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Rev. sanid. mil ; 78(2): e02, abr.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576725


Abstract Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic degenerative disease of multifactorial etiology that causes a metabolic disorder, resulting in chronic hyperglycemia, leading to microvascular and macrovascular complications in different organs. Currently, about 422 million people worldwide are living with diabetes and it is estimated that by 2045 it will affect 693 million adults. Clinical case: In this article, we report the case of a 54-year-old man with type 2 diabetes mellitus with poor adherence to treatment and with risk factors that perpetuate poor control and the incidence of complications. Conclusion: Several studies demonstrate that the higher the patient's level of understanding of the disease, the greater the adherence to the treatment strategies and the better the glycemic control, resulting in a decrease in complications. Therefore, emphasizing effective communication is always one of the best strategies to guide the diabetic patient.

Resumen Introducción: La diabetes mellitus es una enfermedad degenerativa crónica de etiología multifactorial que causa un trastorno metabólico, dando lugar a hiperglucemia crónica, lo que conlleva a complicaciones microvasculares y macrovasculares en diferentes órganos. Actualmente, alrededor de 422 millones de personas en todo el mundo viven con diabetes y se estima que en 2045 afectará a 693 millones de adultos. Caso clínico: En este artículo presentamos el caso de un varón de 54 años con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 con mala adherencia al tratamiento y con factores de riesgo que perpetúan el mal control y la incidencia de complicaciones. Conclusión: Diversos estudios demuestran que cuanto mayor es el nivel de comprensión de la enfermedad por parte del paciente, mayor es la adherencia a las estrategias de tratamiento y mejor es el control glucémico, lo que se traduce en una disminución de las complicaciones. Por lo tanto, hacer hincapié en una comunicación efectiva es siempre una de las mejores estrategias para orientar al paciente diabético.

Rev. Inst. Med. Trop ; 19(1)jun. 2024.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569558


Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas y demográficas de los pacientes internados con pie diabético complicada con infección en el servicio de clínica médica del Hospital Regional de Coronel Oviedo, Paraguay durante el año 2021. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal, con muestreo no probabilístico de casos consecutivos de pacientes mayores de 18 años diagnosticados con pie diabético internados en el servicio de clínica médica del Hospital Regional de Paraguay durante el año 2021, donde las variables fueron la edad, grado de Wagner, primer y segundo antibiótico dirigido y tipo de procedimiento quirúrgico. Resultados: Fueron incluidos 76 pacientes, el 57% fue del sexo masculino. De acuerdo con la clasificación de Wagner 36 pacientes (47%) tenían un grado de Wagner IV y 20 pacientes (26%) un grado de Wagner III. El tratamiento fue conservador en el 53% (n=41). El 30% (n=23) requirió amputación de las falanges y el 6% (n=5) requirió amputación infracondílea. Conclusión: En su mayoría fueron del sexo masculino, a su vez en su mayoría fueron los grados III y IV de Wagner. Entre los pacientes que necesitaron cirugía, las amputaciones de falanges fueron el procedimiento más común. En cuanto al tratamiento terapéutico predominó el uso de betalactámicos y medicamentos anaeróbicos.

Objective: To describe the clinical and demographic characteristics of patients hospitalized with diabetic foot complicated with infection in the medical clinic service of the Regional Hospital of Coronel Oviedo, Paraguay during the year 2021. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out, with non-probabilistic sampling of consecutive cases of patients over 18 years of age diagnosed with diabetic foot admitted to the medical clinic service of the Regional Hospital of Paraguay during the year 2021, where the Variables were age, Wagner grade, first and second targeted antibiotic, and type of surgical procedure. Results: 76 patients were included, 57% were male. According to the Wagner classification, 36 patients (47%) had a Wagner grade IV and 20 patients (26%) had a Wagner grade III. Treatment was conservative in 53% (n=41). 30% (n=23) required phalangeal amputation and 6% (n=5) required infracondylar amputation. Conclusion: Most of them were male, in turn most of them were Wagner grades III and IV. Among patients who required surgery, phalangeal amputations were the most common procedure. Regarding therapeutic treatment, the use of beta-lactams and anaerobic medications predominated.

Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 59(3): 462-466, May-June 2024. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569762


Abstract Mirror foot is a rare congenital anomaly within the spectrum of complex polydactyly of the foot. It can occur alone or with other malformations or genetic syndromes. It is a little described topic in the literature, with few publications on its treatment. We report the case of a 4-year-old female patient who presented eight fingers on her left foot and no other associated deformities. Her complaints included the impossibility of wearing closed shoes and social stigma. Radiography revealed eight metatarsals with their respective phalanges, five cuneiform bones, and the absence of bone deformities in the hindfoot. We opted for a surgical approach aiming at functional and esthetic improvement, in addition to better adaptation to closed shoes, as desired by the patient and her family. We performed a dorsal and plantar "V" incision and resected three supernumerary rays, including three central metatarsals with their nine corresponding phalanges, two cuneiform bones, tendons, and excess digital nerves. Next, we sutured the intermetatarsal ligaments, preserving the fingers with a normal appearance, reducing the width of the foot, and preserving adequate support. Kirschner wires maintained the reduction by transmetatarsal fixation. During the postoperative period, the patient wore a boot splint with zero load with no complications. We removed the Kirschner wires and allowed load on the limb after 12 weeks.

Resumo O pé em espelho é uma anomalia congênita rara, pertencente ao espectro das polidactilias complexas dos pés. Pode ocorrer isoladamente ou associado a outras malformações ou síndromes genéticas. Trata-se de um tema pouco descrito na literatura, com escassas publicações acerca do seu tratamento. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino, de 4 anos de idade, que apresentava pé esquerdo com 8 dedos, sem outras deformidades associadas, cuja queixa incluía impossibilidade do uso de calçados fechados e estigma social. Radiograficamente, verificou-se a presença de oito metatarsos com suas respectivas falanges, cinco ossos cuneiformes e ausência de deformidades ósseas no retropé. Optou-se pela abordagem cirúrgica visando uma melhoria funcional e estética, bem como melhor adaptação ao uso de calçados fechados, conforme desejo da paciente e de sua família. Foi realizada incisão em "V" dorsal e plantar com ressecção de três raios supranumerários, incluindo três metatarsos centrais com suas nove falanges correspondentes, dois ossos cuneiformes, tendões e nervos digitais excedentes, seguida da sutura dos ligamentos intermeta-tarsais, com preservação dos dedos com aparência normal, diminuição da largura do pé e manutenção do seu apoio adequado. A redução foi mantida por fixação transmetatarsal com fios de Kirschner. O pós-operatório seguiu com o uso de tala bota e carga zero, sem intercorrências; os fios de Kirschner foram retirados, e a carga no membro foi liberada após 12 semanas.

Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 16(2)May-Aug. 2024.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559140


Introducción: las enfermedades del pie relacionadas a la diabetes mellitus representan una de las causas de mayor morbilidad e incapacidad en las personas con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, siendo la causa más frecuente de ingreso hospitalario en dicho grupo. Objetivo: describir las características clínicas de los pacientes con enfermedad del pie relacionadas a la diabetes mellitus del Hospital Nacional 2022-2023. Metodología: se seleccionaron 113 pacientes portadores de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 con pie diabético mayores de 18 años. Se evaluaron las variables demográficas, medidas antropométricas, características de la enfermedad, comorbilidades y características clínicas del pie. Resultados: de los 113 estudiados 42 pacientes (37 %) correspondieron al sexo femenino y 71 (63 %) al sexo masculino, promedio de edad fue de 65 años DE 12,191. 75 pacientes (66 %) presentaron pie diabético, con lesión Wagner grado 4. El 81 % (92) tenía hipertensión arterial, sedentarismo 65 % (84), en menor frecuencia pacientes con sobrepeso 38 % (43), obesidad 25 % (38), tabaquismo 23 % (26) y dislipidemia 18 % (20). Conclusión: las características clínicas de los pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 con lesión en el pie coinciden con otros trabajos obtenidos a nivel mundial. Es muy importante prestar atención a este grupo de riesgo, mediante medidas preventivas y realizar el tratamiento precoz para disminuir las complicaciones.

Introduction: foot diseases related to diabetes mellitus represent one of the causes of greatest morbidity and disability in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus, being the most frequent cause of hospital admission in said group. Objective: to describe the clinical characteristics of patients with foot disease related to diabetes mellitus at Hospital Nacional 2022-2023. Methodology: 113 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic foot over 18 years of age were selected. Demographic variables, anthropometric measurements, disease characteristics, comorbidities, and clinical characteristics of the foot were evaluated. Results: of the 113 studied, 42 patients (37 %) were female and 71 (63 %) were male, average age was 65 years SD 12,191. 75 patients (66 %) presented diabetic foot, with Wagner grade 4 lesion. 81 % (92) had high blood pressure, sedentary lifestyle 65 % (84), less frequently overweight patients 38 % (43), obesity 25% (38) ), smoking 23 % (26) and dyslipidemia 18 % (20). Conclusion: the clinical characteristics of patients with type 2 diabetes with foot injury coincide with other works obtained worldwide. It is very important to pay attention to this risk group, through preventive measures and carry out early treatment to reduce complications.

Salud UNINORTE ; 40(1): 143-159, ene.-abr. 2024. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576818


RESUMEN Introducción: El equilibrio dinámico es la base de todas las actividades motrices deportivas; su déficit se asocia con el riesgo de lesión. Variables como la huella plantar y el mecanismo de windlass podrían influir en este equilibrio. Actualmente no se encuentran estudios que relacionen estos elementos en deportistas. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la influencia de la huella plantar y el MW en el equilibrio dinámico en deportistas colombianos. Metodología: Estudio transversal y correlaciona!. Participaron 193 deportistas de baloncesto (n=45), fútbol (n=102) y voleibol (n=46). El equilibrio dinámico se evaluó mediante el test de la Y. Para determinar el tipo de pie se utilizó el método de Herzco y el test de Jack para evaluar el MW. Resultados: Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el equilibrio dinámico según huella plantar en baloncesto H(2)=9.033, Sig.=0.01; 1- ß =.202, ε2=.205. En la Prueba Post Hoc hubo diferencias entre las huellas plano-cavo (p=0.012) y neutra-cavo (p=0.01). También hubo diferencias en el equilibrio dinámico según comportamiento del mecanismo windlass en baloncesto Z=-4.164, U=69.0, Sig=0.000, 1-ß =.70 r=0.620. En futbol y voleibol no se apreció influencia del tipo de huella en el equilibrio dinámico y el mecanismo windlass solo influyó en algunos alcances del YBT. Conclusiones: El equilibrio dinámico podría verse afectado por el tipo de huella plantar y el mecanismo de windlass en basquetbolistas. La huella cava y la ausencia del mecanismo windlass se asociaron a mayor desempeño en el equilibrio dinámico. Futuras investigaciones podrían explorar esta relación en muestras con mayor prevalencia de huella cava en las diferentes disciplinas.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Dynamic balance is the basis of all sports motor activities, its deficit is associated with the risk of injury. Variables such as the footprint and the windlass mechanism could influence this balance. Currently there are no studies that relate these elements in athletes. The objective of the study was to evaluate the influence of the plantar footprint and the MW on the dynamic balance in Colombian athletes. Methodology: Cross-sectional and correlational study. 193 basketball (n=45), soccer (n=102) and volleyball (n=46) athletes participated. The dynamic balance was evaluated using the Y test. To determine the type of foot, the Herzco method and the Jack test were used to evaluate the WM. Results: Statistically significant differences were found in the dynamic balance according to the footprint in basketball H(2)=9.033, Sig.=0.01; 1- ß =.202, ε2=.205. In the Post Hoc Test, there were differences between the plano-cavo (p=0.012) and neutral-cavo (p=0.01) footprints. There were also differences in dynamic balance according to the behavior of the windlass mechanism in basketball Z=-4.164, U=69.0, Sig=0.000, 1-ß =.70 r=0.620. In soccer and volleyball, the influence of the type of footprint on the dynamic balance was not observed and the windlass mechanism only influenced some of the YBT's reaches. Conclusions: The dynamic balance could be affected by the type of footprint and the windlass mechanism in basketball players. The cava footprint and the absence of the windlass mechanism were associated with higher performance in dynamic balance. Future research will explore this relationship in samples with a higher prevalence of dig-mark in the different disciplines.

Rev. salud pública Parag ; 14(1)abr. 2024.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560419


Introducción: Educación y autocuidado son pilares en el tratamiento de la Diabetes Mellitus (DM) y prevención de complicaciones como la enfermedad del pie relacionada a la diabetes (EPRD). Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimiento de DM y el autocuidado de los pies en pacientes con DM tipo 2. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo, prospectivo, corte transversal; realizado en pacientes adultos con DM tipo 2, que acudieron a consulta endocrinológica y podológica en Hospital Central del Instituto de Previsión Social, en un periodo de 9 meses, desde setiembre 2022 a junio 2023. Tras al menos 2 consultas en cada especialidad, se solicitó el llenado de los cuestionarios DKQ24 y APD-UMA para evaluar conocimiento sobre DM y autocuidado de los pies respectivamente. Resultados: Se incluyó a 103 pacientes, 57% mujeres, 63±11 años de Diabetes, 14±8,45; 29% educación primaria, índice de masa corporal 30,56±5,31, hipertensión arterial 83,5%, 11,6% tabaquistas, retinopatía 35,9%, pérdida de la sensibilidad protectora (PSP) en pies 53,4%, enfermedad arterial periférica 20,4%, deformidades 49,5% y lesiones previas 27,2% en pies; amputación menor 2,9%, amputación mayor 1 %. HBA1c media 8% (±1,3), clearence de creatininia 78,2 mg/dL/m2 (±21,42). Niveles de conocimiento: bueno 68 (66%), regular 34 (33%) y escasos 1(1%). Autocuidado de los pies: promedio de respuestas entre muy adecuadas y adecuadas: 87,4 (84,8%), regular: 9,4 (9,2%); entre inadecuadas y muy inadecuadas 7 (6,8%). Conclusión: Los pacientes con DM2 que acuden a consulta multidisciplinaria tienen un alto conocimiento sobre su patología y autocuidado de los pies, lo que ayudaría a la prevención de complicaciones, teniendo en cuenta que son un grupo de riesgo para EPRD.

Introduction: Education and self-care are pillars in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and prevention of complications such as diabetes-related foot disease (DPERD). Objetive: Determine the level of knowledge of DM and foot self-care in patients with type 2 DM. Materials and methods: Descriptive, prospective, cross-sectional observational study; performed in adult patients with type 2 DM, who attended an endocrinological and podiatric consultation at the Central Hospital of the Institute of Social Security, in a period of 9 months, from September 2022 to June 2023. After at least 2 consultations in each specialty, a filling out the DKQ24 and APD-UMA questionnaires to evaluate knowledge about DM and foot self-care respectively. Results: 103 patients were included, 57% women, 63±11 years of Diabetes, 14±8.45; 29% primary education, body mass index 30.56±5.31, high blood pressure 83.5%, 11.6% smokers, retinopathy 35.9%, loss of protective sensitivity (PSP) in feet 53.4%, peripheral arterial disease 20.4%, deformities 49.5% and previous injuries 27.2% in the feet; minor amputation 2.9%, major amputation 1%. HBA1c mean 8% (±1.3), creatinine clearance 78.2 mg/dL/m2 (±21.42). Knowledge levels: good 68 (66%), regular 34 (33%) and poor 1 (1%). Foot self-care: average of responses between very adequate and adequate: 87.4 (84.8%), regular: 9.4 (9.2%); between inadequate and very inadequate 7 (6.8%). Conclusion: Patients with DM2 who attend multidisciplinary consultation have an elevated level of knowledge about their foot pathology and self-care, which would help prevent complications, considering that they are a risk group for EPRD.

Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10 (1) 2024;10(1): 34669, 2024 abr. 30. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553537


Introdução: As úlceras no pé diabético surgem da interação complexa entreneuropatia periférica e doença arterial periférica, comprometendo a cicatrização após traumas. Objetivo: Explorar a diversidade de intervenções terapêuticas não farmacológicas que têm sido estudadas e avaliadas quanto à sua eficácia e segurança no tratamento de úlceras no pé diabético. Metodologia: Pesquisa do tipo revisão integrativa da literatura. Para obtenção dos resultados foi realizado um levantamento nas plataformas PubMed e Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde. Para elaboração dos resultados foram selecionados 21 artigos. Resultados: As intervenções encontradas foram oxigenoterapia hiperbárica, terapia de feridas por pressão negativa, uso de matriz dérmica, plasma rico em plaquetas, plasma atmosférico frio, tratamentos com curativos especiais e uso de solas rígidas, entre outros. Mostraram uma variabilidade na taxa de cicatrização e no tempo de fechamento da ferida, bem como na melhoria da regeneração tecidual. Conclusão: As pesquisas mostram uma diversidade de intervenções terapêuticas não farmacológicas utilizadas no tratamento de úlceras no pé diabético, ressaltando a necessidade de abordagens individualizadas e mais estudos para determinar a eficácia e segurança de cada intervenção (AU).

Introduction:Diabetic foot ulcers arise from the complex interaction between peripheral neuropathy and peripheral arterial disease, compromising wound healing after traumas. Objective:To explore the diversity of non-pharmacological therapeutic interventions that have been studied and evaluated for their effectiveness and safety in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. Methodology: An integrative literature review was conducted. The search for results was performed on the PubMed and Virtual Health Library platforms. Twenty-one articles were selected for result elaboration.Results:The identified interventions included hyperbaric oxygen therapy, negative pressure wound therapy, use of dermal matrix, platelet-rich plasma, cold atmospheric plasma, treatments with special dressings, and the use of rigid soles, among others. They exhibited variability in the healing rate and wound closure time, as well as improvement in tissue regeneration.Conclusion:The research demonstrates a diversity of non-pharmacological therapeutic interventions used in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers, emphasizing the need for individualized approaches and further studies to determine the effectiveness and safety of each intervention (AU).

Introducción: Las úlceras en el pie diabético surgen de la interacción compleja entre neuropatía periférica y enfermedad arterial periférica, comprometiendo la cicatrización después de traumas.Objetivo: Explorar la diversidad de intervenciones terapéuticas no farmacológicas que han sido estudiadas y evaluadas en cuanto a su eficacia y seguridad en el tratamiento de úlceras en el pie diabético.Metodología: Investigación del tipo revisión integrativa de la literatura. Para obtener los resultados se realizó un estudio en las plataformas PubMed y Biblioteca Virtual en Salud. Para la elaboración de los resultados se seleccionaron 21 artículos. Resultados: Las intervenciones encontradas fueron oxigenoterapia hiperbárica, terapia de heridas por presión negativa, uso de matriz dérmica, plasma rico en plaquetas, plasma atmosférico frío, tratamientos con curativos especiales y uso de suelas rígidas, entre otros. Mostraron una variabilidad en la tasa de cicatrización y en el tiempo de cierre de la herida, así como en la mejora de la regeneración tisular. Conclusión: Las investigaciones muestran una diversidad de intervenciones terapéuticas no farmacológicas utilizadas en el tratamiento de úlceras en el pie diabético, resaltando la necesidad de enfoques individualizados y más estudios para determinar la eficacia y seguridad de cada intervención (AU).

Humains , Évaluation des Résultats d'Interventions Thérapeutiques , Pied diabétique/anatomopathologie , Modèles de Santé , Escarre/anatomopathologie , Maladie artérielle périphérique
An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 57(1): 82-88, 20240401.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554453


El riesgo de amputaciones en pacientes con diabetes es 10 a 20 veces más frecuente en comparación con no diabéticos. El equipo biotecnológico desarrollado por ROKIT Healthcare, Inc., de procedencia surcoreana: Dr. INVIVO, es un equipo de biotecnología que ofrece una terapia eficaz para el tratamiento del pie diabético, con una plataforma de regeneración de órganos hiperpersonalizados que mediante la inteligencia artificial, escanea la lesión para así, fabricar un parche que contiene células madres autólogas, matriz extracelular y materiales específicos de tejido, para posteriormente aplicarla a la herida, y con esto, lograr la cicatrización y regeneración completa. El propósito del presente reporte apunta a demostrar la efectividad del tratamiento en úlceras en pie diabético y exponer los resultados de 3 casos clínicos con extensas lesiones posteriores a amputaciones de miembros inferiores, atendidos en el Hospital Distrital de Ñemby, Paraguay, utilizando esta tecnología.

The risk of amputations in patients with diabetes is 10 to 20 times more frequent compared to non-diabetics. The biotechnological team developed by ROKIT Healthcare, Inc., of South Korean origin: Dr. INVIVO, is a biotechnology team that offers an effective therapy for the treatment of diabetic foot, with a hyper-personalized organ regeneration platform that, through artificial intelligence, scan the injury in order to manufacture a patch that contains autologous stem cells, extracellular matrix and specific tissue materials, to later apply it to the wound, and with this, achieve complete healing and regeneration. The purpose of this report aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of treatment in diabetic foot ulcers and present the results of 3 clinical cases with extensive injuries after lower limb amputations, treated at the District Hospital of Ñemby, Paraguay, using this technology.

Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 24(2): e2595, abr.-jun. 2024. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569210


RESUMEN El síndrome de la mano diabética es una complicación poco frecuente e infradiagnosticada de la diabetes mellitus. Esta denominación se ha utilizado para describir una infección potencialmente peligrosa en la mano, la cual se caracteriza por la presencia de trastornos musculoesqueléticos debilitantes. Su diagnóstico generalmente se realiza en áreas de los trópicos; sin embargo, se han visto casos en áreas no tropicales y urbano-marginales. La fisiopatología de este síndrome aún no está clara, pues, a diferencia del pie diabético, la neuropatía periférica y la enfermedad vascular no parecen desempeñar un papel importante. Existe evidencia de que puede estar asociado a la duración de la diabetes, a un mal control metabólico y a la presencia de complicaciones microvasculares. En este artículo presentamos los casos de dos pacientes con síndrome de mano diabética. El primero se trata de una paciente de 52 años, de zona rural, con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 diagnosticada hace seis años (en mal control metabólico), a quien se le realizó la amputación del cuarto dedo con evolución posoperatoria favorable. El segundo caso es sobre un paciente varón de 60 años, proveniente de una zona urbano-marginal de Lima, con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, quien fue amputado del segundo dedo izquierdo con diagnóstico quirúrgico de necrosis más tenosinovitis. El síndrome de la mano diabética puede tener una importante repercusión clínica y producir una discapacidad permanente. Un diagnóstico precoz mejora el pronóstico, por lo que es importante realizar un examen físico minucioso de las manos en los pacientes con diabetes mellitus.

ABSTRACT Diabetic hand syndrome is a rare and underdiagnosed complication of diabetes mellitus. This term is used to describe a potentially dangerous infection of the hand, characterized by debilitating musculoskeletal disorders. Although the diagnosis is commonly made in tropical regions, cases have also been reported in non-tropical and in marginal urban areas. The pathophysiology of this syndrome remains unclear because, unlike diabetic foot, peripheral neuropathy and vascular disease do not seem to a play major role. Evidence suggests that it may be associated with the duration of diabetes, poor metabolic control and microvascular complications. In this article, we present the cases of two patients with diabetic hand syndrome. The first case involves a 52-year-old female patient from a rural area, diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus six years ago, currently in poor metabolic control. She underwent amputation of the fourth finger with a favorable postoperative course. The second case involves a 60-year-old male patient from a marginal urban area in Lima, also diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus. He underwent amputation of the left second finger with a surgical diagnosis of necrosis and tenosynovitis. Diabetic hand syndrome can have a significant clinical impact and may lead to permanent disability. Early diagnosis improves prognosis, thus the importance of performing thorough physical examinations of the hands in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 24(2): 139-155, abr.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569521


RESUMEN El artículo de revisión destaca la importancia de la planta del pie en la deambulación y su adaptación a las necesidades humanas. Se enfoca en el pie diabético (PD), definido por signos, síntomas o úlceras en el pie debido a complicaciones crónicas de la diabetes. El PD afecta a alrededor del 25% de los pacientes con diabetes mellitus (DM), con úlceras que pueden derivar en infecciones graves y riesgo de amputación. El manejo del PD es complejo y requiere un enfoque multidisciplinar. Este artículo propone un "Sistema de Evaluación y Tratamiento del Pie Diabético", aplicable en diversos entornos clínicos, que clasifica las úlceras según su profundidad e infección y ofrece guías claras para su tratamiento. Se discuten también la epidemiología de la neuropatía diabética (ND), destacando su alta prevalencia y morbilidad, y la necesidad de un diagnóstico y tratamiento adecuados. Se analiza en detalle la neuropatía de Charcot, una complicación severa del PD, incluyendo sus causas y métodos diagnósticos. Además, se enfatiza la importancia del enfoque multidisciplinar en el tratamiento de las úlceras del PD para reducir amputaciones y mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes. También se abordan las infecciones del PD y la antibioticoterapia, recomendando el uso de antibióticos adecuados según la gravedad de la infección y la realización de cultivos microbiológicos precisos. Finalmente, se presenta una visión global del manejo del PD, destacando la importancia de un enfoque multidisciplinar y proponiendo un sistema de evaluación y tratamiento eficaz que puede ser implementado en diversos contextos clínicos.

ABSTRACT The review article highlights the importance of the sole of the foot in ambulation and its adaptation to human needs. It focuses on diabetic foot (DF), defined by signs, symptoms, or ulcers on the foot due to chronic complications of diabetes. DF affects approximately 25 % of patients with diabetes mellitus (DM), with ulcers that can lead to severe infections and risk of amputation. Managing DF is complex and requires a multidisciplinary approach. This article proposes a "Diabetic Foot Evaluation and Treatment System," applicable in various clinical settings, which classifies ulcers according to their depth and infection and provides clear treatment guidelines. The epidemiology of diabetic neuropathy (DN) is also discussed, highlighting its high prevalence and morbidity, and the need for adequate diagnosis and treatment. The article provides a detailed analysis of Charcot neuropathy, a severe complication of DF, including its causes and diagnostic methods. Furthermore, the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of DF ulcers is emphasized to reduce amputations and improve patients' quality of life. DF infections and antibiotic therapy are also addressed, recommending the use of appropriate antibiotics according to the severity of the infection and the performance of precise microbiological cultures. Finally, a comprehensive view of DF management is presented, highlighting the importance of a multidisciplinary approach and proposing an effective evaluation and treatment system that can be implemented in various clinical contexts.

Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 27(308): 10106-10111, fev.2024. tab.
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1537215


Identificar o conhecimento e as formas de adesão as práticas de autocuidado com os pés por homens com diabetes mellitus. Método: Pesquisa do tipo exploratória, descritiva com abordagem qualitativa, realizada em duas unidades de atenção primária e uma unidade de atenção secundária do município de Fortaleza-CE. recebeu aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da UNIFOR de n. 5.100.589. Resultados: Dentro do universo de homens com diabetes foram entrevistados 26 homens na faixa etária de 45 a 81 anos, predominando-se aqueles com 48 a 69 de idade (84,6%), a escolaridade variou do analfabeto a ensino superior completo, sendo em sua maioria com fundamental incompleto (42,3%). Conclusão: Percebeu-se que os pacientes com maior nível de conhecimento apresentaram mais chances de praticar o autocuidado. Entretanto, notou-se que os déficits mesmo quando são isolados, podem oferecer o mesmo potencial de risco.(AU)

To identify the knowledge and forms of adherence to foot self-care practices by men with diabetes mellitus. Method: This is an exploratory, descriptive study with a qualitative approach, carried out in two primary care units and one secondary care unit in the city of Fortaleza-CE. The study received approval from the UNIFOR Research Ethics Committee (n. 5.100.589). Results: Within the universe of men with diabetes, 26 men aged between 45 and 81 were interviewed, with a predominance of those aged between 48 and 69 (84.6%). The level of education ranged from illiterate to complete higher education, with the majority having incomplete primary education (42.3%). Conclusion: Patients with a higher level of knowledge were more likely to practice self-care. However, it was noted that deficits, even when isolated, can offer the same risk potential.(AU)

Identificar el conocimiento y las formas de adherencia a las prácticas de autocuidado de los pies por hombres con diabetes mellitus. Método: Se trata de un estudio exploratorio, descriptivo, con abordaje cualitativo, realizado en dos unidades de atención primaria y una unidad de atención secundaria de la ciudad de Fortaleza, Ceará. El estudio recibió aprobación del Comité de Ética en Investigación de la UNIFOR (n. 5.100.589). Resultados: Dentro del universo de hombres con diabetes, fueron entrevistados 26 hombres con edades comprendidas entre 45 y 81 años, predominando los de edades comprendidas entre 48 y 69 años (84,6%), su nivel de escolaridad osciló entre analfabetos y estudios superiores completos, siendo la mayoría con estudios primarios incompletos (42,3%). Conclusión: Los pacientes con un mayor nivel de conocimientos eran más propensos a practicar el autocuidado. Sin embargo, se observó que los déficits, incluso aislados, pueden ofrecer el mismo potencial de riesgo.(AU)

Soins de santé primaires , Pied diabétique , Diabète , Santé masculine
Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 16(1): 49-59, Ene - Abr. 2024.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537156


Introducción: la diabetes mellitus es una enfermedad crónica que, al no ser controlada, puede desencadenar en complicaciones macro y microvasculares. Uno de los indicadores de un adecuado control glucémico es la hemoglobina glicosilada. Objetivos: determinar la frecuencia de complicaciones macro y microvasculares en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 con hemoglobina glicosilada alterada internados en el Hospital Nacional de Itauguá periodo 2022 - 2023 Metodología: estudio observacional, descriptivo de corte transversal que incluyó a 170 pacientes adultos internados en el servicio de clínica médica del Hospital Nacional (Itauguá, Paraguay) durante los años 2022 y 2023. Resultados: la edad media fue de 58 ± 12 años, con predominio del sexo femenino (51 %). La complicación más frecuentemente diagnosticada fue la enfermedad del pie relacionada a la diabetes con 83 pacientes (49 %), seguido por retinopatía diabética 23 (14 %). El valor promedio de hemoglobina glicosilada fue de 10 ± 2 %. Solamente 6 (4 %) del total de pacientes presentó un valor de HbA1C≥ 7,1 %. La comorbilidad asociada más frecuente fue la hipertensión arterial 87 (51 %). El 91 % de los pacientes conocía ser portador de la enfermedad, el 80 % recibía algún tipo de tratamiento. Conclusiones: el pie diabético fue la complicación vascular diagnosticada con mayor ,frecuencia, especialmente en pacientes con HbA1C≥ 7,1 %.

Introduction: diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that, if not controlled, can lead to macro- and microvascular complications. One of the indicators of adequate glycemic control is glycosylated hemoglobin. Objectives: to determine the frequency of macro and microvascular complications in type 2 diabetic patients with altered glycosylated hemoglobin admitted to the Hospital Nacional from 2022 to 2023 Methodology: this was an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study that included 170 adult patients admitted to the Internal Medicine service of the Hospital Nacional (Itauguá, Paraguay) during the years 2022 and 2023. Results: the mean age was 58 ± 12 years, with a predominance of the female sex (51 %). The most frequently diagnosed complication was foot disease related to diabetes with 83 patients (49 %), followed by diabetic retinopathy 23 (14 %). The average value of glycosylated hemoglobin was 10 ± 2 %. Only 6 (4 %) of the total patients had an HbA1C value ≤7 %. The most frequent associated comorbidity was arterial hypertension 87 (51 %). 91 % of the patients knew they were carriers of the disease, 80 % received some type of treatment. Conclusions: diabetic foot was the most frequently diagnosed vascular complication, especially in patients with HbA1C ≥7.1 %.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019014


Objective To analyze the relationship between the common clinical indicators and diabetic foot ulcer(DFU)in type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM)patients by using the cross-sectional study and to provide the reference indicators for clinical DFU monitoring and prognosis evaluation.Methods A total of 115 T2DM patients admitted to the Department of Endocrinology,the Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University from June 2021 to June 2023 were selected as the study objects and were divided into group A(with DFU)and group B(without DFU)according to whether they had DFU.Those in group A were then divided into group A1(Wagner0-1),group A2(Wagner2-3)and group A3(Wagner4)according to Wagner classification.The differences of general data,blood pressure,blood glucose,blood lipids and other common clinical indicators among all of the groups were compared,and the correlation between DFU and the above indicators was explored.Results Diabetes duration,D-dimer(DD),systolic blood pressure and other indexes in group A were higher than those in group B and there was a statistically significant difference(P<0.05).DD was the main risk factor for DFU in T2DM patients.Diabetic course in patients with DFU was positively correlated with the age(r>0,P<0.05),and negatively correlated with fasting blood glucose(FPG)level and 2hPG level at 2 hours after meals(r<0,P<0.05).The levels of interleukin-6(IL-6)and C-reactive protein(CRP)in A1 and A2 groups were lower than those in A3 group,the levels of neutrophils and leukocytes in A1 group were lower than those in A3 group,and the high density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C)in A1 group was higher than that in A2 group and there was a statistically significant difference(P<0.05).Conclusion DD and systolic blood pressure are the main risk factors for DFU,and DD is closely related to DFU.The older the patients with T2DM,the later the onset of DFU.The worse the blood glucose control,the earlier the onset of DFU.HDL-C is a protective factor for peripheral vascular disease in T2DM patients.

Tianjin Medical Journal ; (12): 266-272, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021008


Objective To explore the effect of Huangqi Yanghe Decoction on wound healing of diabetic foot ulcer(DFU)rats based on phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase(PI3K)/protein kinase B(AKT)/nuclear factor-κB(NF-κB)signal pathway.Methods DFU rat model was constructed,and 48 rats successfully modeled were randomly divided into the model group,the Huangqi Yanghe Decoction low(8.5 g/kg)group,the Huangqi Yanghe Decoction high(17 g/kg)dose group and the Huangqi Yanghe Decoction high dose(17 g/kg)+LY294002(PI3K/AKT pathway inhibitor,0.3 mg/kg)group.There were 12 rats in each group.Another 12 rats were selected as the control group.Rats in each group were given corresponding drug intervention for 4 weeks.After the 14th and 28th day-administration,the general state and wound changes of rats were observed,and the wound healing rate was calculated.The fasting blood glucose(FBG)level of rats was measured,and the percutaneous partial pressure of oxygen(TcpO2)of tissue around the wound was detected.Serum levels of vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF),hypoxia inducible factor-1α(HIF-1α),C-reactive protein(CRP)and interleukin(IL)-6 were determined by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay.Histopathological changes of the wound were observed by hematoxylin-eosin staining.Immunohistochemical staining was used to measure the microvascular density of rat wound tissue.The protein expression levels of PI3K,phosphorylated PI3K(p-PI3K),AKT,phosphorylated AKT(p-AKT),NF-κB p65,phosphorylated NF-κB p65(p-NF-κB p65)and NF-κB inhibitory protein α(IκB-α)in rat wound tissue were determined by Western blot assay.Results Rats in the control group had smooth hair color,normal diet,drinking water and excretion,more active,wound healing fast,less inflammatory reaction in wound tissue,and there were more new blood vessels.Fibroblasts and collagen matrix were abundant in granulation tissue.In the model group,the fur color of rats was dull and matte,and the activity was reduced.The symptoms of polydipsia,polyphagia and polyuria were appeared in the model group,the wound color was dark,and edema and ulcer appeared in the surrounding tissue,a large number of inflammatory cells infiltrated in the wound tissue,accompanied by tissue necrosis and exudation,fewer neovascularization and fibroblasts were observed.Wound healing rate,TcpO2 in wound surrounding tissue,serum VEGF,HIF-1α,microvascular density,p-PI3K,p-AKT and IκB-α protein expression levels in wound tissue were decreased,and FBG,serum CRP,IL-6,p-NF-κB p65 protein expression in wound tissue were increased(P<0.05).Compared with the model group,the state of rats was gradually improved in the Huangqi Yanghe Decoction low and high dose groups,and the lesion degree of wound tissue was reduced successively,wound healing rate,TcpO2 in wound surrounding tissue,serum VEGF,HIF-1α,microvascular density,p-PI3K,p-AKT and IκB-α protein expression levels in wound tissue were increased in turn(P<0.05).The FBG,serum CRP,IL-6 and p-NF-κB p65 protein expression in wound tissue were decreased in turn(P<0.05).LY294002 could partially reverse the therapeutic effect of high-dose Huangqi Yanghe Decoction on DFU rats(P<0.05).Conclusion Huangqi Yanghe Decoction can regulate PI3K/AKT/NF-κB pathway,inhibit inflammatory response in DFU rats,promote angiogenesis and thus promote wound healing.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021285


OBJECTIVE:With the popularity of simulated barefoot running,minimalist shoes have become a new way of foot exercise.As an important muscle group of the foot,the maintenance of foot muscle morphology is important for the execution of foot functions.In this paper,by combing the literature about the effect of minimalist shoes on foot muscle morphology in recent years,we systematically evaluate the effect of minimalist shoes on foot muscle morphology compared with traditional running shoes. METHODS:The relevant articles published from 2012 to 2022 were searched in Chinese and English databases(PubMed,Web of Science,ProQuest,CNKI and WanFang databases)with"minimal shoes,minimal footwear,minimalist shoes,minimalist footwear,foot muscle,feet muscle"as Chinese and English keywords,respectively.Meta-analysis,sensitivity tests were performed on the included literature using Review Manager 5.4.1 and Stata 14 software,the Egger method was used to test for publication bias in the literature,and Meta-regression was used to identify the subgroups with heterogeneity. RESULTS:Compared with traditional running shoes,minimalist shoes increased muscle circumference of the abductor hallucis[standardized mean difference=2.034,95%confidence interval(1.192,2.877),Z=4.73,P<0.001].And the results were not reversed after clipping and patching,with a more robust combined effect size(P<0.05).For the toe short flexors,the total combined effect size did not show a difference between traditional running shoes and minimalist shoes[standardized mean difference=0.470,95%confidence interval(-0.45,1.39),Z=1.00,P=0.318]. CONCLUSION:Compared with traditional running shoes,minimalist shoes intervention can effectively improve muscle circumference of the abductor hallucis,but the promoting effect on the flexor digitorum brevis muscle is not obvious.Running in minimalist shoes has positive implications for the maintenance of the medial longitudinal arch,but it is necessary to enrich the research content of minimalist shoes on different foot muscles and different populations in order to further explore the mechanisms by which minimalist shoe interventions promote foot function.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021324


BACKGROUND:Three-point mechanics is an effective method for ankle foot orthosis correction and prevention of various foot diseases.At present,the clinical application research on 3D printing ankle foot orthosis has been widespread;however,there are relatively few reports on numerical simulation and finite element analysis involving three-point mechanical correction.There is a lack of relevant biomechanical experimental verification. OBJECTIVE:Three-point force was loaded to analyze the composite model of ankle foot orthosis and foot by finite element method,observing the effect of foot correction with ankle foot orthosis under three-point force intervention,verifying the effectiveness of three-point force and the reliability of ankle foot orthosis. METHODS:A three-dimensional foot and ankle model of a healthy volunteer was constructed based on the medical image processing software Mimics.Rodin 4D and Geomagic reverse engineering software were used to optimize the models and design personalized ankle foot orthosis models.Solidworks software was utilized to turn the ankle model inside for 10° to simulate the foot varus disease.Static loading was carried out on the foot force application area by ANSYS software combined with the three-point mechanics principle.The deformation and stress changes of the foot and ankle tissues were analyzed when the human foot pain threshold was met.The display dynamics was used to further verify the effectiveness of the three-point force applied by the ankle foot orthosis. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)The personalized ankle foot orthosis designed in this paper had the effect of preventing and fixing foot and ankle varus.The ankle varus was 1.81 mm after being loaded with 1 N·m of varus when not wearing ankle foot orthosis,while it was only 0.44 mm after wearing ankle foot orthosis,the deformation rate was reduced by 75.7%,and the effect of preventing varus was significantly enhanced.(2)When only coronal correction was performed,the low calcaneal force would aggravate the varus angle of the front foot.After adjusting the correction force on the inside of the heel and above the medial malleolus,the varus angle of the front foot and the calcaneus position were improved;however,the medial phalangeal region of the foot still had different degrees of adduction and displacement,which would aggravate the adduction deformity of the patient's front foot.(3)The correction effect of the coronal plane and horizontal plane was better than that of the single coronal plane.There was no adduction and displacement of the medial phalanges of the front foot and the varus angle of the front foot decreased under the force(25,10,10,20 N)of the medial heel,the medial shaft of the first metatarsal,below the lateral malleolus and above the medial malleolus,and the valgus along the X-axis was corrected by 1.395 mm,the calcaneus valgus was corrected by 1.227 mm.The calcaneus varus angle was corrected from 10.21° to 7.25°,and the varus angle was improved by 28.9%.(4)The lateral plantar metatarsal load decreased,the medial plantar metatarsal load increased under the action of a two-plane three-point force,and the plantar bone stress was significantly improved after correction.Thus,the reliability of the three-point force principle was further verified.This study provides an important theoretical support for the implementation of ankle foot orthosis in the treatment of varus in clinical practice.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021616


BACKGROUND:Kinesio taping is often used for the treatment of various sports injuries.The methods of foot and ankle sports taping are complex and diverse.Among them,Fascia taping is applicable to a wider range of people and can be used for different foot posture types,but it still lacks of practical verification,and its specific biomechanical role is not clear. OBJECTIVE:To observe the changes in plantar pressure characteristics of subjects with different foot positions during walking and jogging after Fascia taping. METHODS:Thirty-seven young healthy subjects were recruited from the Yantai campus of Binzhou Medical University to conduct the test.They were scored according to the foot posture index-six items version,and were divided into the supination foot group,the neutral foot group,and the pronation foot group.The static foot morphological indexes(including navicular drop,arch height index,arch height flexibility-longitudinal arch,and arch height flexibility-transverse arch)and the pressure-time integral of each foot zone during walking and jogging were collected and calculated respectively before and after Kinesio taping.The specific biomechanical mechanism of Fascia taping was analyzed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)General data:There was no statistical difference among the three groups of subjects in general data,such as gender,height,and body mass index(P>0.05).Before taping,there was a significant difference in the foot morphological indexes and the areas of the outer front foot,midfoot,and hindfoot between different foot posture groups(P<0.01).(2)Static foot morphological indexes:After taping,there was no statistically significant difference between the groups in navicular drop,arch height flexibility-longitudinal arch,and arch height flexibility-transverse arch(P>0.05),while there was still a significant difference between the groups in the arch height index(P<0.05).In the supination foot group,the arch height index increased slightly,but there was no significant difference before and after taping(P>0.05).In the pronation foot group,the navicular drop and arch height flexibility-longitudinal arch was significantly reduced,and the arch height index was increased.There was a significant difference before and after taping(P<0.05).(3)The index of plantar pressure during walking:After taping,there was no significant difference between the three groups in the area of lateral forefoot and medial midfoot(P>0.05).In the pronation foot group,the lateral load of the forefoot increased after taping(P<0.05).In the supination position group,the load of the lateral forefoot and midfoot regions increased significantly(P<0.05),while the difference in the rear foot region was not significant(P>0.05).(4)The index of plantar pressure during jogging:After taping,there was no statistically significant difference between groups in the lateral forefoot(P>0.05).In the pronation foot group,the load of the medial forefoot increased significantly(P<0.05).In the supination position group,the load of the lateral forefoot,the middle foot and the rear foot region increased significantly(P<0.05).(5)The results showed that the Fascia taping was suitable for different foot postures.It could not only correct the static foot structure of subjects with different foot postures,but also regulate the abnormal plantar pressure distribution during the dynamic activities of walking and jogging,and the load of the midfoot,forefoot,and hindfoot in the supination and pronation posture tended to normal foot posture load level.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021687


BACKGROUND:Research on foot and ankle proprioception is crucial for the rehabilitation of chronic ankle instability and geriatric diseases as well as for the improvement of body posture control and motor performance.Previous studies have often studied the sensory evaluation of the foot and ankle joints separately,which has limitations for a comprehensive understanding of their sensory function. OBJECTIVE:The foot and ankle complex is the only part in direct contact with the support surface,and plays an important role in the collective sensory feedback and regulation and balance control.By combing the existing investigation and research of foot and ankle ontology,the measurement and evaluation methods of the sensation of the foot and ankle complex are combed,in order to pave the way and provide the theoretical basis for future related studies. METHODS:Chinese terms"(foot OR foot ankle OR ankle)AND(sensation OR proprioception)"and English terms"(foot OR ankle)AND(feel OR proprioception)"were used as the keywords for retrieving relevant literature in the Web of Science,PubMed,and CNKI.We understood the basic concepts,current status and scope of research on the foot and ankle,summarized and evaluated the proprioceptive evaluation methods of the foot and ankle,and finally included 57 papers for further review. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The evaluation of foot and ankle complex sensation was mainly divided into sensory evaluation of the foot and proprioceptive evaluation of the ankle joint.The sensory evaluation of the foot mainly describes the sensation of the skin and the sensory feedback under the intervention conditions.The methods mainly include the pressure sensory threshold test,the two-point discrimination test of the foot(planar and plantar),and the duration test of skin vibration sensation.Ankle joint proprioception evaluation focuses on the description of joint position,motion range,force value and functional performance.The methods are mainly divided into static joint angle reset test,motion minimum threshold test,force perception reproduction test and dynamic balance,speed and walking ability tests.The report of quantitative results is generally expressed by"an error,"which is generally divided into absolute error,relative error,constant error,etc.To conclude,the foot and ankle complex has specific sensory capabilities,including foot sensation and ankle proprioception,which affect the quality of life and athletic performance of humans.Weakness of both foot sensation and ankle proprioception is associated with reduced human balance,and the combined measurements of the two can comprehensively and effectively evaluate foot and ankle function.The combination of foot and ankle sensory measures is selected according to different research needs and various influencing factors such as environment,emotion and reporting style are fully considered,to improve the validity of measurement and evaluation.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021741


BACKGROUND:Studies have shown that nucleotide binding oligomerization domain-like receptor protein 3(NLRP3)inflammasome,interleukin-18,and interleukin-1β levels can induce an inflammatory cascade response to release inflammatory factors,affect metabolic stress,and damage endothelial cells involved in the development and progression of diabetic foot ulcers,which can provide a reference for early infections. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the predictive effect of peripheral blood mononuclear cell NLRP3 inflammasome,interleukin-18 and interleukin-1β levels on early infection after flap repair of diabetic foot ulcers. METHODS:A total of 147 patients with diabetic foot ulcers were selected and divided into infection group and non-infection group according to whether they were infected within 1 week after operation.Logistic regression was used to analyze the relationship between NLRP3 inflammasome,interleukin-18 and interleukin-1β levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and early postoperative infections,and to evaluate their predictive values. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:In 147 patients with diabetic foot ulcers,35 cases(23.81%)were infected within 1 week after operation,and 47 strains of pathogenic bacteria were isolated,including 25 strains of Gram-positive bacteria(53.19%)and 22 strains of Gram-negative bacteria(46.81%).Univariate analysis showed that Wagner grade,presence of comorbid diabetic nephropathy,operation time,peripheral blood NLRP3 mRNA,Caspase-1 mRNA,ASC mRNA,interleukin-18 and interleukin-1β levels were risk factors for early postoperative infections(all P<0.05).Multivariate analysis suggested that Wagner grade,NLRP3 mRNA,Caspase-1 mRNA,ASC mRNA,high interleukin-18,interleukin-1β were independent risk factors(all P<0.05).Receiver operator characteristic curve results showed that the area under the receiver operator characteristic curve of NLRP3 mRNA,Caspase-1 mRNA,ASC mRNA,interleukin-18 and interleukin-1β for early postoperative infections in patients with diabetic foot ulcers was 0.823,0.705,0.676,0.811 and 0.853,respectively,and the area under the curve of combined predictive efficacy was 0.915.To conclude,patients with diabetic foot ulcers are mainly affected by Gram-positive bacteria,and the levels of NLRP3 inflammasome,interleukin-18 and interleukin-1β in peripheral blood mononuclear cells are independent risk factors for early postoperative infections.The combined prediction efficacy of these indicators is better and deserves further in-depth study.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021892


BACKGROUND:Diabetic foot patients with wound infections constitute a large patient population,and there is currently no satisfactory treatment approach. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the clinical efficacy of a modified tibial cortex transverse transport combined with antibiotic-loaded bone cement for treating refractory diabetic foot ulcers. METHODS:A total of 46 diabetic foot ulcers patients,27 males and 19 females,with an average age of 64.37 years,were selected from Beijing Chaoyang Hospital,Capital Medical University and Beijing Chaoyang Integrative Medicine Rescue and First Aid Hospital from January 2020 to January 2023.All of them underwent the modified tibial cortex transverse transport combined with antibiotic-loaded bone cement treatment.Ankle-brachial index,WIFi(Wound/Ischemia/Foot infection)classification,pain visual analog scale score,and ulcer area were recorded before and 3 months after surgery. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)The mean ulcer healing time for the 46 patients was(58.07±24.82)days.At 3 months postoperatively,there were significant improvements in ankle-brachial index,pain visual analog scale score,ulcer area,and WIFi classification in 46 patients,as compared to the preoperative values,with statistically significant differences(P<0.05).Two patients experienced pin-tract infections,without infection or ulcer recurrence during the follow-up period.(2)These findings indicate that the modified tibial cortex transverse transport combined with antibiotic-loaded bone cement effectively alleviates patients'pain,improves lower limb circulation,controls infections,and promotes ulcer healing.