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Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(6): e03042023, Jun. 2024. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557518


Resumen Este artículo tiene como objetivo discutir las concepciones de los Hombres Gay, Hombres Bisexuales y una Mujer Transgénero que usan o quieren usar profilaxis previa a la exposición por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana oral (PrEP) sobre nuevas vías de administración. Fueron entrevistados 17 usuarios del BCN Checkpoint. Las entrevistas fueron grabadas en audio, sometidas a análisis categorial temático teniendo en cuenta la perspectiva praxeográfica. Todos están adaptados al uso de la PrEP diaria y a demanda. En relación con las nuevas vías de administración (PrEP inyección intramuscular cada dos meses; pastilla mensual; inyección subcutánea cada seis meses) todos son muy receptivos a esas posibilidades, pero les falta información sobre las especificidades de cada una de ellas y una evaluación específica de sus necesidades. Tanto la satisfacción con el uso de PrEP oral, como las expectativas sobre las nuevas vías de administración son positivas. Sin embargo, lo más importante para los/a entrevistados/a es la garantía de que tendrán seguimiento para continuar cuidando de la salud afectivo-sexual, lo que no depende del tipo de vía de administración.

Abstract This article aims to discuss the expectations of Homosexual Men, Bisexual Men and a Transgender Woman, who use or want to use an oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) about PrEP modalities. Sixteen PrEP users, who are followed up in the BCN Checkpoint, were interviewed,. The interviews were audio-recorded, subjected to thematic categorical analysis within the theoretical framework from the praxiographic perspective. They are all adapted to the use of daily oral and event-based PrEP. In relation to the new PrEP modalities (monthly pill; intramuscular injection every two months; subcutaneous injection every six months), they are all very receptive to these possibilities, but they lack information on the specificities of each and specific assessment of their needs. Comments about the use of oral PrEP are positive, and expectations regarding the new PrEP modalities are visibly high. However, the most important thing for the interviewees is the guarantee that they will have follow-up appointments to continue taking care of their affective-sexual health, which is not dependent on the type of PrEP modalities.

Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 81(3): 176-181, may.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568905


Abstract Background: HIV-infected children have a higher risk of presenting infections, including the hepatitis A virus (HAV). The inactivated HAV vaccine is immunogenic in immunocompetent hosts; however, there are insufficient studies on the duration of seroprotection in HIV-infected children. Methods: An analytical cohort study was conducted. HIV-1-infected children who received the inactivated HAV vaccine (2 doses) were included. Blood samples were taken for antibody measurement, the first one 28 days after the second dose and another 7 years after the vaccination schedule. Information on viral load, immunological category, weight, height, and response to antiretroviral treatment from diagnosis to the last assessment was obtained. Results: 19 patients were included, with a mean age of 12.6 years (SD ± 2.29). 58% were male. 80% of the patients presented protective immunoglobulin G antibodies against HAV 7-year post-vaccination. The antibody concentration was found to be between 13 and 80 mIU/mL (median of 80 mIU/mL). 52% showed some degree of immunosuppression. There was no statistically significant relationship between the presence of seroprotection and viral load, treatment failure, immunological category, and malnutrition. Twelve patients presented with antiretroviral treatment failure, and in 33% of them, the antibodies did not offer satisfactory seroprotection. Conclusion: 7-year post-vaccination, 80% of HIV-infected children maintain seroprotection titers against HAV.

Resumen Introducción: Los niños infectados por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) tienen mayor riesgo de presentar infecciones, incluyendo hepatitis por virus A (VHA). La vacuna inactivada contra el VHA es inmunógena en el huésped inmunocompetente. No hay estudios suficientes sobre el tiempo de seroprotección en niños infectados por el VIH. Método: Estudio de cohorte, analítico. Se incluyeron niños con infección por VIH-1 que recibieron la vacuna inactivada contra el VHA (dos dosis). Se les tomaron muestras sanguíneas para medición de anticuerpos, una 28 días después de la segunda dosis y otra 7 años después del esquema de vacunación. Se obtuvo información de carga viral, categoría inmunológica, peso y talla, y respuesta al tratamiento antirretroviral desde el diagnóstico hasta la última valoración. Resultados: Se incluyeron 19 pacientes con una edad media de 12.6 años (± 2.29). El 58% fueron del sexo masculino. El 80% de los pacientes presentaron anticuerpos immunoglobulin G (IgG) contra el VHA protectores a los 7 años de la vacunación. La concentración de anticuerpos se encontró entre 13 y 80 mUI/ml (mediana: 80 mUI/ml). El 52% mostraron algún grado de inmunosupresión. No existe relación estadísticamente significativa entre la presencia de seroprotección y la carga viral, la falla al tratamiento, la categoría inmunológica ni la desnutrición. Doce pacientes presentaron falla al tratamiento antirretroviral; en el 33% de ellos los anticuerpos no ofrecían seroprotección satisfactoria. Conclusiones: A 7 años posvacunación, el 80% de los niños con VIH mantienen títulos de seroprotección frente al VHA.

Rev. epidemiol. controle infecç ; 14(1): 84-90, jan.-mar. 2024. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567535


Background and objectives: children are still affected by HIV and tuberculosis (TB). This study aimed to identify the occurrence of HIV and TB cases in children. Methods: this is an epidemiological, non-experimental, retrospective study, in which the population was made up of records of HIV and TB cases in children living in a municipality in the countryside of the state of São Paulo, from 2012 to 2022, in the age group of zero to 13 years old. After data collection, data consistency and validity was checked, followed by categorization of information for descriptive analyses and presentation in absolute and relative frequency tables. Results: during the study period, six HIV cases and seven TB cases were identified in children with a respective average annual incidence of 0.033 and 0.031 cases/1,000 inhabitants aged up to 13 years. There were 146 notifications of HIV-exposed children. There was a difference of months to years between the dates of diagnosis and notification, which deviates from the Ministry of Health recommendations. Incompatibility was found between municipal and state registration platforms, which shows a breakdown in flow of information on notifications. Conclusion: there have been HIV and childhood TB cases in the last ten years. Structural problems were identified in the fragmentation of the flow of information that subsidizes health actions according to the population's needs, which overshadows the health system's ability to respond.(AU)

Justificativa e Objetivos: crianças ainda são afetadas pelo HIV e pela tuberculose (TB). Dessa forma, o objetivo do estudo foi identificar a ocorrência de casos de HIV e TB em crianças. Métodos: trata-se de estudo epidemiológico, não experimental, retrospectivo, em que a população foi constituída pelo registro de casos infantis de HIV e TB residentes em um município do interior do estado de São Paulo, no período de 2012 a 2022, na faixa etária de zero a 13 anos de idade. Após a coleta de dados, foi realizada a verificação de consistência e validade dos dados, seguida do tratamento categorizado das informações para análises descritivas e apresentação em tabelas de frequência absoluta e relativa. Resultados: no período de estudo, foram identificados seis casos de HIV e sete de TB em crianças com média anual respectiva de 0,033 e 0,031 casos/1.000 habitantes com idade até 13 anos. Verificaram-se 146 notificações de criança exposta ao HIV. Houve diferença de meses a anos entre as datas de diagnóstico e de notificação, o que diverge do recomendado pelo Ministério da Saúde. Foi verificada a incompatibilidade entre plataformas de registro de âmbito municipal e estadual, o que evidencia uma quebra do fluxo de informação das notificações. Conclusão: houve ocorrência de casos de HIV e TB infantil nos últimos dez anos. Foram identificados problemas estruturais na fragmentação do fluxo da informação que subsidia ações de saúde de acordo com as necessidades da população, o que ofusca a capacidade de resposta do sistema de saúde.(AU)

Antecedentes y Objetivos: los niños siguen estando afectados por el VIH y la tuberculosis (TB). El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar la ocurrencia de casos de VIH y TB en niños. Métodos: se trata de un estudio epidemiológico, no experimental, retrospectivo, en el cual la población fue constituida por los registros de casos de VIH y TB en niños residentes en un municipio del interior del estado de São Paulo entre 2012 y 2022, con edad entre cero y 13 años. Después de la recolección de datos, se verificó la consistencia y validez de los mismos, seguido del tratamiento categorizado de la información para análisis descriptivos y presentación en tablas de frecuencias absolutas y relativas. Resultados: durante el periodo de estudio, se identificaron seis casos de VIH y siete de TB en niños, con una incidencia media anual respectiva de 0,033 y 0,031 casos/1.000 habitantes de hasta 13 años. Hubo 146 notificaciones de niños expuestos al VIH. Hubo una diferencia de meses a años entre las fechas de diagnóstico y notificación, lo que se desvía de lo recomendado por el Ministerio de Salud. Hubo incompatibilidad entre las plataformas de registro municipal y estatal, lo que muestra una ruptura en el flujo de información sobre las notificaciones. Conclusión: se han registrado casos de VIH y de tuberculosis infantil en los últimos diez años. Se identificaron problemas estructurales en la fragmentación del flujo de información que subvenciona las acciones sanitarias según las necesidades de la población, lo que ensombrece la capacidad de respuesta del sistema sanitario.(AU)

Humains , Nouveau-né , Nourrisson , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Tuberculose , Santé de l'enfant , VIH (Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine) , Notification des maladies , Maladies négligées
Rev. epidemiol. controle infecç ; 14(1): 1-7, jan.-mar. 2024. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567035


Background and Objective: To understand the main forms of transmission of HIV in order to foster the containment of the transmission chain, early diagnosis and the epidemiological profile of patients. In this sense, it will enable the analysis of the epidemiological profile and the transmissibility variables of patients with HIV/Aids from the municipality of Imperatriz-MA.. Method: This is an observational cross-sectional study. Data collection was performed from the analysis of patients' records registered in the Center for Testing and Counseling (CTA) from 2017 to 2020. For data collection, a questionnaire with transmission variables and epidemiological characteristics of patients was used. Results: From January 2017 to December 2020, 211 medical records were filed. Of these, 71.6% were male, 55.5% of the participants were between 21 and 40 years, and 66.4% from Imperatriz-MA. The most prevalent type of exposure was sexual intercourse without a condom. Among the participants, 83.9% (n=177) were positive only for HIV. About 140 people with HIV had an undetectable viral load (VL) (< 50 copies/ml) after 6 months of using antiretroviral therapy, making it low transmissibility. Conclusion: The study was able to characterize the epidemiological profile of patients from the Specialized Assistance Service (SAE) in Imperatriz between 2017 and 2020. Despite the increase in the number of cases among women, the most affected public remains young men, from 21 to 40 years of age, with 8 to 11 years of education, single and brown. Sexual intercourse without a condom is the main type of exposure.(AU)

Justificación y Objetivo: Buscando proporcionar a la contención de la cadena de transmisión del VIH, el diagnóstico precoz y el perfil epidemiológico de los pacientes para conocer las principales formas de transmisión del VIH. En este sentido, el estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el perfil epidemiológico y las variables de transmisibilidad de los usuarios con VIH/sida del municipio de Imperatriz-MA. Método: Se trata de un estudio observacional de carácter transversal, la recolección de datos fue realizada a partir del análisis de registros de usuarios registrados en el CTA en el período de 2017 a 2020. Para la recolección de datos, se utilizó un cuestionario con variables de transmisión y características epidemiológicas de los pacientes. Resultados: Se registraron 211 registros y enero de 2017 a diciembre de 2020. De estos, 71,6% del sexo masculino, 55,5% de los participantes tenían entre 21 y 40 años y 66,4% de Imperatriz - MA. El tipo de exposición más prevalente fue la relación sexual sin condón. Entre los participantes, 83,9% (n=177) fueron positivos solo para el VIH. Cerca de 140 personas con VIH tenían carga viral indetectable (< 50 copias/ml) después de 6 meses usando terapia antirretroviral, haciéndola de baja transmisibilidad. Conclusión: El público más afectado sigue siendo hombres jóvenes, de 21 a 40 años, con 8 a 11 años de educación, solteros y de piel morena. Las relaciones sexuales sin preservativo son el principal tipo de exposición.(AU)

Justificativa e Objetivo: Conhecer as principais formas de transmissão do HIV para proporcionar a contenção da cadeia de transmissão do HIV, o diagnóstico precoce e o perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes. Nesse sentido, será possível analisar o perfil epidemiológico e as variáveis de transmissibilidade dos usuários com HIV/Aids do município de Imperatriz-MA. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo observacional de caráter transversal. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir da análise de registros de usuários cadastrados no CTA no período de 2017 a 2020. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se um questionário com variáveis de transmissão e características epidemiológicas dos pacientes. Resultados: Foram registrados 211 prontuários de janeiro de 2017 a dezembro de 2020. Destes, 71,6% do sexo masculino, 55,5% dos participantes tinham entre 21 e 40 anos e 66,4% de Imperatriz-MA. O tipo de exposição mais prevalente foi a relação sexual sem preservativo. Entre os participantes, 83,9% (n=177) foram positivos apenas para HIV. Cerca de 140 pessoas com HIV tinham carga viral indetectável (< 50 cópias/ml) após 6 meses usando terapia antirretroviral, tornando-a de baixa transmissibilidade. Conclusões: O estudo conseguiu caracterizar o perfil epidemiológico dos usuários de SAE em Imperatriz entre 2017 e 2020. Apesar do aumento no número de casos em mulheres, o público mais afetado continua sendo homens jovens, de 21 a 40 anos, com 8 a 11 anos de educação, solteiros e pardos. A relação sexual sem preservativo é o principal tipo de exposição.(AU)

Profil de Santé , Syndrome d'immunodéficience acquise/épidémiologie , VIH (Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine) , Transmission de maladie infectieuse
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(1): e202302992, feb. 2024. tab
Article de Anglais, Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1525290


La resistencia a los antirretrovirales (ARV) es un problema de salud pública. Con el uso de inhibidores de la integrasa (INSTI) en pediatría, también comienzan a aparecer resistencias. El objetivo de esta comunicación es describir 3 casos con resistencia a los INSTI. Se describen 3 pacientes pediátricos con transmisión vertical del virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH). Iniciaron ARV de lactantes y preescolares, con mala adherencia al tratamiento, cursaron con diferentes planes secundarios a comorbilidades asociadas y fallas virológicas por resistencia. Los 3 casos clínicos describen la rápida aparición de resistencia frente a la falla virológica y el compromiso de los INSTI. La adherencia debe ser supervisada para detectar precozmente el aumento de la viremia. La falla virológica en un paciente tratado con raltegravir obliga a un rápido cambio de esquema ARV, ya que continuar utilizándolo podría favorecer nuevas mutaciones y resistencia a los INSTI de segunda generación.

Antiretroviral (ARV) drug resistance is a public health issue. Resistance has also been observed in the case of integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs) used in pediatrics. The objective of this article is to describe 3 cases of INSTI resistance. These are the cases of 3 children with vertically-transmitted human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). They were started on ARVs as infants and preschoolers, with poor treatment adherence, and had different management plans due to associated comorbidities and virological failure due to resistance. In the 3 cases, resistance developed rapidly as a result of virological failure and INSTI involvement. Treatment adherence should be monitored so that any increase in viremia can be detected early. Virological failure in a patient treated with raltegravir forces to a rapid change in ARV therapy because its continued use may favor new mutations and resistance to second-generation INSTIs.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Adolescent , Infections à VIH/traitement médicamenteux , VIH-1 (Virus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine de type 1)/génétique , Inhibiteurs de l'intégrase du VIH/usage thérapeutique , Inhibiteurs de l'intégrase du VIH/pharmacologie , Agents antiVIH/usage thérapeutique , Uruguay , Raltégravir de potassium/usage thérapeutique , Raltégravir de potassium/pharmacologie , Mutation
Rev. invest. clín ; 76(1): 29-36, Jan.-Feb. 2024. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560126


ABSTRACT Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) drug resistance is a major cause of treatment failure in children and adolescents infected with the virus. Objectives: The objectives of the study are to investigate HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) in patients who attended a referral care center in Argentina over a 15-year period and to compare mutational patterns between HIV-1 pol sequences characterized as B or BF recombinants. Methods: Individual resistance-associated mutations (RAMs) (to protease and reverse transcriptase inhibitors) were identified according to IAS-USA guidelines in 374 HIV-1-infected children and adolescents. HIV-1 subtype was characterized by phylogenetic and recombination analysis using MEGA5.1 and Simplot. Poisson linear regression was used to model the dynamics of the RAMs over time. Results: The prevalence of RAMs to protease inhibitors (R2 = 0.52, p = 0.0012) and nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (R2 = 0.30, p = 0.0225) decreased over time. HIVDR to non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors remained moderate to high, ranging between 33% and 76%. BF recombinants showed a higher frequency of thymidine analog mutation 1 RAMs profile and I54V mutation. Conclusion: In Argentina, HIVDR observed in children and adolescents has decreased over the past 15 years, regardless of the viral subtype.

Rev. neuro-psiquiatr. (Impr.) ; 87(1): 68-72, ene.-mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565729


RESUMEN El síndrome retroviral agudo (SRA) es uno de los escenarios clínicos posibles en los estadios tempranos de la infección por VIH, con presentaciones variables caracterizadas por alta carga viral y manifestaciones sintomáticas inespecíficas. Se describe el caso de un paciente varón de 21 años que presentó encefalitis aguda y ataxia cerebelosa, en cuyo estudio se diagnosticó infección por VIH y se identificó el cuadro de SRA.

ABSTRACT Acute retroviral syndrome (ARS) is one of the possible clinical configurations in the early stages of HIV infection, with varying presentations, characterized by high viral copies and nonspecific symptoms. We describe the case of a 21-year-old man who presented an acute onset encephalitis and cerebellar ataxia which led to the diagnosis of HIV infection and the identification of ARS.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019958


Objective To investigate the basic information of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome(HIV/AIDS)patients who infected with Epstein-Barr virus(EBV)or human Cytomegalovirus(HCMV),collect the relevant clinical immunological data and analyze the influencing factors.Method A total of 1 093 HIV/AIDS patients treated in the First Hospital of Changsha from January to December 2022 and underwent EBV and HCMV screening were collected.Flow cytometry was used to detect the CD4+T lymphocytes.Fluorescence quantitative PCR was applied for HIV-RNA,EBV-DNA,and HCMV-DNA testing.Statistical analysis was carried out by using SPSS 27.0,and logistic regression was used to analyze the risk factors of HIV/AIDS patients complicated with viral infection.Results Among 1 093 HIV/AIDS patients,the positive rates of EBV-DNA and HCMV-DNA were 48.22%(527/1 093)and 19.03%(208/1 093),respectively.As the number of CD4+T lymphocytes increased,the positive rates of EBV-DNA and HCMV-DNA decreased,and the differences was statistically significant(χ2=39.50,143.0,all P<0.001).As the level of HIV-RNA increased,the positive rates of EBV-DNA and HCMV-DNA increased,and the differences were statistically significant(χ2=46.18,124.3,all P<0.001).The patients receiving antiretroviral therapy(ART)significantly decreased the positive rates of EBV-DNA and HCMV-DNA(χ2=30.60,96.59,all P<0.001).There was a significant negative correlation between the number of CD4+T lymphocytes and the level of HIV-RNA(r=-0.49,P<0.001).Logistic regression analysis showed that the CD4+T lymphocyte count<200/μl(OR=1.46,95%CI:1.02~2.08,P=0.037),HIV-RNA load>200 copies/ml(OR=1.70,95%CI:1.18~2.44,P=0.004)and the age>30 years old(OR=2.15,95%CI:1.44~3.19,P<0.001)were risk factors for HIV/AIDS patients infected with EBV.Without regularly receiving ART(OR=1.83,95%CI:1.10~3.02,P=0.019),HIV-RNA load>200 copies/ml(OR=2.56,95%CI:1.50~4.35,P<0.001)and the CD4+T lymphocyte count<200/μl(OR=4.61,95%CI:2.57~8.28,P<0.001)were risk factors for HCMV infection in HIV/AIDS patients.Conclusion To reduce the possibility of opportunistic infection in HIV/AIDS patients,the surveillance of EBV and HCMV and regular ART should be strengthened,especially when the number of CD4+T lymphocytes decreases(<200/μl),the level of HIV RNA increases(>200 copies/ml)or the age>30 years old.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030571


Tuberculosis (TB) and human immunodeficiency virus infection / acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) are both serious global public health threats. Early detection of infected persons and/or patients through TB/HIV bi-directional screening is crucial for prevention and control strategy in China and globally. In recent years, with the promotion and application of new TB and HIV detection technologies worldwide, TB/HIV bi-directional screening technologies and strategies have made remarkable changes. This expert consensus introduces the significance and challenges of TB/HIV bi-directional screening, summarizes important progress of research and applications, and makes recommendations on screening measures and procedures to further strengthen TB/HIV bi-directional screening in China.

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031010


@#Lues maligna, also known as malignant syphilis, is an uncommon variant of syphilis at the secondary stage – more commonly reported in immunocompromised patients or those with concomitant human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. In this report, we present a case of a 28‑year‑old HIV‑negative male with a 9‑month history of multiple, well‑defined, irregularly‑shaped, erythematous papules, and small plaques evolving to ulcerated plaques and nodules with crusts, associated with pain, pruritus, and episodes of fever, arthralgia, and weight loss. Positive treponemal and nontreponemal tests, aided by histopathologic findings consistent with syphilis led to the diagnosis of lues maligna. Significant improvement of lesions was noted with 3 weekly doses of 2.4 million units of benzathine penicillin G. For patients presenting with painful and pruritic erythematous ulcerated plaques with crusts associated with systemic symptoms, and with a significant sexual history despite testing negative for HIV infection, a high index of suspicion for uncommon presentations of other sexually transmitted infections such as syphilis could aid in early diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

Chinese Journal of Biologicals ; (12): 227-233, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006863


@#Acquired immune deficiency syndrome,or AIDS,has been a major infectious disease that troubles the public health in a global scale. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1(HIV-1)is the causative reagent responsible for AIDS development. Even though the highly active anti-retroviral therapy(HAART,or the cocktail therapy)that has been widely applied could effectively suppress the infection and replication of HIV-1,the infected people suffer from other related diseases,such as the HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder(HAND). This paper mainly focused on the function of an important regulatory protein of HIV-1,trans-activator of transcription(Tat),and its correlation with HIV-1 replication and HAND development,so as to clarify the importance of developing anti-AIDS drugs targeting Tat protein

Organ Transplantation ; (6): 570-574, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038424


The application of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) has significantly prolonged the life expectancy of patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, viral infection and adverse reactions of cART drugs make patients more prone to organ failure. Solid organ transplantation has become a standard treatment for HIV-infected patients with end-stage organ failure. Nevertheless, among HIV-positive soild organ transplant recipients, multiple problems remain to be resolved, such as increased incidence of graft rejection, increased infection risk, drug toxicity and drug interaction between cART therapy and immunosuppressive drugs, etc. It is extremely challenging to deliver appropriate management for HIV-positive soild organ transplant recipients. Therefore, the application of immune induction therapy, calcineurin inhibitors, mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors and other immunosuppressive drugs in HIV-positive soild organ transplant recipients was reviewed, aiming to provide reference for subsequent management of immunosuppression in HIV-positive soild organ transplant recipients.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038437


ObjectiveTo understand the human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) infection status and related factors by using the HIV/AIDS sentinel surveillance data of men who have sex with men(MSM) in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province. MethodsSnowball sampling method was used to recruit MSM receiving HIV sentinel surveillance from 2016 to 2021.The inclusion criteria were aged 18 years old and above, reported having anal sex with man in recent 6 months. Questionnaire-based interviews were conducted on a one-on-one basis. Data including the characteristics of demography and ethology were collected. Five milliliter of blood samples were taken after the questionnaire. HIV and syphilis was screened. The time trend was analyzed with χ2 test. Multivariate logistic regression model was used to analyze the factors associated with HIV infection status among MSM. ResultsThe positive rate of HIV was 8.0% (127/1 597), with an increasing trend (P=0.002), but the linear correlation was weak(r=0.075). The positive rate of syphilis was 5.2% (83/1 597), with no significant difference (P=0.661).The constituent ratios showed an increasing trend (P<0.05) in using condoms consistently, finding male sexual partners through Internet or dating software, having anal sex in the past week, using condoms every time during anal sex in the past 6 months, accepting prevention services of AIDS in the last year, and the overall awareness of AIDS related knowledge. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that who was from national minority (OR=2.27, 95%CI: 1.08‒4.73) and from other provinces (OR=1.68, 95%CI: 1.08‒2.62), who failed to consistently use condoms every time during anal sex in the past six months (OR=3.03, 95%CI: 2.02‒4.54), who never accepted prevention services of AIDS in the last year (OR=2.17,95%CI:1.44‒3.27), who don’t know the knowledge of AIDS (OR=1.86, 95%CI: 1.12‒3.07), and who was infected with syphilis (OR=2.35, 95%CI: 1.20‒4.61) were at higher risk for HIV infection among MSM. ConclusionThe positive rate of HIV remains at a certain level among MSM in Jinhua. High-risk groups such as the patients with syphilis infections and floating population from other provinces need to be paid close attention. It is suggested to further strengthen the promotion of the use of condoms, awareness of AIDS and syphilis, warning education and comprehensive intervention services.

Pan Afr. med. j ; 482024. figures, tables
Article de Anglais | AIM | ID: biblio-1556132


Introduction: sub-Saharan Africa is experiencing a boom in the number of adolescents and young adults living with HIV (AYALHIV). Existing HIV intervention programs are mainly for children and adults living with HIV, with little attention paid to AYALHIV. Characterizing this population is necessary for planning, and designing, AYALHIV-centered HIV intervention programs. Methods: a retrospective single-center, hospital-based chart review was conducted at the largest HIV clinic in Ghana. We examined routinely collected data for AYALHIV (aged 10-24 years) on antiretroviral therapy (ART) for at least 1 year and in active care from 1st January to 31st December 2019. Data was collected using a structured data extraction form. The Chi-square and the Student´s t-test were used to compare characteristics between adolescents and young adults. Results: of 252 AYALHIV, 68% (172/252) were adolescents with a median age of 17 years (IQR 13-19); 32% were young adults with a median age of 22 years (IQR: 20-24). Most (56.7% (143/252)) AYALHIV were female. Almost 40% were orphans. Eighty-six percent of AYALHIV had HIV type I infection. The commonest mode of HIV acquisition among adolescents was vertical transmission (70.5%) and that among young adults was via unprotected sex (31.3%). 88% of AYALHIV were on non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors-based regimen. The viral suppression rate among AYALHIV was 78%. Conclusion: the study shows there is a growing population of AYALHIV most of which are adolescents. About two-fifths were orphans. Policymakers and HIV programs should ensure AYALHIV-centred interventions are developed for this vulnerable population.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Thérapie antirétrovirale hautement active , Profil de Santé , Infections à VIH , Adolescent , Jeune adulte
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535301


ABSTRACT Despite being subject to lower AIDS-related mortality rates and having a higher life expectancy, patients with HIV are more prone to develop non-AIDS events. A low CD4+/CD8+ ratio during antiretroviral therapy identifies people with heightened immune senescence and increased risk of mortality. In clinical practice, finding determinants of a low CD4+/CD8+ ratio may be useful for identifying patients who require close monitoring due to an increased risk of comorbidities and death. We performed a prospective study on the evolution of the CD4+/CD8+ ratio in 60 patients infected with HIV (80% males), who were subjected to two different antiretroviral regimens: early and deferred therapy. The initial CD4+/CD8+ ratio was ≤1 for 70% of the patients in both groups. Older age, CD4+ cell count at inclusion, Nadir CD8+T-cell count, and Initial CD4+/CD8+ ratio ≤ 1 were risk factors for lack of ratio recovery. In the multivariate analysis, a CD4+/CD8+ ratio > 1 at the start of the treatment was found to be a determinant factor in maintaining a CD4+/CD8+ ratio > 1. The nadir CD4+T-cell count was lower in the deferred therapy group (p=0.004), and the last CD4+/CD8+ ratio ≤1 was not associated with comorbidities. Ratio recovery was not associated with the duration of HIV infection, time without therapy, or absence of AIDS incidence. A greater improvement was observed in patients treated early (p=0.003). In contrast, the slope of increase was slower in patients who deferred treatment. In conclusion, the increase in the CD4+/CD8+ ratio occurred mostly for patients undergoing early strategy treatment and its extension did not seem to be related to previous HIV-related factors.

Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 83: e0013, 2024. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550775


ABSTRACT We present an interesting case of a 62-year-old black female, presented to the ophthalmological hospital with a little "nevus" on the left eye previously visualized at the mirror, with one month of development. Physical examination with slit lamp (biomicroscopy) showed a group of painless veins, with vascular redness, and a mass nodular aspect in the mid temporal bulbar conjunctiva, of approximately 2mmx4mm.

RESUMO Apresentamos o interessante caso de uma mulher negra de 62 anos, que deu entrada no hospital oftalmológico com um pequeno nevo no olho esquerdo previamente visualizado ao espelho, com 1 mês de evolução. O exame físico com lâmpada de fenda (biomicroscopia) mostrou um grupo de veias indolor e vermelhidão vascular, com uma massa de aspecto nodular na conjuntiva bulbar temporal média, de aproximadamente 2mmx4mm.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sarcome de Kaposi/diagnostic , Sarcome de Kaposi/étiologie , Infections à VIH/complications , Infections à VIH/diagnostic , Tumeurs de l'oeil/diagnostic , Tumeurs de l'oeil/étiologie , Sarcome de Kaposi/chirurgie , Tréponématoses/diagnostic , Biopsie , Infections à VIH/traitement médicamenteux , Séropositivité VIH , Tumeurs de l'oeil/chirurgie , Biomicroscopie
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559117


ABSTRACT Women living with human immunodeficiency virus are at an increased risk of developing cancers related to human papillomavirus (HPV). Thus, it is important to combine clinical assessments, serological screening, and HPV data for planning prevention policies. This study aimed to identify HPV and its specific types in the cervical, anal, and oral mucosa of HIV-seropositive women, associating it with viral load and lymphocyte count. Sociodemographic characteristics, health data (CD4+ and CD8+ T cell counts and viral load), and biological samples (cervical, anal, and oral) were collected from 86 HIV-positive women undergoing antiretroviral therapy. Data were classified according to the presence or absence of HPV-DNA, HPV-DNA presence at one or more anatomic sites, and level of oncogenic risk, considering low- and high-risk oncogenic HPV-DNA groups. The presence of HPV in the cervicovaginal site was 65.9%, 63.8% in anal canal, and 4.2% in oral mucosa. A viral load ≥75 HIV copies/mL was associated with the presence of HPV-DNA. There was an association between viral load and the low-risk HPV or high-risk HPV groups. We found a high prevalence of HPV infection in HIV-seropositive women, particularly in the cervical and anal mucosa, with viral load ≥75 HIV copies/mL being associated with HPV-DNA presence.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; 83(6): 883-889, dic. 2023. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558413


Resumen Introducción : Las infecciones por virus del papiloma humano (VPH) en cavidad oral se asocian a un subgrupo de cánceres cuya prevalencia está en incremento en todo el mundo. Las personas portadoras HIV (PHIV) tienen un mayor riesgo de contraer una infección por VPH y eventualmente desarrollar cáncer. El presente estudio trata de relevar la frecuencia y variabilidad genotípica de dicho virus en cavidad oral y su asociación con pro bables factores de riesgo en una población HIV+ de la provincia de Corrientes. Métodos : Se tomaron enjuagados bucales de 133 participantes. Luego de la extracción de ADN se detectó por PCR anidada la presencia de VPH. Los casos positivos se tipificaron por Reverse Line Blot y por secuenciación. Resultados : En la serie analizada se detectó una fre cuencia global de VPH del 22% (29/133) en los enjuagados bucales. El 62% (18/29) de los casos positivos presentó al menos un genotipo de alto riesgo. Los participantes con más de 36 años (p = 0.03, aOR = 3.2, IC = 1.1-9,4) y una carga viral de más de 40 copias/mL (p = 0.04, aOR = 3.3, IC = 1.1-10.3) reflejaron mayor riesgo de infección por VPH. La edad de inicio de relaciones sexuales también resultó un indicador útil en los casos que presenta ron infecciones por genotipos de alto riesgo (p = 0.04, aOR = 7.2, IC = 1.6-32.3). Además, se observaron genotipos de bajo riesgo no reportados con anterioridad en cavidad oral de habitantes de la región (VPH-13 y VPH-114). Discusión : Relevar datos epidemiológicos basales en pobla ciones vulnerables y altamente expuestas a VPH ayuda a clarificar la historia natural del virus en localizaciones extragenitales y a focalizarnos en particularidades regio nales que permitan elaborar políticas de salud acordes a la magnitud del problema local.

Abstract Introduction : Oral cavity HPV infections are associ ated with a subgroup of cancers whose prevalence is increasing worldwide. HIV infected people are in an increased risk of contracting HPV infection and devel oping cancer. The present study reveals the frequency and genotypic variability of this virus in the oral cavity and its association with probable risk factors in an HIV+ population of the province of Corrientes. Methods : Mouthwashes were taken from 133 partici pants. After DNA extraction, the presence of HPV was detected by nested PCR. Positive cases were typed by reverse line blot or by sequencing. Results : HPV was detected in 22% (29/133) of the mouthwashes. In 62% (18/29) of the positive samples, at least one high-risk genotype was detected. Participants older than 36 years (p = 0.03, aOR = 3.2, CI = 1.1-9.4) and a viral load of more than 40 copies (p = 0.04, aOR = 3.3, CI = 1.1-10.3) had higher risk of infection by any HPV genotype. In relation to the age of initiation of sexual intercourse, it was a significant parameter in the case of patients with infections by high-risk genotypes (p = 0.04, aOR = 7.2, IC = 1.6-32.3). In addition, previously unreport ed low-risk genotypes were observed in the oral cavity of inhabitants of the region like HPV-13 and HPV-114. Discussion : Collecting baseline epidemiological data in this type of vulnerable population helps to clarify the natural history of the virus in extragenital locations and focus on regional particularities that allow the development of health policies in accordance with the magnitude of the regional problem.

Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 33(4): 281-286, oct.-dic. 2023. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560028


RESUMEN Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de diagnósticos médicos de las enfermedades infecciosas y/o parasitarias de pacientes que acudieron al servicio de Estomatología en Pacientes Especiales (EPE) de la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Material y métodos: La población (n = 38) estuvo conformada por el número de diagnósticos médicos de pacientes con enfermedades infecciosas y/o parasitarias que acudieron al servicio de EPE durante los años 2015 y 2016. La información se trasladó a una base de datos en el programa Excel 2017, para posteriormente ser procesada y analizada de acuerdo con lo requerido por el programa Stata 12. Resultados: De un total de 1718 diagnósticos médicos, las enfermedades infecciosas y/o parasitarias tuvieron una prevalencia de 2,21 % (n = 38). Dentro de este grupo de enfermedades, el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) fue el más prevalente con 63,2 % (n = 24), siendo el sexo masculino el más prevalente con 79 % (n = 19); y dentro del grupo etario de 21 a 40 años de edad, el segundo diagnóstico específico más prevalente fue la hepatitis A con un 15,8 % (n = 6), en donde el sexo femenino fue el más prevalente con 83 % (n = 5). Conclusiones: El diagnóstico específico, dentro del grupo de las enfermedades infecciosas y/o parasitarias, con mayor prevalencia fue el VIH con un 63,2 % (n = 24).

ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the prevalence of medical diagnoses of infectious and/or parasitic diseases in patients who attended the Special Patients Stomatology Service (EPE) of the Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University. Material and methods: The population (n = 38) comprised the number of medical diagnoses of patients with infectious and/or parasitic diseases who attended the EPE service during 2015 and 2016. The information was transferred to a database in the Excel 2017 program to be processed and analyzed as required by the Stata 12 program. Results: Of 1718 medical diagnoses, infectious and/or parasitic diseases had a prevalence of 2.21% (n = 38). Within this group of diseases, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was the most prevalent, with 63.2 % (n = 24), with the male sex being the most prevalent with 79 % (n = 19). Within the age group of 21 to 40 years of age, the second most prevalent specific diagnosis was hepatitis A with 15.8 % (n = 6), whereas the female sex was the most prevalent with 83 % (n = 5). Conclusions: The specific diagnosis within the group of infectious and/or parasitic diseases with the highest prevalence was HIV, with 63.2% (n = 24).

RESUMO Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de diagnósticos médicos de doenças infecciosas e/ou parasitárias em pacientes que frequentaram o Serviço de Estomatologia para Pacientes Especiais (EPE) da Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Material e métodos: A população (n = 38) consistiu no número de diagnósticos médicos de pacientes com doenças infecciosas e/ou parasitárias que frequentaram o serviço EPE durante 2015 e 2016. A informação foi transferida para uma base de dados em Excel 2017, para posteriormente ser processada e analisada conforme requerido pelo programa Stata 12. Resultados: De um total de 1718 diagnósticos médicos, as doenças infeciosas e/ou parasitárias tiveram uma prevalência de 2,21 % (n = 38). Dentro deste grupo de doenças, o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH) foi o mais prevalente com 63,2 % (n = 24), sendo o sexo masculino o mais prevalente com 79 % (n = 19); e dentro do grupo etário dos 21-40 anos, o segundo diagnóstico específico mais prevalente foi a hepatite A com 15,8 % (n = 6), sendo o sexo feminino o mais prevalente com 83 % (n = 5). Conclusões: O diagnóstico específico mais prevalente no grupo das doenças infecciosas e/ou parasitárias foi o VIH com 63,2 % (n = 24).

Medisan ; 27(4)ago. 2023. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1514571


Se describe el caso clínico de un paciente infectado por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana en fase sintomática precoz, quien fue asistido en el Servicio de Dermatología del Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Docente Dr. León Cuervo Rubio en Pinar del Río por presentar lesiones eritematosas infiltradas de tres meses de evolución en el miembro inferior derecho, con alteración de la sensibilidad térmica y dolorosa. Se le indicó baciloscopia y estudio histopatológico que confirmaron el diagnóstico de sospecha de lepra dimorfa tuberculoide, por lo que se comenzó a aplicar poliquimioterapia combinada con terapia antirretroviral, lo cual favoreció la evolución del paciente.

The case report of a patient infected by the human immunodeficiency virus in early symptomatic phase is described, who was seen at the Dermatology Service of the Dr. León Cuervo Rubio Teaching Clinical Surgical Hospital of Pinar del Río for presenting infiltrated erythematous lesions of three months of evolution in the right lower limb, with altered pain and thermal sensation. A basiloscopic and histopathologic study was indicated, which confirmed the presumptive diagnosis of borderline tuberculoid leprosy, and therefore polychemotherapy combined with antiretroviral therapy was started, which favored the patient's evolution.

Mycobacterium leprae