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MHSalud ; 21(1): 50-66, ene.-jun. 2024. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558385


Abstract: Introduction: The variables determinants of physical performance in cross-country marathon of mountain biking (XCMMTB) are still unknown. Objective: We aimed to verify the training control variables and the physiological responses in an official XCM-MTB race. Material and methods: 13 athletes (11 men and 2 women; 33.3 ± 12.7 years of age) participated in this study. It was conducted during an official XCM-MTB in Brazil (route of 70 km). The heart rate (HR), altimetry, velocity, temperature, pacing, and power were obtained every 10 km travelled by the STRAVA application. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to verify whether the variables could predict physical performance. Results: The athletes maintained constant HR elevation in the corresponding zone 80% HRmax. They also presented a variation in the pacing (F = 35.82; p < 0.001; d = 0.66) and power (F = 7.20; p < 0.001; d = 0.18) showing higher values in the last 10 km. Only pacing can be considered a predictor of the physical performance (β = 0.958; t = 7.30; p < 0.001), specifically the one at 20 km (F = 10.23; p = 0.004; R2 = 0.82). Conclusion: The study concluded that the analyzed variables are reliable for the performance control in an official XCMMTB race. HR and power are variables that can be used to prescribe and control training, as they change according to the requirements of the race. Power can also be used as a performance predictor as it is directly influenced by terrain.

Resumen: Introducción: Las variables determinantes del rendimiento físico en una maratón de ciclismo de montaña (XCM-MTB) aún son desconocidas. Objetivo: Nuestro objetivo fue verificar las variables fisiológicas y de control del entrenamiento en una carrera oficial de XCM-MTB. Materiales y métodos: 13 atletas (11 hombres y 2 mujeres; 33,3 ± 12,7 años) participaron en este estudio. La investigación se realizó durante un XCM-MTB oficial en Brasil (recorrido de 70 km). La frecuencia cardíaca (FC), la altimetría, la velocidad, la temperatura, el ritmo y la potencia se obtuvieron cada 10 km recorridos por la aplicación STRAVA. Se realizó un análisis múltiple de regresión linear para verificar si las variables podían predecir el rendimiento físico. Resultados: Hubo una elevación constante de la FC correspondiente al 80 % de la FCmax. El ritmo presentó una variación (F = 35,82; p < 0,001; d = 0,66) y potencia (F = 7,20; p < 0,001; d = 0,18) con valores superiores en los últimos 10 km. Solo el ritmo a los 20 km (F = 10,23; p = 0,004; R2 = 0,82) puede considerarse predictor del rendimiento físico (β = 0,958; t = 7,30; p < 0,001). Conclusión: El estudio concluyó que las variables analizadas son fiables para la prescripción y control del entrenamiento en una carrera oficial de XCM-MTB. La FC y la potencia son variables que se pueden utilizar para prescribir el entrenamiento. La potencia también se puede utilizar para predecir el rendimiento, ya que está directamente influenciada por el terreno.

Resumo: Introdução: As variáveis determinantes do desempenho físico na maratona de mountain bike cross-country (XCMMTB) ainda são desconhecidas. Objetivo: Nosso objetivo foi verificar as variáveis de controle de treinamento e as respostas fisiológicas em uma corrida oficial de XCMMTB. Material e métodos: Participaram deste estudo 13 atletas (11 homens e 2 mulheres; 33,3 ± 12,7 anos de idade). O estudo foi realizado durante uma corrida oficial de XCM-MTB no Brasil (percurso de 70 km). A frequência cardíaca (FC), altimetria, velocidade, temperatura, ritmo e potência foram obtidos a cada 10 km percorridos através do aplicativo STRAVA. Foi realizada uma análise de regressão linear múltipla para verificar se as variáveis poderiam prever o desempenho físico. Resultados: Os atletas mantiveram uma elevação constante na FC na zona correspondente a 80% da FC máxima. Apresentaram também variação no ritmo (F = 35,82; p < 0,001; d = 0,66) e na potência (F = 7,20; p < 0,001; d = 0,18), mostrando valores mais altos nos últimos 10 km. Apenas o ritmo pode ser considerado um preditor do desempenho físico (β = 0,958; t = 7,30; p < 0,001), especificamente no ponto dos 20 km (F = 10,23; p = 0,004; R2 = 0,82). Conclusão: O estudo concluiu que as variáveis analisadas são confiáveis para o controle de desempenho em uma corrida oficial de XCMMTB. A FC e a potência são variáveis que podem ser usadas para prescrever e controlar o treinamento, pois mudam de acordo com as exigências da corrida. A potência também pode ser usada como um preditor de desempenho, pois é diretamente influenciada pelo terreno.

Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 13(2): 62-77, abr.-jun.2024.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560938


Objetivo: Analisar, a partir da perspectiva crítica e interseccional, a organização, composição e atuação legislativa de comissão voltada aos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos de mulheres, denominada Frente Parlamentar de Combate ao Aborto ­ Pró-Vida. Metodologia: Foi realizada leitura interseccional acerca da constituição de Frente Parlamentar de Combate ao Aborto - "Pró-Vida", da Assembleia Legislativa do Estado de Goiás (ALEGO), e o perfil sociodemográfico de seus integrantes foi traçado, discutido a luz dos marcadores sociais gênero, raça/etnia, classe social e religião, e problematizado acerca de um tema que implica diretamente na saúde e na vida das mulheres, o aborto. Resultados e Discussão: a análise dos resultados aponta a sub-representividade feminina, a prevalência de pessoas brancas e o predomínio de ideologia conservadora nos costumes e religião no perfil sociodemográfico dos membros integrantes da frente parlamentar estudada. Em contraponto, a literatura, ao discutir os marcadores sociais em investigação, traz o retrato daquelas que optam por realizar o aborto como sendo o de mulheres negras, de baixa renda e escolaridade, e que procuram em partidos de viés progressista advocacia para suas causas. Conclusão: A estrutura tradicional, presente na frente parlamentar investigada, enfrenta desafios na construção de um debate representativo e capaz de reproduzir nas políticas públicas as complexas identidades, necessidades e experiências das mulheres em risco de abortamento. Nessa argumentação, a construção de práticas políticas e tratos legislativos devem, prioritariamente, considerar as complexidades identitárias e as intersecções e opressões que levam as mulheres ao aborto para, enfim, construir-se uma democracia inclusiva, equitativa e representativa.

Objective: Analyze, from a critical and intersectional perspective, the organization, composition and legislative performance of a commission focused on women's sexual and reproductive rights, called the Parliamentary Front to Combat Abortion ­ Pró-Vida. Methodology: An intersectional reading was carried out regarding the constitution of the Parliamentary Front to Combat Abortion - "Pró-Vida", of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Goiás (ALEGO), and the sociodemographic profile of its members was outlined, discussed in light of social markers, gender, race/ethnicity, social class and religion and problematized about a topic that directly affects women's health and lives, abortion. Results and discussion: analysis of the results points to female underrepresentation, the prevalence of white people and the predominance of conservative ideology in customs and religion in the sociodemographic profile considered. In contrast, the literature, when discussing the social markers under investigation, portrays those who choose to have an abortion as black women, with low income and education, and who look to parties with a progressive bias to advocate for their causes. Conclusion: The traditional structure present in the Parliamentary Front investigated faces challenges in building a representative debate capable of reproducing in public policies the complex identities, needs and experiences of women at risk of miscarriage. In this argument, the construction of political practices and legislative approaches must primarily consider the complexities of identity and the intersections and oppressions that lead women to abortion in order to, ultimately, build an inclusive, equitable and representative democracy.

Objetivo: Analizar, desde una perspectiva crítica e interseccional, la organización, composición y desempeño legislativo de una comisión enfocada en los derechos sexuales y reproductivos de las mujeres, denominada Frente Parlamentario de Lucha contra el Aborto ­ Pró-Vida. Metodología: Se realizó una lectura interseccional sobre la constitución del Frente Parlamentario de Lucha contra el Aborto - "Pró-Vida", de la Asamblea Legislativa del Estado de Goiás (ALEGO), y se delineó el perfil sociodemográfico de sus integrantes, discutido a la luz de marcadores sociales, género, raza/etnia, clase social y religión y problematizados sobre un tema que afecta directamente la salud y la vida de las mujeres, el aborto. Resultados y discusión: el análisis de los resultados apunta a la subrepresentación femenina, el predominio de personas blancas y el predominio de la ideología conservadora en las costumbres y la religión en el perfil sociodemográfico considerado. En contraste, la literatura, al discutir los marcadores sociales bajo investigación, retrata a quienes eligen abortar como mujeres negras, con bajos ingresos y educación, y que buscan partidos con un sesgo progresista para defender sus causas. Conclusión: La estructura tradicional presente en el Frente Parlamentario investigado enfrenta desafíos en la construcción de un debate representativo capaz de reproducir en políticas públicas las complejas identidades, necesidades y experiencias de las mujeres en riesgo de aborto espontáneo. En este argumento, la construcción de prácticas políticas y enfoques legislativos debe considerar principalmente las complejidades de la identidad y las intersecciones y opresiones que llevan a las mujeres al aborto para, en última instancia, construir una democracia inclusiva, equitativa y representativa.

Droit Sanitaire
aSEPHallus ; 19(37): 7-21, nov.- abr.2024.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561075


Este artigo faz parte de um projeto de trabalho sobre as relações entre feminismo e patriarcado na pós-modernidade. Parto da seguinte questão: qual é o mal-estar que se apresenta nas teorias feministas do século XXI e de inspiração pós-moderna? O mal-estar no feminismo ainda é sexual, como evidenciam as teorias que discutem as relações entre os sexos como a matriz da dominação masculina sobre a mulher? Como passo preliminar a esta análise, faz-se necessário apresentar as ferramentas teóricas que me permitem examinar o enlace entre as teorias feministas e as teorias pós-modernas. Desse modo, neste artigo, pretendo elencar os principais elementos teóricos das chamadas teorias críticas. Estas são a base da ideologia multiculturalista pós-moderna e constituem uma referência dominante da literatura feminista no século XXI. As teorias críticas se desenvolveram a partir do eco da descrença, da decepção, da destituição do projeto da modernidade científica da sociedade ocidental. Estas teorias estruturam-se em dois eixos fundamentais: um ceticismo radical em relação ao conhecimento objetivo, científico e a primazia das relações de poder como a força constituinte da sociedade. Dessa perspectiva, constitui-se um método da desconstrução generalizada de todas as referências simbólicas, culturais da sociedade ocidental, consideradas artifícios de dominação da elite sobre as minorias subalternas, dominadas. Como eixos desse método, destaco os seguintes pontos: o locus privilegiado do campo de ação do método de desconstrução é o campo da linguagem e os seus principais instrumentos são o chamado lugar de fala e o movimento politicamente correto.

Cet article s'inscrit dans le cadre d'un projet de travail sur les relations entre féminisme et patriarcat dans la postmodernité. Je commence par la question suivante : quel est le malaise qui apparaît dans les théories féministes du XXIe siècle et d'inspiration postmoderne ? Le malaise du féminisme est-il toujours sexuel, comme en témoignent les théories qui discutent des relations entre les sexes comme matrice de la domination masculine sur les femmes ? En guise d'étape préliminaire à cette analyse, il est nécessaire de présenter les outils théoriques qui me permettent d'examiner le lien entre les théories féministes et les théories postmodernes. C'est pourquoi, dans cet article, j'ai l'intention de lister les principaux éléments théoriques des théories dites critiques. Celles-ci constituent la base de l'idéologie multiculturaliste postmoderne et constituent une référence dominante dans la littérature féministe du XXIe siècle. Les théories critiques se sont développées à partir de l'écho de l'incrédulité, de la déception et du rejet du projet de modernité scientifique dans la société occidentale. Ces théories se structurent autour de deux axes fondamentaux : un scepticisme radical à l'égard des connaissances objectives et scientifiques et la primauté des relations de pouvoir comme force constitutive de la société. De ce point de vue, il constitue une méthode de déconstruction généralisée de toutes les références symboliques et culturelles de la société occidentale, considérées comme des dispositifs de domination des élites sur des minorités subordonnées et dominées. Comme axes de cette méthode, je souligne les points suivants : le lieu privilégié du champ d'action de la méthode de déconstruction est le champ du langage et ses principaux instruments sont ce qu'on appelle le lieu de parole et le mouvement politiquement correct.

This article is part of a work project on the relationship between feminism and patriarchy in postmodernity. I start with the following question: what is the malaise that appears in 21st century and postmodern-inspired feminist theories? Is the malaise in feminism still sexual, as evidenced by theories that discuss relations between the sexes as the matrix of male domination over women? As a preliminary step to this analysis, it is necessary to present the theoretical tools that allow me to examine the link between feminist theories and postmodern theories. Therefore, in this article, I intend to list the main theoretical elements of the so-called critical theories. These are the basis of postmodern multiculturalist ideology and constitute a dominant reference in feminist literature in the 21st century. Critical theories developed from the echo of disbelief, disappointment, and dismissal of the project of scientific modernity in Western society. These theories are structured around two fundamental axes: a radical skepticism in relation to objective, scientific knowledge and the primacy of power relations as the constituent force of society. From this perspective, it constitutes a method of generalized deconstruction of all symbolic and cultural references of Western society, considered devices of elite domination over subordinate, dominated minorities. As axes of this method, I highlight the following points: the privileged locus of the field of action of the deconstruction method is the field of language and its main instruments are the so-called place of speech and the politically correct movement.

Science , Féminisme , Postmodernisme
Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 538-548, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558134


SUMMARY: The aim of this study is twofold: (1) to identify differences in certain anaerobic parameters (10m sprint, 30m sprint, anaerobic power, and Illinois agility tests) between professional and amateur soccer players, and (2) to determine whether there is a difference in the ACTN3 gene polymorphism between professional and amateur soccer players. Ultimately, the goal is to reveal which parameters contribute to the differentiation in these two aspects. A total of 133 volunteer soccer players, including 71 professionals and 62 amateurs, participated in the research. DNA extraction from buccal epithelial cells was performed using a commercial kit to determine the genetic background of the athletes, and Real-Time PCR was conducted for genotyping. Statistical analysis of the findings obtained from the test results was performed using the SPSS 23 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) package program. The homogeneity of variance of the data was assessed using the Levene Test, and normal distribution analyses were conducted using the Shapiro-Wilk Test. Chi-square and Mann-Whitney U tests were employed for parameter analysis. The significance level was set at p0.05). However, there is a statistically significant difference in anaerobic parameters (10m sprint, 30m sprint, and anaerobic power) except for the Illinois test (p<0.05). In conclusion, our study found that gene polymorphism is not a differentiating factor between professional and amateur soccer players, but speed (10m and 30m) and anaerobic power parameters are differentiating factors.

Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: 1º identificar diferencias en ciertos parámetros anaeróbicos (sprint de 10 m, sprint de 30 m, potencia anaeróbica y pruebas de agilidad de Illinois) entre jugadores de fútbol profesionales y amateurs, y 2º determinar si existe una diferencia en el polimorfismo del gen ACTN3 entre jugadores de fútbol profesionales y aficionados. En definitiva, el objetivo fue revelar qué parámetros contribuyen a la diferenciación en estos dos aspectos. En la investigación participaron un total de 133 jugadores de fútbol voluntarios, incluidos 71 profesionales y 62 aficionados. La extracción de ADN de las células epiteliales orales se realizó utilizando un kit comercial para determinar los antecedentes genéticos de los atletas y se realizó una PCR en tiempo real para el genotipado. El análisis estadístico de los hallazgos obtenidos a partir de los resultados de las pruebas se realizó utilizando el programa de paquete SPSS 23 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, EE. UU.). La homogeneidad de la varianza de los datos se evaluó mediante la prueba de Levene y los análisis de distribución normal se realizaron mediante la prueba de Shapiro-Wilk. Para el análisis de parámetros se emplearon las pruebas de Chi-cuadrado y U de Mann-Whitney. El nivel de significancia se fijó en p0,05). Sin embargo, existe una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en los parámetros anaeróbicos (sprint de 10 m, sprint de 30 m y potencia anaeróbica) excepto para la prueba de Illinois (p<0,05). En conclusión, nuestro estudio encontró que el polimorfismo genético no es un fac- tor diferenciador entre jugadores de fútbol profesionales y amateurs, pero sí los parámetros de velocidad (10 m y 30 m) y potencia anaeróbica.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Jeune adulte , Course à pied , Football , Actinine/génétique , Polymorphisme génétique , Composition corporelle , Exercice physique , Études transversales
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017040


Objective To investigate the radioactivity levels of gross α and gross β in foods around Zhangzhou nuclear power plant, China before operation. Methods Forty-nine samples from 33 kinds of foods in 5 categories of daily food around Zhangzhou nuclear power plant were collected, pretreated, dried, and ashed. The radioactivity levels of gross α and gross β were measured by the low-background α and β measuring instrument. The atomic absorption technique was employed to measure the level of potassium (K), and the radioactivity level of gross β (subtracting 40K) was calculated with K concentrations in different foods consulted from the nutritional dietary system. Results The radioactivity levels of gross α in vegetables and fruits, grain, poultry and livestock, aquatic products, and tea around Zhangzhou nuclear power plant were < minimum detectable level (MDL)-7.97, < MDL-6.82, < MDL, < MDL-20.76, and 11.90-23.08 Bq/kg, respectively; the radioactivity levels of gross β were 34.56-122.81, 13.05-188.96, 56.00-108.34, 17.86-169.01, and 123.74-171.63 Bq/kg, respectively; the radioactivity levels of gross β (subtracting 40K) were not detected (ND)-14.27, ND-27.86, ND-48.72, ND-45.85, and 6.69-13.79 Bq/kg, respectively. Conclusion The radioactivity of gross α and gross β in foods around Zhangzhou nuclear power plant before operation is basically at the same level as that in other areas of China.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018967


Objective:This study aimed to explore the performance of renal resistive index (RRI), semiquantitative power Doppler ultrasound (PDU) score, and renal venous Doppler waveform (RVDW) pattern in predicting 28-day renal dysfunction in critically ill patients and establish nomogram model.Methods:This was a prospective, observational study. Critically ill patients admitted to the emergency intensive care unit (ICU) of Cangzhou Central Hospital from January 2018 to October 2022 were included. Patients underwent renal ultrasound examination to obtain RRI, PDU score and RVDW pattern within 24 h after ICU admission. The following clinical variables were collected during the renal ultrasound examination session, including heart rate, mean arterial pressure, type and dose of vasoactive drugs, oxygen therapy parameters, and average urine volume per hour derived from a period of 6 h prior to the ultrasound examination. The data on duration of AKI and mortality were recorded on the 28th day of follow-up. Patients were divided into 28-day normal renal function group and 28-day renal dysfunction group according to 28-day renal dysfunction. 28-days of renal dysfunction was defined as failure to achieve renal function recovery within 28 days of ICU admission. The difference of each index between the two groups was compared. Associated factors for 28-day renal dysfunction were determined by univariate and multivariate COX regression analyses. A nomogram was developed based on the independently factors associated with 28-day renal dysfunction. Survival receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves were plotted to assess diagnostic performance in predicting 28-day renal dysfunction. Delong’s test was used to compare area under the curves (AUC) between each predictor.Results:187 patients were enrolled for the final analysis: 97 with no AKI, 48 with AKI stage 1, 24 with AKI stage 2, and 18 with AKI stage 3 upon enrollment. At 28-day follow up, 16 patients had renal dysfunction and 2 required continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT). The multivariate COX regression showed that RVDW and SCr upon enrollment were the independent risk predictors. Nomogram based on RVDW and SCr upon enrollment showed the best performance in predicting 14-day renal dysfunction (AUC = 0.918, 95% CI:0.871-0.964, P<0.05), and the AUC was statistically significantly higher than single index (all P<0.05). Nomogram also showed the best performance in predicting 28-day renal dysfunction (AUC = 0.924, 95% CI:0.865-0.983, P<0.05), and the AUC was statistically significantly higher than single index (all P<0.05) except for SCr upon enrollment. The optimal cutoff for nomogram in predicting 28-day renal dysfunction was ≤89.5 (sensitivity, 81.2%; specificity, 90.6%; Youden index, 0.719). Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that the median duration of renal dysfunction in the groups with total nomogram score >85.9 and ≤85.9 was 0 and 22 days (HR=0.220, 95% CI:0.129-0.376, P<0.001). Conclusions:SCr and RVDW pattern within 24 h from ICU admission were independent factors associated with 28-day renal dysfunction in critically ill patients. The value of the nomogram model based on these two factors in predicting 28-day renal dysfunction is superior to each single intrarenal Doppler spectrum indicator and clinical indicator.

Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine ; (4): 175-178,191, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019937


Objective The performance characteristics of statistical quality control procedures in Westgard sigma rule are analyzed by using the power function graph.Methods According to the drawing principle of power function graph,the internal quality control program design software of clinical laboratory quantitative measurement was developed.and the Westgard sigma rule quality control procedures were simulated with power function graph.The performance of the quality control procedures recommended by Westgard sigma was analyzed by combining different sigma quality levels.Results The rules recommended by Westgard sigma were relatively simple rules that can meet the requirements of error detection probability and false rejection probability.Conclusion The internal quality control procedure design software for quantitative clinical testing has verified the performance of Westgard sigma recommendation rules.The Westgard sigma rule diagram is intuitive and convenient,the laboratory can use the Westgard sigma recommendation rules for internal quality control.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021658


BACKGROUND:Mesenchymal stem cells are pluripotent stromal cells isolated from a variety of tissues,which can differentiate into osteoblasts under certain conditions.Photobiomodulation,as an external stimulus,can promote osteogenic differentiation combined with other inducers or alone,providing new ideas for solving a series of bone diseases. OBJECTIVE:To review the relevant literature and mechanisms of photobiomodulation-induced osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells,which will lay a theoretical foundation for bone tissue engineering using mesenchymal stem cells as seed cells and may offer some suggestions for future studies. METHODS:Relevant articles were searched on CNKI,PubMed and Wed of Science databases with Chinese search terms of"photobiomodulation,low power laser,low level laser,light-emitting diode,mesenchymal stem cells,osteogenic differentiation,biomaterials"and English search terms of"photobiomodulation,low level laser(light),light-emitting diode(LED),mesenchymal stem cell,osteogenic differentiation,biomaterials".Finally,88 articles were included for analysis. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Photobiomodulation represented by low level laser and diode laser has a positive effect on promoting the proliferation and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells.(2)Photobiomodulation can induce osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells,whose feasibility has been verified in cell and animal experiments.On one hand,photobiomodulation can promote the expansion and differentiation of stem cells in vitro by activating related signaling pathways and up-regulating the expression of osteogenic molecules.On the other hand,photobiomodulation can improve the survival rate of stem cells in vivo,promote homing effect and shorten the healing time of bone defects after stem cells are injected into the body.However,photobiomodulation has a biphasic dose effect,whose laser parameters,experimental environment,cell type and other factors in various studies are different,making the research results lack consistency and difficult to apply in the clinic.(3)Combined with biological materials,other physical factors and drugs,photobiomodulation can also accelerate osteogenic differentiation.(4)In conclusion,photobiomodulation has been used increasingly widely in the medical field with its advantages of non-invasive,efficient and less-side reactions,and its role in bone tissue engineering has gradually become prominent,which provides a new method for the treatment of bone defects and related diseases.Further exploration should be focused on the standardized treatment parameters of photobiomodulation.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021687


BACKGROUND:Research on foot and ankle proprioception is crucial for the rehabilitation of chronic ankle instability and geriatric diseases as well as for the improvement of body posture control and motor performance.Previous studies have often studied the sensory evaluation of the foot and ankle joints separately,which has limitations for a comprehensive understanding of their sensory function. OBJECTIVE:The foot and ankle complex is the only part in direct contact with the support surface,and plays an important role in the collective sensory feedback and regulation and balance control.By combing the existing investigation and research of foot and ankle ontology,the measurement and evaluation methods of the sensation of the foot and ankle complex are combed,in order to pave the way and provide the theoretical basis for future related studies. METHODS:Chinese terms"(foot OR foot ankle OR ankle)AND(sensation OR proprioception)"and English terms"(foot OR ankle)AND(feel OR proprioception)"were used as the keywords for retrieving relevant literature in the Web of Science,PubMed,and CNKI.We understood the basic concepts,current status and scope of research on the foot and ankle,summarized and evaluated the proprioceptive evaluation methods of the foot and ankle,and finally included 57 papers for further review. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The evaluation of foot and ankle complex sensation was mainly divided into sensory evaluation of the foot and proprioceptive evaluation of the ankle joint.The sensory evaluation of the foot mainly describes the sensation of the skin and the sensory feedback under the intervention conditions.The methods mainly include the pressure sensory threshold test,the two-point discrimination test of the foot(planar and plantar),and the duration test of skin vibration sensation.Ankle joint proprioception evaluation focuses on the description of joint position,motion range,force value and functional performance.The methods are mainly divided into static joint angle reset test,motion minimum threshold test,force perception reproduction test and dynamic balance,speed and walking ability tests.The report of quantitative results is generally expressed by"an error,"which is generally divided into absolute error,relative error,constant error,etc.To conclude,the foot and ankle complex has specific sensory capabilities,including foot sensation and ankle proprioception,which affect the quality of life and athletic performance of humans.Weakness of both foot sensation and ankle proprioception is associated with reduced human balance,and the combined measurements of the two can comprehensively and effectively evaluate foot and ankle function.The combination of foot and ankle sensory measures is selected according to different research needs and various influencing factors such as environment,emotion and reporting style are fully considered,to improve the validity of measurement and evaluation.

International Eye Science ; (12): 870-875, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030811


AIM:To compare the corneal refractive power and visual quality after three kinds of corneal refractive surgery: laser subepithelial keratomileusis(LASEK), transepithelial photorefractive keratectomy(TransPRK)and femtosecond laser assisted in situ keratomileusis(FS-LASIK).METHODS: Retrospective study. A total of 232 patients(464 eyes)who underwent elective corneal refractive surgery in our hospital from January 2021 to December 2022 were selected as the study subjects. They were divided into the LASEK group of 70 cases(140 eyes), TransPRK group of 76 cases(152 eyes), and FS-LASIK group of 86 cases(172 eyes)according to the different surgical choices made by the patients. Uncorrected visual acuity(UCVA), visual quality, biomechanical stability, tear film break-up time(BUT), Schirmer Ⅰ test(SⅠt)and quality of life were compared among the three groups at 1 and 3 mo postoperatively.RESULTS: The UCVA of the three groups significantly improved at 1 and 3 mo postoperatively, the total high-order aberrations, spherical aberration, horizontal coma, and vertical coma of the entire cornea were significantly increased, while the biomechanical stability in all three groups were significantly reduced(all P&#x003C;0.05). At 3 mo postoperatively, the biomechanical stability in the TransPRK and LASEK groups were higher than those of the FS-LASIK group(all P&#x003C;0.05), and the TransPRK group had higher quality of life scores than the LASEK group and FS-LASIK group(P&#x003C;0.05). Furthermore, there was no significant difference in preoperative or postoperative BUT and SⅠt among the three groups(all P&#x003E;0.05).CONCLUSION:In the treatment of ametropia, LASEK, TransPRK and FS-LASIK all have certain effects, and have similar results in improving UCVA and increasing visual quality. However, TransPRK and LASEK have more stable biomechanical properties than FS-LASIK, and have better efficacy in improving patients' quality of life.

International Eye Science ; (12): 1143-1146, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032363


AIM: To compare and observe the accuracy of five intraocular lens(IOL)power calculation formulas in patients with cataracts who have previously undergone corneal refractive surgery.METHODS: Prospective case series study. A total of 23 cataract patients(34 eyes)with a history of myopic corneal refractive surgery at Jinan Mingshui Eye Hospital from September 2021 to March 2023 were collected, including 1 eye treated with photorefractive keratectomy(PRK)and 22 patients(33 eyes)treated with laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis(LASIK). Preoperative ocular biometry was performed using the IOL Master 700, while corneal true net refractive power(TNP)was measured via Pentacam analyzer. Anterior segment optical coherence tomography(OCT)was used to assesse net corneal power(NCP), posterior corneal refractive power, and central corneal thickness(CCT). The Shammas, Haigis-L, Potvin-Hill Pentacam, OCT, and Barrett True K formulas were utilized for IOL power calculations, with the optimal power selected accordingly. At 1 mo postoperatively, actual refractive outcomes were determined through subjective refraction, based on objective optometry results. The refractive prediction error(RPE)and refractive absolute error(RAE)of each formula were calculated and compared, and the percentage of eyes with RAE ≤0.5 D and ≤1.0 D was counted.RESULTS: No significant statistical difference was found in the RPE of the five formulas when compared to zero(all P&#x003E;0.05), nor were there significant differences in RPE and RAE among the formulas(F=0.554, P=0.696; H=4.402, P=0.354). The RAE was within ≤0.5 D for 26 eyes(76%)using the Potvin-Hill Pentacam formula and for 24 eyes(71%)using the Barrett True K formula, with both formulas achieving an RAE within ≤1.0D in 33 eyes(97%).CONCLUSIONS: The Barrett True K and Potvin-Hill Pentacam formulas demonstrated high predictive accuracy for IOL power calculations in post-corneal refractive surgery cataract patients. Given the variability in corneal refractive power among these patients, further research on IOL power calculation is warranted. Clinically, it is advisable to consider a range of formulas for optimal outcomes.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012776


Objective To establishment a process of monitoring waste resin clearance in nuclear power plants, and to meet clearance requirements and simplify the monitoring work. Methods In accordance with the requirements specified in current laws, regulations, and standards in China, as well as the practice of slightly polluted waste resins generated during the operation of nuclear power plants, in-depth discussion was conducted on sampling methods, sample uniformity and representativeness tests, radiation monitoring contents and methods, and simplified monitoring processes, in order to accurately monitor the radionuclide activity of waste resins to be cleared. Results A process was established to monitor waste resin clearance in nuclear power plants. A total of 55 barrels of waste resins were cleared and the radiation levels met the requirements. Conclusion An effective clearance process can facilitate the sampling of representative resins, improve the accuracy of monitoring data, differentiate radioactive waste from cleared waste, and simplify the monitoring process. Our results provide a basis and reference for future waste resin clearance.

International Eye Science ; (12): 641-645, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012836


AIM: To evaluate the accuracy of the formulas, including Haigis, SRK/T, Holladay 1, and Holladay 2, in predicting the diopter of the intraocular lens implanted in high myopia cataract patients.METHODS: Prospective study. A total of 168 cases(168 eyes)of age-related cataract with an axial length(AL)≥26 mm who were treated in our hospital from August 2017 to November 2021 were selected. According to the preoperative AL measured by IOL Master 700, the patients were divided into five groups, including 37 cases(37 eyes)in group A with 26 mm≤AL&#x003C;27 mm, 34 cases(34 eyes)in group B with 27 mm≤AL&#x003C;28 mm, 42 cases(42 eyes)in group C with 28 mm≤AL&#x003C;29 mm, 28 cases(28 eyes)in group D with 29 mm≤AL&#x003C;30 mm, and 27 patients(27 eyes)in group E with AL ≥ 30 mm. Subjective refraction was performed at 3 mo postoperatively, and the mean numerical error(MNE)and mean absolute error(MAE)of each formula for predicting diopters were calculated.RESULTS: The MNE and MAE of the Haigis and Holladay 2 formulas were relatively less in each group, and MNE and MAE did not significantly increase with the growth of the axial length. However, the MAE and MNE of the SRK/T and Holladay 1 formulas significantly increased with the growth of the axial length, with the MNE and MAE of the Holladay 1 formula increasing more significantly in groups C, D, and E.CONCLUSION: For patients with age-related cataract, with an axial length of ≥26 mm, the accuracy of predicting the diopter of the intraocular lens using the Haigis and Holladay 2 formulas were higher.

International Eye Science ; (12): 646-650, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012837


AIM: To assess the accuracy of predicting intraocular lens(IOL)power after myopic refractive surgery using the Pentacam system's true net power(TNP)in the 3 mm zone combined with the SRK/T formula [i.e. TNP 3 mm(SRK/T)].METHODS: Retrospective study. This study enrolled 35 cases(50 eyes)of patients undergoing cataract surgery after laser assisted in situ keratomileusis(LASIK)or photorefractive keratectomy(PRK)from July 2019 to December 2021. Preoperatively, IOL power of 50 eyes, 34 eyes and 41 eyes was calculated by TNP 3 mm(SRK/T), Barrett True-K and Olsen 2 formulas, respectively, with at least 2 formulas used to calculate IOL power for each patient. The actual diopter was recorded 3 mo postoperatively. Prediction errors(PE)of IOL power were compared among the three calculation methods, and the proportion of eyes with PE within ±0.5 D and ±1.0 D was analyzed.RESULTS: The PE at 3 mo postoperatively for TNP 3 mm(SRK/T), Barrett True-K, and Olsen 2 was -0.02±0.63, -0.54±0.80, and 0.25±0.80 D, respectively(P&#x003C;0.001). The proportions of PE within ±0.5 D were 66%(33/50), 44%(15/34)and 37%(15/41), respectively(P&#x003C;0.05); the proportions of PE within ±1.0 D were 88%(44/50), 71%(24/34)and 80%(33/41), respectively(P&#x003E;0.05).CONCLUSION: The Pentacam TNP 3 mm(SRK/T)method is simple to operate and provides accurate calculation of IOL power after corneal refractive surgery.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 55-58, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012848


Whether children can exercise their medical decision-making power has always been a controversial topic in law and ethics, and it is also the focus of attention of people from all walks of life. In this regard, combined with the problems existing in the exercise of children’s medical decision-making power, such as conflict with the right to life and health, insufficient guarantee of the right to informed consent system, and the legal guardian’s exercise of children’s medical decision-making power may not be in the best interests of children. This paper discussed the dilemma and feasibility of children’s exercise of medical decision-making power from three aspects: children’s right to life and health, the evaluation of informed consent and medical decision-making ability, and the thinking of children’s informed consent and medical decision-making ability, and pointed out that children who are able to make self-determination should be fully endowed with legal medical decision-making power, so as to ensure their best interests in medical clinic.

Article de Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1040020


This study investigated the physiological responses and effects of exercise training under hypoxic conditions at the skeletal muscle level induced by reducing muscle temperature in cold water environment. Participants were divided into two intervention groups, cooling and control conditions, according to the water temperature of 15°C and 33°C where the training were conducted in. Eight participants in each group performed submaximal cycling exercise in the water for 30 minutes at the lactate threshold (LT) intensity, three times a week for four weeks (12 sessions). LT intensity was assessed at pre- and post-intervention in a 33°C water temperature environment. A progressive load cycling test was performed on land to assess maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and Wingate test was conducted to measure anaerobic power. In the cooling group, working muscle deoxygenation increased during submaximal and maximal exercise, suggesting an improvement in the muscle oxygen extraction capacity. However, no effects on aerobic capacity such as VO2max or LT intensity were observed. The improvement in mean power and time to peak during the Wingate test in the cooling group indicated that LT intensity exercise training in a cold water environment would increase anaerobic power.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025650


Objective To compare the discrepancies among results of three commonly used laboratory direct test methods for maximal oxygen uptake(VO2max),explore their linear regression relationships,mutual predictability and comparability.Methods Using a quasi-experimental design of cluster sampling and within-group interaction design,20 male cross-country skiers were tested for VO2max using the Bruce protocol(Method 1),90-second incremental load exercise on power bicycle(Method 2),and 1-minute incremental load exercise on treadmill(Method 3),with an interval of one week.The indepen-dent and dependent variable were the three VO2max test methods and the VO2max,respectively.Results Significant differences were found in the average VO2max of the three test results,with the value mea-sured by Method 1 ranking the first,followed by that assessed by Method 3 and Method 2(P<0.05).Moreover,the frequency of individual differences in the results of the three methods showed that the VO2max of Method 1 was about 6 and 3 ml/min·kg higher than that measured by Method 2 and 3.However,at the same treadmill speed,the average blood lactate evaluated using Method 3 was higher than Method 1,and the speed reached aerobic and anaerobic thresholds about one speed unit(1 km/h)lower than Method 1.Meanwhile,linear regression analyses of the test results between Method 1 and 2,as well as Method 1 and 3 showed that both the regression models and coefficients were statis-tically significant(P<0.001),with the R-squared values of 9.25 and 9.05,respectively.Conclusion The Bruce protocol performs best in assessing the maximum value of the athlete's VO2max phase,whose results have linear regression relationships with the other two methods,and can be used for pre-dicting their results.Moreover,athletes of different events and levels can choose different VO2max test methods accordingly.Lastly,the speed and heart rate ranges corresponding to the aerobic and anaero-bic thresholds can serve as an effective and convenient method to control the training intensity.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 24-28, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026439


The protection effect of flash-radiotherapy(Flash-RT)with super-high dose on normal tissue has obtained wide attention in therapeutic radiology since it was found in 2014 year.The increasing research demand of Flash-RT with super-high dose-rate proposed new challenge for the existing radiotherapy equipment.Based on the demands of FLASH-RT research and clinical application,this review analyzed the proposed new requirement of Flash-RT for equipment,and introduce current scientific facilities with the experimental ability of X-ray FLASH-RT,as well as the situation of the specialized FLASH-RT equipment which were developing.The research of Flash-RT mechanism need the existing equipment with high-energy X-ray source develop toward high power,while the clinical application of Flash-RT demand these transient high-power devices should possess a series of radiotherapy techniques such as multi angle irradiation,conformal radiotherapy and others.Currently,China's X-ray FLASH-RT research is at the forefront of the world,which is expected to achieve the first breakthrough of high-end medical equipment in the X-ray Flash RT field.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 184-188, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026470


Objective:To establish safety objectives and strategies for power distribution of medical equipment to minimize the hazard of electrical switching to medical equipment.Methods:Based on the Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment(HARA)method,the equipment hazard factors analysis and risk assessment were conducted for electrical switching from the perspective of medical equipment safety management.The Deming Cycle(PDCA)closed-loop management process was adopted to formulate refined the medical equipment power distribution safety objectives and response strategies.Results:In 2023,a total of 6 equipment failures occurred during the two periodic electrical shutdown operations carried out in the hospital's power distribution room,which was significantly lower than the average of 20.4 failures caused by electrician shutdowns from 2018 to 2022,and zero failure in Level I load department and other high-risk areas.Conclusion:The objective and strategy of power distribution safety of medical equipment are highly targeted and implemented,which is an effective way to implement the life cycle fine management of medical equipment.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 54-58, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026485


Objective:To explore the application value of X-ray tomographic fusion technique in assessing bone healing and osteotylus growth after femoral neck system(FNS)internal fixation of femoral neck fracture.Methods:A total of 18 patients with femoral neck fracture who admitted to the Department of Orthopedics of Beijing Haidian Hospital from October 2019 to June 2020 were selected.All of them were treated with FNS internal fixation,and conventional X-ray and X-ray tomographic fusion imaging were performed respectively at 1 month and 12 months after operation for them.The displays of the two imaging techniques for the bone healing and osteotylus growth after FNS internal fixation of femoral neck fracture were evaluated,and the relevant parameters of the two imaging techniques for the process of image detection of FNS internal fixation of femoral neck fracture were counted by statistical method.Results:The detection rate of X-ray tomographic fusion technique for osteotylus at 1 month after surgery was significantly lower than that at 12 months after surgery.The detection rates(94.44% and 61.11%)of X-ray tomographic fusion technique for osteotylus at 1 month and 12 months after surgery were significantly higher than those(61.11% and 33.33%)of X-ray(x2=5.100,5.790,P<0.05),respectively.The rank-sum test indicated there were significant differences in the distribution of the scores of the image qualities of osteotylus growths at 1 month and 12 months after surgery for patients with femoral neck fracture between two imaging techniques(Z=2.113,2.018,P<0.05),and there were significant differences in the image qualities of bone healing at 1 month and 12 months after surgery between two imaging techniques(Z=2.868,2.258,P<0.05).The display effect of the detection image of fracture site before treatment under the guidance of X-ray tomographic fusion technique was ideal,which images were clear and could display more fully and clearly the fracture line of patient.After 12 months of surgery,the continuous osteotylus that passed fracture line could be found at the anterior lateral position of X-ray,which has reached to clinical healing.In the process of detecting image of FNS internal fixation of femoral neck fracture,the air Kerma,dose area product and effective dose of X-ray tomographic fusion technique were significantly lower than those of conventional X-ray imaging(t=5.900,2.466,32.255,P<0.05),respectively.Conclusion:In the diagnosis and evaluation of bone healing of patients with FNS internal fixation after femoral neck fracture,the use of X-ray tomographic fusion technique can better detect the osteotylus growth of patients and judge the degree of bone healing,especially the judgment effect of that for the postoperative recovery with longer time of patients is more better.In addition,this technique has better safety,which would cause less radiation damage in the process of detection.