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Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 32: e76360, jan. -dez. 2024.
Article de Anglais, Espagnol , Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554750


Objetivo: analisar a representação social da Covid-19 para a população geral de uma cidade de pequeno porte do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Método: estudo qualitativo, apoiado na abordagem estrutural das representações sociais. Participaram 100 usuários de serviços de saúde. Os dados foram coletados por questionário sociodemográfico de evocações livres de palavras e roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados foram analisados com o auxílio dos softwares Excel, EVOC 2005 e análise de conteúdo temático-categorial para contextualização das evocações respectivamente. Resultados: os termos do possível núcleo central foram: morte, sofrimento, cuidados, ansiedade-angústia e vacina. Na primeira periferia: medo e prevenção. À segunda periferia: informação-desinformação; desgoverno; ter-fé e proteção. A zona de contrate: doença; isolamento-social; dificuldades; catástrofe-mundial; desemprego e pandemia. Considerações finais: marcaram essa representação os impactos psicossociais negativos resultantes da desestruturação da vida e das mortes ocasionadas pela nova doença, no entanto o grupo aderiu as medidas de cuidados de proteção.

Objective: to analyze the social representation of Covid-19 among the general population of a small-sized city in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Method: Qualitative study, based on the structural approach of social representations. One hundred healthcare service users participated. Data were collected through a sociodemographic questionnaire, free word evocation, and a semi-structured interview guide. The data were analyzed using Excel software, EVOC 2005, and thematic-categorical content analysis for contextualization of the evocations, respectively. Results: the terms of the possible central core were: death, suffering, care, anxiety-distress, and vaccine. In the first periphery: fear and prevention. In the second periphery: information-misinformation; mismanagement; having faith and protection. The contrast zone: disease; social isolation; difficulties; global catastrophe; unemployment; and pandemic. Final considerations: this representation was marked by the negative psychosocial impacts resulting from the disruption of life and the deaths caused by the new disease; however, the group adhered to protective care measures.

Objetivo: analizar la representación social del Covid-19 para la población general de una pequeña ciudad del Estado de Río de Janeiro. Método: estudio cualitativo, basado en el enfoque estructural de las representaciones sociales. Participaron 100 usuarios de servicios de salud. Los datos se recolectaron mediante un cuestionario sociodemográfico con evocación libre de palabras y una guía de entrevista semiestructurada. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando lo software Excel y EVOC 2005 y análisis de contenido temático-categórico para contextualizar las evocaciones respectivamente. Resultados: los términos del posible núcleo central eran: muerte, sufrimiento, cuidados, ansiedad-angustia y vacuna. En la primera periferia: miedo y prevención. En la segunda periferia: información-desinformación; desgobierno; tener fe y protección. La zona de contraste: enfermedad; aislamiento-social; dificultades; catástrofe-mundial; desempleo y pandemia. Consideraciones finales: esta representación se caracterizó por los impactos psicosociales negativos derivados de la desestructuración de la vida y de las muertes causada por la nueva enfermedad, sin embargo, el grupo adhirió a las medidas de protección.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(4): e202310275, ago. 2024. tab
Article de Anglais, Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1562313


Introducción. La pandemia por COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto profundo en la salud de la población joven de todo el mundo y especialmente en personas con trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA) por situaciones de estrés, ansiedad y cambios en el acceso a la atención médica. Objetivo. Explorar las percepciones de adolescentes sobre los cambios en sus vínculos sociales y modalidades de atención en pacientes con TCA. Población y métodos. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo a través de entrevistas en profundidad a adolescentes con TCA en un hospital universitario durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Resultados. Se entrevistó a 15 adolescentes; el 93 % fueron mujeres y la mediana de edad fue 18 años. El 86,6 % tuvo anorexia nerviosa. Los aspectos negativos percibidos más importantes fueron los malestares en la convivencia familiar (80 %) y la disconformidad con los contenidos de las redes sociales sobre la imagen corporal y dietas (73 %). Los aspectos percibidos positivos fueron la ayuda de los pares (66 %) y mejoras en relación con la alimentación (66 %). El principal cambio identificado en comparación con el tratamiento recibido previo a la pandemia por COVID-19 fue el seguimiento virtual por salud mental (73 %). Conclusión. La población adolescente con TCA durante el ASPO manifestó malestar en la convivencia familiar y disconformidad en los contenidos en redes sociales sobre imagen corporal y dietas. Aunque resaltaron como aspectos positivos la ayuda de los pares y mejoras en su alimentación

Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the health of young people worldwide, especially on people with eating disorders (EDs) due to the stress, anxiety, and changes experienced in access to health care. Objective. To explore adolescents' perceptions on changes in their social ties and the modalities of health care for patients with EDs. Population and methods. Qualitative study using in-depth interviews with adolescents with EDs seen at a teaching hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results. Fifteen adolescents were interviewed; their mean age was 18 years; 93% were girls. Anorexia nervosa was observed in 86.6%. The most relevant negative aspects perceived were discomfort with family life (80%) and dissatisfaction with social media content regarding body image and dieting (73%). The aspects perceived as positive were peer support (66%) and improvements in eating habits (66%). The main change identified regarding the management before the COVID-19 pandemic was online followup by the mental healthcare team (73%). Conclusion. The adolescent population with EDs during the mandatory social isolation period reported discomfort with family life and dissatisfaction with social media content regarding body image and dieting. Notwithstanding this, adolescents highlighted peer support and improvements in their eating habits as positive aspects.

Humains , Femelle , Adolescent , Troubles de l'alimentation/psychologie , Troubles de l'alimentation/thérapie , Troubles de l'alimentation/épidémiologie , COVID-19/psychologie , COVID-19/épidémiologie , Isolement social/psychologie , Soutien social , Image du corps/psychologie , Recherche qualitative , Pandémies , Médias sociaux
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(8): e05502024, ago. 2024. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569036


Resumen Estudio de tipo cualitativo que explora las perspectivas y experiencias de un grupo de mujeres mexicanas que vivieron la atención institucionalizada del parto en la primera y segunda ola de la pandemia por COVID-19. A través de un guión semiestructurado se entrevistó a nueve mujeres que vivieron la experiencia de la atención del parto entre marzo y octubre de 2020, en hospitales públicos y privados de la ciudad de San Luis Potosí, en México. Bajo la propuesta de análisis de la teoría fundamentada, se identificó que las estrategias sanitarias implementadas en el marco de la pandemia, trajeron consigo un retroceso en la garantía del parto humanizado, las mujeres se narraron desconfiadas en los protocolos que siguió el personal para la atención de sus partos en los hospitales del sector público y muy confiadas en los que se implementaron en el sector privado. La realización de cesáreas sin una justificación clara emergió como una constante, igual que la separación temprana de los binomios. Continúa frágil la disposición y el convencimiento del personal sanitario y las instituciones para garantizar, proteger y defender el derecho de las mujeres a vivir el parto libre de violencia. Persisten resistencias para repensar la atención del parto desde un paradigma no biomédicalizante.

Abstract This is a qualitative study that explores the perspectives and experiences of a group of Mexican women who experienced institutionalized childbirth care in the first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through a semi-structured script, nine women who experienced childbirth care were interviewed between March and October 2020 in public and private hospitals in the city of San Luis Potosí, Mexico. Under the Grounded Theory analysis proposal, it was identified that the health strategies implemented during the pandemic brought with them a setback in the guarantee of humanized childbirth. Women described themselves as distrustful of the protocols that personnel followed to attend to their births in public sector hospitals and very confident in those implemented in the private sector. The intervention of cesarean sections without a clear justification emerged as a constant, as did early dyad separation. Healthcare personnel's and institutions' willingness and conviction to guarantee, protect and defend the right of women to experience childbirth free of violence remain fragile. Resistance persists to rethink childbirth care from a non-biomedicalizing paradigm.

Saúde debate ; 48(141): e8791, abr.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560532


RESUMO Objetivou-se investigar as condições de trabalho e a saúde física e mental de profissionais de saúde atuantes na linha de frente da covid-19 em serviços de urgência, emergência e terapia intensiva no Brasil, no segundo ano da pandemia. Estudo transversal, com uso de questionário eletrônico, por meio do qual coletaram-se dados sobre condições de trabalho, saúde física e mental, além do instrumento Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21). A amostra (n=209) incluiu enfermeiros (28,7%), técnicos de enfermagem (30,1%), fisioterapeutas (33%) e médicos (8,2%). Os profissionais possuíam idade média de 34,6 anos e relataram uma carga horária média de 53,5 horas/semana. Verificou-se aumento das horas trabalhadas (62%) e da quantidade de pacientes (84%). A maioria relatou bom relacionamento com o chefe (89%) e satisfação com o trabalho (87%). A prevalência de sintomas de estresse, ansiedade e depressão foi superior a 45%, com predomínio de sintomas graves ou extremamente graves. A prevalência de dor musculoesquelética e fadiga foi de 84,7% e 83,3%, respectivamente. Os profissionais de saúde apresentaram aumento de volume de trabalho e de exigência durante a pandemia de covid-19. Observou-se, ainda, intenso prejuízo à saúde física e mental desses trabalhadores.

ABSTRACT The objective was to investigate the working conditions and physical and mental health of health professionals working on the front lines of COVID-19 in urgent, emergency, and intensive care services in Brazil, in the second year of the pandemic. Cross-sectional study, using an electronic questionnaire, through which data on working conditions, and physical and mental health were collected, in addition to the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) instrument. The sample (n=209) included nurses (28.7%), nursing technicians (30.1%), physiotherapists (33%), and physicians (8.2%). The professionals had an average age of 34.6 years and reported an average workload of 53.5 hours/week. There was an increase in hours worked (62%) and in the number of patients (84%). Most reported a good relationship with their boss (89%) and job satisfaction (87%). The prevalence of symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression was greater than 45%, with a predominance of severe or extremely severe symptoms. The prevalence of musculoskeletal pain and fatigue was 84.7% and 83.3%, respectively. Health professionals showed an increase in workload and demand during the COVID-19 pandemic. There was also intense damage to the physical and mental health of these workers.

Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-5, maio. 2024.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1570587


Objetivo: Descrever as estratégias de planejamento e o desenvolvimento do ensino remoto sobre a vacinação de adultos e idosos em tempos de Pandemia. Métodos: Trata-se de um relato de experiência sobre a vacinação à adultos e idosos com vistas a educação em saúde com abordagem interativa e informativa na disciplina de Fundamentos de Enfermagem III, no período de setembro de 2020 à agosto de 2021. O ensino remoto foi realizado no 4º período do curso de graduação em Enfermagem com carga horária de 117 horas e média de participação de 55 alunos. No Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem foram disponibilizados o pacote Gsuíte com aplicativos para o desenvolvimento do ensino remoto. Resultados: A interatividade no ensino remoto foi fundamental para o planejamento contínuo do ambiente virtual por meio do uso de ferramentas e aplicativos frente ao isolamento social imposto pela Pandemia. Conclusão: O estudo mostrou a possibilidade de buscar a interatividade na educação remoto nos seguintes aspectos: planejamento contínuo; o docente como aquele que faz a mediação do conhecimento; combinação do ambiente virtual de aprendizagem com as necessidades atuais do ensino remoto. (AU)

Objective: To describe the planning strategies and the development of remote teaching on vaccination of adults and elderly people in times of Pandemic. Methods: This is an experience report on vaccination for adults and the elderly with a view to health education with an interactive and informative approach in the Fundamentals of Nursing III subject, from September 2020 to August 2021. Remote teaching was carried out in the 4th period of the undergraduate Nursing course with a workload of 117 hours and an average participation of 55 students. In the Virtual Learning Environment, the Gsuite package was made available with applications for the development of remote teaching. Results: The interactivity in remote learning was essential for the continuous planning of the virtual environment through the use of tools and applications against the social isolation imposed by the Pandemic. Conclusion: The study showed the possibility of seeking interactivity in remote education in the following aspects: continuous planning; the teacher as the one who mediates knowledge; combination of the virtual learning environment with the current needs of remote learning. (AU)

Objetivo: Describir las estrategias de planificación y desarrollo de la enseñanza a distancia sobre vacunación de adultos y ancianos en tiempos de Pandemia. Métodos: Se trata de un relato de experiencia sobre vacunación de adultos y ancianos con miras a la educación en salud con enfoque interactivo e informativo en la asignatura Fundamentos de Enfermería III, de septiembre de 2020 a agosto de 2021. La docencia a distancia se realizó en el 4° período del curso de pregrado en Enfermería con una carga horaria de 117 horas y una participación promedio de 55 alumnos. En el Entorno Virtual de Aprendizaje se puso a disposición el paquete Gsuite con aplicaciones para el desarrollo de la enseñanza a distancia. El análisis realizado fue de tipo descriptivo. Resultados: La interactividad en el aprendizaje remoto fue fundamental para la planificación continua del entorno virtual mediante el uso de herramientas y aplicaciones frente al aislamiento social impuesto por la Pandemia. Conclusión: El estudio mostró la posibilidad de buscar la interactividad en la educación remota en los siguientes aspectos: planificación continua; el maestro como mediador del conocimiento; combinación del entorno de aprendizaje virtual con las necesidades actuales de aprendizaje a distancia. (AU)

Soins , Technologie , Coronavirus , Éducation , Pandémies
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(3): 386-395, 2024-04-24. tab, fig
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553803


Introducción. La infección por COVID-19 afectó drásticamente la atención en salud a nivel mundial, generando retos para la atención primaria. En orden de mitigar y manejar el contagio, la telemedicina se convirtió en una modalidad emergente y efectiva en varias especialidades médicas, incluida la cirugía de cabeza y cuello. Métodos. Estudio de corte transversal con análisis retrospectivo de pacientes atendidos en la consulta virtual durante 18 meses. Se estimaron frecuencias absolutas y relativas, y bivariado con regresión logística binaria. Se incluyeron las variables de diagnóstico primario, poder resolutivo de la consulta, necesidad de cita presencial, plataforma y dificultades de la misma. Resultados. Se incluyeron 2485 pacientes provenientes de 11 departamentos. La patología tiroidea fue la más frecuente (62,9 %), seguida de la aerodigestiva (10,9 %). La consulta fue eficiente en el 99 % de los casos, con una capacidad resolutiva del 96,4 %. El 1,4 % tuvo dificultades en la plataforma y el 8,3 % de los pacientes requirió cita presencial. Cuando hubo dificultad para la revisión de exámenes o una inadecuada inspección funcional, fue 30 veces más probable no poder resolver eficientemente la consulta. Conclusión. La telemedicina provee una alternativa eficiente de atención en cirugía de cabeza y cuello, especialmente en los controles de patología tiroidea, evitando desplazamientos innecesarios. En el tracto aerodigestivo, donde el examen físico es primordial, su utilidad está limitada a la posibilidad de realizar un examen endoscópico posterior que permita una adecuada estadificación y facilite la valoración presencial.

Introduction. The COVID-19 infection drastically affected health care worldwide, creating challenges for primary care. In order to mitigate and manage infection, telemedicine has become an emerging and effective modality in several medical specialties, including head and neck surgery. Methods. Retrospective cross-sectional analysis of patients seen in virtual consultation over 18 months. Absolute and relative frequencies were estimated, univariate analysis was done with chi-square, and bivariate analysis with binary logistic regression. Variables such as primary diagnosis, the resolution power of the consultation, the need for an in-person appointment, the platform, and its difficulties were included. Results. 2485 patients from 11 departments were included. Thyroid pathology was the most frequent (62.9%), followed by aerodigestive tract pathology (10.8%). The consultation was efficient in 99% of cases, with a resolution capacity of 96.4%. 1.4% had difficulties on the platform and 8.3% of patients required an in-person. When there was difficulty in reviewing exams or an inadequate functional inspection, it was 30 times more likely to not be able to efficiently be resolved. Conclusion. Telemedicine provides an efficient alternative for care in head and neck surgery, especially in thyroid pathology controls, avoiding unnecessary travel. In the aerodigestive tract, where the physical examination is essential, its usefulness is limited to the possibility of performing a subsequent endoscopic examination that allows adequate staging and facilitates in-person assessment.

Humains , Télémédecine , Consultation à distance , COVID-19 , Procédures médicales et chirurgicales sans transfusion , Pandémies , Tumeurs de la tête et du cou
Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 24(2): e2167, abr.-jun. 2024. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569208


RESUMEN Objetivo: Evaluar la asociación entre el síndrome de burnout (SB) y la satisfacción laboral (SL) en los médicos serumistas de Ayacucho en el contexto de la pandemia por la COVID-19. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional, transversal, que usó un modelo crudo y ajustado para evaluar la asociación entre el SB, valorado por medio del cuestionario Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), y la SL, por medio del cuestionario de satisfacción S20/23. Las asociaciones se presentaron como razón de prevalencia (RP) con sus respectivos intervalos de confianza al 95 % (IC al 95 %). Resultados: De los 70 médicos serumistas, se encontró que el 77,14 % tenía entre 18-33 años, el 52,86 % eran hombres, el 51,43 % tenía menos de un año de experiencia laboral y el 88,57 % laboró en un centro de salud del Ministerio de Salud (Minsa). La prevalencia del SB fue de 45,71 %. La prevalencia del SB con insatisfacción fue del 30 %; con satisfacción, 32,86 %, y los indiferentes, 37,14 %. En el análisis crudo encontramos significancia estadística entre el SB y la SL (RP = 13,5; IC del 95 %:3,08-59,24), y en el análisis ajustado por sexo, estado civil y tiempo de experiencia laboral, la asociación entre el SB y la SL permaneció estadísticamente significativa (RP = 14,15; IC del 95 %: 3,02-66,32). Conclusiones: El SB se asocia a la SL de manera negativa, encontrando uno de cada dos médicos con SB. Además, se sugiere que existe mayor probabilidad de insatisfacción laboral en el personal con SB. Ello da a entender que podría usarse como indicador en diferentes áreas de la gestión y ser un punto a evaluar en la toma de decisiones en las directivas de salud. La solución de estos problemas contribuiría a mejorar las condiciones laborales actuales y, por ende, el sistema de salud.

ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the association between psychosocial work factors and symptoms of anxiety or depression among healthcare personnel in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Hospital Regional Eleazar Guzmán Barrón in Nuevo Chimbote. Materials and methods: An observational, cross-sectional study was conducted, using both crude and adjusted models, to determine the association between burnout syndrome (BS), evaluated through the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), and job satisfaction (JS), assessed via the Job Satisfaction Questionnaire S20/23. The associations were expressed as prevalence ratios (PR) with their respective 95 % confidence intervals (95 % CI). Results: Out of the 70 doctors engaged in the SERUMS program, 77.14 % were aged between 18 and 33 years, 52.86 % were males, 51.43 % had less than one year work experience and 88.57 % worked at a health center of the Ministry of Health. The prevalence of BS was 45.71 %. The prevalence of JS was as follows: dissatisfaction 30 %, satisfaction 32.86 % and indifference 37.14 %. In the crude analysis, a statistically significant association between BS and JS was found (PR = 13.5; 95 % CI: 3.08 59.24) and in the analysis adjusted for sex, marital status and length of work experience, the association between BS and JS remained statistically significant (PR = 14.15; 95 % CI: 3.02 66.32). Conclusions: BS is negatively associated with JS, with one in two doctors experiencing BS. Moreover, there appears to be a higher likelihood of job dissatisfaction among personnel with BS. This suggests that BS could serve as an indicator in different management areas and be considered in health management decision-making. Solving these issues could contribute to improving current working conditions and, therefore, the healthcare system.

Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública ; 48(1): 102-119, 20240426.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BVSDIP | ID: biblio-1555779


sO cenário advindo como consequência da pandemia de covid-19 acarretou diversas mudanças na vida dos profissionais de saúde. A percepção desse grupo torna-se indispensável para a compreensão do contexto, visto que esses trabalhadores são figuras essenciais no enfrentamento da doença. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a percepção de gestores e profissionais que atuaram durante a primeira onda da pandemia de covid-19 no município de Sobral (CE). Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratório-descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa, feita por meio da aplicação de um instrumento de coleta de dados. O estudo foi realizado com gestores e trabalhadores que atuaram de março a dezembro de 2020 no município. A coleta foi feita no formato híbrido, com auxílio da plataforma Google Meet, fundamentada na metodologia snowball sampling e no método de saturação. Após a coleta, os discursos foram transcritos ­ utilizando a ferramenta Microsoft Word ­ e analisados ­ com suporte do software NVivo11. Foram contactados 68 profissionais. Identificou-se predominância final de enfermeiros, sexo feminino e atuantes na atenção terciária. Após análise e categorização, identificaram-se 12 unidades de registro. Foram dispostos os principais desafios e dificuldades acarretados para os processos de trabalho e suas subcategorias: a sobrecarga de trabalho e o desgaste físico; a reorganização dos serviços em resposta à nova realidade; o desconhecimento sobre a doença e seu impacto psicológico no fazer profissional; e o fator social e a dificuldade de seguimento da assistência na atenção primária. Por fim, conclui-se que os desafios identificados se inter-relacionam, repercutindo uns nos outros, e constata-se a importância de conhecer esses entraves para ações mais bem direcionadas e estratégicas.

The scenario that has arisen in response to COVID-19 has led to a variety of changes in the lives of healthcare providers. The perception of this group is essential to understanding this context since they are key figures in coping with the disease. This study aimed to analyze the perception of managers and professionals who worked during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in the municipality of Sobral/CE. This is an exploratory-descriptive study with a qualitative approach that applied a collection instrument with managers and workers who worked from March to December 2020 in the municipality. Data were collected using the Snowball Smapling and the saturation method in a hybrid format using the Google Meet platform. After the collection, responses were transcribed using Microsoft Word and analyzed with the aid of NVivo11. In total, 68 professionals were contacted, with a final predominance of female nurses working in tertiary care. After analysis and categorization, 12 recording units were identified. The main challenges and difficulties for work processes and their subcategories include work overload and physical exhaustion; reorganization of services in response to the new reality; lack of knowledge about the disease and its psychological impact on professional practice; and the social factor and the difficulty of following up care in primary care. Finally, we conclude that the identified challenges are interrelated and have repercussions on each other, and that it is important to understand these obstacles to take more targeted and strategic actions.

El escenario que ha surgido en respuesta a la pandemia de la COVID-19 ha provocado diversos cambios en la vida de los profesionales de la salud. La percepción de este grupo es indispensable para comprender el contexto, ya que estos trabajadores son figuras esenciales en el enfrentamiento a la enfermedad. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la percepción de gestores y profesionales que actuaron durante la primera ola de la pandemia de la COVID-19 en el municipio de Sobral (Ceará, Brasil). Se trata de un estudio exploratorio-descriptivo, con enfoque cualitativo, realizado mediante la aplicación de una herramienta de recolección de datos. En esta investigación participaron gestores y trabajadores que actuaron de marzo a diciembre de 2020 en el municipio. Se realizó la recolección en formato híbrido, con ayuda de la plataforma Google Meet, basada en el método bola de nieve y en el método de saturación. Después, se transcribieron los discursos, utilizando la herramienta Microsoft Word, y se analizaron con el apoyo del software NVivo11. Se contactaron 68 profesionales. Se identificó predominio de enfermeros, mujeres y trabajadores de atención terciaria. Después del análisis y de la categorización, se identificaron 12 unidades de registro. Se presentaron los principales retos y dificultades que generan los procesos de trabajo y sus subcategorías: la sobrecarga de trabajo y el agotamiento físico; la reorganización de los servicios en respuesta a la nueva realidad; el desconocimiento de la enfermedad y su impacto psicológico en la práctica profesional; y el factor social y la dificultad de seguimiento de los cuidados en atención primaria. Finalmente, se concluye que los retos identificados están interrelacionados, impactándose entre sí, y se señala la importancia de conocer estos obstáculos para emprender acciones más específicas y estratégicas.

Humains , Stress psychologique , Charge de travail , Personnel de santé , COVID-19 , Infirmières et infirmiers
Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública ; 48(1): 251-267, 20240426.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BVSDIP | ID: biblio-1555831


No cenário pandêmico, o Sistema Único de Saúde precisou reinventar seus processos de trabalho, estabelecer novos fluxos de atendimento e fortalecer suas redes de atenção para prevenir e reduzir o contágio do vírus. Este estudo visa avaliar, do ponto de vista dos usuários, os desafios da Atenção Primária à Saúde em João Pessoa, Paraíba, no controle do coronavírus. Trata-se de uma pesquisa transversal descritiva, com abordagem qualiquantitativa, que utilizou questionários elaborados no aplicativo Google Forms® e analisou os resultados por meio da estatística descritiva simples. Diante disso, foram selecionados quarenta usuários da Unidade Básica de Saúde, escolhidos durante as visitas dos pesquisadores à unidade localizada no bairro Cristo Redentor, em João Pessoa, entre março de 2020 e março de 2022. Ao serem questionados acerca da qualidade do preparo assistencial da unidade em relação ao atendimento dos casos não suspeitos, alguns usuários, ainda que uma parcela minoritária, fizeram uma avaliação negativa, uma vez que sentiram falta do cuidado assistencial. Além disso, conforme os relatos dos usuários, foram escassas as ações das equipes na busca ativa de sintomas respiratórios em grupos de risco. No tocante à comunicação da unidade com a comunidade durante a pandemia, foram relatadas dificuldades em contatar o posto, o que traz à tona a importância do agente comunitário de saúde e abre uma discussão sobre telessaúde, além de destacar a inviabilização da longitudinalidade e integralidade do cuidado durante esse período. Diante da crise sanitária global, nota-se que o confronto à pandemia pressupôs uma reestruturação da rede assistencial, na qual o verdadeiro desafio da Atenção Primária foi aprofundar seus atributos.

In the pandemic scenario, the Unified Health System had to reinvent its work processes, establishing new service flows and strengthening its care networks to prevent and reduce the virus spread. This study evaluates, from the user perspective, the challenges faced by Primary Health Care in João Pessoa, Paraíba, in controlling the coronavirus. A descriptive, qualitative-quantitative cross-sectional research was conducted by applying questionnaires prepared using Google Forms®. Results were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics. A total of 40 Basic Health Unit users were selected during researchers' visits to the Cristo Redentor neighborhood unit between March 2020 and March 2022. When asked about the unit's care quality regarding non-suspect cases, some users made a negative evaluation, since the attention dispended felt lacking. Moreover, according to the participants, the teams seldomly actively searched for respiratory symptoms in risk groups. Regarding the unit's communication with the community during the pandemic, users reported difficulties in contacting the unit, which brings up the importance of community health agents and opens the discussion about telemedicine, as well as emphasizes the unfeasibility of care longitudinality and comprehensiveness during this period. Faced with a global health crisis, combating the pandemic required restructuring the care network, in which the real challenge of Primary Care was to further its attributes.

En el escenario de la pandemia, el Sistema Único de Salud necesitó reinventar sus procesos de trabajo, establecer nuevos flujos de servicios y fortalecer sus redes de atención para prevenir y mitigar la propagación del virus. Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar, desde el punto de vista de los usuarios, los desafíos de la atención primaria de salud en João Pessoa, Paraíba (Brasil), en el control del coronavirus. Se trata de una investigación descriptiva de corte transversal, con enfoque cualicuantitativo, que utilizó cuestionarios elaborados en la aplicación Google Forms y analizó los resultados mediante estadística descriptiva simple. Así, fueron seleccionados cuarenta usuarios de la Unidad Básica de Salud, elegidos durante las visitas de los investigadores a la unidad ubicada en el barrio Cristo Redentor, en João Pessoa, entre marzo de 2020 y marzo de 2022. Se evidenció una evaluación negativa, aunque minoritaria, al interrogatorio acerca de la calidad de la preparación asistencial de la unidad con relación a la atención de casos no sospechosos, ya que sintieron falta de atención. Además, según los reportes de los usuarios, hubo pocos informes de equipos que buscaran activamente síntomas respiratorios en grupos de riesgo. Respecto a la comunicación de la unidad con la comunidad durante la pandemia, se informaron dificultades para contactar a la unidad, lo que resalta la importancia del agente comunitario de salud y abre la discusión sobre la telesalud, además de poner de relieve la inviabilidad de la longitudinalidad e integralidad de la atención durante este período. Frente a la crisis sanitaria global, se constata que enfrentar la pandemia requirió una reestructuración de la red de atención, en la que el verdadero desafío de la atención primaria era profundizar sus atributos.

Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 24(1): e2512, ene.-mar. 2024. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557935


RESUMEN Objetivo: Evaluar el nivel de percepción de riesgo de contagio de la COVID-19 frente al retorno a las clases presenciales y analizar esta percepción con variables sociodemográficas y de salud asociadas a esta enfermedad. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal y prospectivo. Se adaptó el cuestionario para evaluar la percepción de riesgo de contagio de la COVID-19 (PCR-CV19) en 532 universitarios. Además, se realizó un análisis de asociación de las cuatro dimensiones del PCR-CV19 (vulnerabilidad cognitiva, vulnerabilidad emocional, conductas de riesgo-protección y gravedad) y el índice de percepción con variables sociodemográficas y de salud. Se utilizaron técnicas estadísticas: análisis de varianza (ANOVA) de una vía (OneWay ANOVA), previa verificación de la prueba de normalidad Shapiro-Wilk y la prueba de Levene para la homogeneidad y la prueba post-hoc de Tukey o Ganes-Howell. Estos análisis se realizaron en el programa estadístico JAMOVI, versión 1.2.2. Resultados: Se evidenció un nivel moderado de percepción de riesgo de contagio, en donde las dimensiones de las conductas de riesgo-protección y gravedad se identificaron como las más relevantes; asimismo, se encontró asociación entre las dimensiones del PCR-CV19 y el índice de percepción con las variables edad, género, consumo de alcohol e indicadores de salud física y mental (ansiedad y depresión) y las experiencias vividas con la enfermedad de la COVID-19. Los aspectos de vulnerabilidad cognitiva y emocional fueron las dimensiones más sensibles en la evaluación de la percepción. Conclusiones: Seguimos enfrentando condiciones de riesgo que surgen de manera constante, lo que hace necesario mantener un esquema de vigilancia de la percepción de riesgo que experimenta la población. En los universitarios, los aspectos de vulnerabilidad cognitiva y emocional fueron las dimensiones más sensibles en la evaluación de la percepción del riesgo y las experiencias vividas con la COVID-19 (enfermedad o muerte). El hecho de que los universitarios no se sientan vulnerables y/o no perciban la gravedad asociada al contagio puede afectar sus conductas de autocuidado. Estos resultados tienen implicaciones claves para la salud pública, por lo que se requiere un abordaje intersectorial, con el objetivo de contar con información relevante para enfrentar futuras pandemias.

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the level of COVID-19 risk perception (PCR-CV19) by returning to in-person classes and to analyze this perception with sociodemographic and health variables associated with such disease. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional and prospective study. The questionnaire was adapted to assess the PCR-CV19 among 532 university students. Moreover, an association analysis of the four dimensions of the PCR-CV19 (cognitive vulnerability, emotional vulnerability, risky-protective behaviors and severity) and the perception index was performed with sociodemographic and health variables. The following statistical methods were used: one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Shapiro-Wilk test for normality, Levene's test for homogeneity of variances and Tukey's honest significant difference or Games-Howell post hoc tests. These analyses were performed using the Jamovi statistical software, version 1.2.2. Results: A moderate level of PCR-CV19 was found, where the most relevant dimensions were risky-protective behaviors and severity. In addition, there was an association between the dimensions PCR-CV19 and perception index with the variables age, gender, alcohol consumption, physical and mental health indicators (anxiety and depression), and experiences with COVID-19. Cognitive vulnerability and emotional vulnerability were the most sensitive dimensions in the evaluation of the PCR-CV19. Conclusions: We continue to face constant risk conditions, thus making it necessary to maintain a surveillance scheme of the PCR-CV19 experienced by the population. In university students, cognitive vulnerability and emotional vulnerability were the most sensitive dimensions in the evaluation of PCR-CV19 and experiences with COVID-19 (illness or death). The fact that university students do not feel vulnerable and/or do not perceive the severity associated with COVID-19 transmission may affect their self-care behaviors. These results have key implications for public health; therefore, an intersectoral approach is required to have relevant information in order to face future pandemics.

Online braz. j. nurs. (Online) ; 23: e20246713, 02 jan 2024. tab
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1555892


OBJETIVO: Analisar o sofrimento psíquico de trabalhadores dos serviços de saúde mental em contexto pandêmico e identificar os fatores associados. MÉTODO: Pesquisa transversal, com 108 trabalhadores de quatro serviços de saúde mental de um município do interior paulista. Coleta de dados realizada on-line entre outubro e dezembro de 2020 por meio de questionário sociodemográfico e Escala Self Report Questionnaire-20 (SRQ-20). Os dados foram analisados por estatística descritiva e por regressão linear múltipla de mínimos quadrados ordinários, na intenção de analisar os fatores associados para a variação no escore da escala. RESULTADOS: Os trabalhadores apresentaram média elevada na escala SRQ-20 (15,07), o que indica grande sofrimento psíquico. Fazer acompanhamento psicológico e/ou psiquiátrico durante a pandemia de covid-19 esteve associado à minimização deste sofrimento, com redução de, em média, três dos sintomas avaliados pela escala. CONCLUSÃO: O acompanhamento em saúde mental para os trabalhadores no contexto pandêmico pode ser uma importante estratégia de enfrentamento associada à redução do sofrimento psíquico.

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the psychological distress of mental health workers in a pandemic context and identify associated factors. METHOD: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 108 workers from four mental health services in a municipality in the interior of São Paulo. Data was collected online between October and December 2020 through a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Self Report Questionnaire-20 (SRQ-20) scale. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression of ordinary least squares to analyze the factors associated with the variation in the scale score. RESULTS: The workers had a high average on the SRQ-20 scale (15.07), indicating significant psychological distress. Receiving psychological and/or psychiatric support during the COVID-19 pandemic was associated with reducing this distress, with an average reduction of three symptoms assessed by the scale. CONCLUSION: Mental health support for workers in the pandemic context can be an important coping strategy associated with reducing psychological distress.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Santé mentale , Personnel de santé , Détresse psychologique , COVID-19 , Services de santé mentale , Études transversales
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036418


@#Problem: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) reached Tuvalu’s shores in November 2022, making Tuvalu one of the last countries in the world to experience community transmission of the disease. With minimal capacity to deliver critical care and a small health workforce that had been further depleted by COVID-19 infection, response priorities rapidly shifted to the outer islands. Context: The outer islands are accessible only by boat, with travel taking from 6 to 24 hours. The return of high school students to their home islands for the Christmas holidays had the potential to place further pressure on the islands’ medical facilities. Action: A multiorganizational collaboration between the Australian and Fijian governments, the Pacific Community, the Tuvalu Ministry of Social Welfare and Gender Affairs (MoHSWGA) and the World Health Organization facilitated the deployment of two teams to the outer islands to provide support. Outcome: The team worked with public health and clinical staff to provide technical support for clinical management, infection prevention and control, laboratory, risk communication, community engagement and logistics. Discussion: The outer islands’ response to the pandemic significantly benefited the island communities, the MoHSWGA and the team members who deployed. The key lessons identified relate to the need to strengthen the health workforce and supply chain.

São Paulo med. j ; 142(2): e2022662, 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450515


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: A bibliometric analysis covering only the production of original studies or considering world production until 2022 has yet to be conducted. The creation and advancement of vaccines have also influenced research priorities, demonstrating the need for a new approach to this subject. OBJECTIVES: To analyze worldwide scientific production related to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the aged and to describe what has already been produced. DESIGN AND SETTING: Bibliometric analysis with a quantitative approach. METHOD: The search terms "COVID-19," "SARS-CoV-2," "Aged," and "Elderly" were used to retrieve articles from the Web of Science database. A total of 684 articles were included in the analysis. Data were imported into RStudio Desktop Software and linked to R Software. The Bibliometrix R package and VOSviewer software were used for analysis. RESULTS: Most articles were published in 2020. These were produced by 4,937 authors and published in 379 journals. The keyword most used by the authors was "COVID-19." Publications from 77 countries were obtained. China had the highest article production ranking, and Spain collaborated the most. The articles addressed the implications of the pandemic on the aged, the relationship between vaccination in the aged, and the implications for the disease itself. CONCLUSION: Further research should be conducted, mainly concerning vaccines and vaccination of the aged, owing to the need for and importance of immunization in this risk group, including assessing the long-term effects of vaccines.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(2): e2023, 2024. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533798


ABSTRACT Purpose: To assess the effect of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on cataract surgery by residents who had mandatory surgical simulator training during residency. Methods: In this retrospective, observational analytical study, the total number of cataract surgeries and surgical complications by all senior residents of 2019 (2019 class; prepandemic) and 2020 (2020 class; affected by the reduced number of elective surgeries due to the COVID-19 pandemic) were collected and compared. All residents had routine mandatory cataract surgery training on a virtual surgical simulator during residency. The total score obtained by these residents on cataract challenges of the surgical simulator was also evaluated. Results: The 2020 and 2019 classes performed 1275 and 2561 cataract surgeries, respectively. This revealed a reduction of 50.2% in the total number of procedures performed by the 2020 class because of the pandemic. The incidence of surgical complications was not statistically different between the two groups (4.2% in the 2019 class and 4.9% in the 2020 class; p=0.314). Both groups also did not differ in their mean scores on the simulator's cataract challenges (p<0.696). Conclusion: Despite the reduction of 50.2% in the total number of cataract surgeries performed by senior residents of 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, the incidence of surgical complications did not increase. This suggests that surgical simulator training during residency mitigated the negative effects of the reduced surgical volume during the pandemic.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(3): e00061523, 2024. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534133


Resumo: Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa sobre a percepção dos profissionais de saúde sobre a hesitação vacinal infantil relacionada à COVID-19. Baseado no constructo teórico da hesitação vacinal, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa com 86 trabalhadores da atenção primária à saúde (APS) em quatro municípios de quatro estados brasileiros e no Distrito Federal. A análise temática foi realizada e obtiveram-se três categorias: medo, desinformação em vacina e papel dos profissionais de saúde. O medo como motivo de hesitação vacinal gerou reflexões sobre a condução da pandemia pelo Governo Federal, principalmente no que tange à governabilidade por meio desse afeto, e sobre as consequências do uso das plataformas digitais na população. O medo relacionou-se ao fato de a vacina ainda ser percebida como experimental; às possíveis reações adversas; à ausência de estudos de longo prazo; à falsa percepção de risco reduzido da COVID-19 em crianças; e às condutas do Governo Federal geradoras de insegurança nos efeitos da vacina. A desinformação em vacina relacionou-se às fake news sobre a vacina e suas reações; ao fenômeno da infodemia e desinformação; e à ausência de orientação e conhecimento sobre vacinas. Por fim, o trabalho discute o papel fundamental dos profissionais de saúde da APS no aumento da cobertura vacinal devido à confiabilidade perante a população e à proximidade com os territórios, fatores que possibilitam reverter o medo e a desinformação diante das vacinas. Ao longo do trabalho, buscou-se apresentar as convergências entre o conteúdo dos temas delineados e os determinantes da hesitação vacinal e refletir sobre possibilidades para a reconstrução da alta adesão às vacinas infantis.

Abstract: This article presents the results of a study on health professionals' perceptions of childhood vaccine hesitancy related to COVID-19. Based on the theoretical construct of vaccine hesitancy, a qualitative study was conducted with 86 primary health care (PHC) workers in four municipalities in four Brazilian states and in the Federal District. A thematic analysis was performed and three categories were obtained: fear, misinformation about vaccines, and the role of health professionals. Fear as a reason for vaccine hesitancy has led to reflections on the Brazilian Federal Government's management of the pandemic, especially regarding governability and the consequences of the use of digital platforms on the population. Fear was related to the vaccine still being perceived as experimental; to the adverse reactions it may cause; to the lack of long-term studies; to the false perception of reduced risk of COVID-19 in children; and to the Federal Government's behavior, which creates uncertainty about the effects of the vaccine. Vaccine misinformation was related to fake news about the vaccine and its reactions; the phenomenon of infodemic and misinformation; and the lack of guidance and knowledge about vaccines. Finally, the article discusses the fundamental role of PHC workers in increasing vaccination coverage due to the trust among the population and proximity to the territories, factors that enable the reversal of fear and misinformation about vaccines. Throughout the study, authors' sought to show the convergences between the content of the themes outlined and the determinants of vaccine hesitancy and to consider possibilities for rebuilding high adherence to childhood vaccines.

Resumen: Este artículo presenta los resultados de una encuesta sobre la percepción de los profesionales de la salud acerca de la reticencia vacunal infantil relacionada con la COVID-19. Con base en el constructo teórico de la reticencia vacunal, se realizó una encuesta cualitativa con 86 trabajadores de la atención primaria de salud (APS) en 4 municipios de 4 estados brasileños y en el Distrito Federal. Se realizó un análisis temático y se obtuvieron tres categorías: miedo, desinformación sobre vacunas y papel de los profesionales de la salud. El miedo como motivo de reticencia vacunal dio lugar a reflexiones sobre el manejo de la pandemia por parte del Gobierno Federal, sobre todo en lo que respecta a la gobernabilidad por medio de esta afección y las consecuencias del uso de plataformas digitales en la población. El temor se relacionó con el hecho de que la vacuna todavía se percibe como experimental; con las reacciones adversas que puedan provocar; con la ausencia de estudios a largo plazo; con la falsa percepción de riesgo reducido de COVID-19 en niños y con las conductas del Gobierno Federal que generan inseguridad sobre los efectos de la vacuna. La desinformación sobre las vacunas se relacionó con noticias falsas sobre la vacuna y sus reacciones; el fenómeno de la infodemia y la desinformación; y la ausencia de orientación y conocimiento sobre las vacunas. Finalmente, el trabajo discute el papel fundamental de los profesionales de la salud de la APS en el aumento de la cobertura vacunal debido a su confiabilidad entre la población y cercanía a los territorios, factores que permiten revertir el miedo y la desinformación respecto a las vacunas. A lo largo del trabajo, se buscó presentar las convergencias entre el contenido de los temas delineados y los determinantes de la reticencia vacunal y reflexionar sobre las posibilidades para la reconstrucción de una alta adhesión a las vacunas infantiles.

Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 22: eAO0328, 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534330


ABSTRACT Objective: To develop and validate predictive models to estimate the number of COVID-19 patients hospitalized in the intensive care units and general wards of a private not-for-profit hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: Two main models were developed. The first model calculated hospital occupation as the difference between predicted COVID-19 patient admissions, transfers between departments, and discharges, estimating admissions based on their weekly moving averages, segmented by general wards and intensive care units. Patient discharge predictions were based on a length of stay predictive model, assessing the clinical characteristics of patients hospitalized with COVID-19, including age group and usage of mechanical ventilation devices. The second model estimated hospital occupation based on the correlation with the number of telemedicine visits by patients diagnosed with COVID-19, utilizing correlational analysis to define the lag that maximized the correlation between the studied series. Both models were monitored for 365 days, from May 20th, 2021, to May 20th, 2022. Results: The first model predicted the number of hospitalized patients by department within an interval of up to 14 days. The second model estimated the total number of hospitalized patients for the following 8 days, considering calls attended by Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein's telemedicine department. Considering the average daily predicted values for the intensive care unit and general ward across a forecast horizon of 8 days, as limited by the second model, the first and second models obtained R² values of 0.900 and 0.996, respectively and mean absolute errors of 8.885 and 2.524 beds, respectively. The performances of both models were monitored using the mean error, mean absolute error, and root mean squared error as a function of the forecast horizon in days. Conclusion: The model based on telemedicine use was the most accurate in the current analysis and was used to estimate COVID-19 hospital occupancy 8 days in advance, validating predictions of this nature in similar clinical contexts. The results encourage the expansion of this method to other pathologies, aiming to guarantee the standards of hospital care and conscious consumption of resources.

Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 22: eAO0345, 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534334


ABSTRACT Objective: This study analyzed the impact of sex on self-reported health and lifestyle parameters in peripheral artery disease patients at two periods of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: In this longitudinal study, 99 patients with peripheral artery disease (53 men and 46 women) were evaluated during two periods of the COVID-19 pandemic ( i.e ., at onset: May to August 2020, and on follow-up: May to August 2021). Patients were interviewed via telephone, and information regarding lifestyle and health parameters was obtained. Results: At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, health and habit parameters were similar between women and men, with 63.0% and 45.3% indicating frequent fatigue, 73.9% and 84.9% reporting increased sitting time, and 23.9% and 39.6% practicing physical activity, respectively. At follow-up, difficulties in physical mobility (women: from 26.1% to 73.9%, p<0.001; men: from 39.6% to 71.7%, p=0.001) and the frequency of hospitalization for reasons other than COVID-19 increased similarly in women and men (women: from 4.3% to 21.7%, p=0.013; men: from 9.4% to 24.5%, p=0.038). The other parameters were similar between the periods. Conclusion: Self-reported physical mobility difficulties and hospitalization frequency increased in women and men with peripheral artery disease.

Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.) ; 37: e20220203, 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534610


Abstract Background The SARS-CoV-2 outbreak has led to radical transformation in social, economic, and healthcare systems. This may lead to profound indirect consequences on clinical presentation and management of patients with ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction. Objectives The objective of this study was to describe the characteristics, management, and outcomes of patients admitted with acute myocardial infarction with ST-segment elevation (STEMI), in two tertiary reference hospitals during the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak and compare them with patients admitted in the previous year. Methods We analyzed data from a multicenter STEMI registry from reference centers in the South Region of Brazil from March 2019 to May 2021. The beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak was considered to be March 2020 and compared to the same period in 2019. Only patients with STEMI submitted to primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) were included in the analysis. Mortality rates were compared with chi-square test. All hypothesis tests had a two-sided significance level of 5%. Results A total of 1169 patients admitted with STEMI were enrolled in our registry, 635 of whom were admitted during the pandemic period. The mean age of our sample was 61.6 (± 12.4) years, and 66.7% of patients were male. Pain-to-door time and door-to-balloon time were longer during the pandemic period. However, there was no difference in mortality rates or major adverse cardiovascular outcomes (MACE). Conclusions We observed a stable incidence of STEMI cases in our registry during the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak with higher pain-to-door time and door-to-balloon time, without any influence on mortality rates however.

Rev. CEFAC ; 26(2): e8023, 2024. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535113


ABSTRACT Purpose: to analyze the quality of life and metamemory and verify their predictors in students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: a cross-sectional survey carried out through online collection with the application of an initial questionnaire to characterize the sample, the WHOQOL-brief to investigate the quality of life, and the Metamemory Questionnaire in Adults (short version) - MIAr to evaluate metamemory in a group of undergraduate and postgraduate students. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Multiple linear regression was performed to verify the predictor variables. A significance level of 5% (p ≤ 0.05) was considered. Results: 977 university students participated in the study, the majority (70.73%) of whom were females and with an income range below three minimum wages (63.56%). For quality of life, income range, being in the risk group for COVID-19, and age were predictors for both the undergraduate and postgraduate groups. In contrast, on an excellent metamemory, the predictors were male gender and age. Conclusion: for students, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the main predictor of quality of life was having a higher income bracket, and the main predictor of metamemory was being a male.

RESUMO Objetivo: analisar a qualidade de vida e a metamemória e verificar seus preditores em estudantes durante a pandemia da COVID-19. Métodos: trata-se de uma pesquisa transversal realizada por meio de coleta online com a aplicação de um questionário inicial para caracterizar a amostra, do WHOQOL-bref para investigar a qualidade de vida e do Questionário de Metamemória em Adultos (versão reduzida) - MIAr para avaliar a metamemória, em um grupo de estudantes de graduação e outro de pós-graduação. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva e inferencial. Realizou-se a regressão linear múltipla para verificar as variáveis preditoras. Foi considerado o nível de significância de 5% (p≤0,05). Resultados: participaram do estudo 977 universitários, sendo a maioria (70,73%) do gênero feminino e com faixa de renda menor que três salários-mínimos (63,56%). Para a qualidade de vida, tanto para o grupo de graduandos quanto de pós-graduandos, a faixa de renda, o grupo de risco para COVID-19 e a idade foram preditores, enquanto para uma boa metamemória os preditores foram o gênero masculino e a idade. Conclusão: para os estudantes, durante a pandemia da COVID-19, o principal preditor da qualidade de vida foi possuir maior faixa de renda e o da metamemória foi ser do gênero masculino.