álcool, a maconha, a cocaína e o crack. Os participantes foram classificados como altamente impulsivos (33,3%), com nível grave de fissura (67,9%), perda o controle sobre o uso de substância (70,5%), metade usava drogas para melhorar o desempenho sexual, 45% concordaram que o uso era para favorecer a atividade sexual e 43% consideram o sexo indissociável do uso de substâncias. A fissura (CQB-B) foi associada com a impulsividade, mas não com o tipo de substância usada. Os resultados mostram a importância compreender e avaliar os entrelaces entre impulsividade, fissura e comportamentos sexuais entre usuários de substâncias psicoativas, assim como ir além da investigação desses problemas, com intuito de melhorar as práticas preventivas para os comportamentos sexuais de risco nas CTs

The study aimed to evaluate the associations between impulsivity, craving, and risky sexual behaviors among cocaine users. This is a cross-sectional study, with a quantitative approach. The sample consisted of 80 individuals hosted in two Therapeutic Communities in the region of Ribeirão Preto, SP. Sociodemographic information, the Barrat Impulsivity Scale (BIS-11); the Crack Craving Questionnaire - Brief (CCQ-B) and, the Substance Use and Sexual Risk Behavior Questionnaire (SUSBS) were used. Of the sample, all were adult males, with low socioeconomic conditions, housed for more than a month, chronic users of multiple drugs, the most used being: alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and crack. Participants were classified as highly impulsive (33.3%), with a severe level of craving (67.9%), loss of control over substance use (70.5%), half used drugs to improve sexual performance, 45% agreed that use was to promote sexual activity and 43% considered sex to be inseparable from substance use. Craving (CCQBB) was associated with impulsivity, but not with the type of substance used. The results show the importance of understanding and evaluating the links between impulsivity, craving and sexual behaviors among users of psychoactive substances, as well as going beyond investigating these problems, with the aim of improving preventive practices for risky sexual behaviors in TCs

Humains , Comportement sexuel , Troubles liés à une substance/psychologie , Troubles liés à la cocaïne , Besoin impérieux
Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 44(5): 478-485, Sept.-Oct. 2022. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403773


Objective: This study aimed to evaluate whether progression from first drug use to crack-cocaine use differs according to gender, and whether the report of sexual or physical violence impacts the time of progression. Methods: We interviewed 896 crack-cocaine users (548 men; 348 women) from addiction treatment units. Cox regression models evaluated the time of progression from first drug use to crack use. We analyzed gender differences according to the absence or presence of sexual or physical violence, also considering whether violence, when present, had occurred before or after the onset of crack use. Results: Women presented a faster progression to crack use regardless of exposure to sexual or physical violence (p < 0.05). Compared to unexposed men, there was a similar progression for men exposed to sexual or physical violence before the first use of crack (p = 0.167 and p = 0.393, respectively). In both genders, we observed a faster progression among individuals exposed to these types of violence after the onset of crack use (p < 0.01). Conclusions: We found a faster progression to crack use among women and among individuals exposed to sexual and physical violence after the onset of crack use. These results encourage differentiated treatment strategies, focused on gender and individual characteristics.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 27(6): 2407-2416, jun. 2022. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374996


Resumo Objetivou-se comparar características sociodemográficas, padrões de consumo de substâncias, comportamento sexual, utilização de serviços de saúde e envolvimento criminal de usuários, domiciliados e em situação de rua. Dados secundários do Inquérito Nacional sobre Uso do Crack, utilizando análise discriminante e de correspondência para comparar características dos usuários segundo condição de moradia. O modelo final de regressão logística evidenciou associações entre "situação de rua" e ser do sexo feminino, trabalho descontínuo, consumo de tabaco e "oxi" nos últimos 30 dias, uso de serviços de alimentação gratuita, baixo acesso a tratamento e frequentes detenções no último ano. Na análise de correspondência observou-se proximidade no espaço analítico de "troca de sexo por drogas", "trabalho informal", "idade" >31 anos, "baixo acesso a CAPS-ad", "problemas com a justiça criminal" e "sexo feminino" com os usuários de crack desabrigados. Pouco se sabe sobre usuários de crack em contexto na região Nordeste do Brasil. Os resultados evidenciam dois subgrupos com características específicas. Enquanto os domiciliados têm acesso aos serviços de CAPS-ad e outras clínicas especializadas, os usuários em situação de rua relataram, basicamente, acesso a serviços de alimentação gratuita e redução de danos.

Abstract We compared sociodemographic characteristics, substance use patterns, sexual behavior, use of health services, and criminal records of homeless vs. domiciled users. Data are from the Brazilian National Survey on Crack Use. A discriminant model and correspondence analysis cross-compared characteristics of users according to their housing status. The logistic model revealed associations between "living in the streets" and female gender and intermittent work. "Homelessness" was also associated with the use of tobacco and "oxi" in the previous 30 days, reliance on soup kitchens, low access to public mental health services, and arrests in the previous year. Correspondence analysis highlighted the spatial proximity of the variables as follows: "having traded sex for drugs", "informal work", "age 31 years or older", "access to public mental health services", "problems with law enforcement", and female gender with homeless crack users. People who smoke crack cocaine in Northeast Brazil are seldom studied. Their profiles, stratified according to their housing conditions, show subgroups with specific characteristics. While domiciled users have access to specialized clinics, homeless users basically reported access to free food and harm reduction services.

ABCS health sci ; 47: e022219, 06 abr. 2022. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1391917


INTRODUCTION: The causal mechanisms behind crack/cocaine use are still unknown, but genetic influences are suggested. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between the genetic polymorphism TaqI (rs1800497) in the dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) gene and susceptibility to crack/cocaine dependence in a group of addicts to crack/cocaine and a non-addicted group. METHODS: The case group (n=515) was composed of crack/cocaine-dependent men and the control group (n=106) comprised men who were considered not dependent on crack/cocaine. The oral hygiene habits, decayed, missing, and filled teeth index, gingival index, and plaque index were evaluated. The reference single nucleotide polymorphism (rs1800497 C/T) of the DRD2 gene was genotyped by a real-time polymerase chain reaction technique. Student's t-tests for independent samples or the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test were used to compare groups regarding quantitative variables. RESULTS: The case group showed a mean time of 9.91±7.03 years of crack use, and 61.06±92.96 stones/week. The socio-demographic profile of the sample was White, single men, with basic education, blue-collar worker, smoker, and reporting alcohol use. There was a high frequency of gingival inflammation, plaque accumulation, and caries experience. For all genetic models tested, there was no significant difference in the genotypic frequency in rs1800497 of the DRD2 gene, between case and control groups (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: The genetic variant in the DRD2 did not increase the vulnerability to develop crack/cocaine dependence. The complex genetic nature of crack/cocaine dependence and a large variation of DRD2 allele frequencies, depending on the population group sampled, could be one explanation for the no association.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Polymorphisme génétique , Récepteur D2 de la dopamine , Usagers de drogues , Fumer de la cocaïne/génétique , Études de cohortes , Allèles
J. bras. psiquiatr ; 71(1): 50-55, jan.-mar. 2022. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365057


OBJECTIVE: São Paulo's Crackland is the biggest and oldest open drug use scene in Brazil, yet little is known about the profile of crack cocaine treatment-seeking individuals living in this region. The aim of this crossectional study was to describe the demographics and clinical characteristics of treatment-seeking crack users living in the Crackland region. METHODS: A sample of nighty eight individuals were screened for DSM-V substance use disorders, including substance use, impulsiveness, and psychiatric symptoms. Recent crack cocaine use was also tested using biologic specimens. RESULTS: Results indicated severe social vulnerability, as participants experienced high rates of homelessness (46.9%), unstable housing (50%), unemployment (60.4%) and early school drop-out (27.5%). The average age of crack use onset was 20 years (SD = 6.9) and the mean duration of continuous crack use was 15 years (SD = 9.7). Most participants presented with concomitant mental health disorders, particularly alcohol use disorder (87.8%), as well high rates of psychiatric symptomatology and impulsiveness. More than half of the sample reported at least one previous inpatient (73.5%) and outpatient (65.3%) addiction treatment attempt. CONCLUSION: This population profile should inform mental healthcare services, promoting the provision of tailored assistance by targeting specific demands at all levels of treatment.

OBJETIVO: Localizada em São Paulo, a Cracolândia é o maior e mais antigo cenário aberto de uso de drogas do Brasil. Ainda assim, pouco se sabe sobre o perfil dos indivíduos que vivem nessa região e buscam tratamento para crack. O objetivo deste estudo transversal foi descrever características demográficas e clínicas de usuários de crack vivendo na região da Cracolândia que estão em busca de tratamento. MÉTODOS: Noventa e oito indivíduos foram avaliados para transtornos por uso de substâncias do DSM-V, padrão de uso de substâncias, impulsividade e sintomatologia psiquiátrica. O uso recente de crack também foi determinado por meio de coleta de amostras toxicológicas. RESULTADOS: Os resultados indicaram grave vulnerabilidade social, com significativas prevalências de falta de moradia (46,9%), moradia instável (50%), desemprego (60,4%) e abandono escolar precoce (27,5%). A idade média de início do uso de crack foi de 20 anos (DP = 6,9) e a duração média do uso contínuo do crack foi de 15 anos (DP = 9,7). A maioria dos participantes apresentou alguma comorbidade psiquiátrica, particularmente transtorno por uso de álcool (87,8%), bem como altas taxas de sintomatologia psiquiátrica e impulsividade. Mais da metade da amostra relatou pelo menos uma tentativa anterior de tratamento por internação (73,5%) e ambulatorial (65,3%). CONCLUSÃO: Os achados desse estudo permitem um maior entendimento do perfil e das necessidades de usuários de crack vivendo na região da Cracolândia e podem ajudar serviços de saúde especializados em dependência química a promoverem uma assistência mais direcionada às demandas específicas dessa população.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Acceptation des soins par les patients/psychologie , Crack/effets indésirables , Troubles liés à une substance/diagnostic , Troubles liés à la cocaïne/thérapie , Troubles liés à la cocaïne/épidémiologie , Usagers de drogues/psychologie , Facteurs socioéconomiques , Brésil , /statistiques et données numériques , Prévalence , Études transversales
International Eye Science ; (12): 673-676, 2022.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-922875


@#AIM:To observe the imaging features of optical coherence tomography angiography(OCTA)in the macular hemorrhage of pathologic myopia.METHODS:Designing a retrospective analysis collected clinical data of 100 patients(108 eyes)diagnosed as macular hemorrhage of pathological myopic in Nanjing Medical University Affiliated Eye Hospital from June 2016 to December 2020. All patients underwent refraction, eye axis,fundus photography, spectral-domain optical coherence tomography(SD-OCT), fundus fluorescein angiography(FFA), indocyanine green angiography(ICGA)and OCTA examination. All patients were divided into macular hemorrhage only with lacquer cracks and macular hemorrhage with choroidal neovascularization(CNV). All patients followed-up for more than 3mo by OCTA. RESULTS:There were 40 patients(42 eyes)diagnosed as macular hemorrhage only with lacquer cracks, OCTA showed bleed obscured by choroidal capillaries. After hemorrhage was being absorbed, lacquer cracks showed linear or stellate reflection completely in the choroidal capillary layer. B-scan image showed discontinuous retinal pigment epithelium(RPE), thinner choroid and an increased light. Penetrance into deeper tissues. After all macular hemorrhage only with lacquer cracks were absorbed, follow-up mode of OCTA found that 2 eyes(4.8%)without lacquer cracks, 28 eyes(66.7%)were linear and 12 eyes(28.6%)were stellate under the original hemorrhage. Follow-up mode also showed that 8 eyes of 8 patients(19.0%)relapsed macular hemorrhage only with lacquer cracks, and 4 eyes of 4 patients(9.5%)suffered secondary macular hemorrhage with CNV. There were 60 patients(66 eyes)diagnosed as macular hemorrhage with CNV,OCTA showed bleed obscured choroidal capillaries, the outer retinal and choroidal capillary layer also showed the shape of CNV around hemorrhage. B-scan showed CNV breaked through the RPE layer and blood flow signal in it. The area of CNV decreased after anti-vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF)intravitreal injection treatment. Around all macular hemorrhage with CNV, OCTA found that 48 eyes(72.7%)had lacquer cracks, 28 eyes(42.4%)were linear and 20 eyes(30.3%)were stellate.CONCLUSION:OCTA has a great significance in the diagnosis of macular hemorrhage of pathological myopia, fast and non-invasive is the biggest advantage. Choroidal capillary layer can clearly observe the shape and location of hemorrhage,lacquer cracks and CNV. The follow-up mode can intuitively comprehend the changes of disease. To some extent, it can replace fundus angiography to directly judge the classification, and time to treat in the clinic.

Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 42: e235993, 2022.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1406400


O consumo de crack na cena pública tem sido simbolicamente apropriado por meio de significados e práticas inseridos em contextos de vulnerabilidade e degradação social. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar as implicações da dimensão ética dos processos de construção de representações sociais sobre o crack em usuários da rede socioassistencial. Foram realizados três grupos focais com 15 homens, todos usuários do Centro de Acolhimento e Apoio do Programa de Atenção Integral aos Usuários de Drogas e seus Familiares (Programa Atitude), em Pernambuco. As comunicações foram transcritas e os dados submetidos a uma análise de conteúdo. Os resultados evidenciam o papel dos afetos na regulação dos modos de ser e agir dos participantes diante das normas do campo representacional do crack e seus fenômenos. Destacaram-se afetos de raiva, ódio, vergonha e humilhação articulados com processos de exclusão e estigmatização social, racial e territorial, que os constroem hegemonicamente como alteridades criminalizadas e desumanizadas. Desse modo, a dimensão ética analisada indica que o sentido de vida que circunscreve as experiências desses sujeitos se conforma pela busca de um status social valorizado, processo no qual a relação com o crack está presente, mas não é exatamente o aspecto mais importante das suas experiências no mundo.(AU)

Crack consumption in the public scene has been symbolically appropriated by use of meanings and practices inserted in contexts of vulnerability and social degradation. This research aimed to investigate the implications of the ethical dimension of the construction processes of social representations about crack among users of the social assistance network. Three focus groups were carried out with 15 men, all users of the Reception and Support Center of the Comprehensive Care Program for Drug Users and their Families (Atitude Program) in the state of Pernambuco. Communications were transcribed and data submitted to content analysis. The results show the role of affections in the regulation of the participants' ways of being and acting in view of the norms of the representational field of crack and its phenomena. Affects of anger, hatred, shame, and humiliation stood out, articulated with processes of exclusion and social, racial and territorial stigmatization, which build them hegemonically as criminalized and dehumanized alterities. Thus, the analyzed ethical dimension indicates that the meaning of life that circumscribes the experiences of these subjects is conformed by the search for a valued social status, a process in which the relationship with crack is present, but it is not exactly the most important aspect of their experiences in the world.(AU)

El consumo de crack en la escena pública se ha apropiado simbólicamente a través de significados y prácticas insertas en contextos de vulnerabilidad y degradación social. El objetivo de esta investigación fue investigar las implicaciones de la dimensión ética de los procesos de construcción de representaciones sociales sobre el crack entre los usuarios de la red socioasistencial. Se compusieron tres grupos focales con 15 hombres, usuarios del Centro de Acogida y Apoyo del Programa de Atención Integral a los Consumidores de Drogas y sus Familias (Programa Atitude) en Pernambuco, Brasil. Los relatos se transcribieron, y los datos pasaron por un análisis de contenido. Los resultados muestran el papel de los sentimientos en la regulación de los modos de ser y actuar de los participantes frente a las normas del campo representacional del crack y sus fenómenos. Se destacaron los sentimientos de ira, odio, vergüenza y humillación, articulados con los procesos de exclusión, estigma social, racial y territorial, que los construyen de manera hegemónica como una figura de alteridad criminalizada y deshumanizada. Así, la dimensión ética en análisis apunta a que el sentido de la vida que circunscribe las vivencias de estos sujetos está conformado por la búsqueda de un estatus social valorado, proceso en el que la relación con el crack está presente, pero no es precisamente el aspecto más importante de sus experiencias en el mundo.(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Adolescent , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Crack , Éthique , Usagers de drogues , Représentation sociale , Prejugé , Psychothérapie , Comportement social , Zones de pauvreté , Santé publique , Populations vulnérables , Adoption par l'Utilisateur , Stigmate social , Troubles liés à l'usage de substances psychotropes
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 12(5): 934-942, dez. 2021. ilus, tab
Article de Portugais | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1367155


Objetivo: Identificar as características socioeconômicas, o padrão de uso das substâncias psicoativas e os transtornos mentais associados ao uso de crack e cocaína. Métodos: Caracteriza-se como descritivo, transversal e de abordagem quantitativa, realizado com 112 participantes que apresentaram um histórico de uso de crack e/ou de cocaína, com a aplicação de questionários socioeconômico, sobre o padrão de uso das substâncias psicoativas e o Mini Internacional Neuropsychiatric Interview para rastreio de transtornos mentais. Os dados foram analisados através do software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Resultados: 97 (86,6%) eram do sexo masculino, 63 (56,3%) eram pardos autodeclarados, 102 (91,1%) com religião, 95 (84,8%) eram solteiros (solteiro, divorciado, viúvo), 83 (74,1%) estudaram até o ensino fundamental, 71 (63,4%) possuiam filhos. Diante da aplicação do Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, identificou-se uma frequência de 69 (61,6%) participantes com episódio depressivo maior atual, destes 34 (30,4%) apresentando episódio depressivo maior recorrente. Metade dos participantes, 55 (49,1%), possuia risco de suicídio. Conclusão: O rastreamento do perfil psiquiátrico de usuários de cocaína e crack embasa o desenvolvimento de protocolos de tratamento e medidas de intervenção de maneira mais individualizada, o que refletira no enfrentamento diante do tratamento. (AU)

Objective: To identify the socioeconomic characteristics, the pattern of use of psychoactive substances and the mental disorders associated with the use of crack and cocaine. Methods: Characterized as descriptive, cross-sectional and with a quantitative approach, carried out with 112 participants who had a history of crack and / or cocaine use, with the application of socioeconomic questionnaires, on the pattern of substance use psychoactive drugs and the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview to screen for mental disorders. The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software. Results: 97 (86.6%) were male, 63 (56.3%) were self-declared brown, 102 (91.1%) with religion, 95 (84.8%) were single (single, divorced, widowed), 83 (74.1%) studied until elementary school, 71 (63.4%) has children. In view of the application of Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, a frequency of 69 (61.6%) participants with a current major depressive episode was identified, of these 34 (30.4%) presenting a recurrent major depressive episode. Half of the participants, 55 (49.1%), are at risk of suicide. Conclusion: The tracking of the psychiatric profile of cocaine and crack users supports the development of treatment protocols and intervention measures in a more individualized way, which will reflect on coping with treatment. (AU)

Objetivo: Identificar las características socioeconómicas, el patrón de uso de sustancias psicoactivas y los trastornos mentales asociados al uso de crack y cocaína. Métodos: Caracterizado como descriptivo, transversal y con enfoque cuantitativo, realizado con 112 participantes que tenían antecedentes de consumo de crack y / o cocaína, con la aplicación de cuestionarios socioeconómicos, sobre el patrón de consumo de sustancias. drogas psicoactivas y la Mini Internacional Neuropsychiatric Interview para detectar trastornos mentales. Los datos se analizaron mediante el software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Resultados: 97 (86,6%) eran hombres, 63 (56,3%) se auto declaraban marrones, 102 (91,1%) de religión, 95 (84,8%) eran solteros (solteros, divorciados, viudos), 83 (74,1%) estudiaron hasta la escuela primaria, 71 (63,4%) tienen hijos. En vista de la aplicación de Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, se identificó una frecuencia de 69 (61,6%) participantes con un episodio depresivo mayor actual, de estos 34 (30,4%) presentaban un episodio depresivo mayor recurrente. La mitad de los participantes, 55 (49,1%), tienen riesgo de suicidio. Conclusión: El seguimiento del perfil psiquiátrico de los consumidores de cocaína y crack apoya el desarrollo de protocolos de tratamiento y medidas de intervención de una manera más individualizada, que se reflejará en el afrontamiento del tratamiento. (AU)

Soins , Santé mentale , Épidémiologie , Crack , Vulnérabilité en Santé
Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 29: e56246, jan.-dez. 2021.
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1283149


Objetivo: identificar na literatura evidências relacionadas à assistência de enfermagem a gestantes usuárias de crack e cocaína nos serviços de saúde. Método: revisão integrativa realizada em julho de 2020, com publicações dos últimos dez anos nas bases de dados Embase (Medline e PubMed), PsycINFO, Scopus e Cinahl. Resultados: foram encontrados 49 artigos, sendo incluídos dois internacionais e quatro nacionais. Dentre os conceitos que fundamentam a assistência de enfermagem às gestantes usuárias de crack e cocaína destacam-se: acolhimento, vínculo e encaminhamentos a serviços especializados. Três estudos abordam o despreparo e desconhecimento do enfermeiro diante deste cuidado e constata-se a infrequência de atitudes consonantes com a política de saúde mental. Conclusão: o acompanhamento integral e sistematizado pelo enfermeiro durante o período gestacional é indispensável e necessita de aprimoramento na linha da redução de danos. Os achados sugerem estratégias diferenciadas para a assistência de enfermagem e reforçam as lacunas práticas e científicas relacionadas ao tema.

Objective: to identify, in the literature, evidence relating to nursing care for pregnant women crack and cocaine users in health services. Method: this integrative review was conducted in July 2020, with publications from the previous ten years in the Embase (Medline and PubMed), PsycINFO, Scopus, and Cinahl databases. Results: the search strategy found 49 research papers and included two international and four national studies. Among the concepts that underlie nursing care for pregnant women who use crack and cocaine, the following stand out: supportive reception, bonding, and referral to specialized services. Three studies addressed nurses' lack of preparedness and knowledge in providing such care, and attitudes aligned with mental health policy were found to be infrequent. Conclusion: systematic, comprehensive monitoring by nurses is essential during the gestational period and the harm reduction component needs improvement. The findings recommend differentiated nursing care strategies and underline the gaps in the practice and science relating to this issue.

Objetivo: identificar en la literatura evidencias relacionadas con la atención de enfermería a embarazadas que consumen crack y cocaína en los servicios de salud. Método: revisión integradora realizada en julio de 2020, con publicaciones de los últimos diez años en las bases de datos Embase (Medline y PubMed), PsycINFO, Scopus y Cinahl. Resultados: se encontraron 49 artículos, siendo dos internacionales y cuatro nacionales. Entre los conceptos que sustentan la atención de enfermería a las embarazadas usuarias crack y cocaína, destacan: acogida, vinculación y derivación a servicios especializados. Tres estudios abordan la falta de preparación y el desconocimiento de los enfermeros en cuanto a esta atención. Se constata también la falta de actitudes alineadas con la política de salud mental. Conclusión: el seguimiento integral y sistemático por parte de enfermeros durante el período gestacional es fundamental y necesita perfeccionamiento en la reducción de daños. Los hallazgos sugieren estrategias de asistencia de enfermería diferenciadas y refuerzan las brechas prácticas y científicas relacionadas con el tema.

DST j. bras. doenças sex. transm ; 33: 1-7, dez.30, 2021.
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368556


Introduction: Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection is a prevalent infection occurring during pregnancy. The implementation of a program to screen and prevent vertical transmission is highly important in Public Healthcare. Pregnant crack users could face difficulties to test and adhere to the Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. Objective: The purpose of this research paper was to investigate whether crack cocaine abuse increases Human Immunodeficiency Virus perinatal transmission rates, as well as to evaluate the risk factors associated with such an increase. Methods: Design: A retrospective study. Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, General Hospital of Universidade Federal do Paraná. Population: pregnancies of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-positive women who were using crack cocaine (n=64) were compared with that of non-users (n=826) from 2005 to 2013. Prenatal medical records, delivery records, and newborn records were analyzed. Main Outcome Measures: The vertical transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus in the group of crack cocaine users was 9.37% (6) versus 2.54% (21) among non-users (p=0.009744). Results: Over the years of the study, there was a decrease in the vertical transmission rate in non-users, while this number remained constant in the group of users. When analyzing the cases of perinatal transmission, it was found that 83.34% (5) had inadequate prenatal care, and 100% (6) had inadequate Human Immunodeficiency Virus treatment, compared to the group in which there was no vertical transmission, where 65.52% (38) had inadequate prenatal care and 70.86% (41) had inadequate treatment. Conclusion: Vertical transmission is higher among crack cocaine users and did not decrease over the years of the study, as occurred among non-users. Trends that explain this increase were non-adherence to adequate prenatal care, Human Immunodeficiency Virus diagnosis during pregnancy, irregular treatment, absence of intrapartum antiretroviral prophylaxis, and vaginal delivery route.

A contaminação pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana é uma infecção prevalente ocorrida na gravidez. A implantação de um programa de rastreamento e prevenção da transmissão vertical é um campo tão importante na saúde pública. Neste caso, a gestante, usuária de crack, pode estar com alguma dificuldade de testagem e adesão à administração da terapia antirretroviral altamente ativa. Objetivo: Analisar os casos de gestantes vírus da imunodeficiência humana positivas e usuárias de crack atendidas na maternidade do Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná entre 2005 e 2013. Propõe-se avaliar se o uso de crack aumenta a transmissão vertical do vírus da imunodeficiência humana e, caso isso ocorra, quais seriam os possíveis fatores que explicariam esse aumento. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo e descritivo, com análise de prontuários da obstetrícia (prénatal), do atendimento ao parto, da ficha de avaliação do recém-nascido e do prontuário de evolução do recém-nato. Foi comparada a taxa de transmissão perinatal de vírus da imunodeficiência humana de usuárias (n=64) e não usuárias de crack (n=826) no período de 2005 a 2013. Posteriormente, analisando apenas os casos de uso de crack, foram pareados os grupos com e sem transmissão vertical, avaliando condições sociais, condições do recém-nato, tratamento adequado para o vírus da imunodeficiência humana durante a gestação, entre outras variáveis. Resultados: A transmissão vertical de vírus da imunodeficiência humana foi de 9,37% em usuárias de crack e de 2,54% em não usuárias, com alta significância estatística (p=0,009744). Ao longo dos anos do estudo, houve um decréscimo da taxa de transmissão vertical em não usuárias de crack, enquanto nas usuárias esse número permaneceu constante. Nos casos de transmissão vertical, 83,34% das pacientes tiveram um pré-natal inadequado e em 100% o tratamento para o vírus da imunodeficiência humana na gestação foi inadequado em comparação com o grupo no qual não houve transmissão vertical, em que o pré-natal inadequado foi de 65,52% e o tratamento inadequado foi de 70,86%. O uso de adequada profilaxia antirretroviral intraparto se mostrou um dos principais fatores diretamente associados com a proteção contra a transmissão vertical (p=0,065). Conclusão: A transmissão vertical de vírus da imunodeficiência humana é maior em usuárias de crack e não se mostrou em queda ao longo dos anos do estudo, como ocorreu nas não usuárias. Foram encontradas tendências que explicam esse aumento, por exemplo não adesão ao pré-natal adequado, diagnóstico do vírus da imunodeficiência humana durante a gestação, tratamento irregular, ausência de profilaxia antirretroviral intraparto e via de parto vaginal. Prematuridade e baixo peso ao nascer foram maiores nos recém-natos das usuárias em relação aos índices encontrados na literatura do país. Fica evidenciada a necessidade de atendimento diferenciado para essas gestantes, visto que elas não obedecem às medidas adotadas até o momento para o controle da transmissão vertical.

Humains , VIH (Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine) , Crack , Femmes enceintes , Prise en charge prénatale , Transmission verticale de maladie infectieuse , Obstétrique
Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 43(5): 467-476, Sept.-Oct. 2021. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345480


Objective: To assess the efficacy of cannabidiol (CBD) in the management of crack-cocaine craving and the treatment of frequent withdrawal symptoms. Methods: Thirty-one men with a diagnosis of crack-cocaine dependence were enrolled in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. We applied neuropsychological tests and assessed craving intensity, anxiety and depression symptoms, and substance use patterns at baseline and at the end of the trial. The participants were treated with CBD 300 mg/day or placebo for 10 days. During this period, we used a technique to induce craving and assessed the intensity of symptoms before and after the induction procedure. Results: Craving levels reduced significantly over the 10 days of the trial, although no differences were found between the CBD and placebo groups. Craving induction was successful in both groups, with no significant differences between them. Indicators of anxiety, depression, and sleep alterations before and after treatment also did not differ across groups. Conclusion: Under the conditions of this trial, CBD was unable to interfere with symptoms of crack-cocaine withdrawal. Further studies with larger outpatient samples involving different doses and treatment periods would be desirable and timely to elucidate the potential of CBD to induce reductions in crack-cocaine self-administration.

Humains , Mâle , Cannabidiol , Crack , Troubles liés à la cocaïne/traitement médicamenteux , Méthode en double aveugle , Besoin impérieux
Cad. saúde colet., (Rio J.) ; 29(3): 376-386, July-Sept. 2021. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360306


Abstract Background Despite the advance in studies addressing the use of crack cocaine, knowledge about the characteristics of users that seek treatment in the different modalities of care for substance use disorders is important to plan the operationalization of these services. Objective To analyze the prevalence and factors associated with the use of crack cocaine in outpatients. Method Cross-sectional study consisting in the analysis of the medical records of outpatients of a chemical dependency clinic located in the south of Brazil from 1999 to 2015. The Fisher's exact test and the Poisson regression model were used to analyze the data. Results Medical records from 1,253 patients were analyzed, and 1,196 (95.5%) of them contained information on the use of crack cocaine. Use of this substance was reported by 47% (95% CI [44, 50]) of the outpatients. The risk group was composed of adults aged 20-39 years, with no income, who had three or more children, did not consume alcohol or marijuana, had continuous family assistance, spontaneously looked for the service, and had already been hospitalized or assisted at a therapeutic community or psychosocial center. Conclusion There is great demand for the outpatient care of crack cocaine users. It is crucial that the risk factors guide treatment planning.

Resumo Introdução embora tenhamos avançado nos estudos sobre o consumo de crack, é importante o conhecimento das características dos usuários que buscam tratamento nas diferentes modalidades assistenciais para transtornos relacionados ao uso de substâncias para planejar a operacionalização desses dispositivos. Objetivo analisar a prevalência e os fatores associados ao uso de crack em pacientes em tratamento de modalidade clínico-ambulatorial. Método estudo transversal, com análise dos prontuários dos pacientes do período de 1999 a 2015 de um ambulatório de dependência química no Sul do Brasil. Para análise dos dados foi realizado o teste exato de Fisher e regressão de Poisson. Resultados foram analisados os prontuários de 1.253 pacientes, dos quais 1.196 (95,5%) continham informações sobre o uso de crack. O uso de crack foi relatado por 47% (IC 95% [44, 50]) dos pacientes. O grupo de risco consistiu em adultos de 20 a 39 anos, sem renda, com três ou mais filhos, que não consumiam álcool ou usavam maconha, que tinham acompanhamento familiar contínuo, que buscavam espontaneamente o serviço, que já haviam sido internados em hospital ou feito acompanhamento em comunidade terapêutica ou centro psicossocial. Conclusão existe uma grande demanda no atendimento ambulatorial de pacientes que usam crack. É imprescindível que os fatores de risco orientem o planejamento do tratamento.

SMAD, Rev. eletrônica saúde mental alcool drog ; 17(3): 27-36, jul.-set. 2021. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1347826


OBJETIVO: descrever a evolução dos modelos de intervenção e tratamento do Centro de Referência de Álcool, Tabaco e Outras Drogas do Estado de São Paulo, apresentando dados de produção dos últimos 6 anos. MÉTODO: estudo transversal, retrospectivo, com dados e registros dos atendimentos realizados entre 2013 e 2018 em diversos setores do CRATOD. RESULTADOS: o serviço contabilizou nos últimos seis anos 204.933 registros de atendimentos sendo 31.807 de casos novos, 12.318 testes rápidos para HIV, Sífilis, Hepatite B e C e atendeu 69 pacientes na Moradia Monitorada. CONCLUSÃO: a linha de cuidados do serviço engloba três premissas: acolhimento com escuta qualificada, tratamento ambulatorial/hospitalar e reinserção social, nesse contexto, o profissional de enfermagem aparece como peça fundamental durante todas as fases do tratamento. A consistência desse trabalho em conjunto com a equipe multiprofissional resultou na consolidação e estruturação de um fluxo de atendimento que visa a constante motivação e cuidado do dependente químico.

OBJECTIVE: to describe the evolution of the intervention and treatment models of the Reference Center for Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs in the State of São Paulo, submitting production data for the last 6 years. METHOD: a cross-sectional and retrospective study, with data and records of the consultations carried out between 2013 and 2018 in different CRATOD sectors. RESULTS: the service counted 204,933 service records in the last six years, 31,807 of which were new cases, 12,318 rapid tests for HIV, Syphilis, and Hepatitis B and C. and served 69 patients in the Monitored Housing. CONCLUSION: the service's line of care encompasses three premises: reception with qualified listening, outpatient/hospital treatment and social reintegration, in this context, the nursing professional appears as a fundamental part during all treatment phases. The consistency of this work in conjunction with the multi-professional team resulted in the consolidation and structuring of a service flow aimed at the constant motivation and care of the drug addict.

OBJETIVO: describir la evolución de los modelos de intervención y tratamiento del Centro de Referencia en el tratamiento de Alcohol, Tabaco y Otras Drogas en el Estado de São Paulo, presentando datos registrados en los últimos 6 años. MÉTODO: estudio transversal, retrospectivo, con datos y registros de las consultas realizadas entre 2013 y 2018 en diferentes sectores de CRATOD. RESULTADOS: se computaron 204,933 registros de servicio en los últimos seis años, 31,807 de los cuales referían a casos nuevos, 12,318 pruebas rápidas para VIH, Sífilis, Hepatitis B y C y fueron atendidos 69 pacientes en la Vivienda Monitoreada. CONCLUSIÓN: la línea de atención del servicio abarca tres premisas: admisión con escucha calificada, tratamiento ambulatorio/hospitalario y reintegración social, en este contexto, el profesional de enfermería surge como parte fundamental en todas las fases del tratamiento. La coherencia de este trabajo junto con el equipo multiprofesional dio como resultado la consolidación y estructuración de un flujo de servicio dirigido a la motivación y el cuidado constante del adicto.

Patients en consultation externe , Équipe soignante , Politique publique , Nicotiana , Syphilis , Études rétrospectives , Troubles liés à une substance , Adoption par l'Utilisateur