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Gamme d'année
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-54468


Cerebral cavernous malformation with giant cysts is rare and literature descriptions of its clinical features are few. In this case study, the authors describe the clinical symptoms, radiological findings, and pathological diagnosis of cerebral cavernous malformations with giant cysts, reviewing the relevant literature to clearly differentiate this from other disease entities. The authors present a case of a 19-year-old male with a giant cystic cavernous malformation, who was referred to the division of neurosurgery due to right sided motor weakness (grade II/II). Imaging revealed a large homogenous cystic mass, 7.2x4.6x6 cm in size, in the left fronto-parietal lobe and basal ganglia. The mass had an intra-cystic lesion, abutting the basal portion of the mass. The initial diagnosis considered this mass a glioma or infection. A left frontal craniotomy was performed, followed by a transcortical approach to resect the mass. Total removal was accomplished without post-operative complications. An open biopsy and a histopathological exam diagnosed the mass as a giant cystic cavernous malformation. Imaging appearances of giant cavernous malformations may vary. The clinical features, radiological features, and management of giant cavernous malformations are described based on pertinent literature review.

Humains , Mâle , Jeune adulte , Noyaux gris centraux , Biopsie , Grottes , Craniotomie , Gliome , Hémangiome caverneux du système nerveux central , Neurochirurgie
Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 61(4): 353-358, oct.-dic. 2010. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-569807


Introducción: en el presente artículo se expone el caso de una paciente que tuvo un quiste gigante de la glándula de Bartolino, el cual alcanzó un diámetro de 10 cm. La paciente presentó algunas dificultades diagnósticas y terapéuticas por lo que fue necesaria la escisión de la glándula y la posterior reconstrucción de la vulva. El diagnóstico definitivo fue establecido por anatomía patológica. El caso se presenta con el objetivo de realizar una revisión de la literatura respecto al tratamiento. Materiales y métodos: se realizó una búsqueda de la literatura relacionada con el tema en las bases de datos electrónicas PubMed, SciELO, ScienceDirect y MD Consult, utilizando las palabras clave: "glándulas de Bartolino", "quistes" y "marsupialización". Además, se revisaron referencias de libros de textos. Conclusiones: la urgencia en el tratamiento depende de los síntomas de la paciente. Un quiste asintomático podría no requerir tratamiento. Sin embargo, la no mejoría dentro de las primeras 72 horas o la evolución hacia una forma de absceso requerirá un tratamiento quirúrgico de emergencia. Se ha descrito una amplia variedad de tratamientos que incluyen una serie de procedimientos quirúrgicos tales como: 1) incisión simple y drenaje, 2) fistulización o marsupialización, 3) colocación de un catéter de Word, 4) escleroterapia con alcohol, 5) aplicación de nitrato de plata y 6) ablación del quiste utilizando dióxido de carbono (CO2 ) con láser.

Introduction: the case of a patient who had a giant Bartholin gland cyst is presented; it reached 10 cm diameter, presenting some diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties, requiring the excision of the gland and later reconstruction of the vulva. Definitive diagnosis was established by pathological anatomy. The case is presented as it led to a review of the pertinent literature regarding the relevant treatment. Materials and methods: a search was made of the pertinent literature in PubMed, SciELO, ScienceDirect and MD Consult databases, using the key words "Bartholin glands", "cysts", "marsupialization". Pertinent reference books were also reviewed. Conclusions: the urgency of treatment depends on a particular patient's treatment. An asymptomatic cyst may not require treatment; however, if there is no improvement within the first 72 hours or it evolves towards an abscess, then it will require emergency surgical treatment. A broad variety of treatments has been described which includes a series of surgical procedures, which include: simple incision and drainage, fistulization or marsupialization, placing a Word catheter, sclerotherapy with alcohol, applying silver nitrate and cyst ablation using carbon dioxide (CO2) laser.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Glandes vestibulaires majeures , Kystes