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Modern Hospital ; (6): 219-221, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022242


Objective To investigate the internal and external factors of scientific and technological innovations in pro-vincial maternal and child health care institutions and propose effective strategies for facilitating the innovations.Methods The PEST-SWOT model was used to analyze the internal strengths and weaknesses,external opportunities,and threats of the scientific and technological innovations in a provincial maternal and child health care institution from the perspectives of political,econom-ic,social,and technical environment.Results The institution has advantages and opportunities in policy support,scientific re-search management and investment,and disciplinary characteristics.However,it faces some threats and has disadvantages in tal-ent team,information-oriented level,and industrial competition.Conclusion The development of scientific and technological in-novation in provincial maternal and child health care institutions is affected by internal and external factors.It is necessary to firmly seize opportunities and comprehensively promote scientific and technological innovations from the aspects of medical treat-ment,teaching and research collaboration,discipline layout,talent team,and information-oriented construction.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025320


Objective:To analyze the key points and shortcomings of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)science and technology innovation policy in China,and to provide reference for the subsequent policy optimization.Methods:Searching for TCM science and technology innovation policy texts released at the national level since 2007,and use the two-dimensional analysis framework for quantitative analysis.Results:Among 27 policies,In the X dimension,supply-based,environmental and demand-based policy tools respectively accounted for 48.98%,39.29%and 11.73%.In the Y dimension,the proportion of scientific and technological innovation and achievement transformation was the highest(29.03%);Promoting the development of integrated Chinese and Western medicine was the least used(1.08%).Conclusion:There is a structural imbalance in the application of policy tools,the distribution difference of policy objectives is significant,and the internal policy tools'usage is imbalanced regarding policy objectives.Suggestions:Optimize the internal structure of policy tools.Meanwhile,enhance the structure of policy objectives,and facilitate the dynamic integration and application of policy tools to achieve the policy objectives of scientific and technological innovation in TCM.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 542-549, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036466


Nowadays, both international and domestic scientific and technological innovation activities are facing different types and degrees of ethical risks, which bring many negative impacts to human society and even threaten the safety of individuals’ lives and properties. To further standardize the ethics review of science and technology, strengthen risk prevention and control, and promote responsible innovation, ten ministries and commissions jointly issued the Measures for Scientific and Technological Ethics Review (for Trial Implementation) in September 2023. The Measures for Scientific and Technological Ethics Review (for Trial Implementation) required that ethical review should be implemented for science and technology innovation activities in many fields, ethical review should be more practicable. It strengthened emergency management of major public emergencies, proposed that research institutions should establish risk assessment methods, new unorganized personnel can apply for entrusted ethical review, and an ethics committee certification system should be established. The Measures for Scientific and Technological Ethics Review (for Trial Implementation) had outstanding highlights and distinctive features, clarified the responsible parties for scientific and technological innovation activities, strengthened their responsibilities and management of ethical review, introduced a management system for the list of scientific and technological activities, and created an expert review model for addressing the challenges of greater ethical risks. The interpretation and implementation reflection on the Measures for Scientific and Technological Ethics Review (for Trial Implementation) can provide a reference for the implementation of it, with a view to promoting the ethical review of science and technology as a normative force, as well as facilitating the upward and positive development of scientific and technological innovation activities for the benefit of humanity.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 483-488, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012926


Science and technology ethics governance, how to put ethics first? The purpose of "technological innovation, ethics first" is to build an ethical soft landing mechanism for scientific and technological innovation. Researchers of science and technology ethics should start from the practice of international and domestic science and technology ethics governance, and explore the realistic way of science and technology ethics governance on the basis of understanding and thinking about the innovative culture, value orientation and operation mechanism. First of all, it should be noted that seeking technical, management and institutional solutions in the current ethical governance of science and technology may not be perfect and thorough, but operable management measures can be explored and continuously improved under the framework of mainstream scientific and technological innovation. Secondly, the co-governance of science and technology ethics needs to further explore the corresponding group co-governance epistemology facing pluralistic co-governance. Finally, the ethical governance of science and technology should pay attention to the principle of proportionality, and avoid both lax and being too strict.

Texto & contexto enferm ; 33: e20230335, 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1576939


ABSTRACT Objective: to produce technology that promotes safe hospital care in catastrophic situations. Method: an applied study carried out in a public hospital located in Brazil's Midwest region, between September 2020 and August 2021, using Soft Design Science Research in seven stages: outlining the problem, with descriptive analysis of hospital indicators; explaining the problem as a specific set of requirements, through the application of scales with 108 health professionals and 75 nursing staff, and descriptive and inferential analysis; generalizing the problem, through a scope review to systematize a class of problems; structuring the components of the solution through a workshop guided by design thinking; comparing the specific problem and general requirements to align the solution; defining the solution; building the solution. Results: immersion in the problem revealed outcomes that heralded the worsening of patients' health conditions and the negative perception of workers and managers regarding the safety climate in catastrophic situations, accentuated by the nursing team's dissatisfaction with the support offered by the organization. The projection of this scenario was essential for the systematization of security-enhancing solutions already produced for this purpose, and for carrying out design-oriented experiments in alignment, structuring, prototyping and iteration of the prototype built. Conclusion: a Rapid Response Team has been set up which, in catastrophic situations, makes it possible to intervene when the patient's clinical condition worsens, which helps to increase the survival rate and promotes safety.

RESUMEN Objetivo: producir tecnología que promueva la seguridad del cuidado en la atención hospitalaria en situaciones catastróficas. Método: investigación aplicada realizada en un hospital público ubicado en la región Centro-Oeste de Brasil, entre los meses de septiembre de 2020 y agosto de 2021, mediante la aplicación de la Soft Design Science Research, en siete etapas: perfilamiento del problema, con análisis descriptivo de indicadores hospitalarios; explicación del problema como un conjunto específico de requisitos, mediante la aplicación de escalas con 108 profesionales de la salud y 75 profesionales de enfermería, y análisis descriptivo e inferencial; generalización del problema, mediante revisión de alcance para sistematizar una clase de problemas; estructuración de los componentes de la solución a través de un taller guiado por el design thinking; comparación entre el problema específico y los requisitos generales para alinear la solución; definición de la solución; construcción de la solución. Resultados: la inmersión en el problema reveló resultados que anuncian el empeoramiento de las condiciones de salud de los pacientes y la percepción negativa de trabajadores y gestores sobre el clima de seguridad en situaciones catastróficas, acentuada por la insatisfacción del equipo de enfermería con el soporte ofrecido por la organización. La proyección de este escenario fue fundamental para sistematizar las soluciones que potencien la seguridad, ya producidas para este fin, y para realizar experimentos orientados al diseño, alineación, estructuración, prototipado e iteración del prototipo construido. Conclusión: se formó un Equipo de Respuesta Rápida que, en situaciones catastróficas, permite intervenir ante el empeoramiento de las condiciones clínicas del paciente, lo que favorece el aumento de la tasa de supervivencia y brinda seguridad.

RESUMO Objetivo: produzir tecnologia propulsora de segurança do cuidado na atenção hospitalar em situações catastróficas. Método: pesquisa de natureza aplicada realizada em um hospital público situado na região centro-oeste, Brasil, entre os meses de setembro de 2020 a agosto de 2021, por meio da aplicação da Soft Design Science Research, em sete etapas: delineamento do problema, com análise descritiva de indicadores hospitalares; explicitação do problema como um conjunto específico de requisitos, mediante aplicação de escalas com 108 profissionais de saúde e 75 de enfermagem, e análise descritiva e inferencial; generalização do problema, através de revisão de escopo para sistematização de uma classe de problemas; estruturação dos componentes da solução por meio de workshop orientado pelo design thinking; comparação entre o problema específico e requisitos gerais para alinhamento da solução; definição da solução; construção da solução. Resultados: a imersão no problema evidenciou desfechos que anunciam o agravamento da condição de saúde dos pacientes e percepção negativa de trabalhadores e gestores em relação ao clima de segurança em situações catastróficas, acentuado pela insatisfação da equipe de enfermagem com o suporte oferecido pela organização. A projeção deste cenário foi essencial para sistematização de soluções potencializadoras de segurança já produzidas com esta finalidade, e para a realização de experimentações orientadas pelo design, em alinhamento, estruturação, prototipagem e iteração do protótipo construído. Conclusão: produziu-se um Time de Resposta Rápida que, em situações catastróficas, permite intervir frente ao agravamento de condições clínicas do paciente, o que favorece a ampliação da taxa de sobrevida e é propulsor de segurança.

Texto & contexto enferm ; 33: e20230038, 2024. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1560591


ABSTRACT Objective: to develop a teaching resource for use in the classroom, involving smartphones and focused on Nursing students. Method: this is an applied technological production research aimed at teachers and students of undergraduate and postgraduate Nursing courses. The study was structured based on the health product and service design model, which includes briefing, data collection, problem analysis, concept, generation of alternatives, selection of the best alternative, solution refinement, prototype, tests, modifications, and implementation. The project was developed in the second semester of 2022 by four doctoral students, a master's student and two PhDs in Nursing, during the discipline of Technologies and Management in Education and Work in Health and Nursing of the Graduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Results: an educational technology was developed to assists in learning and interactions in the classroom. "Cola na Profe!" was created as a didactic and technological strategy. The objective was to integrate students and encourage their participation and attention in classes through the use of smartphones in the virtual learning environment. Conclusion: the use of the teaching resource "Cola na Profe!" contributes to the teaching-learning process, linking the virtual world to the classroom and contributing to the interaction of those involved, which makes students protagonists of their own learning.

RESUMEN Objetivo: desarrollar un recurso didáctico para ser usado en salones de clase, con utilización de smartphones y centrado en estudiantes de Enfermería. Método: investigación aplicada de producción tecnológica dirigida a docentes y estudiantes de la carrera de grado y cursos de postgrado en Enfermería. El estudio se estructuró a partir del modelo de diseño de productos y servicios de salud, que contempla lo siguiente: briefing, sondeo de datos, análisis del problema, concepto, generación de opciones, selección de la mejor opción, refinamiento de la solución, prototipo, pruebas, modificaciones e implementación. El proyecto fue desarrollado en el segundo semestre de 2022 por cuatro estudiantes de Doctorado, un estudiante de Maestría y dos Doctoras en Enfermería, durante la disciplina académica de Tecnologías y Gestión en Educación y Trabajo en Salud y Enfermería de un programa de postgrado en Enfermería de la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina. Resultados: se desarrolló una tecnología educativa que asiste en el aprendizaje y en las interacciones en salones de clase. "Cola na Profe!" se creó como una estrategia didáctica y tecnológica. El objetivo es integrar a los alumnos y estimular su participación y atención en la clase recurriendo al uso de smartphones en el ambiente virtual de aprendizaje. Conclusión: utilizar el recurso didáctico "Cola na Profe!" contribuye al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, vinculando el mundo virtual con el salón de clase y facilitando la interacción de todas las personas involucradas, lo que convierte a los alumnos en los protagonistas de su propio proceso de aprendizaje.

RESUMO Objetivo: desenvolver um recurso didático para uso em sala de aula, envolvendo smartphones e centrado nos estudantes de enfermagem. Método: trata-se de uma pesquisa aplicada de produção tecnológica voltada aos docentes e discentes do curso de graduação e pós-graduação em Enfermagem. Estruturou-se o estudo a partir do modelo de projeto de produtos e serviços em saúde, que contempla: briefing, levantamento de dados, análise do problema, conceito, geração de alternativas, seleção da melhor alternativa, refino da solução, protótipo, testes, modificações e implementação. O projeto foi desenvolvido no segundo semestre de 2022, por quatro doutorandas, uma mestranda e duas doutoras em Enfermagem, durante a disciplina de Tecnologias e Gestão na Educação e Trabalho em Saúde e Enfermagem de um programa de pós-graduação em Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Resultados: desenvolveu-se uma tecnologia educacional que auxilia na aprendizagem e na interação em sala de aula. O "Cola na Profe!" foi criado como uma estratégia didática e tecnológica. O objetivo é integrar os alunos e estimular a participação e atenção deles em sala, por meio do uso do smartphone no ambiente virtual de aprendizagem. Conclusão: o uso do recurso didático "Cola na Profe!" contribui com o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, vinculando o mundo virtual à sala de aula e contribuindo para a interação dos envolvidos, o que torna o estudante, protagonista do seu aprendizado.

Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572319


O objetivo do trabalho foi desenvolver mortadela de carne mecanicamente separada (CMS) de codornas poedeiras (Coturnix japonica) de descartes enriquecida com diferentes níveis de pó de casca de ovo e avaliar os aspectos físicos, químicos, microbiológicos, sensoriais, juntamente com a aceitação e intenção de compra. Produziu-se quatro produtos, com diferentes níveis de inclusão de pó de casca de ovos sendo eles: tratamento 1 = mortadela controle, com 0%; tratamento 2 = mortadela com adição de 2%; tratamento 3 = mortadela com adição de 4% e tratamento 4 = mortadela com adição de 6% de pó de casca de ovo. Os produtos foram submetidos as análises microbiológicas, composição química, pH e sensorial. Os resultados foram satisfatórios, visto que todos os tratamentos estavam aptos ao consumo humano. A inclusão de pó de casca de ovo aumentou o teor de umidade, porém quando adicionado 2%, o produto apresentou melhor aceitação e menor valor calórico. Conclui-se que adicionando o pó de casca de ovo em mortadelas elaboradas com CMS de codornas de poedeiras de descarte ocorreu redução do valor calórico, apresentando melhor qualidade nutricional e aceitação para os atributos avaliados quando incluído 2% de pó de casca de ovo, levando o produto a possibilidade de comercialização, assim como, se tornando uma excelente alternativa de alimento.

The objective of this study was to develop mortadella from mechanically separated meat (MSM) of discarded laying quails (Coturnix japonica) enriched with different levels of eggshell powder and to evaluate the physical, chemical, microbiological, and sensory aspects, along with acceptance and purchase intent. Four products were produced with varying levels of eggshell powder inclusion: treatment 1 = control mortadella, with 0%; treatment 2 = mortadella with 2% addition; treatment 3 = mortadella with 4% addition; and treatment 4 = mortadella with 6% addition of eggshell powder. The products were subjected to microbiological, chemical composition, pH, and sensory analyses. The results were satisfactory, and all treatments were suitable for human consumption. The inclusion of eggshell powder increased the moisture content; however, when 2% was added, the product showed better acceptance and lower caloric value. It was concluded that adding eggshell powder to mortadella made with MSM from discarded laying quails reduced the caloric value, resulting in better nutritional quality and acceptance for the evaluated attributes when 2% eggshell powder was included, making the product commercially viable and an excellent alternative food.

El objetivo del estudio fue desarrollar mortadela a partir de carne mecánicamente separada (CMS) de codornices ponedoras (Coturnix japonica) descartadas, enriquecida con diferentes niveles de polvo de cáscara de huevo, y evaluar los aspectos físicos, químicos, microbiológicos y sensoriales, junto con la aceptación y la intención de compra. Se produjeron cuatro productos con diferentes niveles de inclusión de polvo de cáscara de huevo: tratamiento 1 = mortadela control, con 0%; tratamiento 2 = mortadela con adición del 2%; tratamiento 3 = mortadela con adición del 4%; y tratamiento 4 = mortadela con adición del 6% de polvo de cáscara de huevo. Los productos fueron sometidos a análisis microbiológicos, composición química, pH y pruebas sensoriales. Los resultados fueron satisfactorios, y todos los tratamientos fueron aptos para el consumo humano. La inclusión de polvo de cáscara de huevo aumentó el contenido de humedad; sin embargo, al agregar el 2%, el producto mostró una mejor aceptación y menor valor calórico. Se concluyó que al añadir polvo de cáscara de huevo en mortadelas elaboradas con CMS de codornices ponedoras de descarte se redujo el valor calórico, presentando mejor calidad nutricional y aceptación para los atributos evaluados cuando se incluyó un 2% de polvo de cáscara de huevo, lo que hace al producto viable para comercialización y una excelente alternativa alimentaria.

Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 15(1)jun. 2023.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521928


Introducción: Actualmente se impone la automatización de los datos, lo que contribuye a ganar tiempo, mejorar el rendimiento y la escalabilidad de los procesos. Objetivo: crear una base de datos automatizada (BDA) para el control de la literatura docente, en la Filial de Ciencias Médicas de Nuevitas. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de innovación tecnológica, en el período comprendido desde octubre de 2021 hasta enero de 2022; para la recolección de datos se utilizó una encuesta, que permitió el diagnóstico de la necesidad de crear el producto terminado e identificar criterios que aportaron información primaria. Como herramienta de diseño se utilizó el gestor de base de datos Microsoft Access. Se trabajó en dos etapas: la primera donde se hizo un estudio de los documentos concernientes a la literatura docente existentes en el almacén y la segunda en la cual se trabajó en el diseño lógico y físico de la BDA. Resultados: La factibilidad del producto fue valorada de adecuada por parte de los especialistas. Conclusiones: Se recomienda la validación del producto para determinar su confiabilidad, así como la utilización del producto terminado en otras instituciones de la educación médica superior.

Introduction: Currently, the need for data automation is an imposition that contributes to reducing time, as well as improving performance and process scalability. Objective: to create an automated database (BDA) for the control of teaching literature in the Nuevitas Medical Sciences Branch. Methods: A study of technological innovation was carried out from October 2021 to January 2022. The information was obtained by means of a survey, which allowed the diagnosis of the need to create the finished product and identify criteria that provided primary information. Microsoft Access database manager was used as design tool. The work was carried out in two stages: a first stage related to the study of the documents concerning the teaching literature existing in the warehouse; the second stage that involved the logical and physical design of the BDA. Results: The feasibility of the computer product was assessed as adequate by the specialists. Conclusions: The validation of the product is recommended to determine its reliability, as well as its use in other institutions of higher medical education.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970586


In order to judge the future development trend of science and technology, plan ahead and lay out the frontier technology fields and directions, China Association of Chinese Medicine(CACM) has launched consultation projects for collecting "major scienti-fic issues and engineering technology difficulties in traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)" for the industry for three consecutive years since 2019. Up to now, 18 projects have been selected as major issues for research, and some experience and achievements have been made. These projects have been applied in important scientific and technological work such as scientific and technological planning and deployment at all levels of national, local, and scientific research institutions, the selection and cultivation of major national scientific and technological projects, and the construction of innovation bases, giving full play to the role of the think tank advisory committee of CACM. This study reviewed the selection of major issues for the first time, systematically combed its application in the national layout of science and technology, and put forward the existing problems and improvement suggestions, aiming to provide new ideas for further improving the selection of major issues and research direction, providing a theoretical basis and decision support for the national scientific and technological layout in the field of TCM, and promoting scientific and technological innovation to facilitate the high quality development of TCM.

Médecine traditionnelle chinoise , Inventions , Chine , Médicaments issus de plantes chinoises
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030050


In order to explore a suitable pathway for the scientific and technological achievement transformation at prefecture-level public hospitals, in October 2020, a prefecture-level tertiary hospital carried out the " 3+ 3+ 3" mode for scientific and technological innovation and achievement transformation. A three-level management structure was established, consisting of the ministry of science and education, the working group on the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and the leading group. Three management systems were improved and formulated, including the " measures for reimbursement and rewards of scientific and technological achievements ", the " measures for intellectual property management", and the " implementation plan for promoting the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements". The management measures for the three stages of intellectual property protection, incubation of scientific and technological achievements, and transfer and transformation of achievements were improved. These measures provided organizational support, institutional support, and feasible paths for this practice. After nearly three years of practice, hospitals had reduced the number of low-quality patent applications, and the number and amount of scientific and technological achievements transformed increased from 1 achievement and 10 000 yuan in 2020 to 9 achievements and 320 000 yuan in 2022. This exploration could provide a reference for the transfer and transformation of professional scientific and technological achievements in prefecture-level public hospitals in China.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990691


Total mesorectal excision (TME) is an effective surgical method to reduce the local recurrence of rectal cancer and improve patient prognosis. However, there is debate about which surgical platform to use to achieve the best surgical outcome for TME. The emergence and technological progress of transanal total mesorectal excision (taTME) can solve the problem of difficulty in lower rectal resection and achieve better surgical resection results. Based on relevant literatures and combined with team clinical practice, the authors explore the technical advantages and oncological efficacy of taTME in rectal cancer.

Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 81: e37170, mar.1, 2022.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-SP, Ses-sp-portal-nits, VETINDEX, SESSP-ACVSES, SESSP-IALPROD, SES-SP, SESSP-IALACERVO | ID: biblio-1393361


O Núcleo de Inovação Tecnológica do Instituto Adolfo Lutz (NIT-IAL), foi criado em dezembro de 2013 com o objetivo de estimular a inovação dentro do instituto, bem como administrar a propriedade intelectual gerada na instituição e providenciar meios para promover a transferência de conhecimento científico, tecnológico e cultural ao setor produtivo público e privado. Após o mapeamento das áreas técnicas, foram identificados obstáculos não previstos na Lei de Inovação, os quais o NIT-IAL conseguiu superar, permitindo parcerias técnico-científicas com instituições públicas e privadas, e gerenciamento dos recursos financeiros (AU).

The Technological Innovation Center of the Adolfo Lutz Institute (NIT-IAL) was created in December 2013 with the objective of stimulating innovation within the IAL, as well as managing the intellectual property generated at the institute and providing means to promote the transfer of scientific, technological and cultural knowledge to the public and private productive sector. After mapping the technical areas, situations not covered by the Innovation Law were identified. The NIT-IAL managed to overcome these challenges and allowing technical-scientific partnerships with public and private institutions and financial resources management (AU).

Académies et instituts , Gestion des Sciences de la Santé, des Technologies et de l'Innovation , Législation en Sciences et Technologie , Partenariats entre secteurs publique et privé , Inventions
Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 12(1)jan., 2022. ilus
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398467


INTRODUÇÃO: Profissionais atuantes na área de terapia intensiva (UTI) são constantemente desafiados a apresentarem um alto nível de desempenho e conhecimento. Neste cenário, destaca-se o fenômeno da utilização de aplicativos móveis (também conhecidos como APPS) entre a população mundial, visando assim ao acesso fácil e rápido a informação a fim de auxiliar na tomada de decisão. OBJETIVOS: Desenvolver um APP direcionado para profissionais intensivistas. MÉTODOS: O desenvolvimento do aplicativo (APP) foi feito a partir da plataforma Expo, elaborado em um computador e disponibilizado para as plataformas Android e IOS. As temáticas presentes no aplicativo foram definidas com base no conhecimento de dois fisioterapeutas especialistas em Fisioterapia em Terapia Intensiva Adulto com mais de 10 anos de experiência. RESULTADOS: O APP utiliza uma interface intuitiva, sensível ao toque e de rápido acesso às informações que o usuário solicitar. Há um menu apresentando os botões referentes a cada função do APP, tais como: índices e cálculos; escalas funcionais; exames laboratoriais; sinais vitais; desmame; ventilação mecânica (VM); ventilação não invasiva (VNI). Desta forma, o APP apresenta sete modalidades. O tempo de desenvolvimento do aplicativo foi de 12 meses. CONCLUSÃO: Desenvolvemos um APP com foco em profissionais que atuam em UTIs, com o objetivo de que estes obtenham informações à beira leito assim como facilidade de utilização de instrumentos avaliativos

INTRODUCTION: Professionals working in the area of intensive care (ICU) are constantly challenged to present a high level of performance and knowledge. In this scenario, the phenomenon of the use of mobile applications (also known as APPS) among the world population stands out. Thus aiming at easy and quick access to information in order to assist in decision making. OBJECTIVES: Develop an APP aimed at intensive care professionals. METHODS: The development of the application (APP) was made from the Expo platform, it was prepared on a computer and made available for the Android and IOS platforms. The themes present in the application were defined based on the knowledge of two Physiotherapists specializing in Physiotherapy in Adult Intensive Care with more than 10 years of experience. RESULTS: The APP uses an intuitive, touchsensitive interface with quick access to the information that the user requests. There is a menu showing the buttons representing each function of the APP, such as: indexes and calculations; functional scales; laboratory tests; vital signs; weaning; mechanical ventilation (MV); non-invasive ventilation (NIV). In this way, the APP presents seven modalities. Application development time was 12 months. CONCLUSION: We developed an APP focused on professionals who work in ICUs, with the objective that they obtain information at the bedside as well as ease of use of evaluative instruments.

Unités de soins intensifs , Inventions , Applications mobiles
Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 483-488, 2022.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031229


Science and technology ethics governance, how to put ethics first? The purpose of "technological innovation, ethics first" is to build an ethical soft landing mechanism for scientific and technological innovation. Researchers of science and technology ethics should start from the practice of international and domestic science and technology ethics governance, and explore the realistic way of science and technology ethics governance on the basis of understanding and thinking about the innovative culture, value orientation and operation mechanism. First of all, it should be noted that seeking technical, management and institutional solutions in the current ethical governance of science and technology may not be perfect and thorough, but operable management measures can be explored and continuously improved under the framework of mainstream scientific and technological innovation. Secondly, the co-governance of science and technology ethics needs to further explore the corresponding group co-governance epistemology facing pluralistic co-governance. Finally, the ethical governance of science and technology should pay attention to the principle of proportionality, and avoid both lax and being too strict.

Chinese Journal of Geriatrics ; (12): 1410-1413, 2022.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-993745


The situation of population aging is grim.And scientific and technological innovation is an important strategic support means to solve the problem of population aging.President Xi Jinping has put forward the guiding ideology of "Four Facing" of scientific and technological innovation, pointing out the direction of using science and technology to support the high-quality development of the aging cause and to realize healthy aging.The scientific and technological innovation of population aging has always been highly integrated with exploring international science frontiers, serving main economic sectors, meeting major national needs and safeguarding people's life and health.This paper elaborates on the deep integration between the aging population and the "four facing" of scientific and technological innovation, in order to better construct a new development pattern, and for science to help actively cope with the smooth implementation of the national strategy of population aging.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-957598


Chronic disease management is a challenging issue in China. To address the needs of talents and mature innovation ecosystem related to chronic disease management, The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University(FAH-SYSU) actively responds to the national strategy to promote the high-quality development of the hospital through strengthening strategic planning, top-level design, and systematic consideration. Precise management of chronic diseases was taken as key measure for the construction of a national medical center. With continuous exploration in establishing talent pool, innovation center and application platform, and chronic disease management system that focuses on core elements of talent and innovation, the FAH-SYSU Model for the precise management of chronic diseases has been initially formed.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-958675


Objective:To explore the scientific and technological innovation environment faced by hospitals in the context of great health, and the measures to promote the sustainable development of the independent innovation capacity of the third class hospitals.Methods:Combined with the development trend of scientific and technological innovation in the new era, this paper illustrates the practice of using existing resources to improve the level of clinical diagnosis and treatment technology and release the vitality of scientific and technological innovation, and puts forward some thoughts and suggestions for the work in combination with practice.Results:According to the measurements of " platform building, talent supporting and mechanism development" , the hospital integrated its internal resources, strengthened the integrated development of clinical disciplines within the platform resources, and strengthened the construction of hospital innovation connotation and the improvement of scientific research strength in many aspects.Conclusions:It is suggested to further clarify the development mode and direction of discipline innovation, continue to expand the construction of full-time scientific research teams, broaden and deepen the construction of public platforms, improve the multi-dimensional evaluation mechanism, and promote the establishment of a sustainable development system of scientific and technological innovation.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);26(3): 1001-1012, mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153847


Resumo A resposta americana à pandemia envolve um proeminente volume de recursos federais, em especial destinados ao desenvolvimento e aquisição de produtos no uso interno, como diagnósticos ou vacinas. As justificativas para esse desembolso se baseiam em mecanismos de investimentos e aspectos históricos. Assim, a construção social do nacionalismo na formação na sociedade americana prejudica o acesso a tecnologias em saúde. A revisão desses aspectos demonstra como os Estados Unidos (EUA) garantiram compra de grande quantitativo de produtos em potencial, inclusive assegurando excessiva produção local. Essa política externa unilateral tem influenciado outros países ou blocos regionais e prejudicado a cooperação e a solidariedade global com impacto na saúde coletiva de diversas nações.

Abstract The American response to the pandemic involves a prominent volume of federal resources, especially for developing and acquiring products for internal use, such as diagnostics or vaccines. Investment mechanisms and historical aspects justify this expenditure. Thus, the social construction of nationalism in American society hinders access to health technologies. The review of such aspects shows how the United States (U.S.) secured a large number of potential products, ensuring excessive local production. This unilateral foreign policy has influenced other countries or regional blocs and undermined global cooperation and solidarity, affecting the collective health of several nations.

Humains , Santé mondiale , Infections à coronavirus/épidémiologie , Pandémies , Coopération internationale , Systèmes politiques , États-Unis/épidémiologie , Department of Health and Human Services (USA)/économie , Infections à coronavirus/diagnostic , Infections à coronavirus/thérapie , Coûts et analyse des coûts , Allocation des ressources/économie , Allocation des ressources/méthodes , Pays en voie de développement , Diffusion des innovations , Économie , Ressources en santé/économie , Ressources en santé/ressources et distribution , Accessibilité des services de santé
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;28(1): 255-281, mar. 2021.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154318


Resumen Las "enfermedades infecciosas emergentes y reemergentes" constituyen una creciente amenaza para la hegemonía de la biomedicina, al suscitar no pocos interrogantes sobre la idoneidad de su discurso y prácticas para afrontar el desafío global que representan. Se analiza el proceso de construcción de esta nueva categoría nosológica, y se examinan ejemplos destacados del impacto de las enfermedades (re)emergentes en la salud pública, la seguridad alimentaria y el desarrollo humano a escala global. Se refiere a prácticas irresponsables de sectores de la industria farmacéutica y agropecuaria, determinantes en su desencadenamiento y diseminación; y a algunos fallos cruciales de enfoque y manejo de los tiempos en las políticas de salud global en relación al VIH/sida con desastrosas consecuencias para el África subsahariana.

Abstract "Emerging and reemerging infectious diseases" pose a growing threat to the hegemony of biomedicine, raising questions about whether its discourse and practices can handle the global challenge they represent. The construction of this new nosological category is analyzed in this article, which examines some notable examples of the impact of (re)emerging diseases on public health, food security and human development on a global scale. It discusses irresponsible practices by sectors of the pharmaceutical and agricultural industries which led to the emergence and spread of these diseases; and points to some crucial failures of approach and time management in global health policies on HIV/AIDS, with disastrous consequences for sub-Saharan Africa.

Humains , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Histoire du 21ème siècle , Santé mondiale , Maladies transmissibles émergentes/histoire , Santé publique , Épidémies de maladies
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-912604


Objective:The development level of health science technology innovation plays crucial role in the sustainable development of economy and society in China. This article summarizes the experience of U. S., compares with the status quo of health science technology innovation in China, to provide possible reference for the future development in this field.Methods:This study mainly uses literature review, comparative reference and other methods to analyze the health science technology innovation and its development experience in U. S.Results:The U. S. has formed a health science and technology system with state-level research institutions as the main component, and has a strategic layout in the frontiers of basic medicine, key diseases, key population health, and medical device technology.Conclusions:Based on the experience of the u. s., China should establish a continuous medical research investment mechanism, strengthen the sharing of basic resources, attach importance to deployment in key areas, and continue to support cutting-edge research.