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Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 88(1): e2023, 2025. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568843


ABSTRACT Purpose: This study aimed to compare the safety and effectiveness of intraocular pressure reduction between micropulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation and "slow cook" transscleral cyclophotocoagulation in patients with refractory primary open-angle glaucoma. Methods: We included patients with primary open angle glaucoma with at least 12 months of follow-up. We collected and analyzed data on the preoperative characteristics and postoperative outcomes. The primary outcomes were a reduction of ≥20% of the baseline value (criterion A) and/or intraocular pressure between 6 and 21 mmHg (criterion B). Results: We included 128 eyes with primary open-angle glaucoma. The preoperative mean intraocular pressure was 25.53 ± 6.40 and 35.02 ± 12.57 mmHg in the micropulse- and "slow cook" transscleral cyclophotocoagulation groups, respectively (p<0.001). The mean intraocular pressure was reduced significantly to 14.33 ± 3.40 and 15.37 ± 5.85 mmHg in the micropulse- and "slow cook" transscleral cyclophotocoagulation groups at the last follow-up, respectively (p=0.110). The mean intraocular pressure reduction at 12 months was 11.20 ± 11.46 and 19.65 ± 13.22 mmHg in the micropulse- and "slow cook" transscleral cyclophotocoagulation groups, respectively (p<0.001). The median preoperative logMAR visual acuity was 0.52 ± 0.69 and 1.75 ± 1.04 in the micropulse- and "slow cook" transscleral cyclophotocoagulation groups, respectively (p<0.001). The mean visual acuity variation was −0.10 ± 0.35 and −0.074 ± 0.16 in the micropulse- and "slow cook" transscleral cyclophotocoagulation, respectively (p=0.510). Preoperatively, the mean eye drops were 3.44 ± 1.38 and 2.89 ± 0.68 drugs in the micropulse- and "slow cook" transscleral cyclophotocoagulation groups, respectively (p=0.017), but those were 2.06 ± 1.42 and 1.02 ± 1.46 at the end of the study in the "slow cook" and micropulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation groups, respectively (p<0.001). The success of criterion A was not significant between both groups. Compared with 11 eyes (17.74%) in the "slow cook" transscleral cyclophotocoagulation group, 19 eyes (28.78%) in the micropulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation group showed complete success (p=0.171). For criterion B, 28 (42.42%) and 2 eyes (3.22%) showed complete success after micropulse- and "slow cook" transscleral cyclophotocoagulation, respectively (p<0.001). Conclusion: Both techniques reduced intraocular pressure effectively.

RECIIS (Online) ; 18(2)abr.-jun. 2024.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1561377


O texto discorre sobre relações entre a Ciência da Informação e o movimento da Ciência Aberta, sob a ótica de artigos científicos identificados na Base de Dados Referenciais de Artigos de Periódicos em Ciência da Informação. Objetiva determinar dimensões, campos e movimentos que se relacionam, estabelecendo um panorama dessa relação com as pesquisas brasileiras no período entre 2015 e 2019 no domínio da comunicação científica. A metodologia é a revisão narrativa de literatura, por meio da aplicação da análise de títulos, resumos e palavras-chave dos artigos selecionados. O campo empírico é composto pelos resultados obtidos pela busca na base, totalizando 36 resultados. Conclui-se que a Ciência da Informação está se relacionando com a Ciência Aberta, observando-se a prevalência de estudos sobre temáticas de dados de pesquisa abertos e sobre repositórios, de acordo com o período observado, como maneiras de aperfeiçoar os fazeres científicos.

The text discusses the relationship between Information Science and the Open Science movement, from the perspective of scientific articles identified in the Referential Database of Journal Articles in Information Science. The objective is to determine the dimensions, fields, and movements related, establishing an overview of this relationship with Brazilian research between 2015 and 2019, in the domain of scientific communication. The methodology employed is the narrative literature review, through the analysis of titles, abstracts, and keywords of selected articles. The empirical field consists of the results obtained through the search in the database, totaling 36 results. It is concluded that Information Science is relating to Open Science, with a prevalence of studies on open research data and repositories, according to the observed period, as ways to enhance scientific practices.

El texto discute la relación entre la Ciencia de la Información y el movimiento de la Ciencia Abierta, desde la perspectiva de artículos científicos identificados en la Base de Datos Referencial de Artículos de Revistas en Ciencia de la Información. El objetivo es determinar dimensiones, campos y movimientos relacionados, estableciendo una visión general de esta relación con la investigación brasileña entre 2015 y 2019, en el ámbito de la comunicación científica. La metodología es la revisión narrativa de literatura, a través del análisis de títulos, resúmenes y palabras clave de artículos seleccionados. El campo empírico consiste en los resultados obtenidos mediante la búsqueda en la base de datos, con 36 resultados. Se concluye que la Ciencia de la Información se relaciona con la Ciencia Abierta, con una prevalencia de estudios sobre datos de investigación abiertos y repositorios, según el período observado, como formas de mejorar las prácticas científicas.

Sciences de l'information , Base de données , Accès à l'information , Diffusion et Communication Scientifiques , Journaux comme sujet , Bases de données comme sujet , Périodique , Diffusion de l'information , Science des données
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 76(2)abr. 2024.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565464


Introducción: Los aneurismas de la arteria carótida extracraneal (ACEC) son poco frecuentes en comparación con las lesiones oclusivas. Los ACEC son menos del 1% de todos los aneurismas arteriales y solo el 10% son considerados aneurismas verdaderos. Caso Clínico: Paciente femenina de 84 años, en excelentes condiciones generales, hipertensa e hiperlipidémica, neurológicamente asintomática, con hallazgo de aneurisma de carótida interna derecha en el contexto de una arteria elongada, estenosis moderada ostial y oclusión de arteria carótida interna contralateral. Se realiza resección de aneurisma con anastomosis término terminal, endarterectomía del ostium y angioplastía con parche. Su evolución fue favorable, manteniéndose asintomática y con la reconstrucción permeable a 6 meses de seguimiento en eco duplex. Discusión: La elección del manejo del ACEC va a depender de sus características morfológicas, en este caso la presencia de tortuosidad extrema de la arteria carótida interna dificultaba la posibilidad de manejo endovascular, pero facilitaba la resección del aneurisma con anastomosis primaria término terminal. Conclusión: La aneurismectomía y reconstrucción es una modalidad de manejo disponible para los ACEC.

Introduction: Extracranial carotid artery aneurysms (ECAA) are rare compared to occlusive disease, less than 1% of all arterial aneurysms and only 10% are considered true aneurysms. Clinical case: A 84-year-old female, active and in excellent general health, with a prior history significant only for hypertension and hyperlipidemia was referred for a right internal carotid artery aneurysm and elongation in the context of contralateral internal carotid artery occlusion. The patient denied neurologic symptoms. Resection of the aneurysm and end-to-end anastomosis, endarterectomy of the ostium and patch angioplasty was performed. The patient had an uneventful recovery, remaining asymptomatic and the reconstruction patent on duplex scan at 6 month follow up. Discussion: The choice of repair alternatives for EICA depend on its morphological characteristics. The presence of extreme tortuosity of the internal carotid artery in this case, on one hand make difficult to consider endovascular alternatives, but facilitates aneurysm resection and primary end-to-end anastomosis. Conclusion: Aneurysmectomy and arterial reconstruction is a treatment alternative for EICA repair.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(1): 1-5, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525805


Introdução: O trauma de mão constitui uma epidemia, ocorrendo por diversos fatores, como acidentes de trabalho e violência urbana. Isso gera um impacto significativo por ser uma unidade anatômica vulnerável e importante na realização de atividades cotidianas e para o trabalho. Desse modo, faz-se necessária uma avaliação epidemiológica mais aprofundada no que tange, sobretudo, às fraturas de mãos, entendendo sua elevada morbidade. Método: Estudo descritivo e retrospectivo, feito por análise de prontuários de pacientes conduzidos em um hospital terciário no período de janeiro de 2018 a dezembro de 2020. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 290 pacientes, sendo 85,7% do sexo masculino e 14,3% do sexo feminino. 138 indivíduos tinham entre 20 e 39 anos, representando um total de 47,6%. 51,6% eram do interior do estado do Ceará e 48,4% eram da capital. O principal mecanismo de trauma associado às fraturas foram os acidentes de trânsito (36,4%), seguidos por acidentes de trabalho (26,9%) e ferimentos por arma de fogo (14%). Em relação aos ossos fraturados, houve uma acentuada prevalência do acometimento das falangeanas, em todas as faixas etárias, representando 210 pacientes (72,4%). Conclusão: O presente estudo corrobora com os dados presentes na literatura. Desse modo, é evidenciada a repetição de prevalência de faixa etária, principais mecanismos de trauma envolvidos, bem como ossos acometidos nas fraturas de mão.

Introduction: Hand trauma is an epidemic occurring due to several factors, such as work accidents and urban violence. This significantly impacts it as it is a vulnerable and important anatomical unit for daily activities and work. Therefore, a more in-depth epidemiological assessment is necessary regarding hand fractures and understanding their high morbidity. Method: A descriptive and retrospective study was conducted by analyzing the medical records of patients treated in a tertiary hospital from January 2018 to December 2020. Results: 290 patients participated in the study, 85.7% male and 14.3 % female. One hundred thirty-eight individuals were between 20 and 39 years old, representing 47.6%. 51.6% were from the interior of the state of Ceará, and 48.4% were from the capital. The main trauma mechanism associated with fractures was traffic accidents (36.4%), followed by work accidents (26.9%) and firearm injuries (14%). Concerning fractured bones, there was a marked prevalence of phalangeal involvement in all age groups, representing 210 patients (72.4%). Conclusion: The present study corroborates the data present in the literature. In this way, the repetition of the prevalence of age group, main trauma mechanisms involved, as well as bones affected by hand fractures is evidenced.

RECIIS (Online) ; 18(1)jan.-mar. 2024.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1552963


O fenômeno da judicialização da saúde carece de dados organizados e comparáveis entre estudos sobre o tema. Diversas fontes, recortes prévios e intermediários geram resultados conflitantes e de difícil repro-dução. Esta nota argumenta a necessidade de definir um padrão/elemento comum nos processos judiciais em saúde, propondo o sistema JUDJe, que utiliza o Diário de Justiça Eletrônico para extrair, organizar e classificar esses dados. O JUDJe gerou um banco de dados aberto com 100 mil movimentações processuais sobre casos de câncer. Defende mais qualidade e conexão dos dados, e mais acesso a esses últimos, pro-movendo equidade e visão multidimensional. Propõe a "judicialização 2.0" com dados em rede conectando saúde e direito.

The phenomenon of health judicialisation lacks organised and comparable data between studies on the subject. Different sources, previous and intermediate pieces of information generate conflicting results that are difficult to reproduce. This note argues the need to define a common standard/element in health lawsuits and proposes the JUDJe system, using the online Official Gazette to extract, organize and classify such data. JUDJe generated an open geo-referenced database with 100 thousand legal proceedings on cancer cases. It advocates more quality and connection of data, and more access to them, promoting equity and a multidimensional vision. It proposes a "judicialization 2.0" connecting the health and law domains.

El fenómeno de la judicialización de la salud carece de datos organizables y comparables entre los estudios sobre el tema. Diferentes fuentes, cortes previos y intermedios generan resultados contradictorios y dificiles de reproduzir. Esta nota argumenta la necesidad de definir un elemento común/estándar en los procesos judiciales de salud, proponiendo el sistema JUDJe, que utiliza el Diario Oficial Electrónico de Justicia para extraer, organizar y clasificar esos datos. El JUDJe generó una base de datos abiertos georreferenciada con 100 mil actuaciones judiciales sobre casos de cáncer. Defiende más calidad y conexión de datos, y más acceso a esos últimos, promoviendo la equidad y una visión multidimensional. Propone la "judicialización 2.0" con datos en red que conecten salud y derecho.

Mémorisation et recherche des informations , Gestion de l'information , Base de données , Judicialisation de la Santé , Agrégation de données , Sciences de l'information , Accès à l'information
RECIIS (Online) ; 18(1)jan.-mar. 2024.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1553650


Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar, na literatura científica, produtos e serviços desenvolvidos por bibliotecários vislumbrando as práticas de Ciência Aberta. A questão principal é identificar: qual o papel dos bibliotecários frente aos desafios da Ciência Aberta? Predominantemente qualitativa, esta pesquisa pode ser caracterizada como bibliográfica, exploratória e descritiva. Para atingir seu objetivo, utilizou-se a técnica de revisão rápida de literatura. Foi realizado um levantamento de publicações indexadas na Brapci, na Scopus e na Web of Science, sendo recuperadas três publicações em cada. Ao excluir um título que se repetiu, o corpus da pesquisa configurou-se com seis artigos e dois resumos apresentados em evento. Conclui-se que debates sobre o novo modus operandi de fazer ciência vêm aumentando e os bibliotecários parecem intimamente relacionados às ações de Ciência Aberta nas diversas etapas da pesquisa científica. Devido às suas habilidades e aos seus serviços, entende-se que exercem um dos papéis centrais na concretização da abertura da ciência.

This study aims to identify, in the scientific literature, products and services developed by librarians with a view to Open Science practices. The main question is to identify: what role is played by librarians facing the challenges of Open Science? Predominantly qualitative, this research can be characterized as bibliographic, exploratory, and descriptive. To achieve its objective, a rapid literature review technique was used. A survey of publications indexed in Brapci, Scopus and Web of Science was carried out, and three publications from each were retrieved. After excluding one title that was repeated, the research corpus consisted of six articles and two abstracts presented at an event. We conclude that debates about the new modus operandi of doing science have been increasing and librarians seem closely related to Open Science actions in the various stages of scientific research. Because of their skills and services, they play one of the central roles to achieve the opening of science.

Este studio tiene como objetivo identificaren la literature científica los productos y servicios desarrollados por los bibliotecarios com vistas a las prácticas de la Ciencia Abierta. La cuestión principal es identificar: ¿ cuál es el papel de los bibliotecarios ante los desafíos de la Ciencia Abierta? Predominantemente cualita-tiva, esta investigación puede caracterizar se como bibliográfica, exploratoria y descriptiva. Para lograr su objetivo, se utilizó la técnica de revision rápida de la literatura. Se realizó un estudio de las publicaciones indexadas en Brapci, Scopus y Web of Science, recuperándo se tres publicaciones en cada una de ellas. Al excluir un título repetido, el corpus de la investigación quedó configurado con seis artículos y dos resúmenes presentados en un evento. Concluimos que los debates sobre el nuevo modus operandi de hacer ciencia han aumentado y los bibliotecarios parecen estar estrechamente relacionados con las acciones de la Ciencia Abierta en las distintas etapas de la investigación científica. Por sus habilidades y servicios, se entiende que ejercen uno de los papeles centrales en la realización de la Ciencia Abierta.

Bibliothécaire , Accès à l'information , Diffusion de l'information , Publication en libre accès , Science des données , Services d'information , Base de données , Éducation , Diffusion et Communication Scientifiques
Rev. invest. clín ; 76(1): 1-5, Jan.-Feb. 2024. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560123


ABSTRACT Certain open access publishers based on the article processing charges model have found it highly profitable to operate within a gray zone that encompasses both legitimate and predatory publishing practices. In this context, maximum profits can be obtained by adequate combinations of journal acceptance rates and elevated article processing charges. Considering that the gray zone can be particularly challenging to identify and that it poses risks for authors aiming to establish academic carreers, we believe it is important to provide a comprehensive description of it.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006542


Objective@#This study aimed to explore the root length of maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth and central incisor crown-root morphology in patients with high-angle skeletal Class Ⅱ open bite, aiming to provide a reference for clinical treatment.@*. Methods@#This study was reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee, and informed consent was obtained from the patients. CBCT images of eighty-one untreated patients (40 anterior open bite patients and 41 normal overbite patients) with high-angle skeletal Class Ⅱ malocclusion were selected before treatment. Dolphin software was used to study the root length of maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth and central incisor crown-root morphology, and the differences between the two groups were analyzed.@*Results@#There was no statistical significance in the root length of maxillary lateral incisor and canine between the open bite group and the normal overbite group, significant differences were found in the root length of maxillary central incisor (11.12 ± 1.37) mm、mandibular central incisor(10.15 ± 1.09)mm, mandibular lateral incisor(11.27 ± 1.15)mm and mandibular canine(12.81 ± 1.48)mm between the open bite group and the normal overbite group(P<0.05). On the other hand, the two groups were significantly different in crown-root morphology of the maxillary central incisor (1.10° ± 3.62° vs. 4.53° ± 2.30°, P<0.01) but not in the mandibular central incisor.@*Conclusion@#The root length of the maxillary central incisor, mandibular central incisor, mandibular lateral incisor, mandibular canine in high-angle Class Ⅱ open bite patients is shorter than that in high-angle Class Ⅱ normal overbite patients, and the long axis of the crown of the maxillary central incisor in high-angle Class Ⅱ open bite patients obviously deviates toward the labial side relative to the long axis of the root. The crown-root angle is smaller, which is beneficial to torque control or adduction movement of the anterior teeth in high-angle Class Ⅱ open bite patients.

Organ Transplantation ; (6): 422-428, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016907


<b>Objective</b> To evaluate the safety, effectiveness and feasibility of robotic-assisted kidney transplantation (RAKT). <b>Methods</b> Clinical data of 16 patients who underwent kidney transplantation were collected. Among them, 8 recipients received RAKT (RAKT group) and 8 cases underwent open kidney transplantation (OKT) with the contralateral kidney from the same donor (OKT group). Perioperative status and the recovery of renal allograft function were compared between two groups. <b>Results</b> All patients successfully completed the surgery. In the RAKT group, no patient was converted to open surgery. The operation time in the RAKT group was longer than that in the OKT group (<i>P</i>=0.015). No significant differences were observed in the serum creatinine levels before surgery and upon discharge between two groups (both <i>P</i>>0.05). In the OKT group, one recipient developed delayed graft function (DGF), and the remaining recipients did not experience perioperative complications. No significant difference was noted in the short-term recovery of renal allograft function between two groups (<i>P</i>>0.05). <b>Conclusions</b> Postoperative recovery of the recipients in the RAKT group is equivalent to that of their counterparts in the OKT group. RAKT is a safe and effective procedure for the team expertise in kidney transplantation.

Basic & Clinical Medicine ; (12): 288-294, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018611


Objective To explore the effect of open reading frame 66(C12ORF66)located at chromosome 12 on the viability of MYCN amplified NB cell lines.Methods DDatasets GSE16476 and GSE49710 in R2 database were analyzed for expression level of C12ORF66 in MYCN amplified and MYCN non-amplified NB cells and its potential correlation with the prognosis of pediatric patients.C12ORF66 mRNA expression level in normal tissue immortalized cell lines,MYCN amplified and MYCN non-amplified cell lines were detected by RT-qRCR.Transient or stable knockdown of C12ORF66 cell lines were constructed to compare the difference in real time cellular analysis(RTCA),colony formation,Ki67 positive cells between the control group and the C12ORF66 knockdown group.Results By analyzing R2 datasets,C12ORF66 level in MYCN amplified samples was significantly higher than that in MYCN non-amplified samples,and the expression of C12ORF66 was negatively correlated with the prognosis of pediatric patients(P<0.05).C12ORF66 highly expressed in MYCN-amplified BE(2)-C and SK-N-BE(2)cell lines than in MYCN non-amplified CHLA-255 and SH-SY5Y cell lines(P<0.001).Transient or stable knockdown of C12ORF66 resulted in significant slow down of proliferation of MYCN amplified NB cells(P<0.001),the colony formation ability was significantly reduced(P<0.001),and the proportion of Ki67 positive cells was significantly decreased(P<0.05).Conclusions C12ORF66 was highly expressed in MYCN amplified clinical NB samples and cell lines which is believed to be correlated with poor prognosis of pediatric patients.C12ORF66 knockdown signifi-cantly inhibits cell viability of NB cells.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019028


Objective To investigate the effects of the laparoscopic surgery and open surgery on the postoperative intestinal function recovery time in elderly patients with colorectal cancer(CRC).Methods 66 elderly patients with CRC and treated in the 2nd People's Hospital of Kunming from January 2021to July 2022 were chosen and divided into the control group(n = 33)and the study group(n = 33)according to different operation ways.And the postoperative bowel function recovery time,radical,complications and surgical index were compared between the two groups.Results The recovery time of intestinal function in the study group was significantly shorter than that in the control group(P<0.05),but there was no significant difference in radical indicators between the two groups(P>0.05).The incidence of complications in the study group was lower than that in the control group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).The operation time of the study group was longer than that of the control group and there was the statistically significant difference(P<0.05),while the bleeding was less than that of the control group and there was the statistically significant difference(P<0.05).Conclusion Compared with the open surgery,laparoscopic surgery can more effectively shorten the recovery time of postoperative intestinal function,reduce the incidence of complications and intraoperative blood loss in elderly patients with CRC.Although there is no significant difference between two kinds of operation mode in terms of radical,it should be considered when it is applied in the specific operation time and other factors.

Journal of Clinical Surgery ; (12): 153-157, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019309


Objectiv To analyze the expression of serum procalcitonin(PCT),pentraxin 3(PTX3)and high mobility group protein B1(HMGB-1)in children after open gastrointestinal surgery and their application value in early infection prediction.Methods A retrospective analysis was performed on 206 children with open gastrointestinal surgery admitted to the hospital from January 2020 to January 2023.They were divided into infection group(27 case)and non-infection group(179 case)according to whether they had postoperative infection.The levels of serum PCT,PTX3 and HMGB-1 before operation,1 d and 3 d after operation were compared between the two groups.The predictive value of single and combined detection of serum indexes 1 d and 3 d after operation for postoperative infection in children with open gastrointestinal surgery was observed.The influencing factors of postoperative infection were analyzed by multivariate Logistic regression.Results The levels of serum PCT,PTX3 and HMGB-1 in the infection group were(2.42±0.39)μg/L,(3.74±0.53)pg/L,(2.07±0.66)p,g/L,(3.06±0.75)μg/L,(18.35±2.74)μg/L,and(26.09±4.16)μg/L at 1 d and 3 d after operation,which were higher than those in the non-infection group(1.71±0.35)pg/L,(2.29±0.36)μg/L,(1.48±0.52)μg/L,(1.73±0.59)pg/L,(13.04±2.26)μg/L,and(15.75±2.83)pg/L(P<0.05).Receiver operating characteristic curve showed that the area under the curve(AUC)of combined detection of serum PCT,PTX3 and HMGB-1 in predicting postoperative infection in children with open gastrointestinal surgery was the largest(0.989)at 3 days after operation;Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that age was an independent protective factor for postoperative infection in children,and Intraoperative blood loss,operation time,serum PCT,PTX3 and HMGB-1 at 1 d and 3 d after operation were independent risk factors(P<0.05);The levels of serum PCT,PTX3 and HMGB-1 in children with moderate to severe infection were(2.63±0.34)μg/L,(4.12±0.56)μg/L,(2.31±0.69)μg/L,(3.39±0.81)μg/L,(19.86 ±2.91)pg/L,and(28.84±4.40)μg/L at 1 d and 3 d after operation,which were higher than those in children with mild infection(2.11±0.28)μg/L,(3.19±0.49)μg/L,(1.72±0.60)μg/L,(2.58± 0.73)μg/L,(16.15±2.39)μg/L,and(22.09±3.96)pg/L(P<0.05).Conclusion The expression of serum PCT,PTX3 and HMGB-1 in children after open gastrointestinal surgery was significantly increased,and its expression was related to early postoperative infection and the severity of infection,and the combined predictive value of the three was higher,which could provide reference for early infection prediction.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019486


Objective:To compare the surgical outcomes between scarless endoscopic thyroidectomy-lateral neck dissection (SET-LND) and open LND for papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) with lymph node metastasis and to share the experience in the prevention and treatment of lymphatic leakage after LND.Methods:Totally 90 PTC patients (25 males) who underwent LND in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine from Jan. 2021 to Aug. 2022 were retrospectively enrolled, with an average age of (28.06±4.89) years. They were divided into the SET-LND group ( n=50) and the open LND group ( n=40). The intraoperative blood loss, operation time, drainage volume on the first and the second days, postoperative lymphatic leakage, tumor (T), and node (N) were observed. The categorical variable data were compared between groups by χ 2 test, and the continuous variable data confirming normal distribution were compared between groups by independent sample t-test. Results:The operation time of the SET-LND group was (284.00±74.65) min, significantly longer than that of the open LND group (145.38±43.26) min ( t=-10.42, P<0.001). The intraoperative blood loss ( t=-1.309, P=0.194), postoperative hospital stay ( t=-0.136, P=0.892), drainage volume on the first day ( t=-1.074, P=0.286), and drainage volume on the second day ( t=-1.595, P=0.114), postoperative lymphatic leakage ( χ2=0.001, P=0.989), T ( t=0.367, P=0.714), N ( t=-1.614, P=0.110) were not significantly different between the two groups. Conclusion:Two surgical methods of LND have similar therapeutic effects and no significant difference was observed in the incidence of postoperative lymphatic leakage between the two groups.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020720


Objectives To evaluate the complications predicting efficacy of the American College of Surgeons(ACS)National Surgical Quality Improvement Program(NSQIP)surgical risk calculator for cervical cancer patients undergoing open radical hysterectomy in China.Methods This study enrolled the cervical cancer patients(139 cases)undertaken open radical hysterectomy at Women's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University from Janu-ary to December in 2021.Preoperative risk factors were abstracted from medical records and the surgical risk scores were calculated using ACS NSQIP surgical risk calculator.The association between risk scores and actual outcomes were assessed using logistic regression together with the c-statistic(area under ROC)and Brier score.Results The ACSNSQIP calculator did not predict accurately for serious complications,any complications,venous thrombo-embolism(VTE),readmission,return operation room and surgical site infection(SSI)compared with actual out-comes.There was significantly difference in the predicted and actual length of stay(3.93±0.42 days vs.13.11±4.71 days,P<0.001).Conclusions The ACS NSQIP surgical risk calculator failed to predict the postoperative complications and the length of hospital stay for cervical cancer patients undergoing open radical hysterectomy.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021787


BACKGROUND:Medial open wedge high tibial osteotomy is an effective procedure for preserving the knee joint in patients with medial compartmental osteoarthritis.Previous studies have demonstrated that the forgotten joint score provides a lower ceiling effect and consistency of medial open wedge high tibial osteotomy outcomes compared to traditional assessment tools. OBJECTIVE:To identify predictive factors associated with the occurrence of a forgotten joint after medial open wedge high tibial osteotomy. METHODS:117 patients with medial open wedge high tibial osteotomy who were treated at First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine were selected,including 35 males and 82 females,with an average age of 61 years.They were followed up for at least 2 years.Patients were divided into a forgotten joint group(n=28)and a non-forgotten joint group(n=89)by evaluating whether they achieved forgotten joint after surgery.Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed with preoperative patient characteristics and surgery-related factors as potential predictors. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)There were significant differences in the proximal medial tibial angle between the two groups before surgery(P<0.05).There were significant differences in the forgotten joint score,Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score,knee society knee score,function score,and patients joint perception between the two groups after surgery(P<0.05).There was a significant difference between the hip-knee-ankle angle and the medial proximal tibial angle after operation(P<0.05).(2)Univariate Logistic regression analysis showed that the medial proximal tibial angle had a significant influence on the forgotten joint before operation[OR=0.755,95%CI(0.635-0.897),P<0.001].There were significant effects on the forgotten joint of hip-knee-ankle angle and medial proximal tibial angle[OR=1.546,95%CI(1.242-1.924),P<0.001;OR=0.815,95%CI(0.713-0.931),P=0.003].(3)Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that preoperative K-L grade 1 was a favorable factor for obtaining forgotten joints.Preoperative medial proximal tibial angle and postoperative hip-knee-ankle angle were independent predictors of forgetting joints,and they had a curvilinear relationship with the probability of achieving forgetting joints.When preoperative medial proximal tibial angle increased by 1°,the probability of achieving a forgotten joint decreased by 27.7%[OR=0.723,95%CI(0.593-0.882),P<0.001].Conversely,when postoperative hip-knee-ankle angle increased by 1°,the probability of achieving a forgotten joint increased by 46.4%[OR=1.464,95%CI(1.153-1.860),P=0.002].(4)The results showed that patients with preoperative knee osteoarthritis K-L grade 1,small medial proximal tibial angle(<85.5°),and large postoperative hip-knee-ankle angle(>176.0°)were predictors of forgotten joint.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023778


Objective For patient-specific open-wedge high tibial osteotomy(OWHTO),a novel anatomical fixation plate was designed,and the effects of geometric parameters and material selection on biomechanical fixation were studied.Methods A patient-specific OWHTO anatomical fixation plate was designed and constructed,and the effects of design parameters(thickness,width,and length of the fixation plate)and four different materials(stainless steel,titanium alloy,magnesium alloy,and PEEK)on the biomechanics of the OWHTO fixation system were studied using finite element analysis.The biomechanical differences between the anatomical fixation plate and TomoFix fixation plate were also compared.Results The thickness had a greater effect on the micromotion of the osteotomy space than the length and width of the fixation plate did.Titanium alloy or magnesium alloy fixation plates were more conducive than stainless steel and PEEK materials in obtaining reasonable stability and mechanical transfer simultaneously.Compared with that of the TomoFix plate,the maximum von Mises stress of the anatomical fixation plate was reduced by 13.5%;the maximum von Mises stress of the screws and tibia was increased by 9.8%and 18.4%,respectively;and the micromotion at the maximum osteotomy space cc was increased by 49.3%.Conclusions Anatomical fixation plates have a positive effect on reducing the stress-shielding effect and improving biomechanical properties under the premise of ensuring stability.This study provides a reference for the development of OWHTO anatomical fixation plates.

Chinese Journal of Dermatology ; (12): 147-154, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028912


Objective:To observe and analyze depression-like behavioral performances of mouse models of vitiligo.Methods:Fifteen female C57BL/6 mice aged about 9 weeks were modeled for vitiligo. Whether the mouse models of vitiligo were successfully constructed or not was determined by macroscopy and full-thickness epidermal immunofluorescence staining of mouse tail tissues on day 23 after the start of the experiment; on day 8 (pre-modeling stage) and day 21 (early modeling stage), the elevated plus maze test and the open field test were used to evaluate the behavioral performances of the mice, including the number of entry into the open arms, percentages of time spent in the open arms, percentages of time spent in the central area and total distance traveled, aiming to assess whether depression-like behaviors were exhibited in the mouse models of vitiligo. To further clarify the degree of the impact of vitiligo modeling on the depression-like state in mice, 20 female C57BL/6 mice were equally divided into 2 groups: vitiligo modeling group and vitiligo modeling + chronic restraint stress group; the mice in the vitiligo modeling + chronic restraint stress group were subjected to chronic restraint stress on day 9, that is, these mice were placed in centrifuge tubes and restrained for about 6 hours every day for 28 consecutive days; on days 7, 22, 29 and 38 after the start of vitiligo modeling, the above-mentioned behavioral indicators were determined by the elevated plus maze test and open field test in the 2 groups. Repeated measurement data in a single group were compared before and after treatment by using paired t-test, and repeated measurement data at multiple time points were compared by using two-way repeated measures analysis of variance. Results:By macroscopy, the mice gradually developed well-defined white patches on the tail skin during vitiligo modeling, which were similar to the clinical manifestations of vitiligo patients; on day 23, full-thickness epidermal immunofluorescence staining of the mouse tail tissues was conducted and showed obvious infiltration of CD8 + T cells and a decrease in the number of Melan-A-positive epidermal melanocytes under a laser confocal microscope, which were consistent with typical pathological characteristics of vitiligo; based on the macroscopic results and immunofluorescence findings, a total of 12 mouse models of vitiligo were successfully constructed on day 23. The elevated plus maze test showed that the number of entry into the open arms and the percentages of time spent in the open arms were significantly lower in the 12 mouse models of vitiligo on day 21 (2.33 ± 1.78 times, 5.01% ± 5.27%, respectively) than in those on day 8 (10.75 ± 2.30 times, 29.20% ± 12.48%, t = 9.63, 6.36, respectively, both P < 0.001) ; the open field test showed that the percentages of time spent in the central area and total distance traveled were also significantly lower in the mouse models on day 21 (2.31% ± 1.53%, 2 518.31 ± 528.38 cm, respectively) than in those on day 8 (4.47% ± 2.65%, 3 533.45 ± 465.47 cm, t = 2.40, 5.47, P = 0.036, < 0.001, respectively). In the chronic restraint stress test, a total of 14 mouse models of vitiligo were successfully constructed on day 23, including 5 in the vitiligo modeling group and 9 in the vitiligo modeling + chronic restraint stress group. There were no significant differences in the number of entry into the open arms, percentages of time spent in the open arms, percentages of time spent in the central area, and total distance traveled between the vitiligo modeling group and the vitiligo modeling + chronic restraint stress group on days 7, 22, 29, and 38 ( F = 0.21, 0.20, 0.46, 2.35, P = 0.889, 0.893, 0.719, 0.134, respectively) ; moreover, all the above indicators significantly changed over time (all P < 0.001), except for the total distance traveled ( P = 0.422) . Conclusion:The mouse models of vitiligo developed depression-like behavior at the early modeling stage, and the degree of depression could not be further deepened by chronic restraint stress on the basis of vitiligo modeling.

International Eye Science ; (12): 884-889, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030813


Juvenile open angle glaucoma(JOAG)is a subtype of primary open angle glaucoma(POAG)that severely affects the quality of life of young patients and has a high disability rate. While JOAG is commonly considered an autosomal dominant disease, it has been found to have a diverse mode of inheritance, including autosomal recessive inheritance in specific populations. The variable genetic predisposition of JOAG may be attributed to the co-regulation of several key disease-causing genes, such as MYOC, CYP1B1, and CPAMD8. Mutations in these genes are closely associated with various biological processes in ocular tissues, including cellular metabolic regulation, oxidative stress response, and abnormal induction of programmed death. Therefore, a comprehensive study of the causative genes associated with JOAG is crucial to understanding the specific genetic background of disease onset, progression, and clinical phenotype. This knowledge will provide a strong foundation for early identification and screening of high-risk populations. The objective of this review is to focus on the genetic characterization and genetic studies of JOAG. Through a systematic review of the relevant literature, we summarize the causative genes and their mutations associated with JOAG and explore their potential applications and value in advancing research in the field, aiming to provide valuable insights for the diagnosis and treatment of JOAG.

International Eye Science ; (12): 965-969, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030829


AIM: To investigate the clinical efficacy and safety of XEN drainage tube implantation combined with mitomycin C(MMC)for open angle glaucoma(OAG).METHODS:A total of 37 OAG patients(37 eyes)were retrospectively included, grouped by anti-glaucoma surgical treatment as the first choice or not, with 17 patients(17 eyes)in the group with primary surgical treatment, and 20 patients(20 eyes)in the group with the numerous surgeries. The intraocular pressure(IOP), kinds of IOP-lowering drugs, and complications were collected and analyzed in 1 a follow-up postoperatively.RESULTS:Upon the one-year follow-up, IOP had decreased from 27.56±9.94, 28.43±14.18 mmHg to 15.16±3.65, 17.18±5.83 mmHg in both groups, respectively, representing a reduction of 55.01% and 60.43%, respectively(t=4.863, P&#x003C;0.001; t=3.255, P=0.004). The IOP at various follow up points were lower than preoperative points in both groups(Ftime=6.876, Ptime&#x003C;0.001; Fintergroup=0.242, Pintergroup=0.626; Ftime×intergroup=0.959, Ptime×intergroup=0.458). The complete success rate was 47% and 45%, the qualified success rate was 76% and 75%(Z=-0.115, P=0.909), respectively, and there was no significant difference in the cumulative survival rate between two groups(χ2=0.042, P=0.838; χ2=0.004, P=0.949). At the last follow up, IOP-lowering drugs were reduced from 3(2, 3)to 1(0, 2)in both groups(Z=-3.289, -3.796, all P&#x003C;0.001), and no significant difference between groups(Z=-0.581, P=0.561). Hypotony is the most common short-term complications, anterior chamber haemorrhage followed, while, filtering bleb encapsulation is the most frequent long-term complication, no serious complications occurred, but with XEN drainage tube exposure in 1 eye and drop in 1 eye.CONCLUSION:Initial XEN drainage tube implantation combined with MMC and numerous glaucoma surgeries are both safe and effective treatment for OAG patients, while the incidence of filtering bleb encapsulation is high in those with numerous glaucoma surgeries.

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031908


Introduction@#There is a limited data on the incidence of pediatric urolithiasis in the Philippines as well as studies on how it is managed. With the advent of endourology, there is already an evident shift from open stone surgery to minimally invasive surgery as first line in the treatment of pediatric urolithiasis. A tertiary referral center in the country caters to most pediatric urolithiasis cases in the country and offers the different minimally invasive modalities outlined in the latest guidelines. This study aimed to review the different minimally invasive therapeutic modalities for pediatric urolithiasis and its outcomes in the past ten years in a tertiary referral center in the Philippines.@*Methods@#This retrospective study was conducted through charts review of all pediatric patients (0-18 years) who underwent stone surgery from January 2012 to December 2022. Demographic and clinical data, stone characteristics, types of stone surgery, and outcomes were obtained.@*Results@#A total of 87 pediatric patients (54 boys, 33 girls) with 105 urolithiases were analyzed. The patients had a mean age of 13 years, with an interquartile range (IQR) spanning from 6 to 18 years. Among them, 62.07% were male, while 37.93% were female. The most prevalent symptom reported was flank pain, affecting 41.38% of the patients, followed by urinary tract infections (UTI) (11.49%) and gross hematuria (8.05%). For the management, 82.86% of the patients underwent minimally invasive stone procedures with extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) as the most common procedure (44.76%) and ureterolithiases as the most common stone (43.81%). On the other hand, 17.14% of the subjects underwent open stone surgery done mostly on cystolithiases and large ureterolithiases (38.89% each). All patients recovered and were discharged post operatively.@*Conclusion@#The institution practices minimally invasive approaches in the majority of pediatric patients with urolithiasis. Open stone surgery is reserved for patient with large complex stones and those with anatomic abnormalities.

Enfant , Lithotritie , Urétéroscopie