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Pediatr. (Asunción) ; 50(3)dic. 2023.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534959


Introducción: La anafilaxia es una reacción multisistémica potencialmente mortal; su reconocimiento temprano y abordaje oportuno son fundamentales. La variabilidad de presentación y gravedad requieren la utilización de criterios diagnósticos para la mejora de la atención en urgencias. Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas, criterios de diagnóstico y tratamiento de los pacientes con anafilaxia atendidos en un Departamento de Emergencias Pediátricas (DEP). Materiales y métodos: Revisión retrospectiva, descriptiva, de casos ingresados en el DEP de enero 2015 a diciembre 2020. Los criterios diagnósticos fueron aplicados por dos observadores emergentólogos evaluando la concordancia con el índice к de Cohen. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva: proporciones, medianas y rango intercuartílico. Resultados: Se aplicaron los criterios NIAID/FAAN a 65 historias clínicas con diagnóstico de egreso de anafilaxia encontrándose una concordancia de 0,64 (IC 95%: 0,41-0,88). De ellos, 35 (54%) cumplieron los criterios diagnósticos. El 66% (23/35) recibió adrenalina. La mediana de edad fue de 7 años (RIC: 3-11,5). Antecedente de asma en 9/35, atopia en 7/35 y anafilaxia previa en 7/35. Como factor desencadenante se constató consumo de medicamentos en 16/35, alimentos en 8/35. La estadía hospitalaria tuvo una mediana de 18 horas (RIC: 12-24). Conclusiones: Los resultados sugieren una brecha entre identificación precisa de los casos de anafilaxia y el tratamiento oportuno con adrenalina cuando se utilizan criterios estandarizados.

Introduction: Anaphylaxis is a potentially fatal multisystem reaction; early recognition and timely approach are essential. The variability in its presentation and severity requires the use of diagnostic criteria to improve emergency care. Objective: To describe the clinical characteristics, diagnostic criteria and treatment of patients with anaphylaxis treated in a Pediatric Emergency Department (PED). Materials and methods: This was a retrospective and descriptive review of cases admitted to the PED from January 2015 to December 2020. The diagnostic criteria were applied by two emergentologist observers; Cohen's к index was used to evaluate their agreement. Descriptive statistics were used: proportions, medians and interquartile range. Results: The NIAID/FAAN criteria were applied to 65 medical records with a discharge diagnosis of anaphylaxis, finding an agreement of 0.64 (95% CI: 0.41-0.88). Of these, 35 (54%) met the diagnostic criteria. 66% (23/35) received adrenaline. The median age was 7 years (IQR: 3-11.5). 9/35 had a history of asthma, 7/35 had atopy and previous anaphylaxis was noted in 7/35. As a triggering factor, medication consumption was found in 16/35, and food in 8/35. The hospital stay had a median of 18 hours (IQR: 12-24). Conclusions: The results suggest a gap between accurate recognition of anaphylaxis cases and timely treatment with adrenaline when standardized criteria are used.

Medwave ; 23(4): e2610, 31-05-2023.
Article de Anglais, Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436187


Introducción En comparación con ciencias clínicas básicas o aplicadas, la bioética es considerada una disciplina secundaria y subutilizada en la práctica diaria. Sin embargo, el razonamiento ético es indispensable para la calidad del cuidado. Existen pocos estudios sobre bioética en unidades de emergencia pediátrica. Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar la percepción sobre la importancia y la suficiencia del conocimiento teórico adquirido y la aplicación de los principios bioéticos en casos estandarizados. Métodos Realizamos un estudio descriptivo transversal en profesionales médicos y de enfermería que se desempeñan en unidades de emergencia pediátrica de Puerto Montt. Mediante una encuesta, evaluamos la percepción de la importancia y suficiencia del conocimiento bioético obtenido y la aplicación de los principios bioéticos en casos hipotéticos, pero probables, en la atención de urgencias pediátricas. Resultados De una población total de 50 médicos y 53 enfermeras, participaron en nuestro estudio 30 médicos (60%) y 20 enfermeras (37,7%). La mayoría reportó formación ética en pregrado (84%). Una minoría reportó formación durante la práctica (20%). Sin embargo, sólo 60% percibía tener conocimientos suficientes de bioética y 72% la consideraba importante para la práctica diaria. Además, al aplicar los principios de Beauchamp y Childress a casos clínicos estandarizados, el 82,7% no reconoció el principio de justicia y solo 50% reconoció los principios de autonomía y no maleficencia. Conclusión Aunque la mayoría de los profesionales de la salud tienen formación en bioética, el aprendizaje muchas veces se considera insuficiente y no se incorpora a la práctica diaria en las unidades de emergencia pediátrica.

Background Compared to basic or applied clinical sciences, bioethics is frequently considered as a secondary discipline and underutilized in daily practice. However, ethical reasoning is indispensable for the quality of care. There are few studies on bioethics in pediatric emergency units. Our objective was to evaluate the perception of the acquired bioethical knowledge and the application of bioethical principles in standardized cases. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional descriptive study in medical and nursing professionals working at pediatric emergency units in Puerto Montt. Through a survey, we assessed the perception of the sufficiency of the acquired bioethics knowledge and the application of bioethical principles on hypothetical, but probable cases in emergency pediatric care. Results Of a total population of 50 physicians and 53 nurses, 30 physicians (60.0%) and 20 nurses (38.7%) participated in our study. The majority reported ethics training in undergraduate education: 84%. A minority reported training during practice: 20%. However, only 60.0% perceived having sufficient knowledge of bioethics and 72.0% considered it important for daily practice. Further, when applying the principles of Beauchamp and Childress to standardized clinical cases, 82.7% did not recognize the justice principle and only 50.00% the principles of autonomy and nonmaleficence. Conclusion Although most health professionals undergo bioethics training, learning is often considered insufficient and not incorporated into daily practice at pediatric emergency units.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029331


Perinatal medicine plays a crucial role in the rescue and treatment of newborns. Perinatal medicine emerged in the 1970s and was introduced to China in the 1980s, which had a profound influence on the development of neonatal critical care medicine in our country. On the occasion of the 110th anniversary of Professor Yan Renying's birth, the 35th anniversary of the establishment of the Society of Perinatal Medicine of the Chinese Medical Association, this article provides an overview of the history and major achievements in neonatal critical care medicine in China and offers a glimpse into the future.

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 50: e20233429, 2023. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431274


ABSTRACT Introduction: in Brazil, trauma is responsible for 40% of deaths in the age group between 5 and 9 years old, and 18% between 1 and 4 years, and bleeding is the leading cause of preventable death in the traumatized child. Conservative management of blunt abdominal trauma with solid organs injury - started in the 60s - is the current world trend, with studies showing survival rates above 90%. The objective was to assess the efficacy and safety of conservative treatment in children with blunt abdominal trauma treated at the Clinical Hospital of the University of Campinas, in the last five years. Methods: retrospective analysis of medical records of patients classified by levels of injury severity, in 27 children. Results: only one child underwent surgery for initial failure of conservative treatment (persistent hemodynamic instability), resulting in a 96% overall success rate of the conservative treatment. Five other children (22%) developed late complications that required elective surgery: a bladder injury, two cases of infected perirenal collections (secondary to injury of renal collecting system), a pancreatic pseudocyst and a splenic cyst. Resolution of the complications was attained in all children, with anatomical and functional preservation of the affected organ. There were no deaths in this series. Conclusion: the conservative initial approach in the treatment of blunt abdominal trauma was effective and safe with high resolution and low rate of complications leading to a high preservation rate of the affected organs. Level of evidence III - prognostic and therapeutic study.

RESUMO Introdução: no Brasil, o trauma é responsável por 40% dos óbitos na faixa etária entre 5 e 9 anos, e 18% entre 1 e 4 anos, e o sangramento é a principal causa de prevenção morte na criança traumatizada. O manejo conservador de trauma abdominal contuso com lesão de órgãos sólidos - iniciado na década de 60 - é a tendência mundial atual, com estudos mostrando taxas de sobrevivência acima de 90%. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a eficácia e segurança do tratamento conservador em crianças com trauma abdominal contuso tratado no Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de Campinas, nos últimos cinco anos. Métodos: análise retrospectiva de prontuários de pacientes classificados por níveis de gravidade da lesão, em 27 crianças. Resultados: apenas uma criança foi submetida a cirurgia por falha inicial do tratamento conservador (instabilidade hemodinâmica persistente), resultando em uma taxa de sucesso global de 96% do tratamento conservador inicial. Outras cinco crianças (22%) desenvolveram complicações tardias que exigiram cirurgias eletivas: lesão na bexiga, dois casos de coleção perirenal infectada (secundária à lesão de sistema de coleta renal), um pseudocisto pancreático e um cisto esplênico. Resolução da complicação foi atingida em todas as crianças, com preservação anatômica e funcional do órgão afetado. Não houve mortes nesta série. Conclusão: a abordagem inicial conservadora no tratamento de trauma abdominal contundente foi eficaz e segura com alta resolução e baixa taxa de complicações levando a uma alta taxa de preservação dos órgãos afetados. Nível de evidência III - estudo prognóstico e terapêutico.

Rev. bras. enferm ; 75(1): e20210022, 2022. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1341034


ABSTRACT Objectives: to evaluate a pediatric risk evaluation and classification service in the aspects of structure, process, and outcome. Methods: a cross-sectional, descriptive, and exploratory study in which qualitative data complement the results. Data collection by non-participant observation, interview, and consultation of medical records. Results: we observed two hundred and four visits. The service works in a makeshift room and without privacy. The nurses did not use various materials/equipment available for evaluation, rarely performed a physical examination, used the interview most of the time, and did not consult the protocol. Parents/companions received no information, and medical records showed incomplete records. Nurses classified 69.1% of the children as non-emergency. The most frequent outcome of the visits was discharge. Conclusions: the service showed weaknesses in the physical structure, in the risk classification process, and the outcomes, but it presents a good resolution in the assistance. We recommend a revision in the protocol used and sensitize nurses about the work process and communication with parents/companions.

RESUMEN Objetivos: evaluar un servicio de evaluación y clasificación de riesgo pediátrico en los aspectos de estructura, proceso y resultado. Métodos: estudio transversal, descriptivo y exploratorio, en que datos cualitativos complementan los resultados. Datos recogidos por observación no participante, entrevista y consulta a prontuarios. Resultados: observados 204 atenciones. Servicio funciona en sala improvisada y sin privacidad. Enfermeros no usaron varios materiales/equipos disponibles a la evaluación, raramente realizaron examen físico, usaron la entrevista casi siempre y no consultaron el protocolo. Padres/acompañantes no recibieron información, y los prontuarios mostraron registros incompletos. Enfermeros clasificaron 69,1% de los niños como no urgencia. Desfecho de las atenciones más frecuente fue la alta. Conclusiones: servicio mostró fragilidades en la estructura física, en el proceso de clasificación de riesgo y resultados, pero presenta buena resolutiva en las atenciones. Recomienda la revisión del protocolo usado y sensibilización de los enfermeros cuanto al proceso de trabajo y comunicación con padres/acompañantes.

RESUMO Objetivos: avaliar um serviço de avaliação e classificação de risco pediátrico nos aspectos de estrutura, processo e resultado. Métodos: estudo transversal, descritivo e exploratório, em que dados qualitativos complementam os resultados. Dados coletados por observação não participante, entrevista e consulta a prontuários. Resultados: foram observados 204 atendimentos. O serviço funciona em sala improvisada e sem privacidade. Os enfermeiros não usaram vários materiais/equipamentos disponíveis para a avaliação, raramente realizaram exame físico, usaram a entrevista quase sempre e não consultaram o protocolo. Pais/acompanhantes não receberam informação, e os prontuários mostraram registros incompletos. Os enfermeiros classificaram 69,1% das crianças como não urgência. O desfecho dos atendimentos mais frequente foi a alta. Conclusões: o serviço mostrou fragilidades na estrutura física, no processo de classificação de risco e nos resultados, mas apresenta boa resolutividade nos atendimentos. Recomenda-se a revisão do protocolo usado e sensibilização dos enfermeiros quanto ao processo de trabalho e comunicação com pais/acompanhantes.

Rev. méd. Maule ; 36(2): 20-23, dic. 2021. graf, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377872


In pediatrics urgency room, one of the main causes of consultation are traumatological problems, including those caused by school accidents and car accidents. We analyzed the change in these causes during SARS-CoV-2 pandemics at a regional hospital in Talca, Chile . We saw a clear droop in traumatological consultations due to sanitary restrictions. This clearly shows the impact that sanitary restrictions had on population behavior

Humains , Enfant , Pandémies , Médecine d'urgence pédiatrique , COVID-19 , Traumatologie , Accidents de la route , Quarantaine
Cambios rev. méd ; 20(1): 94-98, 30 junio 2021. ilus.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1292976


INTRODUCCIÓN. El quilotórax resulta de un daño al conducto torácico por ruptura, laceración, desgarro o compresión. Es una patología rara de derrame pleural en la edad pediátrica, pero frecuente como complicación posterior a cirugía cardiotorácica. La base del tratamiento conservador se ha fundamentado en: drenaje inicial, modificación de la dieta, uso de somatostatina o análogos sintéticos como octreotide, cirugía, prevención y manejo de complicaciones. Fue preciso describir la experiencia institucional clínica así como su abordaje. CASO CLÍNICO. Paciente masculino de 4 meses de edad, que ingresó a la Unidad Pediátrica Área de Emergencias del Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín, el 13 de septiembre de 2019 con antece-dente quirúrgico de atresia de esófago corregida en etapa neonatal. Acudió con dificultad respiratoria, radiografía de tórax que evidenció derrame pleural derecho, toracentesis diagnóstica con salida de líquido de aspecto turbio y lechoso; se colocó tubo de tórax derecho. Se prescribió ayuno inicial, nutrición parenteral durante 4 semanas hasta comprobar resolución del quilotórax. Fue dado de alta en condición estable tras 43 días de hospitalización. DISCUSIÓN. La evidencia científica registró que el tratamiento conservador del quilotórax se basó en: drenaje, reposo digestivo inicial, nutrición parenteral, modificación cualitativa de la dieta enteral y uso de octreotide; el mismo que fue aplicado al paciente de este caso clínico con evolución favorable. CONCLUSIÓN. El tratamiento conservador y multidisciplinario en el abordaje del qui-lotórax fue exitoso y no necesitó manejo quirúrgico.

INTRODUCTION. Chylothorax results from damage to the thoracic duct by rupture, la-ceration, tear or compression. It is a rare pathology of pleural effusion in pediatric age, but frequent as a complication after cardiothoracic surgery. The basis of conservative treatment has been based on: initial drainage, diet modification, use of somatostatin or synthetic analogues such as octreotide, surgery, prevention and management of complications. It was necessary to describe the clinical institutional experience as well as its approach. CLINICAL CASE. A 4-month-old male patient was admitted to the Emergency Area Pediatric Unit of the Carlos Andrade Marín Specialties Hospital on september 13, 2019 with a surgical history of esophageal atresia corrected in the neonatal stage. He went with respiratory distress, chest X-ray that showed right pleural effusion, diagnostic thoracentesis with outflow of cloudy and milky fluid; a right chest tube was placed. Initial fasting was prescribed, parenteral nutrition for 4 weeks until resolution of the chylothorax was verified. He was discharged in stable condition after 43 days of hospitalization. DISCUSSION. The scientific evidence recorded that the conservative treatment of chylothorax was based on: drainage, initial digestive rest, parenteral nutrition, qualitative modification of enteral diet and use of octreotide; the same that was applied to the patient of this clinical case with favorable evolu-tion. CONCLUSION. Conservative and multidisciplinary treatment in the approach to chylothorax was successful.

Humains , Mâle , Nourrisson , Conduit thoracique , Somatostatine , Chylothorax/chirurgie , Nutrition parentérale , Médecine d'urgence pédiatrique , Unités de soins intensifs pédiatriques , Fistule trachéo-oesophagienne , Atrésie de l'oesophage
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 79(4): 321-333, Apr. 2021. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278384


ABSTRACT Background: Pediatric arterial ischemic stroke (AIS), which was thought to be a rare disorder, is being increasingly recognized as an important cause of neurological morbidity, thanks to new advances in neuroimaging. Objective: The aim of this study was to review the main etiologies of stroke due to arteriopathy in children. Methods: Using a series of cases from our institution, we addressed its epidemiological aspects, physiopathology, imaging findings from CT, MR angiography, MR conventional sequences and MR DWI, and nuclear medicine findings. Results: Through discussion of the most recent classification for childhood AIS (Childhood AIS Standardized Classification and Diagnostic Evaluation, CASCADE), we propose a modified classification based on the anatomical site of disease, which includes vasculitis, varicella, arterial dissection, moyamoya, fibromuscular dysplasia, Takayasu's arteritis and genetic causes (such as ACTA-2 mutation, PHACE syndrome and ADA-2 deficiency). We have detailed each of these separately. Conclusions: Prompt recognition of AIS and thorough investigation for potential risk factors are crucial for a better outcome. In this scenario, neurovascular imaging plays an important role in diagnosing AIS and identifying children at high risk of recurrent stroke.

RESUMO Introdução: O acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) pediátrico, considerado um distúrbio raro, está sendo cada vez mais reconhecido como importante causa de morbidade neurológica, graças aos novos avanços na neuroimagem. Objetivo: Revisar as principais etiologias do AVC por arteriopatia em crianças. Métodos: Utilizando-se de uma série de casos de nossa instituição, abordamos seus aspectos epidemiológicos, fisiopatológicos e de imagem na angiotomografia computadorizada e angiorressonância magnética, sequências convencionais e avançadas de ressonância magnética e medicina nuclear. Resultados: Com base na classificação mais recente de AVC na infância (Classificação Padronizada e Avaliação Diagnóstica do AVC na Infância - CASCADE) propusemos uma classificação modificada com base no local anatômico da doença, que inclui vasculite, varicela, dissecção arterial, Moyamoya, displasia fibromuscular, arterite de Takayasu e causas genéticas (como mutação ACTA-2, síndrome PHACE e deficiência de ADA-2), detalhando cada uma separadamente. Conclusões: O reconhecimento imediato do AVC na infância e a investigação minuciosa de possíveis fatores de risco são cruciais para um melhor resultado. Nesse cenário, a imagem neurovascular desempenha papel importante no diagnóstico de AVC e na identificação de crianças com alto risco de recorrência.

Humains , Enfant , Artériopathies cérébrales , Encéphalopathie ischémique , Accident vasculaire cérébral , Récidive , Facteurs de risque
Neumol. pediátr. (En línea) ; 15(2): 317-323, mayo 2020. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1099528


The emergence of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has posed great challenges for both public health and medical clinical practice since the first cases reported in Wuhan, China. Coronavirus disease (CoVID-19) is a zoonotic disease caused by an RNA virus. SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted through respiratory droplets and fomites, and it has a lethality estimated at 4%. In the pediatric population it mainly produces mild cases, but it also can cause severe cases with hypoxemia, respiratory distress, and multiple organ failure. Children have been recognized as an important disease vector than can spread disease to higher risk groups. It is fundamental to rearrange emergency department functioning, in order to achieve an adequate patient flow that reduces the risk of disease transmission. In the following, we lay out the recommendations for patient care in the emergency room.

La emergencia mundial del virus SARS-CoV-2 (CoV2) ha producido grandes desafíos para la salud pública y para la atención clínica, desde la aparición de los primeros casos en Wuhan, China. La enfermedad, CoVID-19, es una infección zoonótica producida por un virus RNA (1). Se transmite a través de gotitas y fómites con una letalidad estimada en 4%. En pediatría, provoca cuadros respiratorios en su mayoría leves, pero también cuadros severos con hipoxemia y distrés respiratorio (2). Se ha reconocido al niño como un vector importante que aumenta los contagios en personas que tendrán probablemente cuadros de gravedad. La organización adecuada de los servicios de urgencias es fundamental para lograr un flujo y áreas especiales para los pacientes sospechosos de CoVID-19 y así evitar nuevos contagios. A continuación, se detallan las principales recomendaciones para la atención de estos pacientes en un servicio de urgencias.

Humains , Enfant , Pneumopathie virale/thérapie , Unités de soins intensifs pédiatriques/organisation et administration , Infections à coronavirus/thérapie , Betacoronavirus , Service hospitalier d'urgences/organisation et administration , Pandémies
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-810951


BACKGROUND: A kids café is a popular indoor playground in Korea that combines a playground for young children and a café for their caregivers. There have been no national reports about kids café-related injuries in Korea. This study investigated kids café-related injuries in Korea registered in a multicenter injury surveillance database and analyzed the risk factors for significant kids café-related injuries.METHODS: A multicenter cross-sectional study was performed using the Emergency Department-based Injury In-depth Surveillance registry in Korea between 2011 and 2016. Significant injury was defined as an injury requiring hospitalization or surgery. A multivariable logistic regression model was used to obtain the adjusted odds ratios (aORs) for factors associated with significant kids café-related injuries.RESULTS: Among 1,537,617 injured patients, we extracted 891 patients who were injured in kids cafés. Of these, 46 (5.2%) were admitted, and 39 (4.4%) underwent surgery. The most common injured anatomical site, injury type, and mechanism were lower extremity (28.2%), superficial injury (27.2%), and slip (27.1%), respectively. Among injury-inducing factors, significant injuries were most commonly caused by a trampoline (28.1%), and rock climbing equipment was the only risk factor in a kids café that led to significant injury after adjusting for age, sex, injury mechanism, and injured anatomical sites (aOR, 14.94; 95% confidence interval, 1.51–147.72).CONCLUSION: The rock climbing equipment in a kids café can cause serious injury to children. Establishing safety regulations for rock climbing equipment in kids cafés may have the greatest impact in reducing significant injuries requiring hospitalization or surgery.

Enfant , Humains , Aidants , Études transversales , Urgences , Hospitalisation , Corée , Modèles logistiques , Membre inférieur , Odds ratio , Jeu et accessoires de jeu , Facteurs de risque , Contrôle social formel , Plaies et blessures
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 26: e202000038, 2020. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135142


The Amazon basin is one of the seven major geographical areas where scorpionism is recorded. In French Guiana, 90 stings per 100,000 inhabitants are registered per year. As the severity of cases is higher in children, descriptive studies are needed to have a better understanding of this pathology. The aim of the present study is to describe pediatric scorpionism in French Guiana. Methods: We conducted a monocentric descriptive retrospective study on scorpion stings in all pediatric patients admitted to Cayenne General Hospital from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2018. Results: In this survey, 132 patients were included. Of them, 63% were male. Patients with general signs of envenomation were younger and lighter (p = 0.04). The picture was "one sting" (95.3%) by a "big" (47.6%), "black" (60%) and "small pincer" (58%) scorpion on the extremity of the body (84%). Stings occurred mainly during the day, while patients changed clothes. There was no envenomation during night. The monthly evaluation highlights that the number of stings and percentage of general signs of envenomation were closely connected to a composite variable including the variation of the level of rivers (p = 0.005). Cardiac symptoms were recorded in 82% of cases with general signs of envenomation. The presence of pulmonary; ear, nose, and throat (ENT); or gastrointestinal symptoms are related to major envenomation (p = 0.001, p = 0.01, and p = 0.02 respectively). Leukocytosis and glycemia increased according to the envenomation grade whereas serum potassium and alkaline reserve decreased. Forty-six patients needed hospitalization and seven of them required intensive care. No patient died nor presented sequelae at discharge from the hospital. Conclusion: Pediatric scorpionism in French Guiana is closely associated with child activities and climatic conditions. Severe envenomation presented most of the time with cardiac, pulmonary, and gastrointestinal symptoms.(AU)

Animaux , Scorpions , Techniques de laboratoire clinique , Statistiques Environnementales , Piqûres de scorpions/épidémiologie , Intoxication/diagnostic
Ribeirão Preto; s.n; 2020. 88 p. ilus, tab.
Thèse de Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1426560


O presente estudo trata do atendimento da equipe de enfermagem à criança em situação crítica, mais especificamente em situação de emergência decorrente de choque séptico. Com o objetivo de desenvolver material educativo de treinamento para atuação da enfermagem em situação de emergência pediátrica decorrente de choque, este estudo metodológico percorreu três fases: pré-produção, produção e pós-produção. Na primeira delas, construiu-se o roteiro do vídeo, com seis páginas contendo capa e sete cenas, dentre elas a apresentação do vídeo seguido de cenas que envolveram ações da equipe de saúde para atendimento da criança em situação de emergência decorrente de choque séptico. Este roteiro foi validado na primeira rodada por 10 peritos. Depois, foi criado o storyboard que orientou as demais etapas da produção. Na produção do vídeo, selecionou-se local para filmagem, tipo de cenário, manequins, equipamentos, materiais para encenação e equipamentos de imagem e áudio. O preparo do ambiente contou com equipe especializada em atividades laboratoriais de ensino de uma instituição pública de ensino superior. Sete atores e um técnico de audiovisual contribuíram nesse momento. Na montagem do cenário (enfermaria de Pediatria), foram utilizados um manequim pediátrico, um monitor multiparamétrico com software para simulação e materiais e equipamentos necessários para atender a criança. Na pós-produção, o vídeo foi editado visando a sua qualidade e a proximidade com a realidade da assistência nele encenada. A validação do vídeo foi feita por um profissional da enfermagem que atua na assistência hospitalar pediátrica, um docente de graduação de enfermagem, ambos participantes da validação do roteiro, e também por um técnico de audiovisual, especialista em designer gráfico, com experiência em desenvolvimento de vídeos e games interativos. O projeto de pesquisa foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo. Do roteiro do vídeo, os peritos analisaram cada cena considerando uso de jargões técnicos, vocabulário, clareza e fidedignidade das informações comparando a um cenário real. Para todas as cenas, cada um dos itens obteve valores superiores a 90% de adequação, em alguns houve total concordância entre os peritos. Como produto final, o vídeo educativo tem duração de 11 minutos e 26 segundos e contempla título, apresentação da temática, atendimento da criança em situação de choque séptico até sua estabilização, finalização e créditos. O mesmo foi validado por três juízes, dois para avaliar o atendimento à criança em situação de urgência e um para avaliar aspectos técnicos do vídeo. Esta validação contribui para que a sua oferta ao público a que se destina seja feita de forma mais aceitável e melhor compreensível. Assim, cumpre-se o propósito de entregar um dispositivo de conhecimento que favoreça a adesão dos profissionais de saúde aos protocolos de cuidado da criança em situação de emergência decorrente de choque séptico. A sua configuração permite acesso remoto e em qualquer momento, seja em estabelecimento de saúde ou de ensino. Entende-se que esse recurso tecnológico tem potencial para compor programas de aprendizado, de treinamento ou de aprimoramento para o cuidado de enfermagem à criança em situação crítica

This study approaches nursing team services for children in critical situations, more specifically in emergency situations due to septic shock. Aiming to develop educational training material for nursing practice in pediatric emergency situations due to shock, this methodological study went through three phases: pre-production, production and post-production. In the first, the video's script was developed. Six pages long with a cover and seven scenes, among them, a screening of the video followed by scenes that involved actions by the child health care service team for children in emergency situations due to septic shock. This script was validated in the first round by 10 experts. A storyboard was then created, which guided the other production stages. During the video's production, filming location, type of scenario, mannequins, equipment, staging material and image and audio equipment were selected. The environment was prepared by a team specialized in laboratory teaching activities of a public higher education institution. Seven actors and one audiovisual technician contributed at this time. When building the scenario (Pediatrics ward), a pediatric mannequin, a multiparametric monitor with simulation software and materials and equipment needed to care for a child were included. The video was edited in post-production aiming to achieve quality and a reality of the staged care. The video was validated by a nursing professional working in pediatric hospital care, a nursing undergraduate professor, both participants of the script validation, and also by an audiovisual technician, expert in graphic design, with experience in developing interactive videos and games. The Ethics Research Committee of the Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing of São Paulo University approved the research project. From the movie scripe, specialists analyzed each scene considering the use of technical jargon, vocabulary, clarity and information reliability compared to a real scenario. For all scenes, each item obtained values above 90% of adequacy, in some there was complete agreement among the experts. As an end product, the educational video lasts 11 minutes and 26 seconds and includes title, theme presentation, care of children in septic shock until their stabilization, completion and credits. The video was validated by three judges, two to assess the care of children in urgent situations and one to evaluate technical aspects of the video. This validation helps to make the video's distribution more feasible, acceptable and better understandable. Thus, it fulfills the purpose of delivering a knowledge device that favors the accession of health professionals to child care protocols in emergency situation due to septic shock. It is configuration allows remote access at any time, whether in a health or educational establishment. It is understood that this technological resource has the potential to compose learning, training or improvement programs for nursing care for critically ill children

Humains , Enfant , Choc septique/thérapie , Soins infirmiers aux urgences , Technologie de l'éducation , , Médecine d'urgence pédiatrique
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-785628


OBJECTIVE: The practice of allowing parental presence during invasive procedures in children varies depending on setting and individual provider preference. We aim to understand the attitudes, preferences, and practices of physicians and nurses with regard to parental presence during invasive pediatric emergency procedures in an Asian cultural context.METHODS: We surveyed physicians and nurses in the pediatric emergency department of a large tertiary hospital using separate self-administered questionnaires over three months. The data collected included the demographics and clinical experience of interview respondents. Each provider was asked about their attitude and preference regarding parental presence during specific invasive procedures.RESULTS: We surveyed 90 physicians and 107 nurses. Most physicians in our context preferred to perform pediatric emergency procedures without parental presence (82, 91.1%). Forty physicians (44.4%) reported that parental presence slowed down procedures, while 75 (83.3%) felt it increased provider stress. Most physicians made the decision to allow parents into the procedure room based on parental attitude (69, 76.7%) and the child's level of cooperation (64, 71.1%). Most nurses concurred that parental presence would add to provider stress during procedures (69, 64.5%). We did not find a significant relationship between provider experience (P=0.26) or age (P=0.50) and preference for parental presence.CONCLUSION: In our cultural context, most physicians and nurses prefer to perform procedures for children in the absence of parents. We propose that this can be changed by health professional training with role play and simulation, adequate supervision by experienced physicians, and clear communication with parents.

Enfant , Humains , Asie , Asiatiques , Démographie , Urgences , Service hospitalier d'urgences , Professions de santé , Organisation et administration , Parents , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Centres de soins tertiaires
Ultrasonography ; : 67-75, 2019.
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-731039


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine whether the awareness and inclusion of secondary sonographic signs of appendicitis, in combination with a structured evaluation as part of engagement and training for sonographers, improved appendix visualization rates and reduced equivocal findings in children with suspected acute appendicitis. METHODS: This was a prospective study of 230 children at a tertiary children's hospital in Australia referred for an ultrasound examination of suspected appendicitis. The ultrasound findings, radiology reports, histology, clinical results, and follow-up were collated. Secondary signs were used as an additional assessment of the likelihood of disease where possible, even in the absence of an identified appendix. RESULTS: The implementation of a structured evaluation as part of sonographer engagement and training resulted in a 28% improvement in appendix visualization (68.7%) compared with a prior retrospective study in a similar population (40.7%). The diagnostic accuracy was 91.7%, with likelihood ratios suggesting a meaningful influence of the pre-test probability of appendicitis in children studied (positive likelihood ratio, 11.22; negative likelihood ratio, 0.09.). Only 7.8% of the findings were equivocal. A binary 6-mm diameter cut-off did not account for equivocal cases, particularly lymphoid hyperplasia. CONCLUSION: Engagement of sonographers performing pediatric appendiceal ultrasound through training in the scanning technique and awareness of secondary signs significantly improved the visualization rate and provided more meaningful findings to referrers.

Enfant , Humains , Appendicite , Appendice vermiforme , Australie , Imagerie diagnostique , Études de suivi , Hyperplasie , Pédiatrie , Études prospectives , Études rétrospectives , Échographie
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 116(4): 298-300, ago. 2018. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1038435


La Emergentología Pediátrica se ha desarrollado en el mundo como una subespecialidad de la pediatría durante las últimas décadas. Los registros muestran una creciente necesidad de sus servicios. Esta orientación tuvo su empuje inicial en Estados Unidos de América y nuestro país ha continuado por el mismo camino, así como muchos otros países latinoamericanos. Aun así, habrá que intensificar su promoción y trabajar en el desarrollo de la investigación y la docencia relacionadas con el área para promover el bienestar de los niños, sus familias y de la sociedad en general.

Pediatric Emergency Medicine has developed around the world as a subspecialty of pediatrics. There is plenty of data reflecting a growing need for its services. The subspecialty was initiated in the United States and Argentina, together with other Latin American countries, followed the same path. Nevertheless, there is yet much to be done. It is necessary to strengthen its promotion and to stimulate research and teaching activities in order to continue improving the quality of care delivered to the pediatric population, their families and society as a whole.

Humains , Pédiatrie , Médecine d'urgence
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741809


PURPOSE: Oral ondansetron is a safe and effective antiemetic drug to facilitate oral rehydration therapy in acute gastroenteritis (AGE) with mild dehydration. We investigated the effect of oral ondansetron therapy on intravenous (IV) hydration frequency and emergency department length of stay (EDLOS) in dehydrated children with AGE. METHODS: We reviewed 15,813 children aged 12-60 months with primary diagnosis of AGE who visited a tertiary care university-affiliated hospital emergency department. The enrolled children were divided into the pre- (from January 2009 to June 2011) and post- (from January 2016 to June 2018) ondansetron groups according to the implementation of oral ondansetron therapy in the emergency department. As primary outcomes, IV hydration frequency, EDLOS, and hospitalization rate were compared between the 2 groups. As secondary outcomes, EDLOS and hospitalization rate were compared between the children in the post-ondansetron group who underwent the therapy, and those who did not. RESULTS: Of 7,990 enrolled children, 3,300 (41.3%) were designated as the post-ondansetron group, and among them 1,093 (33.1%) underwent oral ondansetron therapy. This group showed a lower IV hydration frequency, a shorter median EDLOS compared to the other group (55.8% vs. 61.9%, P < 0.001; 175.0 vs. 223.0 minutes, P < 0.001, respectively), and a higher hospitalization rate (9.9% vs. 7.9%, P < 0.001). The children in the post-ondansetron group who underwent the therapy showed a shorter median EDLOS and a lower hospitalization rate compared to those who did not (142.0 vs. 205.0 minutes, P < 0.001; 2.9% vs. 13.4%, P < 0.001, respectively). CONCLUSION: Oral ondansetron therapy may reduce IV hydration frequency and EDLOS in dehydrated children with AGE, and can be considered in those having severe vomiting.

Enfant , Humains , Déshydratation , Diagnostic , Urgences , Service hospitalier d'urgences , Traitement par apport liquidien , Gastroentérite , Hospitalisation , Durée du séjour , Ondansétron , Soins de santé tertiaires , Vomissement
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741811


The frequency of procedures in the emergency department has increased with changes in the medical environment and the demands of the times. Especially in children, sedation and analgesia are often inevitable due to the difficulty in seeking cooperation. Procedural sedation and analgesia is essential for successful completion of procedure, but the medical personnel who perform it must be prepared for complications caused by medications. Safe procedural sedation and analgesia requires well-trained medical personnel and well-prepared equipment, including appropriate patient assessments and choice of medications, faithful monitoring, and resuscitation. This review focuses on understanding of sedation processes, patient evaluation, medications, and monitoring.

Enfant , Humains , Analgésie , Anesthésie , Sédation consciente , Sédation profonde , Urgences , Service hospitalier d'urgences , Réanimation
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-27201


PURPOSE: To investigate the factors associated with discharge of children from the emergency department (ED) after interfacility transfer. METHODS: We reviewed consecutive children who visited the ED via interfacility transfer from January 2014 to December 2015. The children were divided into two groups according to whether they were discharged from the ED or not (the discharge and admission groups), and their characteristics were compared. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the factors associated with discharge of children from the ED after interfacility transfer. RESULTS: Of the 999 transferred children, 426 (42.6%) were discharged. Compared to the admission group, these children showed older age, more frequent transfers from clinics and arrivals between 16 h and 20 h, shorter stay in the ED, and less frequent surgical abdomen. We found that age (3 to 6 years; adjusted odds ratio [OR], 1.8; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.3–2.6, compared with 0 to 2 years), diagnosis (trauma; OR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.5–4.0, compared with gastrointestinal diseases), and referring hospital (primary clinic; OR, 5.4; 95% CI, 3.1–9.4, compared with tertiary hospitals) were the factors. CONCLUSIONS: The children who aged 3 to 6 years, had trauma or underwent transfers from primary clinics were more likely to be discharged at the ED. Considering these factors, we should reduce unnecessary transfers.

Enfant , Humains , Abdomen , Diagnostic , Urgences , Service hospitalier d'urgences , Modèles logistiques , Odds ratio , Sortie du patient , Transfert de patient , Pédiatrie
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-128989


Since 2016, the pediatric emergency centers (PECs) have been selected by the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare, but there are still many problems in their designation and operation. The authors, affiliated with the policy research team in the Korean Society of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, sought to identify the current status and plans for improvement of PECs in Korea. The problems in the designation and operation are the disproportionate regional distribution of the PECs, financial difficulties in meeting the designation criteria, and recruitment of dedicated pediatric emergency specialists. To improve this, it is necessary to designate additional PECs and analyze the appropriateness of insurance cost, to strengthen the role other than the community practice, and to reinforce back-up treatment by pediatric sub-specialists in PECs.

Services de santé communautaires , Urgences , Médecine d'urgence , Soutien financier , Géographie médicale , Assurance , Corée , Administration locale , Sélection du personnel , Spécialisation
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-129004


Since 2016, the pediatric emergency centers (PECs) have been selected by the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare, but there are still many problems in their designation and operation. The authors, affiliated with the policy research team in the Korean Society of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, sought to identify the current status and plans for improvement of PECs in Korea. The problems in the designation and operation are the disproportionate regional distribution of the PECs, financial difficulties in meeting the designation criteria, and recruitment of dedicated pediatric emergency specialists. To improve this, it is necessary to designate additional PECs and analyze the appropriateness of insurance cost, to strengthen the role other than the community practice, and to reinforce back-up treatment by pediatric sub-specialists in PECs.

Services de santé communautaires , Urgences , Médecine d'urgence , Soutien financier , Géographie médicale , Assurance , Corée , Administration locale , Sélection du personnel , Spécialisation