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Rev. biol. trop ; 72(1): e49359, ene.-dic. 2024. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559319


Abstract Introduction: A recent revision of the generic classification of the Trochilidae based on DNA sequences revealed many inconsistencies with the current generic classification, largely based on plumage characters subject to homoplasy, especially in the Trochilini, the largest tribe. A thorough generic reorganization brought the classification into accord with the phylogeny, but due to lack of genetic data, two species remained unclassified. One of these was the Mangrove Hummingbird, "Amazilia" boucardi, endemic to Costa Rica and included in the IUCN red list of threatened species. Objective: To obtain molecular evidence to clarify the generic relationships of "A." boucardi. Methods: We isolated DNA from tissues of this species and amplified 4 nuclear and 4 mitochondrial fragments and compared these with homologous fragments from 56 species in the Trochilini, constructing phylogenetic trees with maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. Results: Our phylogenetic analyses confirmed the placement of boucardi in the Trochilini and definitely excluded it from Amazilia but placed it with high confidence in the genus Chrysuronia Bonaparte, 1850, within which its closest relative is C. coeruleogularis, which also inhabits mangroves. Conclusions: Our genetic data based on nuclear and mitochondrial regions clearly indicate the relationship of A. boucardi and L. coeruleogularis. Moreover, it is also supported by their habitat distribution in the mangroves of the Pacific coast of Costa Rica and Western Panama. Therefore, we suggested to exclude A. boucardi as "incertae sedis".

Resumen Introducción: Una revisión reciente de la clasificación de la familia Trochilidae con base en secuencias de ADN demostró muchas incongruencias con la clasificación genérica previa, que había sido hecho con base en caracteres del plumaje muy sujetos a homoplasia, especialmente en la tribu más grande, Trochillini. Una reorganización de los géneros logró llevar su clasificación genérica a la concordancia con la filogenia, pero debido a la ausencia de datos genéticos, dos especies permanecieron sin clasificar. Una de estas fue el colibrí de manglar Amazilia boucardi, una especie endémica de Costa Rica, considerada como amenazada en la lista roja de la UICN. Objetivo: Obtener evidencia molecular para esclarecer las relaciones genéricas de A. boucardi. Métodos: Se aisló ADN de tejidos de esta especie y se amplificaron 4 fragmentos de ADN del núcleo y 5 de la mitocondria, y se compararon con fragmentos homólogos de 56 especies en la tribu Trochillini, generando árboles filogenéticos con métodos de máxima verosimilitud y bayesiano. Resultados: Los análisis filogénticos obtenidos confirmaron la ubicación de boucardi en Trochilini y definitivamente la excluyó del género Amazilia, pero la ubicó con un alto grado de confianza en el género Chrysuronia Bonaparte, 1850, dentro los cuales su pariente más cercano es C. coeruleogularis, que también habita manglares. Conclusiones: Nuestros datos genéticos basados en regiones nucleares y mitocondriales indican claramente la relación entre A. boucardi and L. coeruleogularis. Es más, lo anterior se sustenta por su distribución en los manglares de la costa Pacífica de Costa Rica y oeste de Panamá. Por lo tanto, sugerimos excluir a A. boucardi como "incertae sedis".

Animaux , Oiseaux/classification , ADN/analyse , Phylogenèse , Costa Rica , Gènes de mitochondrie
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 100(4): 384-391, July-Aug. 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564757


Abstract Objective: To investigate the incidence, clinical and genetic characteristics of pediatric lymphoma patients of China with inborn errors of immunity (IEI)-related gene mutations, which have not been fully studied. Method: From Jan. 2020 to Mar. 2023, IEI-related genetic mutations were retrospectively explored in 108 children with lymphomas admitted to Beijing Children's Hospital by NGS. Genetic rule and clinical characteristics as well as treatment outcomes were compared between patients with or without IEI-related gene mutations. Results: A total of 17 patients (15.7 %) harbored IEI-associated mutations, including 4 cases with X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome (XLP), 3 cases had mutations in tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily 13B (TNFRSF13B), 2 cases with Activated p110 syndrome (APDS). Patients with IEI all had alteration of immunocompetence with decreased levels of immunoglobulin and lymphocyte subsets. Recurrent infection existed in 41.2 % of patients. The 18-month event-free survival (EFS) and the overall response rate (ORR) of patients with IEI are significantly lower than those without IEI (33.86% vs. 73.26 %, p = 0.011; 52.94% vs. 87.91 %, p = 0.002, respectively). In addition, patients with IEI had a higher progression disease (PD) rate of 23.5 % than those without IEI of 4.4% (p = 0.006). Conclusion: The present study demonstrated that IEI-associated lymphomas were much more common than originally appreciated in pediatric lymphomas, and those were insensitive to treatment and more likely to progress or relapse. The genomic analysis and a thorough review of the medical history of IEI can be used to distinguish them from pediatric lymphomas without IEI, which are beneficial for the early diagnosis and direct intervention.

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(20): 554-570, ago. 2024.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568543


La Diabetes del adulto de inicio juvenil, es un subtipo hereditario poco común que se manifiesta a una edad temprana, relacionado con mutaciones en genes específicos que principalmente afectan la función de las células beta pancreática. Un diagnóstico preciso es fundamental para un tratamiento efectivo, aunque puede ser desafiante debido a la variabilidad en sus características clínicas y moleculares. Esta revisión analiza la evidencia disponible sobre estas características y los métodos de diagnóstico utilizados en laboratorio. Se realizó una búsqueda exhaustiva en bases de datos científicas, seleccionando estudios relevantes según criterios específicos. Se analizaron características clínicas, hallazgos moleculares y métodos de diagnóstico, utilizando tablas, gráficos y síntesis narrativas. Se identificaron mutaciones genéticas asociadas con MODY, así como biomarcadores útiles en el laboratorio clínico. Además, se describieron métodos de diagnóstico molecular, incluyendo la secuenciación de próxima generación (NGS). Esta revisión resalta la importancia del diagnóstico preciso de MODY, subrayando la diversidad de sus características biológicas y moleculares, y la necesidad de una investigación más profunda para mejorar su identificación y manejo clínico

Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young is a rare hereditary subtype that manifests at an early age, related to mutations in specific genes that primarily affect the function of pancreatic beta cells. An accurate diagnosis is crucial for effective treatment, though it can be challenging due to variability in clinical and molecular characteristics. This review examines available evidence on these characteristics and laboratory diagnostic methods. A comprehensive search was conducted in scientific databases, selecting relevant studies based on specific criteria. Clinical features, molecular findings, and diagnostic methods were analyzed using tables, graphs, and narrative synthesis. Genetic mutations associated with MODY were identified, as well as useful biomarkers in clinical laboratory settings. Additionally, molecular diagnostic methods were described, including next-generation sequencing (NGS). This review emphasizes the importance of precise MODY diagnosis, highlighting the diversity of its biological and molecular characteristics, and the need for further research to enhance its identification and clinical management

A diabetes adulto de início juvenil é um subtipo hereditário raro que se manifesta em uma idade precoce, relacionado a mutações em genes específicos que afetam principalmente a função das células beta do pâncreas. Um diagnóstico preciso é fundamental para um tratamento eficaz, embora possa ser desafiador devido à variabilidade em suas características clínicas e moleculares. Esta revisão analisa a evidência disponível sobre essas características e os métodos de diagnóstico utilizados em laboratório. Foi realizada uma busca abrangente em bases de dados científicas, selecionando estudos relevantes com base em critérios específicos. Características clínicas, descobertas moleculares e métodos de diagnóstico foram analisados utilizando tabelas, gráficos e síntese narrativa. Foram identificadas mutações genéticas associadas ao MODY, assim como biomarcadores úteis em laboratório clínico. Além disso, foram descritos métodos de diagnóstico molecular, incluindo a sequenciação de próxima geração (NGS). Esta revisão enfatiza a importância do diagnóstico preciso do MODY, destacando a diversidade de suas características biológicas e moleculares e a necessidade de uma pesquisa mais aprofundada para melhorar sua identificação e manejo clínico

Revue systématique
Vive (El Alto) ; 7(20)ago. 2024.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570119


La Diabetes del adulto de inicio juvenil, es un subtipo hereditario poco común que se manifiesta a una edad temprana, relacionado con mutaciones en genes específicos que principalmente afectan la función de las células beta pancreática. Un diagnóstico preciso es fundamental para un tratamiento efectivo, aunque puede ser desafiante debido a la variabilidad en sus características clínicas y moleculares. Esta revisión analiza la evidencia disponible sobre estas características y los métodos de diagnóstico utilizados en laboratorio. Se realizó una búsqueda exhaustiva en bases de datos científicas, seleccionando estudios relevantes según criterios específicos. Se analizaron características clínicas, hallazgos moleculares y métodos de diagnóstico, utilizando tablas, gráficos y síntesis narrativas. Se identificaron mutaciones genéticas asociadas con MODY, así como biomarcadores útiles en el laboratorio clínico. Además, se describieron métodos de diagnóstico molecular, incluyendo la secuenciación de próxima generación (NGS). Esta revisión resalta la importancia del diagnóstico preciso de MODY, subrayando la diversidad de sus características biológicas y moleculares, y la necesidad de una investigación más profunda para mejorar su identificación y manejo clínico.

Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young is a rare hereditary subtype that manifests at an early age, related to mutations in specific genes that primarily affect the function of pancreatic beta cells. An accurate diagnosis is crucial for effective treatment, though it can be challenging due to variability in clinical and molecular characteristics. This review examines available evidence on these characteristics and laboratory diagnostic methods. A comprehensive search was conducted in scientific databases, selecting relevant studies based on specific criteria. Clinical features, molecular findings, and diagnostic methods were analyzed using tables, graphs, and narrative synthesis. Genetic mutations associated with MODY were identified, as well as useful biomarkers in clinical laboratory settings. Additionally, molecular diagnostic methods were described, including next-generation sequencing (NGS). This review emphasizes the importance of precise MODY diagnosis, highlighting the diversity of its biological and molecular characteristics, and the need for further research to enhance its identification and clinical management.

A diabetes adulto de início juvenil é um subtipo hereditário raro que se manifesta em uma idade precoce, relacionado a mutações em genes específicos que afetam principalmente a função das células beta do pâncreas. Um diagnóstico preciso é fundamental para um tratamento eficaz, embora possa ser desafiador devido à variabilidade em suas características clínicas e moleculares. Esta revisão analisa a evidência disponível sobre essas características e os métodos de diagnóstico utilizados em laboratório. Foi realizada uma busca abrangente em bases de dados científicas, selecionando estudos relevantes com base em critérios específicos. Características clínicas, descobertas moleculares e métodos de diagnóstico foram analisados utilizando tabelas, gráficos e síntese narrativa. Foram identificadas mutações genéticas associadas ao MODY, assim como biomarcadores úteis em laboratório clínico. Além disso, foram descritos métodos de diagnóstico molecular, incluindo a sequenciação de próxima geração (NGS). Esta revisão enfatiza a importância do diagnóstico preciso do MODY, destacando a diversidade de suas características biológicas e moleculares e a necessidade de uma pesquisa mais aprofundada para melhorar sua identificação e manejo clínico.

MHSalud ; 21(1): 67-81, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558386


Resumen: Introducción: El componente genético se ha establecido como un factor de riesgo considerable para la ruptura del ligamento cruzado anterior (RLCA). La investigación actual se ha centrado en conocer los genes candidatos que pueden influir y predisponer a un sujeto a padecer esta lesión. Objetivo: Se llevó a cabo un análisis bibliométrico para rastrear los resultados de la indagación e identificar las tendencias globales, así como las brechas en el conocimiento sobre la relación entre el componente genético y la RLCA. Metodología: Los datos fueron extraídos de las bases Pubmed y Scopus, igual que analizados en el paquete Bibliometrix del software R. Se identificó un total de 63 estudios publicados a partir del 2007. Resultados: La mayoría de las publicaciones identificadas fueron artículos de investigación (85.71 %). Los autores con mayor número de aquellas se encuentran en Polonia y Sudáfrica. El análisis a través del mapa de coocurrencias reveló que hay una línea principal de investigación basada en el estudio de polimorfismos genéticos, especialmente en los genes de las familias del colágeno (COL1A1, COL5A1, COL12A1, en mayor frecuencia). Un total de 54 genes candidatos fueron identificados en los estudios. Conclusión: Esperamos que este estudio pueda contribuir a encontrar puntos claves y vacíos de investigación, al proporcionar análisis integrales e información estructurada sobre este tema.

Abstract: Introduction: Genetic component has been established as a significant risk factor for anterior cruciate ligament rupture (ACLR). Current research has focused on knowing the candidate genes that can influence and predispose a subject to this injury. Objective: A bibliometric analysis was carried out to trace the results of the research and identify global trends and gaps in knowledge about the relationship between the genetic component and ACLR. Methodology: Data were extracted from the Pubmed and Scopus databases and analyzed in the Bibliometrix package of the R software. A total of 63 studies published since 2007 were identified. Results: Most of the publications recovered were research articles (85.71%). The authors with the highest number of those are in Poland and South Africa. The analysis through the co-occurrence map reveals that there is a mainline of research based on the study of genetic polymorphisms, especially in the genes of the collagen families (COL1A1, COL5A1, COL12A1, in greater frequency). A total of 54 candidate genes were identified within the studies. Conclusion: We hope that this study can help to find key points and research gaps by providing a comprehensive analysis and structured information on this topic.

Resumo: Introdução: O componente genético foi estabelecido como um fator de risco significativo para a ruptura do ligamento cruzado anterior (RLCA). As pesquisas atuais têm se concentrado em identificar os genes candidatos que podem influenciar e predispor um indivíduo a essa lesão. Objetivo: Foi realizada uma análise bibliométrica para rastrear os resultados das pesquisas e identificar tendências globais e lacunas no conhecimento sobre a relação entre o componente genético e a RLCA. Metodologia: Os dados foram extraídos das bases de dados Pubmed e Scopus e analisados no pacote Bibliometrix do software R. Um total de 63 estudos publicados desde 2007 foram identificados. Resultados: A maioria das publicações recuperadas foram artigos de pesquisa (85,71%). Os autores com o maior número dessas publicações estão na Polônia e na África do Sul. A análise por meio do mapa de coocorrência revela que há uma linha principal de pesquisa baseada no estudo de polimorfismos genéticos, especialmente nos genes das famílias de colágeno (COL1A1, COL5A1, COL12A1, com maior frequência). Um total de 54 genes candidatos foram identificados nos estudos. Conclusão: Esperamos que este estudo possa ajudar a encontrar pontos-chave e lacunas de pesquisa, fornecendo uma análise abrangente e informações estruturadas sobre este tema.

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 89(2): 77-84, abr. 2024. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559732


Introducción: El cáncer de endometrio ocupa el sexto lugar en incidencia del cáncer en mujeres. La caracterización molecular de este cáncer permite optimizar la estratificación de riesgo para mejorar el tratamiento de las pacientes. Objetivo: Determinar el perfil molecular TCGA de pacientes con cáncer de endometrio en Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. Método: Estudio descriptivo en una cohorte de pacientes con cáncer de endometrio. Las mutaciones en los exones 9 a 14 del gen POLE fueron identificadas mediante amplificación por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa, seguida de secuenciación Sanger y análisis bioinformático. La expresión de las proteínas MMR y p53 se identificó mediante inmunohistoquímica. Resultados: Se incluyeron 40 pacientes con una mediana de edad de 66 años. El 15% presentaron mutaciones en el dominio exonucleasa de POLE. El 32% de las pacientes que no presentaron mutaciones manifestaron deficiencia en el sistema MMR. El 43,47% de las pacientes sin mutaciones en POLE ni alteración del sistema MMR presentaron alteración de la proteína p53. Conclusiones: La población de cáncer de endometrio analizada presenta un perfil molecular TCGA similar a lo reportado para otras poblaciones.

Introduction: Endometrial cancer ranks sixth in cancer incidence among women. Its molecular characterization allows for a more precise risk stratification with the aim of improving patient treatment. Objective: To determine the TCGA molecular profile of patients with endometrial cancer in Bogota, Colombia. Method: A descriptive study of a cohort of patients with endometrial cancer. The expression of MMR proteins and p53 was identified through immunohistochemistry. Mutations in exons 9 to 14 of the POLE gene were identified through polymerase chain reaction amplification, followed by Sanger sequencing and bioinformatic analysis. Results: Forty patients were included in the study, with a median age of 66 years, 15% of them exhibited mutations in the exonuclease domain of POLE, while 32% of patients without mutations showed deficiency in the MMR system. Forty three percent of patients without mutations in POLE or MMR alterations showed aberrant p53 protein expression. Conclusions: The analyzed population of endometrial cancer presents a TCGA molecular profile similar to that reported for other populations.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Tumeurs de l'endomètre/génétique , Immunohistochimie , Réaction de polymérisation en chaîne , Études transversales , Études rétrospectives , Gènes p53/génétique , Tumeurs de l'endomètre/diagnostic , Tumeurs de l'endomètre/anatomopathologie , Analyse de séquence d'ADN , Colombie , Appréciation des risques , DNA polymerase II , Réparation de mésappariement de l'ADN , Protéines liant le poly-adp-ribose , Mutation
Rev. Finlay ; 14(1)mar. 2024.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565152


Fundamento: La detección prenatal de hemoglobinopatías en Cuba se realiza a todas las gestantes en la atención Primaria de Salud, a través de la electroforesis de hemoglobina para identificar parejas de alto riesgo. El programa brinda asesoramiento genético, diagnóstico prenatal molecular e interrupciones selectivas de fetos afectados, a solicitud de las parejas. Objetivo: Determinar el tipo y frecuencia de hemoglobinopatías en gestantes cubanas. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y de corte transversal para determinar el tipo de hemoglobinopatías en 1 342 917 gestantes captadas en un periodo de diez años. El método de pesquisa fue la electroforesis de hemoglobina en geles de agarosa a pH alcalino. La confirmación por electroforesis de hemoglobina en gel de agarosa a pH ácido, ambos métodos mediante el equipo Hydrasys 2. Resultados: La frecuencia global de gestantes con hemoglobinopatías fue de 3,5 %. Se detectó hemoglobinopatías en 47 465 mujeres; 38 698 con variante S heterocigoto, 8 706 variantes de hemoglobina C y 158 de otras variantes. Se detectaron 44 283 esposos con hemoglobinopatías, 3 099 parejas de alto riesgo y se realizaron 2 689 diagnósticos prenatales moleculares. Se confirmaron 522 fetos afectados y 382 parejas solicitaron la interrupción del embarazo. El programa alcanzó 99,24 % de cobertura en el país. Conclusiones: La detección de las hemoglobinopatías en gestantes residentes en Cuba, permitió conocer el tipo de hemoglobinopatía y la frecuencia de hemoglobinas anormales y nuevas variantes, de ahí el interés de continuar el programa de pesquisa para prevenir la aparición de formas graves de la enfermedad.

Foundation: Prenatal detection of hemoglobinopathies in Cuba is performed on all pregnant women in Primary Health Care, through hemoglobin electrophoresis to identify high-risk couples. The program provides genetic counseling, molecular prenatal diagnosis and selective interruptions of affected fetuses, at the request of couples. Objective: Determine the type and frequency of hemoglobinopathies in Cuban pregnant women. Method: A descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study was carried out to determine the type of hemoglobinopathies in 1,342,917 pregnant women recruited over a period of ten years. The research method was hemoglobin electrophoresis in agarose gels at alkaline pH. Confirmation by electrophoresis of hemoglobin in agarose gel at acidic pH, both methods using the Hydrasys 2 equipment. Results: The overall frequency of pregnant women with hemoglobinopathies was 3.5%. Hemoglobinopathies were detected in 47,465 women; 38,698 with heterozygous S variant, 8,706 hemoglobin C variants and 158 other variants. 44,283 husbands with hemoglobinopathies were detected, 3,099 high-risk couples were detected, and 2,689 molecular prenatal diagnoses were performed. 522 affected fetuses were confirmed and 382 couples requested termination of pregnancy. The program reached 99.24% coverage in the country. Conclusions: The detection of hemoglobinopathies in pregnant women residing in Cuba allowed us to know the type of hemoglobinopathy and the frequency of abnormal hemoglobins and new variants, hence the interest in continuing the research program to prevent the appearance of severe forms of the disease.

Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 84(1): 24-34, mar. 2024. tab, graf, ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565739


Introducción: La hipoacusia súbita (HS) es poco frecuente y su etiopatogenia no está definida. La terapia con corticoides es de elección en base a recomendaciones de expertos por sus efectos teóricos y no en base a utilidad clínica demostrada. Objetivo: Evaluar si existe correlación entre el resultado auditivo final, de pacientes con HS tratados con corticoides, y la respuesta in vitro de sus leucocitos a corticoides, medida como diferencias en la expresión relativa de genes blanco del receptor de glucocorticoides. Material y Método: Estudio de casos (recuperación total) y controles (no recuperados) de pacientes con HS tratados con corticoides en el Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile, durante 2017-2019. Se obtuvo DNA que fue almacenado en el Biobanco de Tejidos y Fluidos de la Universidad de Chile (BTUCH). Se purificaron y cultivaron leucocitos mononucleares de sangre periférica, expuestos in vitro a hidrocortisona. Se determinó la diferencia en la expresión relativa de genes blanco (IGFBP1, CAT, HSD17B12, APOA2), por Q-RTPCR, entre ambos grupos. Resultados: Se reclutaron 35 pacientes; se incluyeron para análisis 23: 11 casos y 12 controles, con edad promedio de 54,9 y 50,8 años respectivamente, distribución homogénea de sexo. No hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa en la expresión relativa de los genes blanco, a la exposición in vitro a corticoides, entre ambos grupos. Conclusión: En nuestro estudio, modelo, y sistema de evaluación no se evidenciaron efectos de los corticoides. No podemos descartar que, con un número mayor de pacientes, otros genes blanco u otros protocolos de estudio podrían detectarse diferencias.

Introduction: Sudden hearing loss (SHL) is rare and its etiopathogenesis is still not clear. Corticosteroid therapy is of choice based on expert recommendations due to its theoretical effects and no based on proved clinical efficacy. Objectives: To assess whether there is a correlation between the final auditory outcome of patients with SHL treated with corticosteroids and the in vitro response of their leukocytes to corticosteroids, measured as differences in the relative expression of glucocorticoid receptor target genes. Material and Method: Case-control (total recovery and not recovered respectively) study of patients with SHL treated with corticosteroids at Clinical Hospital Universidad de Chile between 2017 and 2019. DNA was obtained and stored in the Biobanco de Tejidos y Fluidos de la Universidad de Chile (BTUCH). Peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes were purified and cultured and then exposed to hydrocortisone. The difference in the relative expression of target genes (GFBP1, CAT, HSD17B12, APOA2), by Q-RTPCR was determined. Results: Thirty-five patients were recruited, 24 were included for the analysis: 11 cases and 12 controls, with and average age of 54.9 and 50.,8 years respectively, homogeneous sex distribution. There was no statistically significant difference in the relative expression of the target genes, upon in vitro exposure to corticosteroids, between both groups. Conclusion: In our study, model and evaluation system, no effects of corticosteroids were evidenced. With a larger number of patients, other target genes or other study protocols, we cannot rule out that differences could be detected.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Jeune adulte , Prednisone/usage thérapeutique , Perte auditive soudaine/traitement médicamenteux , Glucocorticoïdes/usage thérapeutique , Techniques in vitro/méthodes , Perte auditive soudaine/sang , Réparation génique ciblée
Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 599-603, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016934


Abstract@#Adolescence is a unique transitional period from childhood to adulthood, during which behavioral habits and physiological cycles undergo significant changes, and biorhythms are vulnerable to be disrupted. Meanwhile, due to increased rates of overweight and obesity, cardiovascular metabolic risk significantly increases during adolescence. The article reviews the prevalence, correlation, and potential epigenetic regulatory mechanisms of biorhythm disorders and adolescent cardiovascular metabolic health, providing a theoretical basis for regulating biorhythm to promote adolescent cardiovascular metabolic health.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017334


Objective:To screen the aging genes closely associated with pelvic organ prolapse(POP)by bioinformatics techniques,and to clarify the potential clinical significance and value of key genes.Methods:Gene Expression Omnibus(GEO)Database was used to download the datasets GSE53868 and GSE151188 for POP-related genes with the keyword"pelvic organ prolapse".The aging-related genes were obtained from Aging Atlas,CellAge,and the Human Ageing Genomic Resources(HAGR)Databases;the intersection of genes related with POP in two groups provided a list of differentially expressed genes(DEGs)associated with aging in POP;gene Set Enrichment Analysis(GSEA)was conducted with R software version 4.2.1;Gene Ontology(GO)functional enrichment analysis and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes(KEGG)signaling pathway enrichment analysis of DEGs were conducted by the Database for Annotation,Visualization and Integrated Discovery(DAVID);the protein-protein interaction(PPI)network was constructed with Cytoscape 3.9.1 software;the top 10 Hub genes were selected by cytoHubba plugin;the infiltration of 22 types of immune cells in the patients in POP group and control group was analyzed by CIBERSORT deconvolution method using R software;the key genes were further screened by LASSO regression algorithm;the correlation and diagnostic efficacy between key genes and immune cell infiltration were analyzed.Results:From the Aging Atlas,CellAge,and HAGR Databases,724 aging-related genes were identified.Intersection with the POP expression profile yielded an aging gene expression matrix related to POP containing 624 genes,and 29 POP-related DEGs were identified after differential analysis,including 2 upregulated genes and 27 downregulated genes.The GSEA results showed that the upregulated pathways were mainly related to diabetes and cellular senescence,whereas the downregulated pathways included Alzheimer's disease and hypoxia-inducible factor-1(HIF-1)signaling pathways.The GO functional enrichment analysis mainly enriched in the biological processes such as the response of the cells to lipopolysaccharide,inflammatory response,and negative regulation of cell proliferation.The KEGG signaling pathway enrichment analysis mainly enriched in interleukin-17(IL-17),tumor necrosis factor(TNF),and nuclear factor-kappa B(NF-κB)signaling pathways.The PPI network analysis got 10 Hub genes including interleukin-6(IL-6),interleukin-1B(IL-1B),prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2(PTGS2),and NF-kappa-B inhibitor alpha(NFKBIA).The CIBERSORT deconvolution method results showed a relatively higher infiltration proportion of neutrophils and activated mast cells in the patients in POP group,the activated mast cells had a positive correlation with most of the DEGs(r>0.5)and the macrophages had a significant positive correlation with IL-1B(r>0.6).The key genes Jun D proto-oncogene(JUND),Snail homolog 1(SNAI1),amphiregulin(AREG),Lamin A/C(LMNA),and superoxide dismutase 2(SOD2)selected by LASSO regression analysis had high diagnostic efficacies,and the area under receiver operating characteristic curve(ROC)(AUC)were all greater than 0.75.Conclusion:During the aging process,the genes such as JUND,SNAI1,AREG,LMNA,and SOD2 may participate in the pathophysiology of POP through various pathways,including inflammation-related pathways,transcription regulation,and affecting collagen secretion and metabolism,thereby influence the connective tissue support function and promote the occurrence and development of POP.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018085


Objective:To investigate the clinical characteristics and prognosis of CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP+ ) colon cancer, and the significance of CIMP status in the diagnosis and prognosis prediction in defective mismatch repair (dMMR) colon cancer.Methods:The keywords "colorectal cancer" "patient" and "CpG Island Methylator Phenotype" were used to search the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database, and the GSE39582 was obtained, which included the clinical data of 585 patients with colorectal cancer and the sequencing data of the whole transcriptome of the tumor tissues. After excluding 72 cases with missing CIMP values, 513 cases were included for further analysis, including 278 males and 235 females, with a mean age of (67±13) years. According to the CIMP status, they were divided into CIMP+ group ( n=93) and CIMP-group ( n=420), then compare the differences in clinical characteristics, the Kaplan-Meier survival curves were plotted to compare the overall survival and disease-free survival; 71 dMMR cases were divided into CIMP+ group ( n=43) and CIMP-group ( n=28), and the K-M curves were plotted to analyze the differences in overall survival (OS) and disease free survival (DFS). Comparisons between groups were performed by t-test, χ2 test or Mann-Whitney U nonparametric test, and the difference in survival curves was tested by Long-rank test. Results:Patients in the CIMP+ group were significantly older than those in the CIMP-group [(70.84±12.60) years vs (66.21±13.08) years, t=3.18, P=0.002]. Right colon tumors originating from the CIMP+ molecular pathway were 9.3 times more likely to be CIMP+ than those of the left colon cancers ( OR=9.3, 95% CI: 5.2-17.9). BRAF mutant colon cancer originating from CIMP+ was 215.2 times more common than BRAF wild-type colon cancer originating with CIMP+ ( OR=215.2, 95% CI: 53.2-1906.7); and patients with dMMR colon cancer originated 12.8 times more common than patients with pMMR ( OR=12.8, 95% CI: 7.0-23.9). The difference between the CIMP+ and CIMP-groups was not statistically significant in terms of overall survival and disease-free survival ( P=0.590, 0.220). In the dMMR colon cancer subgroup, CIMP status did not correlate with patients′ overall survival and disease-free survival ( P>0.05). Conclusions:CIMP+ colon cancer patients were mostly of advanced age, with tumors originating from the right colon, mostly combined with BRAF gene mutations, and manifested as mismatch repair-deficient colon cancers. CIMP status had no correlation with TNM stage and survival of colon cancers patients. There was no significant difference in the survival between dMMR colon cancers caused by CIMP+ and those caused by MMR gene mutations.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018411


Abstact:Objective To investigate the gene expression differences between left-sided colon cancer and right-sided colon cancer and the mechanism differences between the colorectal cancer core drug pairs of Sophorae Flavescentis Radix-Sargentodoxae Caulis-Scutellariae Barbatae Herba acting on left-sided and right-sided colon cancer.Methods The transcriptome data of 134 patients with left-sided colon cancer and 194 patients with right-sided colon cancer from The Cancer Genome Atlas(TCGA)were downloaded,and the R software was applied to realize the differential gene analysis of the two groups and the enrichment analysis of Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes(KEGG)pathway;the BATMAN-TCM database was used to obtain the active ingredients and targets of the drug pair of Sophorae Flavescentis Radix-Sargentodoxae Caulis-Scutellariae Barbatae Herba,and based on the different genes of the left-and right-sided colon cancers,KEGG enrichment analysis of the drug pair-left/right-sided colon cancers was performed respectively,and the protein-protein-interaction(PPI)network was constructed to compare the differences of the biosignaling pathways enriched by the drug pairs for the treatment of left-and right-sided colon cancers,as well as the differences of the key target points.Results There were 6 051 differentially expressed genes common to left-and right-sided colon cancers relative to normal paracancerous tissues,1958 differentially expressed genes specific to left-sided colon cancer,and 1739 differentially expressed genes specific to right-sided colon cancer;14 KEGG-enriched pathways specific to left-sided colon cancer,and 23 KEGG-enriched pathways specific to right-sided colon cancer.There were 85 active compounds in the drug-pair of Sophorae Flavescentis Radix-Sargentodoxae Caulis-Scutellariae Barbatae Herba,corresponding to a total of 469 targets.The drug-pair-left-sided colon cancer targets were enriched in 10 KEGG signaling pathways,with the key targets being DRD2,CACNA1C,HTR3A,COMT,and TH;and the drug-pair-right-sided colon cancer targets were enriched in 1 KEGG signaling pathway,with the core targets being HTR3A,DRD2 TH,AGT,GRIN2B.Conclusion There are gene expression differences between left-and right-sided colon cancers:left-sided colon cancer is associated with abnormal immune function,abnormal AMPK signaling pathway and other mechanisms,and right-sided colon cancer is associated with neutrophil extracellular trap formation,alcoholism,abnormal Hippo signaling pathway and other mechanisms.In addition to regulating cell cycle and essential amino acid metabolism and other mechanisms,Sophorae Flavescentis Radix-Sargentodoxae Caulis-Scutellariae Barbatae Herba drug pairs have specific effects on regulating the intestinal endocrine function of the left-sided colon cancer,inhibiting inflammatory response of the right-sided colon cancer,and may also have mood-regulating effects on patients with colon cancer.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019893


Objective To investigate the role of homologous genes absent from the wings of drosophila melanogaster(Notch)signaling pathway in the imbalance of helper T cells 1(Th1)and helper T cells 2(Th2)and the intervention mechanism of Qizhi Zhoufei Granule in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD).Methods Ten of seventy Wistar rats were selected as the blank control group,and the other rats were established by cigarette smoking combined(CS)with tracheal infusion of lipopolysaccharide(LPS).The COPD model was established by randomly selecting 3 rats in the control group and the model group to verify the success of the model.At the end of modeling,gavage administration was performed.The rats in the model group were randomly divided into model control group,positive control group(67.5 μg·kg-1)and Qizhi Zhoufei Granule high,medium and low treatment group(3.24,1.62,0.81 g·kg-1).Each group was treated with normal saline,dexamethasone acetate suspension and Qizhi Zhoufei Granule suspension at high,medium and low doses.The rats in the blank control group were given the same volume of normal saline as the model control group.After modeling with 28 days and treatment with 28 days,peak inspiratory flow(PIF)and peak expiratory flow(PEF)were detected by the animal lung function test system.Rats were killed to extract lungs,spleen,serum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid(BALF),hematoxylin-eosin(HE)staining was used to evaluate the pathological changes of lung tissues.The level of tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α)in serum and BALF was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA).Flow cytometry was used to detect Th1/Th2 cells in spleen.Immunohistochemistry(IHC)and western blot were used to detect Notch1,Hes1 and Hey1 protein levels in lung tissues.Real-time fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction(Real-Time PCR)was used to detect Notch1,Hes1 and Hey1 gene expression levels in lung tissues.Result Compared with the blank control group,the lung function of the model control group was significantly decreased(P<0.05),inflammatory cell infiltration and bronchial structure destruction occurred in the lung tissue,TNF-α content in serum and BALF increased significantly(P<0.05),the percentage of spleen Th1 cells was significantly decreased(P<0.05),and the percentage of Th2 cells was significantly increased(P<0.05),the protein and mRNA expressions of Notch1,Hes1 and Hey1 in lung tissues were significantly increased(P<0.05),the differences were statistically significant;Compared with the model control group,the lung function of rats in each administration group was significantly increased(P<0.05),the pathological injury of lung tissue was alleviated,TNF-α content in serum and BALF decreased significantly(P<0.05),the percentage of spleen Th1 cells was significantly increased(P<0.05),the percentage of Th2 cells was significantly decreased(P<0.05),the lung tissue of Notch1,Hes1,Hey1 protein and mRNA expression were significantly decreased(P<0.05),the differences were statistically significant.Conclusion Qizhi Zhoufei Granule regulate Th1/Th2 balance by inhibiting Notch signaling pathway,thereby improving pulmonary function and pathological injury,and affecting immune function in COPD rats.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019908


Objective To identify the differentially expressed genes and pathways of bone marrow-derived mast cells(BMMCs)of mice induced by IL-3 and IL-3+stem cell factor(SCF)using bioinformatics analysis,which may provide a foundation for in vitro culture and functional study of mast cells(MC).Methods The matrix data of GSE35332 dataset in IL-3 and IL-3+SCF induced BMMCs was downloaded from the GEO database,and the R software was applied to screen differentially expressed genes(DEGs).The gene ontology(GO)and Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes(KEGG)pathway enrichment analysis of EDGs were performed based on the online tool DAVID database.The protein interaction network was constructed by STRING database and hub genes were screened through MCODE plugin of the Cytoscape software.Results The GSE35332 data set was analyzed by R software,and 1 339 DEGs were screened,including 723 up-regulated genes and 616 down-regulated genes.A total of 6 hub genes were screened through the MCODE plugin of Cytoscape software,namely Psmd8,Psmd6,Psmd14,Psmc4,Psma6 and Psma3.GO and KEGG analysis showed that the hub genes were concentrated in proteolysis,antigen processing and presentation of exogenous peptide antigen via MHC class I,proteasome-mediated ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolism process,and Epstein-Barr virus infection.Conclusion This study found that there were significant differences in BMMCs gene expression profiles in mice induced by two modes and 6 hub genes participated in ubiquitin-dependent protein decomposition process through bioinformatics based on the GEO database,providing help for further research on MC vitro culture and function.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019957


Objective To construct and evaluate a disulfidptosis-related genes(DRGs)prognostic risk model for hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)based on the cancer genome atlas(TCGA)database.Methods The expression of 15 DRGs in 371 HCC samples and 50 adjacent cancer samples in the TCGA database was analyzed using bioinformatics methods,and then gene ontology(GO)functional annotation,Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes(KEGG)enrichment analysis and Kaplan-Meier(KM)survival analysis were performed.Statistical significant DRGs were screened through univariate COX regression analysis,and key DRGs were selected through LASSO regression analysis and multivariate COX regression analysis to construct a prognostic risk model.HCC patients were divided into high-risk and low-risk groups based on risk scores,and the KM survival curves and time-dependent receiver operator characteristic(ROC)curves were created to validate and evaluate prognostic risk models.Results Compared with the adjacent cancer samples,FLNA,MYH9,TLN1,ACTB,MYL6,CAPZB,DSTN,ACTN4,SLC7A11,INF2,CD2AP,PDLIM1,and FLNB were all upregulated in the 15 DRGs of HCC samples,and the differences were significant(t=1 793~6 310,all P<0.001).According to GO functional annotation and KEGG enrichment analysis,DRGs were closely related to biological processes or pathways related to actin cytoskeleton and cell adhesion.The results of KM survival analysis showed that the survival rate of the high expression group of SLC7A11,INF2,CD2AP,MYL6,and ACTB were lower than that of the low expression group[HR=1.46(1.03~2.07)~1.93(1.36~2.75),all P<0.05].Univariate COX regression analysis,LASSO analysis,and multivariate COX regression analysis were used to construct a prognostic risk model,with risk score=(0.247×SLC7A11)+(0.289×INF2)+(0.076×CD2AP)+(0.06×MYL6).The risk score of the sample in this model was calculated,and the higher the risk score,the more HCC patients with poor prognosis.KM survival analysis showed that the overall survival rate of the high-risk group was lower than that of the low-risk group.The AUC values for 1,3,and 5 years were 0.709,0.661,and 0.648,respectively.Multivariate COX regression analysis showed that SLC7A11[HR=1.832(1.274~2.636),P=0.001]was an independent prognostic risk factor.Conclusion The prognostic risk model was constructed by four DRGs,which has a certain role in predicting the prognosis of HCC patients.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020559


Objective:To explore the differences of microenviroment between peri-implant tissue and oral mucosal tissue.Methods:The gene chip data GSE43744 was downloaded from the GEO database,bioinformatics tools were used to analyze the differentially ex-pressed genes between the peri-implant tissue and normal oral mucosal tissue in rat.Results:1315 differentially expressed important genes,including 797 upregulated genes and 518 downregulated genes,were screened out.Gene enrichment analysis showed that com-pared with normal oral mucosal tissue,the gene expression of innate immune activity,cell activation,inflammatory response,and func-tional expression related to external and bacterial stimuli in peri-implant tissue were significantly upregulated,while that of extracellular matrix tissue,adhesion,extracellular matrix polysaccharides,response to mechanical stimuli and response to toxic substances was sig-nificantly downregulated.Meanwhile,multiple molecular functions and biological pathways related to T cells were highly expressed,which may play an important role in the peri-implant microenvironment.In addition,PPI network was constructed,and screened 7 core genes including FCER1G,TYROBP,PTPRC,ITGB2,AIF1,EMR1 and RAC2,which may be target genes for studying peri-implant microenvironment.Conclusion:There is a significant difference of microenvironment characteristics between peri-implant tissue and o-ral mucosa.The target genes screened using PPI network may be the key to future research on the peri-implant microenvironment.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020571


Objective:To explore the influence of static mechanical strain(SMS)on the osteoclastogenic gene expression of healthy periodontal ligment stem cells(HPDLSCs)and periodontitis periodontal ligment stem cells(PPDLSCs).Methods:HPDLSCs and PP-DLSCs were respectively isolated and cultured by low density in vitro.The expression of mesenchymal stem cell markers were detected by flow cytometry.Then,6%,8%,10%,12%and 14%SMS were respectively loaded to the HPDLSCs and PPDLSCs by Flexcell Tension Unit,and the expression of RANKL and C-fos was detected by real time RT-PCR.Results:Both HPDLSCs and PPDLSCs strongly expressed the mesenchymal stem cell markers STRO-1,CD146,CD90 and CD29,and higher expression of the above markers was found in HPDLSCs compared with PPDLSCs(P<0.05).The expression of RANKL and C-fos in PPDLSCs was more obvious than that in HPDLSCs without SMS loading(P<0.05).For HPDLSCs,the SMS of 14%induced significant up-regulation of RANKL and C-fos(P<0.05),while no alteration was confirmed for the above osteoclastogenic genes when the SMS≤ 12%(P>O.05).In addition,the expression of RANKL and C-fos was up-regulated significantly in PPDLSCs when the SMS≥ 10%(P<0.05),and the expression of the above genes was not activated when the SMS ≤8%.Conclusion:HPDLSCs and PPDLSCs response differently to SMS,and ex-cessive SMS may lead to enhanced expression of osteoclastogenic genes in PPDLSCs.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021940


BACKGROUND:Ferroptosis is strongly associated with the occurrence and progression of osteoarthritis,but the specific characteristic genes and regulatory mechanisms are not known. OBJECTIVE:To identify osteoarthritis ferroptosis signature genes and immune infiltration analysis using the WGCNA and various machine learning methods. METHODS:The osteoarthritis dataset was downloaded from the GEO database and ferroptosis-related genes were obtained from the FerrDb website.R language was used to batch correct the osteoarthritis dataset,extract osteoarthritis ferroptosis genes and perform differential analysis,analyze differentially expressed genes for GO function and KEGG signaling pathway.WGCNA analysis and machine learning(random forest,LASSO regression,and SVM-RFE analysis)were also used to screen osteoarthritis ferroptosis signature genes.The in vitro cell experiments were performed to divide chondrocytes into normal and osteoarthritis model groups.The dataset and qPCR were used to verify expression and correlate immune infiltration analysis. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)12 548 osteoarthritis genes were obtained by batch correction and PCA analysis,while 484 ferroptosis genes were obtained,resulting in 24 differentially expressed genes of osteoarthritis ferroptosis.(2)GO analysis mainly involved biological processes such as response to oxidative stress and response to organophosphorus,cellular components such as apical and apical plasma membranes,and molecular functions such as heme binding and tetrapyrrole binding.(3)KEGG analysis exhibited that differentially expressed genes of osteoarthritis ferroptosis were related to signaling pathways such as the interleukin 17 signaling pathway and tumor necrosis factor signaling pathway.(4)After using WGCNA analysis and machine learning screening,we obtained the characteristic gene KLF2.After validation by gene microarray,we found that the gene expression of KLF2 was higher in the test group than in the control group in the meniscus(P=0.000 14).(5)In vitro chondrocyte assay showed that type Ⅱ collagen and KLF2 expression was lower in the osteoarthritis group than in the control group in chondrocytes(P<0.05),while in osteoarthritis ferroptosis,mast cells activated was closely correlated with dendritic cells(r=0.99);KLF2 was closely correlated with natural killer cells(r=-1,P=0.017)and T cells follicular helper(r=-1,P=0.017).(6)The findings indicate that using WGCNA analysis and machine learning methods confirmed that KLF2 can be a characteristic gene for osteoarthritis ferroptosis and may improve osteoarthritis ferroptosis by interfering with KLF2.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021972


BACKGROUND:Research has shown that fatty acid metabolism genes are closely related to the development of rheumatoid arthritis.Therefore,exploring the progression of rheumatoid arthritis based on fatty acid metabolism genes is of clinical significance. OBJECTIVE:To investigate whether fatty acid metabolism genes can serve as reliable biomarkers for predicting the progression of rheumatoid arthritis. METHODS:Gene data related to synovial tissue were downloaded from the Gene Expression Comprehensive Database(GEO).STRING was used to construct the protein-protein interaction network analysis.Cytoscape was utilized for biological annotation(gene ontology)and signaling pathway enrichment analysis(Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes).Fatty acid metabolism related genes were screened from the molecular feature database(MSigDB).Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator and support vector machine recursive feature elimination feature were used to screen for potential biomarkers.Immune cell infiltration levels in normal individuals and rheumatoid arthritis patients were assessed using the CIBERSORT algorithm.Finally,the expression levels of fatty acid metabolism related genes were verified using the receiver operating characteristic curve in GSE77298. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:361 differentially expressed genes in rheumatoid arthritis were identified,of which 13 overlapped with the reported fatty acid metabolism related genes.Based on machine learning algorithms,five genes were selected,and the receiver operating characteristic curve showed that five genes(PCK1,PDK1,PTGS2,PLA2G2D,and DPEP2)could predict the development of rheumatoid arthritis.The CIBERSORT algorithm results showed that five genes were associated with activated mast cells,neutrophils,resting mast cells,and memory resting CD4+ T cells.The receiver operating characteristic curve showed that PLA2G2D and PCK1 have high diagnostic value.To conclude,the expression characteristics of fatty acid metabolism related genes can serve as potential biomarkers for predicting clinical outcomes,which can further improve the accuracy of prediction in RA patients.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022539


Objective:To study the clinical manifestations, genetic profiles and treatment of Kagami-Ogata syndrome (KOS).Methods:A neonate admitted to our hospital was genetically diagnosed of KOS from amniocentesis sampling. The phenotype, genotype and treatment of the neonate were analyzed. Multiple databases were searched using key words including "Kagami-Ogata syndrome", "14q32 microdeletion syndrome", "coat-hanger ribs", "paternal uniparental disomy (pUPD)(14) " from the inception of the databases to Jan. 23th 2023. The clinical features, genotype and treatment of patients from the literature were summarized.Results:The neonate in our hospital was born at 30 weeks gestational age with a birth weight of 2 035 g. Prenatal ultrasound indicated overgrowth, bilateral fetal renal pelvis dilatation (FRPD), dilatation of intestines in lower abdomen, clenched hands with overlapping fingers and polyhydramnios. After birth, the neonate showed progressively worsening respiratory distress, distinct facial features (small jaw, short neck, flat nasal bridge, upward-facing nostrils, small and malformed ears with auricular deformity and narrow external auditory canals), bell-shaped thorax, diastasis recti and abnormal posture (overlapping fingers, clenched fists), as well as feeding difficulties, recurrent fever and dependence of respiratory support. Whole exome sequencing (WES) revealed a 268.2Kb deletion (101034306_101302541) in 14q32.2 region on both the neonate and the mother and the father was otherwise normal. The prognosis was poor and the parents refused further treatment. The neonate died at one month of age after two days of palliative care. A total of 36 articles were identified in the literature review, including 78 KOS cases with complete clinical data (a total of 79 cases adding our case).The primary clinical manifestations included distinctive facial and thoracic abnormalities (79/79, 100%), polyhydramnios (71/75, 94.7%), feeding difficulties (55/63, 87.3%), abdominal wall defects (57/72, 79.2%), joint contractures (39/70, 55.7%) and dependence of respiratory support (29/56, 51.8%). Long-term follow-up revealed 86.8% (59/68) experienced physical, movement and intellectual development delay, 39.7% (25/63) died or gave up treatments within five years. Genetic testing showed pUPD in 44 cases (55.7%), maternal deletions in 23 cases (29.1%), epimutations in 8 cases (10.1%) and unreported variations in 4 cases (5.1%).Conclusions:KOS is a genetic imprinting disorder affecting multiple organs. Prenatal screening can detect abnormalities such as polyhydramnios. Specific clinical signs, radiological findings and 14q32 gene analysis are helpful for the diagnosis of the disease.