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Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 82: e39184, maio 2023. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS, VETINDEX, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1523906


Identificar irregularidades em restaurantes pode auxiliar a minimizar riscos de contaminação. O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar as irregularidades registradas em inspeções sanitárias de restaurantes e similares em Curitiba, Brasil, entre 2005 a 2017. A descrição das irregularidades foi organizada seguindo as categorias e os itens da legislação de Boas Práticas (BP) para serviços de alimentação do Brasil e as cinco chaves para uma alimentação mais segura, definidas pela Organização Mundial da Saúde. Do total de 4.098 registros, houve a descrição de 8.327 irregularidades. Em relação às BP, houve a prevalência da descrição de irregularidades nos anos de 2005, 2006 e 2013, e das categorias: edificações, instalações, equipamentos, móveis e utensílios (42,80%); preparação do alimento (11,54%); documentação e registro (9,92%) e matéria-prima, ingredientes e embalagens (9,06%). Em relação às cinco chaves para uma alimentação mais segura, apenas 3.209 (38,53%) descrições correspondiam a esse tema, com destaque a: manter a limpeza (40,70%) e usar água e matérias-primas seguras (34,71%). Houve uma tendência decrescente na descrição das irregularidades no período estudado, porém ainda é um desafio implementar as BP em restaurantes e similares no Brasil, o que pode favorecer a ocorrência de doenças e aumentar o risco à saúde da população.

Identifying irregularities in restaurants can help minimize contamination risks. The objective of this study was to analyze the irregularities recorded in sanitary inspections of restaurants and similar establishments in Curitiba, Brazil, between 2005 and 2017. The description of the irregularities was categorized following the items and criteria outlined in the Good Practices (GP) legislation for food services of Brazil and the Five Keys to Safer Food, defined by the World Health Organization. Out of the total of 4,098 records, 8,327 irregularities were documented. Concerning GP, there was a prevalence of irregularities described in the years 2005, 2006 and 2013, mainly in the following categories: buildings, installations, equipment, furniture and utensils (42.80%); food preparation (11.54%); documentation and registration (9.92%) and raw materials, ingredients and packaging (9.06%). Regarding the Five Keys to Safer Food, only 3,209 (38.53%) corresponded to this theme, with particular emphasis on maintaining cleanliness (40.70%) and using safe water and raw materials (34.71 %). The study observed a declining trend in the description of irregularities over the study period. However, the successful implementation of GP in restaurants and similar establishments in Brazil remains a challenge, potentially favoring the occurrence of foodborne diseases and increasing the risk to public health.

Restaurants , Hygiène Alimentaire/méthodes , Inspection Sanitaire , Pratiques de Bonne Fabrication , Sécurité des aliments , Brésil
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(1): 01-17, Jan-Abr. 2023.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1414718


Objetivo: Caracterizar o ambiente alimentar dos shopping centersde Campo Grande/MS, tendo em vista, a relevância de analisar os produtos que estão disponíveis a este público bem como sua qualidade nutricional. Método: Foram avaliados 124 Unidades de Produção de Refeições (UPR) nos shopping centers, por observação direta do cardápio, bufê ou fachada. Para coleta de dados foi utilizado o instrumento NutritionEnvironmentMeasuresSurveyRestaurants (NEMS-R). As variáveis coletadas a partir do referido instrumento foram tipos de unidades, sistema de gestão, serviços de mesa, tipos de alimentos e bebidas disponíveis, facilitadores e barreiras ao consumo de alimentos saudáveis. Resultados: Foram encontrados 29,0% de restaurantes àla carte; 8,1% de restaurantes tipo autosserviço; 36,3% de lanchonetes e 26,6% dos demais (bares, sorveterias, carrinhos/quiosques). Em relação aos tipos de gestão 77,4% são franquias. Entre os alimentos mais comercializados destaca-se as bebidas açucaradas, acessível em 79,8% das unidades e doces/sobremesas em 50,0%. Grande parte das unidades avaliadas não apresenta facilitadores para a alimentação saudável, sendo que mais de 90,0% das unidades não ofereceram opções de porções reduzidas, trocas saudáveis e opções saudáveis para crianças. A maior barreira encontrada foi a oferta de porções maiores por um pequeno acréscimo de preço (63,7%). Conclusão: O ambiente alimentar encontrado pode dificultar o acesso aos alimentos saudáveis. Assim, sugere-se que políticas públicas de segurança alimentar e nutricional, sejam implementadas, de forma a promover o maior acesso aos alimentos saudáveis que contribuem para a melhoria da qualidade de vida da população.

Objective: To characterize the food environment of shopping centers in Campo Grande/MS, in view the relevance of analyzing the products that are available to this public as well as their nutritional quality. Method: A total of 124 restaurants were evaluated in the shopping malls, by direct observation of the menu, buffet orfacade. For date collection was used the instrument Nutrition Environment Measures Survey Restaurants (NEMS-R). The variables collected were types of units, management system, table services, types of food and drinks available, facilitators and barriers to healthy food consumption. Results: 29.0% of the evaluated restaurants were à la carte; 8.1% self- service; 36.3% snack bars and 26.6% were bars, ice cream parlors or stands/kiosks. Regarding the types of management, 77.4% were franchises. Among the most commercialized foods, sugary drinks stand out, accessible in 79.8% of the units and sweets / desserts in 50.0%. Most of the units evaluated do not have facilitators for healthy eating, and more than 90.0% of the units did not offer reduced portion options, healthy exchanges and healthy options for children. The biggest barrier found was the offer of larger portions for a small price increase (63.7%). Conclusion: The food environment found may hinder access to healthy foods. Thus, it is suggested that public policies for food and nutritional security be implemented in order to promote greater access to healthy foods that contribute to improving the population's quality of life.

Objetivo: Caracterizar el entorno alimentario de los centros comerciales de Campo Grande/MS, considerando la relevancia de analizar los productos que están disponibles para este público así como su calidad nutricional. Método: Se evaluaron 124 unidades de producción de comidas (RPU) en centros comerciales mediante la observación directa del menú, el buffet o la fachada. Para la recopilación de datos se utilizó el instrumento NutritionEnvironmentMeasuresSurveyRestaurants (NEMS-R). Las variables cotejadas a partir del referido instrumento fueron los tipos de unidades, el sistema de gestión, los servicios de mesa, los tipos de alimentos y bebidas disponibles, los facilitadores y las barreras al consumo de alimentos sanos. Resultados: Se encontraron un 29,0% de restaurantes a la carta; un 8,1% de restaurantes tipo autoservicio; un 36,3% de bares y un 26,6% de los demás (bares, sorterías, carrinhos/quioscos). En cuanto a los tipos de gestión, el 77,4% son franquicias. Entre los alimentos más vendidos destacan las bebidas azucaradas, accesibles en el 79,8% de las unidades y los dulces/postres en el 50,0%. La mayoría de las unidades evaluadas no presentan facilitadores para una alimentación saludable, y más del 90,0% de las unidades no ofrecen opciones de porciones reducidas, intercambios saludables y opciones saludables para los niños. La mayor barrera encontrada fue la oferta de porciones más grandes por un pequeño aumento de precio (63,7%). Conclusión: El entorno alimentario encontrado puede dificultar el acceso a alimentos saludables. Por ello, se sugiere que se implementen políticas públicas de seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, para promover un mayor acceso a alimentos saludables que contribuyan a mejorar la calidad de vida de la población.

Restaurants , Faits Nutritionnels , Aliments de restauration rapide , Sciences de la nutrition , Accès à des aliments sains , Valeur nutritive
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005407


@#Introduction: This study assessed the association between dietary patterns and the frequency of eating at fast-food or sit-down restaurants. Methods: A crosssectional study, with a sample of adults living in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (SA), was conducted between January and March 2021. An online, self-administered survey was conducted using social media and WhatsApp. A total of 399 adults living in Riyadh were included; 40.4% were males, with a mean age of 35 and standard deviation (SD) of 12 years, and had no significant health problems. Results: Using principal component analysis to analyse 15 food groups based on the food items consumed, four dietary patterns were extracted: Western, unhealthy, plant-based, and healthy. After adjusting for potential covariates, a higher frequency of eating at fast-food restaurants was significantly associated with unhealthy dietary patterns [odds ratio (OR) = 4.85, 95.0% confidence interval (CI) = 1.80, 12.59]. In contrast, participants in the highest tercile of the frequency of eating at fast-food restaurants showed lower odds of adhering to a healthy dietary pattern (OR = 0.29, 95.0% CI = 0.11, 0.71). No significant association was found between participants in the highest tercile of the frequency of eating at sit-down restaurants and their dietary patterns. Conclusion: Frequently eating at fast-food restaurants was associated with increased odds of adherence to less healthy dietary patterns and negatively associated with adherence to a healthy pattern. No association was found between sit-down restaurants and any of the identified dietary patterns. The present findings can assist stakeholders and policymakers in developing strategic plans and policies for targeted interventions for this population.

Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525586


Introdução e objetivo: O artigo busca atualizar as informações sobre a atuação das organizações da sociedade civil no atendimento à demanda emergencial por alimentos. Discussão: Nos anos recentes o Brasil viveu um verdadeiro desmonte das políticas públicas de combate à fome que se deu em combinação com a crise sanitária provocada pela pandemia. A mobilização da sociedade procurou restaurar de forma precária uma rede de proteção social evitando uma situação ainda mais grave. Nesse contexto surgiram interessantes iniciativas na operação dos Bancos de Alimentos, Cozinhas Solidárias, Restaurantes Populares e na conexão mais direta entre agricultores familiares e consumidores urbanos pelo uso de aplicativos. Conclusão: O artigo reforça a responsabilidade e o importante papel das organizações da sociedade na Política de Segurança Alimentar. (AU)

Introduction and objective: The article seeks to update information on the performance of civil society organizations in meeting the emergency demand for food. Discussion: In recent years, Brazil has experienced a real dismantling of public policies to combat hunger that occurred in combination with the health crisis caused by the pandemic. The mobilization of society sought to restore a social protection network in a precarious way, avoiding an even more serious situation. In this context, interesting initiatives emerged in the operation of Food Banks, Solidarity Kitchens, Popular Restaurants and in the more direct connection between family farmers and urban consumers through the use of mobile applications. Conclusion: The article reinforces the responsibility and the important role of civil society organizations in the Food Security and Nutrition Policy. (AU)

Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376331


Abstract Objective: To evaluate the quality of children's menus in restaurants located in shopping malls. Methods: To select the sample, restaurants from 30% of shopping malls in each region of the city of São Paulo were included and, after considering only one restaurant per chain, the total was limited to 151 restaurants, 30.2% of which (n=35) presented a children's menu. Data were collected through a form on Google Forms. Results: Of the restaurants with children's menu, 60% (n=21) were conventional restaurants and 40% (n=14) takeaway/fast-food. The large number of chains present in most visited malls showed a democratization of the way of eating, with popular and accessible menus, regardless of social status. Most of the analyzed foods were cooked (41.5%). Most preparations did not use grease in their preparation and there was a notable lack of fruit and vegetables (FV) (4%). Sweet desserts were offered in 11.4% of the places and 20% included gifts with meals. Conclusions: The scarce offer of children's menus, few options and low FV offer indicate the need for a new look at the development of children's menus and a greater integration between the possibilities of restaurants and the expectations of parents and children, in the challenge of integrating the relationship between the supply of new foods that promote healthier habits and their consumption.

Resumo Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade dos menus infantis de restaurantes localizados em shopping centers. Métodos: Para a seleção da amostra foram incluídos os restaurantes de 30% dos shopping centers de cada região da cidade de São Paulo e, após considerar-se somente um restaurante por rede, o total ficou limitado a 151 restaurantes, dos quais 30,2% (n=35) apresentaram cardápio infantil. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um formulário no Google Forms. Resultados: Dos restaurantes com menu infantil, 60% (n=21) eram convencionais e 40% (n=14) eram de takeaway/fast-food. O grande número de redes presente na maioria dos shopping centers visitados mostrou a democratização da forma de comer, com cardápios populares e acessíveis, independentemente de classe social. A maior parte dos alimentos analisados era cozida (41,5%). A maioria das preparações não utilizava gordura em seu preparo e foi notável a falta da oferta de frutas, legumes e verduras (FLV) (4%). Sobremesas doces eram oferecidas em 11,4% dos locais e 20% incluíam brindes com as refeições. Conclusões: A escassa oferta de menus infantis, as poucas opções e a baixa oferta de FLV indicam a necessidade de um novo olhar no desenvolvimento de cardápios infantis e de um maior entrosamento entre as possibilidades dos restaurantes e as expectativas de pais e crianças, no desafio de integrar a relação entre a oferta de novos alimentos, que promovam hábitos mais saudáveis, e o seu consumo.

Rev. medica electron ; 43(6): 1617-1633, dic. 2021.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409671


RESUMEN Introducción: en los servicios gastronómicos, la garantía higiénico-sanitaria es vital para su funcionamiento, dada la incidencia directa en la salud de los consumidores. Objetivo: diagnosticar la situación higiénico-sanitaria de restaurantes asociados a la actividad turística en el balneario de Varadero. Materiales y métodos: se evaluaron 33 restaurantes en operación, mediante 10 dimensiones compuestas por 116 indicadores, integrados en el Índice Global de Cumplimiento de los Prerrequisitos Sanitarios. La valoración del cumplimiento por dimensiones se llevó a cabo mediante la matriz importancia-cumplimiento, identificándose por el método combinatorio la existencia de clústeres. Se estableció la relación de los resultados con la capacitación de los recursos humanos y la forma de administración de las entidades. Resultados: se evidenció un elevado cumplimiento de los indicadores evaluados (87 %). Aunque se hallaron deficiencias higiénico-sanitarias en un alto porcentaje de restaurantes, el 67 % requiere de una atención inmediata. Se determinó una relación moderadamente fuerte entre el nivel de gestión de la inocuidad, la capacitación de los recursos humanos y la forma de gestión. Conclusiones: las dimensiones almacenamiento en seco y abastecimiento de agua presentaron un comportamiento adecuado. Las mayores deficiencias se asociaron a las dimensiones control de vectores, elaboración de alimentos y mantenimiento. Son necesarios la capacitación del personal vinculado a la actividad gastronómica y el incremento, en el sector privado, de las inspecciones sanitarias con un mínimo de requisitos predefinidos que avalen la operación gastronómica (AU).

ABSTRACT Introduction: the hygiene-sanitary guarantee is vital for the functioning of the gastronomic services, given the direct impact on the health of consumers. Objective: to diagnose the hygienic-sanitary situation of restaurants associated with tourist activity at Varadero resort. Materials and methods: 33 restaurants in operation were evaluated, using 10 dimensions composed of 116 indicators, integrated in the Global Index of Compliance with Health Prerequisites. The assessment of compliance by dimensions was carried out using the importance-compliance matrix, identifying the existence of clusters by the combinatorial method. The relationship of results with human resources training and entity management was established. Results: it was evidenced high compliance with the indicators assessed (87%). Although hygienic-sanitary deficiencies were found in a high percentage of restaurants, 67% of them, require immediate attention. A moderately strong relationship was identified between the level of food safety management, the training of human resources and the form of management. Conclusions: the dry storage and water supply dimensions had an adequate performance. The greatest deficiencies were associated with vector control, food processing and maintenance dimensions. The training of the staff linked to gastronomic activity is necessary and also the increase, in the private sector, of health inspections with a minimum of predefined requirements that endorse the gastronomic operation (AU).

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Amélioration du niveau sanitaire , Inspection Sanitaire , Restaurants/organisation et administration , Hygiène , Profils Sanitaires , Système de Surveillance de Santé Nationale , Tourisme
Rev. SPAGESP (Online) ; 22(1): 160-174, ene.-jun. 2021.
Article de Portugais | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1155521


Há crescente interesse sobre o comportamento abusivo sofrido por trabalhadores nas cozinhas de restaurantes comerciais, uma vez que agressões físicas e verbais parecem ser comuns neste contexto laboral. Este estudo objetivou identificar a prevalência do assédio moral e descrever as características das situações em que ele ocorre entre trabalhadores da gastronomia. Participaram do estudo 160 indivíduos com graduação em gastronomia, sendo que 95 eram do sexo feminino (59,4%), com idade média de 30,81 anos (DP = 8,34). Os mesmos responderam ao Questionário Biossociodemográfico e Laboral e ao Questionário de Atos Negativos, cujos dados foram analisados descritivamente. Os resultados indicaram elevados índices de prevalência de assédio moral (63,1%) e de violência psicológica (33,8%), que alertam sobre a importância de divulgar informações sobre o assédio moral e seus prejuízos, visando a uma maneira mais saudável de gerenciar e trabalhar na cozinha.

Great interest in abusive behavior suffered by workers in commercial restaurant kitchens was observed. In this work context, verbal and physical aggression seems to be common. This study aimed to identify the prevalence of moral harassment and describe the characteristics of the situations in which it occurs among gastronomy workers. Participants were 160 individuals undergraduate in gastronomy and 95 were female (59.4%), that have an average age of 30.81 years (SD = 8.34). The participants answered the Biosociodemographic and Labor Questionnaire and the Negative Acts Questionnaire, whose data were analyzed descriptively. The results indicated high prevalence rates of moral harassment (63.1%) and psychological violence (33.8%), which warn the importance of disclosing information about bullying and its harms, aiming at a healthier way to manage and work in the kitchen.

Una creciente preocupación por el comportamiento abusivo que sufren los trabajadores en las cocinas de restaurantes comerciales ha sido observada. Esta agresión puede ser verbal o física y parece ser común en este contexto laboral. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar la prevalencia del bullying y describir las características de las situaciones en las que ocurre entre los trabajadores de la gastronomía. Los participantes fueron 160 individuos con un título en gastronomía, de los cuales 95 eran mujeres (59.4%), con una edad promedio de 30.81 años (DE = 8.34). Los participantes respondieron el Cuestionario Biosociodemográfico y Laboral y el Cuestionario de Actos Negativos, cuyos datos fueron analizados descriptivamente. Los resultados indicaron altas tasas de prevalencia de acoso moral (63.1%) y violencia psicológica (33.8%), que advierten sobre la importancia de divulgar información sobre el acoso y sus daños, con el objetivo de una forma más saludable de manejar y trabajar en la cocina.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Restaurants , Travail , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Cuisine (activité) , Agressivité , Brimades , Violence au travail , Groupes professionnels
Demetra (Rio J.) ; 16(1): 61905, 2021. tab, ilus
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435030


Introdução: Após o início da pandemia ocasionada pelo novo coronavírus, o mundo se deparou com a necessidade do isolamento social. Todos os serviços não considerados essenciais tiveram a orientação de permanecerem fechados por tempo indeterminado. Nesse cenário, os serviços de alimentação puderam continuar funcionando, porém, com uma gama de alterações em suas rotinas e nas boas práticas de fabricação. Objetivo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar as principais mudanças ocorridas nas boas práticas de fabricação de Unidades de Alimentação, após o início da pandemia do novo coronavírus. Método: Foi realizado um estudo qualitativo, com produção de dados por meio de entrevistas on-line, com gestores de Unidades de Alimentação. O questionário utilizado foi desenvolvido especialmente para este projeto, sendo segmentado em três etapas: dados pessoais, dados da unidade e alterações realizadas devido à pandemia. Resultado: Ao total, a pesquisa obteve 70 respostas, provenientes de profissionais que atuam na cidade de Curitiba- PR. Dentre as medidas mais citadas, destaca-se a aquisição de novos equipamentos de proteção, redução da capacidade do refeitório e aumento no uso de produtos de limpeza e álcool em gel. Conclusão: O fortalecimento das boas práticas e a implantação de medidas de segurança adicionais podem contribuir para a redução da transmissão do novo coronavírus, mas é fundamental que os profissionais adotem unicamente medidas baseadas nas legislações vigentes e nas orientações dos principais órgãos de saúde, a fim de evitar a disseminação de informações dúbias e errôneas

Introduction: After the start of the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus, the world was faced with the need for social isolation. All services not considered essential were instructed to remain indefinitelyclosed. In this scenario, food services were able to continue working, however, with a range of changes in their routines and good manufacturing practices. Objective: This study aimed to analyze the main changes that occurred in the good manufacturing practices of Food Units, after the beginning of the new coronavirus pandemic. Method: A qualitative study was carried out, with data production through online interviews with managers of Food Units. The questionnaire used was developed especially for this project, being divided into three stages: personal data, unit data and changes made due to the pandemic. Result: In total, the survey obtained 70 responses, from professionals who work in the city of Curitiba, PR. Among the actions most often mentioned, we highlight the acquisition of new protective equipment, reduction of cafeteria capacity and increase in the use of cleaning products and alcohol gel. Conclusion: The development of good practices and the implementation of additional safety measures can contribute to reducing the transmission of the new coronavirus, but it is essential that professionals adopt only measures based on current legislation and guidelines of the top health organizations, in order to avoid the dissemination of dubious and erroneous information.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Restaurants , Production Alimentaire , Alimentation Collective , Pratiques de Bonne Fabrication , COVID-19 , Brésil , Nutritionnistes , Approvisionnement en nourriture
Demetra (Rio J.) ; 16(1): 59748, 2021. tab, ilus
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435209


Introdução: A prevalência da obesidade tem aumentado na população brasileira, com destaque no público infantil, associada principalmente a fatores comportamentais que levam a más escolhas alimentares. Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade de menus infantis em restaurantes de shopping centers da Baixada Santista-SP e sua consonância com as recomendações do Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira considerando a NOVA classificação dos alimentos. Método: O artigo é oriundo de um projeto de pesquisa desenvolvido por uma equipe multidisciplinar e interinstitutos, composta por pesquisadores do curso de Nutrição. Utilizou-se um questionário como instrumento de coleta de dados, aplicado em todos os shopping centers de quatro cidades da Baixada Santista ­ Santos, São Vicente, Praia Grande e Guarujá ­, com questões para caracterização e avaliação da qualidade dos menus infantis. O instrumento foi aplicado individual e simultaneamente por duas pesquisadoras, comparando seus respectivos aspectos nutricionais aos conceitos de alimentação saudável estabelecidos no Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira; posteriormente, os dados coletados foram transcritos para uma plataforma digital. Foram visitados 60 restaurantes distribuídos em quatro cidades, dos quais apenas 13% tinham a oferta de menu infantil. Resultados: De acordo com a caracterização dos restaurantes, identificou-se que 50% deles são de grandes redes, em sua maioria fast food. Algumas preparações classificadas como ultraprocessadas, como batatas fritas, hambúrgueres e empanados, são ofertadas em 87,5%, 62,5% e 87,5% dos restaurantes, respectivamente. Preparações que exigem técnicas de preparo mais específicas, como macarrões, foram encontradas em 37,5% dos restaurantes. A utilização de queijo como coberturas e recheios foi identificada em 100% dos restaurantes. Bebidas classificadas como ultraprocessadas foram ofertadas em 12,5% dos restaurantes. Conclusão: Foi possível identificar que não são exibidos os valores nutricionais e de alérgenos nas preparações. Observou-se que a qualidade dos menus infantis oferecidos nos restaurantes é limitada em relação à variedade dos alimentos e com grande oferta de alimentos ultraprocessados, estando em desacordo com as recomendações do Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira.

Introduction: The prevalence of obesity has increased in the Brazilian population, especially in children, mainly associated with behavioral factors that lead to poor food choices. Objective: To evaluate the quality of children's menus in restaurants in shopping malls in Baixada Santista-SP and their consonance with the recommendations of the Food Guide for the Brazilian Population considering the NEW food classification. Method: The article comes from a research project developed by a multidisciplinary and inter-institute team, composed of researchers from the Nutrition course. A questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument, applied in all shopping malls in four cities in Baixada Santista region ­ Santos, São Vicente, Praia Grande and Guarujá cities­ with questions to characterize and assess the quality of children's menus. The instrument was applied individually and simultaneously by two researchers, comparing their respective nutritional aspects to the concepts of healthy eating established in the Food Guide for the Brazilian Population; later, the collected data were transcribed to a digital platform. Sixty restaurants distributed in four cities were visited, of which only 13% had a children's menu. Results: According to the characterization of restaurants, it was identified that 50% of them are from large chains, mostly fast food. Some preparations classified as ultra-processed, such as french fries, hamburgers and deep-fried, are offered in 87.5%, 62.5% and 87.5% of the restaurants, respectively. Preparations that require more specific techniques, such as pasta, were found in 37.5% of restaurants. The use of cheese as toppings and fillings was identified in 100% of the restaurants. Drinks classified as ultra-processed were offered in 12.5% of the restaurants. Conclusion: It was possible to identify that nutritional and allergen values are not displayed in the preparations. It was observed that the quality of children's menus offered in restaurants is limited in relation to the variety of foods and with a large offer of ultra-processed foods, in disagreement with the recommendations of the Food Guide for the Brazilian Population.

Humains , Enfant , Restaurants/statistiques et données numériques , Alimentation Collective , Nutrition de l'Enfant , Évaluation Qualitative des Préparations du Menu , Brésil , Guide Alimentaire , Obésité pédiatrique
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 55(supl.1): 1s-11s, 2021. tab, graf
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1352204


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the evolution of out-of-home food consumption in Brazil in 2008-2018. METHODS We used the 2008-2009 and 2017-2018 data from the Inquéritos Nacionais de Alimentação (INA - National Food Surveys), conducted amid 34,003 and 46,164 individuals, to estimate the frequency of out-of-home food consumption and the contribution of this consumption to specific foods. Food consumption was analyzed using food records in the 2008-2009 INA and 24-hour recalls in 2017-2018. Estimates were generated for Brazil in general, for urban and rural areas, for age groups (adolescent, adult, elderly), and for income bracket. RESULTS The frequency of out-of-home consumption decreased by 8.8% between the two surveys, with no change in the rural area, in the Northeast and South regions, and for the lowest income brackets. We observed a slight increase among the elderly and in the Midwest region. The contribution of out-of-home food consumption to daily energy intake also decreased (16.3% vs. 12.7%), excepting the rural area, where there was a reduction in the difference in relation to the urban area between the two surveys. For most items evaluated, the out-of-home food consumption decreased. The most consumed out-of-home food were alcoholic beverages, fried and baked snacks, soft drinks, pizza, sweets, and sandwiches in both surveys. CONCLUSION In 10 years, the prevalence of food consumption and the percentage of contribution of out-of-home food decreased in Brazil, but ultra-processed foods still figure as the most consumed food group outside the home.

RESUMO OBJETIVO Descrever a evolução do consumo de alimentos fora do domicílio no Brasil no período 2008-2018. MÉTODOS Foram usados dados dos Inquéritos Nacionais de Alimentação (INA) de 2008-2009 e 2017-2018, realizados com 34.003 e 46.164 indivíduos, respectivamente, para estimar a frequência de consumo de alimentos fora de casa e a contribuição desse consumo para alimentos específicos. O consumo de alimentos foi investigado por meio de registros alimentares no INA 2008-2009 e de recordatórios 24 horas em 2017-2018. As estimativas foram geradas para o Brasil como um todo, para áreas urbana e rural, para faixas de idade (adolescente, adulto, idoso) e para faixas de renda. RESULTADOS A frequência de consumo fora de casa diminuiu 8,8% entre os dois inquéritos, sem alteração na área rural, nas regiões Nordeste e Sul e nas menores faixas de renda. Houve leve aumento entre idosos e na região Centro-Oeste. De modo geral, a contribuição do consumo alimentar fora de casa para a ingestão diária de energia também diminuiu (16,3% vs. 12,7%), com exceção da área rural, onde houve redução da diferença em relação à área urbana entre os dois inquéritos. O consumo de alimentos fora de casa foi reduzido para a maioria dos itens avaliados. Os alimentos mais consumidos fora de casa em ambos os inquéritos foram as bebidas alcoólicas, salgadinhos fritos e assados, refrigerantes, pizzas, doces e sanduíches. CONCLUSÃO Em 10 anos, a prevalência de consumo de alimentos e o percentual de contribuição dos alimentos consumidos fora de casa diminuíram no Brasil, mas os alimentos ultraprocessados ainda figuram como o grupo de alimento mais consumido fora de casa.

Humains , Adolescent , Adulte , Sujet âgé , Comportement alimentaire , Casse-croute , Brésil , Ration calorique , Enquêtes sur le régime alimentaire , Régime alimentaire , Aliments de restauration rapide , Aliments
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-876779


@#The cooking process may emit toxic compounds and airway irritants from both the fuel combustion and cooking fumes which is harmful to the respiratory health among the restaurant workers. A cross-sectional study of 243 restaurant workers from the selected restaurants in Sungai Long, Malaysia was conducted. The standardized British Medical Research Council questionnaire on Respiratory Symptoms (1986) was used during the interview to access the symptoms and the spirometry test was performed to evaluate the pulmonary functions of the participants. The data of socio-demography and occupational characteristics were also collected. The most complaint respiratory symptoms by the restaurant workers were breathlessness, which accounted for 33.7%, followed by wheezing (14%). The mean values of all pulmonary function tests (PFT) of the restaurant workers were within the normal range (>80%), except for the Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) (79.09%). The results of the bivariate statistical analysis, Chi-square, ANOVA and t-test, showed the determining factors of the respiratory health among the workers were workers’ age and gender in addition to the working duration and the ethnicity. The restaurant workers in Sungai Long were at risk of developing respiratory symptoms and lower pulmonary function values due to prolonged exposure to cooking fumes. Emphasis should be given to the safety and health of restaurant workers and health education should be provided to the restaurant workers and owners. Strategies to increase notification of such occurrences among these workers should be looked into by related agencies in the country.

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-811386


BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: With the advances in technologies, self-service kiosks at foodservice operations are becoming a new way of service provision. This study examined the relationships among the menu information quality, nutrition information quality, technology acceptance characteristics, and customer behavioral intention toward the kiosks in fast food restaurants.SUBJECTS/METHODS: A survey with a self-administered method was distributed online and offline. The sample consisted of customers who had used the kiosks at fast food restaurants in the last six months prior to the survey. The study hypotheses were tested by applying structural equation modeling.RESULTS: Structural equation modeling revealed the positive impacts of menu information quality and nutrition information quality, technology acceptance characteristics, and behavioral intention toward kiosks at fast food restaurants. On the other hand, one hypothesis (Hypothesis 4) on the impact of nutrition information quality on the perceived usefulness was rejected.CONCLUSION: The study is the first to investigate nutrition and menu information at foodservice kiosks and relate them to technology acceptance. The study is very timely and adequate in the time of the 4th industrial revolution. The critical importance of the presentation of nutrition information and menu information at the kiosks at fast food restaurants was verified. The academic and industrial implications of the study findings were discussed.

Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 33: e200085, 2020. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1136692


ABSTRACT Objective The objective was to evaluate government-subsidized restaurants in southern Brazil according to current regulations and the National Food and Nutrition Security Policy. Methods An evaluation matrix was developed on the basis of a literature review, logic model, immersion in a government-subsidized restaurant, and workshops with experts in the field. The Government-Subsidized Restaurant Evaluation Matrix contemplates two dimensions: Political/Organizational, composed of the subdimensions Administration, Structure, and Target Groups; and Technical/Operational, composed of the subdimensions Meal Quality, Food and Nutrition Education, and Extended Social Support. Subdimensions comprised 24 indicators. Data were gathered through an online survey of the 35 government-subsidized restaurants operating in southern Brazil. Results Of the 35 government-subsidized restaurants in southern Brazil, 86% (n=30) participated in the study. Meal Quality and Administration received the highest score in 73% and 60% of government-subsidized restaurants, respectively, whereas Food and Nutrition Education and Extended Social Support received the lowest score in 47% and 40%, respectively. Conclusion Advances are needed in the understanding of government-subsidized restaurants as public facilities for ensuring food and nutrition security and the human right to adequate food.

RESUMO Objetivo O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os restaurantes populares da região Sul do Brasil utilizando como parâmetros as diretrizes e normativas em vigor e a Política Nacional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional. Métodos Avaliação do tipo normativa. Para isso, foi utilizada a Matriz Avaliativa elaborada por meio das seguintes etapas: revisão sistematizada; elaboração do Modelo Teórico-Lógico; processo de imersão em um restaurante popular e oficinas de consenso com especialistas na temática. A matriz avaliativa contempla duas dimensões: Político-Organizacional, organizada nas subdimensões Administração, Estrutura e Público Frequentador; e Técnico-Operacional, organizada nas subdimensões Alimentação Adequada, Educação Alimentar e Nutricional e Assistência Ampliada ao Público Frequentador. Foram elencados 24 indicadores, coletados por meio de questionário online respondido pelos gestores dos restaurantes. Resultados Dos 35 restaurantes existentes na região Sul, 86% (30) participaram da pesquisa. As subdimensões mais bem avaliadas foram Alimentação Adequada e Administração, com 70% e 63% dos restaurantes avaliados como "bom", respectivamente. As subdimensões com piores avaliações foram Educação Alimentar e Nutricional e Assistência Ampliada ao Usuário, com 47% e 40% dos restaurantes classificados como "ruim", respectivamente. Conclusão Destaca-se a boa avaliação dos itens referentes à administração, estrutura e ao processo de produção de refeições, em detrimento aos aspectos relacionados à garantia dos direitos dos usuários.

Restaurants/statistiques et données numériques , Approvisionnement en nourriture , Politique publique , Installations publiques
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 5(2): 32-48, ago. 2019. ilus, tab
Article de Portugais | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1021750


Introdução:A contabilidade de custos é uma etapa importante na gestão pública para otimizar os gastos e diminuir desperdícios, representando um indicador de eficiência econômica. Contudo, é uma atividade complexa, onde a maioria dos custos é de difícil obtenção, especialmente em Unidades de alimentação e nutrição (UANs), devido à variação no número de refeições e matéria prima, e indisponibilidade de custos indiretos individualizados. Objetivo:Apresentar uma proposta metodológica para cálculo do custo-refeição em UANs vinculadas a serviços públicos.Método:Esta proposta surgiu de um estudo prático realizado no restaurante da Escola Agrícola de Jundiaí/UFRN. Para a composição do custo-refeição foram observados os componentes dos custos diretos e indiretos. Os preços unitários por material/serviço foram obtidos por meio das atas de licitações e contratos.Resultados:A análise individual de cada componente permitiu verificar a necessidade de estabelecer diretrizes para os custos, obtendo-se os seguintes direcionamentos: gêneros de alimentação ­elaboração das fichas técnicas de preparação de, no mínimo, dois cardápios semanais completos e preços por gênero calculados por média ponderada; material de limpeza, telefonia, gás de cozinha e água mineral -análise do gasto trimestral; energia elétrica ­análise da potência, tempo e horário de funcionamento de cada equipamento e cálculo do gasto de energia conforme tarifas na "ponta" e "fora da ponta"; despesas com manutenção de equipamentos e instalações, material de expediente e descartável ­análise semestral e, todos os cálculos efetuados utilizando a média mensal. Por fim, a partir do custo com gêneros alimentícios foram calculados os pesos de cada refeição e gerada a unidade-refeição, obtendo-se o custo final por meio da soma do custo de cada refeição com o produto de seu peso vezes a unidade-refeição.Conclusão:A presente proposta apresenta uma perspectiva prática e fidedigna para o cálculo de custo-refeição (AU).

Introduction:Costs accountancy is an important step on public management to optimize expenses and reduce wasting, representing an economicalefficiency index. However, that is a complex activity, which the most of costs is hard to obtain, especially in Food Services due the variability on number of meals and raw material, and individualized indirect costs unavailable.Objective:To present a methodological proposal to compute meal-cost in public Food Services. Methods:This proposal emerged from a practical study performed in the restaurant of Jundiai Agricultural School (Escola Agrícola de Jundiai/UFRN). To compose meal-cost, direct and indirect components were observed. Material/services unitary prices were obtained through bidding and contracts records. Results:Individual analysis of each component allowed to verify the necessity of establishment guidelines for cost, obtaining the following directions: groceries -technical cards elaboration of, at least, two full weekly menus and groceries prices computed by weighted average; cleaning stuff, telephony, cooking gas and mineral water ­three months expenses analysis; electrical energy ­analysis of power, time and shift of working for each equipment and energy expenses calculation "on the tip" and "out of the tip"; equipment and installation maintenance expenses, office stuff and disposable stuff ­six months expenses analysis and, all calculations using monthly average. Finally, from groceries costs weighs were computed of each meal and the meal-unit was generated, obtaining the final cost by summing the cost of each meal with the product of its weight multiplied by the meal-unit. Conclusion:The present proposal shows a practical and reliable perspective for meal-cost calculation (AU).

Restaurants/normes , Universités , Coûts et analyse des coûts , Alimentation Collective , Brésil , Présentations de cas , Repas
J. Health Sci. Inst ; 37(3): 234-239, july-sept 2019. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357834


Objetivo ­ Iniciar a implantação do Aproveitamento Integral de Alimentos ­ AIA em uma Unidade de Alimentação e Nutrição ­ UAN por meio da elaboração de uma cartilha com informações sobre o desperdício de alimentos e contendo receitas, utilizando os resíduos gerados a partir do pré-preparo de frutas. Métodos ­ Estudo transversal descritivo em uma UAN comercial onde foi analisado o cardápio de duas semanas para identificar a variedade de resíduos alimentares gerados. Foram testadas e adaptadas cinco receitas com o tema AIA e elaborada ficha técnica destas preparações. Resultados ­ Como resultado elaborou-se a cartilha: Aproveitamento Integral dos Alimentos ­ Dicas e Receitas. Conclusão ­ A elaboração da cartilha com receitas pode favorecer a implantação do AIA na UAN, como técnica de gestão de resíduos alimentares. Sugere-se que sejam realizadas oficinas práticas para elaboração das receitas propostas na cartilha, com posterior verificação das quantidades de resíduos sólidos gerados

Objective ­ To initiate the implementation of the Whole Utilization of Foods ­ WUF in a Food and Nutrition Unit ­ FNU by means of the elaboration of a booklet with information on the waste of foods, and recipes using the residues generated from the pre-preparation of fruits. Methods ­ Descriptive cross-sectional study at a commercial WUF where the two-week menu was analyzed to identify the variety of food residues generated. Tested and adapted five recipes with the AIA theme and elaborated technical sheet of these preparations. Results ­ Elaborated the booklet: Whole Utilization of Foods - Tips and Recipes. Conclusions ­ The preparation of the booklet with recipes can favor the implementation of the WUF in FNU, as a food waste management technique. It is suggested that practical workshops be done to elaborate the revenues proposed in the booklet, with subsequent verification of the quantities of solid waste generated.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);24(3): 853-864, mar. 2019. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-989584


Resumen Las características de la oferta de alimentos son un determinante del consumo, y por ende de la salud de la población. Este trabajo buscó establecer los temas destacados en la literatura científica reciente sobre oferta de restaurantes y alimentación saludable. Se revisó sistemáticamente la investigación adelantada en estos escenarios y publicada desde 2011 hasta 2016 en siete reconocidas bases de datos. De 999 títulos fueron escogidos 20 artículos. Se realizó análisis de contenido de la información obtenida, usando Nvivo 10.0, y ésta fue codificada a través del método inductivo por dos investigadores independientes. Se identificaron tres temas a saber: Modificaciones en la oferta de alimentación, fomento de elecciones saludables y barreras para promover alimentación saludable. Los hallazgos descritos dan cuenta de las oportunidades de investigación en el área, particularmente en el contexto Latinoamericano, y de la necesidad de intervenciones que redunden en ambientes saludables dada la relevancia del suministro alimentario en la salud colectiva.

Abstract Food environments influence food consumption and population health. This study sought to establish the outstanding themes in recent scientific literature about healthy eating and restaurants. Studies about the topic published from 2011 to 2016 in seven recognized databases were reviewed systematically. From 999 titles, 20 articles were selected. Content analysis through an inductive method by two independent investigators was performed using Nvivo 10.0. Three dominant subjects were identified: Food supply modifications, promotion of healthy choices and barriers against healthy eating promotion. The findings describe research opportunities in the area, particularly in the Latin American context. It is necessary to make interventions that result in healthy food environments given the impact on collective health.

Humains , Restaurants/normes , Approvisionnement en nourriture/normes , Régime alimentaire sain , Comportement de choix , Comportement alimentaire , Préférences alimentaires , Promotion de la santé/méthodes , Amérique latine
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-765998


PURPOSE: With the increase of going out to eat, reducing the sodium in restaurant foods has a crucial impact on reducing sodium intake. This study aimed to assess the current status and perceptions of restaurant staffs related to reducing sodium use in restaurants. METHODS: Restaurant managers and chefs (n = 312) in Seongnam area completed a questionnaire on the current status related to sodium use, the barriers to practice for reducing sodium use, support needs, and the practicability of methods for reducing sodium use in restaurants. RESULTS: The percentage of restaurants in the preaction stage (including the precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation stages) for reducing sodium use was 79.7%. Logistic regression analysis showed that measuring salinity while cooking was associated with measuring seasoning (OR, 4.761; 95% CI, 2.325 ~ 9.751), action/maintenance stages of behavior change (OR, 2.829; 95% CI, 1.449 ~ 5.525) and providing salinity information of restaurant foods (OR, 6.314; 95% CI, 2.964 ~ 13.45). Maintaining taste and hindering the cooking process were the main barriers to reduce sodium use. The total practicability of actions for reducing sodium was higher in staffs who worked in restaurants that measured seasoning and salinity while cooking (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively). The hardest item to practice was ‘purchase foods after comparing sodium content in the nutrition labeling’. ‘Avoid serving salt-fermented foods as side dishes’, ‘serve small portions of kimchi and less salty kimchi’, and ‘put up promotional materials for reducing sodium intake’ were selected as easy items to perform. The majority (82%) was willing to reduce sodium in restaurant foods under the support of local government and they desired the promotion of participating restaurants and education on cooking skills to reduce sodium. CONCLUSION: Measuring seasoning and salinity while cooking is a meaningful practice that is associated with stages of behavior change and the practicability of actions for reducing sodium. It is necessary to provide support and education with a gradual approach to staffs for reducing sodium in restaurant foods.

Cuisine (activité) , Éducation , Corée , Administration locale , Modèles logistiques , Restaurants , Salinité , Saisons , Sodium
Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 32: e180193, 2019. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041317


ABSTRACT Objective This article presents an evaluation model for Government-Subsidized Restaurants within the framework of the National Food and Nutrition Security Policy. Methods This is an evaluation study. The Evaluation Matrix was elaborated from five stages: systematized revision for elaboration of the theoretical-logical model; immersion process; construction of the preliminary theoretical-logical model; consensus workshops, through the traditional committee technique; elaboration of the evaluation matrix proposal; and external consensus with specialists in the subject and in the implementation and management of Government-Subsidized Restaurants. Results The proposed matrix contemplates two dimensions: Political-Organizational, with the subdimensions: Management, Structure and Target Public; and Technical-Operational, with the sub-dimensions: Adequate Food, Food and Nutrition Education, and Extended Public Assistance. Twenty-four indicators and 29 measures were listed. Conclusion The findings point to the need for advances in evaluation methodologies that contemplate Food and Nutrition Security as the guiding principle of the actions performed by Government-Subsidized Restaurants. Thus, the evaluation matrix presented aims to contribute to the improvement of the GSR as a multifunctional tool, promoter of Food and Nutrition Security and the realization of the Human Right to Adequate Food within the National Food and Nutrition Security Policy.

RESUMO Objetivo Apresentar um modelo de avaliação para os Restaurantes Populares no âmbito da Política Nacional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional. Métodos Trata-se de um estudo de avaliabilidade. A Matriz Avaliativa foi elaborada a partir de cinco etapas: revisão sistematizada para elaboração do modelo teórico-lógico; processo de imersão; construção do modelo teórico--lógico preliminar; oficinas de consenso, por meio da técnica de comitê tradicional; elaboração da proposta da matriz avaliativa; e consenso externo com especialistas na temática e na implantação e gestão de Restaurantes Populares. Resultados A Matriz proposta contempla duas dimensões: Político-Organizacional, com as subdimensões: Administração, Estrutura e Público Frequentador; e Técnico-Operacional, com as subdimensões: Alimentação Adequada, Educação Alimentar e Nutricional e Assistência Ampliada ao Público Frequentador. Foram definidos 24 indica-dores e 29 medidas. Conclusão A literatura científica investigada apontou a necessidade de avanços em metodologias avaliativas que contemplem a Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional enquanto norteadora das ações executadas pelos Restaurantes. Assim, a Matriz Avaliativa apresentada visa contribuir para a melhoria dos Restaurantes Populares como ferramenta multifuncional promotora da Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional e da realização do Direito Humano à Alimentação Adequada dentro da Política Nacional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional.

Sécurité alimentaire , Politique publique , Restaurants , Programmes et Politiques en Nutrition , Alimentation Collective
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-716437


BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Obesity is a serious concern worldwide, for which the restaurant industry holds partial responsibility. This study was conducted to estimate restaurant consumers' intention to select healthy menu items and to examine the relationships among behavioral beliefs, past behaviors, attitudes and behavioral intentions, which are known to be major determinants of consumer behaviors. SUBJECTS/METHODS: An online, self-administered survey was distributed for data collection. The study sample consisted of customers who reported having visited casual dining restaurants in the last three months at the time of the survey. Structural equation modeling was used to verify the fit of the proposed research model. RESULTS: Structural equation modeling revealed that the proposed model supports the sequential, mediated (indirect) relationships among behavioral beliefs, past behaviors, attitudes and behavioral intentions toward healthy menu selection. CONCLUSION: This study contributes to the available literature regarding obesity by adding past behaviors, one of the most influential variables involved in prediction of future behaviors of consumers, to the TPB model, enabling a better understanding of restaurant consumers' rational decision process regarding healthy menu choices. The results of this study provide practical implications for restaurant practitioners and government agencies regarding ways to promote healthy menus.

Comportement du consommateur , Collecte de données , Agences gouvernementales , Intention , Obésité , Restaurants
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-740929


OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted to analyze the salinity of representative Korean foods high in sodium to generate data for use as a fundamental resource for setting salinity standards in foods. METHODS: A total of 480 foods from 16 representative Korean foods high in sodium were collected from 10 households, 10 industry foodservice establishments, and 10 Korean restaurants in four regions (Capital area, Chungcheong Province, Gyeongsang Province, and Jeolla Province) and analyzed for salinity. RESULTS: Among the foods, stir-fried anchovies (4.07~4.45%) showed the highest salinity, followed by pickled onion (1.86~2.62%), cabbage kimchi (1.83~2.2%), braised burdock and lotus root (1.79~2.17%), and sliced radish kimchi (1.78~1.89%) (p < 0.001). The salinity of kimchi from home meals (2.2%) was significantly higher than that of foodservice (1.83%) and restaurant (1.93%) kimchi (p < 0.05). Salinity in each group of food was highest in kimchi (1.83~2.04%), followed by braised dishes (1.54~1.78%), steamed dishes (1.0~1.22%), stir-fried dishes (1.02~1.18%), and soup or stew (0.74~1.02%) (p < 0.001). The salinity of soup and stew from restaurants (1.02%) was significantly higher than that of home meal (0.84%) and foodservice (0.74%) soup and stew. CONCLUSIONS: Determination of the salinity of representative Korean foods known to be high in sodium by eating place is expected to be useful to establishing guidelines for reduction of salinity.

Arctium , Brassica , Consommation alimentaire , Caractéristiques familiales , Loteae , Repas , Oignons , Raphanus , Restaurants , Salinité , Sodium , Vapeur